Courier Management System_Presentation

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This project provides the facility to all users to send and receive the courier. They can get the information of the status of the courier. System development is also considered as a process backed by engineering approach. Courier agency is considered as an expansion of business relations. It contributes a lot by providing quick & fast services of sending documents letters (formal & informal both) to business as it enables any business to flourish. This project is for only Domestic Courier Management. In this project I only focus on Client Management and partially Employee Management.

Transcript of Courier Management System_Presentation

  • Project Title: Courier System ManagementPresented By:Roll: 10015406

  • Courier System ManagementWithin the country, the things can be imported through post service. However, it consumes the time & sometimes problem of damage or missing occur. The courier service is one of the solutions of these problems. It is used to send some things to any person within time.

  • Meaning of courier servicesCourier services means any services provided to a customer, by a courier agency in relation to door-to-door transportation of time sensitive documents, goods or articles.

  • Aim of projectThe main aim of the project is to develop an application system that meant to partially computerize the work performed by the department.

  • Software process model

  • How existing system work

  • Limitation of existing system 1. There have no tracking system to know the current location for courier.2. Manual data entry.3. Data may lost or damage4. Any unauthorized person can access confidential data.5. Any information cannot be easily searched.

  • 6. Redundancy of data.7. More time consuming.8. Inaccuracy in transactions.9. Slow processing.10. All connection between Courier Company and client is mobile based.

  • Proposed System Online tracking system: A sender can track the courier and identified the location.Easy to get Branch office info: A navigator can show all branch office info via webpage so it is not necessary to go branch office for destination branch office info. Easy comparison: Navigator can calculate the cost and easily compare other courier service.Information access: A navigator easily can get info about company and other like lost courier.Online chat room: User can chat with company through online chat room.

  • Be update: Client get all update via Email or SMS about courier e.g., whether packet is delivered, pending or returned to the client etc.Easy Redirect: Client can easily redirect the courier.Easy in maintaining information: Staff can be easily update information about a specific courier using bar code reader or QR code reader. Routing Information: A Sender can see the all routing information and estimated date of delivery.User satisfaction: The system is such that is stands up to the user expectations like easy and faster retrieval of information.

  • Safety: The system will be accessible by only the authorized users. As information, being the most crucial for the organization, then the safety of information is import.Highly accurate: resources being used by the system will be compatible with the latest technologies available in the market, as proposed system uses highly technically compatible resources, there will be very less wear and tear.Less time consuming: work carried out by the staff at various stages will be less time consuming

  • Feasibility StudyEvery software project begins with a judgment as to whether the project is valuable or not. This is called a feasibility study.

    Software feasibility has three solid dimensions:Technical FeasibilityOperational feasibilityCost-benefit analysis(Economic Feasibility)

  • Technical Feasibility

    This project is technically feasible. It successfully satisfies the users basic requirements. The tools and application softwares used in this project are very popular and easily available across the world.

  • Operational feasibility

    The system will have easy to understand interface for different modules. It does not require any programming skill to use the system. After a little training, the users will be able to work with it at ease.

  • Cost-benefit analysis (Economic Feasibility)

    The organization expects a return on investment. In this approach, two quantities are calculated:1. The cost of providing the system2. The money saved or created by using the system the benefit.

    If the benefit is greater than the cost, the system is worthwhile; otherwise, it is not.

  • Fact-Finding TechniquesSome of the most simple and useful fact finding techniques that can or should be followed are pointed out below:Interview & Questionnaire.Document Sampling Work Site Observation.

  • Sample Interview Questions

    About Courier companyCourier company Name:Company Location:Manager Name:Manager Contact Number:Interview Time/Date:

    Questions From A Senders Point Of View:How sender contact branch office and get info about destination?How track the courier and get update.How much is the cost to send a courier according to weight?What is the route of courier & estimated time needed to deliver the courier?How handle such acts like those that pending or return backed to the client etc.What happened if courier lost or damaged.Some other related services?Billing Process:How (& by whom) the bill payment process of a customer is done?What happen if the courier is redirect?Is there any advanced processes related with the billing process?

  • A sample Questionnaire

    Information of Interviewed Personal:NameContact NumberE-Mail IDPosition/PostExperienceInterview Time/DateApproval(________________) signature With Date

    Short Answer Based simple Questions:Yes/No QuestionHow many employee do you have?Answer: 2. What about your company web service?Answer: 3. How redirect the courier?Answer: 4. How is your whole working process?ManualMixedAutomated/ComputerizedHave any online tracking system: Yes / NoHave any online branch info: Yes / NoBilling Form: Yes / NoIf any other types of forms available:

    Manual/MixedComputerized1) How does this system work? Answer:1) How & by whom the computerized system is user?Answer: 2) What is the Educational Qualification about Employee? Answer:3) Approximately how much time is consumed by the current working process? Answer:4) How calculate the cost of courier? Answer:2) Have you used any computerized technology? Answer:5) Are you satisfied with the current working system? Answer: 3) Does the system hold employee data? Answer: 6) What happen if courier lost or damage? Answer:4) The whole working process of the current computerized system in short. Answer:7) Do you think Your employee cope with new system? Answer: 5) Do you think computerized system will be helpful / useful to you? Answer:8) What are the most noticeable advantages a computerized system will give you? Answer:9) What you think about the reaction of staff If new system is implemented? Answer:

  • Activity Dependencies& networkTasks:T1=Data collectionT2=AdministrationT3=Branch managementT4=document handlingT5=Customer management


  • Module Modules for the proposed system are as follows:

    Manager of the Branch:He can provide details about the overview of company under a single roof. Since the workability of staff will be increase and the owner will get benefits from it.Administrator:He will access the Whole software.

    User:They will access some part of the system.

    Staff:They will access some part of the software.

  • Use Case diagram

  • Activity diagram

  • Sequence diagram

  • Class Diagram

  • Entity Relationship Diagram

  • TestingTypes of testingThere are two major type of testingWhite Box TestingBlack Box Testing

    Using white box testing methods all independent path will be a module have been exercise once & all logical decision were checked for the truth and falsity of the values.

  • Black box testing enables the software engineer to find error in the following categories:Incorrect or missing functions.Interface Errors.Errors in data structure or external database access.Performance errorsInitialization errors.

  • Levels of Testing

    The basic levels of testing are:Unit testingIntegration testingSystem testingAcceptance testing

  • Unit Testing

    Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design the software component or module. The goal of this testing level is to see if the modules have been be integrated properly. In other words, the emphasis is on testing the interactions among the modules.

  • Integration Testing

    The goal of this testing level is to see if the modules have been be integrated properly. The goal of this testing level is to see if the modules have been be integrated properly.

  • System Testing

    In this testing entire software is tested. The goal is to see if the software meets its requirements. System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system. The types of system tests that are worthwhile for software-based systems.Recovery TestingSecurity TestingStress TestingPerformance Testing

  • Future workProvide GPS tracking system for vehicle, which provide better tracking information. Online bill payment and provide full support of the debit card, credit card and others. Storing large amount of data for future usage.Reducing manual efforts for maintaining the system.Emphasis on accurate data and reuse of stored data.Complete automation, almost no need for manual human intervention.

  • Thank you