Couples for Christ-HLT Talk No. 11



Title of the Talk: Correction: A Pastoral Tool

Transcript of Couples for Christ-HLT Talk No. 11

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Talk No. 11:


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Being corrected is something we experience from childhood to old age. We are corrected by family, friends, Clergy, coaches, bosses, teachers, etc… Sometimes we accept these corrections but at other times we don’t want to hear them. Have you ever wondered why you didn’t want to hear or accept a correction from someone even though it would benefit you for the better?

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CORRECTION:“ the act of offering an

improvement to replace a mistake”

“punishment intended to reform, improve or rehabilitate”

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Worldly Sense of Correction

Christian Sense of Correction

As a Christian, we correct to

try to help each other and we’re fueled by

Love and Christ.

One try to undermine

someone else which is

fueled by pride, anger, and/or hate.

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INTRODUCTIONAll scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation,

for correction, and for training in righteousness so that one who

belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work

2 Tim 3:16-17

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The experience in most cultures,

however, is RESISTANCE of

people to correction

… at the bottom of it is FEAR

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Some reasons why we are afraid of correction.

Experience of being laughed at because of our

mistakes(sometimes get embarrassed in front of other

people Societys expectation:

We are evaluated in terms of what we know and have achieved. It is painful to have our failures or

shortcomings pointed out

Correction is associated with rejection

Secular society’s expectation of self reliance and independence leads to

hesitation in accepting somebody’s opinion or judgement over us especially in case of weaknesses and failures being pointed out

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Some reasons why we are afraid of giving corrections.

The fear factor

The solution:One key to overcoming the fear of correcting those in sin or error is to recognize what God says in the Holy Bible, that if you know Christ, you are the Lord’s bond-servant. As such, He will hold you accountable for being faithful to Him. You need to fear God more than you fear people and recognize that obedience to His command to love others requires correcting them if you see them heading for the cliff.

Misunderstanding of Matthew 7:1, “Do not judge so that you will not

be judged

The solution:Jesus meant that we should not condemn others for minor things in their lives while we ignore major sins in our own lives. First take the log out of your eye and then you can help your brother with the speck in his eye.We are aware of

sin in our own lives

The solution:We are afraid that if we try to correct someone else, he (or she) will point the finger back at us, and we know that we’re guilty as charged. So we do not bring up the other person’s sin in hopes that he will not bring up our sin! But, Scripture commands us to deal with any known sin in our lives. That’s why Paul’s instruction here on the ministry of correction follows his exhortation on being a cleansed vessel. We do not have to be perfect to practice this ministry (or it would never get done), but we do have to judge our own sins..

Laziness and procrastination

The solution:It is always more of a hassle to correct than to let it go. Always! It takes effort to arrange a time to get together. It is stressful to talk about such matters. You risk a backlash from the other person. But, we are commanded to pursue love, and that always requires effort and risk

Inadvertently bought into the tolerant,

relative morality of our culture.

The solution:We mistakenly think that love means accepting the person, sin and all, with no moral judgments about his behavior. But, God’s Word gives us absolute standards for right and wrong behavior. If we see someone violating biblical standards, he is heading for the cliff. Let us remember that Love requires attempting to correct.

We do not know whether or not we

should do it

The solution:Some problems get resolved as we pray without saying anything. And, not all matters warrant correction. We’re all imperfect and in process. God Himself is patient with us, not confronting us all at once for every area where we fall short. So, we wonder whether a particular matter calls for correction, or whether we should just bear with the person. It requires waiting on the Lord and applying biblical wisdom to know when it’s right to correct or when to remain silent.

What do we do?

We hide our faults. We cover up We argue when corrected

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How should we regard correction?

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The Context of Correction:


a committed relationship.

Correction is not a sign of

lifelessness and legalism in a

Christian group..

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Rather it appears whenever

Christians see one another

as brothers and sisters.

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CORRECTIONProv 12:1, 15

At the heart of scriptural appreciation of correction is

a hatred of sin, and a realization of human fallibility (Ps 141:5.)

We often don't see all the

things in our lives which

need to change.

(Ps 19:12‑13)

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With God's help, we must overcome our dislike for correc tion.

Don't expect to be always corrected nicely

Response to correction for something we have done wrong

requires repentance, asking forgiveness and change.

But correction for something done poorly requires only a re solve to do it better next time.

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What are the concrete

What are the practical

aspects of correction?

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How to correct?

Correction should be simple and straightforward

When giving correction, expect your brother to repent (or resolve to do better).

Give correction in a way that will help a person to change.

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When a person fails to accept correction, the two par ties concerned should ask a mature

Christian to mediate.

In Case of Disagreements

In case there is still no apparent remedy or

resolu tion, one of the parties may have to

practice forbear ance.

But if it involves something seriously wrong, the rule in Matthew 18:15‑17 should be applied.

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Where we don't have a pastoral responsibility for a person (i.e., not a member of our household; or in case of a Unit Head, not a member of his unit), we still have a responsibility of love and care for

our brethren in CFC.

Correction here is

offered in a spirit of


In serious cases, talk to his household head or Unit


Where we have pastoral responsibility for someone

Correction becomes one of many pastoral tools to help a person grow in relationship with the Lord and

other people..

The pastoral nature of a relationship may allow the leader to probe more deeply into the lives of

people in his charge.

This is true of training relationships, such as par ents with children, or a pastoral leader with a man who has placed himself under personal headship in order to be formed in character and

service (this is not normally the case in CFC).

If the person we are correcting is in authority over us

We should give our correction respectfully, leaving the final judgment about any

change up to the other person.

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Look to our own behaviour and attitudes

Overcome fears about giving correction

Learn to handle anger

Be willing to learn

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Correction is a very important pastoral tool.

For the spiritual life and direction of every Christian..

For the life of our community, for the sake of our mission in CFC.

Correction is something done out of love for the other person. We need to take it seriously as one very important aspect of loving our neighbour.

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Brothers and sisters, “As the Lord’s servants, in love we must wisely correct those in sin and serious doctrinal error” We are  the Lord’s bond-servant and there is a need to be obedient in this ministry because someday we will answer to Him for whether or not we loved the people that He brought into our life. We cannot truly love someone and let him head toward a spiritual cliff without warning him. Do correct him…Do it!” Gently correct those you know that are in sin or error. Do it wisely. Do it in love. Do it in accordance with God’s Word. Do it prayerfully, being aware of spiritual warfare. But do it! Do it because you love God more than anything and you love your brother or sister as you love yourself. That’s what it takes for us Christians to truly love God. To be loyal and faithful servant for GOD!

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Thank you and God Bless Us All!

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Bible Verse

2 Tim 3:16-17 "Ang tibuok nga Kasulatan gisulat pinaagi sa gahom sa Dios, ug mapuslanon kini sa pagtudlo sa kamatuoran, sa pagbadlong, sa pagtul-id sa sayop, ug sa pagtudlo sa matarong nga pagkinabuhi, 17 aron nga ang tawo nga nag-alagad sa Dios maandam sa pagbuhat sa tanang maayong buhat”

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Bible Verse

Proverbs 12:1 "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates

correction is stupid.”

Proverbs 12:15 “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.”

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Bible Verse

Ps. 141:5“141:5 Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers.

“Itugot nga ang matarung modaug kanako, kini maoy usa ka kalooy; Ug ipabadlong niya ako, kini maoy ingon sa lana nga anaa sa ibabaw sa ulo; Ayaw pagpadumilia ang akong ulo niini: Kay bisan pa sa ilang pagkadautan, ang akong pag-ampo magapadayon”

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Bible Verse

Ps 19:12-13.

“But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.13 Keep your servant also from willful

sins;may they not rule over me.Then I will be blameless,innocent of great transgression.”

12. “Walay tawo nga makakita sa kaugalingon niyang sayop. Luwasa intawon ako O, Ginoo sa mga kasaypanan

nga wala ko hibaoi!

13. Ilikay usab ako sa mga sala nga tinuyuan, ug ayaw itugot nga maulipon ako niini. Sa ingon mahingpit ako ug

makalikay sa makalilisang nga sala”

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Bible Verse

 Mt. 18:15-17 15 “If your brother or sister[b] sins,[c] go

and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[d] 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector..