Coven of the Black Rose


Transcript of Coven of the Black Rose

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Our Creed

Sisters of the Black Rose Daughters of Hecate Essence of the Void Living to the fullest Living without fear

Sisters of the Black Roses Daughters of Hecate

Strong and true We are many yet we are one.

Our respect we will give to those to whom it is due

Yet we are Witches who bow to none

Sisters of the Black Rose .Daughters of Hecate

Witches of many We do not play

We are wise in our ways Knowledgeable in our path

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Our Magick is powerful For we are our Magick

Sisters of the Black Rose

Daughters of Hecate

Our Oath we hold true Our circle is bound in perfect trust

In Perfect love Enter in truth

Enter with ill will And Hecate you will answer

Daughters of Hecate'

Witches of many We walk in honor of one another Our Sisterhood we will be true

We will protect. As we will So mote it be! .

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The Coven of the Black Rose is a path of Hecate, and eclectic Gray way.

Purpose of the Coven of the Black Rose

To bring together as one Sister Witches of various ways who are also been drawn to Hecate

To honor Hecate in magick, and in our lives

To provide a safe place for women to self-empower themselves, heal.

To provide a safe place where Sister Witches can be themselves, share, and learn from one another.

We are Maidens, Mothers, Crones.

We practice various forms of magick

Not all are Wiccan, yet we are all Pagan

Age to enter must be 20 yrs old and older

Our Structure

1 Founder- Elder High Priestess Lady HekateShadowMoonfire

2) Council

Keepers of the Cauldron

( There will be 13 )



1) Lady Hekate-

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HPS/ Founder -Head Administrator

2) SunKat -


3) Valarie-


Also these three make up the Inner Council


Site Moderators

4) IsadoraPenelope

5) Sophie Starfeather

6) Darkpurplefairy -

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7) Aine Moonwillow

8) Ah Shinnah's


Bylaws will be simple, but must be made so there is no misunderstanding

1) All Paths,All Sisters are to be respected.-

You will not always agree , this is fine, but respect another's way and belief.

You may speak your truth, but lets be adults, also allow others to speak theirs to.

2) No harassing,trolling,dramas,intimidation, flaming of another sister will be


3) NO SPAM of any kind.This is your warning

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4) No Nudity,No porn, Not a happening here

5) All members shall participate- I will not tell you when and how

In a live coven you are expected to be active. If you need to be away for more then

two weeks

Please let me know

6) We are Sisters and will act like it

7) No copywritted material is allowed- Unless you have permission and credit is


8) Photos- each member may have two albums= 8 in each or 16 photos.

You may switch them around as you wish.

9) Comments, and inbox needs to be cleared out Once a Month

10) Groups videos will need to be approved but feel free to add and begin a group any


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11.) Council and Admin, Shall be respected at all times

To be updated…


These are some of our Groups. to help get you started


Animal Totems


Divination tent

Hecate's Shrine

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Come honor Hecate

Magick and Witchcraft

Enchanted Fairy Realm

The Witche's Circle

The Witches Garden

Ritual Magick

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Hecate's Dragon Order

Of Flame and Smoke

(Candle Magick)

Moon Magick

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Paganism , Wicca

The Pagans Corner

The Wiccan Grove

Crystals, and Gemstones

Stones and Crystals

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The Occult/ The Darker side of the Craft

The Occult

Sister's Lounge

Lets gather get to know one another

Knowledge/ Wisdom/Education

The Crone Circle

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Hecate's Magickal Library


Raven's Caw- Poetry corner

Council and Administration

Keeper's of the Cauldron

By invite only

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