Counselling Skills to Enhance Interpersonal and Professional Relationships

Duration: 1 Day oVErViEW: How doyo uknowth atyo uare communi catin g   wit hy our cl ien ts effectively? Wha tget sin thewayof bein gsupporti vean d   understan ding with cl ients? How can youdevelopyourskillso fempathy more ? How can youmanage dif cult situations ina more  enabling andeffective wayforbothyou and your clien t? CourSE aiMS: Anop portu nity tosha rep rofes siona lexp erie nces   an d pe rs onal i mp act. Deve lopin gski llso fempathy toap plya longs ide  pr of es si onal del ivery . Build ingo nin terpe rsonal skil ls. MEtHoDS oF DELiVErY & Durat ion: Courseisdeliveredusingpresentations,theoreticalinput, skillsdemonstrationandexercisesingroupsorinpairs. CourSE ContEnt inCLuDES: Barriersto eff ectiv elis tenin g. Workin gwi thc halle nging situations. Wha thin ders communication with clien ts? De nit ion of Empat hy . Empa thy Sk il ls. How toma nage self -care alon gside cli entn eeds. Mater ialu sage: Commun icati onsk ills quest ionna ire,  ha ndouts, art icles etc. Thisisanexampleofcoursecontent;otherspecic  subjectscanalsobetailoredtoindividualneeds,sector  orprofessionalrole. BEnEFitS: Improv edc ommu nicat iona ndin terpe rsona lski lls. Aware ness ofclient /coll eague nee ds. Buliding caringrelationships that areempathic  and compassi on ate. Improving self- care andcasemanagement. Increased produ ctivi tythrough self aware ness. CaSE StuDY: T raininginbasiccounsellingandempathyskillswas requestedfor37participantsbyanNHSClinicalteam.  Thecoursewasdeliveredfrom9amto5pmin3sessions. Thefeedbackwasverypositive: “Could see exactly how I would use the techniques and look forward to practicing them” “Excellent – met real training needs” aCaDEMiC ProFiLE: GailAshton  MACounselling,MemberBritishAssociationof  Counselling&Psych otherapy,Se niorAccreditedCounsellor, PostGradinTeaching,UKRCPRegisteredIndependent Counsellor/Psychotherapist DianeDuff QualiedSolicitor,BScGenetics counselling skills to enhance interpersonal & professional relationships  at Glyn wr University, 6th October & 17th October 2011, £149 + Vat Call 01978 293 491 or email [email protected] SMEsinWalescouldbeeligibleforupto50%subsidy ofthetotalcoursefee pergraduatedele gateformore informationandcostscontactuson01978293491  oremail[email protected]

Transcript of Counselling Skills to Enhance Interpersonal and Professional Relationships

8/4/2019 Counselling Skills to Enhance Interpersonal and Professional Relationships 1/1

Duration: 1 Day


• Howdoyouknowthatyouarecommunicating  withyourclientseffectively?• Whatgetsinthewayofbeingsupportiveand  understandingwithclients?• Howcanyoudevelopyourskillsofempathymore?• Howcanyoumanagedifcultsituationsinamore  enablingandeffectivewayforbothyouandyourclient?

CourSE aiMS:

• Anopportunitytoshareprofessionalexperiences  andpersonalimpact.• Developingskillsofempathytoapplyalongside  professionaldelivery.• Buildingoninterpersonalskills.

MEtHoDS oF DELiVErY & Duration:


CourSE ContEnt inCLuDES:

• Barrierstoeffectivelistening.• Workingwithchallengingsituations.• Whathinderscommunicationwithclients?• DenitionofEmpathy.• EmpathySkills.• Howtomanageself-carealongsideclientneeds.• Materialusage:Communicationskillsquestionnaire,  handouts,articlesetc.

Thisisanexampleofcoursecontent;otherspecic subjectscanalsobetailoredtoindividualneeds,sector orprofessionalrole.


• Improvedcommunicationandinterpersonalskills.• Awarenessofclient/colleagueneeds.• Bulidingcaringrelationshipsthatareempathic  andcompassionate.• Improvingself-careandcasemanagement.• Increasedproductivitythroughselfawareness.


Traininginbasiccounsellingandempathyskillswasrequestedfor37participantsbyanNHSClinicalteam. Thecoursewasdeliveredfrom9amto5pmin3sessions.Thefeedbackwasverypositive:“Could see exactly how I would use the techniques and look forward to practicing them” “Excellent – met real training needs” 



MACounselling,MemberBritishAssociationof Counselling&Psychotherapy,SeniorAccreditedCounsellor,PostGradinTeaching,UKRCPRegisteredIndependentCounsellor/Psychotherapist


counselling skills to

enhance interpersonal & professional relationships at Glyndˆ wr University,

6th October & 17th October 2011, £149 + Vat

Call 01978 293 491 or email [email protected] 


informationandcostscontactuson01978293491  [email protected]