Crab Tales Issue 011

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A Jolly Good Evening Was Enjoyed By Everyone

Transcript of Crab Tales Issue 011

  • 1Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628



    ISSN 2051-6940

    ISSUE 01111th - 24th May 2013 The Most Popular Freebie in North Norfolk.

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    Danum House, Overstrand, Norfolk

    Continued On Page 6





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    A Jolly Good Evening Was Enjoyed By EveryoneIt is again that time of year in Cromer,when the good people of the town decidewho will be this years Carnival Queenand the Senior Attendant.On Friday May 3rdthe Cromer Carnival Chair, Tony Shipp and others invited girls to put them-selves forward for selection to represent Cromer over the coming summer.The Cliftonville Hotel was indeed a full house on the night, with a dinner party of over a hundred souls on the ground floor while the Cromer VEO took over the Ballroom on the first floor. There may not have been as many girls entering the competition this year, but all of them were delightful young ladies,and all could have been great Carnival Queens and / or Senior Attendants.I had not realised, until I asked the Chairof the Cromer VEO, Tony Shipp and his wife Sandra (On Right) just how long they had been involved with this forever popular Carnival. Tony has been Chairman since 1985.

    Judges L-R: Steve Downes, Louse Hale, Icarus Hines & Jonathan Hodgetts

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS2

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  • 3Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    HANDY NUMBERSBenefits Agency .........01603 248 248 C.A.B .........08000 855 889 (Holt) .........01263 713 849 (Nth Walsham) .........01692 402 570 Coast Guard .........01493 851 338Council (County) .........01603 222 222 (District) .........01263 513 811 Dentist .........01263 515 229Doctors: Aldborough ...01263 768 602 Aylsham.........01263 733 331 Cromer .........01263 513 148 Mundesley.....01263 724 500 Sheringham...01263 822 066N.H.S contact number...1 1 1Hospital (Cromer) .........01263 513 571Job Centre (Cromer)......01263 543 400 Mundesley Visitor Centre...01263 721 070Opticians .........0781 043 7051 Libraries: Aylsham ......01263 732 320 Cromer ........01263 512 850 Mundesley...01263 720 702 Sheringham.01263 822 874 R.S.P.C.A .........0870 555 5999 Schools: Aylsham High 01263 733 270 Cromer High ..01263 511 433 Sheringham ...01263 822 363 Tourist Info .........0871 200 3071 Travel Enquiries .........0870 608 2608 National Express .........0870 580 8080 Rail Enquiries .........0845 748 4950Veterinary Surgeon.......01263 822 293Victim Support .........01493 330 600POLICE .........0845 456 4567* Cromer Police Station Staffed Mon 8am - 3.30pm, Tues & Weds 8am - 4pm*

    Enjoy Your Crab Tales

    Philip Keddell 01263 519 628

    From The Editor

    Letters to the Editor Send to 30 West St. Cromer NR27 9DS e-mail to: [email protected] Drop off at: K Hardware, Church Street, CROMER

    As always, one gets to meet a number of lovely young local girls during the selection of the Cromer Carnival Queen and Senior Attendant. Once again the girls were all delightful and all more than able to represent Cromer brilliantly over the Carnival weeks.I would like to thank them all for putting them- selves forward and wish Jade Armstrong, as this years Carnival Queen and Jodie Rice, as her Senior Attendant, a great and fun summer in Cromer this year.Before commenting on the recent ElectionsI would like to thank very much all those good people who turned out and voted for me as an Independent candidate.Having stood for election five times in my short life, so far, this was the first time I was not elected. Not a bad record.I am naturally surprised by the outcome, with so many UKIP candidates being so successful across the the UK. Having stood against one UKIP gentleman, who was never seen during the campaign, I was amazed to witness him coming in second in the poll for Mundesley.I would welcome a response from a UKIP representative, for the Crab Tales, to the following question: What Are You As a Political Party Offering As a County Councillors To Those Prepared To Vote For You?

    We would publish this for you, if you can keep it within say 450 words. I have to say, that I will always admire anyone prepared to get out there and to have a go in politics whatever coloured flag they are flying.It is very hard work delivering the leaflets out and talking to hundreds of often total strangers about what you stand for and why they should vote for you in particular.In all honesty, I was saddened to see Graham Jones, our County Councillor, for Mundesley, lose this election as, despite standing against him, I always thought he did a very good job of representing the local people in this very large area.I have to say I was pleased to see Hilary Cox(nee Thompson) keeping hold of Cromer.Well done Hilary.

    Letter continued on Page 4

    Dear Philip,In the last edition you wrote about the inappropriate image of a loosely clad lady on the NCC website - yet you published an inappropriate joke - some would say blasphemous - in your paper (p.10) which has a young, as well as adult, readership. Judy FathersDear Mr. Keddell,I write to congratulate you on the consistently high quality of the splendid jokes that feature so prominently throughout your Crab Tales magazine. I particularly enjoyed the recent one about the Chinese man. My six-year-old granddaughter discovered it while she was doing the Spot the Crab competition. She proceeded to read it out to me, word for word. She is a very advanced reader for her age, which makes her grandmother very proud. I did have to explain a few key concepts to her afterwards, but my, how we laughed!Of course, its not just the jokes I enjoy. I was, I admit, moved with righteous anger by your heartfelt editorial in Crab Tales issue 10, in which you took issue with Norfolk County Council for allowing upon their website an advertisement that featured a loosely clad young lady.

    I couldnt agree more. Norfolk County Council needs to be told, in no uncertain terms, that we are not prepared to put up with this kind of depravity. Lets get this filth off our council website, and back onto late night television where it belongs.Keep up the good work.Yours Sincerely,Edna Welthorpe (Mrs.)From Editor:Getting the right balance of jokes is never an easy task when producing a local paper.If I offend any readers, please accept my apologies, but do remember it is a very fine line in getting it right. PKDear Philip,Did anyone notice the earth shift several miles to the West recently? Something to do with coastal erosion or a seismic error of some proportion? Even a geological fault in the earths crust? We just dont know. The news is that North Norfolk has drifted Westwards.Now look! I pay my council tax just like everyone else and thought my money was going towards roads, street lighting, libraries

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS4

    According to the map in their publication, North Norfolks West boundary has slipped right over to Kings Lynn and stops at an Easterly border in Overstrand.Interestingly the guide also contains a piece from Nth Norfolks own M.P. Norman Lamb who states that the best beach in Nth Norfolk is at Sea Palling. Unfortunately, according to the map, it is no longer in his constituency.But. Hip Hip Hooray! Here is the good news for anyone like myself living in Mundesley or further East. We no longer appear to be in Nth Norfolk so we can stop paying our taxes to the North Norfolk Council. With this in mind I would also like to suggest that we elect a leader of the new independent borough of N.N.N. (Nearly North Norfolk) who will campaign for free geography lessons for all and a raising of the drawbridge to keep N.N.N. safe from marauding Lynners. Nigel Holmes

    Letter Continued From Page 3

    All material is strictly copyright. The views expressed in the CRAB TALES are not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editor. Material including letters may be edited. Layout & Design by Lis Keddell. Published by The CRAB TALES. Printed by Warners plc

    Letter Continued on Page 8

    Open every day , Cromer Road, Mundesley Honeys Blend Real Coffee

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    Dear PhilipI applaud the efforts of Brake, the road safety group, and their campaign for a 20 mph speed limit in all built up areas and around schools.The success of any speed limit is reliant on compliance by all drivers, and the effectivepolicing of non-compliance. The 20mph zone in Mundesley is a prime example of the failure of both these conditions.I have just heard a motorbike accelerating past my front window, in the 20mph zone,at what must have been 60 mph. Not only is this dangerous but the noise is deafening.Until these people can be educated out of this reckless attitude we might as well scrapall speed limits as advocated by our PCC !RegardsFred Wilks

    Dear Philip,In answer to your question Should Dogs Be Licensed ? in the Crab Tales issue 009.Firstly I would like to say that the killing of people by dogs, is not the dogs fault, but the fault of irresponsible owners,A baby or young child should never be left alone with any family pet, our family has had a variety of Dogs over a 50 years, however, we have never had fighting dogsand never a dog that has attacked anyone. I do not think that a licence fee would make the slightest difference as irresponsible owners would probably totally this measure and it would mean that those who are responsible would end up paying a higher fee because those do not care less would not pay at all.

    Dear Editor,I have been sent your magazine by Sarah Hayden - we worked together for CJ Knowles.I worked with CJ from about l979 - l987 and had a very good time working for him, he was a nice person to work for and with. Although I moved away and now live in Lincolnshire, he and I still meet up. Hopefully you will be able to find space to print a little congrats. He was and is such a considerate and lovely man, and throughthick and thin has helped everyone as much as he can.

    CJ have a long and happy retirement and also Maggie.

    God bless. Hope to see you shortly. Love Gill Lawledge.

    and so on, roughly between Potter Heigham in the East & Wells in the West. I am told it also pays for schools and education, which I assume includes some geography lessons, unless they went out in the last round of cuts.

    Anyway. A publication calling itself North Norfolk - The guide must be edited by someone who was away on the day of the geography test.

    Dear Editor,On a visit to Cromer over Easter, I picked up a copy of the Crab Tales and I was intrigued by the article concerning the situation at the Holt Road and the Felbrigg Road.As a regular visitor to the area and a National Trust member, we frequently visit that fine old house Felbrigg Hall. As a result I am familiar with the layout of the junction and I cannot understand why the County Council are so reluctant to place a roundabout at this junction.Whenever we visit the hall we find it very frustrating to have to wait to emerge from Felbrigg Road onto the main road because of the jam of vehicles trying to turn. During a weekend in the summer months, when the hall is open the queue of vehicles can stretch back to the gates to the hall.

    It therefore can take 15 minutes or so to get to the main road when we wish to call into Cromer town after our visit.It is a very difficult junction and it seems a matter of common sense to provide a safe alternative when a busy tourist attraction, is so close. It would be of interest to know the views of the National Trust on this matter, particularly as they entertain thousands of visitors every season.I regret that I live too far away to become involved in this project but I do support the aim of the campaign to have a roundabout at this junction. Please consider the views of visitors to the area to whom this junction is a strange one to negotiate. I enjoyed reading your newspaper, very good reading thank you. Yours faithfullyAdrian Duffield Heathersett

  • 5Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    CROMER CAR CENTRE01263 515 503

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  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS6

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    A Personal Service through to a Professional Finish

    Continued from Front PageAll five girls who put themselves forward were, as I have already commented, more than able to pull off the role of either being the Carnival Queen or Senior Attendant

    Top Left :Harriet Charters 21, who works

    as a Care Assistant.

    Right :Jodie Rice21, Student of Art in her final year.

    Left:Becky Talbot,

    20, A Care Assistant

    Right:Jade Armstrong, 29, Dental nurse

    who lives inThorpe Market

    Above: Corrine Ainsworth, 20, Studying for her English Degree

    AboveBehind the scenes in everything that is done by the Cromer VEO, is the

    one and only Hubba. (AKA Dave Roberts)

    Pictured On Right:This years 2013 Carnival Queen is Jade Armstrong and the Senior

    Attendant is Jodie Rice.I wish them both a really good summer representing the UKs

    Best Carnival by miles. PK

    A Local News Station .......was interviewing an 80-yr-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband's occupation. "He's a funeral director," she answered."Interesting," the newsman thought and he then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living. She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a while, a

    smile came to her face and then she answered proudly, explaining that she had first married a banker in her 20's, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40's, and a preacher when in her 60's, and now - in her 80's - a funeral director.The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.She smiled and explained :"I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go."

    Thanks to Ingrid Campbell for this

  • 7Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    Both boys took to the streets wearing sandwich boards advertising the cake sale and the show, The Sound of Music, in which Jack plays the part of Kurt von Trapp and Callum plays Friedrich von Trapp.The Society Treasurer, Mr Peter Howell is also the director for the forthcoming production of The Sound of Music and said that the amount raised was tremendous, and that the effort was magnificent.

    Society Chairman, Mr Andrew Payne, congratulated all those who were involved and said that they did a fantastic job.The Sound of Music is on at the Pavilion Theatre, Cromer from Sun 26th May - Sat 1st June. Tickets are available from the Box Office: 01263 512 495


    (Minimum order 10.00)

    GARDEN ST. CROMERTel: 07776 079 950OPEN 12 Noon TIL 9pm



    Over 700 was raised last month by the Cromer & Sheringham Operatic and Dramatic Society, by selling dozens of freshly baked cakes, made by members of the Society. The event, held at the Community Centre in Garden Street Cromer, also had craft stalls, a bric-a-brac stall, a tombola stall and served light refreshments. Mr Andrew Grey, who works for Barclays Bank, has asked the bank to match the amount raised, and they have agreed, to a maximum of 750. Many of the cast and crew were involved including Callum Adkins, 13, from Aylsham (pictured right) and Jack Jarvis 9, from Saxthorpe. (pictured far right)

    The Great Operatic Bake Off!

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS8

    All In Aid Of..Save The ChildrenOn Friday 26th April, Lis and I attended a fund raising event in aid of Save The Children at Overstrand Sports Pavilion.I have to say that it was a jolly event, that was organised by Annie Kidd with her merry team of ladies all helping out.As expected, we ended up buying several books and winning two bottles of blow bubbles from the tombola.Just what I was after, of course.This regular event is one of those occasions that for some reason, always works out well for both the punters and the charity.

    Above: Annie Kidd as Chair of the North Norfolk Save The Children group, who was selling off the raffle tickets.

    Above Top L-R :Maria Kemp & Pam Hogham

    Above L-R : Tina Harrison & Sue MayOn Left L-R : Nicky Davison with Heidi and Catherine Van Battum, with baby Jonah.A very jolly and enjoyable April morning was had by everyone. PK

    It would lead to more dog wardens and pen pushing people, pushing up our council tax.And as usual with all Government schemes they make a complete and utter hash of it and we shouldnt burden responsible dog owners with a load of extra bureaucracy because of the irresponsible dog owners.When people buy a dog they should always make sure that the mother dog is present and looking after her litter, if not it could be that the puppies have been taken from their parents far too early, feeling insecure & unloved and could turn out to not like people very much and who can blame them.Much more stringent regulation needs to be enforced against unscrupulous breeders.Kiddies are often bitten by dogs because they do not treat a dog very well, they pat them toohard or pull their tail and the poor dog thinks it is being attacked. Leaving a baby unattended with a dog in the same room is careless and irresponsible as pet dogs can often have a jealous nature.Usually people who do not like dogs are afraid of them, dogs are very astute and sense this, I talk to every dog I meet and gently pat them, letting them smell the back of my hand first and despite doing this to thousands of dogs,I have never been bitten by a dog.A dog on private property with a beware of the dog sign is a different matter, I always introduce my dogs to the postman and the paperboy, so the dogs get to know that they are OK and are of no threat to them or me.

    Elderly people often rely on their pet dog for companionship and walkies which helps them to go out and meet people and when you walk a dog there is always someone who comes up to talk to you, dogs always seem to break the ice and a good conversation usually follows. A dog is mans best friend and my goodness in these turbulent times we all need as many friends as we can get. Dogs are healers and they seem to have figured out how to live so much better than we humans have, while we struggle to figure out why we were put here on earth, all a dog wants is to love and to be loved, a powerful lesson for us all. There is absolutely no way that we should pay 100 a year for a licence, many dog owners are really scraping the barrel especially the elderly in these times of austerity and that amount of money would be far better spent on their heating and food and feeding the dog that brings them love till its last breath.It is estimated there are approx. Ten & a halfmillion dogs in the UK so that means going by your figures, well over Ten and a quarter million dogs a year never hurt anybody and those that did - were they provoked?.Did people walk onto their private space without warning? and how many were trained by their owners to attack people? How many were taunted by children and perhaps had stones thrown at them?How many were neglected or ill-treated kicked or beaten by their owners?How many were kept in filthy conditions having to lie down in their own excrement?

    How many are left untreated with the mange or are left flea ridden by their owners? How many were sick or injured but denied treatment by a vet? It is no wonder that some ill treated dogs do not like humans, some humans deserve to be disliked and dogs are not to blame, if you or I were treated badly like some poor dogs are, we might feel like biting someone.Your article might well have said should bikes be licenced, your question on dogs said that 7 people have been killed by dogs in the past 9 years that is less than one a year, although that is an awful waste of life, consider that against un-licenced bikes in just one year (2011), killed 107, seriously injured 3085, and injured 16,023 people, these totals are for one year only. Bikes are not licenced and most have zero insurance, yet death and destruction caused by un-licenced bikes far exceeds the figures you mention for dogs.Let us get things in context, it is good to make a comparison because its not a perfect world.Please dont blame the dogs, a dog can add years to an old persons life, its someone to care for, someone to come home to, someone to talk to, a dear friend. Dog Licences, No Thanks.

    Yours Sincerely Charles Watts

    Ridlington, Norfolk

    Letter Continued From Page 4

  • 9Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    Saffron Insurance Very Much Up & RunningOver the last few weeks Saffron Insurance has been establishing itself very successfully in Bond St, Cromer. Thanks to Will Howett who heads this great team after he and his wife, Tracey, had spent a number of years operating in the Norfolk & NorwichBuilding Society.

    Above L-R: Toby Farrow, Peter Farrow, Will Howett and Tracey Howett

    Motorcycle MOT Testing H.CURTIS & SON

    Motor Engineers MOT - Cars and VansService and Repairs

    Body Repairs and Welding

    Tyres, Batteries etc. 10 Cromer Road

    Overstrand CROMERNR27 0NX

    Tel 01263 579 253e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

    On Thursday May 2nd, their offices were offically opened and a number of their clients were invited to join the team to drink the health and goodwill for a company that should do well here in Cromer.You may well ask, why I say that. The simple answer must be that Will Howett, in particular is one of those

    people who are really very good with people, as is his wife Tracey alongwith the rest of the team.I do wish Will and his team all the very best in Bond Street, Cromer.. PK

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS10

    Re-Writing History In PastonHaving thought theyd worked out where the original Paston Hall once stood, the Paston Heritage Society has now reconsidered the postion of the original house.Thanks to Rita Collins (Pictured Right) who, while digging her garden directly behind the present day Paston Hall, discovered bricks from the middle ages in her garden. (Pictured below)

    During their open weekend on April 27th & 28th, I joined numerous others visiting the site, which not only included the Church but meant that you could see the main house and the wonderful garden surrounding Paston Hall. A garden which includes a number of items that have been excavated and are equally full of history relating to the Paston family and of course their letters.

    Moving on to the more recent history of this wonderful country house with so much of the history relating to it, are these wonderful sculptures of sheep on the large lawns that surround the house. (Below)

    I have always found that all the events going on at Paston Hall & Church are very informative thanks to the likes of these three ladies.(On Right L-R) Anne Digby, Lucy Care & Ruth Bird. I take my hat of to all those who are involved with the Paston Heritage Society for all the work they do in promoting it as well as educating their visitors.

    Mother & Daughter ..Start The Clean Up On Bacton Beach

    Michelle Duddy & her daughter Kira Haves (above) were the first to hit Bacton Beach during the Sunday Beach clean up at 11am on Sunday 28th April.Despite the tide being against them, by 10 mins past 11, they had already picked up several dead birds, bits of rope and empty bottles all within the first few minutes beforeJo Garbutt and Jamie Reeves had turned up to help out (below)

    Michelle has been involved in cleaning up the local beaches now for some time and is very welcoming to all those good folk who come out to help her.As well as collecting all sorts of rubbish fromour local beaches, Michelle reports back to the likes of the Marine Conservation Society and tells them what has been picked up.Within a very short time mother and daughter had already picked up quite a lot of rubbish from our beautiful beach in Bacton before other helpers joined them.You really have to admire the good folk who regularly roll up their sleeves and clean up our coast. PK

    This stone mould (above) was used to place upright poles in the ground during building work and lead was poured

    into the base to secure the poles.

    (Right)Objects believed to be part of

    the original Paston Hall

    While I was visiting the church, I accepted the offer to have a go at making some paper, which was surprisingly easy, very rewarding and satisifying to do.There is always a great deal to learn and enjoy at any of these Paston Heritage Society events over the year so I would highly recommend that you watch your Crab Tales for details of any future events here.. PK

  • 11Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    Lodge Carpentry & Maintenance

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    Nth. Walsham: 01692 405 504Mob: 07774 501 174

    Cromer: 01263 512 761Mob: 07990 516 151


    CLTSACromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association

    Open DayTennis, Squash, Table Tennis, Racketball, Zumba & Beach Runners club.

    Sunday 19th May10 oclock - 4 oclock

    Meet Chris Cash (our new tennis coach) & his team.

    Tennis programme for minis, juniors, adults & cardio throughout the day.

    BBQ, tombola, cakes etc

    Fun for all the family; all ages welcome.

    CLTSA, Norwich Road, Cromer NR27 0EX

    Tel: 01263 513 741 Club memberships available & open to all.

    Club Coach: Chris Cash - 07590 572 454

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


    Established in 1908, as a grass court club, Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash club is now 105 years old.

    We have 10 of the best grass courts in East Anglia. (Top five in the country)

    The club has two hard courts & two artificial grass courts, a clubhouse with bar facilities & adjoining Squash courts for both Squash & Racketball use

    On Sunday 19th May, the clubs Open Day, we are launching a new coaching system. Come and join us for free play and an introduction to the new coaching staff.

    In July, the club hosts the inter counties grass tournaments Group 2 Ladies tournament, which, this year will include some of our Norfolk ladies.

    Do come and watch, have a coffee or a beer & sit in the sun or on our viewing balcony and enjoy some of the best ladies tennis in the country, close up and free. Each year the club hosts the Norfolk Open Senior Mens & Ladies tournaments & a Junior week tournament.

    Feel free to join us on the last Friday in the month at 7pm for our quiz night (fish & chips too).

    We try to make our club house welcoming to all our members and guests, so come and have a drink or play Tennis, Squash, Racketball, Tabletennis & Zumba.

    Or you can join the Beachrunners for a run, whatever you choose

    Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash AssociationOur grass courts are now officially open

    for play!The club has club tennis

    practice sessions:Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

    from 10.30am - 12.30pm.Mens practice evenings. Ladies practice evenings.

    Tel: 01263 513 741 for more information.

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS12

    Out In Force In MundesleyOn Sunday April 28th, Mundesleys Gold Park had at least 650 Scouts & Girl Guidesparading past the (On Right) Chairman of the Mundesley Parish Council, Chris West with Betty Jackson on the left and the District Commissionaire, Rena Savage on the right, taking the salute from the groups from all over the area.The parade of scouts and guides grouped up on Gold Park before marching past them, before going through the village centre, to a service held in a massive barn owned by Parish councillor, Chris Paynes family.The parade of 650 total members were from 14 local groups, with a vast number of parents and supporters, including numerous very proud grandparents.

    With a brass band (Above) heading the way, it was indeed a sight to behold, not just for those in the parade, but for the numerous groups and those watching.I have to say it was a pleasure to watch such well organised groups of truly dedicated people by the way they run their local groups.I would like to thank the Group Scout Leader of the Mundesley Air Scouts,Elaine Roberts for emailing me the details about this important local event. PK

    How they packed so many into this farm barn must have taken some pretty good organising skills.

    Gunton Sawmill Wins 60,000... ....from the Heritage Lottery Fund.This is great news for all those jolly souls who run this wonderful Sawmill on the Gunton Estate. Pictured Far Right

    There is so much to do with this grant, which includes completely re-thatching

    The mill can be opened at other times by special arrangement. For Details do phone 01362 869 394Pictured below inside the mill PK

    the building as well as repairs to the walls and the inside fittings.While they were celebrating on Sunday April 28th, the water mill was cutting a very long and solid oak beam (See Left)This is indeed a must see site of interest to any and all visitors while they enjoy the whole area that is North Norfolk.

    The mill is open on these dates from 2pm- 5pm: May 26th,June 23rd, July 28th, August 25th & onSeptember 22nd.Entrance is 2 for adults and kids accompanied by parents are free.

  • 13Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    What An Outcome.After a very long day on Thursday May 2nd the Electoral Divisions of North Norfolk were counted out in the Cromer HighSchool on the following morning.Be assured that your Crab Tales Editor did not fare too well at all in Mundesley with the following outcome:Labour 255 votes, Green Party 92, FormerIndependent Councillor Graham Jones 283,Independent Philip Keddell 249, Lib Dem 582,Tory Wyndham Northam 742 Elected and UKIP 624.Considering Labour & UKIP did so little to fight this ward, I was surprised by the number of votes they both received. The sucessfulcandidates are listed here:Cromer: Hilary Cox, Tory: 1,127Fakenham: Thomas Fitzpatrick, Tory: 764Holt: Micheal Baker, UKIP: 1,341Hoveton & Stalham: Nigel Dixon, Tory: 833Melton Constable: David Ramsbotham, UKIP: 1,144Mundesley: (Already mentioned above)N. Walsham East: Edward Foss, Lib Dem: 1,068N. Walsham West & Erpingham: John Timewell,Lib Dem: 804Sheringham: Brian Hannah, Lib Dem: 1,084Sth Smallburgh: David Thomas, Lib Dem: 879Wells: Marie Strong, Lib Dem: 1,410It was good to see how many people bothered to go out and vote this time.In Fakenham only 29.72% of voters went to vote, while in Holt the turn out was 50.92%.25,993 good people in the North Norfolk catchment area turned out to vote with another 6,772 sending in postal votes.Of the 130 polling stations across this area, the lowest number of votes in one site that came in from 7am until 10pm, was a total of 29 voters, while in the Stalham Town Hall 789 good folk cast their votes.Call me sad or whatever but I do find these bits of useless information oddly interesting.I recall asking a now former Chief Executive of a District Council some years ago,what he thought about managing elections.His response was that he loved managing them, every time he had been involved. Other than a re count of one of the wards it all went off very well, through the good management skills of the NNDCs ChiefExecutive Sheila Oxtoby.

    I wish all those Elected a healthy and productive 4 years working for the betterment of Norfolk, while notincreasing the Council Taxes too much every year. PK

    Thanks very much to Paul Damen for coming with us to the count and for taking these great photographs.

    A Farmer.............stopped by the local mechanics shop to have his truck fixed. They couldnt do it while he waited, so he said he lived close by and would just walk home.On the way home, he stopped at the hardware store and bought a bucketand a gallon of paint. He then stopped by the feed store and pickedup a couple of chickens and a goose. However, struggling outside the store, he now had a problem, how to carry all his purchases home.While he was scratching his head, he was approached by a little old lady who told him she was lost. She asked : Can you tell me how to get to 1603 Mockingbird Lane ?

    The farmer said : Well, as a matter of fact, my farm is very close to that house. I would walk you there, but I cant carry this lot.The old lady suggested : Why dont you put the can of paint in the bucket, carry the bucket in one hand, put

    a chicken under each arm, and carry the goose in your other hand?

    Why, thank you very much, he said and proceeded to walk the old girl home.On the way, he said :Well take a short cut down this alley and be there in no time. The little old lady looked him over cautiously and then said : I am a lonely widow without a husband to protect me. How do I know that when we get in the alley you wont hold me up against the wall, pull up my skirt, and have your way with me?

    The farmer said :Holy smokes, lady! Im carrying a bucket, a gallon of paint, two chickens, and a goose. How in the world could I possibly hold you up against the wall and do that?

    The old lady replied :Set the goose down, cover him with the bucket, put the paint on top of the bucket, and Ill hold the chickens.

    Thanks to David Thorne for this

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS14

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    Buying A Property At AuctionBy Stephanie Connor, Solicitor with Hayes + StorrWhen buying a property at auction, you will find that it is very different to the normal conveyancing process. If you are the successful bidder then you have effectively exchanged contracts when the hammer falls, and both you and the seller will face financial penalties if either of you fail to complete the transaction on the completion date. All investigations & surveys on the property must be done before the auction date, as you cannot back out of the purchase if you discover something untoward in your searches or survey after the hammer has fallen. This does mean that you will incur costs before the auction even though you may not be the successful bidder.The auctioneers will make an auction pack available, which contains legal document-ation about the property & the auctioneers terms & conditions. Your solicitor can advise you on this paperwork before the auction. If you require a mortgage to buy a property at an auction then it is wise to ensure that you have your mortgage offer before the date of the auction. If you do not, and your lender does not issue a mortgage offer or is not ready to release the funds in time to complete your purchase, you could lose the property and your deposit. If you are the successful bidder you will be required to pay the deposit (usually 10%) immediately. The remainder of the purchase price will be payable on completion date. The date for the completion of your purchase will be in the paperwork provided by the auctioneer and is usually 28 days after the date of the auction.

    If you do not proceed with your purchase you are likely to lose your 10% deposit and could also face a claim for additional costs from the seller.A purchase at auction can sometimes be a bargain, but it is essential that you prepare properly before the date of the auction so that you know exactly what you are buying and you have the necessary funds in place. This article aims to supply general inform-ation, but it is not intended to constitute advice. Every effort is made to ensure that the law referred to is correct at the date of publication and to avoid any statement which may mislead. However no duty of care is assumed to any person and no liability is accepted for any omission or inaccuracy. Always seek our specific advice.If you require advice on this matter please contact the Conveyancing Department at our Sheringham office on 01263 825 959. If you require advice on any other legal matter please telephone our Sheringham office on 01263 825 959 or email [email protected]

    From Petes Pen

  • 15Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    20 High StreetCromerNorfolk NR27 9HG

    Medical NegligenceRichard Barr experienced clinical negligence solicitor based in North Norfolk. Free preliminary consultation without obligation (at your own home if you wish) Cases may be taken on no win no fee For more information and a fact sheet contact me on:

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    The Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy. Light, exact moves, using the practitioners fingers and thumbs only, are made on specific points on the body.

    This is said to activate / stimulate the bodys own resources for healing. The client typically wears loose clothing whilst laying on a comfortable treatment couch. A session lasts up to 60 mins and a course of treatment usually consists of 3-5 individual sessions only. Cornelis has been treating people with The Bowen Technique (BOWTECH) since he qualified in 1996. Many clients come to me by referral from Health Professionals or by word of mouth from existing clients who are so impressed with the progress they are making that they are more than happy to send their family and friends!Cornelis adds - I can honestly say that even now, after all these years, I am still amazed how the Bowen Technique manages to get to the

    Bowen Technique in Norfolk

    core of conditions, regardless of how acute or chronic the condition is. Clients experience a release of tissue and a balancing up of the body.

    The Bowen Technique can address many conditions, such as back and shoulder pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, migraines, sciatica, knee and hip restrictions, respiratory and digestive disorders.

    Also low or no energy related conditions such as chronic fatigue & M.E. respond extremely well. Cornelis also works with sports injuries and Parkinson and Stroke care.

    If the above sounds of interest to you, please phone: 01263 825 438 or 01263 711 712 to book an appointment or to have a chat.

    about your individual requirement.If you are reading this, so too

    are your future clients.

    To advertise in the Crab Tales

    phone Philip on 01263 519 628

    ........are gearing up for the biggest match in their history when they entertain The Lashings World XI at their Norton Warnes Ground on Overstrand Road Cromer on Sunday August 11th.The Lashings World XI are a team of former International cricketers who want to give something back to the grass roots of their sport and they play a number of matches around the country to raise money for local clubs and charities. This will be the first time they have ever played a match in Norfolk let alone Cromer so it will be a mammoth day for the club.The match will start at 2.30pm.Prior to the match there will be a a Pimms reception, followed bya three course hospitality lunch, at The Grove, Overstrand Rd, Cromer at noon. All the Lashings players will be there.Tickets are available from Martin Braybrook on: 01263 512 342 who will be pleased to answer any questions anyone might have.

    Guests will have the opportunity for photographs, autographs and the chance to bid for various items of sporting memorabilia. All inclusive tickets, which in addition to the lunch will include an exclusive viewing area at the match and afternoon tea between innings are 50 each.Ground tickets for the match will go on sale later in the summer.

    Martin Braybrook said: This will be a tremendously exciting day. To have players of this calibre actually playing at Cromer is something we wouldnt have thought possible.

    We are especially grateful to Bakers & Larners of Holt and Crayford & Abbs of Bodham whose generous sponsorship has helped make the match possible. All we need is for the sun to shine and the public to turn out in their hundreds to support us

    Cromer Cricket Club......

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS16

    What, When & Where All Phone tel nos. are code 01263, unless otherwise stated.



    01263 588 488 07747 444 97624 HOUR CALL OUT

    Email: [email protected]





    TEL: 01263 732 653

    AylshamBridge Club 7pm Fri 7.15pm t: 761 308Country Market each Friday 8.50-noonCricket Club indoor Sun 3-5pm all ages & standards t: 510 102 Evening WI 7.30pm 1st Thurs Town Hall.Extend Over 60s Exercise Fridays Jubilee Family Centre t: 01692 407 851 Farmers Market 9am-1pm 1st & 3rd Sat Market PlaceF.I.T. group 2nd & 4th Weds t: 731 177Flower Club 2nd Wed 7.30pm Town HallFitness Yoga/Pilates Tues & Thurs Friendship Hall t: 01692 538 569 Gym Club Fri 5pm High School t: 576 609Lammas KC Lodge ROAB Tues 8.15pmSutton School Of Dance, Mill Row.Monday Stall Parish Church 8.30-noon RBL (Womens) 1st Mon of month Salvation Army Hall t: 734 091 N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt. Weds. High School t: Lynne Goddard 01692 402 662.Scalextric Club Presto Park Weds 7.15 - 9.45 pm. t: 01603 754 319 Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Peggs YardYoga Tues 7.30pm Quaker Meeting House Peggs Yard. t: 732 426CromerAge Concern Fri 10am The Cottage.Aqua Therapy Classes Mon 11-12 Wed 7-8pm Country Club t: 501 914 Air Training Corps. 7pm Mon & Thurs, High School t: 515 452Baptist Church Sun10.45am & 6.30pm1st & 3rd Sat Coffee morning 10.45am t: 576 524 Bridge (Duplicate) Mon 7pm t: 822 778C.A.B. Appointments: t : 01692 405 847Chesterfield Hall Cabbell Rd Mon 10am Parent & Toddlers Sun 11.45am Family Service & Childrens Club Christian Fellowship Sun 10.30am former Gospel Hall t: 838 180Cromer Chamber Orchestra 7pm Mons ( term time) High school t: 511 600 Cromer Forum 1st Tues 7.30pm Methodist Church New Hall t: 515138Diabetes UK 4thThurs 7.30pm Methodist Church Hall. t: 01692 405 492 Elderberries Badminton & Short Mat Bowls 3-5pm Mon & Fri. t: 519 030Flower Club 7.30pm 3rd Mon Junior School. t: 513 408Folk Dance Club 7.30-9.30pm Tues Community Hall t: 578 224Garden Society 7.30pm 3rd Thurs Cromer Community Hall t: 511 211 Hockey Club Mondays u16s & u13s 6.30pm Adults 7.15pm Sports CentreKorean Martial Arts t: 07765 282 981Lip reading classes Thurs 10 - 12noon Methodist Church Rooms t: 0344 800 8002.N & N Assoc.for Blind 9.30-1pm Tues Merchants Place. N.N. Mencap Soc. Thurs 1pm Merchants Place. t: 578 116Parkinsons Disease Soc. 10.30am 2nd Wed of month St John Hall, Bond St.R.E.M.E. 2pm 1st Weds Halsey Houset: 825 101RBL 7.30pm 1st Wed The CottageWomens Section 2.30pm 1st Thurs Royal Naval Assoc. 1st Friday 7.45pm (Summer) 12.30pm (Winter)Halsey House.

    Sea Scouts Overstrand Rd t: 512 871 ROAB Wed 8.15pm The Cottage.Singing Group Thurs 10.30am. The Community Centre. t: 570 117.St John Ambulance Adults Tues 7.30pm Cadets Tues 5.45pm St John Hall Bond St Sea Scouts Overstrand Rd info t:512 871 Taekwondo Sports Centre. t: 711 824 Tennis Club Sun, Weds & Fri 10.30am -12.30pm. info t:513 741 The One Oclock Club for over 60s. 1-2pm Thurs. Barkers Herne. W.I. 2nd Thurs 2.30 pm,Garden St.Overstrand Acorns Parent & Toddler Group 1.30 -3pm Thurs (term-time ) The Belfry School. t: 579 275. Gardening Club 2.30pm 1st Tues Parish Hall t: 576 437Carpet Bowls 2.30pm Thurs Parish Hall t: 833 369 Strand Club 2nd Weds 2.30pm Methodist Church t: 578 250W.I. 3rd Wed 7.30pm Parish Hall t:834 242 MundesleyBowls Pavilion Bingo: Sun 7.30pm, Whist Drive: Tues, Wed & Fri 1.45pm t: 721 815Carpet Bowls Mon 1.30pm Coronation Hall t: 722 054 Community Choir Tues 7.30pm Methodist Church t: 722 022 Free Church Sun Services11am, 6.30pm Library Mon:10-1pm,Tues 2-5.30pm Fri 10-1pm & 2-6.30pm, Sat 10-1pm t: 720 702Luncheon Club over 60s & disabled. Mon & Thurs 12-2pm Free Church t :721 984 MADRA t: 07734 689 978Methodist Church Sun worship 10.30am Quiz Night Tues 8.30pm Conservative Club. All welcome RBL 4th Weds Haig Club. t: 722 238 RBL Womens section 3rd Weds 1.45pm Coronation Hall t:721 021Scrabble Club Fridays t: 720 659Village Cinema 7.30pm 2nd Tues Info: W.I. 2nd Mon 7pm Church Rooms t: 834 368 North WalshamAnimal Magic Dog Club training & fun with your dog. t: Kathy 720 730 Bipolar Self Help Group 7pm 3rd Weds Saddlers Shop t: 0854 434 9872 Charity Bingo Weds 8pm Community Centre. t: 01692 407 214 Chess Club 7.30 Mons Orchard Garden Pub. All abilities. t: 01692 404 649Extend Over 60s Exercise Mondays: Methodist Church Hall t: 01692 407 851Hockey Club Under 11s. Fri 5-6pm Sports Centre t: 01692 404 624 Lions Club 7.30pm 1st Mon of month. Community Centre. t: 01692 400 702Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Meeting House, Mundesley Rd. near Swafield.Reading 4 U 3rd Weds 9.45am St. Johns Hall, t: 768 164The Wheel of Light 1st Thurs 7.30pm Orchard Gdns Pub, t: 721 484Walsham Writers Group local writers, info:

    Weavers Morris Dancers Wed 7.45pm St Nicholas Room t: 01692 404 447Sheringham Alcoholics Anonymous Sun 3pm St Josephs ChurchBeetle Drive 3rd Tues 7.30 pm St. Josephs Church Bridge :The Morley Duplicate pairs Thurs 7pm Beginners Fri 2pm t: 822 087CAB. YESU,Thurs 10-2pm t: 01692 402 570Chess All ages & abilities t: 01692 404 649 Country Market 1st & 3rd Thurs St John Hall Evening W.I. 2nd Mon. St. Josephs Church Hall, t: 823 889 for info.Flower Club 1st Thurs 7pm St. Andrews Curch t: 825 059Gingerbread Fri pm Friends Meeting House t: 0785 9364 702 Harry Upcher Lodge ROAB Mon 8.15pmTyneside Club, Station RdHearing Aid Clinic 10-12pm 1st Mon. Age Concern, Cremer St. Free advice.Just Williams Dancing for all Wed 8-11pm Social Club t:720 069 Ladies Fellowship 7.30pm 2nd Tues Salvation Army. Lip reading classes Thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm Health Centre t: 0344 800 8002 MS meetings 7-9pm 1st & 3rd Weds. Robin Hood Pub, t: 823 392Morris Dancing. Oddfellows Hall. Weds 7.30pm t: 837 693N.Norfolk Model Group 8pm last Fri St Johns Hall t: 514 059 Old Shannocks 2.15pm last Wed Community Rooms. Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Cremer St. R.A.F.A. 4th Tues of month. t: 837 229Saturday Super Sale First Sat 9-11am. Salvation Army Hall, Cremer St. Sheringham Singers - Ladies Choir Tue 2-4pm Friends Meeting House, Cremer St. t: 768 126 Sheringham Voyager 2pm 1st & 3rd Thurs. Community Centre t: 01692 500 550 Sheringham Youth Choir 11-18yrs.Weds 7pm (term time) Baptist ChurchThe Runtons Bingo 7.30pm Sun & Mon Bernies Social Club E.Runton N.N. Chess Club Fri 7.30pm. W. Runton Social Club t: 823 814Philatelic Society 2nd Mon of month 7.30pm W.Runton Church Hall.Cromer & Sheringham Probus Club 12.30pm 1st Tues, Links Hotel t:824 306 Rotary Club Weds 6pm except any 5th Weds Dormy House W.Runton, t: 578 194 Sequence Dancing Mon 7.30-10pm E. Runton Village Hall.t:01692 403 071W. Runton Scouts INFO : t:712 288W.I. 2.15pm 2nd Wed W.Runton Church HallTriminghamCoffee Morning 3rd Weds 10.30am Poppyland Club (Ladies) 2nd Weds 2.30pm. Pilgrim ShelterPens People Come write with usDetails: 07799 060 407Slimming Club Tues 1.45pm Pilgrim Shelter. t: 579 797or 07799 060407

    Table Top Sale 1st Sun from 8.30am Pilgrim Shelter t: 834 965 Whist Drive Thurs 1.45pm Pilgrim Centre Trimingham t: 834 965Also:Antingham & Southrepps Playgroup t: 834 148 Badminton Thurs Gresham Village Hall info & booking on : 07917 596 797 Cash Bingo Tues 8pm Aldborough community centre. All welcome Cantamus Choir Rehearse 7.30pm Thurs. Southrepps Church. t: 07785 782 498.Crazee Kidz Club 7pm. 2nd & 4th Fri. term time. Roughton Village Hall 7-16yrs. t:768 138 Cromer & Sheringham Brass Rehearse 7.45pm Thurs Upper Sheringham Village Hall t:733 638 Cromer Air Rifle Club 9am -noon Sun. Near Sheringham. t: 570 223Extend exercise for over 60s Mon 2.30pm Northrepps Village Hall t:768 159Fit Together Health Walks locations across the district. Info 07766 259 999 Fit Together Tea Dance Tues 2-4pm Briston Copeman Centre - 2 Information on: 07766 259 999 Greenfingers Gardening Club 7.30pm 1st Thurs Jubilee Hall, Banningham t: 761 620 / 768 004Gym Club Thurs 5-8pm Northrepps Village Hall t: 576 609 Horsham St. Faith 4th Sun traditional Catholic Latin Mass Mission Room, opp. Church t:01603 788 873Knapton Ladies Club 3rd Mon 7.30pm Village Hall t:720 908. 1st Tues Womens Own Methodist Church t: 721 439 MS Group Mon 10 - 2pm Southrepps Village Hall t: 823 392 Nordic Walking Tues & Thurs 11am t: 07825 773 368 for informationNorfolk Submariners 1st Wed 12noon Kings Head, Horsham St Faith t: 511 758Nth Walsham Cage Bird Club 8pm 3rd Tues Felmingham Village Hall. t: 01692 404 750 Northrepps R.B.L. 1st Mon. 2nd.Mon. BHs., 7.30.p.m. Northrepps Cottage t: 579 633. NN Amateur Radio Group Wed & Thur 10-4 Muckleburgh t: 821 936Nth Norfolk Model Engineering Club 1st Fri 7.30pm High Kelling Social Centre Prize Bingo 7.30pm 1st & 3rd Fri Gimingham Village HallRoughton Under 5s Playgroup t: 07553 456 083Seniors Swimming Club Mon & Weds am, Fri pm Greshams Swimming Pool, Holt. t: 711 123 Suffield Park Bowls Club. Whist Drives Tues 2.15pm. Cash or Prize Bingo Fri twice monthly 7.30pm. Bar - Raffle.Trunch Bumbles Pre-school t: 01263 720 931 Trunch Friends 2nd Tues 2pm Trunch Village Hall t:721 570Weybourne Folk Club 3rd Sun 3-6pm Maltings Hotel,Weybourne.t:588 781

    Painting & Decorating / Tiling / Woodwork / Assembling Flat Packs Odd Jobs etc / Putting Up Shelves / Curtain Poles & Pictures Small Electrical / Changing Light Switches, Sockets & Fittings

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  • 17Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628

    PLEASE NOTE We CANNOT accept details or corrections over the phone. Please post CONCISE copy

    to LIS at 30 West St. Cromer. NR27 9DS or e-mail : [email protected]

    by NOON Weds 15th May

    Special EventsMAY

    Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th May10am - 4pm : Aldborough ChurchA Matter of Life & Death ~ a Celebration ~ To be opened by Norman Lamb MP. Info & advice from professionals in nursing & care. Legal & financial concerns. Floral displays. Activities for children. Light refreshments. Exhibition of registers, records & memorabilia.Free admission. Info: 768 063Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th MayFrom 10.30am : St. Botolphs Church, TrunchFlower Festival ~ Also a display of Wedding & Christening Gowns. Refreshments available.Sunday 12th May 4pm ~ St. Botolphs Church, Trunch Festival Songs of Praise ~ Proceeds for Church Funds.Monday 13th May 2 - 3pm : Mundesley libraryIllustrated Talk ~ by Libby Morgan from the 2nd Air Division Memorial Library, about Wartime Brides & GI Sweethearts. It features letters, diaries & other items from the archive. Free Admission - all most welcome. Further details from: Sheree Leeds at Mundesley Library on 720 702.

    Thursday 16th May10am - 1pm : Sadlers WoodMuddy Boots Volunteers ~ Conservation work with the rangers. Bracken Bashing. Join in the fun anytime. No booking required. Free entry. Open to all ages. Tea/coffee. Gloves provided. Please wear outdoor clothes. Meet the rangers on the playing field. info 07920 576 634Friday 17th May 7pm : St. James Church, SouthreppsConcert ~ Cantamus Community Choir perform Vivaldis Gloria, English part-songs & folk songs. Info 07785 782 4987pm: Cromer Methodist ChurchConcert ~ The Jubilate Choir. A mixed programme including a selection from Pharisee by Roger Jones.Refreshments & retiring collection for Chapel funds.


    Silver Surfers Computer Services

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    Troubleshooting Lost Data Recovery Upgrades Free Advice Tuition

    Friday 17th May (continued)7.30pm : Cromer Pier Pavilion TheatreCrab & Lobster Festival ~ Opening Concert hosted by Olly Day, music by the Sheringham Shantymen, singer John Conolly & comedian Nigel Boy Sayer. Tickets 5. Book on tel: 512 495 For Festival details in Cromer & Sheringham 18th May from 10am : Suffield Park Bowls ClubAnnual Open & Recruitment Day ~ Come & try your hand at lawn bowls. All equipment provided, expert tuition, all free !! Tea & Coffee available.from 1pm -4pm : Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham Book Sale ~ Books from 20p with tea/coffee & home made cakes. Info: 834 9657.30 pm: St Botolphs Church, TrunchPiano Recital ~ Catherine Leonard plays Chopin - Debussy - Couperin - Jacques Duphly - Liszt -& Schubert. Admission by programme at door: 8 (6 concs) In aid of Church retoration.Sunday 19th May10am - 5pm : Alby Crafts & GardensAlby Art & Craft Fair ~ Supporting Craft & Design Month May. Art & craft stalls, demos all day. Fun, creative activities for children (& adults!) Spaces still available to book, call: 761 590Sunday 19th May 7.30 for 8pm : Trimingham House Caravan SiteQuiz Night ~ Teams of 4, 1pp. Prizes for 1st, 2nd & supporting teams. Info: 834 965Thursday 23rd May12.30pm : The Cottage, Louden Rd. CromerRBL Cromer Branch Fish & Chips Lunch ~ An ideal opportunity to meet up with old & new members & hear about coming events. Please book your Lunch (approx 5) on 510 146 or 510 287Friday 24th May 2.30-4.30pm : Mundesley LibraryTea Party ~ to raise awareness about Dementia. Free admission, all most welcome. Further details, from Sheree Leeds at the Library : 720 702. 7pm : The Cottage, Louden Road, Cromer. Selection of Junior Attendants to Carnival Queen ~Attendants will receive 75 cash. Contestants must be 12 - 16 yrs, live within Poppyland, be able to attend Carnival Events on Sun 18th Aug. Carnival Day & during Carnival Week. Application Form available on the night. Info: 07775 337 201Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th May11am - 3pm : Trimingham ChurchOpen Weekend ~ Exhibition of village history, please bring your memories & photos. Crafts for sale, raffle & tombola. Refreshments in Pilgrim Shelter.Sunday 26th May3pm : Cromer Community Hall, Garden Street. Selection of Cromer Prince & Princess ~ who willreceive a cash prize of 25. Contestants must be 7 - 11yrs, live within Poppyland & be able to attend Carnival Events on 18th Aug, Carnival Day & Carnival Week. Application Form available on the day. Info: 07775 337 201


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    01263 515 25007836 227 490

    More Events on Page 18

    Tuesday 28th May10am - 12noon : Holt Country ParkSpiders & Bugs Hunt ~ 1 per child. No booking required. info 07920 576 6341.30 - 3.30pm : Holt Country ParkMaking Mini Beasts Homes ~ to put in your garden2 per child. No booking required info 07920 576 634Wednesday 29th May2 - 4pm: Sadlers WoodShelter Building ~ 1 per child. Meet the rangers at the bottom of the playing field. info 07920 576 634

    Car Boot Sales Weds from 8am : Gold Park, Mundesleyto 4th Sept. No Food stalls. Info : 722 103

    Sats 9am - noon : Bodham Playing FieldSet up from 7.30am Pitch 5. Info : 588 228.Tea, coffee, Bacon rolls & soft drinks available.

    No dogs except for assistance dogs.

    Tabletop / Craft Sale 9am - 3pm St. John Hall, Bond St. Cromer

    Last Friday of the month.Tables 6 each Set up from 8am. Refreshments available.

    Free admission - donations. Info : 513115 or 07905 941 451

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS18

    Special Eventscontinued from Page17

    Thursday 30th May10am - 12 noon : Bacton WoodBee Homes & Wild Flowers ~ Making bee homes & studying wild flowers. 2 per box.1.30 - 3.30pm : Bacton WoodButterflies & Moths ~ Making homes and how to attract them. 2 info 07920 576 634

    JUNESaturday 1st June 10am -12pm : Sheringham Baptist Church, Holway Rd. Plant Sale ~ Books & table top stalls. Cakes, tea & coffee available. Free entry.Saturday 8th June7.30 pm: St Botolphs Church, TrunchPictures at an Exhibition ~ Piano Recital. Anna LeHair with an exclusively Russian theme. Also an exhibition of paintings by artists from Trunch or otherwise closely connected to St Botolphs. Admission by programme at door: 8 (6 concs) Proceeds to restoration projects at the Church.Tuesday 11th June 7.30pm : Coronation Hall, Mundesley Les Misrables ~ Musical adaption of Victor Hugos tale. The brutalised ex-convict Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) tries to live a Christian life after being redeemed by the saintly Bishop Myriel, but is pur-sued for nearly two decades by the rigid Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe). Anne Hathaway won Best Supporting actress Oscar. Doors open 7pm when refreshments served. Tickets on Door 4, Members 3, Under 15s 2. Info:

    127: Jenny RumensMundesley

    079 : June CrawshawMundesley

    070 : Ruth BrumbyThorpe Market

    075 : Joy ColeOverstrand

    111 : Keith NashRoughton

    SPOT THE CRAB and win a Family Swim voucher

    from SPLASH in Sheringham ( 2 Adults & 2 kids) If you are under 12, tell us your name, age and address, also in which advert

    the Crab is hidden and the page number. OR - If you are a pensioner, SPOT THE COD and win

    TEA & CAKE FOR TWOat Luckys Cafe & Bistro9, Garden Street, Cromer

    Hand in your Entry, on a postcard please,to: K. Hardware in Cromer, or post it to: The CRABTALES, 30 West St. Cromer NR27 9DSbefore the next issue comes out.

    The first entry out of the hat wins ! ISSUE 009 WINNERS

    Congratulations to Mrs June Clarke from Suffield, who found the Cod in Budgens advert on page 11

    and to Bjorn Cotton, aged 8, from Roughton, who spotted the Crab on page 16, in Brians Handyman Services advert.

    099 : Rainie KayWest Runton 120 : Alan Penton

    North Walsham

    122 : Pauline PlummerHoning

    080 : Bob CrookCromer

    077 : William CraigTrimingham

    124 : Ken RichesThorpe Market

    088 : Fred HagleyBacton

    114 : Leslie Hawkes NockelsCromer

    123 : Mary RichardsonEdingthorpe Green

    Over 450 artists are taking part this year, giving you the chance to see new art, meet artists & buy original artworks directly from their creators. Many of them will be running special events and activities. This is a selection of just a few of the artists taking part in our area. Full details : www. or pick up the free brochure from the Tourist Info Centre, or the many galleries and shops in the area.

  • 19Crab Tales: e-mail - [email protected] - telephone: 01263 519 628



    3 X 56 LTR COMPOST




    Hardy Perennials, Shrubs, Roses,

    Herbs, Alpines, Trees and Lots More.



    OPEN Monday - Saturday

    9am - 5pm Sunday : 10am - 4pmtel: 01263 579 485





    Mundesley Maritime Museum Needs You!

    Do you enjoy meeting people? Do you have a spare hour or more a week? Our volunteer stewards are a welcome front to the Mundesley Maritime

    Museum, and we are looking for more people to join them.The Museum is situated on Beach Road, Mundesley,

    with spectacular views along the coast.The role includes introducing the Museum and its collection, and assisting

    with or referring enquiries about the Museum and the local area.Stewards usually work on either the morning or afternoon shifts during

    the open season which runs from May - mid September. They are invited to an annual training session, before the Museum is open

    to familiarise themselves with any changes made during the winter.If you think this role would suit you, dont be shy.

    Please give Peter Gray a call on: 01263 722 662

  • Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS20