cpa to make money

Push Button 1.0 So what is this all about? What does it mean to have something as a push button? Well in its simplest terms it means you push a button and you get paid. Normally in Internet Marketing terms this is usually referred to as a negative. People are so tired of not making money online. People are so tired of being promised the world and never making things happen. We all want the dream. That is why you are reading this. To possible find some way to make money. That is what it is all about isn’t it? Sure you want freedom and spend more time with the people you care about. That is the end goal. But to get there you need money. It sucks but that is how the world works. You need money to do things. A problem solved by money is not a problem anymore. So you have this product. This is going to be some flavor of the day bullshit right? This is going to be one of the 4 or 5 products you buy in a month and leave on your hard drive right? No. Today you find one piece of the puzzle that actually makes you money. And here is why.


make money,cpa,money,dollars,ppc,social networks

Transcript of cpa to make money

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Push Button 1.0

So what is this all about?

What does it mean to have something as a push button? Well in its simplest

terms it means you push a button and you get paid. Normally in Internet

Marketing terms this is usually referred to as a negative. People are so tired

of not making money online. People are so tired of being promised the

world and never making things happen.

We all want the dream. That is why you are reading this. To possible find

some way to make money. That is what it is all about isn’t it? Sure you

want freedom and spend more time with the people you care about. That is

the end goal. But to get there you need money. It sucks but that is how the

world works. You need money to do things. A problem solved by money is

not a problem anymore.

So you have this product. This is going to be some flavor of the day bullshit

right? This is going to be one of the 4 or 5 products you buy in a month and

leave on your hard drive right? No.

Today you find one piece of the puzzle that actually makes you money. And

here is why.

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The reason why is because with this new medium you get paid for a click.

That is the simplest way to get paid. There is no debating that. What is the

most difficult thing for you to do online? The most difficult thing for you to

do is get someone to pull out their wallet. That is a fact. People don’t wake

up in the morning and say to themselves wow I really want to give YOU

money. No one thinks about that. People want to keep their money. Make

sense? Sure it does.

We have all heard the stories of people making it big with CPA (cost per

action) marketing. Hell I have made well over six figures in CPA. But the

“game” is not an easy one for most people. There is difficulty getting into

the networks. Which offer do you choose? A lot of people lose a lot of

money trying to make the game work. Only to give up frustrated.

Here is one thing that is true about people (not marketers necessarily) but

regular people. They are click happy. They love to click but they don’t

necessarily love to pay. Ok so I have established a point you can clearly

agree with. You can agree that there are literally trillions of clicks on the

Internet every day. In a sense most people are just mindless zombies that

are on the computer every day clicking away waiting to die basically. Now

you take advantage of the masses so that so you can live a little.

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Well now you take advantage of this click happy world. See you don’t care

if someone buys. You don’t care if someone wants to put in their email or

zip code or any of that. All of the hesitation and reasons that people don’t

want to do whatever it is you want them to do online is gone with this


People are more than happy to click. They just aren’t happy to


A lot of people try and make money with adsense (This course is not

adsense). Some make money. Some make a LOT of money. But… the vast

majority don’t make squat.

Now you are going to be part of something in its infancy. This is the birth

of what is the new model in cpa. Getting paid for clicks. There is nothing

simpler than that. Get someone to click a link. And you get paid. If you

can’t get someone to click a link I’m sorry Internet Marketing is just not for

you. It just isn’t. I am so proud of this product because I know for those

that have never made money before, they now get a chance to experience

what I experience. The rush of getting paid online. There is nothing

sweeter (well maybe one thing).

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Now if you don’t have a website how will you get people to click? You get

them to click using social media. And there are a ton of ways. I will give

you several. But truly the possibilities are endless. The whole world is on

social media. Not everyone is on email lists. Not everyone is buying stuff on

Amazon. But everyone is on some form of social media. Yes your 96 year

old grandmother in the hospital is not on social media. Yes I know.

Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Literally billions of people as

you know are on social media. Basically the whole world. – Yeah ok I get it

everyone is on social media but I need a click! My friend has no arms for

example! How will they click?! Get them to use their nose. I don’t care.

Don’t be foolish and do not discount this. Open your mind for half a second

and put your piece of pizza down and turn off the television. I know you are

jaded. I get it. I know you have tried everything out there. Believe me I

know. But just grasp this. Getting paid for a click. There is nothing easier.

So the tool I have for you is called Socibuzz.

The site has just been released and is simply revolutionary.

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So here is what you will do.

You will click sign up in the upper right hand corner.

Put in your information

Then fill out your profile

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Now you can be a publisher or advertiser. This product is going to talk

about being a publisher. Meaning you get paid when people click on the

choices of CPA ads that you have within this platform. You can also be an

advertiser where you get the publishers to put out your ads.

Make sure you put in your PayPal address. That is how you get paid.

When you click on the “Account” Tab you will notice something. It is the

publisher rate. This means how much are you getting paid from the

advertiser. Meaning if the advertiser would pay out 50 cents a click (U.S.

funds) you would get 25 cents.

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This is extremely important. The first thing you need to do is in the account

settings tab you need to connect all of the different social media platforms.

This platform will continue to add more in the coming weeks. You need to

do all of them. Why? Because your percentage of what you get paid on any

one platform goes up with each of the others that you sign up on. With

every account set up you get 70% of the possible commissions. You get 70

% of what the advertiser will pay and socibuzz gets the 30%. So make sure

if you don’t have one of these accounts (linked in for example) even if you

don’t use them take the few minutes to sign up so that your percentage is

upped. If not you are not getting the money you deserve.

I created a new account to show you the original settings per below.

All you do is click connect and put in your login details. This ups your

percentage and allows the “push button” action to take place. See they

work with the “api’s” of the different platforms and can let you post to each

of them through their portal.

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Probably the first thing people want to know is when do they get paid and

what is the payment minimum. That is the great thing. Your minimum that

you have to make to get paid is $1. That is freaking awesome. For most

CPA networks it is much, much higher than that. You are paid out weekly

directly into your PayPal.

Just to put it in terms that are simple. Everyone has a Facebook and Twitter

account. Come on are you telling me you don’t? I don’t believe you. Ok

even if you don’t go get one. If you posted one of these links in Facebook

and you clicked on it immediately yourself you would see the payment

amount in your account. It works that fast. The reporting works, it is

simple, and they pay.

The average (Non-power user) is earning between 50 – 100 dollars per

month on SociBuzz. That is for those that are on the bottom of the scale.

That is actually quite impressive. Sure there are many that make a lot more

but I don’t want to promise that you will make thousands each month. I

want to promise that you make something. But the fact is people are doing

it. I talked to my rep at Neverblue (A respected affiliate network) and over

95 % of people don’t make any money AT ALL. And that is a top network.

Some might argue the best. That is what you normally deal with in a cpa

network. With Socibuzz like I said anyone and everyone can and will get

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paid. Are you excited yet? If you haven’t made money yet online this is so

freaking awesome for you.

And here is the wonderful part. This site is in beta. Very few people know

about this site in the grand scheme of things. You are the first. Now of

course everyone that buys this clearly knew about it already. Sure you did.

And sure you have set it up and sure you have been there done that.

Even with this guarantee and simplicity many buyers will again simply not

take action. That is just reality. I feel sorry for those people. But with

social media being the tool for this and with the ability to be paid with

clicks there can be no saturation. This is wide open so easy and so fun.

Unbelievable. It is absolute genius. It just blows me away. Do you like

getting blown?

Now how do the advertisers make money? You know what? Honestly I

don’t care. But the respectable answer is that they know their metrics.

They know that with so many clicks they will get so many sales. You can get

paid over 30 cents a click. For a click ! That being clear you put yourself at

70 % like I said. Some offers are cheaper. It is like any cpa network. There

will be new advertisers that come on and some that drop off.

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The fact is, this is a brand new source of income for you and you should be

ecstatic to get in on something like this at the ground floor.

When I originally saw one of the ads it got me excited.

I know the person behind the person on this (Let’s just leave it at that) and

let me just say they know what they are doing. So when I originally saw

them involved with this platform I knew this would be sweet. But I digress.

So once you have set up all of your social media you go to the publisher

opportunities. Look at all of them. Pick which one / ones you want to


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Like any cpa network there are some with geo targeting and some that are

not. If it says worldwide it means you get paid no matter where the person

is from (impressive and rare). It may say Canada / U.S. It just depends.

Pick the one you want and click on “promote”

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You see a choose network. Some want Facebook traffic. Some want

Twitter. Some want certain networks and some want others.

So as you see for this offer they have 5 choices. If I want to post directly to

my Twitter I click on the word Twitter. It is so ridiculously simple. So you

do that and then it lets you choose what you want the post to be. There is

so little thought to this. My in-laws could seriously do that. And I am not

joking. Even they could do it. You could promote this many times a day for

example to Twitter if you wanted too. You are not going to saturate Twitter.

So you pick one.

Click the one you want and put post to Twitter (I am using Twitter as an

example. The same goes for all of the social media platforms). Now

obviously if you are doing this directly from this site to your Twitter you

would have needed to connect your Twitter account.

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You then see this (For the add I chose)

You can click on view tweet. You actually see your tweet on Twitter.

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And that is it done. It is the same premise for the others. Now first of all

know that since they have the api they know where the traffic is coming

from. Don’t email this bitly link for example. They realize that it is not

from twitter and you don’t get your money.

Now you can get very creative with this.

So let’s say I make that tweet and I didn’t like the ad. All that is important

to me is the url . .

If you happened to click on this link right now it would say OOPS ! Socibuzz

only accepts traffic from referrals. Meaning Twitter in this case. Or

whatever platform you chose. But with that being said. With me knowing

that URL I can use that to have a major advantage to get more clicks.

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What if I didn’t like the ad? I can change the ad up to say something more

effective or to whatever I want it too. And then put in that URL. I then go

into Twitter itself (outside of Socibuzz) and put in my own tweet with that

same URL. And I get paid.

But don’t even stop there. “But wait there’s more”. You can go to fan pages

and Facebook groups for example that are getting tons of views. For

example you go to a page for a music artist that has millions of people that

like their page. You put a comment on there. Whatever it is that you want.

Tie it to the appropriate ad and you get clicks. You are getting in front of

millions of people. All they need to do is click.

Now with social media there are so many ways for you to get people on your

accounts. For example on Twitter simply following people and they follow

you back. Facebook. Join relevant groups to the CPA ads and add those

people. Join groups on Linked in etc. You should be building your social

presence every day and getting more and more connections. If this concept

is new to you then you better learn this quick. Social is where it is at and

where it is staying. This is not just important for this product but for any

Internet Marketing venture in general. You have to start increasing your

reach and presence on social media. It is not just about your friends and

family. That should be 1 percent or less of your connections. If you don’t

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want to do this to your personal accounts then fine. You should really have

separate accounts for making money online anyway.

The possibilities are ENDLESS. Get people to click on any link to the

billions of people you have access to add as a contact on one of many social

media platforms. Your head should just be spinning right now.

“So the truth is, when you are looking for a social media marketing

company to work with – no other company is going to beat!”

I have not found a simpler way to make money online. Anyone can do this.

You have an endless amount of scalability and it is the easiest form of CPA

that is out there. I am thrilled to provide this information to you. Don’t give

up, take action and make money.

James Renouf