Course Session 4 Making Contact with Your soul/NDW LFYS Course...

©2017 Neale Donald Walsch/Evolving Wisdom. All rights reserved. 1 Neale Donald Walsch: Hi. I’m Neale Donald Walsch, and I want to welcome you to lesson number four of our nine-week course designed to move you to a place where life can bring you what you most desire. But, by an entirely different process than the way that you may have been going about it in the past. We all know that everyone on the planet wants the same thing. We all want health, happiness, peace, security, opportunity, full self-expression, and love. We’ve been talking about why it’s been so difficult for so many people to experience that. And we’ve made it clear that it’s because we’re going about achieving the wrong things, the wrong goals. That is, we’ve been trying as hard as we can to fulfill the desires of the mind, rather than seeking to follow the agenda of the soul. As well, when we face life’s daily challenges and explore life’s daily opportunities, we keep trying to find the answers to life’s daily questions in our mind. We think that our life experience will tell us how to meet our challenges, how to resolve our issues, how to plan for our future, and how to get where we say we want to go. But it’s not that way. It’s not the experience of the mind that best informs us about these things. We must not make the mistake of confusing experience with wisdom. The mind is the storehouse of our experience. But the soul is the storehouse of our wisdom. Course Session 4 Making Contact with Your Soul

Transcript of Course Session 4 Making Contact with Your soul/NDW LFYS Course...

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Neale Donald Walsch: Hi. I’m Neale Donald Walsch, and I want to welcome you to lesson number four of our nine-week course designed to move you to a place where life can bring you what you most desire. But, by an entirely different process than the way that you may have been going about it in the past.

We all know that everyone on the planet wants the same thing. We all want health, happiness, peace, security, opportunity, full self-expression, and love. We’ve been talking about why it’s been so difficult for so many people to experience that. And we’ve made it clear that it’s because we’re going about achieving the wrong things, the wrong goals.

That is, we’ve been trying as hard as we can to fulfill the desires of the mind, rather than seeking to follow the agenda of the soul. As well, when we face life’s daily challenges and explore life’s daily opportunities, we keep trying to find the answers to life’s daily questions in our mind. We think that our life experience will tell us how to meet our challenges, how to resolve our issues, how to plan for our future, and how to get where we say we want to go.

But it’s not that way. It’s not the experience of the mind that best informs us about these things. We must not make the mistake of confusing experience with wisdom. The mind is the storehouse of our experience. But the soul is the storehouse of our wisdom.

Course Session 4Making Contact with Your Soul

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Living from Your Soul - Course Session 4: Making Contact with Your Soul

Now, if you truly want answers to life’s biggest questions, it would be best to listen to our soul, which is our connection to the one soul there is. That’s what I have been striving to share with you, to make clear with you in the first part of this course. I’ve been seeking to give you a direct experience of the fact that you have a soul, and that your soul is connected to the one soul. And, that you can have your own conversations with God whenever you choose—and that it is in these conversations that you’ll find the solutions to your problems, the ways to meet life’s challenges, and the avenues to the future that you so earnestly wish to experience.

I also hope to make the point—early in this part of the course—that when we follow the agenda of the soul, all the things that our mind tells us we should be striving for—that long shopping list of items that I ran through just a moment ago—come to us automatically. Virtually without effort. And that this is the most effective way, to say nothing of being the most meaningful way, of experiencing lives in the manner that we truly wish to.

So the question becomes, how do we access the wisdom of the soul on a regular basis? On demand, if you will, when we choose to? When we need to? Not just now and then. Not just every once in a while. Not just every so often. But in the very moment that connecting with our soul is most urgently and earnestly desired. How do we do that?

Most people do not connect with their soul on a regular basis, if at all. Most people live without interacting with their soul in any way. They know that they are three-part beings, made up of body, mind, and soul. But they live their lives largely as if they were two part beings. A body, with a mind. The soul’s agenda, the soul’s desire, the soul’s wisdom, the soul’s insight, and the soul’s knowledge, the soul’s awareness and the soul’s power, is largely ignored and unused.

This is not because people don’t want to use this wonderful resource. It’s because they simply don’t know how. Most people have never been told how to, and I believe that when people make a connection with their soul, they will hear that still, small voice within telling them that life was never meant to be a struggle. Nor was it meant to be a test. Nor was it meant to be a baptism of fire or a trial or a school, or anything at all unpleasant.

I believe that they will hear that, quite to the contrary, life was meant to be an overwhelming joy from first moment to last. A celebration of who you are and of what you are capable of. An expression of glorious and wondrous proportion. The joyful propulsion of life itself into the arena of life itself, expanding life itself through the process of life itself.

So now, let’s get to specifics about how you can do that. Acquiring, or accessing, the data of life in a way that includes the wisdom of the soul, and not just the information stored by the mind, is a matter of quieting the mind so that you can hear the soul. But it is not a matter of abandoning the mind.

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Living from Your Soul - Course Session 4: Making Contact with Your Soul

I’m not even sure it’s a matter of quieting the mind in exactly the way some people think it is. It’s not a matter of shutting the mind off; it’s a matter of refocusing the mind. We’re going to get into that in just a minute. Your mind is the greatest tool that you have on the journey to your soul. It is the only way to get there, so what we’re describing here is not a way to somehow avoid using the mind, or sidestep the mind, or get around the mind—and that’s important to hear because a lot of people imagine that the way to get to the soul is by getting out of your mind.

Contrary to popular belief, and to some mystical teachings, one does not journey to the soul by leaving the mind. The process is not about turning the mind off, but about turning the mind up. It’s about changing the frequency of the mind’s thought pattern. It’s about redirecting our thoughts. Not about stopping our thoughts.

So let me make the point again—that your mind is your most wonderful friend. It’s not your enemy, it’s not that which is opposing you, it is not an obstacle. Many people have positioned it this way, but that’s not the way it is. Your mind only wants to help you to survive. That is its job, so that you can do the bidding of your soul. That is your mind’s assignment. That is its singular task.

So, do not reject the mind. Do not step away from it. Do not abandon it, as you attempt to undertake the journey to your soul. Rather, use your mind as your most direct and efficient pathway to the upper reaches of your being.

And here is one way that you can do that. Tell your mind exactly what to do. Most people are not used to giving their mind instructions. Your mind loves this when you do that. It hates being left to its own devices. It doesn’t want to tell you what to do; it wants you to tell it what to do.

This is not something that’s generally understood. Because it’s not generally understood, it’s not generally practiced. Most people listen to what their minds tell them. They let their mind take in data about every present moment, re-treat any similar data that it may have in storage, compare and analyze the data with the present data, and then draw a conclusion about the present based on the past. And then, most people let their mind to tell them what to do—right here, right now—based on that analysis.

Your mind is happy to do this, if that’s all you want it to do. But it can’t guarantee the efficacy of the results. If you really want fantastic results in your life, your mind wishes that you would tell it what to do. Tell it where you are going and tell it how you want it to get you there. Tell it how you want it—that is, your mind—to make your life happen for you.

This is a powerful manifesting tool that most people rarely use. Wait, no. Let’s not couch that. That most people never use.

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But beyond its power to manifest your next reality, the mind’s most useful, and easily its most beneficial ability, is its gift and its skill of opening the doorway to your soul. Yet your mind will not do this on its own.

What I’m going to tell you now may be one of the most important things you’ve ever heard, ever learned, ever been told, about the relationship between you, your mind, and your soul. By the way, you may be wondering who is this “you” you’re talking about. But you are not your mind, and you are not your body. Your body is something you have; it is not something you are. You’re not your soul. Your soul is something you have; it’s not something you are.

Who you are is a three-part being. You are your body, mind, and soul put together. That is what I call the totality of you. And that’s who you are, and that’s who I’m referring to when I talk about you as you listen to your mind.

Now, your mind will not take you to your soul on its own. It will not use this marvelous ability that it is has to take you to the doorway of your soul, until it is told to do so. See? It doesn’t happen automatically. You have to instruct it to access the wisdom of your soul. And you have to do that in a particular way that will make sure that your mind doesn’t feel threatened.

Now, allow me to explain that, because you’re going to wonder, how can your mind feel threatened? But it can, and I’m going to explain exactly how. See, you have allowed your mind to be in charge of your life for a very long time, and it has served you well. It has gotten you to where you are today. Perhaps that’s not all the way that you’d hoped to be right now, but you’re still here, still alive, still pulsing with possibility. And your mind has done one heck of a job in making that possible.

And don’t think your mind doesn’t take pride in what it has accomplished, because it does. So much so that now, when you decide that you’d like to access the wisdom of your soul, your mind says, “Hey, what? What about me? Are you out of your mind? You can’t get along without me. You can’t just leave me and go to the soul.”

You see, the mind harbors the biggest fear of all. The fear that is built into the cellular structure of all human beings—the fear of being alone. The fear of being left all by itself.

You can’t blame your mind for holding this fear. It is, after all, the first terror-filled experience of life—and hence, its very first vital survival memory. When you were separated from your mother at the moment of your birth, you felt the terror of being all on your own for the very first time.

For the many months preceding this moment you were one with your mother. You intuitively knew your mother to be the source of your own life, so you were one with the source of life. And that’s what you experienced. That was the data that your mind took in. Then, at the moment of your birth, you were removed from that presence. Quite

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literally removed from your life source. And your mind’s first response? Deep and iron-hot branding fear. Followed by unbelievable sadness.

Do you think it’s a simple coincidence that the first thing all babies do is cry? Doctors tell us it’s instinctive. But why? Have you ever asked why? What created this instinct to cry? It’s because, suddenly, you are alone. All by yourself. It’s you and the world around you, and no one else in between.

This is something that your mind was experiencing based on the limited data that it has been receiving from your body about all that’s going on. Remember, your body does not think. It only senses. Your body is a sensory reception machine. It takes in data about its environment, but it makes no value judgment about all the data that it’s taking in. The data it gathers are received by, categorized by, and stored in your brain, which calls that data experience. Yet—as I said before—don’t confuse experience with knowledge.

Experience, to remind you, is held in the mind. Knowledge is held in the soul. The moment of birth is the first moment when your mind’s experience and your soul’s knowledge were not aligned. They were not the same. They were not identical and they did not present the same information.

While you were in utero, the body’s data, the mind’s experience, and the soul’s knowledge all matched perfectly. They each said we are all one. There is no separation from the source of life. That was your experience, your knowledge, and your sensory data. But at the moment of your birth, the data of the body and the experience of the mind dramatically shifted. It veered away from the knowledge held by the soul. That is, what the soul knows was not what the mind experienced, nor what the body sensed. What the body sensed was separation. That’s the data that it sent to the mind, which filed that data as experience—in other words, as truth. Never confuse experience with truth. The two are not reliably the same.

What you experienced at the moment of your birth felt very much like abandonment, and you made up your mind in that instant never to allow yourself to be abandoned again. And so, rejection and abandonment became your greatest protectorate and your greatest fear.

All your life you seek to shield yourself from it, even as you brace yourself for it. Whether you know it or not, you’ve been protecting yourself against it from the moment of your birth. And this, this is what stops your mind from easily providing you with access to your soul. Your mind is afraid that once you get a sense of what the soul knows, what your mind thinks it knows will be of little interest to you. Your mind doesn’t object to having a partner, but it does object to being replaced. So, to allay any fears that your mind has—that by providing access to your soul, it’s going to be replaced—follow this process.

Number one, thank your mind. Now, you’re going to think this is kind of silly, but I promise you it’s not. You literally can talk to yourself, you know. We do it all the time. So

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talk to your mind and say, “Thank you, mind. Thank you, good friend. Thank you for your warning and for warning me of the danger of imagining that I could go even one moment without you.”

Second, assure your mind that you have no intention of stepping one foot away from it. But merely seek to move into the territory of your soul, with your mind right there at your side, as it always has been from your first moment of life in physicality.

Third, tell your mind that what you want to do is reunite with your soul—forming a partnership in which the mind and the soul work together as equal collaborators in the understanding of what is now going on in your life, and in the co-creation of what you choose to know as your next reality.

Fourth, and finally, instruct your mind as to what information you want it to gather from your soul and how you wish to use it. That is, give your mind instructions and directions, telling it what you want to do and where you want to go, and giving it the power to get you there.

Then, after this four-step process, release any need you may have that all of this shows up in a certain way. Let everything go, on a conscious level. Your mind will tell you what to do next.

See, that’s what I’m trying to share with you here. Once you give your mind specific instructions, your mind will tell you what to do next. It may suggest that you go out for a quiet walk somewhere, or take a long shower and stand under the hot water longer than ever, or sit in meditation, or listen to a particular music album, or dance an ecstatic dance, or perhaps do nothing, nothing at all in particular. Just let the days go by moment by moment, allowing your soul to bring you, in its own unique way, the wisdom or the insight that you seek.

Your mind will lead you to just the right book, or just the right song, or just the right person, or just the right place. I promise you. And don’t try to figure all this out—or any of this out, for that matter—in advance. Just let life reveal life to you through the process of life itself.

But be sure to give your mind these assurances that we spoke about just now. And then these instructions: tell your mind, “Take me to my soul. Let’s go there together. From now on let our life be a collaboration.”

Now, one more instruction. A specific one that can be very useful. Listen carefully. The entrance to the soul is through the doorway of beingness. If you instruct your mind as to what you wish to be in those moments when you wish to access the soul, you may find —to your happy astonishment—that you’ve located the sacred portal that opens to your spiritual self.

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For instance, you could instruct your mind to be the thing you call peace. And you can do that in just that way. You can just say, be peace. Be peace. Or, be love. Not, be peaceful, or, calm down, or seek peace, but plainly and simply just, be peace. Or you might instruct your mind to be wisdom, or to be clarity, or to be love. Or to be any aspect, any state of being that you select. The mind will follow these instructions, just as it follows instructions from itself to be careful, or to be scared, or to be safe, or to be sure.

See, your mind even talks to itself. It does this a lot. It literally gives itself instructions. Most people don’t know that they can instruct their mind in this way. Actually direct their mind to produce these outcomes. How many times have you told yourself, “I’ve got to be up at five o’clock in the morning, I’ve got to catch that airplane, I’ve got to be up at five o’clock in the morning.”? And so you set your alarm, only to find yourself waking up before the alarm goes off. You have literally awakened yourself when you wanted to be awakened. Didn’t even need the alarm.

Now, that’s exactly what you’re doing when you give instructions to your mind to connect with your soul. You are literally waking yourself up.

Now, there are some tools that can be used to assist your mind in placing you into one of these states of being. Just to be clear, your mind can call forth a state of being at will, without any tools at all. You don’t need tools. No tool except the mind’s own decision and the mind’s own desire. It’s just as you can wash your dishes without a dishwasher, or dry your clothes without a clothes dryer. These are just modern conveniences. You can hang your clothes out on the line if you want to.

But these conveniences can sometimes be very useful to you during your daily life, and the same is true with the conveniences that the mind can use. I’m going to share with you right now one of those conveniences. And what I’m going to say may sound a little bit trite, a little bit predictable, a little bit expected, but I have to tell you that meditating is one of the best tools, one of the best conveniences you can use, to assist your mind in leading you to your soul.

A lot of people have a hard time with meditation. They don’t have the patience for it, or they don’t have a real belief that it actually gets them anything that they are trying to experience, gets them anywhere, really, or produces any outcome or result in any real way. Doesn’t give them any sense of progress on the journey to the soul.

But that’s because, by my observation, people think that meditation can only occur in one way. We have to sit in silence, you know, preferably with our legs crossed, in a lotus position. Preferably with your eyes closed, or focused on something—a singular point, a candle or something—and perhaps without moving or engaging in any physical activity whatsoever, for an extended period of time. That’s what people think that meditation has to look like. It has to be kind of like that.

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That’s understandably challenging for some people. What I have learned in my life is that there is more than one way to meditate. What I’ve just described is a perfectly good way to do it, but it’s not the only way. My own way of meditation is writing. It’s, for me, a very powerful process. Powerful meditation. And much of the time, when I’m writing, I’m actually staring off into space not even thinking, but just kind of being with what is moving through me in that moment and opening—without question, without expectation or requirement—to whatever’s coming next.

This is, of course, a wonderful way to journey through all of life. Some people might prefer walking meditation, or stopping meditation, or other forms of meditation that actually involve movement and physical activity. If you don’t know about these you might find it very helpful to read the section on Ways To Meditate, found in the addendum to my book. There you’ll find a detailed description of several different ways that you can use the tool of meditation in your life. It’s, as I said, it’s a wonderful convenience.

But for now, know that this convenience of meditation is not about shutting down the mind. It’s about refocusing the mind, pointing it in a different direction. It’s about focusing it away from what you think of as who you are, and toward the totality that you really are. The three-part being we spoke of, composed of body and mind and soul.

It’s also about focusing you away from your story. That long and ongoing narrative about you and what you’ve said to yourself about who you are, and what others have said to you about you, and what’s supposed to be true about you—based on what they’re telling you, and on the events and behaviors of your own past. It’s about focusing away from that story and toward the highest idea you ever held about who you are, and about who you choose to be.

This won’t work, of course, if you’ve never even formed or created a thought or an idea about who you do choose to be. And notice, please, that I did not say what you choose to do. I said, who you choose to be. The central choice and decision in your life has nothing to do with what you’re going to be doing, and everything to do with what you are choosing to be while you are doing whatever it is that you’re doing.

So you need to make the choice. You need to take that decision. With apologies to Shakespeare, what to be and what not to be, that is the question.

As you seek to move into one of the states of being that you’ve decided that you wish to adopt as your own, here is another tool that you can use. And this one doesn’t involve meditation. Simply slow down.

You can do so by simply refocusing your mind—turning it away from thoughts regarding any event or moment in your life, even as that event or moment is happening—and toward something entirely different. A state of being that you wish to achieve. A state of being that you wish to express. A state of being that you wish to experience. Regardless of the event or the moment that is now occurring, or that you may even be remembering.

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In order to refocus your mind in this way, allowing you to access the awareness of the soul, you need to slow down. And in order to do that, you have to think fast. That’s right. I said you have to think fast in order to slow down. You have to think even faster than the data of life that is coming at you, which is very fast indeed. In order to tell yourself to slow down, retarding the process by which your mind—usually with lightning speed—reaches its conclusions about the event, situation, or circumstance in which you now find yourself physically or mentally involved.

Did you catch all that? You see, the first thing your mind wants to do when incoming data is deluging you, is to analyze the data. And then present you with all the options, with regard to how you can respond. It does this very rapidly, very quickly. In order for you to short circuit that process, you have to think fast. So fast that, as your mind begins to take you deep into your past data about what is going on right now, you literally stop your mind from going there. You skip past your past. Then you reroute your energy to awareness rather than past data.

This is like switching tracks in a train yard, from the track that goes back to where the train has just been, to a spur that takes you to a brand new place—a place where you can rest. You can do this, quite literally, on the spur of the moment—forgive the pun—thus moving from your mind to your soul.

You know how some people are described as having a one-track mind? This is about changing that. There are times when we all have one-track minds. We keep thinking about what we’re thinking about. Going to the same places over and over again, just like a train. As you would know if you ever rode an actual train through its entire route, this gets you nowhere. You wind up right back where you started. That’s all trains do. They just go back to the same place and start over again, back and forth, back and forth.

Now, to change all that you have to be fast enough to slow down. You have to be quick enough to stop your mind from racing on, and slow your process of analysis, dropping the vibe to the level of your soul’s frequency.

Your soul’s oscillation is so slow that you can’t see it. Now, I know this is the exact reverse of everything you’ve learned, everything you’ve ever been told. You’ve been told to raise your vibration and you’ve been told that the enlightenment process is about consciousness raising. Actually, it’s just the opposite.

It’s about lowering your vibration. It’s about slowing down the frequency rate to that of the invisible. It’s about getting closer to the primal sound. That’s why monks and others who meditate often sit together and chant the sound of Om, in their rich, deep tone. They sound like this, “Ooooomm.” It’s not a fast vibration, it’s a slow vibration. It’s about slowing down the vibe.

When you make the connection with your soul by focusing on the state of being that you wish to achieve, and to experience, you find yourself in a place where your personal

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story simply doesn’t exist anymore. This allows you to come from a totally different space, as you look at what is happening to you right now. Or as you look over your shoulder at a memory that you’re holding about something that happened before.

You will go to a different space, so that you can come from a different space. When you are in your mind, you find yourself in a place of self-reflection. But when you are in your soul, you find yourself in a place of self-realization. When visiting your soul you will lose track of yourself.

Let me repeat that. It’s important that you heard cleanly and clearly what I just said. I said when you are in your mind, you find yourself in a place of self-reflection. Yet when you are in your soul, you find yourself in a place of self-realization. When visiting your soul, you will lose track of yourself.

Now, all of this may sound like just a process of being quiet with yourself. But it is much more than that. When people have major problems or find themselves facing major challenges, when they’re confronting big questions in their life, they usually do get quiet. They often become moody, sitting around by themselves, contemplating things. They burrow into the mind.

So they may even say to you, “Hey, I am being quiet. I am spending time with myself.” How is going to the soul any different from that? But the difference is that when we burrow into our mind not only do we confront our own personal story, but we add to that story our own version of what is happening to us right now, and why.

All this creates ongoing mind chatter. We keep talking to our self about what’s going on. The only problem is we’re really talking to our little self, not to our big self. Not to our true self. Not to our best self. Because our story is blocking the way. We begin thinking that we are that story, that this is the truth about us, and that everything else is the show.

You see, there is the show and there’s the story. We convince our self that all the good stuff is part of the show and all the bad stuff is the real stuff. The good stuff is the show we’re putting on, and the bad stuff is the stuff we’re trying to hide so that no one can see what’s real about us. That’s the real story about us that we tell ourselves.

Yet when we reach the environment of the soul, we find ourselves in a place where our story does not make sense. In fact, it does not even exist. We see that it’s something we’ve just made up. None of it has anything to do with who we really are. So journeying to the soul is about more than simply being quiet with yourself. It’s about asking the mind, directing the mind, to focus away from its own chatter, and from its never-ending story, and concentrating instead on a state of being that you now choose in place of your story.

As I said it could be a place called peace, or it could be a place called joy, or it could be a place called wisdom, or it could be a place called forgiveness. Or it could be a place

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called, simply, the totality of you. This is a place where you let go of your story and focus on pure being.

A lot of people think that they don’t know how to do all that I’ve just described. What do you mean, they say, focus on pure being? Yet we’ve all done this in our lifetime. All of us have had moments when we’ve told ourselves exactly how to behave. We know how to order our mind around. We know how to tell our mind what to do. We know how to set our mind on the path that we wish to take, when we have the presence of mind to give it specific instructions. And we do this often in our lives.

So let me repeat. This is what accessing the soul is all about. It’s about giving your mind specific instructions. Once again, you can’t shut your mind off. Can’t do it. There’s no on/off switch. You don’t even want to shut your mind off. You want to use the power of your mind to access the power of your soul, so you can tell your mind to be peace. Or to be wise. Or to be any state of being—to adopt any state of being that you wish to embrace and to experience and to express. To literally become.

Now then, when you have chosen—actively decided—to become peace or to become wisdom or to become all that Divinity is, you may then ask your soul about the event, situation, and circumstance that you are now facing, or have faced in the past that you are now remembering, that has caused you to abandon peace. That event that’s caused you to abandon yourself, finding yourself vexed and confused. If you then listen to what your soul has to tell you, you’ll become aware of the perfect reasons behind the demonstration of perfection itself in the form of the event or circumstance you are now reflecting upon.

In the weeks ahead I’m going to give you some powerful tools that you may use as clues or devices with which to direct your mind away from the story that has told you about the event and circumstance. And away, as well, from the story that your mind has told you about yourself. To refocus on the truths of who you are, which you will come to a full knowledge of through your awareness of your soul.

Remember, your soul holds knowledge while your mind holds only experience. I know I’ve said that now five or six times, because I want you to understand the difference. Yes? The difference between knowledge and experience. Your mind has stored all the experiences of your life, but your soul stores all the knowledge of eternity. Of life itself.

I want to end this week’s lesson by telling you one last thing about connecting with your soul. And that is that you can do this very quickly, on a moment’s notice. This doesn’t have to be a long and involved process, nor is it necessary for you to find yourself or place yourself in a dark or empty or quiet space. You can do this in the middle of a stadium, or on a busy city street. Standing in your kitchen, or sitting at your desk at work. You can do this any time, any place, anywhere. You can do this in no time at all.

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Living from Your Soul - Course Session 4: Making Contact with Your Soul

Using the tools I’m going to share with you in the weeks just ahead you can turn the key that opens the lock that provides an immediate pathway to your soul. And one single word is all it takes. The time it takes to utter that word is all the time it takes.

That word—a single word—can unlock your mind. Really seeing it from the prison of its own devising, and freeing it to fly to the soul instantaneously. Joining it there, in such a marriage of blissful union, that Divinity itself smiles at the expression of what life always intended. I’m going to give you not just one word, but several.

So that’s where we’re going in the weeks ahead. On the Internet these days these things are called keywords. They’re terms that allow you to quickly search for whatever it is you wish to find. And that’s exactly how you’re going to use the words that I’m going to be giving you.

Now, for your homework this week, I’d like you to write in your course journal three stories about events in your life—circumstances in your present moment, perhaps. Or the idea that you have about yourself and about your own future. Let these stories tell the truth about you. Let them be reflections of what you have actually thought, or think now, about your past, your present, and your future.

Then, if you want to have some real fun, get the members of your Panel of Helpers on the phone one at a time, and ask them to tell you their biggest story about you. Tell them to be honest, candid, and as authentic as the moment will allow. If they say that they don’t know what you mean by their story about you, help them out. Tell them to start a story this way, “Once upon a time there was a person whose name was so-and-so, who lived in the first quarter of the 21st century, who...” and then have them fill in the blank. Have them continue with and bring a conclusion to their little V story. Ask them to describe the challenges they see you facing, the proclivities that they see in you, the tendencies that they see you demonstrating. The characteristics that they see you expressing. And whatever else they observe to either be holding you back or launching you forward, as you move through your life toward the goal that you imagine yourself to be holding for yourself—if they have any idea what that goal might be at all. Maybe they don’t even know what your life goal is. Ask them, in fact, what they think your goal for your life is.

If they say they can’t tell, you look to see what this says about how clear you have become with yourself—and with the world—about what it is you’re trying to do. What you seek to experience, and what you intend to achieve in this lifetime.

Please write a three or five-paragraph essay about what all this has told you. Then, using any one of the tools that you have so far learned in this course, ask yourself, ask your soul, what it knows to be the highest truth about you. And then what your highest intention for you is. As well as how you might best achieve it.

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And next week I’ll give you a wonderful tool. That first word that I told you about, a single word that can change everything. A keyword with which you can unlock the chamber of your mind, setting you free at last, allowing you to escape from your story and step into the reality of who you really are.

And then I will give you a marvelous process in the weeks that follow that can help you understand exactly what is going on in your life. What has been happening and what is happening right now. And I will show you how, with this remarkable tool, you can decide for yourself the reasons for the events of your life. All of that coming up next week and the weeks that follow.

Keep up with this work. You’re going to find that what you’re learning here, in this course, can and probably will change your life. I’ll see you next week.

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Information About Your Instructor

Neale Donald Walsch has written 29 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life, including the Conversations with God series. Seven of those books reached the New York Times Bestseller List, and the first book in the series occupied that list for over two-and-a-half years.

His most recent books are The Only Thing That Matters, What God Said, and God’s Message To The World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong. His books have been translated into 37 languages, selling nearly 10 million copies and touching millions of people’s lives.