Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 1 Career … · 2016-03-23 · Course Title:...

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 1 Career Opportunities Content Standard(s) and Depth of Knowledge Level(s): Students will: 1. Describe career opportunities in the criminal justice system. Identifying leadership opportunities, benefits, and awards available through participation in career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) events Demonstrating procedures for obtaining employment, including developing a resume, completing a job application, and participating in a mock interview Learning Objective(s) and Depth of Knowledge Level(s): Students will: 1. Identify available jobs in the criminal justice field. 2. Describe the duties associated with available jobs in criminal justice. 3. Discuss educational requirements for available jobs in criminal justice. 4. Discuss the physical fitness requirements for jobs in the criminal justice field. 5. Compare benefits of jobs available in criminal justice. Essential Question(s): What criteria should a student use in selecting a career path in the criminal justice field? Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant) Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources I. Define duties and activities to be performed. II. Employee Benefits A. Insurance 1. Medical 2. Dental 3. Vision 4. Life B. Retirement plans 1. State Retirement 2. 401 K PowerPoint Presentation Research Field Trip Research PowerPoint Presentation Computer Guest Speaker Handouts

Transcript of Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 1 Career … · 2016-03-23 · Course Title:...

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 1 Career Opportunities

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Describe career opportunities in the criminal justice system.

• Identifying leadership opportunities, benefits, and awards available through participation in career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) events

• Demonstrating procedures for obtaining employment, including developing a resume, completing a job application, and participating in a mock interview


Objective(s) and Depth of

Knowledge Level(s):

Students will: 1. Identify available jobs in the criminal justice field. 2. Describe the duties associated with available jobs in criminal justice. 3. Discuss educational requirements for available jobs in criminal justice. 4. Discuss the physical fitness requirements for jobs in the criminal justice field. 5. Compare benefits of jobs available in criminal justice.

Essential Question(s):

What criteria should a student use in selecting a career path in the criminal justice field?

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Define duties and activities to be performed.

II. Employee Benefits A. Insurance

1. Medical 2. Dental 3. Vision 4. Life

B. Retirement plans 1. State Retirement 2. 401 K

PowerPoint Presentation Research Field Trip Research

PowerPoint Presentation Computer Guest Speaker Handouts

III. Education Requirements A. Diploma/GED B. APOST certification C. College Degree

IV. Physical Fitness Requirements

Research PowerPoint Presentation Physical Fitness Test

Handouts PowerPoint Presentation Computer Rubric Obstacle Course Stop Watch

Unit Assessment: Teacher Observation, Research Report, Performance Task, Oral Presentations

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Complete Physical Fitness Test Requirements

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 2 Ethics and Professionalism

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 2. Interpret the code of ethics for the criminal justice system.

Learning Objective(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Interpret the code of ethics in the criminal justice system. 2. Explain the need for standards of professionalism in the criminal justice system. 3. Assess the impact of ethics and professionalism in criminal justice. 4. Explain how education and training affect ethics and professionalism. 5. Discuss the role of ethics in recruitment in criminal justice.

Essential Question(s):

What level of standards should a person employed in the criminal justice field be expected to adhere to and why? Why is it important for a criminal justice professional to maintain a level of professionalism?

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Ethics and Professionalism A. Fundamental Duties

1. Serve 2. Protect

B. Personal Life

1. Obeying Laws 2. Confidentiality

C. Improvement

1. Education 2. Training

D. Community Perception

E. Recruitment and Selection

Computer presentation Open-ended questions Open-ended questions Demonstrations Scenarios Oral Presentations Computer Presentation Oral Presentations Open-ended questions

Lead Questions Computer Textbooks Handouts Lead Questions Handouts Computer Lead Questions

1. Appearance 2. Personality 3. Confidence

Computer Presentations Self-Assessments Debates Guest speakers

Computer Handouts Rating Charts

Unit Assessment: Quizzes, Demonstrations, Self-Assessments, Participate in Discussions

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Students participate in demonstrations of proper grooming, speech, and response to real life situations.

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit 3: Constitutional and Criminal Laws

Content Standard(s) and Depth of

Knowledge Level(s):

Students will: 1. Explain how political, moral, and economic concerns lead to the development of laws.

• Differentiating state and federal laws • Describe the impact of local ordinances

Learning Objective(s) and Depth of

Knowledge Level(s):

Students will: 1. Identify the various types of law. 2. Define criminal and constitutional law and how they apply to the criminal justice system. 3. Summarize and explain the purpose of the Bill of Rights and what each amendment guarantees individuals. 4. Differentiate unconstitutional and unlawful acts. 5. Identify the general features of a crime. 6. Define the general categories of crime. 7. Explain the necessity to prove the elements of a crime. 8. Define the types of criminal defenses.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Constitutional and Criminal Laws A. Types of Law

1. Criminal Law 2. Civil Law 3. Administrative Law 4. Case Law 5. Procedural Law

B. Constitutional Laws

1. The Bill of Rights 2. Case Laws

a. Search and Seizure

PowerPoint Presentation Handouts Note Taking PowerPoint Presentation Scenarios Handouts

Computer Handouts Textbooks Reference Books Computer Handouts

b. Arrest c. Miranda d. Terry Stop

C. Categories of Crime

1. Felony 2. Misdemeanor 3. Offenses 4. Inchoate Offenses

D. General Features of a Crime

1. The Criminal Act (Actus Reus) 2. The Guilty Mind (Mens Rea) 3. Concurrence (Actus Reus + Mens Rea)

E. Elements of a Crime

F. Criminal Defenses 1. Alibi 2. Justifications

a. Self-Defense b. Defense of Others c. Defense of Home and Defense of Property d.. Necessity e. Consent f. Resisting Unlawful arrest

3. Excuses a. Duress b. Age c. Mistake d. Involuntary Intoxication e. Unconsciousness f. Provocation g. Insanity h. Diminished Capacity i. Mental Incompetence

4. Procedural Defenses a. Entrapment

Brainstorming/Discussion PowerPoint Presentation Note Taking Scenarios/Case Studies PowerPoint Presentation Note Taking Handouts 5+1 PowerPoint Presentation Scenarios Handouts Guest Speakers

Videos Textbooks Computer Textbooks Computer Textbooks Reference Books Handouts Computer Handouts Guest Speakers

b. Double Jeopardy c. Collateral Estoppel d. Selective Prosecution e. Denial of Speedy Trial f. Prosecutorial Misconduct g. Police Fraud

Unit Assessment:

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Unit: 4 Court System

Content Standard(s) and Depth of

Knowledge Level(s):

Students will: 4. Compare federal, state, and municipal ordinances.

• Describing Alabama’s court system

Learning Objective(s) and Depth of

Knowledge Level(s):

Students will: 1. Describe the development of the American Court System. 2. Identify some of the differences between the Municipal, State, and Federal Court System. 3. List and explain the steps taken during pretrial activities. 4. Describe the various stages of a criminal trial. 5. Describe the goals of contemporary criminal sentencing. 6. Describe the types of structured sentencing models in use today. 7. Explain the importance of federal sentencing guidelines. 8. Describe the nature and importance of the pre sentence investigation. 9. List the traditional sentencing options.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Court System A. History of the American Court System

1. The State Court System a. Development of State Courts b. State Trial Courts c. State Appellate Courts d. State Court e. Administration

PowerPoint Presentation 10+2 Note Taking Research

Computer Textbooks Support Materials Teacher Designed Materials Handouts Videos

f. Municipal courts

2. The Federal Court System a. U.S. District Courts b. U.S. Courts of Appeal c. U.S. Supreme court

B. Pretrial Activities 1. 72 Hour Hearing 2. First Appearance 3. Pretrial Release

a. Bail b. Alternatives to Bail

C. The Preliminary Hearing 1. Purpose 2. Participants

D. The Grand Jury 1. Purpose 2. Participants

E. Arraignment 1. Pleas 2. Plea Bargaining

F. The Criminal Trial 1. Nature and Purpose 2. Stages of a Trial

a. Initiation

PowerPoint Presentation 10+2 Note Taking Research PowerPoint Presentation 10+2 Note Taking Research Guest Speakers PowerPoint Presentation 5+1 Note Taking Guest Speakers Field Trip PowerPoint Presentation 5+1 Note Taking Guest Speakers PowerPoint Presentation 5+1 Note Taking Guest Speakers Field Trip PowerPoint Presentation 5+1

Computer Textbooks Teacher Designed Materials Handouts Videos Computer Textbooks Teacher Designed Materials Handouts Computer Handouts Textbooks Computer Handouts Textbooks Teacher Designed Material Computer Handouts Textbooks Teacher Designed Material Computer Textbooks Reference Books

b. Jury Selection c. Opening Statements d. Presentation of Evidence e. Closing Arguments f. Charging the Jury g. Jury deliberations and verdict

G. Goals of Sentencing

1. Retribution 2. Incapacitation 3. Deterrence 4. Rehabilitation 5. Restoration

H. Indeterminate and Structured Sentencing

1. Determinate Sentencing 2. Advisory Sentencing Guidelines 3. Presumptive Sentencing 4. Mandatory Sentencing 5. Federal Sentencing Guidelines 6. Innovations in Sentencing

I. The Presentence Investigation

1. Purpose and Use 2. Victims Impact Statements

J. Modern Sentencing Options

1. Probation 2. Community Service 3. Fines 4. Incarceration 5. Parole 6. Death Sentence

Note Taking Guest Speakers Scenarios 5+1 Note Taking Discussion Note Taking Research 10+2 Note Taking Guest Speakers Research 5+1 Note Taking Guest Speakers Buzz Session Four Corners Position Papers

Handouts Teacher Designed Material Textbooks Reference Books Handouts Computer Internet Textbooks Reference Books Textbooks Reference Books Handouts Computer Internet Teacher Designed Material Support Material Videos

Unit Assessment:

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Unit: 5 Trial Process

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 5. Describe the role of individuals involved in the trial process.

Learning Objective(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Identify and explain the roles of the professional members of the courtroom work group. 2. Identify and explain the roles of the nonprofessional courtroom participants.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Trial Process

A. Courtroom Work Group 1. Judges 2. Defense Attorneys 3. Prosecutors 4. Public Defenders 5. Law Enforcement Officers 6. Bailiff 7. Court Administrators 8. Court Reporter 9. Court Clerk

Guest Speakers Field Trip Simulations 5+2 Note Taking Research

Reference Books Computer Internet Videos Teacher Designed Material

B. Nonprofessional Participates

1. Witnesses 2. Jurors 3. Victims 4. Defendants 5. Spectators and Press

Guest Speakers Field Trip Simulations 5+2 Note Taking

Reference Books Computer Internet Videos Teacher Designed Material

Unit Assessment:

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Unit: 6 Juvenile Justice System

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 6. Identify programs and agencies within the juvenile justice system.

• Identifying law enforcement procedures related for juvenile delinquent offenders

Learning Objective(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Describe the history and evolution of the juvenile justice system. 2. Identify the programs and agencies involved in the juvenile justice system. 3. Define the categories of children in the juvenile justice system. 4. Describe the problems that juveniles face in today’s society. 5. Define the stages of the juvenile justice system. 6. Discuss the juvenile corrections system and alternative programs. 7. Explain the differences between the juvenile and adult systems of justice.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Juvenile Justice System A. Evolution of Juvenile System

1. Influences

B. Agencies and Programs involved in Juvenile System

1. School Resource Officer 2. Youth Aid Officer 3. Juvenile Probation Officer 4. Department of Youth Services

10+2 Discussion Buzz Sessions Note taking Guest Speakers Research

Computer Textbook Teacher Designed Material Text Books Computer Internet Handouts Guest speakers

5. Boot Camps 6. Department of Mental Health 7. Department of Human Resources

C. Juvenile Classifications

1. Delinquents 2. Undisciplined 3. Dependent 4. Neglected 5. Abused 6. Status Offenders

D. Sources of problems for juveniles today

1. Drugs & Alcohol 2. Violence 3. Gangs 4. Abuse

E. Stages of the juvenile justice system 1. Intake 2. Adjudication 3. Disposition 4. Post adjudicator review

F. Juvenile Corrections Programs 1. Department of Youth Services 2. Boot Camps 3. Juvenile Probations

G. Juvenile and Adult system compared

Discussion Note Taking 10+2 Discussion Note Taking Videos Research Discussion Videos Demonstrations Buzz Sessions Guest Speakers Discussion Note Taking Guest Speakers

Computer Handouts Videos Reference Books Textbooks Computer Videos Guest Speakers Video Monitor Web sites Internet Textbooks Guest Speakers

1. Pretrial release 2. Court Process 3. Guilt vs. Delinquent 4. Juries 5. Sentencing 6. Privacy

Discussion Research Discussion Research Buzz Sessions

Videos Field Trip Textbooks Reference Books Computer Internet Handouts

Unit Assessment:

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Unit: 7 Correctional System

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 7. Evaluate federal, state, and local correctional systems.

• Describing various types of community-based programs provided by correctional systems

Learning Objective(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Describe the history of corrections. 2. Discuss local, state, and federal correctional systems. 3. Describe different types of prison and community based programs. 4. Identify major correctional operations procedures and programs. 5. Discuss legal issues concerning the rights of inmates and the duties and responsibilities of correctional officers. 6. Discuss current trends in correctional reform. 7. Recognize the unique interpersonal skills required in communicating with inmates.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

I. Correctional System

A. History of Corrections

B. Local, State and Federal Prisons

C. Prison Classification System

D. Prison and Community Programs

Lecture Lecture Research Oral Presentations

Textbooks Textbooks Videos Computer Internet Textbooks Handouts

E. Correctional Operations and Programs

F. Inmate Life

G. Life of A Correctional Officer

H. Current Trends in Correctional Reform

I. Officer Inmate Relations

Oral Presentations Guest Speakers Oral Presentations Field Trips Oral Presentations Field trips Guest Speakers Oral Presentations Guest Speaker Oral Presentations Group Investigations Five plus one Think-pair-share

Computer Internet Guest Speakers Computer Internet Reference books Field trip reference books Field trips Guest Speakers Reference books Guest Speaker Reference books Computer Internet Reference book Textbooks Computer Internet

Unit Assessment: Tests, Quizzes, Essays

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other:

Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice Unit: 8 Awareness of Human Diversity

Content Standard(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 8. Identify factors that may affect human relations in criminal justice operations within culturally diverse communities.

Learning Objective(s) and

Depth of Knowledge


Students will: 1. Explain how multiculturalism and diversity present special challenges to the criminal justice system. 2. Discuss the opportunities made available for the criminal justice system by having great diversity in the U.S. population. 3. Identify differences in religions, traditions, values and other variances in the different heritages present in the U.S.

Essential Question(s):

Content Knowledge Suggested Instructional Activities Rigor & Relevance Framework (Quadrant)

Suggested Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources

A. U.S. Census Statistics

B. Multiculturalism in the U.S. 1. Racial/ethnic heritages present 2. Religions 3. Traditions 4. Values 5. Languages

C. Transnational Crime

D. Terrorism

Brainstorming Collages Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Research Collages Think-pair-share Lecture Lecture Ten plus two

Reference books Handouts Computers Internet Printer Computer Internet Printer Videos Reference books Videos Reference Books

Internet Computer Printer

Unit Assessment: Tests, Quizzes, Essays, Group Projects

Unit/Course CTSO Activity:

Unit/Course Culminating Product:

Course/Program Credential(s): Credential Certificate Postsecondary Degree University Degree Other: