Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM

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Transcript of Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    through quantitative and qualitative analysis of cases, data and contextual information /industry analysis . Assessment through group assignments and submissions

    2. Critical Analysis and Creative Communication Skills: Each student should be able toidentify key issues relevant to this course, develop a perspective supported by externallyobtained / instructor provided information; capacity to distinguish between major,minor, peripheral and irrelevant factors as well as exogenous and endogenous variables ;and present and defend the decision arrived at based on the assessment criteria alreadyestablished. Assessment through discussion of research articles in the class.

    3. Interpersonal Communication and Group Working Ability: Each student is required todemonstrate an ability to appreciate peer group member view point and work in teamenvironment, exhibiting a clear understanding of individual roles and tasks, ability toidentify and resolve interpersonal conflicts and contribute in achieving team goals.Assessment through group based project work.

    Required Text Book:

    Customer Relationship Management: A data-based approach by V. Kumar and Werner J.Reinartz, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Delhi.

    Supplementary Readings:

    Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies by Francis Buttle,Taylor & Francis Group, UK

    Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework by Don Peppers andMartha Rogers, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New Jersey


    Components of Course Evaluation Percentage Distribution

    Class Participation 10

    Quizzes (Two quizzes of 10 marks each) 20

    Case Analysis submission 35


    Mid Term Examination -

    End Term Examination 35

    Other -

    Total 100


    Soft copies of class presentation, case studies and required data for analysis will be uploadedin the BlackBoard (BB). A hard copy of all readings will be distributed prior to the class andwill be available at resource center.

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM



    Session No-1

    Session Title Introduction to Relationship MarketingReading Material 1.

    Fournier, Susan and Jill Avery (2011), Putting the

    Relationship back into CRM, MIT Sloan ManagementReview (

    Additional Reading

    Case Title

    Pedagogy Discussion / Group Presentation

    Session No-2

    Session Title Understanding Relationships & Strategic CRM

    Reading Material 1.

    Rigby, Darrell K., Frederick F. Reichheld and Phil Schefter(2002), Avoid the four perils of CRM, Harvard Business

    Review, February, pp. 101-109Additional Reading Chapter 2, CRM by Francis ButtleChapter 3, CRM by Kumar & Reinartz

    Case Title Customer Profitability & Customer Relationship Management atRBC Financial Group

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation

    Session No-3

    Session Title Planning CRM initiativeReading Material 1. Peppers, Don. Martha Rogers and Bob Dorf (1999), Is your

    company ready for one-to-one marketing, Harvard BusinessReview, Jan-Feb, pp. 151-160


    Winer, Russel S. (2001), A framework for CRM, CaliforniaManagement Review, 43(4), Summer, pp. 89-105

    Additional Reading

    Case Title

    Pedagogy Discussion

    Session No-4

    Session Title Identifying and Differentiating Customers

    Reading Material 1. Stringfellow, Anne, Winter Nie and David E. Bowen (2004),CRM: Profiting from understanding customer needs,Business Horizons, Sept-Oct, pp.45-52

    2. Kumar, V., Rajkumar Venkatesan and Werner Reinartz (2006),

    Knowing what to sell, when and to whom, Harvard BusinessReview, March, pp. 131-137

    Additional Reading Chapter 4 & 6, CRM by Peppers and Rogers

    Case Title

    Pedagogy Discussion

    Session No-5

    Session Title Identifying and Differentiating Customers

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    Reading MaterialAdditional Reading

    Case Title Harrahs Entertainment Inc.

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation

    Session No-6

    Session Title Customer Value MetricsReading Material

    Additional Reading Chapter 5, CRM by Kumar and Reinartz

    Case Conroys Acura

    Pedagogy Discussion/ Group Presentation

    Session No-7

    Session Title Customer Value Metrics

    Reading MaterialAdditional Reading Chapter 6, CRM by Kumar and Reinartz

    Case Title London Jets

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation

    Session No-8

    Session Title Designing and Implementing Loyalty Programs

    Reading Material 1. Berman, Barry (2006), Developing an Effective CustomerLoyalty Program, California Management Review, 49(1), Fall,pp. 123-148

    2. Reinartz, Werner and V. Kumar (2002), The mismanagementof Customer Loyalty, Harvard Business Review, July, pp. 86-94

    Additional Reading Chapter 8, CRM by Kumar and Reinartz

    Case Title Hilton Hotels: Brand Differentiation through CRM

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation

    Session No-9

    Session Title Loyalty Program Management

    Reading Material 1.

    Narayandas, Das (2005), Building Loyalty in BusinessMarkets, Harvard Business Review, September, pp. 131-139

    Additional Reading Chapter 9, CRM by Kumar and Reinartz

    Case Title Cineplex Entertainment: The Loyalty Program

    Pedagogy Discussion /Group Presentation

    Session No-10

    Session Title Information Technology and CRM

    Reading Material 1.

    Adams, Niall M. (2010), Perspectives on data mining,International Journal of Market Research, 52(1), pp. 11-19

    Additional Reading Chapter 10, CRM by Kumar and Reinartz

    Case Title Quest Foods Asia Pacific and the CRM initiative

    Pedagogy Discussion /Group Presentation

    Session No-11

    Session Title Sales force Automation

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    Reading Material 1. Jelinek, Ronald (2013), All pain, no gain? Why adopting sales

    force automation tools is insufficient for performance

    improvement, Business Horizons, 56, pp. 635-642

    Additional Reading Chapter 14, CRM by Francis Buttle

    Case Title Oracle vs

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation

    Session No-12

    Session Title Marketing and Services Automation

    Reading Material Chapter 15 & 16, CRM by Francis Buttle

    Additional Reading

    Case TitleSession No-13

    Session Title Technology trends in CRM

    Reading Material 1. Reichheld, Frederick F. and Phil Schefter (2000), E-Loyalty,Harvard Business Review, Jul-Aug, pp. 105-113

    Additional ReadingCase Evergreen Investments: Mobile CRM

    Pedagogy Discussion/Group Presentation


    Students will form groups of four for class discussions and case analysis. A student

    cannot be part of more than one group.

    Case Analysis submissions- Students are expected to submit a brief case analysis in BB

    before commencement of the subsequent class. Any group will be picked in random topresent the assignment in the class. Each case carries 5 marks and total marks obtained

    out of 45 will be normalized to 35.

    Discussion of Articles - Articles from research and practitioner journals will be

    discussed in class and each group is requested to come fully prepared for discussion in

    the class.


    Regularity in Attendance

    Regular attendance is considered extremely important in the PGPM. All students therefore,must comply on regular attendance in class. The relative deduction of grade points due toshortage of attendance is explained in the table below. Students having attendance of lessthan 60% (irrespective of medical certificates) shall not be permitted to appear for theexamination in that term/academic year and will carry F grade in the course.

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    Institute uses biometric attendance for recording attendance of students. In the event of twocontinuous sessions, students are required to punch twice at the beginning of each session ifthere is a break in between the sessions.

    The class room doors will be closed within 5 minutes of starts for each session. Studentattendance will be a component while grading them for the course. If the instructor wishes

    to take physical attendance along with the Biometric attendance, they will communicate thesame in the class. In this case also Biometric attendance will be the official record (and notthe physical attendance) for the course. Instructors have been advised to report abouthabitual absentees (habitual absentee is defined as students absent in the class for more thanthree classes consecutively).

    Unauthorized absence from class/institute will be considered a breach of discipline and theInstitute will be free to take appropriate action in such cases. The same student will be askedto face disciplinary committee. Students will not be given any attendance for any committeerelated activities which warrants them to drop from the class. They are required toundertake all committee related work beyond class hours.

    Under extra-ordinary circumstances, students may obtain leave of absence under thefollowing rules and procedures:

    Prior permission of the Director PGPM must be obtained for availing of leave. Studentsare not permitted to go out of station during the terms. In the event of students visitingtheir local guardian for overnight stay, they must inform the Director PGPM and adminoffice (Officer in charge of hostels) and only travel after receiving a proper gate pass. If astudent is noticed to be out of station for overnight without any intimation to theDirector PGPM, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her to the extent ofdebarring the student from appearing in the examinations.

    In case of sickness, medical certificate issued and/or countersigned by the doctor alongwith the prescribed application form must be submitted to the PGPM Office within 3days of joining classes after illness. No student shall be allowed to join the programunless he/she presents a medical fitness certificate duly endorsed by a Medical Officer ofthe designated hospital only. No medical certificates from doctors other than theInstitute approved hospital will be entertained.

    Institute's approved hospitals Medical Officers will issue medical certificates only incase of diagnosed illness where they are convinced that the student is too ill to attendclasses. These include hospitalization, communicable diseases (chicken-pox, jaundiceand typhoid) and accidental injuries (fractures, deep traumas).

    For grounds other than sickness, leave will be allowed to students in exceptional casesdepending on the genuinity of the case by the PGPM Director. However nocompensatory attendance and examination will be held for the period of leave. Students

    will be awarded grades on the basis of their attendance level and performance only inthe classes from which they were present. Before applying for leave to the DirectorPGPM a student should contact his/her course instructors to ensure that he/she is notmissing any quizzes or examinations during the leave period.

    The PGP Office or the faculty concerned will not be responsible for the student losingany segment of evaluation on account of his/her leave. No compensatory opportunitywill be given for quizzes and other class room based components on account of leave ofany kind.

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    Attendance and Performance Grade Penalty

    Each student is expected to attend a minimum of 80% of classes in each course. The gradepenalty will be imposed on all the students who do not meet the minimum 80% attendancerequirements in each course in the following manner:

    Attendance of Student Performance Grade Penalty

    More than or equal to 70% but less than80%

    One grade drop (e.g. from A to A-)

    More than or equal to 60% but less than70%

    Two grade drop (e.g. from A to B+)

    Less than 60% F grade will be awarded

    If a student gets D grade in a particular course and also gets a grade drop due to attendanceshortage, 'D' will become an 'F' grade.

    If a student fails to meet the specified attendance requirement, his/her grade in the

    respective course(s) would be lowered by the Director PGPM in accordance with the gradepenalty rules laid down above.

    Exiting and Entering

    Students are expected to remain in the classroom, be mentally alert, and participate in theclass proceedings for the duration. If a student must leave early for unavoidable reasons,that student should obtain permission from the professor before the class begins. Leavingand re-entering the class is not permitted, except under extraordinary circumstances. Facultymembers may cross check the attendance and if a student is found absent in the class, thecase will be sent to discipline committee and actions will be taken by the committee.

    Norms of Behavior

    Students should demonstrate respect for Faculty and fellow students. Respectful behaviorcontributes to the enhanced learning experience. Students should refrain from disruptivebehavior such as eating, using laptops, and holding side-conversations. Using laptopsduring is allowed only on the instruction of the professor. If necessary, the students areexpected to seek redress for grievances at a proper forum instead of seeking an immediatesolution.

    All grievances may be addressed to the PGPM-Director or respective functional heads andin his absence, to the Executive Director. In such cases, a copy should be marked to theabove.

    Respect the Facilities

    Students are expected to help maintain chairs, display screen, desktop computers, LCDs,tables, window curtains and electrical fittings in good usable condition and not damagethem or render them useless. Students are expected not to destroy the classroom ambience.The cost of damage, loss or theft on account of students will be recovered from them. Whenthis cannot be attributed to one student, the cost will be recovered from an identifiablegroup of which the individual is a part or from the entire batch. Students are expected to use

  • 8/10/2019 Course Outline - CRM Gurgaon - PGPM


    cans to dispose of trash. They are also encouraged to remove defacing or unclean materialvoluntarily.

    Essentially, students should always use proper reporting and escalating mechanisms forconcerns and issues. Under no circumstances should students take matters into their ownhands. Students are expected to use only the students dining hall for dining. Classrooms or

    any of the other administrative or academic areas shall not be used for dining.

    Great Lakes has adopted the principle of preserving the environment. Therefore, it tries toinculcate in the minds of its students and staff, a sense of being one with nature causing noharm anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances which will result in damage to theenvironment.

    Smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking alcohol in and around the premises is strictlyprohibited. Severe penalties will accrue to those students caught violating this.

    Use of Laptops in the class

    Use of laptops in the class is strictly prohibited during class hours, unless specificallyauthorized by the Faculty or the Academic Administration.

    Biometric Readers:

    Bio-metric readers are installed for attendance in class rooms. Students must register theirattendance using only these devices.