COUNCIL BLUFFS. LThf4A- - · r the harga of insanity. The...

. - - - . -- - - -- - ft rllIT1 ; flM A It A 1) AlLY 11fl AI1TTTtDUV. .11TNi 5. 18O3. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWAJ ! COUNCIL BLUFFS. ----- - = = J - . --- - - - - - - - : MINOt )3UWOIer beer , ROSCflfel1. Tel. 323.- A. . . II. Lorenzcn , trenurr of Crawford county. wti In the city ycsterdn- y.WancdLntct . ( edition of CoUncI B1uft cRy dIrectory.Ip1y at flea olflce- .MrL . lint of Oril , Neb. , who hats hecii thc guest of Mrs. . S. Face , returned home yeMertlay. The an Inuntiry In the lender In line work Isoth for coLor and finlsb. & 20 t'arla- treet. . Phone 200. C. H. Whitney , county nrul W. E. Cooper , clerk of the dIstrict court or Shethy county , wore In the city yceterilay.- Mr. . . and Mrs. E. C. tIIce have returned from KnnBaB City. where they were called liy the Ilinees of Mr. Stlles mother.- J. . . L. Tyro 811(1 WillIam T. lveritt. for dlsttirliliig the peace , were each fined $ A1d vott hi police court yeatcrday morning. Don't you think it iiiust be a pretL good lautuiry that can plca'rn so many hundreds of customers ? Well-that's the "IagIo. " 724 Uroadway.- 'Flie . republican congressional committee of the Ninth district will meet hero next to make arrangements for the cor.grcEslonnh convention. ltcv. Henry lens today for Jilotuit hope to take part in the dedication exercises of the Mel.iodiat church at thatt ' place tomorrow morning. For ceveral nighte ; , nit thieves have been carrying away the handsome and costly plants recently placed by the Park C01- 11missloners In Cohirnn nark.- In . tlic dhtrict court yesterday the Tootle Wakley MIllinery company coinmenceil proceedings agnlnKt Max Olsen and others to forclou a niortgage of $400- .CliurI . I. Chase has Revered his connec- tion - with the Globo.letnocrat ind for the pr.Ernt the weekly edition and job Plant will he run liv Messrs. John Martin and Eu 1. (] orulner.- Mre. . . Chiattleld reported to the 1)011cc yes- terday - nfttrnoon that her 2-year lltle toy that strayed away Thiirsday afternoon had been found yeetordny afternoon wandering about the court hoUse yard- .Ilert . Wise , a telcgrnph messenger boy , was ovorconio by the heat yesterday morn- lag In front of the Merriam block. on l'carl- Street. . He was removed to his home at 1028 Fourth avenue anti last night was rettng easy with no serious results an- ticipated. - . The Ministerial association ot the city holds its last mcetlng before the stiiii- mer - vacation ?donday morning at 10:3- 0oclock : In St. John's English Lutheunc- hurch. . ltvv. L. P. McLoimltl , rector of- St. . Piiuls 1llsCOlUl church , IIl read a paper on ( hiurehi Unity. ' ' The membira of Fidelity vounclt , 1oya1- Arcanuin , of this city , hnve been Invited b3P Union I'nciflc council , Omaha , to par- 'ticipate - in the celebration of Arennulu- da ; today on the exposition grounds. Tlic- niombers are asked to bring their fainlhle and friends ntil help make the day a gala one.v. . llutehiittsoii. an alleged bootlegger ol lt1lslale. In. , was brought before United States Commissioner yesterday aft- ernoon by Deputy United States Marshall Richards. lie WfllVC(1 examination. wsuI bound over to the federal grand jury antI I gave ball for his appearance Ift the sun 1 of 200. Manager Brown wIll introduce an Iiinova . then at the 1)ohany today at both , nati . flee uliti evening PerfrnahIces ! in the shiupt- of i a continuous vaudeville show. The lirsi t pnr. i.titl' A ilusbatid In Clo'er. " wil I tI introduce all the members of the compai- In r specialty turns and will conclude wIti- wbat Is entitled "A Laughable Screamer , ' "The Rink MnsI < . " 'rho Maretta sister :3 will injar at both performances. ___ - Leo. a colored .womnn who va 3 s- gitn' , ihi1Ler nt the police station Thurs . tlay night , was yesterday provided with I trtportatIon : back to her home In De- MCUICS. C . Mrs. Lee told the authorities tha- lIvr husband deserted her anti learning thu he was working at ths I'axton hotel ii ' Omaha she bad been given transportatloi- b 1 the overseer of the poor there. SIt : failed to locate her reereant spouse amI drifted over to Council Bluffs , but wa S unable to Proceed any further for want o f funds. . C. 13. Viavl Co. , female reliit'tly : consulta- tion - tree. Office hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to 6. Health book furnished. 32327.32S bier - riam block. Money to loan on city propelty. Kinne.- N. . . Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. : Vtuts VrIt f lIil1'tM- A petition for a writ of habeas corpus fo r Theodore Kotirtman , a reItlent of Calbour I : Nd , . , at present an Inmate of the Insan ; ' ward at St. I3ernard's hospital , was filed ye I. : tortlay evening wIth Judge Smith of Ut C dtstrict court and will be heard this after : _ 1oon. The sisters of the hospital are noni . ln lly made party defendants. From thi ; : putitlon fileti It appears that the conimli . 4 meat at Kourtnian to St. Bernard's wr : g brought about In rather an unusual mannt ; . and the 5tAp3 to secure his release are bole rg : taken by friends of his in Omaha. It aleged that Kourtzman , who Is a rather cc . . centric character , became Involved in a tilt . Pite vlthi a neighbor over their respecth ; dogs and Kourtzman secured a revolver an attempted to shoot the neighbor's ccinln . The neighbor , whose name Is not dl3cIost li li- the petition , bath Kourtzrnan arrested c r the harga of insanity. The coinmissionci .ts decided lie vms Insane and after he had bc ( . ;a niI at Calhoun for some thirty day : I J as hero was no room in anyof the sta to , asylums , committed Icini to St. flernard 'a- in ! hospltil In this city , where be has be- U since last jril. , ..}'or sale. acre of ret ! raspberries , heavily loaded. Will sell on bushes. Located one biIo north of Chautauqua grounds , formerly Chris Frolcnrt place. lo. A. Iilanchartl , I Map of Cubit , West Indies and the World . .t The Ilec oIhict. 1O. each.- t . G.ts tt (1INN 1)ullnr.- Pctor . Jensen , the liroatiway cigar dealer, eportct1 to lice pollee yesterday afternoon hat ft well dressed stranger hail passed it- counterfeit. . dollar on him. Thu counterfeit- S it very clover copy of the genuine article.- hit. . . is somewhat light in vcIght , Jensen 14l not discover that the colti was a spurious tio. until after the stranger had left the toro. It Is thought by the authorities that the SLIIIIC gang that Is flooding Omaha. with counterfeit. dollars has commenced opera.- t1bas . on this sub of the river , as several bogus dollars have turned up in the city wjthin the last few ilays- .Attenti . the (] criuaii picnic given bY 110ff- nut1 - lodge , No , 225 , U , 0. T , B. , Sunday. .luno 26 , itt hock's garden , Admission 25- Ctits. . Fyeryttclng hrst class.- t . t Iloffinayr's fancy uteut flour makes the btst and most breath , Ask you ! grocer for it. FOR SALI-Good second-hoed bicycle at ( 4 bsrgcciu. Call at The Bee oit1e , Council l3lufTd. ______ 'Fry Moore's death to lice and mites- .Ilvti . l't.tT- ue - followIng trautfers were tiled for roe- ortl - yesterday in the title , abstract anti loati office of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Jnelt 1 , McPherson anti wife to Jttithy 'cuttner , und. % of lot 5. 0111. cud lletttlrVt3y. iiv4 iie' 30-75-43 , auth und , ½ of lot 6, Olllciul Itesurrey 5A' uieY4 304543. 'V. ti . .., ,, , ,. ,. , . ,, ., $3Kl0 James Ciclianati anti wI ( to John A. CtliiOCk , nva s'v : to75.3s , w , il. .,, 500 JQtun i'oni uuiti % vitu In Mary hi. John.- son. . . lot 11 , block 2 , 0. 1' . AVoen , w. d , 6 Iinton Itecil and wife to J , Konigi- kntcIit'r - cmii W. K. Seltzer , executors , loL 3 , block ii , Jackson's utid. to council lhltiffs , w , il . , , ,.,.., ,. . .,., . . ,, I your tri&nsfur , tot&1 S hEA'S ' CASE IS coI1N ( ; ON Attacit on the Olty's ' Orodit is to Ba iloarti in Court. A MENDED PETITION AND ANSWER l 'lnln ill .tutt'itul ,. HIM l'lcndlflg nn.l Cily Ant t'r , Coverltir lvcr ) l'oluit tutu s&'tIuui.c Up lIen- seal fur lIlMuuuIN'OI. 'rho Injunction suit of J. J. Shea against the City Is act for Iilnirlng In the district c ourt next Monday and City Attorney Wadsworth 1155 retaIned Messrs. Ilarl nail McCabe to assist him In conducting the c aso for the city. Yesterduty Shea filed a substituted petition which is stibBiantially the annie as the for- .ior . n one with the exception that it Includes as exhibita a uiumber of copies of the bonds i ssued by the city which Shea aecks to have nnulled and declared void , alleging that he city has exceeded Its constitutional Ilnilt- f o Intlebtt.liicsS , The substituted petition places the city's liresent Indebtedntss at 597209.81 , auuti alleges that ever since March 1, 1814 , the city has been indebted I n round numbers $400,000 in excess of the constitutional limit. City Attorney Wadsworth fled the an- swer of the city to the substItUted petition of Shea yesterday afternoon. In it ape- dde - denial is made that any bonds or war- rants - have bcen Issued by the city In exa cess of ( lie constitutional limit or that the city Is irulebteti beyond or nit to the consti- tutiotial limit anti denial is also inane that any Ihiegal taxes have been levied or as- sesseil - by the city or that the city is about to make collection of any Illegal taxes for an illegal purpose or to pay or discharge nay Illegal obligations. For further answer it Is alleged that there is it detect of artIcs defendant to the I ' aetioui in that the bonds anti warrants anti obligations of the city assailed and sought to be annulled have been sold and negotias ted by the city for value received In pay- meat attd discharge of obligations Incirred- by ( ho city nod that same arc held by dl- Vera arid different persons , who are inter- ested - In tue result of the action , and who uro not fliatle iiartics defendant , anti that the cause could not be determined without I their presence in court unless to their iii- jury. - . The answer further sets up that the slc- cml - assessment bonds nssalled by Shea are not obligations of ( lie city in the contempla- tlon - of the constitutional inhibition and tlint the wurrAilts isstied wore isaticti In payment of ordinary , current and necessary expenses of maintaining the city govern- inent - anti that they are therefore not within tile constitutional inhibItion. It is also set forth In the answer that the plaintiff is cstoppctl by hIs Inches from making the I actIon antI that he has not sufficient Interest In ( Ice suit to maintain the action against thio holders of the obligations of the city, who are not within the jurIsdiction of tlut court and have not been inndc parties tc the suit , .IOIIN IlAIIltY JI.tS A MIdIIILY 'rlMI . 'l'rst h.p SIIMPI'titt'lI of Ilelug Iiusunt i ( ; I c'4 nit EIiIiiIlItin. John l3arry the tramp who was suspeetcil- of I being mentally unbalanced and was being ; held at the police station , acted in such I strange manlier yesterday morning that II was decided to file Information against hin 1 with the enmmssloners for the insane. Barr r had beoui lodged In one of the upstairs room :I at the jail and after breakfast yesterda3 morning on Jailer Dobbins' going up to takt away the dishes ho found the room swim . I mlng In water anti Barry quietly sittini : by the faucet with the water running whilu i- be was washing his atocks in the tin cui ) in which coffee had been furnished him , I I Later Harry wrapped himself In a blanket , although the thermometer was nearly up t t- th0 100 murk , and thus arrayed started ti 1 walk up and dOWn In front of the jail. Whei erdered to conic in he broke away and rai 1 north on Bryant street. Jailer Dobblns gay a pursuit but was soon outdistanced , and tb 0 pursuit was then taken up by Attorney Pau I Aylesworth , who happened to be passinj i at the time. Barry ran across the bridg 0 and turned on to Main street. As be tunic : :1 the conner by Waterman's carriage factor I , with Ayleswonth close on his heels a woma a- iaimnculately dressed In white and carryin g a white parasol passed. Rushing up behin d her Berry throw his arms around her waist t, lifted the woman oft 1er feet and whine d her completely around. Ayhesworth caugh t the man by the throat and be released Ui e woman , who ran screaming down Mai a street nimot scared to death. Barry we.5 taken back to jail nut ! later talcen befor the commIssioners for the insane , who , afte- examninimig 'er him , decided he was not mean 0 but probably suffering from the effects It drink , and arrangements were made to sen 0 the man out of town , Lost-Diattiond bow-knot. Suitable rewar .1 will be mild for return of same to tIc 3 0111cc. CouncIl Bluffs. The ofilcial photographs of the Unite il States Navy , contaIning over 200 picturt is- of the vessels. with them olficers anti it nun of the views of the ill-fated Maine. can ; hail at the Council Bluffs chico of The 1k . ; for 25 cents and a lice coupon , Co l1'VII V I () % 'S I1.tSY % 'Ic'i'i Mt . I"rtt ) Vlsi turN trout I'Irenit Ctmohl , II ( , blt.tI hy it Ittibit4rmultggrH. . hans J. amid James Olson , cousins am :id farm hands from I'igeou , caine to Connie il Bluffs yesterday with the Intention of vial t. lug tine exposition across tIme river. Tue. . however , met with an experience whit ji ; cimangecl their minitis anti decided thcnt 0 return hommie at once to the tarn , who ro crooks and sharks ahitleth miot. The Olsei hail been In ( nun bitt a few itilnutes wluc 'In they were aiproached by a stranger , wl 10 thought ho lciiew them , lie was very affi 5- hile - anti soon ion the confidence of tIme tv .o country cousins , lIe piloted the calm w youths from the country down North Eighl Lb street , where they were oIncti by it frien iii- of ( ho stranger. Title friend suggested a- gamito of cards , but. the Olsens demurred , as neither of them over touched a card. We II , If they could not play cards lierhups tb cy would turn over 'hmat money they had wi th- titoin. . anti suiting tIme action to tine word Is , ( lie two stninigers went through ( lie poclce ts- of the () isena , securing froiii otto $ $8 and tI lie other $5 , all tltu , wealth they poesesse t- 1.llavitig . reliovetl theni of their money , t ito strangers told theta to get. anti they g it ' When asked at the police uttuticin , where tlt C reported the hold-up , why they had n- unatlo any realbiance , they said "they lack ed the nerve. " A search was itiado for the t to strangers , but without success , ViIaom , , tguiutMt VilNam. . Ilotoro , udgo SmIth In the district cot irt yesterday was continenced the hearing of the elivorco suit instituted by Mrs. El la Wilson against her husband , Amos P. Wii. son , hr. and ? tlre. Wilson were married in tl us city AuKust 28 , 1881 , antI as grounds I er- a tliorco Mrs. Wilson alleges that her litus. baud tilLs dur1n all their married life be eq of ft sullen anti morose disposition , toll o faultfinding and possessed of en ungnvern- able temper , She also alleges that although he is a switchman and threw a good salary h e has refuacti her the means necessary to fc- se ctl and clothe the family nntl that In con- quence - she has been compelled to take Iaal washing nntl'keep boarders. She further leges that on March 7 of this year ho th reatened to shoot h'er and actually did ull a revolver on her , Mrs. Wilson asks pfo r the custody of the five children anti for $2- Is ,000 alimony , alleging that her husband worth $3,000 , Wilson resists the claim fo r alimony antI assents that all he possesses isa the homestead in which the family lives nd that , be says , Is mortgaged- .0MM1NCiM . C SATUIIIAY , .IUMI - And lnu1s.1uly Ii , 1SIPM , OflEATEST OF ALL SALlS.-TE I ) AYS 0Y-WAlT ANt ) COMB TO TllF LC AItcIE STORE ILOOM. 333 liltOAlWAY , OUNCIl. BLUFFS , NEXT TO BROWN'S C , 0. D. MARKET. SEVEN 1)00115 EAST 0 1 : ' TIlE BOSTON STORE , Shoes anti clothing , Great nianufnctur- o r's closing out sale. The Empire Clothing mid Shoe comnpatty , $175,000 , Cincinnati , 0. , aq uit busir.ees and have sent out agents ro o ther cities with their stock. to be sold q uick for cash , less profIt of manufacture , l ess nrofit of wholesaler, less profit of reI'r t aller , soil without cost of freight , Read t hese prices for new stylish goods , first- cs lass pect. orknianshlp , up-to-date in every re- ShOE IJAI1GAINS , Gentle' lteavy working ItLOCS , worth $1,5 , nt t 7Sc , lathes' Oxfords , worth 1.50 , at 96c ; l nillcs' Oxfords , ortlt 2.50 , at 1.24 : In- ti les' Oxfords , worth 3.00 , at 1.48 ; Indies' da ress Itoes , lace and button , worth 1.50 , t tcsc ; ladles' anti goats' dress shoes , ortit $ 250. at 1.24 ; ladles' anti getuts' fine shoes , w orth 3.00 , at 1.45 ; lathes' and jnts' cuete t oiti made shoes , worth 4.50 , at 1.n8 ; Ia- .les' . ti anti gents' hand-sewed shoes , worth $ 6.00 , at $2,1S : chiliren's school shoes , s Izes S to 11 , worth 1.25 , at 74c ; misses' nti youths' school shoes , worth 1.50 , at O Se. We also carry a full line of ladies' nti- ent's g flue tiress shoes- .CLOThING . BARGAINS. Men's pants , ortIi 1.25 , at Ole : men's b usiness hatlts , worth $2 , at OSc ; men's flee p ants , worth $3 , at 1.21 ; men's tailor- made pants , vorth $5 , at $2,4S ; men's stilts , Worth $8 , at 3.25 ; utica's cassimero suits , worth $12 , at 4.75 ; men's fine cassiniere s tiit , worth $15 , at 6.78 : macn's limo custom made suits , worth 18. at 8.GS : men's fine t ailor-made suIts , worth $ $22 , at. 9.83 ; boys' l eng paats , worth 150. at 78c ; children's chool suits , worth $2 , at PSe ; chiltireb's fi ne suits , worth 2.50 , at 1.24 ; children's tiross suIts , worth $5 , at 248. Anti so on through the hue you will find bargain after bargain. Nothing reserved , Everything must be sold in ten days. Goods excltnnged it fiat eatisfactory. liono est , honorable , square tienling to all. Remember Saturtiny , Jutie 25 , is the tiny , and is for ten days only. Look for the Big RetI Sign. 1. . lii. , Agent. $300 or $400 worth of ladies' capes at your price , must Vacate this store on the morning of July 7. HY RIIS C.t It ft I LS 'I'll I C.tUCUSIdS , 1)'legntiun Sol 1.1 for II un Is ClioMeut ill tIt&Cur. . The republican caticuse held last night for the selection of ticiegates to the county convention to be lielti ulext Tuesday were in nearly all of the precincts largely at- tentlcd amid a big vote was the consequence. Of the delegates selected it Is estiniated- tlint 11.V. . flyers has forty-nine and Mr. liniger nIneteen , The flyers Inert claim the result of tint caucuses tvlll give them a solid liyets delegation from the city , which means thnt they tvlll control the vote of the Fifth Sixth and Seventh districts at tile county , convelition. At. the convention tvemity-flv i tielegates will ho clecteti to each. of th fol. lowing conventions : State , congressional amid I judicial. Following Is the result of tht i caucuses : First Ward-First precinct : John Collins , Carl A. Morgan , Freti Grout , E. D. Fuller ' Charles Maurer , Committeeman E. D. F'ul . Icr ; Second precinct : Frank Ainsworth , W. A. Groneweg. G. 11. Scott , A. L. Lund , Friend Covalt , S. B. Snyder , Committee . man S. It , Conner. Second Vard-First precinct : C. Stratul , V. 0. Dorlanti , J. B. Sweet , C. S. Byers C. B. Raniiiett , George Ifunsen , C.V. . F'oi : ter , comuuittcexnan , J. B. Sweet ; Seconi I preciict : : 11. A. Baird , F. T. True , Tlteo - doro CuILjtr, J. C. BaIter , Ovlde Vien , J . H. I'ace , connuittecirnan , G. G. Baird. Third orecittet : J. 1' . Green - lmleid , FL E. hart , 1' . C. Devol , Jr. , F. 0 . Gleason , Dr. 11. 13. Jennings , T. D. Metcalf counmitteenian , N. C. Phillips ; Second pre . : clnct : iv. M. Fretierick , W, . Annin , E. C . Brown , W. S. Stevens , Frank Everest , U . Butterfield , conunnitteetnan , H. Brown. Fourth Wartl-First precinct : A. T. Flick inger. J. A. I'atton , I. M. Treynor , Dr. F : . . Thomas , George S. Wright , Dr. J. 11 . Cleaver , Jobmi N. Baldwin , committeeman I' I'- F. . 7. Iay ; Second precinct : Soren Wilson Slack Peterson , C. K , Taylor ; j , , Gor hum , comutitteomnan , C , K. Taylor. i Fifth iVard-Firet precinct : C. C. Clifton I Dell C. Morgan , Abh MItchell , C. W. M . Donald , F. J. Iloaghand , hi. IL. Sears. S. ( . I Shuart , committeemau , F. J. Ifoagland ; I Second Precinct : L. B. Cousins , T, A. Bre - wick , Thommis Smith , Ed Meyers , Fran In Peterson , committeeman , T. A. Brewick. . Sixth Ward-First precinct : L. hi. Shu t- bert , A. C. Harding , J , hi , Harkn , J C . Drake , F. hi. West. B. K. Shreves , corn mitteeman I- , John W. Fernier ; Second pre cinct I- of the Sixth ward entitled to on .e delegate , did not report.- Norl . ' ( ( ( ) (' ( roMsfl. ( Manager Webster of the Omaha Bnitl , i and Terminal company has , efleolintero ] aa obstacle in completing hl track on Unlo a avenue , The Chicago & Northwestern roa tl objects to the terminal conipany making a crossing over its track on Union avenue an 0 Twelfth street and has switched a train if freight cars across the street which am 0 under guard night and day , Collars never crttck when sent to ti Bluff City laundry , They have a proccu that Is easy oti elothe , Will Henry line ptmrchuasetla Leagto ii I- cycle front Cole & Cole.- I.4)Mt' . $ 94,11 , , , ATLANTIC , Ia. , Juno 24-Special ( Telu . ' - gram.-George ) Caw , aged 18 , an inciustniot Is and poinmir man of Stlmart , retunulmi ig htonie title aftermioon from near Casey a U. teniptetl to board an extra freight , hi t slipped and fell under a Rock Island tral ml , cuttimmg off liotht legs unlcuown : to ( Ito trait I. 111011 , No. 3 passenger train west saw lmi in half an hour later , picketl ldmn tip and ton k ltiuit to Casey. ' i'ress Comtimte.i (, Sioux City Joitnuinul : lhlitnco's ( lineatont d invasion of Florida intilcates tlmat ho hi ia given up tukitig Chicago at present , Des Moines Register : "Iowa Is Itayit a lot of antl-hmrynin weather " ug the Clinton , is tite wn ty lieraltl expresses it. Yes , aniti we are going to have sonic fliagmiiflcej at anti-flryaui crops , too , Keokuk Gate City : Our Iowa popuils Is t otilti have everybody ulutlerstamutl that ( tie mnititlle of the road is unuch witler this ye tin titan usual. So it is , but that simply ii a- creases the chances that tIme lopulists w Ill get lost. Davenport Democrat : Jackson park , Cliii- cage , five years ago the scene r the hen U- tlful - white city and hundreds of thousan tie of people daily , is now used In Part for a fresh air sanitarium , Sick babIes tire car ed for by trained nures without charge , hi sy the Omittilia grounds itt good thou serve t be saute good etttl , ( . (l 'I i'osttiec. ! WAShINGTON , June 24-Speelal ( Tel te- grani.-A. ) F. Jioderalti was today appoint ed postmaster at Green Island , Jackson court Ly , Ia. , and E. H , Rutbboae at Metetae , I llg flora county, W'yo. IO ' AID T6IIE CUBANS - iI'- ath St Bclief Committh ice Up It Affairs and PreptroUt Boport. TH IRTEEN CARIOADS.OFYROVISIONS SENT - - I , Cs , , hu llnlittice of () i'tt Pour hlunlrctl- HulitirM tlY has Mniiut % VIuIeh will Sic ForCnriicl It ) Ike- NntluitnL Couuuuuittee , DES MOINES , Juno 24.Specinl ( Tei- eam.Tho - gr ) state Cuban relief committee luc Id a meeting at the commercial exchange lo ems this morning to close Up Its affairs pr eparatory to submitting its report to ( lie go vernor , Treasurer Twombly siibmnlttcti- s hi report , which showed that the commit.- o . e bail collected from over the state 2- 9.03 , - 37 and had vaid out $ 1959.89 , which le aves a cash balance ott hand of $419.14- .tle . Ti balance with some boxes which the Co mnunittee 110W has on hand will be sent (0 the national committee appolnetl ( by- csitient McKinley , in New York City. Al together thirteen carloads of provisions ha ve beemi sent to the relict of the sufferinig- ubans C by the committee. Betsy i3unitli thid not appear in the district co urt to receive her sentence this morning , S he was sick and unable to ho present. Site- s ha beeti failing slowly for several day's- d an lund to be takemi to Tracy hospital. 11cr- torneys at stated ( lint she would be able to- llie co into court next Thursday and the sem- inco - sas Postponed until that tinue. Amos I3raunlt today received notice front 'V asliiuigtoti ( lint be had been appoltiteti- ptaiti ca of the company t colored Inimunes- ho to raised here. Colored inca do not w ant to go under ( lie command of a white ca ptain nnd many of thieni will revolt. Commander It.V. . Tlrrnill of the Iowa d epartment Grand Army of the Republic nm iuiounced these appointments today : As- stant - si adjutant general , ilcnry A. Dyer , M ason City ; assistant qttartermnster , GetiP ,, i ra1 W. A. Abbott , Des Moines ; depart- teilt - ul inspector , George Ii. Welch , Boons- b ore ; Jutige advocate , E. P. Sopor , lOi- ncttsburg - in ; chief tutustering oihlcer , Abner 13 . Dunham , Manchester , In. ; senior aitle a rid clikf of stall , George hi. l'arker , Sac C ity. sulI. $ fttr tlIiei. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia ,, June 21.Speclai- clegram.J. ( T ) . M. Brown , assistant engineer f the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern railway and a member of th Board of- ducation E of this city , was ann es1cii this m orning charged tvltli criminal libel. He tv nlved examinaton auid was held In bonds of $ 300. The complaInIng witness is E. It. S wan , general agent of. the Peck-Williamson ls l Ocating and Ventilating company. The clmool board recetitiy'maiie Investigation of hw eating apparatus forttjn school building , rititig rnaiuy lettcnitalllover the country. M r. Browni received iac1letter from Em- nctsburg - i which wa igrogatory to the I' eck-W'ilhiannson sysftnu , Swan charges t hat Brown has been'gullty of criminal libel i n making the conteA of the letter known to other members of tIIO0CC1IOOI board. dl m'riitl lag O1I1'e BlttVM Up. SIGOUI1MEY , . , , The oiiice of the Sijuney Review was b lown to pieces yest rtlnty by an explosIon of a holler anti ( be home of Editor Bartow w as completely wrecked , Guy Davis , the l ocal editor , was at dirinerila the room above t ime offIce amid tyics tli1 ti ncos the room a nti badly stunned. For a long time it was b elieved that ho had been fatally injured , b ut with medical assistance he finally re- c overed. Just after ( ho noise of the explo- s ioii. one who happened to be looking in the d irection at the time , saw the boiler taking a flIght 100 feet in the air over the tree t ops. It struck in the street , crushing soyh o ral trees in Its descent. Tnrd.'r inut StileStle. BURLINGTON , Ia. , June 24Special. ( The details of the tragetiy at Trenton In Henry county confirm the first reports that i t was a case of murder and suicide. Perry Elliott , a young mnan , deliberately fired a r ifle at MIss Eflie Kelley , killing her , and after he had gone into hIs own home fired the shot that ended his own life. Miss Kel- cy - I was sitting on the porch of her parents't home almost across the street from the home of Elliott when the deed was done- .lt . seems that the young man was laboring under temporary insanity , due to disordered Imagination. IkriitW for Coal , DES MOINES , In. , Juno 24Special. ( ) Th state mine inspector for the southern district states that there is more drilling in Monroe , Lucas anti Marion counties now than for years. Work Is going on between Lucas and Chariton and southwest of Lucas , around lhiteman and souili toward Centerville and around hamilton and Marysville. In this district one company , at the poor farm is sInking a new 225-foot shaft west of the present hoisting shaft. It- jfl be completed in two months.- Umayetuluig . of a Statue' . KEOKUK , In. , June 24.-Special.-A ( ) letter has been recelveti by Mayor J. L . Root from General R. W. Tirrill of Man- . cheater , Ia. , accepting an Invitation to de- liver -. an address at ( lie unveilIng of the Cur. . ( is statue July 4. General Tlrrill is a prom. . meat member of the Grand Army of the Re. . public , having been elected commander oi I the department of Iowa at laBt WeCk'B ' con . yention In Sioux City.- Shmoolimmg . itt OSCEOLA , Ia ,, Juno 24.Special ( Tel- e.gramAt . ) Woodhurn , ton niiies east of lucre ' last night , Dr. W. F. Swisser was shot ant 1 killeti by an unknown man who has disap- peared. . Time perpetrator of the crime wut ; seen to tie the shooting , but there is iittli 3 description of hint to work on , No motivi ] to knowmu. " I di- H4)' ' , , ' , CLARINDA , Ia. , . , . - ( Tel- egrani.Eani . ) Morgan1'igd 19 , was mhrowncn I totiay at Simambaugh , i e county. lie tva in a boat that went 9Ncrahhme Noiaway : nyc r dani , lila body baa rtoLtbeen recovered. iii- .I'ulttit'iii . - Ntt'N , 11 , W. Weeks of Otmthrie county line been : i announced as a cawlitlato for congress iiII thin Ninth tllstnict , , iui- .v . , B. Pankin of flocue has been blouighi as it canildate ( for railroad comumtiisstomue tout. anti ho has the baTii7 of tIme nailwa y brohnerlnootis. fil A Des Moines cor'spndent has tiiscov- croci - ( lint the 1)ubuq' uotel are clmnrgitu the candidates hieforEto republican stat U convention $100 a dmJ (or hotel hieadquar - tens , Iowa state olilcers to be elected title yea , arc : Secretary Cit state , treasurer , auchtto- mjuilge of the supremm4 court , clerk of tim ; supreme court , reporter of time supremni 0 court , attorney geucrul and railroad corn - nuissioner.- Messrs. . . Allen , Merriam , floheon , Coliuna C anti others who will ho cantlidates befor e tine reptmblicnn state coutventioa in Septern - her were with the Iowa people who atteuide ti- the exposition on the day of the dedicatio U- of the Iowa buildimig.- Tliomtaii . hedge , who will be nomninate t by the republicans for congrees Iii the Fire district , iii a nitive of Iowa. Sam Clar the present uneunber from ( hue district , I also a native oftha state , and so is Robem.t 0. CousIns , of the Fifth district. - - - - - . R ' , rtvM , t , . ' . - ' , ' , . Y.. ' , %. . 4. '. . . ' . % . ' . % . ' F1OM -m . t 1 : ! LThf4A- . : . ; . : y Vi11 UIIid Von iii Manawa ! : ; MlIifl Thirty-rive Minutes. , A 'T"I-IE bathing seasotr commenced on the 19th inst. The ' I water is fine-just right for a bath. Take the Bridge ' line , which passes the principal hotels. S Nice tenting spaces for rent , Special performance at . 4:30 : and 8:30 : p. m Band concert. No extra charoe for ' picnIc parties. Tables and chairs free. Call 'Phone No. 50. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , L t L EVIES A PER. CAPITA TAX roviiou to Raiio Money for General Federation Purposes.- VELY . LI PARUAMENTARY SCifiMMAGEr- N. M . Ilcitrtt ( In MILRON ami Itimmegeti- cSiect'It iii i'miyor of Cite Clumutuge DiNCtI,4p4iflit oX Club louIs. , DENVER , June 24.The thousands of cl ubs belommgiii to ( ho General Federation of Wonieii's Cltmbs are to be taxed annually at the into of 10 cemIts ver capita. This no- uit. - s was finally reached today at the Broalt- ay - w theater amid a Shutter of parliainemitarY p oitits and prolonged applause. Mrs. 11ml- r otimi , who inatie en effcctirc speech on be- h alt of this financial imniovation , smiled t riumphantly and the delegaioima who do- ared - d they would withitiraw looked sontie- w hat wilted. This ttns the breezy session of- me tI whole conventioli amid its outcome places the federatioui on a strictly business , in- tead - s of a semi-charity basis. This ruling caine as a result of the reso- utions - l oiferetl by hire. Julia ii. Shattuck of- hicago. C . chairman of the ways and means c ommIttee , wino stated the treasury had but $ 4700. Of resources for the comning two y ears , with prospects of fully $12,000 cx- enises - p , leaving out of consideration the cx- eflscs - I) which oillccrs would probably jiartly- sume a , This new provision will not go into e ftOtt : until 100 , nndt will bring Into ( ho- reasury t about 5,500 annually. Mrs. lien- otin - r was emphatic in her arguments , end- ug - l with "Women who conic to conventions t o cavil on parliamentary points where a g reat Issue is at stake had better stay at- ome. h . " The session ended , every woman put her- at on straight while a picture of the con- ention - was takenu , with Mrs. Ilenrotia con- picuoiusly - is in the foreground. Following the free trolley ride early in- he t morning , was the "Educational Confer- o nce" at Broadway theater , in charge of Miss Margaret J. Evatis of Minnesota , with Mrs. John II. Hanna as local assistant chair- t itan. With reference to the work of the s tate fetierations addresses were made by . h ire. Alice Fyc Briggs of Maine , . Mrs. Alice i Bradford WIles of Illinois , Mrs. B. N. Wal' : on of Massachusetts , Mrs. Jennie Lozien- of New York , Mrs. V7. E. Lowe of Georgia Mrs. hi. A. Keating of MichIgan , Mrs. J. D. . Rentier of Iowa , and Miss Celia F. Osgood I of Colorado.- At . ( lie same time was held the confercmmcc- on "Club Methods" fri Unity church , withl I hire. . d. o. Perkins of Michigan in tht i cjtair , and Mrs. J. hi. Coniue as local as- sistant - chairman. Some of the speakern ; and their subj ets werc 'Shali Member- ship -. Be Limited or UnlirnitetlV' Mrs. C , C . itichardsen of Colorado and hire. Saral I Splntt of Colorado ; 'Shall Aseociate Mom . hers be Admitted ? " Mrs. Howartl Stephen' . son of Pennsylvania ; 'Iuties , Advantagen I and Disativantages of Membership Commit- tees . , " by hire. Frederic Lyon Charles 0 t New York ; "Are the Best Result : Olttaie'l by Working Together or in I Groups ? " bins.V. . P. Hanford of Nebraska : "Relation Between Study Classes nod Dc. iartnment Clubs , " Mrs. Laura A. Scanimen 01 r Missouri ; "Value and Best. hietliods of Pro- nioting -. Extemporaneous Speaking , " Mrs ' henry Newton Lee , Colorado ; 'Shall Oum Literary Work Tend Toward Specialization em Generalization ? " hire. hi. A. 10. llowelis U- thiiciiigctn I ; "Is it In Danger of Lessening tin l'ractlcal ? " hire. Elizabeth B , Ihltt o Indiauua. The afternoon sessions will be tievoted t ) ' 'Art , '' tinder Mrs. Herman hall of Illinois and "The Inthustrial problem as It Affecti I W'ornoiu anti Children , '' imi charge of Misc S Claire tie Ornifenreid of Wnsiilngton , I) . C. . Comiferetlee lilt Ait. Once of the notable sessions of the fetler - ation was tlio conference of art clubs mmdc r tIme direction of tirs. Herman Hall of Clii - cago. F lllowlng time address of the chair - miian on tine "New Movement" were report 8 of four orgamuizatiouns tloimig practical ar t work , by hir. Lucy 10. MorrIs of Ilenliti'- ie. , .; hits. Charles 10. Conant ofVeIl : Minim. ; hire , Walter Olile of Chicago mini hire. Charles Leroy blase of St. Louis , Tile illustrated lecture by Ralph Clarksoi ii of Chicago on "how to Judge a Picture ' was followed by tlve.uiulnute atldrossee o a "Art iii lime Schools , " by Mrs. Clara Steven - son of Jefferormville , lad. ; hire. Ii. B , Far - soil of Chicago , Miss Cornelia 10. tietifortl c- Phiinmilelithia if , bliss Kate Stotldard of Lln - coin , Nob. ; Miss Jeamiie I) . McKee of CoY - ington , Ky- .Another . srles of talks on "Art in th ,0 Clubs" luatl as Participamits hues Anna Caul - field of Grand Itapitla , Mich. ; bliss taos . Biancliarti of i'ortlanul , Me. ; Miss Sarah I . Brow of Camnbnidge , Mass. ; Ir. Mary Cogi - tvoll of Cetiar Rapids , Ia. , anti hire , Candac 0 Wheeler of New York , Atm address on "have We Distinctly American Artists , " by hire , Emily l'olme Cope of New York anti the presentation "hionumnental Art. in the iVest" by hire. h 0 , BenJamin of Denver , concluded with discussion under the leadership of bib me Mary A. Temple of Knoxville , Tuna. , bin . hi , A.Vashburn of Los Angeles anti hir . Louis Van Leon Lyndo of Syracuse , N. IC, At the same hour was held another cot ferenco m- devoted to the industrial problem c L- 5it affects women and children , with MIt ma Claire Do Oraffeureido of Washington , B. C , , : * t : * : FRUIT AND 6ARDN FARMINtI pj t : Around Council Bluffs j lI.J 4j . ' . .. ; ? lutm citit 1uiy iuuu prumel tiui ii iuitlilui ) rtivt'ti Intl t lnllIN e1lcflu'r , 1mm thiN Viel flit )' Ilimuum tuiuiIICVt itt ( lit' Ii mit toil Stat e. 'Fliere 1 , iimm ( mu I I- : :2. . . ItI. , ) I crop , , lucre. Luo1 at our Frimit FIIVJIIM wiaIl timer are itt lenr1- 1mg - , . , DAY & MESS. 'rime Real iirtlr'rs , 4 * *: a Poa1 St. . Comsuoll B1UIFN , Ia M1i .4 . ' .s , . t't'riumilly : tmnttmiet. hmmyurs tinrottelu otur for iiiformtimctioni tuirl sinuto whmmi. , ytuim orcimnuudi. frets of iinrg. want. . *: :2 * : ** : + 44 . . i n thuo chair. The cimief speaker was Mrs- .ydney . S Webb of London , who discussed how- e t do away with the "sweating sytcnii. ' ' hire , Cornine Bmotvn of Chicago atitleil her views and Mrs. Kary Kenny O'Sullivan S Poke of "The Union for Industrial Froga- e. - m . " blrs. A. P. Stevens of Chicago lintlsomlte- lltatistics s oil labor iogisiation for wonton anti children in the United States , the pro- grant concludimig with a talk emi ' 'Silk- Culture" by Mrs. Eiia lO. Luuc : tiowes of- Chicago. . The evening session , tievoted to "Art and Utility' , " in charge of Mrs. Alice Ivee Breed- er Boston , was a special treat. b1r. Cam- mcuaco - Wheeler of New York slOkC along these liutt' , followed by "Art and the but- nicipality" - by Mr. Syduicy'ebb , who is a member of ( Ito county cotuncil In London.- Tue . climax was a stereoptlcon lecture on- "Art for Clubs" by bliss Anna Cittillielti of Grand Rapids , Mich. , the tal- ented - young wonmn vlmo bus made 'such a- sidenihitl imniprossion on the convention. Iii the interims of conferences , receptiomi- santi.frec trolley titles entertaIned the vlsi- tore. - . Tomorrow special trains furnished by Denver hostesses will take the climb wounell around "the loop" to Georgestown , where tluey will be entertained at luncheon.- 'l'lic . presidents lucid a meeting tonight and agreed upon the questions of taxation and representation of state fetlerations. Their conclusions will be presented to the general tederttion for final action. The zmgreemneiit was that the taxation of state federations for the benefit of ( lie general federation shall be 25 cents tot each club. The represemita- tioni - for each state federation of 125 clubs or 1035 is to be five delegates , mud onto dde- gate for each additional twenty-five clubs , PEYTRAL FOIIMS A CABINET SUeCCe'1114 itt ( etuImig Tipgetiuer a- FrcitIs MIiIiMtry do Siiect'eil ( limit of M. Meitne , PARIS , June 24M. Peytral has sue- ceeded - in fonnuinig ii. cabinet to succeed time retiring ministry of N. Mehtine. It he con- etituted - as follows : Premier and Minister of the Interior-hi. Paul Peytral. Minister of Forcigmu Affairs-hi , Do Frey- duet.- Mimmiater . of War-hi , Godfrey Cavmia- c.hiitiister . of Marine-Vice Admniral Francoim- Fournier. . Mimmister of Financo-M. I3aul do Lomnbre MInister of Justice-hi. Ferdinanti Saru lee Minister of Colonies-hi. Theophiilc Del Caamcc. Minister of Commcrco--M. Emnhle blare. joule , Minister of Agniculttmre-Senntor Baduel Minister Public Works-hi , Georges Lcy. Minister Public Instruction-b ! . Citanici 3 Dupu- y.l'liNu0NS . ioitVt'S'I'iOitN . Sim rv Is , , r ( ) f Lmi I t Vn r it tmimi'mu ieretl- b I time' ( eimersui ( uverllllteii t , , Juno 24SpccialPcIi. ( ) . smuts have been issued as follows : Issue of June 13 : Nebraska : Irucrt'aae-Willlriumt F. Mc- .Cuuie . , Greshnirn , $10 to 17. Reissue nun limcrentse-Tlinunpsomm linker , Westerviliti. $- 1to 8. OrigimumulVidow , etcCiirietiamii- Leibrock , Germantown , $8 , Iowa : Oniglimal-Janies Chasteemu , Wil toni Junctiomm , $ 0. Adtiitlonai-Banmioy Kummf- finituin , Fort Alatiisomi , $6 to $8 Itenewa amid Rcissiue-Eliite Smith , Des Moines , $6- 1micrmmimuuifibmn , Ends , Tamnu , 16 it ) $1 Original Witiows , etc-Saruim 16 , Cook Irn1caviiie , $8 ; special , June 14 , Specia Act , Anmia hi , Tate , mutoilmer , Lyons , 12. South Iakoia : Supplememutni-Jolin le- vine . , '[ 'urton , 6. Colorado : Oniginal-Johmmson Barker Denver , 6. lnemcamce-Antimoumy Jordoit Denver , $6 to 10. Origimiai Witl.itvs. etc.- hiinormt . - of W'iiiinmnn Shrocle , ltuimmont , $16.- A . I . I' , liJltlitiMIlNfiI' . , Juuie 24.Slieclai ( Trio - gramn-Sc'nator ) Allen retmirmiod froun No- - braslia today , 'Flie senator is ftull of enthtu- siasm over time Transmmmiseissljmpi lixpositioi anti says it is easily the biggest show sinci tiue'or1d's fair , A. Scarle of Meirose left for imis born today , Senator Thuretonu has gone to Cam bni'igo ' to attend the class tiny exercises o harvard , where his son Clarence is i student. . IIYMENEAL , Cri , pls1c-tt'lMmll' r- .SlIEITON . , Neb. , June 24-Speclai-A ( ) t- if 8:30 : o'clock last evening at iho imonne c ( Jeorge hicisner , one mmmile north of town , occurutl time nuarniago of his tiaughmer Nor a 10. to Mr. Oran hi. Crumnley , Time ceremomi y was pronounced by 11ev , C. F. Graves of tim .- 0F2eebyterhcut churcI. DOHANY 'I'HEATER.'I- 'OSIuI't' . , MARETTA SISTERS Aemobatni , Cntortinmtiste , lcmmiecri nuld Triutiezo'om k- ltnrllctt & II.tvnrd , ' .% 'iiI t1. ( 'iirrol- i It Siet'inI * ieM.-SoI'k ( , Iult tililly In- "A IIUSBAND ! CLOJfl. " ?ttmitlnee Satmirtiitv nfternotmi. Ciiutelain- 'atch : vuli bi' given itwimy- .I'll . i'iOS , 1(1 CEN'I'- S.wlu . OThERS Ii'P.IT. Cfl- 'UlTDOTllS Searles & Bearle- sSPECIALISTS Gurautee to cure .perullty Ritti rauIi- .enily . ' eli NCIIVOVH , CIII1OStO A.'vE ( PItIVATE of Men tutu woinc- aWEtK SYLIS ' , 5CXUALLY. cured for life- .Nliht . Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ily , drocule , Vericocale , Gonorrhea , Geeu ; , SYPII lilt , Stricture , Plies , Fletula and heeLs Ulcer. , Dlabetei , Bright's DIsease cured ,' , Consultation Fre- e.h1chre . $ an- by new method without pain or cuttiflr.- Callon . or address with stamp. Treatmemt- by mali , fine orni rd omen ! re IIL.L 14th St- Vito , tiirtit t dtlUtLCc. ( & 5Lifl4.t The Ladles' fteparrnent 01 the New Hygiene Institute open for business , and fuhhi, equIpped with two new apparatus for giving time most healthful , pleusimmg halite know ? to the world. The INSTiTUTE has among its patrons , the best known ladies In Omaha. STe asic you to give it a trial of two bathe at leaet until if it is not found us represented , we wU refund your money , -4 Rooms , New Quarters , . 216-218-22OBedUuI11n New IlyOienc ost.iA- NJt4W. . . .IVVNVV r ' auieI.e.irtit ( 'j t same tr t lkwarr of , I'IrI.nnterIri ,, , . DUVFV'8 -1 PURE MALT WIIt'Y ! ALL DRUCCISTS. - FIRE RECORD. - nrmu hurtled , hASTINGS , Neb ,, June 24.Spccial.- Tiio ( . ) -- " large lianmi belonging to Mr , liarrowl , at ( lie coruner of Fifth street arid I.exInmgt- oavetiuc , was completely destroyed by fir- .at . 1 o'clock this morning. it was welt 1w.

Transcript of COUNCIL BLUFFS. LThf4A- - · r the harga of insanity. The...

.- --.-- ----- ft rllIT1 ; flM A It A 1) AlLY 11fl AI1TTTtDUV. .11TNi 5. 18O3.


------ = =J -. --- - ----- -


)3UWOIer beer , ROSCflfel1. Tel. 323.-



. II. Lorenzcn , trenurr of Crawfordcounty. wti In the city ycsterdn-


( edition of CoUncI B1uftcRy dIrectory.Ip1y at flea olflce-


lint of Oril , Neb. , who hats heciithc guest of Mrs. . S. Face , returned homeyeMertlay.

The an Inuntiry In the lender In linework Isoth for coLor and finlsb. & 20 t'arla-treet. . Phone 200.

C. H. Whitney , county nrul W. E. Cooper ,

clerk of the dIstrict court or Shethy county ,wore In the city yceterilay.-



. and Mrs. E. C. tIIce have returnedfrom KnnBaB City. where they were calledliy the Ilinees of Mr. Stlles mother.-


.. L. Tyro 811(1 WillIam T. lveritt. for

dlsttirliliig the peace , were each fined $A1d vott hi police court yeatcrday morning.

Don't you think it iiiust be a pretL goodlautuiry that can plca'rn so many hundredsof customers ? Well-that's the "IagIo. "724 Uroadway.-


republican congressional committeeof the Ninth district will meet hero next

to make arrangements for thecor.grcEslonnh convention.

ltcv. Henry lens today forJilotuit hope to take part in the dedicationexercises of the Mel.iodiat church at thatt' place tomorrow morning.

For ceveral nighte ; , nit thieves have beencarrying away the handsome and costlyplants recently placed by the Park C01-11missloners In Cohirnn nark.-


tlic dhtrict court yesterday the TootleWakley MIllinery company coinmenceilproceedings agnlnKt Max Olsen and othersto forclou a niortgage of $400-


I. Chase has Revered his connec-tion

-with the Globo.letnocrat ind for the

pr.Ernt the weekly edition and job Plantwill he run liv Messrs. John Martin andEu 1. (] orulner.-


. Chiattleld reported to the 1)011cc yes-terday

-nfttrnoon that her 2-year lltle toy

that strayed away Thiirsday afternoon hadbeen found yeetordny afternoon wanderingabout the court hoUse yard-


Wise , a telcgrnph messenger boy ,

was ovorconio by the heat yesterday morn-lag In front of the Merriam block. on l'carl-Street. . He was removed to his home at1028 Fourth avenue anti last night wasrettng easy with no serious results an-ticipated.


The Ministerial association ot thecity holds its last mcetlng before the stiiii-mer

-vacation ?donday morning at 10:3-


In St. John's English Lutheunc-hurch. . ltvv. L. P. McLoimltl , rector of-

St. . Piiuls 1llsCOlUl church , IIl read apaper on ( hiurehi Unity. ' '

The membira of Fidelity vounclt , 1oya1-Arcanuin , of this city , hnve been Invitedb3P Union I'nciflc council , Omaha , to par-'ticipate

-in the celebration of Arennulu-

da ; today on the exposition grounds. Tlic-niombers are asked to bring their fainlhleand friends ntil help make the day a galaone.v.

. llutehiittsoii. an alleged bootlegger ollt1lslale. In. , was brought before United

States Commissioner yesterday aft-ernoon by Deputy United States MarshallRichards. lie WfllVC(1 examination. wsuI

bound over to the federal grand jury antI I

gave ball for his appearance Ift the sun 1

of 200.Manager Brown wIll introduce an Iiinova .

then at the 1)ohany today at both ,nati .

flee uliti evening PerfrnahIces! in the shiupt-of

ia continuous vaudeville show. The lirsi t

pnr. i.titl' A ilusbatid In Clo'er. " wil ItI

introduce all the members of the compai-In


specialty turns and will conclude wIti-wbat Is entitled "A Laughable Screamer , '

"The Rink MnsI < ." 'rho Maretta sister :3

will injar at both performances.___ - Leo. a colored .womnn who va 3s- gitn' ,ihi1Ler nt the police station Thurs .

tlay night , was yesterday provided with ItrtportatIon: back to her home In De-MCUICS.


. Mrs. Lee told the authorities tha-lIvr husband deserted her anti learning thuhe was working at ths I'axton hotel ii 'Omaha she bad been given transportatloi-b


the overseer of the poor there. SIt: failed to locate her reereant spouse am I

drifted over to Council Bluffs , but wa Sunable to Proceed any further for want o ffunds. .

C. 13. Viavl Co. , female reliit'tly : consulta-tion

-tree. Office hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to 6 .

Health book furnished. 32327.32S bier -riam block.

Money to loan on city propelty. Kinne.-



. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.

: Vtuts VrIt f lIil1'tM-A petition for a writ of habeas corpus fo r

Theodore Kotirtman , a reItlent of Calbour I

: Nd , . , at present an Inmate of the Insan; ' ward at St. I3ernard's hospital , was filed ye I.: tortlay evening wIth Judge Smith of Ut C

dtstrict court and will be heard this after:_

1oon. The sisters of the hospital are noni. ln lly made party defendants. From thi

;: putitlon fileti It appears that the conimli .4 meat at Kourtnian to St. Bernard's wr :g

brought about In rather an unusual mannt;

. and the 5tAp3 to secure his release are bolerg

: taken by friends of his in Omaha. Italeged that Kourtzman , who Is a rather cc ..

centric character , became Involved in a tilt .Pite vlthi a neighbor over their respecth

; dogs and Kourtzman secured a revolver anattempted to shoot the neighbor's ccinln

. The neighbor , whose name Is not dl3cIost lili-

the petition , bath Kourtzrnan arrested c

r the harga of insanity. The coinmissionci.ts

decided lie vms Insane and after he had bc ( .

;a niI at Calhoun for some thirty day :I J as hero was no room in anyof the sta to

, asylums , committed Icini to St. flernard 'a-

in! hospltil In this city , where be has be-

U since last jril.,

..}'or sale. acre of ret! raspberries , heavilyloaded. Will sell on bushes. Located onebiIo north of Chautauqua grounds , formerlyChris Frolcnrt place. lo. A. Iilanchartl ,I Map of Cubit , West Indies and the World..t The Ilec oIhict. 1O. each.-



G.ts tt (1INN 1)ullnr.-Pctor

.Jensen , the liroatiway cigar dealer,

eportct1 to lice pollee yesterday afternoonhat ft well dressed stranger hail passed it-

counterfeit. . dollar on him. Thu counterfeit-S it very clover copy of the genuine article.-


. is somewhat light in vcIght , Jensen14l not discover that the colti was a spurioustio. until after the stranger had left thetoro. It Is thought by the authorities that

the SLIIIIC gang that Is flooding Omaha. withcounterfeit. dollars has commenced opera.-t1bas

.on this sub of the river , as several

bogus dollars have turned up in the citywjthin the last few ilays-



the (] criuaii picnic given bY 110ff-nut1

-lodge , No , 225 , U , 0. T , B. , Sunday.

.luno 26 , itt hock's garden , Admission 25-

Ctits. . Fyeryttclng hrst class.-



t Iloffinayr's fancy uteut flour makes thebtst and most breath , Ask you ! grocer for it.

FOR SALI-Good second-hoed bicycle at( 4 bsrgcciu. Call at The Bee oit1e , Council


_ _ _ _ _ _ 'Fry Moore's death to lice and mites-




followIng trautfers were tiled for roe-ortl

-yesterday in the title , abstract anti

loati office of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :

Jnelt 1 , McPherson anti wife toJttithy 'cuttner , und. % of lot 5. 0111.cud lletttlrVt3y. iiv4 iie' 30-75-43 , authund , ½ of lot 6, Olllciul Itesurrey5A' uieY4 304543. 'V. ti . . . , , , , , . , . , . , , . , $3Kl0

James Ciclianati anti wI ( to John A.CtliiOCk , nva s'v :to75.3s , w , il. . , , 500

JQtun i'oni uuiti %vitu In Mary hi. John.-son.

.. lot 11 , block 2 , 0. 1' . AVoen , w. d , 6

Iinton Itecil and wife to J , Konigi-kntcIit'r

-cmii W. K. Seltzer , executors ,

loL 3 , block ii , Jackson's utid. tocouncil lhltiffs , w , il . , , , . , . . , , . . . , . , . . , , I

your tri&nsfur , tot&1

S hEA'S' CASE IS coI1N (; ON

Attacit on the Olty's' Orodit is to Ba iloarti inCourt.


l 'lnln ill .tutt'itul ,. HIM l'lcndlflg nn.lCily Ant t'r , Coverltir lvcr )

l'oluit tutu s&'tIuui.c Up lIen-seal fur lIlMuuuIN'OI.

'rho Injunction suit of J. J. Shea againstthe City Is act for Iilnirlng In the districtcourt next Monday and City AttorneyWadsworth 1155 retaIned Messrs. Ilarl nailMcCabe to assist him In conducting thecaso for the city.

Yesterduty Shea filed a substituted petitionwhich is stibBiantially the annie as the for-


.n one with the exception that it Includesas exhibita a uiumber of copies of the bondsi ssued by the city which Shea aecks to have

nnulled and declared void , alleging thathe city has exceeded Its constitutional Ilnilt-fo Intlebtt.liicsS , The substituted petition

places the city's liresent Indebtedntss at597209.81 , auuti alleges that ever sinceMarch 1 , 1814 , the city has been indebtedI n round numbers $400,000 in excess of theconstitutional limit.

City Attorney Wadsworth fled the an-swer of the city to the substItUted petitionof Shea yesterday afternoon. In it ape-


denial is made that any bonds or war-rants


have bcen Issued by the city In exacess of ( lie constitutional limit or that thecity Is irulebteti beyond or nit to the consti-tutiotial limit anti denial is also inane thatany Ihiegal taxes have been levied or as-


by the city or that the city is aboutto make collection of any Illegal taxes foran illegal purpose or to pay or dischargenay Illegal obligations.

For further answer it Is alleged thatthere is it detect of artIcs defendant to the I

'aetioui in that the bonds anti warrants antiobligations of the city assailed and soughtto be annulled have been sold and negotiasted by the city for value received In pay-meat attd discharge of obligations Incirred-by (ho city nod that same arc held by dl-Vera arid different persons , who are inter-ested

-In tue result of the action , and who

uro not fliatle iiartics defendant , anti thatthe cause could not be determined without I

their presence in court unless to their iii-



The answer further sets up that the slc-cml

-assessment bonds nssalled by Shea are

not obligations of ( lie city in the contempla-tlon

-of the constitutional inhibition and

tlint the wurrAilts isstied wore isaticti Inpayment of ordinary , current and necessaryexpenses of maintaining the city govern-inent

-anti that they are therefore not within

tile constitutional inhibItion. It is also setforth In the answer that the plaintiff iscstoppctl by hIs Inches from making the I

actIon antI that he has not sufficient InterestIn ( Ice suit to maintain the action againstthio holders of the obligations of the city ,

who are not within the jurIsdiction of tlutcourt and have not been inndc parties tcthe suit ,


'l'rst h.p SIIMPI'titt'lI of Ilelug Iiusunt i

(; I c'4 nit EIiIiiIlItin.John l3arry the tramp who was suspeetcil-


being mentally unbalanced and was being ;

held at the police station , acted in such I

strange manlier yesterday morning that II

was decided to file Information against hin1

with the enmmssloners for the insane. Barr r

had beoui lodged In one of the upstairs room :I

at the jail and after breakfast yesterda3morning on Jailer Dobbins' going up to taktaway the dishes ho found the room swim . I

mlng In water anti Barry quietly sittini :by the faucet with the water running whilu i-

be was washing his atocks in the tin cui )in which coffee had been furnished him ,


Later Harry wrapped himself In a blanket ,

although the thermometer was nearly up tt-

th0 100 murk , and thus arrayed started ti 1

walk up and dOWn In front of the jail. Wheierdered to conic in he broke away and rai 1

north on Bryant street. Jailer Dobblns gay apursuit but was soon outdistanced , and tb 0

pursuit was then taken up by Attorney Pau I

Aylesworth , who happened to be passinj i

at the time. Barry ran across the bridg 0and turned on to Main street. As be tunic ::1

the conner by Waterman's carriage factor I,

with Ayleswonth close on his heels a woma a-

iaimnculately dressed In white and carryin ga white parasol passed. Rushing up behin dher Berry throw his arms around her waistt ,

lifted the woman oft 1er feet and whine dher completely around. Ayhesworth caugh tthe man by the throat and be released Ui ewoman , who ran screaming down Mai astreet nimot scared to death. Barry we.5

taken back to jail nut! later talcen beforthe commIssioners for the insane , who , afte-examninimig


him , decided he was not mean 0but probably suffering from the effects Itdrink , and arrangements were made to sen 0the man out of town ,

Lost-Diattiond bow-knot. Suitable rewar.1

will be mild for return of same to tIc 3

0111cc. CouncIl Bluffs.

The ofilcial photographs of the Unite ilStates Navy , contaIning over 200 picturt is-

of the vessels. with them olficers anti it nunof the views of the ill-fated Maine. can ;hail at the Council Bluffs chico of The 1k . ;

for 25 cents and a lice coupon ,

Co l1'VII V I ( ) %'S I1.tSY % 'Ic'i'i Mt .

I"rtt ) Vlsi turN trout I'Irenit Ctmohl ,II ( , blt.tI hy it Ittibit4rmultggrH. .

hans J. amid James Olson , cousins am :idfarm hands from I'igeou , caine to Connie ilBluffs yesterday with the Intention of vial t.lug tine exposition across tIme river. Tue. .

however , met with an experience whitji;

cimangecl their minitis anti decided thcnt 0return hommie at once to the tarn , who rocrooks and sharks ahitleth miot. The Olseihail been In ( nun bitt a few itilnutes wluc


they were aiproached by a stranger , wl 10thought ho lciiew them , lie was very affi 5-


anti soon ion the confidence of tIme tv .ocountry cousins , lIe piloted the calm wyouths from the country down North Eighl Lb

street , where they were oIncti by it frien iii-

of ( ho stranger. Title friend suggested a-

gamito of cards , but. the Olsens demurred , asneither of them over touched a card. We II ,

If they could not play cards lierhups tb cywould turn over 'hmat money they had wi th-titoin. . anti suiting tIme action to tine word Is ,( lie two stninigers went through ( lie poclce ts-

of the () isena , securing froiii otto $$8 and tIlieother $5 , all tltu , wealth they poesesse t-


reliovetl theni of their money , t itostrangers told theta to get. anti they g it 'When asked at the police uttuticin , where tlt C

reported the hold-up , why they had n-

unatlo any realbiance , they said "they lack edthe nerve. " A search was itiado for the t tostrangers , but without success ,

ViIaom , ,tguiutMt VilNam. .Ilotoro , udgo SmIth In the district cotirt

yesterday was continenced the hearing ofthe elivorco suit instituted by Mrs. El laWilson against her husband , Amos P. Wii.son ,

hr. and ?tlre. Wilson were married in tluscity AuKust 28 , 1881 , antI as grounds I er-a tliorco Mrs. Wilson alleges that her litus.baud tilLs dur1n all their married life be eq

of ft sullen anti morose disposition , toll ofaultfinding and possessed of en ungnvern-able temper , She also alleges that althoughhe is a switchman and threw a good salaryh e has refuacti her the means necessary tofc-

sectl and clothe the family nntl that In con-quence

-she has been compelled to take

Iaalwashing nntl'keep boarders. She further

leges that on March 7 of this year hoth reatened to shoot h'er and actually did

ull a revolver on her , Mrs. Wilson askspfor the custody of the five children anti for


Is,000 alimony , alleging that her husband

worth $3,000 , Wilson resists the claimfo r alimony antI assents that all he possessesisa the homestead in which the family lives

nd that , be says , Is mortgaged-




And lnu1s.1uly Ii , 1SIPM ,



Shoes anti clothing , Great nianufnctur-or's closing out sale. The Empire Clothing

mid Shoe comnpatty , $175,000 , Cincinnati , 0. ,aquit busir.ees and have sent out agents ro

o ther cities with their stock. to be soldquick for cash , less profIt of manufacture ,

l ess nrofit of wholesaler, less profit of reI'rtaller , soil without cost of freight , Readt hese prices for new stylish goods , first-cslasspect.

orknianshlp , up-to-date in every re-

ShOE IJAI1GAINS ,Gentle' lteavy working ItLOCS , worth $1,5 ,

nt t 7Sc , lathes' Oxfords , worth 1.50 , at 96c ;l nillcs' Oxfords , ortlt 2.50 , at 1.24 : In-ti les' Oxfords , worth 3.00 , at 1.48 ; Indies'da

ress Itoes , lace and button , worth 1.50 ,

t tcsc ; ladles' anti goats' dress shoes , ortit$ 250. at 1.24 ; ladles' anti getuts' fine shoes ,

worth 3.00 , at 1.45 ; lathes' and jnts' cuetet oiti made shoes , worth 4.50 , at 1.n8 ; Ia-.les'

.ti anti gents' hand-sewed shoes , worth$ 6.00 , at $2,1S : chiliren's school shoes ,s Izes S to 11 , worth 1.25 , at 74c ; misses'

nti youths' school shoes , worth 1.50 , atO Se.

We also carry a full line of ladies' nti-ent'sg flue tiress shoes-


BARGAINS.Men's pants , ortIi 1.25 , at Ole : men's

b usiness hatlts , worth $2 , at OSc ; men's fleep ants , worth $3 , at 1.21 ; men's tailor-made pants , vorth $5 , at $2,4S ; men's stilts ,

Worth $8 , at 3.25 ; utica's cassimero suits ,

worth $12 , at 4.75 ; men's fine cassinieres tiit , worth $15 , at 6.78 : macn's limo custommade suits , worth 18. at 8.GS : men's finet ailor-made suIts , worth $$22 , at. 9.83 ; boys'l eng paats , worth 150. at 78c ; children's

chool suits , worth $2 , at PSe ; chiltireb'sfi ne suits , worth 2.50 , at 1.24 ; children'stiross suIts , worth $5 , at 248.

Anti so on through the hue you will findbargain after bargain. Nothing reserved ,

Everything must be sold in ten days.Goods excltnnged it fiat eatisfactory. lionoest , honorable , square tienling to all.

Remember Saturtiny , Jutie 25 , is the tiny ,and is for ten days only. Look for theBig RetI Sign.

1. . lii. , Agent.$300 or $400 worth of ladies' capes atyour price , must Vacate this store on

the morning of July 7.

HY RIIS C.t It ft I LS 'I'll I C.tUCUSIdS ,

1)'legntiun Sol 1.1 for II un Is ClioMeutill tIt&Cur. .

The republican caticuse held last nightfor the selection of ticiegates to the countyconvention to be lielti ulext Tuesday werein nearly all of the precincts largely at-tentlcd amid a big vote was the consequence.Of the delegates selected it Is estiniated-tlint 11.V. . flyers has forty-nine and Mr.liniger nIneteen , The flyers Inert claim theresult of tint caucuses tvlll give them a solidliyets delegation from the city , which meansthnt they tvlll control the vote of the FifthSixth and Seventh districts at tile county ,

convelition. At. the convention tvemity-flv i

tielegates will ho clecteti to each. of th fol.lowing conventions : State , congressional amid I

judicial. Following Is the result of tht icaucuses :

First Ward-First precinct : John Collins ,

Carl A. Morgan , Freti Grout , E. D. Fuller 'Charles Maurer , Committeeman E. D. F'ul .Icr ; Second precinct : Frank Ainsworth , W .A. Groneweg. G. 11. Scott , A. L. Lund ,Friend Covalt , S. B. Snyder , Committee .man S. It , Conner.

Second Vard-First precinct : C. Stratul ,V. 0. Dorlanti , J. B. Sweet , C. S. Byers

C. B. Raniiiett , George Ifunsen , C.V. . F'oi :

ter, comuuittcexnan , J. B. Sweet ; Seconi Ipreciict: : 11. A. Baird , F. T. True , Tlteo -doro CuILjtr, J. C. BaIter , Ovlde Vien , J .H. I'ace , connuittecirnan , G. G. Baird.

Third orecittet : J. 1' . Green -lmleid , FL E. hart , 1'. C. Devol , Jr. , F. 0 .

Gleason , Dr. 11. 13. Jennings , T. D. Metcalfcounmitteenian , N. C. Phillips ; Second pre .


clnct : iv. M. Fretierick , W, . Annin , E. C .Brown , W. S. Stevens , Frank Everest , U .Butterfield , conunnitteetnan , H. Brown.

Fourth Wartl-First precinct : A. T. Flickinger. J. A. I'atton , I. M. Treynor , Dr. F:.

. Thomas , George S. Wright , Dr. J. 11.

Cleaver , Jobmi N. Baldwin , committeeman I'I'-

F. . 7. Iay ; Second precinct : Soren WilsonSlack Peterson , C. K , Taylor ; j , , Gorhum , comutitteomnan , C , K. Taylor.i Fifth iVard-Firet precinct : C. C. CliftonI

Dell C. Morgan , Abh MItchell , C. W. M .Donald , F. J. Iloaghand , hi. IL. Sears. S.

(.I Shuart , committeemau , F. J. Ifoagland ;

I Second Precinct : L. B. Cousins , T , A. Bre -wick , Thommis Smith , Ed Meyers , Fran InPeterson , committeeman , T. A. Brewick.


Sixth Ward-First precinct : L. hi. Shu t-bert , A. C. Harding , J , hi , Harkn , J C .Drake , F. hi. West. B. K. Shreves , cornmitteeman I-, John W. Fernier ; Second precinct I-of the Sixth ward entitled to on .edelegate , did not report.-



' ( ( ( ) (' ( roMsfl.(

Manager Webster of the Omaha Bnitl , iand Terminal company has ,efleolintero ] aaobstacle in completing hl track on Unlo aavenue , The Chicago & Northwestern roa tlobjects to the terminal conipany making acrossing over its track on Union avenue an 0Twelfth street and has switched a train iffreight cars across the street which am 0under guard night and day ,

Collars never crttck when sent to tiBluff City laundry , They have a proccuthat Is easy oti elothe ,

Will Henry line ptmrchuasetla Leagto ii I-cycle front Cole & Cole.-



$ 94,11 , , ,ATLANTIC , Ia. , Juno 24-Special( Telu .' -

gram.-George) Caw , aged 18 , an inciustniot Isand poinmir man of Stlmart , retunulmi ightonie title aftermioon from near Casey a U.teniptetl to board an extra freight , hi tslipped and fell under a Rock Island tral ml ,cuttimmg off liotht legs unlcuown: to ( Ito trait I.111011 , No. 3 passenger train west saw lmi inhalf an hour later , picketl ldmn tip and ton kltiuit to Casey.

' i'ress Comtimte.i ( ,Sioux City Joitnuinul : lhlitnco's ( lineatont dinvasion of Florida intilcates tlmat ho hi iagiven up tukitig Chicago at present ,Des Moines Register : "Iowa Is Itayita lot of antl-hmrynin weather "


the Clinton, is tite wn tylieraltl expresses it. Yes , anitiwe are going to have sonic fliagmiiflcej atanti-flryaui crops , too ,

Keokuk Gate City : Our Iowa popuils Ist otilti have everybody ulutlerstamutl that ( tiemnititlle of the road is unuch witler this ye tintitan usual. So it is , but that simply iia-creases the chances that tIme lopulists w Illget lost.

Davenport Democrat : Jackson park , Cliii-cage , five years ago the scene r the hen U-


white city and hundreds of thousan tieof people daily , is now used In Part for afresh air sanitarium , Sick babIes tire car edfor by trained nures without charge , hi sythe Omittilia grounds itt good thou serve t besaute good etttl ,

( . ( l 'I i'osttiec.!

WAShINGTON , June 24-Speelal( Tel te-grani.-A.) F. Jioderalti was today appoint edpostmaster at Green Island , Jackson court Ly ,

Ia. , and E. H , Rutbboae at Metetae , Illgflora county, W'yo.


- iI'-athSt Bclief Committh ice Up It Affairs

and PreptroUt Boport.


- - I ,

Cs, , hu llnlittice of ()i'tt Pour hlunlrctl-HulitirM tlY has Mniiut %VIuIeh

will Sic ForCnriicl It ) Ike-NntluitnL Couuuuuittee ,

DES MOINES , Juno 24.Specinl( Tei-eam.Tho

-gr ) state Cuban relief committeeluc Id a meeting at the commercial exchangeloems this morning to close Up Its affairspr eparatory to submitting its report to ( liegovernor , Treasurer Twombly siibmnlttcti-

shi report , which showed that the commit.-o

.e bail collected from over the state 2-

9.03, -

37 and had vaid out $1959.89 , whichle aves a cash balance ott hand of $419.14-


Ti balance with some boxes which theCo mnunittee 110W has on hand will be sent(0 the national committee appolnetl( by-

csitient McKinley , in New York City.Al together thirteen carloads of provisionsha ve beemi sent to the relict of the sufferinig-

ubansC by the committee.Betsy i3unitli thid not appear in the district

co urt to receive her sentence this morning ,

S he was sick and unable to ho present. Site-sha beeti failing slowly for several day's-dan lund to be takemi to Tracy hospital. 11cr-torneysat stated ( lint she would be able to-

llieco into court next Thursday and the sem-


sas Postponed until that tinue.Amos I3raunlt today received notice front

'V asliiuigtoti (lint be had been appoltiteti-ptaitica of the company t colored Inimunes-

hoto raised here. Colored inca do notwant to go under ( lie command of a whiteca ptain nnd many of thieni will revolt.

Commander It.V. . Tlrrnill of the Iowad epartment Grand Army of the Republicnm iuiounced these appointments today : As-


si adjutant general , ilcnry A. Dyer ,M ason City ; assistant qttartermnster , GetiP

,, i ra1 W. A. Abbott , Des Moines ; depart-teilt

-ul inspector , George Ii. Welch , Boons-bore ; Jutige advocate , E. P. Sopor , lOi-


in ; chief tutustering oihlcer , Abner13 . Dunham , Manchester , In. ; senior aitlea rid clikf of stall , George hi. l'arker , SacC ity.

sulI. $ fttr tlIiei.CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia , , June 21.Speclai-clegram.J.


T ) . M. Brown , assistant engineerf the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern

railway and a member of th Board of-

ducationE of this city , was ann es1cii thism orning charged tvltli criminal libel. Hetv nlved examinaton auid was held In bonds of$ 300. The complaInIng witness is E. It.S wan , general agent of. the Peck-Williamsonlsl Ocating and Ventilating company. The

clmool board recetitiy'maiie Investigation ofhw

eating apparatus forttjn school building ,rititig rnaiuy lettcnitalllover the country.

M r. Browni received iac1letter from Em-nctsburg

-i which wa igrogatory to theI' eck-W'ilhiannson sysftnu , Swan chargesthat Brown has been'gullty of criminal libeli n making the conteA of the letter knownt o other members of tIIO0CC1IOOI board.


m'riitl lag O1I1'e BlttVM Up.SIGOUI1MEY , . , ,

The oiiice of the Sijuney Review wasb lown to pieces yest rtlnty by an explosIonof a holler anti (be home of Editor Bartowwas completely wrecked , Guy Davis , thel ocal editor , was at dirinerila the room abovet ime offIce amid tyics tli1 ti ncos the roomanti badly stunned. For a long time it wasbelieved that ho had been fatally injured ,b ut with medical assistance he finally re-c overed. Just after (ho noise of the explo-s ioii. one who happened to be looking in thed irection at the time , saw the boiler takinga flIght 100 feet in the air over the treetops. It struck in the street , crushing soyho ral trees in Its descent.

Tnrd.'r inut StileStle.BURLINGTON , Ia. , June 24Special.(

The details of the tragetiy at Trenton InHenry county confirm the first reports thati t was a case of murder and suicide. PerryElliott , a young mnan , deliberately fired ar ifle at MIss Eflie Kelley , killing her , andafter he had gone into hIs own home firedthe shot that ended his own life. Miss Kel-cy

-I was sitting on the porch of her parents'thome almost across the street from thehome of Elliott when the deed was


seems that the young man was laboringunder temporary insanity , due to disorderedImagination.

IkriitW for Coal ,DES MOINES , In. , Juno 24Special.( )

Th state mine inspector for the southerndistrict states that there is more drilling inMonroe , Lucas anti Marion counties nowthan for years. Work Is going on betweenLucas and Chariton and southwest ofLucas , around lhiteman and souili towardCenterville and around hamilton andMarysville. In this district one company ,

at the poor farm is sInking a new 225-footshaft west of the present hoisting shaft. It-jfl be completed in two months.-



of a Statue' .KEOKUK , In. , June 24.-Special.-A( )

letter has been recelveti by Mayor J. L .

Root from General R. W. Tirrill of Man- .

cheater , Ia. , accepting an Invitation to de-liver


an address at ( lie unveilIng of the Cur. .( is statue July 4. General Tlrrill is a prom. .

meat member of the Grand Army of the Re. .

public , having been elected commander oi I

the department of Iowa at laBt WeCk'B' con .

yention In Sioux City.-



ittOSCEOLA , Ia , , Juno 24.Special( Tel-


) Woodhurn , ton niiies east of lucre 'last night , Dr. W. F. Swisser was shot ant1

killeti by an unknown man who has disap-peared. . Time perpetrator of the crime wut


seen to tie the shooting , but there is iittli 3

description of hint to work on , No motivi ]to knowmu. " I

di-H4)' ' , , ' ,

CLARINDA , Ia. , . , .- ( Tel-egrani.Eani

.) Morgan1'igd 19 , was mhrowncn I

totiay at Simambaugh , i e county. lie tvain a boat that went 9Ncrahhme Noiaway: nyc rdani , lila body baa rtoLtbeen recovered.



Ntt'N ,11 , W. Weeks of Otmthrie county line been :i

announced as a cawlitlato for congress iiII

thin Ninth tllstnict , , iui-.v

., B. Pankin of flocue has been blouighias it canildate( for railroad comumtiisstomuetout.

anti ho has the baTii7 of tIme nailwa ybrohnerlnootis. fil

A Des Moines cor'spndent has tiiscov-croci

-( lint the 1)ubuq' uotel are clmnrgitu

the candidates hieforEto republican stat U

convention $100 a dmJ (or hotel hieadquar -tens ,

Iowa state olilcers to be elected title yea ,

arc : Secretary Cit state , treasurer , auchtto-mjuilge of the supremm4 court , clerk of tim ;

supreme court , reporter of time supremni 0court , attorney geucrul and railroad corn -nuissioner.-


. Allen , Merriam , floheon , Coliuna C

anti others who will ho cantlidates befor etine reptmblicnn state coutventioa in Septern -her were with the Iowa people who atteuide ti-

the exposition on the day of the dedicatio U-

of the Iowa buildimig.-


hedge , who will be nomninate tby the republicans for congrees Iii the Firedistrict , iii a nitive of Iowa. Sam Clarthe present uneunber from ( hue district , I

also a native oftha state , and so is Robem.t0. CousIns , of the Fifth district.

-- - - -.

R' , rtvM , t ,. ' .

-', ' , . Y..',% . . 4. '. . . '. % . '.% .

' F1OM -m .

t1: ! LThf4A-



. :y Vi11 UIIid Von iii Manawa !

: ;

MlIifl Thirty-rive Minutes. ,


'T"I-IE bathing seasotr commenced on the 19th inst. The' I water is fine-just right for a bath. Take the Bridge 'line , which passes the principal hotels. S

Nice tenting spaces for rent , Special performance at .

4:30: and 8:30: p. m Band concert. No extra charoe for'

picnIc parties. Tables and chairs free. Call 'Phone No. 50.

. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .,L



roviiou to Raiio Money for General

Federation Purposes.-




N.M . Ilcitrtt ( In MILRON ami Itimmegeti-cSiect'It iii i'miyor of Cite Clumutuge

DiNCtI,4p4iflit oX ClublouIs.,

DENVER , June 24.The thousands ofcl ubs belommgiii to ( ho General Federationo f Wonieii's Cltmbs are to be taxed annuallya t the into of 10 cemIts ver capita. This no-



s was finally reached today at the Broalt-ay

-w theater amid a Shutter of parliainemitarYp oitits and prolonged applause. Mrs. 11ml-rotimi , who inatie en effcctirc speech on be-halt of this financial imniovation , smiledt riumphantly and the delegaioima who do-



d they would withitiraw looked sontie-w hat wilted. This ttns the breezy session of-

metI whole conventioli amid its outcome placesthe federatioui on a strictly business , in-


s of a semi-charity basis.This ruling caine as a result of the reso-


l oiferetl by hire. Julia ii. Shattuck of-

hicago.C . chairman of the ways and meansc ommIttee , wino stated the treasury had but$ 4700. Of resources for the comning twoy ears , with prospects of fully $12,000 cx-


-p , leaving out of consideration the cx-


I) which oillccrs would probably jiartly-sumea , This new provision will not go into

e ftOtt: until 100 , nndt will bring Into ( ho-

reasuryt about 5,500 annually. Mrs. lien-otin


r was emphatic in her arguments , end-


l with "Women who conic to conventionst o cavil on parliamentary points where ag reat Issue is at stake had better stay at-

ome.h ."The session ended , every woman put her-

at on straight while a picture of the con-


was takenu , with Mrs. Ilenrotia con-


is in the foreground.Following the free trolley ride early in-

het morning , was the "Educational Confer-o nce" at Broadway theater , in charge ofMiss Margaret J. Evatis of Minnesota , withMrs. John II. Hanna as local assistant chair-t itan. With reference to the work of thes tate fetierations addresses were made by .

h ire. Alice Fyc Briggs of Maine , . Mrs. Alice i

Bradford WIles of Illinois , Mrs. B. N. Wal':

on of Massachusetts , Mrs. Jennie Lozien-

of New York , Mrs. V7. E. Lowe of GeorgiaMrs. hi. A. Keating of MichIgan , Mrs. J. D. .

Rentier of Iowa , and Miss Celia F. Osgood I

of Colorado.-At


(lie same time was held the confercmmcc-on "Club Methods" fri Unity church , withl I

hire. . d. o. Perkins of Michigan in tht i

cjtair , and Mrs. J. hi. Coniue as local as-


chairman. Some of the speakern ;

and their subj ets werc 'Shali Member-ship


Be Limited or UnlirnitetlV' Mrs. C , C .

itichardsen of Colorado and hire. Saral I

Splntt of Colorado ; 'Shall Aseociate Mom .

hers be Admitted ? " Mrs. Howartl Stephen' .

son of Pennsylvania ; 'Iuties , Advantagen I

and Disativantages of Membership Commit-tees


, " by hire. Frederic Lyon Charles 0 tNew York ; "Are the Best Result :

Olttaie'l by Working Together or in I

Groups ? " bins.V. . P. Hanford of Nebraska :

"Relation Between Study Classes nod Dc.iartnment Clubs , " Mrs. Laura A. Scanimen 01r

Missouri ; "Value and Best. hietliods of Pro-nioting


Extemporaneous Speaking , " Mrs 'henry Newton Lee , Colorado ; 'Shall Oum

Literary Work Tend Toward Specialization em

Generalization ? " hire. hi. A. 10. llowelis U-


; "Is it In Danger of Lessening tinl'ractlcal ? " hire. Elizabeth B , Ihltt oIndiauua.

The afternoon sessions will be tievoted t )' 'Art , ' ' tinder Mrs. Herman hall of Illinoisand "The Inthustrial problem as It Affecti I

W'ornoiu anti Children , ' ' imi charge of Misc S

Claire tie Ornifenreid of Wnsiilngton , I) . C.

. Comiferetlee lilt Ait.Once of the notable sessions of the fetler -

ation was tlio conference of art clubs mmdc rtIme direction of tirs. Herman Hall of Clii -cago. F lllowlng time address of the chair -miian on tine "New Movement" were report 8of four orgamuizatiouns tloimig practical ar twork , by hir. Lucy 10. MorrIs of Ilenliti'-


. ; hits. Charles 10. Conant ofVeIl:

Minim. ; hire , Walter Olile of Chicago mini

hire. Charles Leroy blase of St. Louis ,

Tile illustrated lecture by Ralph Clarksoi ii

of Chicago on "how to Judge a Picture '

was followed by tlve.uiulnute atldrossee o a"Art iii lime Schools , " by Mrs. Clara Steven -son of Jefferormville , lad. ; hire. Ii. B , Far -soil of Chicago , Miss Cornelia 10. tietifortl c-


, bliss Kate Stotldard of Lln -coin , Nob. ; Miss Jeamiie I) . McKee of CoY -ington , Ky-


srles of talks on "Art in th,0Clubs" luatl as Participamits hues Anna Caul -field of Grand Itapitla , Mich. ; bliss taos .

Biancliarti of i'ortlanul , Me. ; Miss Sarah I .

Brow of Camnbnidge , Mass. ; Ir. Mary Cogi -tvoll of Cetiar Rapids , Ia. , anti hire , Candac 0Wheeler of New York ,

Atm address on "have We DistinctlyAmerican Artists , " by hire , Emily l'olmeCope of New York anti the presentation"hionumnental Art. in the iVest" by hire. h0 , BenJamin of Denver , concluded withdiscussion under the leadership of bibme

Mary A. Temple of Knoxville , Tuna. , bin .

hi , A.Vashburn of Los Angeles anti hir .

Louis Van Leon Lyndo of Syracuse , N. IC ,At the same hour was held another cot


devoted to the industrial problem c L-5it affects women and children , with MIt ma

Claire Do Oraffeureido of Washington , B. C , ,

:* t: *

: FRUIT AND 6ARDN FARMINtI pjt: Around Council Bluffs j lI.J 4j.'. ..

;? lutm citit 1uiy iuuu prumel tiui ii iuitlilui ) rtivt'ti Intl t lnllIN e1lcflu'r, 1mm

thiN Viel flit )' Ilimuum tuiuiIICVt itt ( lit' Ii mit toil Stat e. 'Fliere 1 , iimm (mu I I-::2.. . ItI. , ) I crop ,, lucre. Luo1 at our Frimit FIIVJIIM wiaIl timer are itt lenr1-1mg

-, . ,

DAY & MESS. 'rime Real iirtlr'rs , 4 **: a Poa1 St. . Comsuoll B1UIFN , Ia M1i .4

.'.s , . t't'riumilly: tmnttmiet. hmmyurs tinrottelu otur for iiiformtimctioni tuirl sinuto whmmi., ytuimorcimnuudi. frets of iinrg. want. .

*::2 *:* *: + 44 ..

i n thuo chair. The cimief speaker was Mrs-.ydney


S Webb of London , who discussed how-et do away with the "sweating sytcnii. ' '

hire , Cornine Bmotvn of Chicago atitleil herviews and Mrs. Kary Kenny O'SullivanS Poke of "The Union for Industrial Froga-


m . "blrs. A. P. Stevens of Chicago lintlsomlte-

lltatisticss oil labor iogisiation for wontonanti children in the United States , the pro-grant concludimig with a talk emi ' 'Silk-Culture" by Mrs. Eiia lO. Luuc: tiowes of-

Chicago. .

The evening session , tievoted to "Art andUtility' , " in charge of Mrs. Alice Ivee Breed-er Boston , was a special treat. b1r. Cam-mcuaco

-Wheeler of New York slOkC along

these liutt' , followed by "Art and the but-nicipality"

-by Mr. Syduicy'ebb , who is a

member of ( Ito county cotuncil In London.-Tue


climax was a stereoptlcon lecture on-

"Art for Clubs" by bliss AnnaCittillielti of Grand Rapids , Mich. , the tal-


young wonmn vlmo bus made 'such a-

sidenihitl imniprossion on the convention.Iii the interims of conferences , receptiomi-

santi.frec trolley titles entertaIned the vlsi-tore.

-. Tomorrow special trains furnished by

Denver hostesses will take the climb wounellaround "the loop" to Georgestown , wheretluey will be entertained at luncheon.-


presidents lucid a meeting tonight andagreed upon the questions of taxation andrepresentation of state fetlerations. Theirconclusions will be presented to the generaltederttion for final action. The zmgreemneiitwas that the taxation of state federationsfor the benefit of ( lie general federation shallbe 25 cents tot each club. The represemita-tioni

-for each state federation of 125 clubs

or 1035 is to be five delegates , mud onto dde-gate for each additional twenty-five clubs ,


SUeCCe'1114 itt ( etuImig Tipgetiuer a-

FrcitIs MIiIiMtry do Siiect'eil( limit of M. Meitne ,

PARIS , June 24M. Peytral has sue-ceeded

-in fonnuinig ii. cabinet to succeed time

retiring ministry of N. Mehtine. It he con-


as follows :

Premier and Minister of the Interior-hi.Paul Peytral.

Minister of Forcigmu Affairs-hi , Do Frey-duet.-


of War-hi , Godfrey Cavmia-c.hiitiister


of Marine-Vice Admniral Francoim-Fournier. .

Mimmister of Financo-M. I3aul do LomnbreMInister of Justice-hi. Ferdinanti Saru leeMinister of Colonies-hi. Theophiilc Del


Minister of Commcrco--M. Emnhle blare.joule ,

Minister of Agniculttmre-Senntor BaduelMinister Public Works-hi , Georges Lcy.

Minister Public Instruction-b ! . Citanici 3




ioitVt'S'I'iOitN .

Sim rv Is , , r ( ) f Lmi I t Vn r it tmimi'mu ieretl-b


time' ( eimersui ( uverllllteii t ,

, Juno 24SpccialPcIi.( ) .

smuts have been issued as follows :

Issue of June 13 :

Nebraska : Irucrt'aae-Willlriumt F. Mc-



, Greshnirn , $10 to 17. Reissue nunlimcrentse-Tlinunpsomm linker , Westerviliti. $-

1to 8. OrigimumulVidow , etcCiirietiamii-Leibrock , Germantown , $8 ,

Iowa : Oniglimal-Janies Chasteemu , Wiltoni Junctiomm , $0. Adtiitlonai-Banmioy Kummf-finituin , Fort Alatiisomi , $6 to $8 Itenewaamid Rcissiue-Eliite Smith , Des Moines , $6-


Ends , Tamnu , 16 it ) $1Original Witiows , etc-Saruim 16 , CookIrn1caviiie , $8 ; special , June 14 , SpeciaAct , Anmia hi , Tate , mutoilmer , Lyons , 12.

South Iakoia : Supplememutni-Jolin le-vine

., '['urton , 6.

Colorado : Oniginal-Johmmson BarkerDenver , 6. lnemcamce-Antimoumy JordoitDenver , $6 to 10. Origimiai Witl.itvs. etc.-


of W'iiiinmnn Shrocle , ltuimmont , $16.-



I . I' , liJltlitiMIlNfiI' ., Juuie 24.Slieclai( Trio -

gramn-Sc'nator) Allen retmirmiod froun No- -braslia today , 'Flie senator is ftull of enthtu-siasm over time Transmmmiseissljmpi lixpositioianti says it is easily the biggest show sincitiue'or1d's fair,

A. Scarle of Meirose left for imis borntoday , Senator Thuretonu has gone to Cambni'igo' to attend the class tiny exercises o

harvard , where his son Clarence is i

student. .


Cri , pls1c-tt'lMmll' r-


, Neb. , June 24-Speclai-A( ) t-

if8:30: o'clock last evening at iho imonne c(Jeorge hicisner , one mmmile north of town ,

occurutl time nuarniago of his tiaughmer Nor a10. to Mr. Oran hi. Crumnley , Time ceremomi ywas pronounced by 11ev , C. F. Graves of tim .-

0F2eebyterhcut churcI.



MARETTA SISTERSAemobatni , Cntortinmtiste , lcmmiecri nuld

Triutiezo'om k-

ltnrllctt & II.tvnrd , '.% 'iiI t1. ( 'iirrol-i It Siet'inI * ieM.-SoI'k ( , Iult tililly In-

"A IIUSBAND ! CLOJfl. "?ttmitlnee Satmirtiitv nfternotmi. Ciiutelain-


vuli bi' given itwimy-.I'll


i'iOS , 1(1 CEN'I'-




Searles & Bearle-

sSPECIALISTSGurautee to cure .perullty Ritti rauIi-.enily


' eli NCIIVOVH , CIII1OStO A.'vE (

PItIVATE of Men tutu woinc-aWEtK SYLIS '

,5CXUALLY. cured for life-


Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ily,drocule , Vericocale , Gonorrhea , Geeu; , SYPIIlilt , Stricture , Plies , Fletula and heeLsUlcer. , Dlabetei , Bright's DIsease cured , ' ,

Consultation Fre-e.h1chre


$ an-

by new method without pain or cuttiflr.-Callon

.or address with stamp. Treatmemt-

by mali ,

fine orni rd omen ! re IIL.L 14th St-Vito , tiirtit t dtlUtLCc. (&5Lifl4.t

The Ladles' fteparrnent 01 the



Instituteopen for business , and fuhhi,

equIpped with two new apparatus for givingtime most healthful , pleusimmg halite know ?to the world.

The INSTiTUTE has among its patrons ,the best known ladies In Omaha. STe asicyou to give it a trial of two bathe at leaetuntil if it is not found us represented , we wUrefund your money , -4

Rooms , New Quarters ,.


New IlyOienc ost.iA-




auieI.e.irtit ( 'jt same tr t

lkwarr of ,I'IrI.nnterIri, , , .



-FIRE RECORD.-nrmu hurtled ,

hASTINGS , Neb , , June 24.Spccial.-Tiio

( . ) --"large lianmi belonging to Mr , liarrowl ,

at ( lie coruner of Fifth street arid I.exInmgt-oavetiuc , was completely destroyed by fir-


1 o'clock this morning. it was welt 1w.