COUNTRY ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK: Scorecard* … · Review of the system has been started in Jogja...

KEY: 1 2 3 5 Situation analysis (strengths, weaknesses/gaps) Priority Actions Assessment & Plan 3.5 As lead agency, MoHA to develop the CRVS improvement plans based on the full assessment. Get commitment from MoHA (DG of Population Adm. And Civil Reg.) Review from missing stakeholders, such as university, research and development MoHA, representative from local gov. (for both), conduct the Key stakeholder meeting to finalize the plan. Followed by Government sign-off. Resource mobilization and implement the CRVS improvement plan. Coordinating Mechanism 1 Establish interagency coordinating committee involving all key stakeholders at central and district level (500+districts). Annual National meeting (2 days) to be organized including all provinces (33). Coordination at Central Level between : - BPS/Statistic Indonesia (Directorate of Statistic Dissemination) and Directorate of Population and Manpower Statistics. - Kominfo (Ministry of Communication and Information), - Ministry of Home Affairs (Directorate of Civil Registion and Directorate of Management of Demography Administration Information (PIAK)), and - Ministry of Health (Centre for Data and Information/ Pusdatin) Coordination at District Level: Optimizing existing data forum at regency/municipal level and adjusting it according to local/regional requirements. Coordination between Central and District institutions: Central provides information/directions to coordinate at the district level. Not present, needs to be developed Needs a lot of strengthening Needs some strengthening Indonesia Already present/no action needed Rapid assessment has been done in April 2012. Revealed weak CRVS system - weakness: not all stakeholders involved, limited and fragmented data, improvement plan has not been developed, strength: already conducted a full assessment. Full assessment already completed but improvement plan has not been developed. Vital Statistics collected by basic health staffs from the sub rural health centres, are reported through Township, State/Region and central level and are analysed by CSO. It is pusblised every year by CSO.Data quality assessment done monthly. COUNTRY ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK: Scorecard* Civil registration & vital statistics systems * This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 1/17

Transcript of COUNTRY ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK: Scorecard* … · Review of the system has been started in Jogja...






Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

Assessment & Plan 3.5 As lead agency, MoHA to develop the CRVS improvement plans

based on the full assessment.

Get commitment from MoHA (DG of Population Adm. And Civil Reg.)

Review from missing stakeholders, such as university, research and

development MoHA, representative from local gov. (for both),

conduct the Key stakeholder meeting to finalize the plan. Followed

by Government sign-off.

Resource mobilization and implement the CRVS improvement plan.

Coordinating Mechanism 1 Establish interagency coordinating committee involving all key

stakeholders at central and district level (500+districts). Annual

National meeting (2 days) to be organized including all provinces


Coordination at Central Level between :

- BPS/Statistic Indonesia (Directorate of Statistic Dissemination) and

Directorate of Population and Manpower Statistics.

- Kominfo (Ministry of Communication and Information),

- Ministry of Home Affairs (Directorate of Civil Registion and

Directorate of Management of Demography Administration

Information (PIAK)), and

- Ministry of Health (Centre for Data and Information/ Pusdatin)

Coordination at District Level:

Optimizing existing data forum at regency/municipal level and

adjusting it according to local/regional requirements.

Coordination between Central and District institutions:

Central provides information/directions to coordinate at the district


Not present, needs to be developed

Needs a lot of strengthening

Needs some strengthening


Already present/no action needed

Rapid assessment has been done in April 2012. Revealed weak

CRVS system - weakness: not all stakeholders involved, limited and

fragmented data, improvement plan has not been developed,

strength: already conducted a full assessment.

Full assessment already completed but improvement plan has not

been developed.

Vital Statistics collected by basic health staffs from the sub rural

health centres, are reported through Township, State/Region and

central level and are analysed by CSO. It is pusblised every year by

CSO.Data quality assessment done monthly.


Civil registration & vital statistics


* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 1/17


Hospital reporting 2 Improve hospital reporting of births, deaths & COD by using

electronic reporting system under development by Pusdatin, in close

collaboration with DGHS, and link hospital reporting with the civil

registration.Training of doctors on death certification and ICD-10 brief; regular

quality control of certification; use of ANACOD for data quality

checks; automate coding by using IRIS centrally.

Death certification (multiple causes of death based on ICD) to be

added to the curriculum for in service and pre service training

A team must be appointed to examine the quality of hospital report

(Quality Assurance Team) -- the team comprise of MoH (R&D, Data

& Information Centre, PPSDM (Centre for HR Development), PI BUK

(Directorate of Health Service), Academicians (FKM (Faculty of

Community Health, FK (Faculty of Medicines)

Community reporting 1.5 Improve community reporting of births and deaths using mobile

registration vans, e.g. mobile registration vans visiting immunization

campaign, establish informant base through community workers

from various sectors including their capacity building, law revision

and enforcement linked with incentives & services and implement m-

Health based community reporting system.

Training for verbal autopsy for paramedics in community health

centre using TOT (1-2 trainers from each province); Pilot PDA based

VA, automate VA diagnosis and IRIS for coding, then scale up.

Increase collaboration between community health centre and

district/sub district administration office through MOU.

Vital statistics 1 Implement SRS in 114 districts/cities (128 sub districts from 30

provinces) (already funded by Govt & GF).

Training and tools to strengthen the analytical capacity of vital

statistics office, including data quality assessment.

Local studies for mortality 4 NOT REQUIRED NOW, Will focus on SRS.

Hospital reporting neither completed, nor accurate. Only central

hospitals reporting regularly due to breakdown of system due to

decentralization. Pustadin manages system for health centers and

DGHS manages for hospitals. All reports managed by Pustadin.

Pustadin developing a national HIS, that would include this


Community reporting implemented in Jakarta Special Province

(DKI) and several districts in Solo. Verbal Autopsy pilot projects in

31 districts/cities (through IMRSSP/Sentinel TB/COD projects of

Health R&D/Litbangkes). Midwifes/nurse/paramedics from health

center trained to fill the VA on paper and then the doctor in the

health ceter with put summary and diagnosis.

Vital statistics available but it not published/disclosed. BPS cannot

release the information regularly every year, Availability of annual

data periodically according to survey conducted (BPS only


Low awareness/needs for birth and death registry in the

Community have increased the case of unreported birth and death


Local studies for mortality statistics (HDSS) available but

irregularly. SRS (Sample Registration System) already exist since

2012, samples at district level to be implemented in 2014. There

are 128 districts spread over 116 regencies/municipalities in 30

provinces, currently supported by GF HSS budget.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 2/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

M&E Plan 2 Further update the comprehensive M&E plan to include all 11

RMNCH indicators, and define all M&E components - result matrix

of indicators of the NHS, data sources, compilation methods,

analysis techniques, data quality assurance methods, use of data as

well as institutional capacity development. Implement the M&E plan

and review/update after 2 years.

M&E Coordination 2 Establish coordination committee for M&E including all key

stakeholders and appropriate TORs inline with relevant Health law,

Chairman to be appointed at high-level across ministries.

Health Surveys 4 Find means to collect "Antibiotic treatment for Pneumonia" or

replace it with diahorea treatment.

Facility data (HMIS) 2 Conduct SARA at about 150 sample sites to Strengthen annual

compilation of statistics from facilities with data quality assessment

report.Conduct SARA for all facilities, during 2014 facility survey.

Analytical capacity 2 Develop analytical tools at national, sub national and district level to

produce an analytical report including equity analysis, involve key

institutions; review contents, analyses and presentation.

Equity 3

Data sharing 2 Develop National Health Repository (RHO) with all relevant data and

reports for public sharing, using the Regional Health Observatory

(RHO) platform.

A comprehensive M&E plan is available but needs strengthening.

MTSP used as a reference by all ministries to create their own

strategic plan. National level M&E plan for MDGs exists. The

RMNCH M&E plan is in line with the overall health sector M&E

plan but not all the indicators are included in the comprehensive

M&E plan and there are gaps in data collection. No formal

National M&E coordination committee exists. However, the

Ministry of development planning is the coordinator for national

M&E in general, they have groups for issue specific coordination.

Each health programs are doing their own M&E in depth. Several

surveys available: National socio-economic survey (Susenas),

Village potential survey (Podes), IDHS, Basic health research at

district level (Riskesdas), Population Census (Census Penduduk),

MICS in two provinces in 2011 (need to be replicated further); the

following MNCH intervention coverage surveys are planned: IDHS

2012 (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10), Riskesdas 2013 (3,4,5,7,8,9,10),

SUSENAS Module Kesehatan dan Perumahan (health & housing

module) starting September 2013 (4,7,9). Indicator 6 missing - can

collect from NAP routine report. Indicator 11 missing. INO prefers

Diahorea treatment indicator as that is bigger problem.

Facility data (HMIS) are available but not integrated and not

complete. Facility survey data are available but not annually

(updated every six months); Rifaskes every 5 years is actually a

health facility census.

Progress are reviewed on quarterly basis but need deeper analysis.

Some reports are still not aggregated, the disaggregation limited

to sex and location only. Survey data are disaggregated by sex,

income, location/geography. Action included with Analytical

Capacity section.

There is provincial level data shared through public website.

Monitoring of results

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 3/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

Notification 3 Advocacy to local government and health facilities to enforce

maternal death notified within 72 hours.

Capacity to review and act 3 Identify potential candidates to serve as member of the national

review team. Strengthen national capacity through promoting of

MCH local area monitoring and MDR.

Disseminate and enforce workflow and clear guideline of MDSR (i.e

data workflow, confidentiality --> legal issue).

Improve response capacity at central level, provide

recommendations to provincial and district levels.

Strengthen district health office and health care professionals

(facility based) for MDSR reviewer capacity.

Maternal death review systems that have just been implemented

need to be scaled up (at the moment 30% districts have been


Hospitals / facilities 1.5 Policy review, policy adjustment, socialization, technical guidance,

monitoring, dan evaluation. Improve reporting by hospitals; Training

in ICD certification and coding (links with CRVS).

Empowering medical communities to do review on maternal death

which happen in hospital. Socialization to hospital director in case of

all maternal death must be reviewed.

Quality of care 3 Support a regular system of QoC assessments, with good

dissemination of results for policy and planning.

Community reporting & feedback 2 Strengthen a community system of maternal death reporting within

24 hours, using ICT.

Strengthen to use of generic district HIS.

Strengthen VA for maternal deaths in communities.

Scaling up implementation of involving communities in response.

Review of the system 2 Documentation of best practices and experiences and use as

references for scaling up. MDSR guideline final draft is available

including annual review of MDSR system.

Existing law number 23, 2006, requires reporting of all deaths

within 30 days (related to vital registration). MoH has published a

technical guideline for maternal and perinatal audit that requires

reporting of all maternal deaths trough health facilities and

community within 72 hours, or 48 hours (based on

implementation guideline on CEONC). In 2010 there was joint

decree between MoH and MoHA mandated community and health

facilities to report all deaths to district civil registration office and

cause of death to DHO (ex: SMS based reporting).

National capacity to review as part of is available but not

institutionalized. Some districts already have capacity to review

and act as part of system of maternal death surveillance and


Reporting maternal death in 72 hours by the hospital is required

but the routine hospital reporting is only once a year. Limited use

of ICD 10 for maternal death record (current hospital reporting

systems are not sophisticated, mostly missed reporting from

health care professionals, especially reporting indirect cause of

maternal deaths), longer time for reporting. Not all hospitals do

review, only couple of hospitals do review but it is not held

regularly inspire of they included in Tupoksi. Many others public

and private hospitals send regular reports but only once a year

due to the policy.

First National quality assessment just completed in August 2012.

Quality of care assessment studies were done in several provinces

and districts by projects. Community maternal deaths are reported

within 72 hours. Only a few districts use electronic device (i.e SMS

based reporting). Verbal autopsies for maternal and perinatal

deaths were done. Feedback mechanism is limited to a few


Review of the system has been started in Jogja as local initiative.

Maternal death surveillance &


* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 4/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

Policy 2 Need to review the existing national HIS strategy. Develop an

eHealth Strategy that harmonizes and reflects all existing

HIS/ICT/mHealth and related strategies involving multisectoral


Infrastructure 2 By December 2014, using the health facility research data (Rifaskes)

as a baseline, district health office in 23 selected districts in

Indonesia will have the full implementation of ICT infrastructure to

facilitate data exchange from health centres to district health office.

From 2015 onwards, a national-wide roll-out of the implementation

of ICT infrastructure will be undertaken. 23 trained persons in ICT

will be hired and placed in each of the 23 districts.

Strengthening infrastructure for IT support.

Services 2 Strengthening the existing integrated Information Systems (SIKDA

Generik - Common Data Collection Platform) and improve data

collection efforts from the community (volunteers, midwives) using

innovative approaches such as using mHealth applications.

Enhance national data warehouse to improve information sharing

with existing 14 national databases and include other COIA-related


Standards 2 Amend the existing MDS document to include "health data

standards" component and implementation plan. This amended

document needs to be endorsed by Ministerial decree.

Governance 2 Establish a national eHealth Coordinating Mechanism.

Protection 1.5 Adopt existing WHO-recommended Privacy, Security, and

Confidentiality document.

National eHealth strategy or policy developed and established, including

the use of ICT for MNCH, Country has HIS roadmap, Master plan IT

available but not yet endorse under government law. Connectivity for

health reporting is available for all districts (MoH). Country has provided

connectivity for sub district (PLIK, and mPLIK supported by Kemkominfo)

but not yet used for health reporting, but perlu dikoordinasikan untuk

adapt dimanfaatkan dalam pelaporan kesehatan. Beberapa daerah telah

menyediakan koneksi unstuck Puskesmas dan UPT kesehatan lainnya.

Limited budget for penyediaan and maintenance of ICT infrastructure.

(Based on Risfaskes 2011, few (22%?) of PHC has computer). Telephone

Connectivity: Mobile telephone connectivity is largely present throughout

the country. (Last mile connectivity can be leveraged through the use of

mobile cellular connectivity. There are approximately 2000+ hospitals

(both public and private) and 9000+ PHCs in the nation. The is an effort to

develop nation-wide generic information system (with an effort to

integrate various sub-information systems). The first phase is completed.

The central level data warehouse will integrate various data systems. Due

to geographic barriers, (a) Indicator-based electronic reporting systems is

present at the level of district and above. Below district level, a

combination of medium is used (paper-based and SMS). (b) Among the

hospitals and PHCs, ISO-Certified PHCs and hospitals have EMRs at various

levels of maturity. SIRS (indictor reporting system for hospitals) and

SIMPUS (indicator reporting from PHCs). Private clinics do not have an

information system that can interface with the federal information system

architecture. MOH is currently undertaking several efforts to implement

standardization. There is on going collaboration between MOH and

National Standardization Agency and Ministry of Informatics to establish

national eHealth Standards. By the end of this year, the MOH will have a

completed a data dictionary project that will account for all the relevant

standards required to operationalize the information system. A prototype

of the MDS is available but not officially endorsed. but still need formal

endorsement (Reference : Data Set SIKDA Generic, Health Data Dictionary).

There is HIS Core team (consist of BPS, BAPPENAS, MoHA, Actuaria,

Kominfo, BKKBN, Universities, Professional organizations, Civil Societies)

and Steering committee. DeTIKNAS available since 2003 with eHealth as

flagship programme. However, there is no eHealth Coordinating body that

involve multiple ministries. It is likely that the HIS Core Team can be

strengthened to expand the role to include eHealth Coordination.

There are no electronic health data protection guidelines available at this

time. Existing regulations and laws related to paper-based health data are

not fully enforced.

Innovation and eHealth

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 5/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

National health accounts 3 Develop NHA framework.

Revitalize NHA team by involving civil society.

Compact 3 Organize meetings to engage government and development

partners towards "compact".

Coordination 3 Set up a steering committee, officially approved, with institutional

support, and functioning using results-based management methods.

Ensure inclusion of all key stakeholders in resource tracking /NHA.

Production 3 Train NHA team on system of health accounts 2011.

Map government codes to NHA codes and develop IT conversion

tool for NHA.

Develop /strengthen database for production of NHA.

Analysis 1.5 Strengthen analytical capacity in government and other institutions.

Produce, analyse, and publish NHA based on SHA 2011.

Data Use 2 Advocate for /promote use of the existing NHA data in policy making


Monitoring of resources

NHA is produced annually by using SHA version 1 ( one version

before SHA 2011). There is a mechanism to collect public health

spending from government institutions and conduct some surveys

to obtain private health spending. However the existing NHA team

has not worked optimally.

There is a formal agreement between developing partners and

government. In the short term, support from donor is still needed

to ensure government ownership and sustainability for medium

and long term.

A ministerial decree on NHA team has expired. The NHA team

consisted of MoH, University of Indonesia, Board of National

Planning, etc.

Number of human resources and technical capacity is still limited

and need to be improved. Government expenditure is not

automatically converted. Central database is available.

NHA data and analytical summaries is produced annually, but

based on SHA 1 (2000). SHA 2011 NHA in Indonesia has not been

conducted and published.

SHA NHA has not been used optimally for national health policy


* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 6/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

Reviews 2 Improve data collection and data quality assurance for the indicators

agreed in monitoring result sub group. Advocate for annual reviews

that are based on the goals, targets of the National Action Plan.

Involve stake holders in the process.

Improve process of the review so the result can be use for further

planning. Involve stake holders in the process through annual review

meeting.Improve process of the review so the result can be use for further


Establish a data steering committee comprising director of maternal

health, child health, Head of Centre for Data and Information ,

NIHRD, Head of Planning and Budgeting Bureau.

Data compilation and analysis until the district/municipality level

being done before National Health Workshop (Rakerkesnas).

Synthesis of information & policy context 2 Strengthen data collection mechanism from the village level, facility

based data to national level, including collect data from Jamkesmas,


Strengthen the capacity to prepare analytical reports prior to the

reviews (strengthen role of Centre of Data and Information)

Prepare sub national data analysis until district / municipality level.

Data analysis.

Publish annual review report of data on the internet/website.

Develop/strengthen mechanism to compile all policy / qualitative

information to inform annual reviews.

Collaboration with NIHRD and academic institution to conduct

research and analysis on policy implication, public opinion, costumer

and provider satisfaction.

Review processes

Reviews: Indonesian government have health development review

meeting, including maternal and child health program annually as

Government Work Plan (RKP/Rencana kerja Pemerintah) and midterm

review of National Middle Term Development Planning (RPJMN/Rencana

Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional), MDGs achievement

monitoring, and followed by Provincial Action Plan for accelerating MDGs

target achievement. Weakness/gaps: limited used of routine data; as the

review conduct as not yet optimize due to the availability data that cover

until district /municipality level.

Synthesis of information & policy context: The Government of Indonesia

has conducted a review meeting of health development involving cross-

sector ministries / agencies, academia, UN agencies and CSOs through a

series of meetings to solicit feedback in order to improve health

development policies, particularly on strategic issues in health

development. These meetings can be derived from pure Rupiah funds as

well as loans and grants (PHLN).Weakness/gaps: Stake holders only involve

in preparation and review process, but execution only held by MOH. There

is still no active involvement of the private sector in conducting a review of

health sector development policy.

From review to planning: The Government of Indonesia has conducted a

review meeting of health development, including programs and activities

that support the improvement of maternal and child health, both annual

(RKP review ) and the biennial ( RPJMN review). It also conducted

monitoring of the achievement of the MDGs nationally each province then

create action plans in order to accelerate the achievement of the MDGs.

The results of the reviews will be used to determine priority areas and

health development activities, including the calculation of the allocation of

de-concentration. Every year MoH conduct National Health Workshop

(Rakerkesnas), Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health Technical

Coordination Meeting (Rakontek GiKIA), National Meeting on Maternal

and Child Health. Weakness/gaps: As the review conduct as not yet

optimize due to the availability data that cover until district /municipality

level. At National Health Workshop more emphasis on the socialization of

new policy and lesson learnt.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 7/17


From review to planning 2 Related the timing the data collection and analysis to the national

and sub national review processes.

Establish the time line of the review process and planning meeting

by Planning and Budgeting Bureau.

Strengthen the use of review results for planning purposes.

Establish tri lateral meeting ( Ministry of Finance, National

Development Planning Board and MoH) which will use the data for

budget allocation.

Ensure greater involvement of all stakeholders.

Compacts or equivalent mechanisms 3 Ensure the existence of a single M&E framework that fits into the

single national health plan.

Strengthen mapping of development partners activities and project


Establish a country led join planning.

Compacts or equivalent mechanisms: The Government of Indonesia has

conducted numerous reviews of health development through a number of

medical research, such as basic health research (Riskesdas), research

health facilities (risfaskes), as well as demographic and health survey of

Indonesia (IDHS), which can be used as a reference in quantitative

achievement of health development, including maternal health and

children. Performance data can be seen to the provincial level.

Weakness/gaps: Quality and coverage data of health development only at

the provincial level so cannot describe the real situation in the district and

city, and also still lack of depth analysis (qualitative) on the achievement of

health development. Still limited studies done in-depth analysis

(qualitative) regarding achievement of health development, assesment of

public opinion, consumer and provider satisfaction.

The Government of Indonesia has had a mechanism that allows decision-

makers to evaluate the policy and then used as a basis for planning the

next year, whether the target program / activities along with the allocation

of funds. The process begins village development planning meeting

(Musrenbangdes) to national development planning meeting encompass

aspiration of policy review as well as bottom-up can be used as the basis of

preparation of the national development plan documents (RPJP, RPJMN,

and RKP) and derivatives (Renstra and Renja) to the budgeting documents

(national and regional budgets). Weakness/gaps: Still not optimal bottom-

up mechanism so that sometimes do not fit the needs of the allocation of

funds that have been set. But top-down mechanism is still not sinchronized

with the policy at district level due to decentralization era.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 8/17


Development planning meeting mechanisms allow cross-sector

involvement from the grassroots level (village) to the center. The

development planning meeting also do a sort of public test of national

development policies, including health improvement increase input to

policy development. Weakness/gaps: The involvement of other sectors

(private sectors, others ministries, developing partners, etc) are still not

optimal in the national development planning process, particularly health.

The Government of Indonesia has had a coordination mechanism in the

framework of the monitoring and evaluation of national development

achievement, including the development of health, both achievements of

the program and activities of absorption of funds from the Indonesian

budget (The Indonesian Budget and Foreign Loan and Grant). Some

country compacts between NGO/donors (developing partners) and partial

programs (HIV-AIDS, ATM, MCH, etc) has been done in specific areas.

Weakness/gaps: Currently, monitoring and evaluation tools are still

separated, depending of the needs of the ministries / agencies, such as The

National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of

Home Affairs, and KemenPAN. There aren't monitoring and evaluation of

health development funding comes from the private sector. Mapping of

developing partners project activities area and duration is still weak.

The Government of Indonesia has had a coordination mechanism in the

framework of national development, including funding sourced from

abroad (development partners) are coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Finance, and

the ministries / institutions. Activity funds sourced from abroad

(development partners) must comply with the national development plan

documents (RPJP, RPJMN, and RKP) and was instrumental in promoting

the achievement of national development goals. Weakness/gaps: there

aren't effectively of monitoring and evaluation against foreign funding to

NGOs addressed.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 9/17


Situation analysis

(strengths, weaknesses/gaps)Priority Actions

Parliament active on RMNCH issues 1.5 Parliamentarians should sit on the national committee with other

stakeholders on a regular basis (quarterly).

Organizing public forums for information sharing by

parliamentarians at central and state/ regional levels.

Civil Society Coalition 3 Strengthen coalition at the provinces and districts levels.

Support capacity of civil society to synthesize evidence and

disseminate messages. Establish country-led

coordination/information sharing between government and CSO.

Media role 3 Work with the media to strengthen their capacity to report on

RMNCH related issues.

Work with the media to strengthen their capacity to report on the

monitoring the implementation of the Global Strategy.

Establish media engagement plan and improve information flows to


Countdown event for RMNCH 1.5 Establish Countdown Coordinating Committee, UN agencies (H5),

and other partners encourage/support national stakeholders to plan

national Countdown process.

Review the existing national health profile to cover COIA indicators

and country countdown. Prepare Countdown report / profile using

all evidence.

Advocacy & outreach

There are 2 forums established for MDGs and Health caucus

(interest group) under parliament supervisor, and 1 working group

established for MDGs under senate, but not yet focus on

accountability. Not yet open to public, however, the parliament

occasionally invite health experts for consultation, not specific for

RMNCH. (Note: Parliament member attended the multi-country


Civil society coalitions exist at the national level, but not well

function yet at provinces and districts levels. Meeting with the

parliamentarian were not yet effective due to low representation.

Some advocacy and materials are produced, however, there is a

need for more strategic dissemination process (Civil society not

well informed about government agenda).

There is forum for media briefing on weekly basis s and specific

press conference for health programmes achievement and, but

not for accountability and budget. Media has been actively

engaged in general, but not specific for COIA. Government and

other national bodies have given the information and briefing to

the media but not systematically planned.

Initial discussion has been done at national level since June 2012

among government, UN agencies (H5), and other development

partners. There is Indonesia's Health profile published annually,

but not specific for countdown event.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 10/17

$505,000 $250,000Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$215,000 $85,000June July August September October November December Product


Finalize the draft strategic plan in

collaboration SEARO & ESCAP,

organize Key stakeholders meeting,

approach DG of Population

Administration and Civil Registration

for agreement, Final sign-off of the

plan by the government (Ministers of

HA & Health).

$20,000 $20,000

1. Hire consultant to facilitate the

finalization of Strategic Plan document :

a. Conduct coordination meeting

b. Review and re--phrase the CRVS

assessment report

c. Writing Strategic Plan document

under supervision by NIHRD and MoHA

d. Conduct Finalization workshop on

Strategic Plan

TOR for consultant to

be ready; hire

consultant : USD 6,000

Coordination meeting :

USD 3,000

review and re-phrase the

CRVS assessment report

Writing Strategic Plan

document under

supervision by NIHRD

and MoHA

Coordination meeting :

To discuss Strategic Plan

draft 1 and Final CRVS

Assessment USD 3,000


Writing Strategic Plan

document under

supervision by NIHRD

and MoHA

Coordination meeting :

To discuss Strategic

Plan draft 2 USD 3,000

Writing Strategic Plan

document under

supervision by NIHRD

and MoHA

Finalization workshop:

To discuss Strategic Plan

Final USD 3,000

Report writing

USD 2,000



Strategic Plan to

Strengthen CRVS



Advocate for establishment

interagency coordinating committee,

establishment of the committee and its

regular meetings.$0 $0


Invest in strengthening HMIS and link

it with the civil registration system

$6,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 $20,000


Develop national strategy to train

doctors on death certification & ICD10

brief including Training of national

facilitators from each province who

shall train all doctors in their province,

apply electronic tools, use forensic

department to include death

certification training in CME

programme, translation and

adaptation of WHO training material.

Use of ANACOD & other QA tools on

regular basis. Implement IRIS.

$70,000 $55,000

Using the module and curriculum that has

been adaption development by PORMIKI

(Gemala Hatta), the TOT will be facilitated

by PORMIKI resource person. 3 Resource

person will hire to conduct the TOT USD

4,500 with responsible:

1. Conduct preparation meeting on TOT

process and model

2. Conduct TOT 3 batches

3. Report

conduct preparation

meeting USD 3,000TOT batch 1 USD 15,000

TOT batch 2 USD

15,000TOT batch 3 USD 15,000

Report writing

USD 2,000



Technical report on the

training of trainers of ICD


$4,500 $3,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $2,000 $54,500


Discuss with MOH, consotium of

medical school and MoEC to workout

implementation strategy$0


Use of ANACOD and other analysis

tools. Further continuation of IMRSSP

methodology and use of the reports by

QA team.$5,000 $10,000

Statistics of Indonesia will be requested to

be focal point to conduct this activity. A

consultant will be hire to facilitate the

ANACOD training and setting up the

training model. The expected product will

be a technical report on the ANACOD

training. (USD 10,000)

hire consultant

USD 1500

conduct preparation

meeting with other


USD 2500

conduct national training

USD 4000

Report writing

USD 2000



Technical report on the

training of ANACOD


Identify short list of variables for birth

and death reporting (HMN/WHO).

Strengthen informant base, and law

enforcement. Preparatory activities

and strategy development, followed by

pilots and scaleup of m-Health




Scalling up Training in verbal

autopsy and VA automation.

Prioritize 114 SRS districts/cities

followed by full scaleup. Link up

VA with civil registration.

$70,000Training on VA Technical


1SRS - Already funded, started in May



Training in analytical capacity of vital

statistic, including data quality


2Formulate the team and team capacity

building $0

$4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $10,000

Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline


* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 11/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$185,000 $50,000 June July August September October November December Product


Review M&E component, revise

according to WHO/IHP+ guidance.

Workshop with key stakeholders $50,000 $50,000

National workshop in developing the ME.

A local consultant will be hire to facilitate

the process (USD 8000)

Conduct preparation

meeting with other

stakeholders USD


document writing

Conduct a meeting to

review and discuss the

national ME draft 1 USD


document writing

conduct national

workshop on the

dissemination of final

draft National ME

guideline USD 10000

report writing USD




National ME



$8,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $2,000 $50,000

2Develop legal framework of the

coordination committee for M&E$10,000


Internal discusions with Director CH

to identify source for indicator 11,

otherwise collect it through SARA.



Implement SARA in 150 facilities,

analyse data, Conduct workshop with

all key stakeholders to analyse/discuss

the results and other contextual

information, integrate data with the

regional health information system.

Repeat annually.



Orientation workshop on integrated

tools and country-wide implementation$0


Recruitment of consultant to review

existing analytical tools on RMNCH

and recomend analytical mechanism

and actions. Technical assistance and

training onequity analyses and other

tools from WHO.



Technical assistance for

establishment data for public sharing$30,000

Monitoring Results

2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 12/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$0 $0 June July August September October November December Product


- Workshop for mobilisation of key

decision makers.

- Desk review for assessing the

completeness and validity of maternal

death reports.

- Evaluation of existing reporting



- Integrating MDSR to MDGs Task

Force and Health Services

Consortium (Konsorsium Upaya


- National capacity building workshops


- District capacity building workshops

- Enforcing local

governments/authorities to support

MDGs achievement particularly for

MDG 5 by issuing the Circular Letter

from MoHA


'-Review Regulation and system for

hospital reporting

-Training of hospital staff in ICD

coding (link with CRVS)

-Linking hospital report (SIRS) to


-Implementation and MONEV


-Routine reviews/audits

-Mandate all hospital to be accredited

-Develop standardized form for

hospital based maternal death review


-Technical assistance and training for

maternity facility assessment

-Include QoC as one of the term of

reference of the MDGs Task Force

and Health Services Consortium


Develop standardized reporting

system at community level using ICT

(SMS, Email,etc) and

introduce/disseminate to community

based personnel


Introduce/train on community reporting

using ICT for health personnel at

Primary Health Care

2Retraining, refreshing, reminding on

VA at community level


Communities have to be considered

as a target for MDR recommendations

through BPCR, etc


Finalize MDSR guideline, pilot,

implement and evaluate the system.


2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 13/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$30,000 $40,000 June July August September October November December Product


(1) Prepare background document

through small technical consultations.

(2) Host a multi-stakeholder Indonesia

National eHealth Strategy Planning

Meeting to develop a national eHealth


$15,000 $15,000




Phase 1: Using existing Global Fund

supported activities in the 23 district

health facilities, ICT infrastructure will

be fully implemented at leaset 50% of

the health centers within each district.

(Unit cost: $10,000/facility x 120

facilities); = USD1.2million. Phase 2:

2015 onwards full implementaiton

throughout the country. (USD90

million) report



Data visualization (2013) and data

mining (2014) needs to be completed $10,000 $10,000 report

submissionDevelop "standards-based" reference

document and amend to MDS. $5,000 $15,000 report



Establish a national steering group for

eHealth, supported by a project team

with planning skills and knowledge of

eHealth. Assess which organizations

or groups are active in eHealth, and

their potential role in the development

of a national eHealth program.


Cost included as part of establishing

Policy/eHealth National Strategy

Innovation and e-Health

2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 14/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$0 $0June July August September October November December Product


Continue to update NHA figures using

the developed NHA framework (SHA



Conducting workshops among key

stakeholders which are aimed to raise

similar perception, to build strong

roles and commitments, to clarify

responsibility of each unit and to

improve coordination


Conducting workshops between

government and development

partners which are aimed to raise

similar perception, to build strong

roles and commitments, to clarify

responsibility of each unit and to

improve coordination


Advocating Minister of Health for

establishment a steering committee

(consisting of MOH and other

sectors/ministries), by renewing

Decree of NHA team. Initiate SK NHA

team to be approve by Vice President

or Menkokesra

1Involving related stakeholders and

civil society in resource tracking


Scaling up a training series to improve

all NHA staffs' capacity in the SHA


$25,000 report


1Creating a convertion guidelines and



Enganging actively with others

institution that has not contributed yet

in health expenditure in order to

strengthen database and providing

data storage

2 Training workshop for analizing NHA data

2 Training workshop for SHA 2011

2Public workshop with policy makers to

utilize NHA data


2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 15/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$25,000 $25,000 June July August September October November December Product 1. Pusdatin who improve data

collection and data quality assurance


2. Steering committee to establish

annual review report as input into

annual review meeting under Planning

and Bugeting Bureau and ensuring

involvement of all stake holders.

Advocate for annual

reviews that are based on

the goals, targets of the


1. Pusdatin who improve process of

review so the result can be use for

further planning.

2. Steering committee to establish

annual review report as input into

annual review meeting under Planning

and Bugeting Bureau and ensuring

involvement of all stake holders.

Improve process of the

review so the result can be

use for further planning.

Secretary General of MoH to establish

steering committee and consider

secretariat support.

Pusdatin who improve data collection

and data quality assurance


Improve process of the

review so the result can be

use for further planning.

Steering Committee publish annual

review report of data on the


Strengthen the capacity to

prepare analytical reports

prior to the reviews

Meeting of all stake holders to identify

research issues

The Steering Committee to

commission the research.

Conduct workshop with all key

stakeholders to analyse/discuss the

results and other contextual



mechanism to compile all

policy / qualitative

information to inform

annual reviews

Steering committee to negotiate the

time line for data collection, analysis,

and review meeting with partners,

stake holders inside and outside MoH.

Steering committee to establish tri

lateral meeting for use the data for

budget allocation.

Strengthen the use of

review results for planning


Planning and Budgeting Bureau to

compile list of all stake holders.

Ensure greater

involvement of all



Develop the frame work of

development role to support MoH

program implementation and certain


Ensure the existence of a

single M&E framework that

fits into the single national

health plan

$25,000 $25,000

Recruit 7 technical persons (USD 6,000)

Technical Meeting with

WGs focal points USD


Midterm review meeting

USD 5,000

Final review meeting

USD 5,000

Report writing

USD 2,000



Technical Report on

Country COIA Activity Center of International Coperation

facilitate join planning with partnerts.

establish a country led join


$8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $25,000

REVIEW PROCESSES2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 16/17

$505,000 $250,000


Type of activity

(i.e workshop, training, guideline

development, etc)

$50,000 $50,000 June July August September October November December Product




National Level:

1. CSO/NGO/Development Partners

Meeting & Mapping (MoH shared the

priority and all stakeholders agreed on

priority/key message)

2. CSO/NGO/Development Partners

to bring evidence-based

Provincial Level (11 focused


1. CSO/NGO/Development Partners

Meeting & Mapping (Provincial Health

Office shared the priority and all

stakeholders agreed on priority/key


2. CSO/NGO/Development Partners

to bring evidence-based

(TOTAL = 13 events)


1. To establish country-led

and provincial/district-led

coordination/ information

sharing between

government and CSOs

(led by government)

2. To identify and review

existing mechanism (such

as Pokja PP AKI/ Working

Group on Maternal Health)

3. To support capacity of

civil society to synthesize

evidence and disseminate


$30,000 $30,000

a. Preparation Meeting of Working Group

(define scope of work, division of

responsibility for focused provinces as

identified by MoH, list all stakeholders at

national & provincial level to be invited);

b. Meeting with MoH (MoH share the

priority and all stakeholders agreed on

priority/key message);

c. Meeting with Provincial Health Office

(PHO share the priority and all

stakeholders agreed on priority/key


d. Training on How to provide Evidence

Based at National Level;

e. Evidence Based Development;

f. Meeting with Provincial Level (bring

evidence based at Provincial & District);

g. Meeting with MoH (bring evidence

based from Provincial meeting)

a. Preparation Meeting of

Working Group (define

scope of work, division of

responsibility for focused

provinces as identified by

MoH) (USD 200)

b. Meeting with MoH

(MoH share the priority

and all stakeholders

agreed on priority/key

message) (USD 300)

c. Meeting with Provincial

Health Office (12

provinces = 12 x USD

100 = USD 1200)

d. Training on How to

provide Evidence

Based at National Level

(USD 10,000)

e. Evidence Based

Development (USD

1400 x 12 = USD


e. Meeting with

Provincial Level

(bring evidence

based at Provincial

& District) = 12 x

USD 100 = USD


f. Meeting with

MoH (bring

evidence based

from Provincial

meeting) (USD




Report on Evidence Based

from 12 Provinces


1. To define the criteria of media


2. To identify key persons (media

champion) at national and provincial


3. To develop capacity building

curriculum & training module on

RMNCH issues in coordination with

PWI, AJI and Dewan Pers

4. To conduct workshop for Media


5. To have an agreed plan with Media


6. To have regular media monitoring &


1. To identify media

champion on RMNCH

issues at all levels

especially for feature


2. To build the capacity of

media on RMNCH related

issues especially at

province and district level.

$20,000 $20,000

a. Preparation Meeting of Working Group

(define scope of work, division of

responsibility for media identification);

b. Identification of Media Champion;

c. Curiculum & Training Module


d. Workshop for Media Champion;

e. Meeting to produce the Agreed Plan

Development with Media Champion

a. Preparation Meeting

of Working Group

(define scope of work,

division of responsibility

for media identification

& development of

curriculum, training

module and media

workshop) USD 200;

b. Identification of Media


c. Curiculum & Training

Module Development

(USD 10,000)

c. Curiculum & Training

Module Development;

d. Workshop for Media

Champion (USD 9,500)

e. Meeting to

produce the

agreed Plan

Development with

Media Champion

(USD 300)



a. Curriculum for Media;

b. Training Module for


c. Agreed Plan with Media





1. To strengthen media's capacity to report on the monitoring the implementation of the Global Strategy,

2. To advocate government and parliament at all levels to be more transparent, and to provide regular update on COIA's implementation.

1. To advocate Ministry of Information & Communication to prioritize RMNCH issues,

2. Ministry of Information & Communication (Kominfo) and Ministry of Health to educate media to analyze the implication of new policy related to RMNCH Issues, 3.

Government at all levels to establish media engagement plan and improve information flows to media especially at province and district level.

1. To establish Countdown Coordinating Committee, UN agencies (H5), and other partners encourage/support national stakeholders to plan national Countdown process led by Coordinating Ministry of People's


2. To define agreed indicators for Country Countdown.

3. To advocate parliament, MoHealth, MoFinance, MoHome Affairs, Statistic Bureau, etc

1. To review the existing national health profile to cover COIA indicators and country countdown,

2. To prepare Countdown report / profile using all evidence


2012/13 Catalytic funding (total

max. amount $250k)Timeline

1. To identify champion from Parliament Members.

2. To build awareness of Parliament Members about various data and to advocate the Policy to ensure the ownership of data. ( we

will refer to result from Monitoring Results Working Group)

3. To advocate Parliaments Members through existing groups such as IFFPD to engage in RMNCH accountability, especially on


4. To advocate Parliament Members to have a joint meeting between Komisi 9 - Health and Banggar (Badan Anggaran)/ Budgeting

Body to be the "voice for more money for health."

1. To advocate Parliaments Members through existing groups such as IFFPD to engage in RMNCH accountability

2. To facilitate the organization of public hearings/forums for sharing of information on RMNCH especially at provincial and district

level (their constituent).

1. To strengthen coalition at all levels,

2. To establish coalition at provinces and districts levels in coordination with Bappeda, Sekda, and DPRD,

3. To increase sustainability and coverage,

4. To engage private sectors for advocacy (such as Apindo and Garment Factories) as the agent of change - need to ensure there

will be no conflict of interest

5. To strengthen advocacy at provincial and district government to ensure RMNCH budget will be well-allocated.

* This final version has been reviewed and validated through a national accountability workshop involving a broader stakeholder group. Page 17/17