COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 · 2011-09-05 · COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 Report of the...

COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 Report of the Cabinet ITEM 6.1 CAPITAL PLAN AMENDMENT REPORT Purpose of Report To consider a recommendation of Cabinet, concerning changes to the 2011/12 to 2012/13 Capital Plan, and its financing, including changes up to 9th June 2011. Recommendation That the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13 in the sum of £14,445k. be approved. Reason To enable the Capital Plan to be the basis for capital spending by the Council and so that the schemes may proceed. Background At its meeting on 7th July 2011, Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive, which set out changes to the 2011/12 to 2012/13 Capital Plan, and its financing, and included changes up to 9th June 2011 (Minute 23 2011/2012). The report is attached as Annex 1. The Cabinet resolved that it be recommended to Council that the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13 in the sum of £14,445k. be approved. The reason for the Cabinet’s recommendation was to enable the Capital Plan to be the basis for capital spending by the Council and so that the schemes may proceed. Background Papers: None specific to the referral to Council Officer to Contact: Darren Tilley, Team Leader – Committee & Mayoral Services Telephone: (01509) 63 4781 Email: [email protected] - 17 -

Transcript of COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 · 2011-09-05 · COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 Report of the...

Page 1: COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 · 2011-09-05 · COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 Report of the Cabinet ITEM 6.1 CAPITAL PLAN AMENDMENT REPORT Purpose of Report To consider a recommendation


Report of the Cabinet

ITEM 6.1 CAPITAL PLAN AMENDMENT REPORT Purpose of Report To consider a recommendation of Cabinet, concerning changes to the 2011/12 to 2012/13 Capital Plan, and its financing, including changes up to 9th June 2011. Recommendation That the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13 in the sum of £14,445k. be approved. Reason To enable the Capital Plan to be the basis for capital spending by the Council and so that the schemes may proceed. Background At its meeting on 7th July 2011, Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive, which set out changes to the 2011/12 to 2012/13 Capital Plan, and its financing, and included changes up to 9th June 2011 (Minute 23 2011/2012). The report is attached as Annex 1. The Cabinet resolved that it be recommended to Council that the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13 in the sum of £14,445k. be approved. The reason for the Cabinet’s recommendation was to enable the Capital Plan to be the basis for capital spending by the Council and so that the schemes may proceed. Background Papers: None specific to the referral to Council Officer to Contact: Darren Tilley, Team Leader – Committee & Mayoral Services Telephone: (01509) 63 4781 Email: [email protected]

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7 July 2011

Report of the Head of Finance and Property Services

ITEM 6 Capital Plan Amendment Report

Purpose of the Report

This report requests Cabinet to consider changes to the 2011/12 to 2012/13 Capital Plan, and its financing, prior to approval by Council, and includes changes up to 9 June 2011.


That Council is recommended to approve the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13 in the sum of £14,445k.


To enable the Capital Plan to be the basis for capital spending by the Council and so that schemes may proceed. Policy Context

The Capital Plan is an integral element of all policies.

Background - Capital Plan

Since the last Capital Plan Amendment Report in March 2011 a number of amendments and additions to the Capital Plan have been put forward. These changes have affected the overall total and the funding of the Plan, and are set out in Appendix 1. This report summarises these changes and, if approved, becomes the current Capital Plan for 2011/12 to 2012/13.

The net effects of these changes on the 2011/12 Capital Plan are as follows:

2011/12 Capital Plan £'000

2011/12 Capital Plan as at 17 March 2011 14,442

Net Fully funded new/amended schemes 186

Slippage 0

Deleted/adjusted schemes (183)

Amended 2011/12 Capital Plan 14,445

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Page 4: COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 · 2011-09-05 · COUNCIL – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011 Report of the Cabinet ITEM 6.1 CAPITAL PLAN AMENDMENT REPORT Purpose of Report To consider a recommendation

Funded by: £'000

General Fund:

Capital Receipts 2,065

Grants and Contributions 4,987

Contributions from LABGI and Reinvestment Reserve 250

Total General Fund 7,302


MRA and decent homes for 2011/12 6,434

Capital Receipts 506

Grants, Contributions and Revenue Contributions 203

Total HRA 7,143

Total Funding for 2011/12 14,445

Potential Funding Available for 2012/13 2,200

The 2011/12 Capital Plan will be adequately funded. Based on current trends for sales of council houses and other receipts the non-MRA Capital Plan for year starting 1 April 2012 would have general funding of £2.2m, excluding any specific grants. As previously mentioned this is a much lower level of funding compared with previous three years plans. As the Council’s future revenue position is susceptible to government cuts it would not provide much scope for Prudential Borrowing. Whilst there is some Section 106 funding this is not for general use and has to be matched to specific schemes, normally encompassing both the locality and activities to be covered, that fulfil the criteria. Details of the decisions and amendments are listed on the attached Appendix 1 and the current Capital Plan, including the changes in Appendix 1, is included at Appendix 2. Further Information on Major Changes Requested

• Public Conveniences – Charging Equipment, £27k – this reduction is to reallocate some of the capital budget to revenue budgets as it is for ongoing maintenance costs; this is funded from the Reinvestment Reserve.

• Term Central Heating, £570k – this is to allocate the projects more precisely between the planned, responsive and the Shelthorpe CESP budget headings.

• Housing Contracts Procurement Costs, £20k– additional fees for the delivery of the enhanced programme to be funded by the MRA carried forward from 2010/11.

• Loughborough Eastern Gateway Scheme, £50k– scheme costs are to be reduced by £50k to reflect the actual S106 contribution from NCHA.

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• Loughborough Railway Station Forecourt Scheme, £50k – scheme costs are to be increased by £50k to reflect the additional S106 funding for bus shelters.

• Bradgate Road, Anstey Play Area Scheme, £109k – this is a new scheme, fully funded by S106 monies received. Officers have been working in partnership with Anstey Parish Council to identify projects that the section 106 monies could be used toward. There are two housing schemes being delivered in Anstey that are adjacent to one another and it was agreed that the most sensible option would be that one play area be delivered to cover both housing development areas. The two schemes were not on similar timelines so to ensure and enable a coordinated scheme to be delivered, it was agreed that both developers would pay a sum to the borough council to directly deliver a coordinated play area scheme for the area and that the Council would take the lead on this. Some consultation regarding the play area has already been undertaken in Anstey by the Green Spaces Development Team. The proposals are for the previous consultation findings to be reviewed, some further consultation to be undertaken, a scheme to be designed and tendered in line with other play area projects that have been delivered. The scheme will be installed on land allocated by David Wilson Homes due for adoption in 2011.

• Disabled Facilities Grants, £100k - this amount has been vired from Renovation Grants to ensure continued provision of mandatory disabled facilities grants.

• Regional Housing Pot Grants, £150k – this is a virement from Renovation Grants to ensure continued provision of decent homes grants to vulnerable households in the Council’s priority neighbourhoods.

Financial Implications The financial implications of the recommendations are covered in the body of this report. Risks

Risks Identified Likelihood Impact Risk Management Actions Planned Insufficient funding Medium High The funding of the Capital Plan is

regularly monitored and any apparent shortfalls are brought to the attention of the Leadership Group and Cabinet with suggested solutions.

General Risks associated with capital expenditure

Medium Medium The Capital Plan is controlled through Project Boards for larger schemes and Project Officers for smaller schemes. Progress, risks and possible problems are notified to these boards and to the Capital Programme Team for all projects of £50k or more. Such risks are identified and dealt with and reported as necessary to Cabinet, Leadership Group and Performance Scrutiny Committee.

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Scrutiny Committee: Performance Panel Key Decision: Yes Background Papers: Minutes of Cabinet Meetings Capital Plan Files – Accountancy Section Lead Member: Cllr T Barkley Officers to Contact: Janet Pomfret 01509 634826 Janet.pomfret@charnwood John Casey 01509 634810 [email protected]

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2011/12 2012/13£ £

Capital Plan Amendment Report 17th March 2011 Minute 141 14,442,400 2,500

Cabinet minute 191, 15th April 2010 MRA Report

Enabling Grants reduced to fund the Sheltered Sheme Refurbishment -300,000

E-mail - D Clarke 1st December 2010

Planned Property Refurbishment 2011/12 - virement to 2010/11 Car Park Refurbishment - Quorn. -15,000

E-mail S Harvey 30th March 2011

Planned Property Refurbishment 2011/12 - virement to Derby Road Depot revenue budget for

roof replacement. -37,000

Cabinet Minute 165 14th April 2011 - MRA Capital ProgrammeKitchen & Bathroom -878,500Responsive Central Heating -500,000Term Central Heating 2,000,000PVCu Window -337,900Minor Adaptations 10,000Stairlifts -10,000Re-roofing 146,000Non-Traditional Refurbishment 2,001,000Neighbourhood Renewal -100,000Electrical Upgrades 398,800Asbestos -30,000Major Improvements to Voids 100,000CESP Heating and Insulation Project -200,000Housing Contracts Procurement Costs 95,100Decent Homes -2,620,000

E-mail J Hill 19th April 2011Vire maintenace costs to revenue for Healthmatic installations from Public Conveniences -

Charging Equipment -27,000

Cabinet Minute 8, 9th June 2011 - Capital Plan Outturn 2010/11 - carry forwards and virementsCarry forwards from 2010/11 121,600Replacement Hardware Programme - vire to SAN -8,000Gov Connect - vire to SAN -15,000Sharepoint Upgrade - vire to SAN -7,000Storage Area Network (SAN) 30,000Exchange Upgrade (Part 1) - vire to Vmware -30,000Vmware Upgrade 30,000Anstey youth & adult recreation & pitch projects (incl Mitchell's Field) 2,300Mitchells Field Project, Anstey - Capital Grants to Parishes -2,300

Cabinet Minute 18E, 9th June 2011 - Office Accommodation Strategy - SouthfieldsSouthfields - Office Accommodation Strategy - LCC Adult Services 75,000

E Mails T Metha 14 June 2011Term Central Heating - to split heating between planned, responsive and CESP -570,000Responsive Central Heating 400,000CESP Heating and Insulation Project 200,000

Tenants Bids - the Tenants Representative Group voted to use £30k to upgrade old inefficient

heating systems. -30,000

Capital Programme Team - 20th June 2011Housing Contracts Procurement Costs - increase funded by carry forward from 2010/11 20,500Decent Homes -20,500Loughborough Eastern Gateway - lower NCHA S106 -50,000Loughborough Railway Station Forecourt - funding for bus shelter 50,000Regional Housing Pot Grant - increase scheme cost to match grant funding 600Renovation Grants - vire to DFG and Regional Housing Pot Grants -250,000Disabled Facilities Grants 100,000Regional Housing Pot Grant 150,000Bradgate Road, Anstey - Play Area Scheme - new scheme externally funded 109,500

Total Update Report 14,444,600 2,500Current Capital Plan 2011/12 14,444,600 2,500

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Spend 2011/12Scheme Details Total Before Original Current Actual Spend Balance Original Current Cost 2011/12 Budget Budget 9/6/11 Plan Budget 2011/12 2012/13

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £


Community Wellbeing 2,862,442 1,959,442 0 903,000 38,468 864,532 0 0 343,500 0

Corporate Services 11,100,927 6,810,927 331,000 4,290,000 -291,107 4,581,107 0 0 3,335,900 0

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - General Fund 7,732,783 5,621,683 1,240,000 2,108,600 231,536 1,877,064 0 2,500 1,307,600 0

Sub-Total - General Fund 21,696,152 14,392,052 1,571,000 7,301,600 -21,103 7,322,703 0 2,500 4,987,000 0

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - HRA 28,599,905 21,456,905 3,706,000 7,143,000 531,457 6,611,543 0 0 6,636,700 0

Grand Total 50,296,057 35,848,957 5,277,000 14,444,600 510,354 13,934,246 0 2,500 11,623,700 0

Community Wellbeing

MH Z263 Charnwood Community Grants 399,979 328,579 0 71,400 21,516 49,884 0 0 0 0

JR Z051 Bottleacre Lane, Loughborough - Multi-use Games Area 0 0 0 0 -840 840 0 0 0 0

DW Z167 Barkby Brook Improvements 99,967 56,367 0 43,600 0 43,600 0 0 0 0

JR Z041 Cultural & Leisure Services Asset Management Works 183,920 174,520 0 9,400 3,978 5,422 0 0 0 0

JR Z192 Syston Recreational Projects 213,752 130,552 0 83,200 68,572 14,628 0 0 83,200 0

JR Z193 Thurmaston Multi Use Games Area 33,353 30,553 0 2,800 0 2,800 0 0 2,800 0

JR Z164 Anstey youth & adult recreation & pitch projects (incl Mitchell's Field) 177,269 35,369 0 141,900 0 141,900 0 0 131,800 0

JR Z165 Nanpantan Sports Ground 519,983 257,783 0 262,200 -27,737 289,937 0 0 0 0

NG Z265 Green Flag Parks 160,098 135,298 0 24,800 2,665 22,135 0 0 0 0

JR Z286 Sports Ground Improvement Scheme 30,255 9,355 0 20,900 8,300 12,600 0 0 0 0

NG Z287 Cemetery Improvement Scheme 39,012 37,612 0 1,400 150 1,250 0 0 0 0

NG Z288 Leisure Services Parks & Sports Ground Asset Management Scheme 89,281 33,881 0 55,400 -500 55,900 0 0 0 0

NG Z298 Southfields Park Recreational Improvements 275,319 259,119 0 16,200 2,859 13,341 0 0 16,200 0

SW Z327 Public Conveniences - Charging Equipment 102,995 81,095 0 21,900 -40,495 62,395 0 0 0 0

NG Bradgate Road, Anstey - Play Area Scheme 109,500 0 0 109,500 0 109,500 0 0 109,500 0

Block Sums

SW Z057 Public Art Programme 12,950 150 0 12,800 0 12,800 0 0 0 0

JR Z692 Community Sports Facility Programme 319,926 301,426 0 18,500 0 18,500 0 0 0 0JR Z052 Play Areas Disability Access Grants Scheme 94,883 87,783 0 7,100 0 7,100 0 0 0 0

Community Wellbeing - Total 2,862,442 1,959,442 0 903,000 38,468 864,532 0 0 343,500 0

Appendix 2

External Funding


2011/12 2012/13

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Spend 2011/12Scheme Details Total Before Original Current Actual Spend Balance Original Current Cost 2011/12 Budget Budget 9/6/11 Plan Budget 2011/12 2012/13

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Appendix 2

External Funding


2011/12 2012/13

Corporate Services

KB Z085 Replacement Hardware Programme 661,440 571,440 150,000 90,000 30,573 59,427 0 0 0 0

KB Z317 Web Development 28,440 28,440 0 0 1,485 -1,485 0 0 0 0

KB Z331 Development of the Infrastructure 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 0

KB Z332 New Infrastrusture Requirements 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 0

KB Z318 Vmware Upgrade 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 0

KB Z319 PCI DSS 20,023 5,923 0 14,100 0 14,100 0 0 0 0

KB Z320 Sharepoint Upgrade 3,005 405 0 2,600 0 2,600 0 0 0 0

KB Z336 Storage Area Network (SAN) 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 0

SH Z126 Loughborough Eastern Gateway 6,249,988 3,474,588 0 2,775,400 -290,439 3,065,839 0 0 2,370,900 0

SH Z152 Southfields - Office Accommodation Strategy - Phase 3 943,364 943,364 0 0 -7,695 7,695 0 0 0 0

SH Z284 Beehive Lane Car Park - Energy Efficient Lighting Installation 75,581 75,581 0 0 -1,837 1,837 0 0 0 0

SH Z297 Southfields Annexe Site - Disposal & Associated Costs 233,082 233,082 0 0 -500 500 0 0 0 0

SH Z285 Loughborough Leisure Centre - Re-roofing 148,987 148,987 0 0 -3,725 3,725 0 0 0 0

SH Z305 Old Magistrates Court - Refurbishment 984,140 984,140 0 0 -20,074 20,074 0 0 0 0

SH Z312 Loughborough Railway Station Forecourt 1,237,960 52,560 0 1,185,400 0 1,185,400 0 0 965,000 0

SH Z323 Southfields Phase 2 - Refurbishment 299,917 292,417 0 7,500 1,105 6,395 0 0 0 0

SH Southfields - Office Accommodation Strategy - LCC Adult Services 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 75,000 0 0 0 0

SH Z333 Planned Property Refurbishment 0 0 181,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Corporate Services - Total 11,100,927 6,810,927 331,000 4,290,000 -291,107 4,581,107 0 0 3,335,900 0

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Spend 2011/12Scheme Details Total Before Original Current Actual Spend Balance Original Current Cost 2011/12 Budget Budget 9/6/11 Plan Budget 2011/12 2012/13

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Appendix 2

External Funding


2011/12 2012/13

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - General Fund

MT Z170 EIP - Heritage Plaque Scheme 2,977 377 0 2,600 0 2,600 0 0 0 0

MT Z178 PAP - Parish Green, Loughborough 9,000 0 0 9,000 0 9,000 0 0 0 0

MT Z839 Shakespeare Street, Loughborough 72,608 71,408 0 1,200 0 1,200 0 0 0 0

MT Z040 Rothley Lodge Wildlife Area 71,044 15,844 0 55,200 0 55,200 0 0 55,200 0

MT Z292 Hallam Fields Community Building 400,000 0 0 400,000 0 400,000 0 0 400,000 0

MT Z303 Town & Village Regeneration Schemes 44,100 0 0 44,100 0 44,100 0 0 22,300 0

MT Z309 St Peter's Court, Syston & Londsdale Road, Thurmaston 52,987 52,587 0 400 0 400 0 0 0 0

MM Z273 Planning/Building Control and Land Charges System - Northgate 67,674 49,474 0 18,200 0 18,200 0 0 14,200 0

Block Sums

MH Z800 Historic Building Grants 151,314 136,314 15,000 12,500 2,069 10,431 0 2,500 0 0

Renovation Grants

RS Z200 Renovation Grants 807,308 632,308 425,000 175,000 2,769 172,231 0 0 0 0

RS Z210 Disabled Facilities Grants 4,126,252 3,476,252 550,000 650,000 124,629 525,371 0 0 334,000 0

RS Z141 Regional Housing Pot Grant 1,819,019 1,187,119 0 631,900 102,069 529,831 0 0 481,900 0

DS Z269 Social Housing Scheme - Enabling Grants - Block Sum 108,500 0 250,000 108,500 0 108,500 0 0 0 0

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - General Fund - Total 7,732,783 5,621,683 1,240,000 2,108,600 231,536 1,877,064 0 2,500 1,307,600 0

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Spend 2011/12Scheme Details Total Before Original Current Actual Spend Balance Original Current Cost 2011/12 Budget Budget 9/6/11 Plan Budget 2011/12 2012/13

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Appendix 2

External Funding


2011/12 2012/13

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - HRA

EM Decent Homes 4,054,499 4,041,699 0 12,800 198 12,602 0 0 12,800 0

TM Z448 Kitchen & Bathroom 2,582,817 2,081,317 1,423,000 501,500 0 501,500 0 0 501,500 0

TM Z005 Term Central Heating 3,510,389 2,030,389 400,000 1,480,000 82,709 1,397,291 0 0 1,480,000 0

TM Z011 PVCu Window 2,565,721 2,453,621 450,000 112,100 8,032 104,068 0 0 112,100 0

TM Z402 Responsive Central Heating 4,501,516 4,101,516 500,000 400,000 227,591 172,409 0 0 400,000 0

TM Z434 Asbestos 474,110 454,110 50,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 0 20,000 0

TM Z454 Electrical Upgrades 478,734 79,934 0 398,800 0 398,800 0 0 398,800 0

TM Z294 Major Improvements to Voids 255,316 155,316 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0

TM Z459 Re-roofing 146,000 0 0 146,000 0 146,000 0 0 146,000 0

TM Z857 Housing Contracts Procurement Costs 1,656,444 1,207,844 333,000 448,600 0 448,600 0 0 448,600 0

TM Z443 Neighbourhood Renewal 635,897 635,897 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Disabled Adaptations

TM Z300 Major Adaptations 2,734,523 2,434,523 300,000 300,000 3,715 296,285 0 0 300,000 0

TM Z301 Minor Adaptations 197,746 137,746 50,000 60,000 10,782 49,218 0 0 60,000 0

TM Z302 Stairlifts 76,816 36,816 50,000 40,000 2,500 37,500 0 0 40,000 0

TM Z433 Tenants Bids 223,957 203,957 50,000 20,000 -2,215 22,215 0 0 20,000 0

TM Z456 Non-Traditional Refurbishment 2,245,457 244,457 0 2,001,000 205,309 1,795,691 0 0 2,001,000 0

TM Z457 Loft Insulation 251,947 251,947 0 0 -1,476 1,476 0 0 0 0

TM Z326 Aingarth Sheltered Housing 87,009 12,209 0 74,800 -2,313 77,113 0 0 0 0

TM Z329 CESP Heating and Insulation Project 350,000 0 0 350,000 0 350,000 0 0 200,000 0

TM Z335 Dudley Court Sileby 256,000 0 0 256,000 0 256,000 0 0 193,000 0

SH Z455 New Build Council Houses 1,315,007 893,607 0 421,400 -3,375 424,775 0 0 202,900 0

Housing, Planning & Regeneration & Regulatory Services - HRA - Total 28,599,905 21,456,905 3,706,000 7,143,000 531,457 6,611,543 0 0 6,636,700 0

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