Cpa Emperor Hyper

CPA Emperor- “Rule On Your CPA Network” By: Peter Bernaeyge and Samrath Gupta © 2011 CPA Emperor, All rights reserved worldwide CPA Emperor | Page : 1


Extremely Valuable CPA Tricks

Transcript of Cpa Emperor Hyper

CPA Emperor- “Rule On Your CPA Network”By: Peter Bernaeyge

andSamrath Gupta© 2011 CPA Emperor, All rights reserved worldwide CPA Emperor | Page : 1

Disclaimer/Legal NoticeThis publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this Guide to anyone else. If you received this publication from anyone other than, you've received a pirated copy. Please contact us via e-mail at support at and notify us of the situation.

Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms. CPA Emperor | Page : 2

CPA Emperor The Beginning

First of all thanks for buying “CPA Emperor”. You made a life changing decision when you bought CPA Emperor because this is not any ordinary report which you read and delete. After completely reading this ebook you will put your hands on your head and will think why this never banged my mind.

This method has nothing related with adwords, facebook ads, PPV, PPC, Or any other Paid as well as hard working methods, etc. The method I am about to reveal will totally stun you.

In order to rule your CPA network all you need to do is just follow the methods I present to you and you will start watching money rolling in within days.

In this report I will cover the topic of how to get accepted into CPA networks, how to talk with your Affiliate Manager (AM), etc.

Now without wasting another second let me take you direct to the topic…………….

What Is A CPA CPA Emperor | Page : 3

CPA, or cost per action, is one of the hottest ways to make money on the internet today - and surprisingly many internet marketers have never even heard of it.

The action that you get paid for is for your site visitor to fill out a form with some personal details, usually an e-mail address or zip code, and submit it.

That's all! No pre-selling, no refunds, no long sales pitches or any of the hundreds of other traditional affiliate marketing woes to worry about.

When done correctly, CPA is one of the simplest ways to monetize a website.

What Is A CPA Network

A CPA network is what makes all of this possible. CPA networks bring advertisers and publishers together and act as a sort of middle-man, Getting both sides and making sure that the publishers get paid for their efforts.

On one side, the advertiser provides an offer, say for car insurance, some marketing materials, and then pays the network a commission for making it available to the CPA affiliates.

On the other side, these affiliates market the products via their websites, drive traffic to the sites and generate sales leads. The sweet bit is that, whether the customer actually buys the product, or not, the CPA affiliate still gets paid simply for generating the signup. CPA Emperor | Page : 4

From a customers perspective its always less of a consideration to part with information than money, and so you find that sign up rates for a CPA network, as opposed to a more traditional affiliate network are significantly higher - meaning more money for you, the CPA affiliate

A good choice of CPA network can often be the difference between good sales and great ones. Most CPA networks have a team of affiliate managers who will vet prospective affiliates, but once accepted there are great riches to be reaped.

Since each CPA network also offers different promotions its often worth signing up with more than one.

Advantages Of CPA

There are many online business models that are highly profitable, but they have existed very much in the background due to the fuss that has surrounded Google AdSense, Google AdWords and traditional affiliate marketing.

CPA is certainly one of these “hidden treasures” … Until now, that is!

The fact of the matter is: providing leads (potential customers) is much easier than selling products. It is far, far more profitable than other online advertising models. And generally speaking, CPA can be used with the vast majority of websites. CPA Emperor | Page : 5

In truth, CPA is where the big dollars change hands, because the large companies will spend millions to get new customers, and there are a lot of big players in this game.

More and more online marketers are discovering the highly advantageous nature of the CPA system. Indeed, for the direct response advertiser in particular, CPA is now considered to be the optimum method of buying and selling online advertising.

Firstly, what makes promoting CPA offers so attractive is that the user generally doesn’t have to buy anything. Instead, they’re just required to enter their personal information, and once they complete the lead, YOU earn commission.

Secondly, the advertiser themselves ONLY pays for the ad when an action has occurred, whereas previously they may have been paying for newspaper ads or Google AdWords clicks – both upfront costs to the advertiser...

This means that advertising revenue is never wasted. In fact, every cent the advertiser spends achieves the desired result, whether that’s a form being filled in or a visitor signing up for a free newsletter, for example. In essence, the money that an advertiser spends has a guaranteed success rate, and how many marketers get to say that?!

I know I can…

Meanwhile, the payouts are significantly higher for publishers (affiliates) because of the more demanding tasks being performed. CPA Emperor | Page : 6

As a result, the potential for income that CPA links possess far exceeds that of AdSense. And consider this…

There are MANY companies out there prepared to pay YOU an awful lot of money for providing clicks and leads for them!

Another significant advantage of CPA over other models is that it drastically reduces the potential for click-fraud.

Click fraud occurs in pay-per-click online advertising when a person, or automated computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating an improper charge per click.

In a cost-per-click model, advertisers and traffic partners both have an incentive to engage in click fraud… The advertisers to deplete their competitor’s advertising funds (i.e. someone from ABC Printing clicking an ad for XYZ Printing,

Just because they know that XYZ will be charged for the click), and publishing partners to increase revenue due to paid clicks (i.e. clicking on an ad that you’ve placed on your own site because you know you’ll make money from the click).

However, the CPA model reduces click fraud significantly…

As we discussed, payments are based on a user clicking on an ad and then performing a specified action...

CPA eliminates click-fraud by removing the incentive to click on listings, since there is no charge to advertisers and no revenue shared with traffic partners for clicks! CPA Emperor | Page : 7

Instead, in a CPA model, the incentive is for the most relevant and useful results to be presented to users, since the publisher only receives revenue from the advertiser in the event of a successful sale, or other advertiser-defined action taken by the visitor.

Therefore, while not impossible to manipulate, the CPA model is harder to abuse than one that pays publishers for clicks alone.

Getting Accepted into the CPA NetworksOver the last 15 months I’ve been able to test out many of the CPA networks, but one of them stands out above the rest in terms of payment, volume and customer service.

They’re called The Web Gem Network (Double Play Media Inc.), and I suggest that you sign up with them right away. I recommend you to take Sam Young as your Affiliate Manager since he is a very nice and friendly guy. Talking with him you will feel like you are chatting with a friend of your’s.

The main reason for choosing The Web Gem Network is that they have many offers and especially they accept most of the traffic types like email, banner, etc…..

Most of the Networks don’t accept people who are Email marketers but Web Gem takes them. Even the AM’s of Web Gem are very supportive and available to help you by any means.. CPA Emperor | Page : 8

Here is a list of some of the top CPA Networks just to get you started. If you ever feel you need more then the 7 or so listed below. Simply do a google search for cpa network and it should bring up a list of thousands for you.

Just be careful some are better then others in terms of payouts. So do your research before committing to any of the networks not mentioned Below:

Now then, how do you get accepted?

Well, when applying to any CPA network, you need to avoid looking like a beginner, even if you are one! Generally speaking, CPA networks DO NOT want these sorts of people because their potential for earning money for the network is lower.

As a result, you need to look (and sound) like an experienced veteran!

Many of the CPA networks require you to enter a website, so I’d recommend setting up your own professional looking ‘business’ website and email address, as this will help you get accepted.

The first thing you need in order to create your own website is a host provider. I normally go with As a valued customer of CPA Emperor I was able to negotiate with dream host CPA Emperor | Page : 9

partners. To allow the purchasers of CPA Emperor a discount on a year of hosting. As well as a free domain name. All you would need to do is enter in the promo code CPAEMPEROR.

A good example for the website itself is an affiliate blog, so I’d suggest that you create a free blog at or and write a few posts on affiliate marketing, specifically geared towards the CPA industry if you can.

This will help your chances of being accepted by the networks because, in a nutshell, it will make you look like you know what you’re doing!

Also, make sure you choose a respectable email address with your business domain. DON’T use one of the free email providers such as Hotmail or Gmail as the CPA networks are unlikely to take you seriously if you don’t even take the time to get the basics right.

A good email account would be something like this:Yourfirstname@[yoursite].com or Manager@[yoursite].com

Some CPA networks will call you upon registration and enquire as to whether you’re suitable (more on this later). They will want semi-new affiliates, so tell them that your Internet marketing experience is 2 years or more. They don’t want a ‘greenhorn’ marketers whose naivety and newbie tactics will reflect badly on the company.

They might also ask you what offers you intend to promote…

The answer I normally give is “anything that converts!” Then I elaborate on the programs and products that I’ve promoted in the past: CPA Emperor | Page : 10

Commission Junction, ClickBank, Paydotcom and eBay, for example, as well as any other CPA networks I’ve used.

So then, now that you have a professional looking website and email address, don’t let yourself down when it comes to answering the phone!

This needs to be done in a professional manner as well, so when (or if) the CPA network calls, make sure you answer it in a professional manner, giving your full name, and business name. Also, record a business-like voicemail message in case you miss the call.

Remember, you need to treat this like a business. CPA networks are like your suppliers; at the very least, they want to speak to you before they take you on, so that they can verify your business and your methods.

Once you’ve done all of this, be sure to call the CPA network that you applied to the next business day. This will demonstrate that you’re a proactive affiliate who’s eager to get started.

Most CPA networks have to sift through many applications and they can be backlogged for weeks. However, calling them up can get your application to the front of the queue and you might even be approved on the spot.

If you are not a US resident, make sure you add the following in the description:

Your sites are 100% US based and generate 100% US traffic (CPA networks are wary of non-US affiliates). CPA Emperor | Page : 11

I would also suggest that you avoid mentioning email marketing. Tell them that you intend to use PPC marketing and media buying as your medium.

Some CPA networks have had difficulty governing email marketing with affiliates who are outside (and inside) the USA.

When trying to gain acceptance with CPA networks, I’d advise that you use the Following pointers, as they will demonstrate experience and knowledge of the field:

• You are a professional Pay-Per-Click marketer with 2 or more years of experience, specializing in 1st tier search engine marketing.

• You are highly experienced in retail affiliate marketing for cost-per-sale items and have knowledge in the co-registration industry, including path marketing, can-spam compliance, and email drops.

• You are currently working with a programmer that specializes in the development of applications for large social networking sites.

• You've been involved in media buying in the international email submission categories with companies such as social media and Zohark.

If you’re on the phone with the CPA network representative, make sure you rehearse this first, and ideally, research what it all means!

Here are some questions that CPA Network representatives may ask you, so prepare some answers beforehand…

Q: How many unique visitors do you get per month? A: 50,000 – 100,000. CPA Emperor | Page : 12

Q: How do you get traffic? A: I build blogs and web pages and I obtain traffic through PPC on Google.

Q: How long have you been doing Internet Marketing? A: A year and a half. Q: What has worked for you in the past? A: Only PPC. Q: What vertical/category/kind of offer do you want to promote, or have promoted in the past? A: Anything that converts. I’ve done gaming, freebies, health, ringtones, email submit, etc… Q: Do you have incentive offers on your website? A: No Q: How much do you spend on advertising? A: $100 per day

Q: Are you with any other affiliate companies? A: Yes, name any that you have been accepted on, or name any random ones.

Q: How did you hear about us? A: My friend told me, but he doesn’t work with you.

Answer all of these questions satisfactorily and follow the guidelines above and you should be accepted into most CPA networks.

Once you’ve been accepted into a CPA network, you’ll be assigned a dedicated affiliate manager to your account! Great hey?! CPA Emperor | Page : 13

What Is An Affiliate Manager?

The role of your affiliate manager is to work with you in order to bring more traffic to the CPA network.

The likelihood is that you’ll be working with your affiliate manager throughout your time with that particular network, so it’s vital that you try to build a good rapport and working relationship with them.

Another reason why you should do this is that your affiliate manager will be privy to special deals and better payouts, so you can always negotiate with them for a higher payout on the CPA offers.

Also, your affiliate manager can quickly indicate to you what CPA offers are performing well on the network and for what forms of traffic, such as natural SEO, email or pay per click traffic.

You also have to remember that your affiliate manager will be keen to make YOU money, because the amount of money they make is ultimately dependent on how successful their clients are, so the better you perform, the higher their commissions.

As a result, your affiliate manager will be keen to support you and tell you what CPA offers are performing best on their respective network.

Which CPA Offers To Choose CPA Emperor | Page : 14

There are many different sorts of CPA offers that you can promote…

Some require leads to fill in long forms, entering their name, address, email, and credit card information (if they’re purchasing a product). Others may just require an email address or a zip code.

As you can probably appreciate, the longer forms generate more money as they’re obtaining more information from the customer, but the shorter forms (email only) are more easily attainable. (More info is going to convert less, so it costs more and vice versa.)

There are also paid/sale offers where you can get the visitors to sign up for trial offers and products, while other offers allow you to incentivize your traffic by offering the lead a free gift or a bonus item in exchange for some of their information.

Here are the most common offers:

• Zip/email submissions (One field) • Short forms (3-4 fields) • Long forms (More than 4 fields) • 2 page (2 pages of fields) • Sales based (Surf the site, make a purchase etc)

I usually go for zip code or email submissions, as these are the easiest to convert. They will normally pay around $1 - $2, which is very good, when you think how little the lead needs to do in order for you to make money. CPA Emperor | Page : 15

Here’s an example of a zip code submission offer:

How simple as that?!

Think about it for a minute… There will be tons of parents, students and home-owners who will happily enter their zip code to see if they qualify for a free washer and dryer.

Imagine having 1,000 people visit this freebie offer, and it coverts at, say, 20% (meaning that 20% of those visitors submitted their information). So a total of 200 visitors have entered their zip code. CPA Emperor | Page : 16

Let’s say the offer pays you $1.00 per lead. That’s $200 in the bank!

Now, let’s have a look at the sales based offer…

Imagine that you’ve sent the same 1,000 visitors to your offer and the landing page has converted at 20% again, meaning that 200 visitors have entered their email address…

The problem now, with a sales-based offer, is that you need some of these visitors to purchase the product in order for you to make money. So let’s say that 1% of that traffic actually buys the product (priced at an average $49.95)…

Well this is only 2 sales, which means you only earn $99.90.

So which offer would you prefer to promote: the free offer, or the one that requires a purchase?

Exactly! The offer that only requires the lead to provide their email address! It’s much easier, and there’s also less competition…

When choosing your offer it needs to be targeted towards the traffic you’re getting, as this will obviously aid conversions.

Time To Make Money

The Concept is very simple so let’s start by laying it out step by step CPA Emperor | Page : 17

1. Reach out to targeted website/blog owners2. Pitch them the deal3. Sit back home and enjoy the massive profit surges rolling onto

your bank account while you do NOTHING!!

Now what does all this mean?

Let’s detail each part of the process……….

1- Reach out to targeted website/blog owners

Here you are simply going to search out for targeted blogs or websites with your CPA offer’s niche. For example I am choosing a offer which is related to “Mortgage Assistance”

So in order to promote offers related to this niche we need to find blogs and websites owners who’s site is totally based on this niche.

Now we need to come up with keywords related to “Mortgage Assistance”. We can use keywords like- cheap refinance, free mortgage quotes, stop foreclosure, foreclosure help, stop foreclosure tips, etc

Open an excel sheet or word document because we need to save some data’s and we can’t lose them.

Go to and search for keyword “stop foreclosure tips” CPA Emperor | Page : 18

You will see many results like this. Now you have to go through every website on which you think you can run your offer.

When you open a website and see that it is like a blog you feel that you can advertise your CPA offer there then search for a contact page or see where you can contact the Website Owner, Admin or webmaster.

*Note- You have to search for the top 10 pages for the same keyword and take as much info you can making sure to open every website.

In some cases it happens there is no way to contact the website owner other then a form or something. In this case you can use or

Just type the website name in the search box and it will return back with the website owner details like his phone number, email address, etc CPA Emperor | Page : 19

The information will be something like this

Now open your Spreadsheet and make columns like the one in image CPA Emperor | Page : 20

You have to fill the website details in the spreadsheet As I have shown above…..

Summary of Step 1What we actually did was picked one CPA offer and founded targeted website/blog owners on whom we can promote the CPA offers to targeted clients. We have till now collected the website/blog owners contact details.

Points To Remember• To gain more results use Yahoo and Bing also.• Go through top 10 results of search engines• To gain ultimate success try and come up with more and more

keywords related to your CPA offer.• Remember to take email and phone number of the website owner

from his website or

2- Pitch them the deal CPA Emperor | Page : 21

Yes, Now what we are going to do is to pitch the deal to website / blog owners. We will ask them to place the CPA offers and when someone registers through the banner or link from their site. Which we will then pay them like this you get paid $1.50 for each lead you can pay them like $1

The reason behind paying them more then you is because if you will pay them more they will be interested in working with you and hey YOU are not doing any work so still you are making money for FREE ;)

Now let’s come to pitching them the deal. After getting the contact details of website and blog owners we will now drop them a email

It’s a demo email which you can use and I recommend you to make some mods in it to make it look more professional

Hello There,

How are you? My name is $YOUR NAME$ and I am a media buyer. I stumbled across your website and saw that we can have great business opportunities and make some money together. As I saw that your blog or website is based on $NICHE NAME$ and I would like to advertise few of my campaigns on your website. However due to click frauds and all I work on Cost Per Action basis. I have a budget of $5000 a month and If things worked well then we can go more far.

I payout every month on a NET 30 basis with possibilities of quicker payouts/wires/paypal etc with good performance.

Currently I have a campaign which I would like to promote through your website and I am willing to pay $1 for each signup. Yes, the visitor doesn’t needs to buy something or use his CC. I will pay you once a visitor enters his email or zip address.

If you are interested in working with me or interested in knowing more then you can contact me from my below given contact details. CPA Emperor | Page : 22

Looking Forward To Have Some Business Going With You.

Best RegardsYOUR NAMEPHONE NUMBER( If you want )SKYPE( If you want but doing so will be good)YOUR EMAIL ID( must give )

Some Questions might be coming to your mind. I’ve answered them here below:

Q1- Why we are targeting blog owners and websites?Ans- because by placing banners / texts on targeted site you will get more conversions.

Q2- Wouldn't a website owner know about CPA?Ans- Maybe but very few people know about CPA and getting a CPA account it is not childs play.Everybody cant have a CPA account.

Q3- How I will track earnings of each website?Ans- Its simple. Assign a Unique SUB ID to every website owner to track their earnings. If you want to know more about this SUB ID you can then contact your Affiliate Manager and learn more about it.

Summary of step 2

Ok in this step we contacted website owners who were in our list and made a JV (Joint Venture) with them to run our CPA offers to their site. CPA Emperor | Page : 23

**Points to remember

1- Get a new Gmail or if possible your own domain name. It will help gain credibility.

2- Don’t use any email like partyanimal22@provider or letsplaychess67{@}

3- When you hear back from site owner be polite and keep things via email if possible. This way if the website owners asks you any question you can reply him after getting its answer ;)

4- Remember to update the DEMO letter with correct details…5- REMEMBER to keep things clear like- Payment terms, Pay rates,

Payment method, etc

3- Sit back home and enjoy the massive profit surges rolling onto your bank account while you do NOTHING!!

Yeah you heard it right…. Now just sit back and see money increasing in your CPA account day by day….

All you need to do is check your CPA account earnings and pay your webmaster/bloggers on time and ensure that the relationship between you and your webmaster doesn’t gets spoiled in any ways because they are your money makers. They are making you rich and if they will not like you or your terms then you might get into trouble…

Taking Things Further CPA Emperor | Page : 24

Now that you have a basic understanding how you are going to be making money through cpa for simply doing a little research. Lets take things just a little further.

Following the same process with finding your target websites/blogs. Now lets target youtube video producers. Why youtube video producers you might be asking. Simply because many youtube video producers are not to savy on internet marketing and or what it may be all about..

Using this method we are not going to be paying them on a per lead or signup basis. Instead we are going to be paying them a solid fee every month. Which in most cases should not be any more then $50 a month.

Some are going to want to charge more however this is on you discretion try not to pay more then you have too. Which is why I highly recommend you stick with a $50 starting budget per youtuber.

For starters lets head over to youtube and make a list of our possible video producers and list them out just as we did when finding sites. The only difference this time is we need to first look at their video description to see if it has a link or not. If it does not have a link in the description this is perfect for us.

Then make sure to watch the video as many have links already inside the video's. So if there is a link any where we need to move on to the next producer. Making sure to only take note of the creators account name, video link location and video views.

Once you have a list of 20 or so video producers who look like they would fit in to our strategy. We need to start contacting them. CPA Emperor | Page : 25

The first message is very critical. You want to make sure they are reading your message and sending you a reply back. So your pre written script for these contacts needs to include as much information about their video as possible.

Example Letter:

Hello Username/Name,

I just got done watching your video on xyz at [add link location] and must say you have done a rather good job in creating this video.

When going through your video channel and video. I would like to offer you a business proposition. Where I can pay you direct to your paypal account just for placing a link on xyz video.

I can pay the second you accept the deal which we can further discus. Remember I can pay you right now that is once we work out everything between pricing for 30 days.

It is a golden opportunity for you to make some extra money from your youtube videos and would would really like to work out a deal with you. If you are the least bit interested. Please contact me back so we can start working out the details of the business transaction.


This is just an example of a letter which you can use to contact your possible promoters. Couple of key points I would like to make is make sure on the very first message. That you are able to send them the money direct to their paypal. Once you have worked out a deal.

If you are also going to use this method I highly recommend going with a 7-10 day spot for starters. Ther reason behind this is because maybe CPA Emperor | Page : 26

the video was popular 2 weeks ago but has now dropped off. There for you get to see how it works out after the 7-10 day trial period.

This would help limit the risk involved on your end. Where as paying say 50 for a full 30 day spot that only brought you in 15 leads for those 30 days. Really is not worth it in the long run.

Or instead of paying them upfont you can also work out a deal just as you have with the website and blog owners. Where you pay them per lead they are able to bring to you and your offer.

Overall Summary About This Guide

So overall what we’ve done is contacted many webmasters and placed our CPA offers on their website. In a nutshell we made our own Group Of Affiliates promoting the offers.

If you ever have any questions at all. You can contact me any time at support[at] and I will get back to you just as soon as I can. If I can not get back to you right away one of my staff members will be answering your question to the best of their abilities.

I wish you success for your CPA marketing career and hope you will benefit as much possible from this guide

To Your SuccessPete BernaeygeAndSamrath Gupta CPA Emperor | Page : 27