Country Paper- RE Interventions in Bangladesh-4 March 2007

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  • 8/6/2019 Country Paper- RE Interventions in Bangladesh-4 March 2007


    Country paper

    Renewable Energy interventions in


    Beijing, China

    Tazmilur Rahman

    11-16 March 2007

    Geographical location: Between 20034 and 26038 North latitude;

    88001 and 92041 East longitude

    Area: 144,570 sq km

    Population: 141 million [ population density 941/km2]

    Literacy rate: 43%

    Per Capita GNI: US$ 440

    Per Capita energy consumption 157 kgoe (2003)

    Per Capita Electricity Consumption: 144 kWh, annually

    Access to grid electricity: 32% people

    Country Profile

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    Despite only 32% population has access to the National grid, TheGovernment of Bangladesh a noble vision to provide electricity forall by the year 2020

    Target of meeting 5% of total electricity demand from RE by 2010and 10% by the year 2020

    For the last three decades attempts have been made by GOs,NGOs, and Development partners to promote modern REtechnologies.

    Modern Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) are in theresearch, development and demonstration phase

    Policy support

    Government of Bangladesh has declared National Energy Policyin 1996 which fosters Renewable Energy development

    A Draft Renewable Energy Policy has been submitted by thePower Cell of MEMR which is yet to be approved by the GOB

    Exemption of income tax for up to three years for the expatriatepersonnel employed under the approved industry

    Tax exemption on royalties, technical know how and technicalassistance fees and facilities for their repatriation

    Establishment of Renewable Energy Development Agency(REDA) has been proposed

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    Present Incentives in the RE sector

    In 1998, GOB lifted import duty and Value Added Tax(VAT) from solar photovoltaic and wind turbines

    Solar PV program of different government bodies(BPDB, LGED, REB) are basically subsidy driven

    Present subsidy for family-size biogas plant is 75

    GOB will establish a RE trust fund to finance REproject, and R&D activities

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh:

    Solar Energy

    Average solar radiation varies between 4 to 6.5 kWhm-2day-1

    Maximum amount of radiation is available in the month ofMarch-April and minimum in December-January.

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    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh:

    Wind Energy

    Bangladesh Renewable Energy Research Centre (RERC) hasconducted solar and wind energy resource assessment throughSWERA project

    LGED in collaboration with BUET has installed twenty windmonitoring stations to measure wind data.

    However a comprehensive wind resource assessment is not yetcompleted.

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh:Wind Energy

    Primary result indicates limited prospects of wind resources inthe main land because average velocity was found about 3-4 ms -1,however in the coastal belt for a period of five to six months windspeed was found 5-7 ms-1. Therefore low cut-in speed wind turbinemay be useful in that region. Furthermore Bangladesh has about700km long coastal belt, around 200km hilly coast line and about

    50 offshore island where wind-solar hybrid could be a promisingoption.

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    Wind Monitoring Stations : 20

    Partner Institutions : BUET,BIT(Chittagong)

    Study Period : 4 years

    Geographical Coverage : Coastal areas,CHT, Haor areas

    Purposes : Long term systematic wind

    data for wind resource mapping

    Wind Energy Resource Mapping (WERM)

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh

    Biomass Energy Biomass has a significant contribution to the energy consumption.About 68% of total final energy comes from biomass resources.

    There are about 22 million cattle which could produce about 7million m3 biogas per day.

    Main sources of biomass fuels are:Trees (wood fuels, twigs, leaves, plant residues)Agricultural Residues (paddy husk, bran, bagasse,jute stick etc.) and

    Livestock (animal dung), Poultry dropping, Waste,

    Marine Plants, Human excreta.Total wood fuel consumption of the country is 8 million m3 wheredomestic cooking accounts for estimated 5.1 million m3 (63%)annually and the industrial and commercial sectors 2.9 million m3

    annually (37%).

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    13611317127312301186Other wastes

    15371484143113781325Twigs and leaves

    12721219121911661166Fire wood


    28542898285428102810Rice hulls

    12181418140914291375Rice straw

    9229661010966922Jute stick



    Energy supplied by traditional biomass fuels in 000 tons of coal equivalent

    Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

    Bio-gas & Bio-fertilizer potential:

    There are about 22 million of cattle which excrete about 0.22

    million tons of dung per day.

    This can produce on an average 2.72x109 m3 of biogas/year.

    3.840.07Pressed mud6.

    740.0010.00Water hyacinth5.


    1226.4032.85Human excreta3.

    191.602.05Poultry droppings2.




    Yearly gas Production (inmillion cubic meter)

    Organic Fertilizer(in million tons)

    Raw materialsSl.

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    Jatropha cultivation at the Bangladesh Agricultural University

    Species : Jatropha curcasEnglish name: Physic nut,

    purge nut,

    pig nut,


    Germination: takes 7-10 daysFlowering:By cutting the planted branch takes

    3-4 months and by seedling it takes

    About a year for flowering

    Pruning: Once a year

    Jatropha oil can be used as a direct replacement for kerosene for cooking andlighting. Different parts of Jatropha have medicinal values

    Prospect of Bio-fuel cultivation in Bangladesh

    Jatropha - composition

    Oil (58%)


    Minus capsule sheaths (35%)

    Minus seed shells (35%)


    Seed cake (42%)

    Jatropha-capsules 1000kg




    245kg 177kg


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    Bangladesh is a riverine country with three main rivers(1) Ganges (2) Brahmaputra and (3) Jamuna.

    Numerous rivers flow across the country which are mostlytributaries of these main rivers.

    About 1.4 trillion cubic meter of water flows through the countryin an average water year. Out of these, 57 rivers are Transboundary

    which originate from India and Myanmar.

    Apart from the south-eastern region, other parts of the country aremostly flat in nature.

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh

    Hydro Energy

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh

    Hydro Energy

    230MW is being generated from the Kaptai hydro project. PDBhas a plan to extend another unit of hydro power of capacity of100MW

    The first micro-hydro power unit of capacity 10kW has beeninstalled by LGED at Bamerchara, Chittagong district. On the otherhand BPDB has installed another 50kW capacity Diesel-hydrohybrid power unit at Barkal, Rangamati

    BWDB and BPDB have identified nineteen sites for micro-hydro

    which have total potentials of generating about 1200 KW

    LGED has identified seven pico-hydro sites at the CHT region

    which have total potentials of about 140kW

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    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh

    Hydro EnergyPotential small hydro sites identified by BPDB and BWDB

    4819. Fulkumar at Raiganj Bazar

    3218. Buri Khora Chikli at NizbariRangpur

    1117. Punarbhaba at Singraban

    4816. Tangon at D/S of Nargun L.L.P

    3215. Pathraj at Fulbari

    2414. Talam at U/S. of Talam L.L.P

    3213. Chawai at U/S. of Chawai L.L.P

    2412. Dahuk at BurabariDinajpur

    35Kw for 10 months11. Marisi at Dukabad near JhinaigatiJamalpur

    69Kw for 10 months10. Bhugai-Kongsa at 2 miles U/S. of NalitabariJamalpur

    6169. Ranga pani GungSylhet

    788. Madhab Chara1500ft. from fallSylhet

    267. Nikhari CharaSylhet

    106. BudiacharaChittagong

    105. LungicharaChittagong

    814. SealockChittagong Hill Tracts

    123. Hinguli CharaChittagong

    152. Choto KumiraChittagong

    41. Foys lakeChittagong

    Potential of Electrical

    Energy in KW

    Name River/ Chara/StreamDistrict

    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh

    Hydro Energy

    Potential small hydro sites identified by LGED

    -3507.5 KWMonjaipara, Bandarban

    3630030 KWThang Khrue, Rangamati

    9815020 KWKamalchar, Rangamati

    3850020 KWLiragaon, Bandarban

    51260025 KWBangchari, Bandarban

    2520030 KWChang-oo-Para, Bandarban

    131003 KWNunchari Tholipara,Khagrachari


    School /Mosque /Bazaar /


    House hold

    Socio-economic Infrastructure within 1 KmExpectedPowerGeneration


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    Renewable Energy Resources in Bangladesh:

    Tidal and Wave Energy

    Average tidal head was observed about 1-2 metersFrom seven gauge stations installed at the

    St. Martins Island

    No initiative is taken to explore wave energy

    Major Renewable Energy players in Bangladesh

    Govt. and Institutions:

    Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) Rural Electrification Board (REB) Renewable Energy Research Centre (RERC) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

    Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) BCSIR, IDCOL

    Development partners:

    UNDP World Bank GTZ JBIC


    Grameen Shakti

    BRAC Prakaushali Sangsad Ltd. Shubashati Thangamara Mohila Sobuj Shangha (TMSS)

    Private Organizations: Rahimafrooz Solar Ltd.

    Fare Trade Ltd. Micro Electronics Ltd. Nebula Techno Solutions Ltd.

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    Summary of Renewable Energy utilization

    900kWWind generator11.

    10 unitsSolar thermal (Water heater)04.

    5 NosWind pumps06.

    Around 100Biomass briquetting machines10.

    Above 300,000Improved Cooking Stoves09.

    Around 25000Biogas plants08.

    60 KwMicro-hydro07.

    20kWWind-Solar hybrid05.

    50 kWpOther PV applications04.

    Above 500Solar lantern03.

    Around 400LED home systems02.

    Above 150,000Solar home systems01.

    Number of unitsTechnologyNO

    Electricity generation pattern, 2004

    4% 7%



    Hydro Oil Natural gas Renewables

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    Barriers to commercialize RE

    Awareness barrier

    Policy barrier

    Financing barrier

    Institutional barrier

    Technical barrier

    Market barrier

    Information barrier

    Human resource barrier

    Some milestone initiatives to

    disseminate RETs in Bangladesh

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    Some RE interventions


    Solar street lights GS electrification

    SPV pumping

    SPV Health centre

    Solar mini grid

    LED home systems

    Wind Solar hybrid

    Electricity from poultry waste

    Micro-hydro units

    Biogas units

    Capacity building

    World Env day Offgrid mapping



    Bangladesh is endowed with vast renewable energy resources such as solar insolation,

    wind energy, biomass and small hydro.

    Harnessing these resources appears to be a promising solution for improving the quality of

    life of rural villagers, who are unlikely to have access to conventional electricity supply in

    the foreseeable future.

    renewable projects are mainly

    donor driven programs for rural and off-grid electrification

    But in the developing countries, renewable projects are mainly

    donor driven programs for rural and off-grid electrification

    Renewables are slowly finding a niche market in Bangladesh

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