Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Training …...3 | Training Programme 2019/20 Coventry...

Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Training Programme 2019/20

Transcript of Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Training …...3 | Training Programme 2019/20 Coventry...

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults BoardTraining Programme 2019/20

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board

Board partners

Coventry and WarwickshirePartnership

NHS Trust

West Midlands Ambulance ServiceNHS Trust

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board

Joan’s IntroductionThe Care and Support Statutory Guidance for the Care Act 2014 states that the Safeguarding Adults Boards should ensure that relevant partners provide training for staff and volunteers on the policy, procedures and professional practices that are in place locally, which reflects their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding adult arrangements.

A key priority of the workforce development strategy will be to continue to develop the core program of Adults Safeguarding Training and explore the opportunities for multi-agency delivery.

I would like to welcome you to our Training Programme for 2019-20, we will be publishing the training guide regularly throughout the year to keep you up to date with training opportunities. This programme gives details of the different levels of training available from partner agencies, including the aims and objectives and the target audience for each course, alongside how to apply.

We also recognises the importance of the quality of safeguarding training and a Quality Assurance Scheme has therefore been established in order to provide training standards and a process for the Board to fulfill these responsibilities for safeguarding adults at risk training.

Joan BeckIndependent ChairCoventry Safeguarding Adults Board

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board

Contents Safeguarding Adults Competences and Training Structure

Training Structure

Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board: Safeguarding Training Quality Assurance Scheme


Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Coventry City Council Adult Social Care

Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership

Topic Based Learning Events

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Safeguarding Adults Competences and Training StructureThe key national standards influencing the content of any training and development plans and safeguarding adult’s courses in general are:

Care Act 2014 ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services)

Guidance on Safeguarding Adults (2013) Statement of Government Policy on Safeguarding Adults (2013) Safeguarding Adults: A National Framework of Standards (ADASS 2005), especially Standard National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults (2010) Adult Social Care Common Induction Standards (Care Certificate from April 2015) Qualifications and Standards Framework (QCF) CQC (Care Quality Commission) Essential Standards (Outcome 7) Safeguarding Adults: The Role of Health Services (2011) College of Policing: Code of Ethics (2014) Cavendish Report (2013)

Safeguarding Adults Competencies

A competence is a combination of skills, knowledge and experience held by an individual person. Competence grows through experience and the individual’s abilities to learn and adapt. Training and mentoring can support this process but there are a wide range of methods which can be used and attendance of training does not necessarily signify compliance. All staff should be assisted to develop their safeguarding competencies; this can be done by undertaking formal training and/ or development opportunities. All staff should be assessed as proficient against the competence relevant to their occupational role and responsibilities within the organisation. All staff should know when and how to report a Safeguarding Adult concern

The National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults (National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults - Bournemouth University and Learn to Care, 2010) describes and gives examples of four categories of staff (Staff groups A, B, C and D).

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Staff Group AThis group have a responsibility to contribute to Safeguarding Adults, but do not have a specific responsibility or statutory authority to intervene.

Understand what Safeguarding is and their role in Safeguarding Adults Recognise an adult potentially in need of safeguarding and take action Understanding the procedures for making a ‘Safeguarding Alert’ Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals Have knowledge of the policy, procedures and legislation which supports Safeguarding

Adults activity

Included but not limited to: Drivers, other transport staff, day service staff, all support staff in Health and Social Care settings, Clerical and admin staff, Domestic and ancillary staff, Health and Safety Officers, Elected Members, Volunteers, Charity Trustees.

Staff Group BThis group has considerable professional and organisational responsibility for Safeguarding Adults. They have to be able to act on concerns and contribute appropriately to local and national policies, legislation and procedures. This group needs to work in both inter and multi-agency ways.

Demonstrates the skills and knowledge to contribute to effective Safeguarding processes Awareness and application of a range of local and national policy and procedural frame

works when undertaking safeguarding activity Ensure people who use services / carers are supported appropriately to understand the

safeguarding issues affecting them and to maximise their decision making Understand how best evidence is achieved Understand when to use emergency systems to safeguard adults

Maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date recordsDemonstrate the required level of skills and knowledge to undertake a Safeguarding Adults


Included but not limited to: Social Workers, Nurses, Frontline managers, integrated team managers, Head of Nursing, Health and Social Care provider service managers, trained Investigating Officers.

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Staff Group CThis group is responsible for ensuring the management and delivery of Safeguarding Adults services is effective and efficient. In addition, they will have oversight of the development of systems, policies and procedures within their organisation to facilitate food working partnerships with allied agencies to ensure consistency in approach and quality of service.

Actively engage in supporting a positive multi-agency approach to Safeguarding Adults Support the development of robust internal systems to provide consistent, high quality

Safeguarding Adults service Chair Safeguarding Adults meetings, discussions and professional’s meetings Ensure record systems are robust and fit for purpose

Included but not limited to: Operational Managers, Heads of Assessment and Care Managers, Service Managers.

Staff Group DThis group is responsible for ensuring their organisation is, at all levels, fully committed to Safeguarding Adults and has in place appropriate systems and resources to support this work in an intra and inter-agency context.

Lead the development of effective policy and procedures for Safeguarding Adult services in your organisation Ensure plans and targets for Safeguarding Adults are embedded at a strategic level across

the organisation Promote awareness of Safeguarding Adults systems both within and outside of your

organisation Develop and maintain systems to ensure the involvement of those who use your services

the evaluation and development of your Safeguarding Adults services

Included but not limited to: Head of Support Services, Heads of Directly Provided Services, Heads of Assessment and Care Management Services.

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Training Structure

The Care and Support Statutory Guidance for the Care Act 2014 states that the Safeguarding Adults Boards should ensure that relevant partners provide training for staff and volunteers on the policy, procedures and professional practices that are in place locally, which reflects their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding adult arrangements. This should include:

Basic mandatory induction training to raise awareness that abuse can take place and the duty to report More detailed awareness training, including training on recognition of abuse and

responsibilities in respect of the procedures in their particular agency Specialist training for managers and those who will be undertaking safeguarding enquiries,

and managers Training for Elected Members and others e.g. Healthwatch members Post qualifying or advanced training for those who work with more complex enquiries

and responses or who act as their organization’s expert in a particular field, for example in relation to legal or social work, those who provide medical or nursing advice to the organisation or the Board.

A framework will be used to identify the appropriate level of training to meet the requirements of staff as indicated by their role, level of responsibility, performance expectations and experience (Appendix 1).

The framework will inform the Training Programme that provides development activities linked to increasing levels of specialism, complexity of task and level of contact with adults at risk.

This framework will be aligned to the National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults and the framework will be finalised on receipt of the final version of the NHS England proposed Intercollegiate document for Adults.

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board

Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Safeguarding Training Quality Assurance SchemeThe CSAB Multi-Agency Workforce Development Strategy 2017-19 recognises the importance of the quality of safeguarding training. This scheme aims to review adult safeguarding training in order to assure the Board that all staff from partner agencies are receiving relevant safeguarding awareness training which includes the appropriate content.

This Quality Assurance Scheme has therefore been established in order to provide training standards and a process for the Board to fulfil these responsibilities for safeguarding adults at risk training.

Objectives of the Scheme

The scheme has three main objectives:

To ensure that course content meets appropriate standards To ensure that course content is updated regularly in line with new relevant national/ local

legislation or practice guidance. To ensure that the effectiveness of training is monitored and evaluated and informs future

practice For full details of the scheme please see Coventry Adult Safeguarding Board website address in Appendix 2.

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Partner Agencies Training Delivery

As part of their annual plan the Work Force Development Sub Group has collated this brochure to enable staff to identify available Safeguarding Training. In doing this the group are providing strategic direction to safeguarding training provision across Coventry and direct accountability to the board.

This brochure should be used as part of ongoing discussions within supervision and appraisals and should not replace continuous learning gained through reading, research, shadowing and peer discussion.

The relevance of the safeguarding training to the position held by the attendee will depend upon the level the training is aimed at; this information can be found on each training plan so attendees must take responsibility for ensuring they are attending a course that meets their requirements. Further information about the levels can be found above.

Attendance and cancellation fee information is listed on the individual training plans along with joining instructions for each course. Information is also given as to whether courses are open to all organisations or just for the agency which provides them.

This is the first version of the Training Programme, although it will be reviewed and updated regularly to keep staff informed of the training that is available.

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Safeguarding Training (Children and Adults)(Equivalent to safeguarding level 2 in Health)

E-learning course:Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) Safeguarding Team

Target group: Clinical and non-clinical staff that have contact with parents, children and young people within CWPT

Aims and Outcomes:By the end of the session the participants will:

Explore what constitutes abuse and neglect - the signs and symptomsRecognise the potential impact of parents/carers physical and mental health on the

wellbeing of childrenKnow how to access advice and support as appropriateKnow how to make appropriate referrals/raise concernsUnderstand their responsibilities in relation to safeguardingBe aware of the importance of early help and preventionRecognise the necessity for information sharing and accurate recording within statutory

requirementsAct in accordance with local and key statutory guidance and legislationIdentify other appropriate training

Application information and details: Only available for CWPT staff and all training booked via ESR (Various dates and venues throughout the year)

Full Day 9am - 5pm

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

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Presented by: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) Safeguarding Team

Target group: Clinical staff, both qualified and unqualified

Aims and Outcomes:By the end of the session the participants will:

Have an increased knowledge of the law relating to domestic abuse Recognise the importance of learning lessons from Domestic Homicide Reviews and be

able to apply lessons learnt to professional practice.Have an understanding of different theories of domestic abuse in relation to abusive

behaviourRecognise how the media can influence society’s perception of domestic abuseHave an increased knowledge of perpetrator behaviour and perpetrator motivation.Have an increased knowledge of honour based violence within domestic violenceRecognise the impact of coercive control in abusive relationships

Application information and details: Only available for staff employed by CWPT and all training booked via ESR (Various dates and venues throughout the year)

Full Day 9am - 5pm

Staff Group B/Staff Group C

(See competence and training structure above)

Domestic Abuse Training (Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 3 in Health)

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Presented by: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) Safeguarding Team

Target group: Clinical staff both qualified and unqualified

Aims and Outcomes:By the end of the session the participants will:

To be better equipped to identify children at risk of CSE and to intervene early and appropriately

To be aware of role within a multi-agency response to CSE To gain an understanding of CSE, the law and its impact on children To explore the process of grooming, trafficking and how perpetrators may target children To gain an understanding of different models of CSE To explore risk factors of CSE for children and young people

To gain an awareness of local strategies

Application information and details: Only available for staff employed by CWPT and all training booked via ESR (Various dates and venues throughout the year)

The session is ½ day either AM or PM

Staff Group B/Staff Group C

(See competence and training structure above)

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)(Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 3 in Health)

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Understanding the processes for Children’s Safeguarding Practice Reviews (SPRs) and Adults Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs)

Presented by: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) Safeguarding Team

Target group: Clinical staff both qualified and unqualified

Aims and Outcomes:By the end of the session the participants will:

Know what constitutes the need to undertake Safeguarding Practice Review (SPR) Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) or Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Know how to act in accordance with local and key statutory guidance and legislation Understand the key elements/process of a SPR, SAR, or DHR Know about the lessons learnt from National and Local SCR/SAR/DHR Recognise the potential impact for Trust patients/ carers/staff/organisation and partner

organisations pertaining to SPR/SAR/DHRs Know how to access advice and support as appropriate

Application information and details: Only available for staff employed by CWPT and all training booked via ESR (Various dates and venues throughout the year)

The session is ½ day either AM or PMThis course covers Child Protection and Safeguarding Adults requirements for level 3 (for Health)

Staff Group B/Staff Group C

(See competence and training structure above)

How are Lessons Learned?(Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 3 in Health)

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Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board

Presented by: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) Safeguarding Team

Target group: Clinical staff both qualified and unqualified

Aims and Outcomes:By the end of the session the participants will:

Have the confidence to routinely and consistently ask about violence and abuse as part of assessments they conduct Have greater knowledge and awareness of the potential consequences of child sexual

abuse for mental health Be able to respond appropriately to disclosures of child sexual abuse Have the confidence to apply their skills in providing support to service users who disclose

abuse Application information and details: Only available for staff employed by CWPT and all training booked via ESR (Various dates and venues throughout the year)

Full Day 9.30am - 5pm

Staff Group B/Staff Group C

(See competence and training structure above)

Asking the Question-Routine Enquiry(Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 3 in Health)

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Adult Safeguarding(Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 1 in Health)

Presented by: University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) Safeguarding Team - Liz Kiernan, Jane Grantham

Target group: UHCW staff

Aims:To provide an overview of Safeguarding and the referral process

Outcomes:Gain an understanding of the:

The types of abuse The effect of abuse on an individual The definition of an Adult at risk under the Care Act 2014 The importance of the Mental Capacity Act, Care Act and other relevant legislation The Information Sharing and referral pathways Routes for Escalation

Application information and details: For dates and times contact the Safeguarding team on 024 7696 6684 or email [email protected]

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Staff Group A

(See competence and training structure above)

Face to Face Session

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Adult Safeguarding(Equivalent to Safeguarding Level 2 in Health)

Presented by: University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) Safeguarding Team - Liz Kiernan, Jane Grantham

Target group: Senior Nurses, Doctors and Senior Managers

Aims:To build on Level 1 providing a greater knowledge of Adult Safeguarding

Outcomes:Gain an understanding of the:

How risk factors influence individual experience of Safeguarding In depth information around areas such as Domestic Violence, Honour Based Violence,

Radicalisation The legal, professional, ethical responsibilities around information sharing The Multiagency safeguarding response Responsibilities around “Person in position of trust” The use of MCA (Assessing capacity and best interest decision making) in DOLs

(Deprivation of liberty) in daily practice

Application information and details: For dates and times contact the Safeguarding team on 024 7696 6684 or email [email protected]

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

Face to Face Session

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Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent

Presented by: University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) Safeguarding Team - Liz Kiernan, Jane Grantham and Safeguarding Champions

Target group: All clinical staff with patient contact

Aims:To provide a joint basic Safeguarding session to meet the needs of the staff at UHCW


To have an understanding of the UK counter-terrorism strategyTo have an understanding of an individual’s vulnerability to be drawn towards

radicalisationTo have an understanding of individuals experience of radicalisationTo have an understanding of the referral pathwayAn overview of the Channel Panel and the use of interventions

Application information and details: For dates and times contact the Safeguarding team on 024 7696 6684 or email [email protected]

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

Face to Face Session

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Adult Safeguarding Awareness

Presented by: Tina Training Initiatives Ltd

Target group: All support staff within Adult Social Care

Aims:Develop an awareness of abuse and how we might safeguard those who are unable to

protect themselvesRaise awareness of West Midlands reporting procedures Support and encourage those we provide a service to and develop self-confidence in

speaking out against abuseRaise awareness of updates in the law/ legislation/ policy and proceduresEnsure those we support are listened to, taken seriously and treated with respect and

dignity Recognise staff member responsibility in relation to the safeguarding process

Outcomes:Understand what safeguarding is and their role in keeping people safeRecognise an adult/ child who potentially is in need of safeguarding and know how

to take action Identify ways in which to reduce the likelihood of abuseUnderstand the procedures for making a safeguarding concern Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals Have knowledge of the policy, procedures and legislation that supports the

safeguarding of adults and children.

Application information and details:

Coventry City Council Adult Social Care

Staff Group A

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: 9.30am - 4pm

Venue:The Opal Centre 17-18, Widdrington Rd, CV1 4NA

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 4 July 201912 September 20198 November 20199 January 20205 March 2020

For further information including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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Adult Safeguarding Refresher

Presented by: Tina Training Initiatives Ltd

Target group: All support staff within social care that have previously completed safeguarding awareness training (within 2 years) and need to refresh their knowledge to comply with national minimum standards

Aims:Review of service/team and organisation in relation to the best practice and

safeguarding Update on law, legislation, policy and guidance Discussion of Serious Case Reviews/Enquiries and lessons to be learned What to do and who to report to if you have concerns Your responsibilities in maintaining a safe environment

Outcomes:Recognise an adult or child who is potentially in need of safeguarding and know how to

take actionIdentify ways in which to reduce the likelihood of abuse

Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports the safeguarding of

adults and children Understand what safeguarding is and their role Understand how to make a difference to people by making safeguarding personal

Application information and details:

Staff Group A

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: 9am - 12.30pm

Venue:The Opal Centre 17-18, Widdrington Rd, CV1 4NA

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 12 June 201910 July 201915 August 201918 September 20192 October 201914 November 201911 December 201915 January 202019 February 202026 March 2020

For further information including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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Adult Safeguarding and The Manager’s Role

Presented by: David Gell Consultancy

Target group: Managers

Aims:The course will clarify the manager’s responsibilities within the stages of the safeguarding

adults process

Outcomes:Understand what safeguarding is and their role in safeguarding Recognise an adult/ child who potentially is in need of safeguarding and know how

to take action Identify ways in which to reduce the likelihood of abuseUnderstand the procedures for making a safeguarding concern Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports the

safeguarding of adults and children

Application information and details:

Staff Group C

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: - 4.30pm

Venue:Room M1.5 One Friargate CV1 2LH

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 2 July 2019

For further information including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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Adult Safeguarding and Undertaking the S42 Enquiry

Presented by: David Gell Consultancy

Target group: Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Social Care Professionals

Aims:To further develop practitioner’s knowledge and skills base in undertaking a Section 42

Enquiry and consider implications of the Care Act 2014

Outcomes:Apply the legal and policy framework relating to Safeguarding Adults.

Understand the local frameworks for responding to adult abuse issues. Apply the different stages of the safeguarding adult process and understand how agencies

need to work together: the focus being on the Section 42 Enquiry. Empower a person with care and support needs throughout the safeguarding process

using the ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ practice approach. Reflect on the interface between the safeguarding adults procedure and MCA/DoLS;

including the use of IMCA in Adult protection

Application information and details:

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: 9am - 4.30pm

Venue:Room M1.4 One Friargate CV1 2LH

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 14 and 15 January 2020

For further information, including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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MCA - Assessing Capacity and Best Interests Decision Making

Presented by: David Gell Consultancy

Target group: Health and Social Care staff involved in assessing people’s capacity in relation to life changing decisions and those staff making best interests decisions in a multi- agency setting

Aims:To help staff complete mental capacity assessments and best interest decisions

confidently. Linking these with the culture and practice changes that are required to be embedded by the Making Safeguarding Personal policy which introduces Person- centred, Outcome-based practice

Outcomes:Outline the five key principles of MCA and explore how they relate to people with

care and support needsDevelop further knowledge on the key concepts of capacity assessments and best

interest decisions linking these to current case lawEffectively apply MCA key principles, assessment of capacity and best interest

decisions to case studies drawing out key practice issuesDiscuss other key aspects of the MCA such as the role of Court of Protection, Lasting Power of Attorney, Advanced Decisions, Independent Mental Capacity Advocates

and the Interface with the Mental Health Act 1983Explain the interface between the MCA and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

linking this to current case law

Application information and details:

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: 9am - 4pm

Venue:One Friargate, First Floor,

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 10 September 2019 8 October 2019

For further information, including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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Working with People who Self Neglect

Presented by: David Gell Consultancy

Target group: Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Social Care Professionals (although applicable to a multi-agency audience)

Aims:This course will enable you apply best practice approaches to working with those

people that self-neglect. The course includes approaches that support positive engagement and intervention and will outline the legal responsibilities of organisations and practitioners

Outcomes:Engage with the experience of self-neglect and be aware of the associated challenges

Explore the research evidence that supports positive engagement and intervention Identify the policy and legal context of working with people who self-neglect Understand practice approaches that support positive outcomes Identify features of the organisational context that support good practice Manage the personal experience of self-neglect Explore the key roles of multi-agency working Apply the key strategies to self-neglect cases

Application information and details:

Staff Group B

(See competence and training structure above)

Time: 9am - 4.30pm

Venue:Room M1.4 One Friargate, Coventry CV1 2GN

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 4 June 2019

For further information, including access to training and charging please contact the Adult Social Care team on [email protected]

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Adult Safeguarding and the Law

Presented by: Janice White

Target group: Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and social care professionals, including external partners CWPT and UHCW

Aims:To explore the legal framework to safeguarding of adults who are or may be at risk of

abuse. Raise awareness amongst practitioners of the legal options that are available to

complement their professional skills, experience and knowledge.

Outcomes:Overview of the safeguarding and protection under the Human Rights Act 1998.

Understanding the legal framework for safeguarding as set out in the Care Act 2014, including the duty to make enquiries. Understanding other civil and criminal options. Report writing and practical tips for

frontline staff

Application information and details:

Staff Group A

(See competence and training structure in workforce development strategy, Appendix 1)

Time: 9am - 12noon

Venue: One Friargate, Coventry CV1 2GN

There is no parking at this venue

Dates: 13 November 2019

How to apply: Via Resourcelink

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Female Genital Mutilation Female Genital Mutilation is also referred to as female circumcision. It has been practised for several thousand years and varies in degree depending on the culture, tribal group or family the girl or woman is from. It is very harmful and causes long-term mental and physical suffering. It is illegal in the United Kingdom. This workshop aims to raise awareness of the practice and to consider how to respond appropriately to safeguard girls and women

Presented by: Veera Samra, Specialist Health Visitor, South Warwickshire Foundation Trust and Anne Pluska, Safeguarding Partnership/Board Training Officer

Outcomes:Develop a basic awareness of Female Genital Mutilation and the reasons and beliefs which

sustain the practice Recognise the short and long term impact on girls and women Recognise and respond appropriately to concerns that Female Genital Mutilation has taken

place or is planned to take place Develop awareness of how to talk to girls, women and families about Female Genital

Mutilation Recognise that Female Genital Mutilation is against the law in this country Be familiar with local services and sources of support

Application information and details:

Staff Group

all staff as long as basic safeguarding awareness training has been completed first. (This is level 3 specialist competencies for health staff)

Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm

Venue: Willenhall Education and Employment Training Centre (further details will be sent when a place on the training is confirmed)

Dates: 21 November 2020 10 March 2020

How to apply:

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Forced Marriage and so-called Honour Based Violence Forced Marriage affects children and adults, both female and male from all races and religions. It is a form of domestic violence and abuse and an abuse of human rights. Refusing to marry can place them at risk of violence known as “honour based violence” for perceived immoral behaviour. Forcing someone to marry is a criminal offence.

Presented by: Najeeba Durrani, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust and Anne Pluska, Safeguarding Partnership/Board Training Officer

Outcomes:Have a basic awareness of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence and a recognition

of its abuse of human rights Recognise and respond appropriately to concerns Understand barriers that may prevent disclosure and / or a person’s ability to escape the

situation Be familiar with local services and sources of support

Application information and details:

Staff Group

all staff as long as basic safeguarding awareness training has been completed first. (This is level 3 specialist competencies for health staff)

Time: 9.30am to 1pm

Venue: Willenhall Education and Employment Training Centre (further details will be sent when a place on the training is confirmed)

Dates: 30 October 2019 25 March 2020

How to apply:

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Topic Based Learning Events

One of our workforce priorities is to provide support to the Board to develop best practice, including around emerging themes for safeguarding adults.

We organise three multi-agency learning events each year which focus on various topics in order to raise understanding and awareness. These is no charge for attendance and these are open to all partner agencies.

Please see details of our upcoming events for 2019 – 2020

For further information on these events and to enquire about availability and places please contact [email protected]

Monday 24 June 1pm – 3.30pm Financial Scamming and Fraud

Further events will be advertised.

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Appendix 1: Multi Agency Competency Framework

The aim is to provide a Competency Framework for Adult Safeguarding which is applicable across the whole workforce. The Table below brings together the advice from Bournemouth University and NHS guidance documents. The groups and levels are progressive in that group D/Level 4 require competences A-C (1-3).

Level of Responsibility Bournemouth Health Considerations

This group have a responsibility to contribute to Safeguarding Adults, but do not have a specific responsibility or statutory authority to intervene.

• Understand what Safeguarding is and their role in Safeguarding Adults

• Recognise an adult potentially in need of Safeguarding and take action

• Understanding the procedures for making a ‘Safeguarding Alert’

• Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals

• Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation supports Safeguarding Adults activity

Staff Group A

Included but not limited to: Drivers, other transport staff, day service staff, all support staff in Health and Social Care settings, Staff, Clerical and admin, Domestic and ancillary, Health and Safety Officers, Elected Members, Volunteers, Charity Trustees.

Level 1

All healthcare organisations to include all healthcare workers, contractors and volunteers.

As well as the levels of responsibility outlined by Bournemouth Staff Group A. The Health requirement also includes.

A basic understanding of the Mental capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) and how to support individuals in relation to specific situations.

• Awareness of the potential impact of abuse on the physical and mental impact of individuals.

• An awareness of the rights of the individual in the safeguarding context, including the importance of autonomy, empowerment and making safeguarding personal.

• The risks of harm and abuse to all vulnerable people.

• An awareness of the Prevent Duty (2015) and how it may affect them within their work.

• Information Sharing, Data protection (2003) and acting safely to share information.

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Level of Responsibility Bournemouth Health Considerations

This group has considerable professional and Organisational responsibility for Safeguarding Adults. They have to be able to act on concerns and contribute appropriately to local and national policies, legislation and procedures. This group needs to work in an inter-or multi-agency way.

• Demonstrates skills and knowledge to contribute to effective Safeguarding processes

• Awareness and application of a range of local and national policy and procedural frameworks when undertaking Safeguarding activity

• Ensure people who use services/carer’s are supported appropriately to understand the safeguarding issues affecting them and to maximise their decision making

• Understand how best evidence is achieved

• Understand when to use emergency systems to safeguard adults

• Maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date records

• Demonstrate required level of skills and knowledge to undertake a Safeguarding Adults investigation

Staff Group B

Included but not limited to: Social Workers, Nurses, Frontline managers, integrated team managers, Head of Nursing, Health and Social Care provider service managers, trained Investigating Officers.

Level 2

All healthcare workers, contractors and volunteers that have contact with patients, families or the public.

As well as the levels of responsibility outlined by Bournemouth Staff Group B. The Health requirement also includes.

An increased awareness of adult abuse, risks and harm, to the impact on individuals and family regarding issues such as domestic abuse, drug and alcohol misuse, poverty, ill health both physical and mental, domestic abuse, honour based violence, human trafficking, modern slavery, organisational abuse, discrimination, cohesive control, FGM, internet grooming and bullying.

• Understand the role of an independent advocate as defined within the Care Act 2014.

• An increased understanding of the support the MCA provides, to include: how to understand a capacity assessment, how to support a person who lacks capacity, the role of advocates, lasting power of attorney, and unwise decision making and best interest decision making.

• An increased awareness of the DoLS, what is a deprivation of liberty, criteria for the application of DoLS, what constitutes an illegal act of deprivation? The role of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCAs), what is understood by best interest decision, advocates, best interest planning and the court of protection.

• Further development of recognition and support of individuals at risk of trafficking, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, radicalisation or exploitation.

• A developed knowledge on how to support people with safeguarding needs with a focus on: overcoming language barriers, communication difficulties, distress and anxiety.

• Clarity on responsibility for own conduct at work and how to manage concerns about other healthcare workers, co-workers, contractors and volunteers with particular focus on: referring colleagues if misconduct is suspected, who to talk to in an organisation if concerned, HR policies that support professional working, adult safeguarding polices that support professional working, whistleblowing, multiagency adult safeguarding procedures.

• An awareness of the Prevent Duty 2015.

• Information Sharing, Data protection Act 2003 and acting safely to share information.

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Level of Responsibility Bournemouth Health Considerations

This group is responsible for ensuring the management and delivery of Safeguarding Adults services is effective and efficient. In addition, they will have oversight of the development of systems, policies and procedures within their organisation to facilitate full working partnerships with allied agencies to ensure consistency in approach and quality of service.

• Actively engage in supporting a positive multi-agency approach to Safeguarding Adults

• Support the development of robust internal systems to provide consistent, high quality Safeguarding Adults service

• Chair Safeguarding Adults meetings, discussions and professional’s meetings

• Ensure record systems are robust and fit for purpose

Staff Group C

Included but not limited to: Operational Managers, Heads of Assessment and Care Managers, Service Managers.

Level 3

Any Adult Safeguarding Role defined within the job description as providing adult Safeguarding support to others.

As well as the levels of responsibility outlined by Bournemouth Staff Group C. The Health requirement also includes.

• Undertake adult safeguarding supervision and support of those managing people at risk.

• A good working knowledge of the MCA and DoLs.

• A good working knowledge of the Prevent Duty 2015.

• Ability to contribute to Channel Panels.

• An ability to manage allegations in relation to the role of the multiagency working managing these cases, working with HR, advising the organisation on adult safeguarding.

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Level of Responsibility Bournemouth Health Considerations

This group is responsible for ensuring their organisation is, at all levels, fully committed to Safeguarding Adults and have in place appropriate systems and resources to support this work in an intra and inter-agency context.• Actively engage in supporting a positive multi-agency approach to Safeguarding Adults

• Lead the development of effective policy and procedures for Safeguarding Adult services in your organisation

• Ensure plans and targets for Safeguarding Adults are embedded at a strategic level across the organisation

• Promote awareness of Safeguarding Adults systems within your organisation and outside of your organisation

• Develop and maintain systems to ensure the involvement of those who use your services in the evaluation and development of your Safeguarding Adults services

Staff Group D

Included but not limited to: Head of Support Services, Heads of Directly Provided Services, Heads of Assessment and Care Management Services.

Level 4

Role defined within the job description as Named Professional for Adult Safeguarding.

As well as the levels of responsibility outlined by Bournemouth Staff Group D. The Health requirement also includes.

• An expert knowledge of MCA/DoLs.

• Able to effectively communicate local adult Safeguarding knowledge, research and audit findings to challenge poor practice.

• Advise in relation to the Prevent duty (2015).

• Participate in the management of allegations and make recommendations accordingly.

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Appendix 2: Contact Details and Useful Links

E. [email protected]

Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board:

E. [email protected]. 024 7696 6684

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW):

E. [email protected]

Coventry City Council Adult Social Care:
