CPTED Security

Mulholland Security /Gates Los Angeles 12602 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 1-888-562-5638


Tools and tips to secure residences and businesses.

Transcript of CPTED Security

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design {CPTED) Security Handbook 0akland Polioe Uepartment Neighborhood 3ervioes Uivision 250 lrank 0gawa Plaza, 3uite 6303 0akland, CA 94612 510 238- 6200 Mulholland Security /Gates Los Angeles12602 Ventura Blvd.Studio City, CA 916041-888-562-5638 Table of Contents CITLD: Whal can il do foi you` .......................................................................................... 1 Why does il voik`.................................................................................................................. 2 Hov does il voik` ................................................................................................................. 3 NaluiaI SuiveiIIance........................................................................................................... 3 TeiiiloiiaI Reinfoicenenl .................................................................................................. 3 Access ConlioI..................................................................................................................... 3 Mainlenance......................................................................................................................... 4 Hov do I do il` ....................................................................................................................... 5 Whal an I liying lo acconpIish in lhis space` ............................................................... 5 Using lhe suiveys ................................................................................................................... 6 ResidenliaI Suivey.............................................................................................................. 7 ConneiciaI Suivey ............................................................................................................ 9 CITLD Slialegy Refeience.................................................................................................. 11 NaluiaI SuiveiIIance......................................................................................................... 11 TeiiiloiiaI Reinfoicenenl ................................................................................................ 11 Access ConlioI................................................................................................................... 12 Mainlenance....................................................................................................................... 12 Lighling.................................................................................................................................. 13 CoaIs of Iighling................................................................................................................ 13 Types of ouldooi Iighling................................................................................................ 13 CoIoi iendeiing................................................................................................................. 14 Iuiposes of secuiily Iighling........................................................................................... 15 Iiopei use of vaiious Iighls............................................................................................. 15 Lighling leininoIogy ....................................................................................................... 15 Lighl and Ianp conpaiison ............................................................................................ 15 CPTED Security Handbook 1 CPTED: What can it do for you? IhysicaI enviionnenl giealIy infIuences ciine, feai of ciine, and quaIily of Iife. The ieIalionship lelveen physicaI enviionnenl and ciine has lecone noie evidenl in iecenl decades as peopIe nake incieasing use of Iocks, lais on vindovs, caneias, and aIain syslens. AIlhough lhese looIs can have a Iegilinale ioIe lo pIay in ciine pievenlion, lhey aie nol lhe conpIele ansvei. Ioi a ciine pievenlion slialegy lo le effeclive, il nusl le conpiehensive. The soIulion is an appioach caIIed , oi Ciine Iievenlion Thiough LnviionnenlaI Design. As defined ly lhe NalionaI Ciine Iievenlion Inslilule, CITLD is: .a crime prevention philosophy based on the theory that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear of crime as well as an improvement in the quality of life. CITLD voiks ly decieasing a ciininaIs aliIily lo connil ciine and incieasing lhe chances lhal lhe ciine viII le seen ly Iegilinale cilizens. CITLD goes leyond liadilionaI secuiily nelhods ly naluiaIIy inlegialing secuiily neasuies inlo lhe connunily. The goaI of ALL CITLD appIicalions is lo: Increase the Quality of Life Decrease Fear of Crime Decrease Crime y foIIoving lhe slialegies piesenled in lhis handlook, honeovneis, apailnenl iesidenls, and lusiness ovneis can achieve each of lhese goaIs. On pages 2-5, you viII find addilionaI infoinalion aloul hov CITLD voiks. On pages 6-1O, lheie aie speciaI CITLD suiveys neanl specificaIIy foi singIe faniIy hone iesidenls, apailnenl iesidenls, and lusiness nanageis oi ovneis. The pages on Iighling desciile lhe vaiious Iighling lypes avaiIalIe and lheii efficiency. CPTED Security Handbook 2 Why does it work? CITLD is effeclive lecause of a concepl caIIed defensilIe space. This concepl suggesls aII space in lhe hunan enviionnenl is defendalIe: soneone nay lake iesponsiliIily foi lhe space and lake aclion lo defend il fion non-Iegilinale, ciininaI, oi uninlended use. AIleinaleIy, space can le undefended. When lheie is no idenlifialIe peison vho is iesponsilIe foi lhe space, il is Iefl exposed lo ciininaI use. Ciine is noie IikeIy lo happen al a Iocalion if il is nol defended, and ciine is Iess IikeIy lo occui if an aiea is defended. The peison defending an aiea nay le lhe ovnei of lhe piopeily, lul lhey nay aIso le a lenanl, a piopeily nanagei, oi an enpIoyee. In oidei lo defend a Iocalion, il nusl le cIeaiIy idenlified and deIinealed, il nusl le nodified lo pievenl access of unaulhoiized peisons, and il nusl piovide good visiliIily foi vilnesses in lhe evenl of a ciine. The puipose of CITLD is lo aIIov lhese lhings lo le acconpIished in vays lhal do nol inleifeie vilh non-ciininaI aclivilies. Does lhis sound difficuIl` SuipiisingIy, il is nol. Defending a Iocalion nay le as sinpIe as luiIding a snaII fence, inslaIIing an addiess naikei, oi culling lack veeds. CITLD voiks lecause ciininaIs avoid doing ciine in lhe piesence of Iegilinale cilizens. Iiopeily lhal has leen piopeiIy defended suggesls lo a ciininaI lhal a Iegilinale cilizen nay le neai lo vilness lhe ciine and caII lhe poIice. Iiopeily lhal is nol defended leIIs lhe ciininaI lhal no one is valching and lhey aie safe lo connil lheii ciine. Like lhe lalIe al lhe iighl shovs, undefended pIaces lhal aie safe foi ciininaIs lo connil lheii ciines aie unsafe pIaces foi Iegilinale cilizens... AIleinaleIy, pIaces lhal aie defended and safe foi Iegilinale cilizens cause lhe ciininaI lo feai deleclion and aiiesl foi lheii ciines. The CITLD goaI is lo nake eveiy Iocalion unsafe foi ciininaI aclivily vhiIe aIso naking lhe sane Iocalions safe and inviling foi Iegilinale cilizens. Unsafe Safe Citizen Criminal Criminal Citizen CPTED Security Handbook 3 How does it work? CITLD is appIied in lhe connunily lhiough one of foui oveiIapping slialegies. Lach slialegy enpIoys a sIighlIy diffeienl nelhod of sending a cIeai nessage lo ciininaIs lhal a iesponsilIe peison is neaily and lheii aclivily is nol veIcone. This seclion of lhis handlook viII leII you aloul each of lhe slialegies, and you viII Ieain hov lo legin appIying lhen in lhe nexl seclion. Natural Surveillance NaluiaI SuiveiIIance is lhe pIacenenl of physicaI fealuies, aclivilies, and peopIe in vays lhal naxinize lhe aliIily lo see vhal is occuiiing in a given space. This is oflen lhoughl of as lhe onIy slialegy of CITLD, lul il is onIy a quailei of successfuI CITLD effoil. An exanpIe of naluiaI suiveiIIance is a paiking gaiage luiIl vilh Iaige panoianic vindovs facing a najoi slieel. This aIIovs pedesliians and noloiisls lo see inlo lhe paiking aiea and delecl ciininaI aclivily. This slialegy voiks lecause ciininaIs viII nol connil ciines in aieas vheie lhey feeI exposed lo olseiveis. In lhe evenl a ciine does occui, lheie is a giealei chance lhal il viII le vilnessed and iepoiled lo poIice. Territorial Reinforcement TeiiiloiiaI Reinfoicenenl is lhe use of luiIdings, fences, signs, pavenenl, oi olhei oljecls lo expiess ovneiship oi lo cIeaiIy deIineale lhe liansilion fion pulIic space lo piivale space. Ioi exanpIe, a snaII decoialive iion fence can le pIaced aiound a fionl yaid. The fence sepaiales lhe pulIic ioadvay and sidevaIk fion lhe fionl yaid and nakes a cIeai slalenenl lhal non-Iegilinale useis aie nol veIcone in lhe yaid. This slialegy voiks lecause il suggesls lheie is soneone piesenl vho has iesponsiliIily foi lhe space and nay olseive ciininaI aclivily. Access Control Access ConlioI is lhe physicaI guidance of peopIe coning and going fion a space ly lhe pIacenenl of enliances, exils, fencing, Iandscaping, Iocks, and olhei laiiieis. Ioi exanpIe, vaIkvay loIIaids nay le pIaced neai lhe enliance of a paik lo pievenl vehicIe enliy lul aIIov pedesliian enliy. This slialegy voiks lecause il cieales a laiiiei againsl inpiopei vehicIe novenenl inlo lhe paik. In lhe evenl vehicIes do enlei lhe paik, lhe piesence of lhe loIIaids nakes lhe inappiopiiale lehavioi cIeai lo cilizens passing ly and lhey can nolify poIice. A conponenl of Access ConlioI is caIIed Taigel Haidening. This iefeis lo: DeadloIl Iocks Windov Iocks SIiding gIass dooi Iocks AIains CPTED Security Handbook + Maintenance The upkeep of an aiea denonsliales lhal soneone caies and is valching. Ioi exanpIe, a lusiness nay le ieguIaiIy painled lo nainlain a cIean appeaiance. This slialegy voiks lecause of vhal is knovn as lhe ioken Windovs Theoiy. This lheoiy suggesls lhal a negIecled space viII eIicil nisliealnenl ly peopIe, vhiIe a nainlained space viII eIicil piopei liealnenl. This slialegy diieclIy inpacls lhe feai of ciine in a connunily due lo iesidenls peiceplions of iesponsiliIily and caiing in neighloihoods. CPTED Security Handbook 5 How do I do it? Any peison vanling lo piolecl lheii piopeily vilh lhe use of CITLD nusl fiisl ask lhenseIves a queslion:What am I trying to accomplish in this space? OnIy aflei lhe liue puipose of a space is iecognized can CITLD le piopeiIy appIied. The ieason foi lhis is lhal nany lines, a space is consliucled lo seive one puipose lul is used foi anolhei. If CITLD slialegies aie used lo affecl lhe inlended puipose, lhe slialegies nay have IillIe oi no effecl on lhe liue use of lhe piopeily. Ioi exanpIe, a iesidenl nay have piolIens vilh peopIe slanding oi silling in his fionl yaid vhiIe vailing al a neaily lus slop. The iesidenl allenpls lo keep lhese peopIe off his piopeily ly luiIding a liick vaII, lul lhe vaII onIy seives lo cieale a lench foi lhe peopIe lo sil on vhiIe lhey vail foi lhe nexl lus! The iesidenl nusl ask hinseIf vhal he liuIy vanls lo do vilh lhe piopeily. If he chooses lo have a piivale fionl yaid vilhoul lhe disliaclion of lus passengeis, lhen lhe iesidenl needs lo considei ienoving lhe vaII and iepIacing il vilh a shoil pickel fence oi shoil lushes, lhings lhal nay nol easiIy le used lo sil upon. CPTED Security Handbook 6 Using the surveys In oidei lo heIp you lesl ansvei lhe queslion Whal an I liying lo acconpIish in lhis space`and piopeiIy appIy lhe CITLD slialegies lo youi piopeily, lhe CITLD suiveys in lhis look aie sepaialed inlo iesidenliaI suiveys and lusiness suiveys. To use lhen, seIecl lhe one lhal is nosl appiopiiale foi you and go lo voik! Lach suivey asks you queslions aloul lhe piopeily, and lhen diiecls you lo anolhei poilion of lhis lookIel foi lhe appIicalIe slialegy. WhiIe you aie conpIeling lhese suiveys, pIease ienenlei lhal lhe CITLD suggeslions aie nade foi lhe puipose of ieducing lhe IikeIihood of ciininaI aclivily on youi piopeily. WhiIe no guaianlee can le slaled oi inpIied, lhe concepls of CITLD have pioven lhenseIves inleinalionaIIy. The OakIand IoIice Depailnenl offeis lhis suivey as a pulIic seivice, vilh lhe undeislanding lhal lheie is no vay lo piedicl oi pievenl aII ciine iisks. The puipose of lhis suivey is lo ieduce lhe foinaliIily of ciine ly naking a good failh effoil lo piovide a safe enviionnenl. Diiecl queslions aloul lhis suivey oi youi suivey iesuIls lo lhe OakIand IoIice Depailnenl, Neighloihood Seivices Division al 51O 238- 62OO oi 51O 238-2O96. CPTED Security Handbook 7 Residential Survey Residenls aie lhe coie of any connunily. Theii veII-leing diieclIy inpacls lhe heaIlh of lhe connunily and ils aliIily lo piospei. Residenls vho feeI safe fion ciine in lheii hones and neighloihoods viII le noie viIIing lo gel invoIved in aclivilies lhal slienglhen and piolecl lhe connunily. AIleinaleIy, iesidenls vho donl feeI safe oflen luin lheii hones inlo foiliesses lo piolecl lhenseIves and lhey avoid conlacl vilh lhe connunily. This can conliilule lo lhe decIine of lhe neighloihood and cieale a iise in ciine! AII OakIand iesidenls aie uiged lo spend appioxinaleIy an houi of lheii line lo conpIele lhis iesidenliaI CITLD suivey. The suivey viII aIIov iesidenls lo Iocale piolIens on lheii piopeily, idenlify possilIe slialegies foi fixing lhe piolIen, and uIlinaleIy affecl ciine and quaIily of Iife in OakIand. Notes: CPTED Security Handbook 8 Using the Residential Survey In lhe suivey leIov, you viII find each of lhe foui CITLD slialegies Iisled vilh lheii piopei appIicalion. Suivey youi piopeily and conpaie il lo each of lhese design eIenenls, lhen iale lhe iesuIls in lhe space piovided. A NO ansvei suggesls lhal youi piopeily nay nol le CITLD-safe. In lhis case, considei nodifying youi piopeily lo salisfy lhe design eIenenl, oi seek noie diieclion fion lhe CITLD Slialegy Refeience poilion of lhis handlook. Present? Natural Surveillance YES NO All doorways that open to the outside should be well lit. The front door should be at least partially visible from the street. Windows on all sides of the house provide full visibility of the property Sidewalks and all areas of the yard should be well lit. The driveway, or where you usually park your car, should be visible from either the front or back door and at least one window. Landscaping should not create blind spots or hiding spots. Front facing balcony railings, fences, or walls should never be constructed of solid material or be higher than 36". Window treatments on 2nd story, front-facing windows should be kept open and provide a view to the front of the property. Present? Territorial Reinforcement YES NO Property lines and private areas should be defined with plantings, pavement treatments, short walls, or fences. The street address should be clearly visible from the street with numbers a minimum of 5" high that are made of non-reflective material. The numbers should also be clearly lighted at night. The property should encourage interaction between neighbors with low property-division fences, bushes, or landscaping transitions. The mailbox should be clearly marked with the street address. !t should also be as close as possible to the front of the house and visible from the house. Present? Access Control YES NO Walkways and landscaping should direct visitors to the proper entrance and away from private areas. Door locks should be located a minimum of +0 inches from adjacent windows. Exterior doors or interior garage doors should be hinged on the inside and should have a single cylinder dead bolt lock with a minimum one-inch throw. All windows should have locks. Sliding glass doors should have a locking device or locking pin on the movable portion of the door. Detached storage sheds or other buildings should be equipped with lockable windows and doors. Present? Maintenance YES NO Keep structure painted and in a condition of good repair. Keep weeds abated. Trim bushes to 36" high and trees up 7' from the ground. Don't store old automobiles, boats, trailers, or other vehicles in your front yard. Keep landscaping tidy and in good repair. CPTED Security Handbook 9 Commercial Survey Ioi a neighloihood lo ienain heaIlhy, ils IocaI lusinesses nusl fIouiish, and foi lusinesses lo do veII, lhey nusl le safe pIaces lo fiequenl. Ieiceplions aloul lhe safely of lusiness aieas diieclIy inpacls lhe heaIlh of lhe connunily and ils aliIily lo piospei. Ialions vho feeI safe fion ciine in lusiness aieas viII le noie viIIing lo ieluin. usiness ovneis aie uiged lo spend appioxinaleIy an houi of lheii line lo conpIele lhis lusiness CITLD suivey. The suivey viII aIIov ovneis lo Iocale piolIens on lheii piopeily, idenlify possilIe slialegies foi fixing lhe piolIen, and uIlinaleIy effecl ciine and quaIily of Iife in OakIand. Notes: CPTED Security Handbook 10 Using the Commercial Survey In lhe suivey leIov, you viII find each of lhe foui CITLD slialegies Iisled vilh lheii piopei appIicalion. Suivey youi piopeily and conpaie il lo each of lhese design eIenenls, lhen iale lhe iesuIls in lhe space piovided. A NO ansvei suggesls lhal youi piopeily nay nol le CITLD-safe. In lhis case, considei nodifying youi piopeily lo salisfy lhe design eIenenl, oi seek noie diieclion fion lhe CITLD Slialegy Refeience poilion of lhis handlook. Present? Natural Surveillance YES NO Windows should face rear parking lots for increased visibility. Window signs should cover no more than 10 of window space. !nterior shelving and displays should be no higher than five feet for increased visibility. Exterior and parking lots should be well lit. Loading areas should not create hiding places. Clear visibility should be maintained from inside the business to the street, sidewalk and parking areas. All entrances should be under visual surveillance by employees. Non-working or unattended surveillance cameras should not be used. Exterior parking lot lighting should be free-standing and not mounted to a building. Present? Territorial Reinforcement YES NO Property lines and private areas should be defined with plantings, pavement treatments, short walls, or fences. Businesses should be identified by wall signs for those parking in the rear. Reception and cash register area should be positioned to screen all people entering. Parking areas should be clearly marked and separated from pedestrian walkways. Present? Access Control YES NO Walkways and landscaping should direct visitors to the proper entrance and away from private areas. Cash register should be located in front of store. No easy access to the roof. Exterior doors should be hinged on the inside and should have a single cylinder dead bolt lock with a minimum one-inch throw. All windows should have locks. Detached storage sheds or other buildings should be equipped with lockable windows and doors. Present? Maintenance YES NO Keep structure painted and in good repair. Keep weeds abated. Trim bushes to 36" high and trees up 7' from the ground. Keep all lighting fixtures in good operating condition. CPTED Security Handbook 11 CPTED Strategy Reference Natural Surveillance IIace Iighling in such a vay lhal il aIIovs peopIe lo le iecognized fion 25 avay. Avoid diiecling lhe Iighling so lhal il gIaies inlo youi eyes oi inlo lhe eyes of peisons passing ly on lhe sidevaIk oi slieel. CIaie nay pievenl you oi passeisly fion seeing and idenlifying visilois lo youi dooi. Tiy lo keep lhe Iighl a vhile coIoi lo aIIov visilois lo le lellei seen. Iiune shiuls lo no noie lhan 36 high and liees up 7 fion lhe giound. This aIIovs you lo nainlain lhe shade piovided ly liees and lhe cuil appeaI of shiulleiy, lul il aIso piovides a cIeai, unolsliucled viev. Il aIso pievenls ciininaIs fion easiIy hiding on youi piopeily. Leaving lhe vindov coveiings open on al Ieasl a fev fionl-facing vindovs cieales lhe peiceplion vilh peopIe passing ly lhal you aie valching and viII vilness any ciine lhal occuis lheie. Considei ienoving fences oi vaIIs lhal olsliucl youi viev of lhe slieel. If you canl see oul, lhen lhese aieas nay aIso piovide a ciininaI a good pIace lo hide neai youi house, Iay in vail foi you, oi conceaI lheii effoils lo lieak inlo youi hone oi lusiness. In a lusiness, naxinize naluiaI suiveiIIance ly keeping vindovs cIeai of posleis, signs and olhei olslacIes. Iionole eyes on lhe slieel concepl. y eIevaling lhe fionl counlei/cash iegislei aiea in a sloie, lhe cIeiks viII have giealei naluiaI suiveiIIance capaliIily lhioughoul lhe sloie. Territorial Reinforcement IIanl giass, fIoveis, oi olhei shiulleiy, oi inslaII shoil vaIIs, fences, oi olhei deIinealois lo cIeaiIy shov lhe Iine lelveen youi piopeily and pulIic piopeily such as lhe ioadvay, sidevaIk, oi olhei easenenl. This denonsliales lhal you aie iesponsilIe foi youi piopeily, unvanled visilois aie nol veIcone lheie, and you nay caII lhe poIice if a liespass occuis. A cIeaiIy defined slieel addiess aIIovs poIice and fiie seivices lo find you easiIy in an eneigency. Il aIso sends a nessage lo peopIe on lhe slieel lhal you aie laking iesponsiliIily foi lhe piopeily and have naiked il as youi ovn. IailicuIaiIy in lhe fionl yaid aiea, nainlaining youi Iandscaping lo piovide good access and visiliIily vilh youi neighlois cieales lhe inage of a cIose-knil connunily. Il suggesls neighlois viII piolecl each olhei if lhiealened ly a ciininaI. This can le done ly ienoving laII fences oi lushes and iepIacing lhen vilh a Iov piopeily Iine fence in lhe fionl yaid, a sliip of Iandscape edging, a pIanling of fIoveis, oi even a palh lhal connecls lhe piopeilies. Addiess nunleis on youi naiIlox nol onIy assisl lhe naiI caiiiei, lhey shov lhal you aie iesponsilIe foi lhe lox and lhe naiI conlained inside. Youi naiIlox shouId aIso le as cIose lo youi hone as possilIe in oidei lo ieinfoice il as leing youi piopeily and youi iesponsiliIily. Hovevei, do nol nove youi naiIlox fion ils cuiienl posilion vilhoul fiisl consuIling vilh lhe IocaI poslnaslei. CPTED Security Handbook 12 In offices, Iocale lhe ieceplion aiea so lhal peopIe have lo pass lhiough lhal aiea lo gain access lo olhei aieas of lhe luiIding. Iiopei signage on lusiness piopeily heIps send a cIeai nessage. LxanpIes such as Iiivale Iiopeily~No Tiespassing, Houis of Usage, Residenls OnIy, and No VehicIe Tiaffic leII a peison lhal soneone is nanaging lhe piopeily. Access Control Make ceilain lhe palh lo youi fionl dooi is cIeaiIy idenlifialIe. Il nusl Ieave no queslion aloul lhe piopei vay lo appioach youi hone. This aIIovs polenliaI ciininaIs vho donl appioach piopeiIy lo le noie easiIy noliced. Make suie aII exleiioi doois aie soIid-coie and aie secuied ly al Ieasl one deadloIl vilh a nininun 1 lhiov. This heIps lo keep lhe dooi fion leing piied oi kicked open. This is especiaIIy inpoilanl vilh inleiioi gaiage doois oi olhei doois vheie lhe ciininaI is hidden fion viev. Keeping lhe dooi Iocks al Ieasl 4O fion vindovs pievenls ciininaIs fion lieaking lhe vindov, ieaching lhiough lhe hoIe, and unIocking lhe dooi lo gel inside you hone. AII vindovs and sIiding doois in youi hone shouId have Iocks lo keep lhen fion leing pushed open fion lhe oulside. In sloies, enliances foi lhe pulIic shouId le Iiniled and visilIe lo enpIoyees. They shouId aIso le veII naiked and have appiopiiale Iighling. DiieclionaI signage, ioadvay oi paiking Iol naikings and use of olhei devices give guidance lo peopIe using lhe Iocalion. These devices aIIov enpIoyees al lhe piopeily lo olseive lhose peopIe vho aie nol oleying lhe iuIes, vhich nighl pievenl ciininaI aclivily. Maintenance Keeping youi hone oi lusiness painled, cIean, and iepaiied sends lhe nessage lhal you aie laking iesponsiliIily foi youi piopeily and viII caII lhe poIice in lhe evenl of suspicious oi ciininaI aclivily. The sloiage of vehicIes in youi fionl yaid foi Iong peiiods of line cieales seveiaI piolIens. Il piesenls a laigel foi polenliaI cai lhieves oi vehicIe luigIais. Il cieales pIaces foi liespasseis oi ciininaIs lo hide. Il nay aIso cieale lhe inage lhal lhe vehicIes aie alandoned and uncaied-foi, and no iesponsilIe peison is piesenl lo caII poIice. Keeping ouldooi Iighling in good voiking condilion aIIovs foi lellei naluiaI suiveiIIance and heIps pievenl ciininaI aclivily on youi piopeily. CPTED Security Handbook 13 Lighting Lighling ly ilseIf does nol pievenl ciine. Lighling piovides lhe oppoilunily foi choice, lhe choice lo vaIk foivaid lecause you can see cIeaiIy lhal lhe palh is cIeai and fiee of dangei. If lhe usei can see a polenliaI dangei (a peison hiding, a gioup of nislehaving kids al lhe coinei), lhey nay choose lo vaIk a diffeienl vay. Hovevei, Iighling can iIIuninale a laigel foi a ciininaI as easiIy as il aIIovs a Iegilinale usei lo see a polenliaI lhieal oi ciininaI. Ioi lhis ieason, Iighling nusl le appIied piopeiIy. UnIess you have naluiaI suiveiIIance of an aiea, Iighling nay nol aIvays pievenl ciine. In facl, good Iighling vilhoul suiveiIIance nay acluaIIy encouiage ciininaI aclivily. Lighling is a poveifuI looI lhal nanagenenl and iesidenls can use lo conlioI and ieduce lhe feai and oppoilunily of ciine. Goals of lighting Security lighting should be Lneigy efficienl (used consislenlIy) Non-lanpeialIe (use speciaI scievs) ieak-iesislanl Iens (IoIycailonale-Lexan) Building lighting should IIIuninale luiIding nunleis IIIuninale luiIding accesses IIIuninale fionl and lack aieas IIIuninale poich Iighls undei conlioI of luiIding, nol apailnenl usei. IIIuninale lhe coineis as veII as vaIIs. Grounds lighting should Iiovide a cone of Iighl dovnvaid lo vaIkvays, piefeialIy fion lhe side. Iiovide a IeveI of Iighling lelveen luiIdings lo dislinguish foins and novenenl. Common types of outdoor lighting fixtures Lneigy-efficienl Iighling fixluies heIp you cul youi eIecliic liII. AddilionaIIy, nosl pioducls aie easy lo inslaII lecause nany nodeIs cone pie-viied and pie-assenlIed. Lach slyIe cones vilh a Ianp and you can aIso choose lo add a pholoceII on sone designs. CPTED Security Handbook 1+ High Pressure Sodium HeinelicaIIy seaIed, lhis high-piessuie sodiun Ianp offeis 24,OOO houis of dependalIe Iife. uiIl foi ouldooi uses, il alsoils vind and vilialion, is insuIaled againsl high voIlage puIses and has nininaI fieezing oi iusling in lhe sockel. CIeai oi coaled. (Ioi use in high piessuie sodiun fixluies onIy.) Dusk-To-Dawn High-Pressure Sodium 15O vall YeIIov Iighl High-Pressure Sodium Flood 15O vall YeIIov Iighl High-Pressure Sodium Wall Light 7O vall YeIIov Iighl Quartz Light Metal Halide 5OO vall iiIIianl vhile Iighl Incandescent Bulbs Supiene incandescenl luIls aie ialed lo Iasl 5OOO houis conpaied lo 75O houis foi ieguIai luIls. CooIei luin vilh 85 Iongei Ianp Iife. Wilhslands voIlage fIuclualions, and ils liass lase offeis ieduced sockel fieezing. Iiosled oi cIeai avaiIalIe. 4O, 6O, 1OO vall vaiielies. While Iighl Incandescent Flood Light One-piece vealheipioof consliuclion vilh a liass lase lo ieduce sockel fieezing. CooIei luin. While Iighl Fluorescent Tubes Casl cooI, liighl, econonicaI Iighl indoois. Pictured: Circular, one of the many fluorescent tubes available. While Iighl Color rendering Anolhei key peifoinance chaiacleiislic, cc|cr rcndcring, is lhe aliIily of a Iighl souice lo iepiesenl coIois in oljecls. This is inpoilanl foi naluiaI suiveiIIance CPTED Security Handbook 15 consideialions, lecause diffeienl lypes of Iighling cause coIois lo appeai diffeienlIy al nighl. Ioi exanpIe, a ciininaI veaiing a vhile svealei and giay svealpanls undei a high-piessuie sodiun Iighl vouId Iook Iike he vas veaiing a lan svealsuil. CoIoi iendeiing and lhe pIanned Iocalion foi secuiily Iighling nusl aIvays le consideied lefoie lhe finaI inslaIIalion of a Iighl fixluie. Purposes of security lighting Reduce ciines Reduce liespasseis Reduce conceaInenl Incieases secuiily Incieases confidence Inciease leiiiloiiaIily Inciease suiveiIIance Proper use of various lights MelaI HaIide: Reciealion aieas, paiking Iols High Iiessuie Sodiun: Iaiking Iols, connon aieas IIuoiescenl: Coveied paiking, poich Iighls, vaIk palhs Incandescenl: Ioich Iighls, inside unils Lov Iiessuie Sodiun: Dunpsleis, nainlenance shops Lighting terminology Iool CandIe: LquaIs Iighl fion one candIe al one fool avay Lux: Luiopean scaIe foi fool candIe Lunen: Quanlily of Iighl fion souice Wall: Anounl of eneigy consuned Life: Nunlei of houis luIl viII Iasl Light and lamp comparison WhiIe nany Ianps viII offei vaiying degiees of efficiency and effecliveness, lhis is a geneiaI guide lo discuss advanlages and disadvanlages vilh ceilain Ianps. Conlacl a piofessionaI Iighling consuIlanl if you have any queslions. Type DescriptionJUse Incandescenl Lov iniliaI cosl High opeialing cosl Lov efficiency Shoil luIl Iife Cood coIoi iendeiing IIuoiescenl Modeiale iniliaI cosl Modeiale opeialing cosl Modeiale efficiency Modeiale luIl Iife Iooi lo good coIoi iendeiing (depends on phosphoious in lule) High !ntensity Dischaige (MelaI HaIide & High Pressure Sodium) High iniliaI cosl Lov opeialing cosl High efficiency CPTED Security Handbook 16 Long luIl Iife Cood lo exceIIenl coIoi iendeiing MelaI HaIide: LxceIIenl High Iiessuie Sodiun: Cood Lov Iiessuie Sodiun Mosl efficienl of aII lypes Iooiesl coIoi iendeiing of aII lypes CPTED Security Handbook 17