Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

ANGLAIS | COURS DU SOIR 8 niveaux JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NBSEM. COÛT Conversationet grammaire lundi et mercredi 18hà 21h 6 7 377 $  • Utilisation destructures grammaticales p our améliorer leniveau d’anglais parlé(8niveaux). Écrit Préalable: Intermédiaire3  jeudi 18hà 20h 2 7 260 $ ANGLAIS | COURS DE JOUR 8 niveaux JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NB SEM. COÛT Programmeintensif lundi auvendredi 9hà 15h30ou17h45 25 4 1120 $ 8 sem. :2200$ | 12 sem. :3208$ Pour bénécier deces tarifs, les sessions doivent êtresuivies consécutivement.  • Programmesemi-intensifle matin 8niveaux :débutant à avancé;  • Choix d’un des c ours suivants e n après-m idi :conversation,prononciation,TOEFLiBT, anglais des aaires,IELTS,Reading& WritingMade Easy,English @ Work et CreativeSpeak;  • Accès libreau laboratoiredelangues et à Int ernet de15h30à 17h;  • Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la du réedu cours. Pr ogra mmesemi-intensif Conversationet grammaire lundi auv endr ed i 9hà 12 h 15 4 748 $  Accent mis sur l’acquisition des structures et la conversation pour améliorer l’anglais parlé;  • Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la du réedu cours. Conversation 7 niveaux lundi aujeudi 13hà 15h30 10 4 492 $ Prononciation Préalable: Intermédiaire1 lundi aujeudi 13hà 15h30 10 4 492 $ Reading &Writ ing MadeEasy Préalable: Intermédiaire2A lundi aujeudi 13hà 15h30 10 4 492 $  • Cours pour étudiants niveau intermédiairevoulant développer ou améliorer leur anglais écrit. Préparationau TOEFL iB T Préalable: Intermédiaire3 lundi aujeudi 13hà 15h30 10 4 492 $  TOEFLiBT (Internet-based test) :test s’adressant aux étudiants dont l’ang lais n’est pas la languematernelleet qui souhaitent étudier dans uneuniversitéanglophone. Creative Speak Préalable: Intermédiaire2A lundi aujeudi 13hà 15h30 10 4 492 $  Cours mettant l’accent sur l’amélioration dela uiditédu discours et sur l’ensembledescompétenceslangagières;  Conception et déve loppement d’un pr ojet en équipepermettant aux étu diants demettreà prot leurs connaissances deniveau avancé. English@Work Préalable: Intermédiaire2A lundi auvendredi 15h45 à 17h45 10 4 492 $ Anglais desaaires Préalable: Intermédiaire3 lundi auvendredi 15h45 à 17h45 10 4 492 $ Préparationau IELTS Préalable: Intermédiaire3 lundi auvendredi 15h45 à 17h45 10 4 492 $ IELTS :International English LanguageTestingSystem.  Acquisition denotions théoriq ues pour améliorer les compétences e n compréhension (écouteet lecture) et en production (écritureet expression orale). Test TOEIC (Reading and Listening) Préalable: Intermédiaire3 Test TOEIC : samedi 12h30 à 15h 95 $+tx  Dates de s tests :11janvier ,8février,8mars,12avri l,10mai,14juin,12juillet ,  9août, 13septembre,18 octobre,8novembre,13 décembre. Anglaisdes aaires  Préalable: Intermédiaire3  jeudi 18hà 21h 3 7 377 $  Mini-Conversation mardi ou 18hà 20h 2 7 168 $ mardi et jeudi 18hà 20h 4 7 295 $  • 2niveaux -Intermédiaire(Préalable :Int. 2A) et Avancé(Préalable: Int.3);  • Variétéde sujets deconversation permettant d’amélior er à la fois la compréhension ainsi quela qualitéet l’aisance d’expression. Englis h@ Work  Préalable: Intermédiaire2A mardi 18hà 20h 2 7 199 $  • Accent mis sur diver s aspects reliés au travail (CV + lettredeprésentation,  courriels,entrevues d’emploi,...). Introductionau IELTS  Préalable: Intermédiaire2A mardi et jeudi 18hà 20h 4 7 360 $  Enseignementdes4compétences(optiongénérale/CIC*) * CitoyennetéetImmigrationCanada CreativeSpeak  Préalable: Intermédiaire2A mercredi 18hà 20h 2 7 199 $  • Conception et développement d’un projet en équipepermettant aux étudiants demettreà prot leurs connaissances deniveau avancé. FRANÇAIS | COURS DE JOUR 6 niveaux JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NBSEM. COÛT Programmeintensif lu ndi auj eudi 8h30 à 15h 25 4 1120 $ + vendredi 8h30 à 11h30 8 sem. :2200$| 12 sem. :3208$ Pour bénécier deces tarifs,les sessions doivent êtresuivies consécutivement.  • Programmesemi-intensiflematin (6niveaux :débutant à avancé);  • Choix d’un des cours s uivants en après-midi :conversation,lecture-écriture,préparation au TFI (frais de95$ + tx en sus pour letest),préparation au TCFQ,français des aaires,français écrit et expression créative;  • Accès libr eau laboratoiredela ngues et à Internet de15h30à 17h;  • Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la duréedu cours . Programmesemi-intensif  Conversationet grammaire lundi auvendredi 8h30 à 11h30 15 4 748 $  • Accent mis sur l’acquisition des struc tures et la pratiquedela conversation pour améliorer ses compétences en français;  • Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la duréedu cours. Culture, méd iaset société1 & 2 NOUVEAU!  Préalab le: niveau6 lun di auvendredi 8h3 0 à 11h30 15 4 748 $  Débatssurlesenjeux denotresociétéetdécouvertede laculturequébécoiseetfrancophone.  Fairelevolet 1avant le volet 2.  • Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la duréedu cours. Préparationau TFIet test Préalab le: niveau4 lundi aujeudi 12h30 à 15h 10 4 492 $ Test TFI :samedi 12h30à 15h 95$ +tx  Test defrançais internatio nal :évaluation dela compétencedes non-francophon es à travailler ou à étudier en français.  Dates des tests :25janvier,22févr ier,22mars ,26avril,24mai,21juin,19juillet ,16août,  20septembre,18 octobre,15novembre,13 décembre. Conversation lundi aujeudi 12h30 à 15h 10 4 492 $ Lecture- Écriture NOUVEAU!  Préalab le: niveau2 lu ndi aujeudi 12h30 à 15h 10 4 49 2 $  • Ap prochenouvelleetprogressivepourdévelopperlesbases de2 compétenc es fondamentalesenfrançais:la compréhen sionetl’expressionécrite. Françaisécrit Préalab le: niveau4 lu ndi auj eu di 12h3 0 à 15 h 10 4 492 $ Français d esa aires Préalab le: niveau4 lu ndi auj eu di 12h3 0 à 15h 10 4 492 $  ESPAGNOL 9 niveaux  YMCAInternational LanguageSchool École internati onale de langues YMCA FRANÇAIS | COURS DU SOIR 7 niveaux ITALIEN | Conversationet grammaire 8 niveaux PORTUGAIS | Conversation et grammaire 8 niveaux  MANDARIN | Conversation et grammaire 5 niveaux ALLEMAND | Conversation et grammaire 5 niveaux  JAPONAIS | Conversation et grammaire 5 niveaux ARABE | Conversation et grammaire 4 niveaux JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NB SEM. COÛT lundi auv en dr edi 1821h 3 7 20 2 $+tx Lun.:niveau 1-Mar.:niveau 2& 7-Mer.:niveaux 3& 4-Jeu.:niveaux 5& 6- Ven.:nivea u 8 me rcre di (co nversa tio nava ncé e) 18hà 20h 2 7 16 4 $+tx BuonViaggio NOUVEAU! vendredi 18hà 20h 2 7 164 $+tx  PourpersonnesquidésirentvoyagerenItalie. JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NB SEM. COÛT lundi auv en dr edi 1 8h à 2 1 h 3 7 20 2 $+tx Lund i:niveaux1A&1B- Mardi:niveau x2& 3-Mercredi:niveau x4& 5-Jeudi:niveaux6&7 me rcre di (co nversa tio nava ncé e) 18hà 20h 2 7 16 4 $+tx JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NB SEM. COÛT lu ndi auj eudi 18 21 h 3 7 20 2 $+tx Mardi:nivea ux1& 4-Mercredi:niveau2-Jeudi:niveau x3& 5 lun di (co nv ers ati onav an cée ) 18hà 20h 2 7 164 $+tx JOU R HOR AIR E H/SEM. NBSEM. COÛT  lundi auv en dr edi 1821h 3 7 20 2 $+tx Lund i:niveau1- Mardi:nivea u2& 5-Mercredi:niveau3-Jeudi:niveau4 ve ndredi (co urssu rmes ure ) 18hà 21h 3 7 202 $+tx JO UR NIVEAU HORAI RE H/ SE M. NBSE M. CT Pourlesjeunesde9 à 16 ans  Manuelinclus samedi 1 à 8 10h à13h 3 7 201 $+tx Conversationet grammaire(Unefois parsemaine) Manuelinclus lundi 1Bet 2 13hà 16hou18hà 21h 3 7 204 $+tx mardi 3 et 4 13hà 16hou1821h 3 7 204 $+tx mardi 9 13hà 16hou18hà 21h 3 7 204 $+tx mercredi 5 et 6 13hà 16hou18hà 21h 3 7 204 $+tx  jeudi 1A, 7 et 8 13hà 16hou18hà 21h 3 7 204 $+tx sa me di 1Aà 9 10 13 h 3 7 204 $+tx Conversationet grammaire(Deuxfoisparsemai ne) lun. et me r. 1Bet 2 18hà 21h 6 7 375 $+tx lun. et me r. 3 et 4 18hà 21h 6 7 375 $+tx ma je u. 5 et 6 1821h 6 7 375 $+tx ma jeu. 7 et 8 1821h 6 7 375 $+tx Écrit Préal able: niveau8 me rc re di 18 21 h 3 7 21 0 $+tx Atelierde conversation  Préalab le: niveau3 lundi 6, 7, 8 15 h1 5 à 17h15ou 18hà 20h 2 7 133 $+tx  jeudi 4 et 5 15h15 à 17h15ou 18hà 20h 2 7 133 $+tx samedi inter./avancé 1416h 2 7 133 $+tx  Coursde perfectionnement  Préalable: 3 participantsmin. Hor air evar iab le Hor air evari abl e 3 7 204 $+tx JO UR HO RAIR E H /SEM. NBSEM. COÛT lundi auj eudi 18 21 h 3 7 20 2 $+tx Lund i:niveau1- Mardi:nivea u3- Merc redi:niveau2&5- Jeud i:niveau4 ve ndredi (co urssu rmes ure ) 18hà 21h 3 7 202 $+tx sa me di : ni ve au x1 &2 1013h 3 7 2 02 $+tx JO UR NIVE AU HO RAIRE H/ SE M. NBS EM. COÛT lundi aujeudi 18hà 2 1h 3 7 202 $+tx Lund i:niveaudéb.1-Mardi:niveauinter .-Mercredi:niveauavan .-Jeudi:niveaudéb.2 sam edi : niv eauxdéb. 1 &2 10hà 13h 3 7 202 $+tx MODALITÉSD’INSCRIPTION Enpersonnedurantlesheuresd’ouvertu re.Partéléphone: 514849-8393,poste1400(par cartede crédituniquemen t)sivous venezdeterminerunesessionouavezpassé letestde niveau. Datelimite: levendrediprécédantle débutdela session,saufpour l’espagnol,lemandarinet l’arabe(samedi).Inscrivez-vousavantladate limitepourépargnerles fraisd’inscriptionde 20$! Lesprixac hésdanscedépl iantsontpou rlescoursde3étudian tsouplus. Fraisd’administrationde120$ CA(nonremboursables)applicablespourles étudiants étrangerslorsdela premièreinscriptionseulemen t. Testsdeniveau gratuitsetobligatoires pourlesnouveauxétudiants lesmercredis. Fraisde20 $appliquésend’autres temps. JOUR HORAIRE H/SEM. NBSEM. COÛT Conversationet grammaire ma rd i et je ud i 18 21 h 6 7 377 $  •Utilisation destructuresgrammaticalespouraméliorerle niveaudefrançais parlé(7 niveaux). Coursd’introduction ma rd i et je udi 18hà 20 h 4 7 2 60 $ Françaisécrit Préalable: Intermédiaire1 lundi (niveau 1) 18hà 21h mercredi(niveau 2) 1821h 3 7 377 $  Françaisdesaaires  Préalable: Intermédiaire1  jeudi 18hà 21h 3 7 377 $ Atelierde conversation  mercrediou 18hà 20h 2 7 168 $ l undi et me rc redi 18hà 20 h 4 7 295 $  • 2niveaux -Intermédiaire(Préalable :Int. 2) et Avancé(Préalable: Int.3) Préparationau TFI  Préalable: Intermédiaire1 lundi et mercredi (semaines 1à 6) 18hà 21h 6 6 465 $ lundi et mercredi (semaine7) 18hà 20h 4 1 4semaines(coursdejour) 7semaines(coursdusoir/samedi) Anglais,françaisetespagnolentre 12h30et17h30,Italien,portugais, allemand,mandarin,japonaisetarabe entre16h30et17h30 Iln’yaura pasdecoursles semainesdu 23décembre2013au3 janvier2014,du 23au28juin ,du25au30août,du 22décembre2014au 5janvier2015. Toutefois,nosbureauxserontouverts sauflesjoursfériés. Jourférié/ Écoleetbureauxfermés 7 Écoleinternationale delanguesYMCA 1440,rueStanley,5 e  étage Montréal(Québec)H3A1P7 Téléphone:514 849-8393 ,poste 1400 Télécopieur:514849-5026 [email protected] Heuresd’ouvertu re Lund iaujeudide8h30à18h Vendredide8h30à 17h Samedide9h30 à16h30 (Sessionshiver,printempset automne) 9h30à13h30 (Sessionété) LIBRAIRIE MICHEL FORTIN LEPLUSGRAND CHOIXDEMATÉRIEL POURL’APPRENTISS AGEDES LANGUES Manuels- DictionnaIres-Cassettes 3714,rueSt-Denis,Montréal Téléphone:514849-5719 Télécopieu r: 514849-0845 SHERBROOKE POLITIQUE ACCÈS POUR TOUS LesYMCAduQuébe continstauréuneformuledetaric ationsoupl epermetta ntà toutepers onneadmissi bledebénécierd’untarifréduitappli cablesurlaplupart desservicesoe rts.Renseig nez-v oussurnotrepolitiqueAccèspourtous. Lacondentialité estassurée. Préparationau DELE  Préala ble: niveau5  jeudi B1 et B2 18hà 21h 3 7 205 $+tx same di B1 et B2 10hà 13 h 3 7 205 $+tx  • Préparation à l’examen du DELE (Diploma deEspañol como Lengua Extranjera). Clubd’espagnol NOUVEAU! mercredi 18h30 à 20h30 2 6 115 $+tx  Orel’opportunitédecombinercultureetapprentissagedansuneambiance décontracté e. Expressioncréative  Préala ble: niveau5 lundi auj eudi 12h30 à 1 5h 10 4 492 $  Cours dynamiqueet pratiquesous formedeprojet d’équipepermettant d’ utiliser la langueen dehors dela sallede classe.Diérents projets prop osés :vidéos,entrevues,  enquêtes,articles… Préparationau TCFQ NOUVEAU!  Préalab le: niveau4 l un di auj eudi 1 2h 30 à 15 h 10 4 492 $  T estdeconnaissancedu françaispourleQuébec.Pratiqued’exercicesdecompréhensionet  d’ expressionoralepoursepréparerau testociel. Peel SortieStanley Cne 0 DÉBUTDES COURS TESTSDE NIVEAU (Tous lesmercredis,sans rendez-vous) PASDECOURS JOURFÉRIÉ PROGRAMMES ET HORAIRES 2014 MONTRÉAL,CANADA COURSES AND SCHEDULES Ji Févr M Al M J Jl Ob Aût Nm See Décr 7 7 7  7 7 7  7 7 7  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31 7  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031  D L M M J V S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 8 29 30  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 7 7  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7 28 29 30 31 1 2 3  D L M M J V S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 FRENCH | DAY COURSES 6 Levels DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE IntensiveProgram Mond ayto Thurs day 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 25 4 $1120 + F riday 8:30 a .m. t o 11:30 a .m. 8 weeks:$2200| 12 weeks:$3208 Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively.  • Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(6levels:from Beginner to A dvanced);  • Achoiceofone ofthefollowing courseoptions in t heafternoon:Conversation,  Reading-Writing,TFI Preparation Course($95+tx for thetest),Writing Course,  TCFQ Preparation Course,Business Fren ch and Expres sion créative;  • Freeaccess to thecomputerized languagelab and internet from 3:30to 5:00p.m.;  • Fitness c entremembershipincluded for theduration o fthe course. Semi-IntensiveProgram Conversationand Grammar Mon da yto Fri day 8:3 0 a.m . to 11: 30 a.m . 15 4 $74 8  •Learningofgrammaticalstructuresandpracticingconversationtoimprovespeakingskills;  • Fitness c entremembershipincluded for theduration o fthe course. Culture, méd iaset société1 & 2 NEW!  Prerequisite: Level6 Mon da yto Fri day 8:3 0 a.m . to 11: 30 a.m . 15 4 $74 8  • Debates over impo rtant issues ofour socie ty and discovery offascinating aspects ofQuebec and francophoneculture.  You need to completepart 1beforedoing part 2.  • Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse. TFIPreparation Course& Test Prerequisite: Level4 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492 TFI Test :Saturda y 12:3 3:00p.m. $95+tx Test defrançais international:aims to evaluatethe level ofFrench ofnon-francophones who wish to work or study in French. Test dat es:Jan. 25,Feb.22, March 22,April 26,May 24,June21,July 19,August 16, Sept .20,Oct.18,Nov.15,Dec .13. Conversation Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492  •Topicsof conversat ionchoseninaccordancewiththespecicgrammarobjectivesofeachlevel;  • No grammar is taught in this course. Reading-Writing NEW!  Prerequisite: Level2 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492 • This coursefocuses on th edevelopment and practiceofthe bases ofwriting  comprehension and expression skills throu gh a new and progre ssiveapproach. Writing Prerequisite: Level4 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492 Business French Prerequisite: Level4 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492 SPANISH 9 Levels  ENGLISH | DAY COURSES 8 Levels DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE IntensiveProgram Monda yto Frida y 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 or5:45 p.m. 25 4 $1120 8 weeks:$2200| 12 weeks:$3208 Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively.  Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(8levels: from Beginner to Advanced);  • A choiceofone ofthe followingcourseoptions in theafternoon:Conversation,  Pronunciation,TOEFLiBT,Business English,IELTS,Reading& WritingMadeEasy,  English @ Work and CreativeSpeak;  • Freea ccess to thecomputerized langu agelab and internet from 3:30to 5:00p.m.;  • Fitness centremembershipincluded for thedurationofthecourse. Semi -I nten si veP ro gr am Conversationand Grammar Monda yto Frida y 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 15 4 $748  Learningofgrammatical structures and practicingfreeconversation to improvespeakingskills;  • Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse. Conversation 7 Levels Monda yto Thur sday 1:00p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 4 $492 Pronunciation Prerequisite: Intermediate1 Monda yto Thur sday 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 4 $492 Readi ng &Writ ing MadeEasy Prerequisite: Intermediate2A Monda yto Thur sday 1:00p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 4 $492  • Helps low-intermediatestudents to begin workingon their writingand reading  skills towards eventual IEL TS or TOEFLtests. TOEFL iBT -Preparation Course Prerequisite: Intermediate3 Mondayto Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 4 $492  TheTOEFLiBT (Internet-based test ) is for st udents whosenativelanguageis not English and who areplanningto study at an English-speakinguniversity. Creative Speak Prerequisite: Intermediate2A Monda yto Thur sday 1:00p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 4 $492  • Courseemphasizingimprovement ofuency and overall languageprociency;  • Design and developme nt ofa groupproject high lightingthefour languageskills. English@Work Prerequisite: Intermediate2A Mon dayto Fri day 3:4 5 p.m . to 5:4 5 p.m . 10 4 $49 2 Business English Prerequisite: Intermediate3 Mon dayto Fri day 3:4 5 p.m . to 5:4 5 p.m . 10 4 $49 2 I ELTS P repa rationCo ur se Prerequisite: Intermediate3 Mo ndayt o Fri day 3:45 p. m. to 5:45 p. m 10 4 $492 IELTS:International English LanguageTestingSystem.  Focus is on die rent academic and struct ural skills to improvecomprehensio n (Listening& Reading) as well as production (Writing& Speaking) skills. TOEIC Test (Reading and Listening) Prerequisite: Intermediate3 TOEIC Test: Saturday 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. $95+tx  • Test date s:Jan. 11,Feb.8, March 8 ,April 12,May 10,June14,July 12,August 9,  Sept.13,Oct .18,Nov.8,Dec.13. Mini-Conversation Tuesday or 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $168 Tuesday&Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4 7 $295  • 2levels -Intermediate(Prerequisite:Int. 2A) & Advanced (Pre requisite:Int.3).  • Oers a variety ofinterestingdiscussion topics to impro vecomprehension skills -with emphasis on oral production skills and uency. Englis h@ Work Prerequisite: Intermediate2A Tuesday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $199  • Focus on variety ofskills related to W ork or JobSearch -cv’s and cover letters,  emails,role-playing,job interviews,telephoneskills,negotiations,...  Introductionto IELTS  Prerequisite: Intermediate2A Tuesday&Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4 7 $360  • 4-skills compet encies;general track -CIC* *Citizenshipand Immigration Canada  CreativeSpeak  Prerequisite: Intermediate2A We dnes da y 6: 00 p. m. to 8: 00 p. m. 2 7 $1 99  • A mini-project-based courseaimed at improvinguency and the4 basic skills. FRENCH | EVENING COURSES 7 Levels ITALIAN | Conversation & Grammar 8 Levels PORTUGUESE | Conversation & Grammar 8 Levels  MANDARIN | Conversation & Grammar 5 Levels GERMAN | Conversation& Grammar 5 Levels  JAPANESE | Conversation & Grammar 5 Levels ARABIC | Conversatio n & Grammar 4 Levels DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mon da yto Fri day 6:0 0 p.m . to 9:0 0 p.m . 3 7 $202 +tx Mon. :level1-Tues.:leve ls2& 7-Wed.:level3&4- Thur s.:level5&6- Frid .:level8 Wed. (AdvancedConve rsation) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m 2 7 $164+tx BuonViaggio NEW!  Friday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $164+tx  • Designed fo r vacationers to Italy. DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mon da yto Thu rsd ay 6:0 0 p.m . to 9:0 0 p.m . 3 7 $20 2+tx Monday:levels 1A & 1B-Tuesday:levels 2& 3- Wednesday:levels 4& 5-Thursday:levels 6& 7 Wed. (AdvancedConve rsation) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m 2 7 $164+tx DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mon da yto Thu rsd ay 6:0 0 p.m. to 9:0 0 p.m. 3 7 $20 2+tx Tues day:level s1& 4-Wednesd ay:level2-Thursda y:levels3&5 Monday (Advanced Conversation) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $164+tx DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mon da yto Thu rsd ay 6:0 0 p.m . to 9:0 0 p.m . 3 7 $20 2+tx Mond ay:level1-Tuesday:le vels2&5 -Wednes day:leve l3- Thur sday:leve l4 Friday(CustomizedGroupCourse) 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $202+tx DAY LEVEL TIME HR S/WK TOT ALWKS FEE TeenCourses (Youth9 to 16 yearsold)  Manualincluded Satu rday 1 to 8 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 3 7 $201+tx Conversation& Grammar(oncea week) Manualincluded Mo nd ay 1B&2 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.or6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m. 3 7 $204+tx Tue sd ay 3&4 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.or6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m. 3 7 $204+tx Tuesday 9 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.or6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m. 3 7 $204+tx Wed. 5&6 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.or6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m. 3 7 $204+tx Th ur s. 1A,7&8 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.or6:00 p.m.-9:00p.m. 3 7 $204+tx Saturday 1At o9 10:00a .m.t o1 :00p .m. 3 7 $204+tx Conversation& Grammar(twicea week) Mon. &Wed. 1B& 2 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $375+tx Mon. &Wed. 3 &4 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $375+tx Tues. &Thurs. 5 &6 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $375+tx Tues. &Thurs. 7 &8 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $375+tx Writing Prerequisite: Level8 Wedn esda y 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $210 +tx Conversationworkshop  Prerequisite: Level3 Mon. 6, 7, 8 3:15p. m.- 5:15p. m.or6:00p. m.- 8:00p. m. 2 7 $133 +tx Th ur s. 4&5 3:15p .m.- 5: 15p .m.or6:00p. m. -8 :0 0p. m. 2 7 $133+tx Sat. Inter./Adv.  2: 00p.m. to 4:0 0p.m . 2 7 $1 33 +tx Customized GroupCourse  Prerequisite: minimum3 students Fl ex ibles ched ul e Fl ex ibles ched ul e 3 7 $204 +tx DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mond ayto Thurs day 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $202 +tx Mond ay:level1-Tuesday :level3-Wednesda y:levels2&5- Thur sday:leve l4 Friday(Customized GroupCourse) 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $202+tx Saturday: levels1 &2 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 3 7 $202+tx DAY LEVEL TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Mond ayto Thurs day 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $202 +tx Monday:levelBeg.1 -Tuesday:level Int.- Wednesday:levelAdv.-Thursday: levelBeg.2 Saturday:levelsBeg.1&Beg.2 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 3 7 $202+tx ACCESSFORALL POLICY Inpersonduringocehours.Byphoneat 514849-8393,ext.:1400(creditcard only)ifyou have nishedasessionorhave takentheplacementtest. RegistrationDeadline:theFriday beforethebeginning ofasession, exceptforSpanish, Mandarin&Arabic (Saturday).Registerbeforethe deadlinetosave the$20 registrationfee. Thepricesin thisbrochureapply toclasseswith 3students andmore. Non-refund able$120CAD registrationfeeforforeignstudentsforthe rst-timeregistrationonly. FreePlacementTestsaremandatoryfor newstudentsand areoeredeveryWednesday. Atanyothe rtimea$20feewillbecharge d. DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Conversationand Grammar Tuesday&Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $377  Useofgrammatical structurestoimprovespeakingskills (7levels). Introductionto French Tuesday&Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4 7 $260 Writing Prerequisite: Intermediate1 Monday (Level 1) 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wed. (Level2) 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $377  BusinessFrench  Prerequisite: Intermediate1 Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $377 ConversationWorkshop  Wednesday or 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $168 Mond ay&Wednes day 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4 7 $295  • 2 levels -Intermediate(Prerequisite:Int.2) & Advanced (Prerequisite:Int.3). TFIPreparation Course  Prerequisite: Intermediate1 Mon.&Wed. (weeks 1to 6) 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 6 $465 Mon.&Wed. (week.7) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4 1 DELE PreparationCourse  Prerequisite: Level5 Thursday B1 &B2 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $205+tx Saturday B1 &B2 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 3 7 $205+tx  • Preparation coursefor theDELE exam (Diploma deEspañol como Lengua Extranjera). Spanish Club NEW!  Prerequisite: Level8 We dn es da y 6: 30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. 2 6 $115 +tx  • TheSpanish Clubis an Advanced level coursewhich oers theopportunity to combin e  learningand culturein a relaxed atmo sphere.  Expressioncréative  Prerequisite: Level5 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492  • A dynamic coursethat focuses on the useof French towards thecreation of  student-determine d projects realized both insideand outsidethetraditional classroom settingusingvarious possiblemedia (video,interviews,articles...).  TCF Q Prepa rat ionCo urs e NEW!  Prerequisite: Level4 Mond ayto Thurs day 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10 4 $492  • Test deconnaissancedu français pour leQuébec.  Practiceoforal comprehension and exp ression exercise s/situations in o rder to he lp  candidates to p reparefor theocial t est. 4weeks(daycourses) 7weeks(evening/Saturdaycourses) English,FrenchandSpanishbetween 12:30pmto5:30pm,Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin,German,Japanese&Arabic between4:30pmto5:30pm Therewillbe noclassestheweeksof December23rd,2013toJanu ary3rd,2014, June23rd to28th,August25th to30th, December22nd,2014toJanuary 5th,2015. Theschoolocewillbe openexceptfor SatutoryHolidays. StatutoryHolidays/ Schooland oceareclosed 7 YMCAInternational LanguageSchool 1440StanleyStreet,5 th  oor Montreal,Québec H3A1P7 Telephone:514849-8393,ext.:1400 Fax:514849-5026 [email protected] OceHours MondaytoThursday8:30a.m. to6:00p.m. 5:00p.m. 4:30p.m. (Winter,SpringandFall session) 1:30p.m.(Summer session) LIBRAIRIE MICHEL FORTIN THELARGESTSELECTION OF LANGUAGELEARNINGMATERIAL Books-Dictionaries -Cassettes 3714St-DenisSt.,Montreal Telephone :514 849-5719 Fax:514849-0845 SHERBROOKE ACCESS FOR ALL POLICY TheYsofQuébechaveimple mentedaexib lepricingsyste mallowingalleligibl e indivi dualstobenetfromareducedrateonmostofitsservices.Askusaboutour AccessforAllPolicy .Yourconde ntiali tywillbemaintained . Peel Stanley Exit Cn 4 Ja Fu Mh Al M J J Ob As Nm Ser Dm 7 7 7  7 7 7  7 COURSE START TESTS (EveryWednes day without appointment) NOCOURSES STATUTORY HOLIDAY 7 INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES  Cours degroupe(3 à 15 étudiants) etcours particuliers à l’école ou en entreprise;  Laboratoires delangues informatisésdisponiblespour certainscours;  Professeurs diplôméset qu aliésenseignant leurlangue maternelle;  • Attestation d’études à la n du cours sur demande;  • Plan de formation agréé par Emploi-Québec et Langues Canada;  • Cours déductibles d’impôt;  • Centre ociel pour les tests TOEIC et TFI;  Cours d’anglaiset d’espagnolpour lesjeunesde 9à17 ans.  Demandez notre dépliant pour plus de détails;  • Sur demande, laissez-passer d’une visite gratuite à notre centre sportif oert pour une inscription à un cours du soir;  • Les cours sont oerts s’il y a un minimum de 3 participants inscrits; • Cour s et prix sujets à changement sans préavis;  • Sauf exceptions, le matériel n’est pas inclus. Mi L’Écoleinternationalede langues des YMCA du Québec est un lieu d’apprentissageet d’enseignement dequalitécontribuant à l’épanouissement global del’individu et dela communautétout en favorisant lerapprochement des cultures. TheInter natio nalLanguag eSchoolofTheYMCAsofQuébe cisa placeof learning, oeringthrough itsquality ofteaching, an environmentwhich contributestoindividual and community growth whileencouragingcultural exchange. GENERAL INFORMATION Group courses(3 to15 students)andprivate coursesavailable at the school or at your organization;  Computerized LanguageLab availablefor certaincourses;  All te achers arequalied, experiencedand teachtheir mothertongue;  • Course attestations after completing a course are available upondemand;  • Training Plan approved by Employment Quebec and Languages Canada;  • All courses are tax deductible;  • Ocial testing centre for T OEIC and TFI;  Teen Courses(9 to17 yearsold) forEnglish andSpanish.  Please ask for our Teen Courses brochure for more details;  • Upon request, free one-day pass to our tness centre available when registering for an evening course;  • Please note that we need a minimum of 3 students registered in order to oer a course;  • Courses and prices are subject to change without notice;  • Material is not included unless specied. 7  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31 7  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 28 29 3031  S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 31  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 9 30  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 7 7  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 1 2 3  S M T W T F S  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 ENGLISH | EVENING COURSES 8 Levels DAY TIME HRS/WK TOTAL WKS FEE Conversationand Grammar Mond ay&Wednes day 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 6 7 $377  • Useof grammatical st ructures to impr ovespeaking skills (8levels). Writing Prerequisite: Intermediate3 Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2 7 $260 BusinessEnglish  Prerequisite: Intermediate3 Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3 7 $377

Transcript of Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

Page 1: Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

8132019 Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

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Conversationet grammairelundi et mercredi 18hagrave 21h 6 7 377 $ bull Utilisation destructures grammaticales pour ameacuteliorer leniveau drsquoanglais parleacute(8niveaux)

Eacutecrit Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3

jeudi 18hagrave 20h 2 7 260 $



Programmeintensif lundi auvendredi 9hagrave 15h30 ou 17h45 25 4 1120 $8 sem 2200$ | 12 sem 3208$Pour beacuteneacutecier deces tarifs les sessions doivent ecirctresuivies conseacutecutivement

bull Programmesemi-intensifle matin 8niveaux deacutebutant agrave avanceacute bull Choix drsquoun des cours suivants en apregraves-midi conversationprononciationTOEFLiBT

anglais des aairesIELTSReadingamp WritingMade EasyEnglish Work et CreativeSpeak bull Accegraves libreau laboratoiredelangues et agrave Internet de15h30agrave 17h bull Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la dureacuteedu cours

P ro gr am me s e mi -i nt en si f Conversationet grammairel un di a u ve nd re di 9 h agrave 1 2h 1 5 4 7 4 8 $ bull Accent mis sur lrsquoacquisition des structures et la conversation pour ameacuteliorer lrsquoanglais parleacute bull Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la dureacuteedu cours

Conversation 7 niveauxlundi aujeudi 13hagrave 15h30 10 4 492 $

Prononciation Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire1lundi aujeudi 13hagrave 15h30 10 4 492 $

Reading ampWriting MadeEasy Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2A

lundi aujeudi 13hagrave 15h30 10 4 492 $ bull Cours pour eacutetudiants niveau intermeacutediairevoulant deacutevelopper

ou ameacuteliorer leur anglais eacutecrit

Preacuteparationau TOEFL iBT Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3

lundi aujeudi 13hagrave 15h30 10 4 492 $ TOEFLiBT (Internet-based test) test srsquoadressant aux eacutetudiants dont lrsquoanglais nrsquoest pasla languematernelleet qui souhaitent eacutetudier dans uneuniversiteacuteanglophone

Creative Speak Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2Alundi aujeudi 13hagrave 15h30 10 4 492 $ bull Cours mettant lrsquoaccent sur lrsquoameacutelioration dela uiditeacutedu discours et sur

lrsquoensembledes compeacutetences langagiegraveres bull Conception et deacuteveloppement drsquoun projet en eacutequipepermettant aux eacutetudiants

demettreagrave prot leurs connaissances deniveau avanceacute

English Work Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2Alundi auvendredi 15h45 agrave 17h45 10 4 492 $

Anglais des affaires Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3lundi auvendredi 15h45 agrave 17h45 10 4 492 $

Preacuteparationau IELTS Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3lundi auvendredi 15h45 agrave 17h45 10 4 492 $IELTS International English LanguageTestingSystem bull Acquisition denotions theacuteoriques pour ameacuteliorer les compeacutetences en

compreacutehension (eacutecouteet lecture) et en production (eacutecritureet expression orale)

Test TOEIC (Reading and Listening) Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3Test TOEIC samedi 12h30 agrave 15h 95 $ +tx bull Dates des tests 11janvier8feacutevrier8mars12avril10mai14juin12juillet 9aoucirct 13septembre18 octobre8novembre13 deacutecembre

Anglaisdes affaires Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire3 jeudi 18hagrave 21h 3 7 377 $ Mini-Conversationmardiou 18hagrave 20h 2 7 168 $mardi et jeudi 18hagrave 20h 4 7 295 $ bull 2niveaux -Intermeacutediaire(Preacutealable Int 2A) et Avanceacute(Preacutealable Int3) bull Varieacuteteacutede sujets deconversation permettant drsquoameacuteliorer agrave la fois la compreacutehension ainsi

quela qualiteacuteet lrsquoaisance drsquoexpression

English Work Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2Amardi 18hagrave 20h 2 7 199 $ bull Accent mis sur divers aspects relieacutes au travail (CV + lettredepreacutesentation courrielsentrevues drsquoemploi)

Introductionau IELTS Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2A

mardi et jeudi 18hagrave 20h 4 7 360 $ bull Enseignementdes4compeacutetences(optiongeacuteneacuteraleCIC) CitoyenneteacuteetImmigrationCanada

CreativeSpeak Preacutealable Intermeacutediaire2A

mercredi 18hagrave 20h 2 7 199 $ bull Conception et deacuteveloppement drsquoun projet en eacutequipepermettant aux eacutetudiants

demettreagrave prot leurs connaissances deniveau avanceacute


Programmeintensif l un di a u je ud i 8 h3 0 agrave 1 5h 2 5 4 1 12 0 $+ vendredi 8h30 agrave 11h308 sem 2200$ | 12 sem 3208$Pour beacuteneacutecier deces tarifsles sessions doivent ecirctresuivies conseacutecutivement

bull Programmesemi-intensiflematin (6niveaux deacutebutant agrave avanceacute) bull Choix drsquoun des cours suivants en apregraves-midi conversationlecture-eacutecriturepreacuteparation au

TFI (frais de95$ + tx en sus pour letest)preacuteparation au TCFQfranccedilais des aairesfranccedilaiseacutecrit et expression creacuteative

bull Accegraves libreau laboratoiredela ngues et agrave Internet de15h30agrave 17h bull Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la dureacuteedu cours

Programmesemi-intensif Conversationet grammairelundi auvendredi 8h30 agrave 11h30 15 4 748 $ bull Accent mis sur lrsquoacquisition des structures et la pratiquedela conversation pour

ameacuteliorer ses compeacutetences en franccedilais bull Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la dureacuteedu cours

Culture meacutediaset socieacuteteacute1 amp 2 NOUVEAU Preacutealable niveau6

lundi a uv endre di 8h30 agrave 11h30 15 4 748 $ bull Deacutebatssurlesenjeux denotresocieacuteteacuteetdeacutecouvertede laculturequeacutebeacutecoiseetfrancophone bull Fairelevolet 1avant le volet 2 bull Abonnement au centresportifinclus pour la dureacuteedu cours

Preacuteparationau TFIet test Preacutealable niveau4

lundi aujeudi 12h30 agrave 15h 10 4 492 $Test TFI samedi 12h30agrave 15h 95$ +tx Test defranccedilais international eacutevaluation dela compeacutetencedes non-francophones agrave

travailler ou agrave eacutetudier en franccedilaisDates des tests 25janvier22feacutevrier22mars26avril24mai21juin19juillet16aoucirct

20septembre18 octobre15novembre13 deacutecembre

Conversationlundi aujeudi 12h30 agrave 15h 10 4 492 $

Lecture -Eacutecriture NOUVEAU Preacutealable niveau2l un di a u je ud i 1 2h 30 agrave 1 5h 1 0 4 4 92 $ bull Approchenouvelleetprogressivepourdeacutevelopperlesbases de2 compeacutetences

fondamentalesenfranccedilaisla compreacutehensionetlrsquoexpressioneacutecrite

Franccedilaiseacutecrit Preacutealable niveau4

l un di a u je ud i 1 2h 30 agrave 1 5h 1 0 4 4 92 $Franccedilais des affaires Preacutealable niveau4l un di a u je ud i 1 2h 30 agrave 1 5h 1 0 4 4 92 $



Eacutecole internationalede langues YMCA




Conversatilundi mardi mardi mercredi jeudi s am ed i

Conversatil un e t m er l un e t m er m ar e t j eu m ar e t j eu

Eacutecritm er cr ed i

Atelierde cl un di jeudi

samedi i Coursde pHo ra ire v a ria


Conversatim ar di e t j eu bullUtilisation d

Coursdrsquointm ar di e t j eu

Franccedilaiseacuteclundi (niveaumercredi(niv Franccedilaisde jeudi

Atelierde cmercrediou

l un di e t m er bull 2niveaux -I

Preacuteparatiolundi et merlundi et mer

Expressionl un di a u je ud bull Cours dyn

langueen enquecirctes

Preacuteparatiol un di a u je ud bull Testdecon drsquoexpressio



8132019 Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

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IntensiveProgramMondayto Thursday 830 am to 300 pm 25 4 $1120+ Friday 830 am to 1130 am8 weeks$2200| 12 weeks$3208Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively

bull Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(6levelsfrom Beginner to Advanced) bull A choiceofone ofthefollowing courseoptions in theafternoonConversation

Reading-WritingTFI Preparation Course($95+tx for thetest)Writing Course TCFQ Preparation CourseBusiness French and Expression creacuteative bull Freeaccess to thecomputerized languagelab and internet from 330to 500pm bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthe course

Semi-IntensiveProgram Conversationand Grammar

Mo ndayto F rida y 830 a m to 1130 a m 15 4 $748 bullLearningofgrammaticalstructuresandpracticingconversationtoimprovespeakingskills bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthe course

Culture meacutediaset socieacuteteacute1 amp 2 NEW Prerequisite Level6Mo ndayto F rida y 830 a m to 1130 a m 15 4 $748 bull Debates over important issues ofour society and discovery offascinating aspects

ofQuebec and francophoneculture bull You need to completepart 1beforedoing part 2 bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

TFIPreparation Courseamp Test Prerequisite Level4Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492TFI TestSaturday 1230pmto 300pm $95+txTest defranccedilais internationalaims to evaluatethe level ofFrench ofnon-francophoneswho wish to work or study in FrenchTest datesJan 25Feb22 March 22April 26May 24June21July 19August 16Sept20Oct18Nov15Dec13

ConversationMondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492 bullTopicsof conversationchoseninaccordancewiththespecicgrammarobjectivesofeachlevel bull No grammar is taught in this course

Reading-Writing NEW Prerequisite Level2Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492

bull This coursefocuses on thedevelopment and practiceofthe bases ofwriting comprehension and expression skills through a new and progressiveapproach

Writing Prerequisite Level4

Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492Business French Prerequisite Level4Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492




IntensiveProgramMondayto Friday 900 am to 330 or545 pm 25 4 $11208 weeks$2200| 12 weeks$3208Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively

bull Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(8levels from Beginner to Advanced) bull A choiceofone ofthe followingcourseoptions in theafternoonConversation PronunciationTOEFLiBTBusiness EnglishIELTSReadingamp WritingMadeEasy English Work and CreativeSpeak bull Freea ccess to thecomputerized languagelab and internet from 330to 500pm bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

S em i- In te ns iv e Pr og ra m Conversationand GrammarMondayto Friday 900 am to 1200 pm 15 4 $748 bull Learningofgrammatical structures and practicingfreeconversation to

improvespeakingskills bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

Conversation 7 LevelsMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492

Pronunciation Prerequisite Intermediate1Mondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492

Reading ampWriting MadeEasy Prerequisite Intermediate2AMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 bull Helps low-intermediatestudents to begin workingon their writingand reading skills towards eventual IELTS or TOEFLtests

TOEFL iBT -Preparation Course Prerequisite Intermediate3

Mondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 TheTOEFLiBT (Internet-based test) is for students whosenativelanguageis

not English and who areplanningto study at an English-speakinguniversity

Creative Speak Prerequisite Intermediate2AMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 bull Courseemphasizingimprovement ofuency and overall languageprociency bull Design and development ofa groupproject highlightingthefour languageskills

English Work Prerequisite Intermediate2A

Mo nda yto F rida y 345 pm to 545 pm 10 4 $492

Business English Prerequisite Intermediate3Mo nda yto F rida y 345 pm to 545 pm 10 4 $492

I ELT S Pr ep ar at io n C ou rs e Prerequisite Intermediate3M on da y to F ri da y 3 4 5 p m t o 5 4 5 p m 1 0 4 $ 49 2IELTSInternational English LanguageTestingSystem bull Focus is on dierent academic and structural skills to improvecomprehension

(Listeningamp Reading) as well as production (Writingamp Speaking) skills

TOEIC Test (Reading and Listening) Prerequisite Intermediate3TOEIC Test Saturday 1230 pm to 300 pm $95 +tx bull Test datesJan 11Feb8 March 8April 12May 10June14July 12August 9 Sept13Oct18Nov8Dec13

Mini-ConversationTuesday or 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $168TuesdayampThursday 600 pm to 800 pm 4 7 $295 bull 2levels -Intermediate(PrerequisiteInt 2A) amp Advanced (PrerequisiteInt3) bull Oers a variety ofinterestingdiscussion topics to improvecomprehension skills -with

emphasis on oral production skills and uency

English Work Prerequisite Intermediate2ATuesday 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $199 bull Focus on variety ofskills related to Work or JobSearch -cvrsquos and cover letters emailsrole-playingjob interviewstelephoneskillsnegotiations Introductionto IELTS Prerequisite Intermediate2A

TuesdayampThursday 600 pm to 800 pm 4 7 $360 bull 4-skills competenciesgeneral track -CIC Citizenshipand Immigration Canada CreativeSpeak Prerequisite Intermediate2A

W ed ne sd ay 6 0 0 p m t o 8 0 0 p m 2 7 $ 19 9 bull A mini-project-based courseaimed at improvinguency and the4 basic skills




ConversatiM on da y 1Tu es da yTuesdayWedT hu rs 1 ASaturday

ConversatiMon ampWedMon ampWedTues ampThurTues ampThur


ConversatiMon 6 7T hu rs 4 amp

Sat InterCustomizeF le xi bl e sc he


ConversatiTuesdayampTh bull Useofgram


WritingMonday (LevWed (Level2) BusinessFrThursday

ConversatiWednesdayMondayampW bull 2 levels -I


ExpressionMondayto T bull A dynamic student-d

settingusi TCFQ PrepMondayto T bull Test deco Practiceofo candidates


EnglishFrenchandSpanishbetween1230pmto530pmItalian PortugueseMandarinGermanJapaneseampArabicbetween430pmto530pm

Therewillbe noclassestheweeksof December23rd2013toJanuary3rd2014June23rd to28thAugust25 th to30thDecember22nd2014toJanuary 5th2015Theschoolocewillbe openexceptforSatutoryHolidays



YMCAInternationalLanguageSchool1440StanleyStreet5 th oorMontrealQueacutebec H3A1P7Telephone514849-8393ext1400Fax514849-5026infoymcalanguagescawwwymcalanguagesca

OfficeHoursMondaytoThursday830am to600pmFriday830amto 500pmSaturday930amto 430pm(WinterSpringandFall session)930amto 130pm(Summer session)



3714St-DenisStMontrealTelephone514 849-5719Fax514849-0845SHERBROOKE

ACCESS FOR ALL POLICYTheYsofQueacutebechaveimplementedaexiblepricingsystemallowingalleligibleindividualstobenetfromareducedrateonmostofitsservicesAskusaboutourAccessforAllPolicyYourcondentialitywillbemaintained

PeelStanley Exit

C9831379831481048677n9831401048673852082 9830909830889830894

J9831379831501048693a10486901048697 F9831411048674852082u983137983154983161 M9831379831541048675h

A983152983154983145l M9831371048697 J9831579831501048677








7 7


7 7








7 S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1 516 17 18 19 20 21 2 223 24 25 26 27 28

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S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2 122 23 24 25 26 27 2 82 9 30

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S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2 021 22 23 24 25 26 2 728 29 30

S M T W T F S 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1 617 18 19 20 21 22 2 324 25 26 27 28 29 3 031

S M T W T F S 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1 516 17 18 19 20 21 2 223 24 25 26 27 28 2 930

S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1 819 20 21 22 23 24 2 526 27 28 29 30 31


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2 021 22 23 24 25 26 2 728 29 30 31 1 2 3

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Conversationand GrammarMondayampWednesday 600 pm to 900 pm 6 7 $377 bull Useof grammatical structures to improvespeaking skills (8levels)

Writing Prerequisite Intermediate3

Thursday 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $260BusinessEnglish Prerequisite Intermediate3

Thursday 600 pm to 900 pm 3 7 $377

Page 2: Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

8132019 Courses and Schedules 2014 - Adult Courses and Teen Courses (English - French)

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullcourses-and-schedules-2014-adult-courses-and-teen-courses-english-french 22



IntensiveProgramMondayto Thursday 830 am to 300 pm 25 4 $1120+ Friday 830 am to 1130 am8 weeks$2200| 12 weeks$3208Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively

bull Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(6levelsfrom Beginner to Advanced) bull A choiceofone ofthefollowing courseoptions in theafternoonConversation

Reading-WritingTFI Preparation Course($95+tx for thetest)Writing Course TCFQ Preparation CourseBusiness French and Expression creacuteative bull Freeaccess to thecomputerized languagelab and internet from 330to 500pm bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthe course

Semi-IntensiveProgram Conversationand Grammar

Mo ndayto F rida y 830 a m to 1130 a m 15 4 $748 bullLearningofgrammaticalstructuresandpracticingconversationtoimprovespeakingskills bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthe course

Culture meacutediaset socieacuteteacute1 amp 2 NEW Prerequisite Level6Mo ndayto F rida y 830 a m to 1130 a m 15 4 $748 bull Debates over important issues ofour society and discovery offascinating aspects

ofQuebec and francophoneculture bull You need to completepart 1beforedoing part 2 bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

TFIPreparation Courseamp Test Prerequisite Level4Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492TFI TestSaturday 1230pmto 300pm $95+txTest defranccedilais internationalaims to evaluatethe level ofFrench ofnon-francophoneswho wish to work or study in FrenchTest datesJan 25Feb22 March 22April 26May 24June21July 19August 16Sept20Oct18Nov15Dec13

ConversationMondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492 bullTopicsof conversationchoseninaccordancewiththespecicgrammarobjectivesofeachlevel bull No grammar is taught in this course

Reading-Writing NEW Prerequisite Level2Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492

bull This coursefocuses on thedevelopment and practiceofthe bases ofwriting comprehension and expression skills through a new and progressiveapproach

Writing Prerequisite Level4

Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492Business French Prerequisite Level4Mondayto Thursday 1230 pm to 300 pm 10 4 $492




IntensiveProgramMondayto Friday 900 am to 330 or545 pm 25 4 $11208 weeks$2200| 12 weeks$3208Theseprices apply only to courses taken consecutively

bull Semi-IntensiveProgram in themorning(8levels from Beginner to Advanced) bull A choiceofone ofthe followingcourseoptions in theafternoonConversation PronunciationTOEFLiBTBusiness EnglishIELTSReadingamp WritingMadeEasy English Work and CreativeSpeak bull Freea ccess to thecomputerized languagelab and internet from 330to 500pm bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

S em i- In te ns iv e Pr og ra m Conversationand GrammarMondayto Friday 900 am to 1200 pm 15 4 $748 bull Learningofgrammatical structures and practicingfreeconversation to

improvespeakingskills bull Fitness centremembershipincluded for theduration ofthecourse

Conversation 7 LevelsMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492

Pronunciation Prerequisite Intermediate1Mondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492

Reading ampWriting MadeEasy Prerequisite Intermediate2AMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 bull Helps low-intermediatestudents to begin workingon their writingand reading skills towards eventual IELTS or TOEFLtests

TOEFL iBT -Preparation Course Prerequisite Intermediate3

Mondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 TheTOEFLiBT (Internet-based test) is for students whosenativelanguageis

not English and who areplanningto study at an English-speakinguniversity

Creative Speak Prerequisite Intermediate2AMondayto Thursday 100 pm to 330 pm 10 4 $492 bull Courseemphasizingimprovement ofuency and overall languageprociency bull Design and development ofa groupproject highlightingthefour languageskills

English Work Prerequisite Intermediate2A

Mo nda yto F rida y 345 pm to 545 pm 10 4 $492

Business English Prerequisite Intermediate3Mo nda yto F rida y 345 pm to 545 pm 10 4 $492

I ELT S Pr ep ar at io n C ou rs e Prerequisite Intermediate3M on da y to F ri da y 3 4 5 p m t o 5 4 5 p m 1 0 4 $ 49 2IELTSInternational English LanguageTestingSystem bull Focus is on dierent academic and structural skills to improvecomprehension

(Listeningamp Reading) as well as production (Writingamp Speaking) skills

TOEIC Test (Reading and Listening) Prerequisite Intermediate3TOEIC Test Saturday 1230 pm to 300 pm $95 +tx bull Test datesJan 11Feb8 March 8April 12May 10June14July 12August 9 Sept13Oct18Nov8Dec13

Mini-ConversationTuesday or 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $168TuesdayampThursday 600 pm to 800 pm 4 7 $295 bull 2levels -Intermediate(PrerequisiteInt 2A) amp Advanced (PrerequisiteInt3) bull Oers a variety ofinterestingdiscussion topics to improvecomprehension skills -with

emphasis on oral production skills and uency

English Work Prerequisite Intermediate2ATuesday 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $199 bull Focus on variety ofskills related to Work or JobSearch -cvrsquos and cover letters emailsrole-playingjob interviewstelephoneskillsnegotiations Introductionto IELTS Prerequisite Intermediate2A

TuesdayampThursday 600 pm to 800 pm 4 7 $360 bull 4-skills competenciesgeneral track -CIC Citizenshipand Immigration Canada CreativeSpeak Prerequisite Intermediate2A

W ed ne sd ay 6 0 0 p m t o 8 0 0 p m 2 7 $ 19 9 bull A mini-project-based courseaimed at improvinguency and the4 basic skills




ConversatiM on da y 1Tu es da yTuesdayWedT hu rs 1 ASaturday

ConversatiMon ampWedMon ampWedTues ampThurTues ampThur


ConversatiMon 6 7T hu rs 4 amp

Sat InterCustomizeF le xi bl e sc he


ConversatiTuesdayampTh bull Useofgram


WritingMonday (LevWed (Level2) BusinessFrThursday

ConversatiWednesdayMondayampW bull 2 levels -I


ExpressionMondayto T bull A dynamic student-d

settingusi TCFQ PrepMondayto T bull Test deco Practiceofo candidates


EnglishFrenchandSpanishbetween1230pmto530pmItalian PortugueseMandarinGermanJapaneseampArabicbetween430pmto530pm

Therewillbe noclassestheweeksof December23rd2013toJanuary3rd2014June23rd to28thAugust25 th to30thDecember22nd2014toJanuary 5th2015Theschoolocewillbe openexceptforSatutoryHolidays



YMCAInternationalLanguageSchool1440StanleyStreet5 th oorMontrealQueacutebec H3A1P7Telephone514849-8393ext1400Fax514849-5026infoymcalanguagescawwwymcalanguagesca

OfficeHoursMondaytoThursday830am to600pmFriday830amto 500pmSaturday930amto 430pm(WinterSpringandFall session)930amto 130pm(Summer session)



3714St-DenisStMontrealTelephone514 849-5719Fax514849-0845SHERBROOKE

ACCESS FOR ALL POLICYTheYsofQueacutebechaveimplementedaexiblepricingsystemallowingalleligibleindividualstobenetfromareducedrateonmostofitsservicesAskusaboutourAccessforAllPolicyYourcondentialitywillbemaintained

PeelStanley Exit

C9831379831481048677n9831401048673852082 9830909830889830894

J9831379831501048693a10486901048697 F9831411048674852082u983137983154983161 M9831379831541048675h

A983152983154983145l M9831371048697 J9831579831501048677








7 7


7 7








7 S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1 516 17 18 19 20 21 2 223 24 25 26 27 28

S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1 516 17 18 19 20 21 2 223 24 25 26 27 28 2 93 0 31


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1 0 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1 920 21 22 23 24 25 2 627 28 29 30

S M T W T F S 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1 718 19 20 21 22 23 2 425 26 27 28 29 30 3 1

S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2 122 23 24 25 26 27 2 82 9 30

S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1 0 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1 920 21 22 23 24 25 2 627 28 29 30 31

S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2 021 22 23 24 25 26 2 728 29 30

S M T W T F S 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1 617 18 19 20 21 22 2 324 25 26 27 28 29 3 031

S M T W T F S 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1 516 17 18 19 20 21 2 223 24 25 26 27 28 2 930

S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1 819 20 21 22 23 24 2 526 27 28 29 30 31


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2 021 22 23 24 25 26 2 728 29 30 31 1 2 3

S M T W T F S 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 1 0 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1 819 20 21 22 23 24 2 526 27 28 29 30 31



Conversationand GrammarMondayampWednesday 600 pm to 900 pm 6 7 $377 bull Useof grammatical structures to improvespeaking skills (8levels)

Writing Prerequisite Intermediate3

Thursday 600 pm to 800 pm 2 7 $260BusinessEnglish Prerequisite Intermediate3

Thursday 600 pm to 900 pm 3 7 $377