Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support...

F1 ( Four K by ONE Sony) Cross-company Pr ogr am Updat e February13, 2013

Transcript of Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support...

Page 1: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

F1 ( Four K by ONE Sony)Cr os s - c ompa ny

Pr ogr a m Upda t e

Fe br ua r y13, 2013

Page 2: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

F1 Cr os s - c ompany Me e t i ng At t e nde e s

Department Copyright

• DADC– Al l e n Le e ( f r om SD)– Tr e y Br adl e y ( f r om SPE)

• PSA– Al e c Shapi r o

• SNEI– Hi de Ni s hi no ( f r om

Tokyo)– Dunc an Ke nne dy ( f r om

SPE)– Tanve e r Ahmad ( t el econf

onl y)– Di ane Bur wi k ( f r om SPE) – Ti an Li m ( t el econf

onl y)

• Sony Tokyo– Yos uke Yas e be ( f r om SD)– Hi r o Shi nohar a– Ni ki Kat s umat a

• SPE– Chr i s Cooks on– Mi t c h Si nge r– Ji m Unde r wood– Tos hi no Yuhaku– Ri c h Mar t y ( wi l l j oi n

1st hour )– Jame s Monr oe– Chr i s t ophe r Tayl or– Yos hi Takas hi ma– Mas aki Nakayama– Je r e my Gl as s man

• SEL– Phi l Mol yne ux– Yos hi Takahas hi– Mar k Hi t omi– Mi ke Luc as– Hi r o Ts ubot a– Ke r r i Fox-

Me t oye r– Ni c k Col s e y– Laur a Wol f– Pat r i c k Le on– Os amu I z aki– She r i Es pi noz a– Jas on Cl e me nt– Kl aus

Hof r i c ht e r– Takayuki Mi yama– Er i k Ri l e y– Aki r a Oba

Me e t i ng Obj e c t i v eUpdat e c ur r e nt s t at us & al i gnme nt on Phas e 1 Se r vi c e Pl anni ng t o e ns ur e c ommon unde r s t andi ng


Page 3: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

Age nda

Department Copyright

Me e t i ng Obj e c t i v eUpdat e c ur r e nt s t at us & al i gnme nt on Phas e 1 Se r vi c e Pl anni ng t o e ns ur e c ommon unde r s t andi ng

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo3

Page 4: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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Top Li ne f r om Fr i day 2. 8 . 13SEL/ SPE/ SPHE Me e t i ng

Cont ent Budget Al i gnmentBi t Rat e Next St epsSPE Equi pment NeedsWor k Fl ow Next St epsFor ensi c Wat er mar k Al i gnment f or Phase 1SNEI Go Li ve Dat e/ Pl an B I ni t i at i vesUV Par t i ci pat i on Di scussi onUX/ UI Devel opment / Next St eps

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Page 6: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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Your par t t o pl ay.

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Critical PathEnd t o End Bi z .

St r at e gy & Pl anni ngLuc as

F1 TV/ Box- Mkt i ngO. I z aki

Cont e nt Aggr e gat i onFox- Me t oy e r / Cooks on

PJ Manage me ntEs pi noz a/ Kat s umat a/ Bur wi k

26 Team Formation

7 Milestone ScheduleStatus Reporting, PM Administration

F1 Mi l e s t one Ti me l i ne - Phas e 1

25 Marketing Plan


10 Customer Journey Support Processes

FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day

F1 Se r vi c e Pl anni ngCol s e y / Ke nne dy / Toky o

4 Marketing Assets 19 Initial List:SPE/3rd Pty Content

1 Pricing/Channel Approach

Seihan Qty Plan

25 SvcDefinition

Promo: Bundle or stand-alone

10 PitchDeck

FSH Upgrade

31 Final Delivery : 4K Master SPE/3rd Pty Content

10 Video Encode (eye IO) 20 Metadata for Service

CES Announce

25 FinalizeWorkflow/QC

25 Determine SPE & 3rd pty encoding process

15 Determine

encode bit rate

F1 Se r vi c e -De v/ Wor kf l ow

Ki kuc hi / Ahmad


17 Box Sw GMPreload Content

15 ContentSpecification

31 UI Design (initial)

10 Box SQA Start

F1 BoxLaunch

15 MP4 file encryption

7 Determine post-launch content distribution

5 Cust Journey F1 Box & Service

SPE Responsible/Accountable

Critical, delay of this milestone can impact deliveryTokyo Responsible/Accountable

SEL Responsible/Accountable

F1 Box De s i gnMi y ama/ Taki t a/ Sugai

15 PIDValue prop, specs

30 Promo/content plan

31 Direction for 3rd pty content- encode

31 Final Content list for preload

1 AnnounceF1 Box & Service

SNEI Responsible/Accountable

13 Svc Delivery Plan

17 Content Roadmap (3rd pty, SPE, Other studios)

28 UI Design (ifinal)

1 Estab Budget

28 HDD Capacity Determination

• Bitrate: New test feedback from SPE due Fri 2/15

• Determine Final encode bit rate 2/22 (SPE/SEL/Tokyo)

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Page 8: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

Your par t t o pl ay.


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July AugEnd t o End Bi z . St r at e gy &

Pl anni ngLuc as

I ndus t r y I ns i ght & St r at e gyShapi r o

Cont e nt Aggr e gat i onFox - Me t oy e r / Le on

PJ Manage me ntFox - Me t oy e r / Es pi noz a

Status Reporting, PM Administration


Content Scorecard-final

Pr e mi um Home Se r vi c e Cont e nt De l i ve r y

Che ng/ Ri c hmond

15 Install Support Processes

V 2-12-13


20 Installer Training

4 Frontline Training


F1 Mi l e s t one Ti me l i ne Phas e 0 Cont e nt Re f r e s h

15 Obtain Metadata

1Mkting/Comms messaging plan

10 Estab. Contracts

PC- Bas e d 4K Se r ve r De v.Cl e me nt / Hof r i c ht e r

15Build Content BD

20Complete BDs

28 PR Announce

6 Content delivered to Bldg 7

SPE Responsible/Accountable

Critical, delay of this milestone can impact deliveryTokyo Responsible/Accountable

SEL Responsible/Accountable SNEI Responsible/Accountable

7 “After Earth’ Trailer expires




• Final LOA delivery to SEL is TBD• Refresh timing being determined

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Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


Page 10: Cr os s - company Pr ogr am Updat e 1/F1... · Marketing Plan v2-12-13 10 Customer Journey Support Processes FSL/FSM 5/19 L Day F1 Servi ce Pl anni ng Colsey/Kennedy/Tokyo 19 Initial

Cont e nt Se r vi c e Ove r vi e w “Vi de o Unl i mi t e d 4K” s e r vi c e

– Cont e nt pr e - l oa de d on F1 Box HDD a nd i n t he c l oud– Fr e e , EST or Re nt a l . – Cons ume r ge t s HD a nd mobi l e ve r s i ons whe n t he y buy 4K ve r s i on ( “ MyLi br

a r y” ) , UV c ode s uppor t TBD

Se aml e s s us e r e xpe r i e nc e– 4K i s pr i or i t i z e d, but 3D/ HD/ SD a r e a l s o a va i l a bl e , not s i l o’ d.– Si ngl e s t or e f r ont s howi ng c ont e nt on HDD a nd i n c l oud

Movi e s & TV f r om SPE & ot he r s t udi os

Non- s t udi o c ont e nt– Pha s e 0 c ont e nt pl us s ome a ddi t i ona l .

Pr e - i ns t al l as muc h as pos s i bl e on F1 Box s o c ons ume r c an wat ch i ns t ant l y– AV Spe c s t i l l TBD*, ma y a f f e c t numbe r of movi e s on HDD e t c .

* = Bi t r at e deci si on pendi ng t est sDepartment Copyright10

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UI for 55” & 65”(Proposed, Conceptual)

In 4K

With F1 Box Without F1 Box

Default view: 4K content (~50 titles).Search, navigate to find all 8000 titles (3D, HD, SD).

Standard VU service + call to action to buy F1 box via Sony Direct.

One video storefront


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Content Timeline*

3/31/13 (HDD mastering)

5/15/13 (ingest for 7/1/13 release)

8/1/13 – 12/31/13 (“Holidays”)


Pre-install on F1 Box at factory

42 SPE movies.7 SPE TV eps.~30 non-studio (Phase 0).

n/a n/a TBD

Distributed by SEN VU 4K

SPE: 2 new releases, 1 library.(X) non-studio.

SPE: 5 new releases, 13 TV eps.(X) Other studios.(X) non-studio.


Total “Movie & TV”* (not including non-studio)

49 55 (tgt) 100 (tgt) 200 (tgt)

“movies and TV episodes” is the method used by the industry to count assets in a service (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)

* Based on Kerri’s list, 1/31/13

Pending service launch schedule confirmation.


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Bitrate Impact on Content

F1 Box with 2TB HDD

Assuming LPCM 5.1ch Audio25Mbps 35Mbps 50Mbps










49 49 45



Preloaded Movies & TV New Movies & TV

Number of movies on HDD

5 of the movies on “Day 1” list will not fit on HDD

F1 Box Value Proposition:“Over $400 worth of movies for $399 when purchased with TV”

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Version J J J J J J J J Total

A25 avg. 50 max.

3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 14

BBD Upscaled

2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 19

C50 avg. 100 max.

1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 15

Double-Blind Viewing Test Results 2/12/13

• BD Upscaled score was significantly* lower than others, was NOT chosen as “best” by anyone.

• Results for 25 and 50 were very close, with 25 scoring slightly higher. Results for 25 and 50 were consistent with 2/7/13 test.

• 4 people chose 25 as best, 4 chose 50 as best.

Based on SPE Showreel (Eldorado, Lawrence, Amazing Spiderman, Bad Teacher)



* Significance = 10% or greater difference14

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Ne ar - t e r m Ac t i ons

• Compl e t e wi r e f r a me of pr opos e d UX ( HES - Ki kuc hi ) due 2/ 15/ 13

• Ar r a nge f oc us gr oup t o t e s t us a bi l i t y ( UXSC - Ni s hi ka wa , SNEI - Ke nne dy)

• Bl i nd t e s t s of vi de o qua l i t y ( SEL - Col s e y) a nd r e c omme nda t ion t o HES/ SPE

• De t a i l e d di s c us s i on of s e a ml e s s UX ( HES - Ki kuc hi , SNEI - Kenne dy, SEL - Col s e y)

• Ext r e me Br oa dba nd pa c ka ge c o- ma r ke t i ng pr opos a l ( SEL – Ri c hma n)

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Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI


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SNEI - 4K Sc he dul e and De l i ve r abl e s


Tanveer Ahmad, SNE-4K Technical POC

Diane Burwik, SNE-4K PMO POC

Duncan Kennedy, SNE-4K Business POC

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4K Pr oj e c t As s umpt i ons

• SNEI wi l l s uppor t t he l aunc h of a 4K vi de o s e r vi c e announc e d at CES. To dat e 4K pr oj e c t i s a maj or c r os s - f unc t i onal i ni t i at i ve i nvol vi ng HES/ SEL/ SPE. At s t ake i s t he f at e of t he TV Di vi s i on

• SNEI 2013 Vi de o pr i or i t y i s wi t h ne w s t r at e gi c de vi c e produc t and MyLi br ar y ( Cl oud- bas e d vi de o e nt i t l e me nt s )

• SNEI I mpac t Se ve r a l SNE t e a ms a r e r e qui r e d t o s uppor t t he e f f or t i nc l udi ng Ne t wor k Pl a t f or m ( NP) , Ha mme r he a d, Ka ma j i / DRM, VI NE/ CAVE ( i nge s t i on t ool s ) a nd Enc odi ng t e a m

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Current VU 2013 roadmap


CY13 Q1 CY13 Q2 CY13 Q3 CY13 Q4

new strategic device product launch

Win8/Modern Support

Client Release

May - June

My LibraryClosed CaptionsPQoSQ C CrackleSTR ABS (DASH/HLS)






Capitol (Chihiro+WebVideo)Q

PS3 CrackleFish



Hammerhead 1.0 Hammerhead 1.1STR

Brazil, Mexico expansion

SoMC Lagan 1.1Native Store+DASH



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SNEI As s umpt i ons


• 4K vi de o s e r vi c e mus t l aunc h i n Summe r 2013• 4K Pr oj e c t c annot di s r upt ne w s t r at e gi c de vi c e pr oduc t or

MyLi br ar y i ni t i at i ve s• I nt e gr at e d c us t ome r e xpe r i e nc e be t we e n F1 Por t al and 4K Ha

mme r he ad• Us abi l i t y Te s t i ng i s r e qui r e d

– Pe r c e i ve d qua l i t y t e s t i ng us i ng bl i nd, qua l i t y/ downl oa d spe e d e va l ua t i on

• I nc r e me nt al r e s our c e s ar e r e qui r e d t o s uppor t pr oj e c t• Submi t t e d t o SNEI Exe c ut i ve Commi t t e e f or r e vi e w

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NOT I NCLUDED i n Day One SNEI Sc ope


1. Andr oi d App i nt e gr a t i on

2. For e ns i c Wa t e r ma r k

3. HEVC Suppor t

4. St r e a mi ng

5. UV Suppor t

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Pr e l i mi nar y SNEI De ve l opme nt Ti me l i ne

4K NP Development

Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13

Analysis, Device


Final Use Cases and UX

Workflow testingDevice Integration

Usability Testing

NP 13.4

DRM TestingIntegration of

DADC/EyeIO Out of band Export

NP 13.5

Integration Testing

NP 13.6

LaunchDate TBD

Tokyo teamCo-location

1 Tokyo Firmware Expert in San Jose

1-2 Tokyo experts for playback stability in San Jose

1. UX/UI design expert required asap in San Jose2. Co-location required to project launch

Begin 4K-HH Dev.Device Integration

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CDNOrigin Server


F14K - TV

4K Video Service

Slot 4K products, set metadata, price

• Deliver DRM License

Upload 4K file

Download file 4K-HH


EncodeSony DADC

Upload 4K content keys

• Sign-up/Sign-in• Purchase

4K portal

4K Portal catalog Server



Export 4K metadata (out-of-band)

Export 4K-Preview, 4K-Image


Deliver 4K titles to SNEI

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4K – TV(co-location in San Jose)

4K Video Service: The Customer Experience

4K Portal• System Installation• 4K Player• View 4k preview • View new content• Add external HD• Delete Contents

4K- HH Storefront

4K Portal

4K Portal catalog Server




F1 4K-TV

4K-HH• Register devices and user• Enter credit card• Complete transaction• Purchase and watch SD/HD

content• View previously purchased


Create a single integrated customer experience using two clients and two back-ends, and 5 development teams fromTwo Sony divisions

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Co- Loc at i on Re qui r e me nt

• Re qui r e d “Cus t ome r Expe r i e nc e Te am” me mbe r s f r om HES i n San Jos e SNEI of f i c e

• UX Engi ne e r• UX De s i gn• F1 Sof t wa r e• Fi r mwa r e s uppor t ( 4K TV+F1)

Ar r i val of c o- l oc at e d HES t e am ( wi t h f unc t i oni ng F1/ 4K- TV boar ds ) i n San Jos e i s r e qui r e d t o c onf i r m SNEI s c he dul e

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CDNOrigin Server


F14K - TV


Slot 4K products, set metadata, price

• Deliver DRM License

Upload 4K file

Download file 4K-HH


EncodeSony DADC

Upload 4K content keys

• Sign-up/Sign-in• Purchase

4K portal

4K Portal catalog Server



Export 4K metadata (out-of-band)

Export 4K-Preview, 4K-Image


Deliver 4K titles to SNEI




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Rol e s i n 4K Cont e nt Wor kf l ow

What i s t he i nt e r di vi s i onal Qual i t y Cont r ol pr oc e s s ?– Ne e d t o i ns ur e SNEI i nge s t i on pr oc e s s wor ks a c t ua l l y wor ks wi t h Eye I O

f i l e s a nd DADC- CFF f i l e s– Who i s r e s pons i bl e f or r e vi e wi ng vi de o qua l i t y ?– Who i s r e s pons i bl e f or r e vi e wi ng me t a - da t a , i nc l udi ng pr i c i ng ?– Who ma na ge s DADC ?

Us abi l i t y Te s t i ng ( SNE/ SEL)– Doubl e Bl i nd Te s t i ng wi t h a s i gni f i c a nt s a mpl e s i z e– Da t a - r a t e s f or downl oa da bl e c ont e nt c oul d be di f f e r e nt t ha n pr e - l oa d – Cus t ome r s c a r e a bout downl oa d s pe e ds ( i mme di a t e de l i ve r y i s t he numbe

r #1 c us t ome r c ompl a i nt f or VU)– I nt e gr a t i on Te s t i ng. End- t o- e nd c us t ome r e xpe r i e nc e , ba s e d on t he wor

k of Sa n J os e t e a m

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1. Fi nal i z e Day One Us e Cas e s [ HES/ SEL/ SNEI ]– Ma ny us e c a s e s ( i e . Wa t c h c ont e nt wi t h no r e gi s t r a t i on vi a Fuj i t s u l i c e

ns e , Mul t i pl e F1 box pur c ha s e s ) a r e s t i l l i n e a r l y di s c us s i on a nd wi l l r e qui r e SEL, HES, SPE, SNE a ppr ova l

Ne w wor ki ng gr oup t o f i na l i z e a nd pr i or i t i z e Da y One us e c a s e s f or Ma r c h 1s t

2. UX f or al l us e c as e s [ HES]– SNEI r e c ogni t i on t ha t HES owns UX de s i gn of pr oj e c t– Howe ve r , e a c h us e c a s e mus t ha ve a c or r e s pondi ng and doc ume nt e d UX whi c

h c a nnot be f i na l i z e d unt i l us e - c a s e s a r e f i na l i z e d UX wor k- s e s s i on t o f i na l i z e UX wi t h HES/ SNE wor ki ng t e a m a nd SEL r e vi e w te a m

3. Move Tokyo t e am t o SJ– Fi r m- up da t e s f or a r r i va l of HES t e a m t o Sa n J os e . Sc he dul e c r i t i c a l pa

t h

4. SEL/ HES c onf i r mat i on of who owns whi c h boxe sDepartment Copyright28

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Age nda

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• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on: Phas e 1Pr e - l oad Cont e nt / SPE

Department Copyright

Bundled Films• The Amazing Spider-Man• Salt• The Karate Kid• Total Recall• Lawrence Of Arabia• Bad Teacher• Battle: Los Angeles• Taxi Driver• That’s My Boy• Bridge on the River Kwai• The Other Guys

Pre-loaded Films• Alamo Bay• Angels & Demons• Cowboy• Funny Girl• Ghostbusters• Glory• Godzilla• Groundhog Day• Guns of Navarone• Hancock• Hard Times• Investigation of a


• Julia & Julia• Looper• Men In Black 1-3• Money Ball • Philadelphia• Premium Rush• Spider-man 1-3• The DaVinci Code• The Holiday• The Tourist• The Ugly Truth• The Way We Were• Think Like a Man

Season 1Breaking Bad7 Episodes


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Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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SPE UHD Content Protection Highlights

Department Copyright32

Feature DescriptionTitle Diversity Mitigates hack-one-hack-all situations

Active Breach Monitoring Identify breaches early

Rapid Revocation and Renewal Revoke breached software and renew within five days of breach discovery

Hardware Root of Trust Keys protected by hardware

Hardware Protected Video Path Video decryption and decoding pipeline protected by hardware

Verance Watermark Detection Block playback of illegally copied content

Forensic Watermark Embedding

Uniquely identify user and device where breach occurred

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Phase-1 Concessions

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Due to time and resource constraints Phase-1 does not include:– Title Diversity– Active Breach Monitoring– Rapid Revocation and Renewal– Forensic Watermark Embedding

We believe that other studios will not release UHD without these

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Phase-1 Breach Response

Department Copyright34

SPE will be embedding a service identification mark for Phase-1 content

In the event that UHD content is discovered:– Mark will be extracted to identify service (e.g. “SEN 4k”)– Service will be immediately shut down– F1 Box certificates will be blocked using Marlin “shunning” method

To reinstate service, at a minimum, the following conditions must be met:– F1 Box firmware update patching breach– F1 Box Marlin device keys to identify updated firmware version

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Phase-2 Content Protection Additions

Department Copyright35

Title Diversity – must prevent hack-one-hack-all

Active Breach Monitoring – active monitoring required

Rapid Revocation and Renewal – renewal required within 5 days of breach discovery, mitigated by Title Diversity

Forensic Watermark Embedding – must inform user and insert mark unique to user

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Phase-1 4k Usage Rules

• Purchase of 4k content entitles user to receive one 4k content license• 4k content license will be bound to F1 Box• If F1 Box is transferred, 4k content on the F1 Box is rendered unusable• If user has multiple F1 Boxes, SNEI can deliver licenses to those boxes by absorbing cost o

f additional licenses

4/7/15 Sony Pictures Confidential 36

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SPE UHD Content Protection Requirements


F1 Phase-1 Day 1 F1 Phase-2

General Content Security & Service Implementation

Compliant with C&R rules Yes

Compliant with Usage Rules Yes

Approved DRM Yes

Revocation and Renewal in the event of a breach, service will be immediately shut down

renewal required within 5 days of breach discovery, mitigated by Title

DiversityBreach Monitoring No active monitoring requiredAccount Authorization

Content Delivery Yes

User credential requirements Yes

Geofiltering Yes

Network Service Protection Requirements

Storage Yes

Documentation Yes

Access to content Yes

Physical access to servers Yes

Auditable records Yes

Content server robustness Yes

Facilities available to MPAA Yes

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SPE UHD Content Protection Requirements (cont.)


F1 Phase-1 Day 1 F1 Phase-2

Digital Outputs

Down-res on non-compliant outputs n/a

No output to analogue Yes

Robustly distinguish between platforms Yes

HDCP 2.2+ Yes

Restrictions & Requirements

Secure Video Paths Yes

Secure Content Decryption Yes

Third Party Certification/Trusted Implementer Yes

Title Diversity No must prevent hack-one-hack-allHardware protected video path Yes

Hardware root of trust Yes

Watermark Requirements

Verance watermark detection Yes

Forensic Watermarking Requirement No must inform user and insert mark unique to user

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Age nda

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• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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F1 BOX hardware, UI/UX overviews

February 13th, 2013

TV&Video PPTaro Takita


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Agenda Hardware spec overview UX/UI overview

• Control device and apps• UI/UX flow• Out of box experience• UI/UX• Daily use• Title pre-download

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Agenda Hardware spec overview UX/UI overview

• Control device and apps• UI/UX flow• Out of box experience• UI/UX• Daily use• Title pre-download

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HW spec overview



We bApp( Cont e nt l i s t )Nat i ve ( BOX Se t t i ng)

4K Contents

For Audio For Audio/Video


Gigabit Ether


HDMI1.4c HDMI1.4b


Ext e r nal HDD

SD c ar dUSB me mor y

For UGC contents(Day2:TBC)

HDD: 3TBTerminals ・ HDMI output x 2 - Audio/Video output (HDMI 1.4c) x 1 - Audio output (HDMI 1.4b) x 1

・ Ether(Gigabit) x 1 ・ USB(for external HDD) x 1

<UGC contents(DAY2:TBC)> - USB (for USB memory) x 1 - SD card slot x 1


AV Amp

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Supported formatVideo: H.264 AVC [email protected] Decode 3840x2160, 4:2:0, 8bit Frame rate: 24p, 30p MAX bit-rate: 100Mbps

Audio: MPEG4 AAC-LC 48KHz/16bit, 2ch, 5.1ch LPCM 48kHz/16bit, 2ch, 5.1ch *DTS-HD, Dolby-TruHD for High resolution(96kHz/24bit) is not supported for DAY1 -> we continually study to support after launching.

Container : CFF

DRM: Marlin-BB

Text info: support subtitle data including Closed Caption* * support CEA608B (display caption with fixed font, caption on/off) as launch timing. support CEA708B (user can change font size, font color, font type and language) until Jan. 1st, 2014.

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Supported contentFrom launch timing: movie content that meets supported format.

• Film including trailer• Indies• TV episodes• Demo content

After launching: UGC content (TBC)• 4K Photo → ・ need to study if F1 BOX could support a format

• Sony tablet 4K movie. → F1 BOX can support their format.Need to test after getting a movie file from mobile team

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Agenda Hardware spec overview UX/UI overview

• Control device and apps• UI/UX flow• Out of box experience• UI/UX• Daily use• Title pre-download

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Control devise and apps: Using tablet apps





AV signal

IP control


No independent UI




AV signal

IP control

FSH/4K Pr oj e c t or

No independent UI

User control F1 BOX

via TV UI using TV

remote commander

Independent apps1st priority: Android

2nd priority: iOS User control F1 BOX

using an independent

apps directory

FSM/L (2013 model) FSH (2012 model)/Projector

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HOME Application

Daily use

Entrance to 4K service


Local ContentsTOP Page

Display the latest titles・ All the new titles will be pre-downloaded・ Displayed titles will be refreshed when newer titles are released.・ (Old titles can be purchased through “All Movies”.Playback

Power ON → auto pairing

SEN account creation/registration

Wire connection


Out of BOX Experience





F1 BOX: UI/UX flow

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Daily use

Featured on Home UI

Applications on Home UI

*design of 4K service icon is tentative


Go to Main UI

Go to selected content menu in Main UI directory

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F1 BOX: Title pre-download


Content Server

Movie title

Shi p out wi t h t i t l e s pr e - i ns t al l e d

Movie title

A f e w t i t l e s / mont h i s r e l e as e d

*F1BOX’s cosmetic design is tentative

Pre-download a content’s data

before released


Download manually

(if user set a pre-download up “off”)or

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Age nda

Department Copyright

• OPENI NG: P. Mol yneux- 5mi n

• Ke y De c i s i on/ Ne xt s t e ps - 2/ 8 SEL/ SPHE/ SNEI Mt g- K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Phas e 0/ Phas e 1 Sc he dul e Re vi e w- S. Espi noza ( SEL) – 5mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng—De f i ni t i on/ Sc ope - N. Col sey ( SEL) – 15mi n

• Se r vi c e Pl anni ng - ( e xe c ut i on pl an) – D. Kennedy ( SNEI ) - 20mi n

• Cont e nt Aggr e gat i on Updat e - K. Fox- Met oyer ( SEL) - 10mi n

• Cont e nt Se c ur i t y & Us age Rul e s – C. Cookson ( SPE) - 30mi n

• F1 Box – Tokyo ( Mi y ama f or Tok y o) - 10mi n

Ope n I s s ue s• St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL• Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo• AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL• Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo


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Open Issues

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● St or ef r ont Desi gn—Tokyo/ SNEI / SEL● Ser vi ce Pl anni ng Ser vi ce Opt i ons & Ti mi ng- - - SEL/ SNEI / Tokyo

● AV Encodi ng ( bi t - r at e) - Tokyo/ SPE/ SEL● Ul t r avi ol et Suppor t – SPE/ SNEI / Tokyo