Count your chickens before they hatch



a book review on Arindam Choudhury's Count your chickens before they hatch...indian management i management theory

Transcript of Count your chickens before they hatch





As we can make out from the extract above, Arindam Choudhurys Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch is about inculcating the passion in individuals who want to achieve success in life. He has won the Management GURU 2000 Award and has been conducting seminars, lectures and workshops in India and foreign countries on theory I Management. He has taught and groomed more than 15,000 students worldwide. Prof. Arindam Chaudhury has been working as Dean Centre for Economic Research & Advanced Studies (IIPM) and founder of Planman Consulting one of Indias leading multi-interest and multinational consulting companies and ranked among the 50 leading companies and he is ranked among the 50 leading thinkers, in South Asia. Through this book this management guru has provided certain footsteps to success like building passion, making friends, managing people, setting goal and then achieving them. The book is about developing a positive attitude, believing in if you think you can, you are right and hence explaining why people with negative attitude are called Tom, Dick and Harry... and not Gandhi, Lincoln and Gates. Arindam Chaudhuri not only puts forth points but also backs them up with solid examples to strengthen them.

In the first part, the book dwells upon the self development. The author talks about certain qualities, skills and attitudes that are required to succeed in the business world today and achieve your personal goals in life. Prof. Arindam Chaudhury reveals how understanding the powerful role of few skills (motivation, communication, positive attitude etc.) can set the best leader apart from all the rest. And these skills can be learnt with time. These skills includes not only making friends among your juniors but, according to the author, listening to them and furthermore motivating them to give their best in the job i.e. driving them towards higher level of efforts is the need. The author has explored various cases of different success icons like Mahatma Gandhi, J.R.D. Tata, Dhirubhai Ambani and Henry Ford and how they have achieved the position and the respect they enjoy today by making it big against all odds. The extent of motivation they develop in their people has been called a major factor which had driven them to success. The example of TATA employees who like calling them TATA MEN shows the extent of


motivation they achieve with the name and pride they enjoy being a part of the group. It is basically what the author calls it Organisational citizenship, which results in an individual making sacrifices for the organisation. The greater this citizenship behaviour is, the greater is the willing of an individual to put in extra efforts for the organisation and tuning personal needs with organisational goals and needs. This part is about turning Sleeping cows into Galloping horses. The author has also illustrated the Maslows hierarchy of human needs and Herzbergs famous two factor theory of motivation to determine the motivators in an organisation. The other basic skill talked about in the book is the skill of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. It includes the LAW i.e. Looks, Action and Words which is a basic necessity. The looks make the first impression and with action author means the body language and non-verbal gestures. While making the selection of words he means the thoughts should be presented in an interesting and humorous way. Many of us have the problem in expressing our views and this is the major between a winner and a loser. Along with this the individual needs to be audience friendly and be polite and polished while in talks. This problem can be easily avoided with the hard work, which automatically boost the confidence in you. The author has identified two key dimensions of communication that are Persuasiveness and Expressiveness. On this basis he has provided a Communication Behaviour Preferences Mapping chart in which he has successfully divided the speakers in 4 characteristics: Friendly, Thespians, poised and Stern-faced.




LOWPOISED Stern-face






The author has also explored the Indian psyche in depth and in the second part the management guru talks about the basic management concepts and attitudes and why the American and Japanese concepts of management failed in India. The author has provided with an India-centric management concept called Theory i management and have successfully explained why the management concepts accepted around the world failed in India and the concept that failed elsewhere in the world is being followed in India. On one hand American theory is all about hire-and-fire system of management (i.e. contractual employment), contrary to this concept Japanese theory is about patriotism both at macro as well as micro level, immense bonding and life time employment of the employees. Both of them are defined as two commonly occurring extremes. The American system is a total misfit in bond loving Indian culture but, as per the author, we are also different from the Japanese in certain behaviour. When the Japanese people get lifetime employment, they re-pay back in the form of commitment and hard work but given that Indian workers tend to get complacent over time Prof. Arindam has advocated a different theory of management whereby it is neither promised a lifelong employment nor the western system of contractual employment. He cites several examples of failed projects due to wrong culture being imposed rather than something all the employees could relate to. The book CYCBTH also talks about the Russia and the success of China and their theory of forced management. The author has pointed out 4 basic principles of this India centric management theory to which he has arrived after a research on 3000 managers across the nation. As per these principles, most Indians value emotional bonds and long-term relationship along with growth opportunities and commitment. But at the same time, our cultural roots, as per the author, make we Indians complacent and lack of patriotism at macro level make us aimless. The success of Indian companies in the long run does not entirely depend on the kind of business strategies we have, but on the size of the market and the purchasing power of the people. The author deeply criticizes the extent of job security in the Public sector companies in India. As according to him, it is this job security which has turned the employees there into SLEEPY COWS, the complacent, lethargic and non-competitive individuals. The performance of an individual rises with the sense of certain jobinsecurity which makes them functional GALLOPING HORSES, committed, creative, and responsible and result oriented. But too much off job insecurity will again make them dysfunctional ASS as the employee would continuously be in a state of being demotivated. Hence, the author wants the system to strike a balance between the two extreme stages for higher individual performance and he has proved his point with series of graphs and tables. He adds by saying: Management is about understanding your men. It is about understanding their cultural upbringing and finding out a style in order to make them more productive. With the help of a Leadership Success Multiplier chart, the author Arindam Chaudhury has provided 4 different techniques of management for handling employees based upon situations and background. These techniques are beautifully explained in relation with the epics like GITA and certain Indian philosophies of SAAM (management


by Association), DAAM (management by Attraction), DAND (management by Delegation), BHED (management by Direction) and the choice of the technique depends in the extent of capability/maturity and job responsibility the employee assumes as a part of the organisation. Not only with the employees but the author have also related how these leadership styles of Dand, Daam, Saam and Bhed are applied in an individuals life from that of a child to being an adult by his parents in that order. According to the Prof. its the management by delegation (dand) which our parents follow in the very early stage of our life as the maturity level of a kid is close to zero, and as we grow the situation style varies with the maturity level. This is explained with the personal examples from his own life. On a direct note, the author is talking about developing a parent like attitude among the managers so that these leadership instincts can come automatically on their own. At the micro level, according to him managers need to increase the human touch in their organizations. He also explains how the Bhagvad Gitas distinction of people on the basis of maturity and capability into three types, the Tamas, the Rajas and the Satvic applies to the modern day Indian employees. The author also criticizes the ongoing judiciary system in the country as it takes the verdict several years to come and the criminals, by and large, manage to evade punishment. He calls this a reason behind the moral bankruptcy of the Indians. So, the author starts with the micro level approach (individual personality development) and then moves on to the macro level approach (nation wide management attitude).

The most interesting part of the book CYCBTH is that Prof. Arindam Chaudhury has taken certain threads from GITA and MAHABHARATA to inspire the young managers. He calls the Hindu deity Lord Krishna the greatest Indian management guru of all times for his ability to motivate his subjects and inspiring them to do what he desires. He knows the cultural attachment of the Indian population and how to relate it for the mass benefit of the aspiring managers through theory i management. He has also given examples like Gandhis Non-violence movement which worked wonders in India. So, the author was able to find the links which could have a direct influence and leave the mark on any Indian.

Overall the author has successfully explained the how-about of the Indian management theory and their rooting into the Indian history and how the Chalta hai attitude in Indian population emerges. The book recognises the value of having passionate thinking and having a positive attitude at work. Believe in your efforts and even the stars will change their path according to your needs. The principles given in the book can easily be applied specially in context with Indian corporate world. Its a must read for every individual who aspire to become a successful entrepreneur.


Think positive, act smart, speak confidently, be determined, put all possible efforts along with the will and determination... this is the basic recipe for success the book by this management guru reflects.

So at the end, just start counting your chickens before they hatch. But what Prof. Arindam has to say is, you can only do it if you have the determination towards your goal, the ability to work successfully with people and the flexible attitude of the theory i management with you!!!