Coulometric calibration of microvolumetric apparatus...the publication "Coulometric Calibration of...

JOU RNAL O F RESEAR CH of the National of Standards - C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 70C, No. 1, January- March 1966 Coulometric Calibration of Microvolumetric Apparatus* George Marinenko and John K. Taylor (October 13 , 1965) Coulometric provides a and acc urat e means to calibrate mi cro volum et ri c appara tu s suc h as burets, mICroplpet s, and syrInges. Th e apparatus to be calibrated is ca use d to deliver a solution of know? co ncen tration into an elec trolysis ce ll where it is analyzed coul ome trically. By the me thod d esc nbed , volumes rangin g from 300 ILl to I ILl have been calibrat ed with relative stand- ar d deviation of 0.03 to 3 percent , respec tiv ely. Key Words: Constant-current co ul ome tr y, mi croburet ca libra ti ons, volum e ca libra ti ons. 1. Introduction Re ce nt advances in the d eve lopment of mi c rovolu- metric a pparatu s have benefited analysis in seve ral ways. By use of solutions of ordinary analytical con cen tration and small volum es (10 - 3 to 10- 6 ml ), ultramicroa nalysis of extreme ly sma ll amount s of materials down to 10- 12 g may be ac hieved [1 , 2].1 Fur- thermore, the u se of conce ntrated reagents in micro- volumetric amounts improves conventional titrimetric pro ce dures by minimizing dilution effects on end-point determina tions. In orde r to conduct quantitativ e work with small volumes, however, it is nece ssa ry to h ave reliable methods for their calibration. Existing methods [2 , 3] are essen tially th e same as have been u sed for macrovolume tric apparatus, fo r exa mpl e, weighing the amoun t of a liquid of known density con tained in or delivered by the appara tus_ Unfor tunat ely, this techniq ue loses reliability when small volum es are concerne d du e to eva porative losses and liquid- transfer problems. Titrimetric methods for calibrati on of small volumes have be en suggested by Kirk [2]. Howe ver , he s tat es that su ch pro ce dures are inherently less ac c urat e than weight calibration because all errors in the buret, in th e end point, and in the concentration of the solu- tion are included in th e calibration. The high pr ec ision of coulometric titration s [4 , 5,6] makes possible th eir use in volumetric calibrations. The method involves preparing a standard so lution, dispensing a nominal volume of it with th e volumetric apparatus to be t es ted, coulometrically det e rmining the amount of re agent disp ensed, and calculating the volume of reagent delivered. *Thi s paper represe nt s the results of an investiga ti on und ertaken during the sp ring of 1964 and prese nted at the Pitt sb urgh Conference on Analyti cal Che mi st ry and Appli ed Spectroscopy, Piltsburgh, Pa .• Marc h 1, 1965. Whjle preparing the present manuscript. the publication "Coulometric Calibration of Micropipettes" by Gary D. Christian, Mi cro- chemi cal Journal 9, 16 (1965), has appear ed whi ch is similar in some re spect s. I Figur es in brackels indicate the lit er alure references lit the end of t his paper. 2. Method Primar y sta ndard pota ss ium dic hr omate (NBS Standard Material 136b) is espec ially useful for the purp ose of this met hod_ It is s tabl e in air, requires only superficial dr ying, a nd is highly solubl e in water. Furthermore, it has been co ul ometri cally assaye d to a hi gh. d egr ee of precision [6]. Accordingly, normal soluti ons ca n be readily pr epa red, correspo nding to one microequivalent per microlit er of solutio n. The titration pro ced ur e is esse ntially that d escribed in an ea rli er paper [6]. Briefly, it cons ists in the co n- stant-current genera tion of Fe(n) at a platinum ca thod e in a solution 2 M in su lfuric acid and 0.5 M in ferric ammon ium sulfate. Th e generate d Fe(II) in turn reduces an equivale nt amount of th e dic hromat e. The e nd point is d ete rmin ed amperometrically (+ 0.85 V app li ed to a 1 cm 2 platinum indi ca tor elec tr od e, with reference to a sa turat ed calomel electrode). Th e coulometric ce ll u se d for high-pr ec ision cali- br ations consists of two elec tr ode c hamb ers se parat ed by a two-co mpartm e nt conn ec ting tub e. How eve r, ce lls providing isolation of the anode in a glass tub e whose bottom i s. a s int ered-gla ss disk are sa ti sfactory for the present purpose. . tubing drawn to a fine ca pillary open- mg IS attached to the tip s of the bur ets to be cali- brat e d. Such tips provide a much small er orifice than found on ordinary bur ets, thu s minimizing of titrant with th e solution when th e tip IS Immersed, a procedur e which is necessary for precise calibrations. 3. Results The reliability of the coulometric me th od is illus- trated with r es ults obtained for the calibration of thr ee typical volumetric ins trum ents as follows: A. An elec tri cally driven positive-displacement buret (0.33 ml c apa city) e quipp ed with a revolution co unt er graduated to 0.01 microliter. The stainless

Transcript of Coulometric calibration of microvolumetric apparatus...the publication "Coulometric Calibration of...

JOU RNAL O F RESEARCH of the National Bureo~ of Standards - C. Engineering and Instrumentation

Vol. 70C, No. 1, January- March 1966

Coulometric Calibration of Microvolumetric Apparatus*

George Marinenko and John K. Taylor

(October 13 , 1965)

Coulometric tit.ratio~ provides a si~ple and accurate means to ca librate microvolumet ri c appara tus such as burets, mICroplpets, and syrInges. The apparatus to be calibrated is caused to deliver a solution of know? concentration into an electrolysis cell where it is analyzed coulometri cally. By the method descnbed, volumes ranging from 300 ILl to I ILl have been calibrated with relative stand­ard deviation of 0.03 to 3 percent , respectively.

Key Words: Constant-curre nt coulometry, mic robu ret ca librations, volume calibra tions.

1. Introduction

Recent advances in the developme nt of mic rovolu­metric apparatus have benefited analysis in several ways. By use of solutions of ordinary analytical concen tration and s mall volumes (10- 3 to 10- 6 ml), ultramicroanalysis of extremely small a mounts of materials down to 10- 12 g may be achieved [1 , 2].1 Fur­thermore, the use of concentrated reagents in micro­volumetric amounts improves conventional titrimetri c procedures by minimizing dilution effects on end-point determinations.

In order to conduct quantitative work with s mall volumes , however , it is necessary to have reliable methods for their calibration. Existing methods [2 , 3] are essentially the same as have been used for macrovolumetri c apparatus, fo r example, weighing the amount of a liquid of known density contained in or delivered by the apparatus_ Unfortunately, this technique loses reliability when small volumes are concerned due to evaporative losses and liquid­transfer problems.

Titrimetric methods for calibration of s mall volumes have been suggested by Kirk [2]. However, he states that such procedures are inherently less accurate than weight calibration because all errors in the buret, in the end point, and in the concentration of the solu­tion are included in the calibration.

The high precision of coulometric titrations [4 , 5,6] makes possible their use in volumetric calibrations. The method involves preparing a standard solution, dispensing a nominal volume of it with the volumetri c apparatus to be tested, coulometrically determining the amount of reagent dispe nsed, and calculating the volume of reagent delivered.

*This paper represents the results of an invest iga tion und ertaken during the spring of 1964 and presented at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Che mist ry and Applied Spect roscopy, Piltsburgh, Pa .• Marc h 1, 1965. Whj le prepari ng the present manuscript. the publ ication "Coulometric Calibration of Micropipe ttes" by Gary D. C hri st ian, Micro­chemical Journal 9, 16 (1965), has appeared which is simila r in some respect s.

I Figures in brackels indicat e the literalure references lit the e nd of this paper.

2 . Method

Primary standard potassium dichroma te (NBS Standard Material 136b) is especially useful for the purpose of thi s method_ It is s table in air, requires only s uperficial drying, and is highly soluble in water. Furthermore, it has been coulometrically assayed to a high. degree of precision [6]. Accordingly, normal solutions can be readily prepared , corresponding to one microequivalent per microliter of solution.

The titration procedure is essentially that described in an earlier paper [6]. Briefly, it consis ts in the con­stant-current generation of Fe(n) at a platinum cathode in a solution 2 M in sulfuric acid and 0.5 M in ferric ammonium sulfate. The generated Fe(II) in turn reduces an equivalent amount of the dichromate. The end point is determined amperometrically (+ 0.85 V appli ed to a 1 cm2 platinum indicator electrode, with reference to a saturated calomel electrode).

The coulometri c cell used for high-precision cali­brations consists of two electrode chambers separated by a two-compartment conn ecting tube. However , cells providing isolation of the anode in a glass tube whose bottom is. a sintered-glass disk are sati sfactory for the present purpose. . P~lyethylene tubing drawn to a fine capillary open­mg IS attached to the tips of the burets to be cali­brated. Such tips provide a muc h smaller orifice than found on ordinary burets, thus minimizing !nt~rdiffusion of titrant with the solution when the tip IS Immersed, a procedure which is necessary for precise calibrations.

3. Results

The reliability of the coulometric method is illus­trated with results obtained for the calibration of three typical volumetric instruments as follows:

A. An electrically driven positive-displacement buret (0.33 ml capacity) equipped with a revolution counter graduated to 0.01 microliter. The stainless

steel piston has a nominal diameter of 0.099 + in. The delivery tip is provided with a three-way stopcock so that the buret can be refilled in operating position.

B. A manual positive-displacement buret similar to the one described by Scholander [8]. The microm­eter screw for volumetric read-out is subdivided in 0.2 ILl intervals.

C. A 10 ILl syringe subdivided in 0.1 ILl intervals. Results obtained for the calibration of buret A are

given in table 1. The 300 ILl graduation was also calibrated by the gravimetric method. Five deter­minations indicated the correction factor to be 1.0017, s = 0.0009, which is in good agreement with the coulometrically determined value. Unfortunately, gravimetric calibrations are difficult if not impos­sible for samples much smaller than this.

TABLE 1. Results for calibration of buret A

Nominal volume delivered. ~I

300 100 50 20 10 '5 I

No. of de terminations

3 8 3 3 3 5 7

Correction factor

Volume. found/volume. nominal

1.0018. ,=0.0003 1.0010. ,= .0015 1.0031. ,= .002 1 1.0011. ,= .0013 1.005. ,= .002 1.008. ,= .003 1.002. ,= .034

An attempt was made to use buret A without immersing its tip but rather by collecting the frac­tional drop remaining on the tip by means of a glass rod. Results for 1- and lO-lLl samples showed cali­brations in agreement with those shown in table 1, but the standard deviations were about twice as large as those found with the immersion technique.


+0.5 r 0.0





FIGURE 1. Calibration of 100 ILl aliquots delivered by different intervals of the piston displacement of buret B.

O . Gravimetric values . • 0 Coulometric values.

Average values are plotted. The vertical bars show the range of the individual meas· urements.



~ 0.0



-0. 2


t •

f ! 4 6 8


FIGURE 2. Coulometric calibration of a 1O-J.Ll syringe.


Average values are plotted. The vertical bars s how the range of the individual meas· urements.

Results for the calibration of buret B at 100-1L1 inter­vals are shown in figure 1. The 0-100 ILl interval was calibrated six times for which the correction - 0.69 ILl s = 0.17 ILl was found. Duplicate calibra­tions were made at all other intervals and the average values are plotted.

The open circles in the figure represent results of calibration of the 350 to 450 and the 450 to 550 ILl intervals by a specially developed gravimetric pro­cedure [9].

The results for duplicate calibrations of the 1O-1L1 syringe, buret C, are shown in figure 2. In this case, the syringe was not mounted permanently in the cell. Rather, after adjusting to an initial reading, the needle was rinsed with distilled water, after which it was immersed in the cell for delivery of the volume indi­cated. The results no doubt indicate deviations from calibration as well as imprecision in delivering speci­fied volumes with this type of equipment.

4. Discussion

The results of this investigation demonstrate the reliability of coulometric calibration of volumetric apparatus. For moderately small volumes (e.g., 300 ILl), values comparable with gravimetric procedures are obtained. The coulometric method is specially useful for calibration of small volumes where weigh­ing of calibrating liquids such as water and methylene iodide is impaired by evaporative losses and where weighing of mercury may be objectionable because of the drastically different physical properties of water and mercury.

The precision of the coulometric method appears to be limited by the sensitivity of the end-point deter­mination. The present work was carried out with an 100-ml electrolytic cell, designed for high-pre­cision measurements with amounts of 10 to 20 milli-

equivalent of materials [6]. In that application, an end-point uncertainty of about 0.01 microequivalent was noted which is comparable with the volumetric precision of the calibrations reported here. Some increase in precision of microcalibrations would un­doubtedly b e realized by the use of electrolysis cells of smaller c apacity.

For work of the highest precision, the use of a standard such as potassium dichromate is preferred to es tablish the concentration of the calibrating solu­tion. Howe ver, other solutions could be used pro­vided that they were carefully standardized.

(Paper 70Cl- 165)



5 . References

[1] I. P. Alimarin and M. N. Petrikova, Zavodsk. Lab. 24,29 (1958). [2] P. L. Kirk, Quantitative Ultramicroanalysis (John Wiley & Sons ,

Inc ., New York, N.Y. , 1950). [3] A. A. Benedetti-Pichler, Introduction to the Microtechnique of

Inorganic Analysis (John Wiley & Sons , Inc., New York, N.Y., 1942).

[4] J. K. Taylor and S. W. Smith, 1. Res . NBS 63A (phys and Chern), No.2, 153 (1959).

[5] G. Marinenko and 1. K. Taylor, 1. Res. NBS 67 A (phys and Chern), No.1, 31 (1963).

[6] G. Marinenko and 1. K. Taylor, J. Res. NBS 67 A (phys and Chern), No.5, 453 (1963).

[7] Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 36th ed. (Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1954- 55).

[8] P. F. Scholander, Science 95, 177 (1942) . [9] A. Johnson, NBS Metrology Division (212 .31), private communica·
