Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 1 ultra marathon recovery specialist Being a couch potato (or lounge lizard) can be a hazard to your leg health Becoming a couch potato is easier than people think-I am a man and I know how easy it is to get drawn into these things because I was a shift worker and used to get up for something to eat halfway through the day-to have a bit of noise and company while I was eating I would put the television on A couch potato settles to watch television (the potato’s name is Beau) After a while, it just became a habit to turn it on while knocking something up, but then something being said caught my attention and suddenly I was hooked-the few minutes turned into an hour, then 2 then the whole afternoon was spent telling myself I was going back to bed to finish my sleep off I was working a hard night shift and was putting on weight and couldn’t understand why it was and was always tired-eventually after my wife had a holiday and was off work with me I got irritated with her when she actually wanted to go somewhere such as shopping or into the garden-I wanted to stay in the house and watch my programs-I hated moving from the couch unless I had to Beau settling to read the newspaper I realized I had become a couch potato! Many women who are at home all day become couch potato’s-it is easy, all you have to do is to get interested in the women’s shows such as Oprah and get into a daytime soap like ‘Days of our Lives’ and you are on your way to no physical activity! The couch, book, television, laptop and refrigerator takes care of all your emotional and physical needs! You can get all the education and company and communications you need from the sitting level-you do not need to move except go to the toilet, do a little shopping and make something to eat-in fact the longer you do it the easier it becomes to find ways not to do something


discussion on who leads the most dangerous lifestyle, the couch potato or extreme sport enthusiast and who will die first based on statistics-dying from accident or inactivity

Transcript of Couch Potato Article

Page 1: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 1 ultra marathon recovery specialist

Being a couch potato (or lounge lizard) can be a ha zard to your leg health

Becoming a couch potato is easier than people think-I am a man and I know how easy it is to get drawn into these things because I was a shift worker and used to get up for something to eat halfway through the day-to have a bit of noise and company while I was eating I would put the television on

A couch potato settles to watch television (the potato’s name is Beau)

After a while, it just became a habit to turn it on while knocking something up, but then something being said caught my attention and suddenly I was hooked-the few minutes turned into an hour, then 2 then the whole afternoon was spent telling myself I was going back to bed to finish my sleep off

I was working a hard night shift and was putting on weight and couldn’t understand why it was and was always tired-eventually after my wife had a holiday and was off work with me I got irritated with her when she actually wanted to go somewhere such as shopping or into the garden-I wanted to stay in the house and watch my programs-I hated moving from the couch unless I had to

Beau settling to read the newspaper

I realized I had become a couch potato!

Many women who are at home all day become couch potato’s-it is easy, all you have to do is to get interested in the women’s shows such as Oprah and get into a daytime soap like ‘Days of our Lives’ and you are on your way to no physical activity!

The couch, book, television, laptop and refrigerato r takes care of all your emotional and physical needs!

You can get all the education and company and communications you need from the sitting level-you do not need to move except go to the toilet, do a little shopping and make something to eat-in fact the longer you do it the easier it becomes to find ways not to do something

Page 2: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 2 ultra marathon recovery specialist

How dangerous is the couch potato lifestyle?

Well the good news is that you are not going to die from a traffic accident unless a car smashes into you lounge room and crushes you in your chair-and you are not going to die the way James Fixx the author who wrote a best seller in running for fitness did-of a heart attack while running

But there are plenty of ways to go simply by being a couch potato and leading a couch dweller lifestyle and leading a ‘no risk’ way of living

To give you a little education on how dangerous this lifestyle is, I will use a model called Beau (name changed to protect his identity) Beau is someone who is moving (or not moving) his way into an early grave through the couch potato ways of living

I will be giving Beau a copy of this article in the hope of trying to motivate him into doing something to save something of his life-if not then it will serve as a tribute to a man who has given his all to the lifestyle the rest of us can only dream about and sometimes envy-NOT

And make sure we do not follow in our hero’s footsteps into the same grave

Beau has done nothing in the way of work for 15 years-he has absolutely got no plans to any if he can help it-he will do no formal study or learning, no ambition get a job, no need to learn to run a computer when I attempted to teach him the internet we got as far as Brittany Spears videos and the weather so I called a halt, no ambitions to travel, no thoughts of meeting any women, no need to socialise, barely watches television, has no need of a car, just listens to the radio and reads the newspaper in bed or in his chair!

His idea of excitement is to catch the bus to the main town for his beer and cigarettes! So what do we have and how can this affect Beau’s l ong term health and why does this matter to other couch potato’s (male or female)?

He is a fifty one year old who gets no exercise (except for carrying cartons of cigarettes and beer)

• Cigarettes

• Beer

• Binge drinker

• Not worked-the muscles lose condition and weaken; they will not support the body in the end-prone to obesity

• Lack of any goals except quote ‘to be happy’-no direction in life

Page 3: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 3 ultra marathon recovery specialist

• No plans to study-no mental stimulation-prone to alzheimers-dementia-depression-drugs, anti depressives to combat the depression

• Stress from money worries-drinks and smokes more to forget them-considers them to be stress reliever

• No woman to help him live longer-single men die younger than married ones

• No need to socialize-loses social skills-becomes argumentative

• Lack of exercise-diabetes

• Sits or lies down all the time-muscle wastage

• Spends lot of time in bed-deep vein thrombosis-other circulatory problems

• Spend lots of time sitting on the same couch or bed can encourage the breeding of dust mites-leading to allergies and breathing difficulties If you are a couch potato and you come under anyone of these headings, you are at risk of meeting your maker long before you should have done-so you can bend over and kiss your bottom goodbye now

Sitting for long periods is an issue because the long term effect of poor leg circulation them on health is very real (see

Poor lower leg circulation is a health hazard to the legs-maintaining their health is important but can be difficult to deal with when all your living day is spent sitting or lying downdown

One thing we all have in common is that we are compromising our leg health, and ultimately our general health and well being because we are not moving enough to help the circulation

In order to reduce our risks of dying earlier than we have to, it is actually far safer to get off the couch and go and do base jumping, bungy jumping or sky diving-they have far less fatalities than couch potato’s-but if you are not yet convinced and still thinking about it here are some good reasons to at least maintain your lower leg circulation if nothing else

Page 4: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 4 ultra marathon recovery specialist

Why is it so?

When sitting for hours concentrating on work, the calf muscles are inactive-they are not doing their job as motors for a pumping system designed to move used blood and lymph fluid from the lower legs

A swollen lower leg and ankle-showing how lack of movement can affect lower leg circulation

Recently there has been a link made between sitting for hours and deep vein thrombosis, or as it is sometimes known, ‘economy class syndrome’-this is where the balance between the clotting and anti-clotting agents in the blood go out of synchronisation in favour of the clotting agents, and blood clots form in the deep vein in the leg

These can break away and lodge further up in the body disrupting blood flow back to the heart

The leg would look something like this-if your legs look like this go to the hospital-fast

How would the swollen ankles go to the next level i nto a deep vein thrombosis?

The blood is made up of many components including water, clotting agents and anti-clotting agents-when the blood is static in the lower legs, the water (or lymphatic fluid) separates from the blood and flows into the spaces in the tissues around the ankles-as the calf muscles are not working, it can’t be pumped away fast enough so the ankles swell-but also the blood that is left thickens

The balance is tipped in favour of the clotting agents-if the veins have a roughened area in the inside walls, the clotting agents start the process of forming a clot and deep vein thrombosis is developing

Sitting down in front of the television or computer for hours causes the ankles to swell and can lead to deep vein thrombosis because the legs are i n an upright position and the calf muscles

are not working at pumping used blood up the legs

Page 5: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 5 ultra marathon recovery specialist

How to avoid this happening on the couch watching t elevision?

The best advice to cope with poor circulation that can be given usually is to have the legs elevated to allow the built up fluid in the lower legs to drain back to the body

Lying down with the legs in the air is the last thing someone who has sat in front of the television or computer-legs that have not moved for the hours need movement-this is too passive and as the couch potato may have been inactive most of the time, they certainly do not need more of it

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-a self help massage- lite recovery system

The Calf Muscle Pump

The calf muscle pump forces used blood against gravity up the legs back to the body for recycling-it is made up of all the leg muscles-the main motors for the pumping system are the calf muscles, the soleus which is used for standing and walking and the gastrocnemius used for running and jumping

They usually work as a pair by alternately putting pressure on the veins and releasing it-this takes used blood back to the body through one-way valves- these stop it flowing back down towards the feet again

But when you are couch potato-ing neither of them a re moving at all

Lack of movement reduces the veins ability to open and close by keeping constant tension on them, this is called calf muscle pump inefficiency it also affects the Lymphatic System through a reduction of lymph fluid flow

When sitting for long periods the weight of fluid in the body puts pressure on the on the valves causing the veins to widen-gaps in the valves allow leakage of fluid back into the lower legs-the pressure leads to thing like varicose veins

gastrocnemius soleus

Page 6: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 6 ultra marathon recovery specialist

Problems caused by calf muscle pump inefficiency in clude

• Poor circulation

• Lymph system inactivity

• Venous return reduced

This can lead to long term leg health problems (See

Muscle health is based on having a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to them

To maintain the supply of fresh blood to the lower legs a balance between what goes into the muscles and what comes out of them is important-fresh blood can't enter the muscle tissues if nothing is coming out of them

Many people see massage as a means of removing the used fluid from the legs

The term ‘massage’ covers many areas and ways of using ‘constructive’ touch-most of them rely on the skill of the therapist at manipulating the muscle tissues-the knowledge they use to do this requires much training and practise-they have to pass examinations in order to work in this field

Unless you know what you are doing most modern massage techniques are not only too technical-they can be too rough on tissues, arteries, and veins in the legs from uncontrolled finger force and untrained hands working on and into the muscles causing damage

The circulation is already challenged and the muscle tissues already struggling for fresh blood-working on the muscles entails using the hands and fingers to encourage circulation and this means using uncontrolled finger force into the tissues

Why is working with the muscles more important than working on them?

Dealing with the muscles in an appropriate way is important if using manual therapies-to help increase lower leg circulation it is important to make a choice that is not going to make things worse

Unskilled hands working on the muscles threaten the integrity of the venous and arterial systems by breaking the fine capillaries and venules that run throughout the circulatory network of blood vessels

To prevent this, fatigued legs need something simple that is easy to do without putting the system at risk of damage

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the Massage-Lite leg assistance

What makes Light Manual Muscle Relaxation so different from other recovery systems?

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation combines a sound medical physiological based theory with simple movement to offer a practical ongoing system for self recovery

Dr Guyton offers the theoretical solution to the problem of aching legs and Light Manual Muscle Relaxation offers the practical, tested, simple, oil free, environmentally friendly version 'Pumping caused by external Compression of the Lymphatics' Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 (p. 182)

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The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 7 ultra marathon recovery specialist

It is an alternative stripped down basic tool which uses the muscles to work with themselves rather than relying on the skills of someone who works on them

Rather than using aimless guesswork and prodding, poking and just moving the legs in an aimlessly and hoping what you are doing is working you can use planned, structured movement that is based on medical physiology and know it has been tested in extreme conditions

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-the massage-lite recovery system

The advantages of having a massage-lite system

• No equipment needed

• No disrobing

• No oil

• No washing up

• No long training

• No clean area needed

• Can be done by anyone

Works with the muscles not on them

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-(Massage-Lite) works through

• Simplicity

• Predictability

• Consistency

• Non invasive

• User friendly

How user friendly?

I worked for 24 hours off this chair (next to the bottles) without any equipment in unhygienic conditions

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The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 8 ultra marathon recovery specialist

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation is a Do-It-Yourself method based on encouraging

the muscles and tissues to assist with their own circulation

• It is not a massage system

• It is not invasive

• It is not aggressive

• It is not time consuming

• It does not need disrobing

• It does not need oil applied to the skin

• It does not need strong hands and fingers

• It does not need hand/brain coordination

• It does not need equipment

• It does not work on the muscles

• It does not work on any specific injuries

• It does not threaten the integrity of the muscles

• It does not use force on the muscles

• It does not need more than a few minutes to do

• It does not require a long course or workshop

It makes it easier for someone who has to become their own physical and muscle therapist-and they have to learn how to do this with a minimum of education and


Giving a massage-lite leg workshop

Working with the muscles

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The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 9 ultra marathon recovery specialist

You are at this website because you obviously have an interest in lower leg problems so if you want more information on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation and you can afford it-please buy a manual

The money raised from this goes towards supporting my project on establishing classes around the world in countries that do not have access to many health services

Michael Gillan Long distance recovery specialist

I should point out I am not a doctor so I am not treating anything and what I say should not be taken as a medical treatment or implied that it is-medical treatment should be sought and advice taken about whether it is suitable for your complaint For more information on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation go to

Helping aching legs caused by the calf muscle pump not working properly is simple-All you have to do is to read up on medical physiology and try it out-or you can go to the end and check my websites and buy my manual (doing this you will save on doing a massage course you may not need while at the same time helping me to get onto the world run, and contribute to my aim of setting up workshops on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation in third world countries)

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation I work with ultra marathon runners and walkers (people who walk or run any distance over marathon) on recovery during and after their event-I work at events that range from 6 hours to around the world (

Page 10: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 10 ultra marathon recovery specialist

References Michael’s methods of massage and blister care helped me to stay mobile throughout the race and to recover quickly afterwards. His techniques are safe and gentle. Unlike some treatments, which put the runners and walkers at risk of muscle tears or infection, Michael’s techniques are gentle, safe, reassuring, and highly effective. They enhance comfort and flexibility, build confidence, and promote success. This booklet will help others to learn and practice Michael’s methods. It is recommended reading for everyone who walks and runs and who wants to go further, go faster, or just to enjoy life more!!' SANDRA BROWN 1996 Ladies 1000 Mile World Record Holder 1999 Ladies 100 mile Race walking World Record Holder

“I know that your massage kept a number of competitors in the event. The cold weather of Saturday afternoon and night certainly got to many of the walkers and your prompt action had them back in the race after a short stop. In years past, that would have ended up as a non-finish. A number of walkers were able to keep going for the full 24 hours on the basis of your expert help.” Tim Ericson Secretary Australian Centurions Club

'I have known Michael Gillan for many years and have always got quick relief for my aches and pains from the stretching he performs'. CLIFF YOUNG-75-80 24 Hour World Record Holder (150.07 kilometers)

A word from Jesper Olsen World Runner about Light Manual Muscle Relaxation “If I hadn't had the qualified help from the excellent masseur Michael Gillan, taking several thousands of km out of my legs, I could spare myself the effort!” “My crew for the current stages, Michael Gillan, has proven to have other talents than the quite taxing job of taking care of all the requirements of a really tired ultra runner! He has since years back been working on a new approach to stretching and muscle-rebuilding for ultra runners. I have the last two days tried his careful stretch and massage, and a bit to my surprise the muscles are beginning to feel like before the start back in Greenwich, London!! Usually I doesn’t take massage as the legs of an ultra runner will often be quite sore during the long time events (and especially in an multi-year event like this...), and getting a massage can at times cause more injury and cramping up than good. For example my last massage was some 12 000km ago when I ran the 12-hour competition in Finland. And so far that has been the only one. But Gillan came with best recommendations from my main contact in Australia, Phil Essam, who besides being vice president in the Australian Ultra runners Association has heaps of good knowledge to share. And this new kind of mild massage for ultra runners is definitely one of the good tips! There should be a fair chance that I actually get fresh enough to do some decent running at the 6 Day Race that I have coming up in Colac from the 21.November. I quite look forward to that, even though I can’t expect to make a top class result :-)”

Page 11: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 11 ultra marathon recovery specialist

There are many other problems caused by venous inefficiency and it may be worthwhile looking at Peripheral Arterial Disease in People With Diabetes Controversies Regarding Vascular Disease in the Patient with Diabetes: A Review of the Literature VOLUME: 53 Issue Number: 11 author: Robert J. Snyder, DPM, CWS The calf muscle pump (p.209) Physiology: a regulatory systems approach. Fleur L. Strand. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.ISBN 0-020979860-4

(p.209)Physiology: a regulatory systems approach. Fleur L. Strand. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.ISBN 0-020979860-4

“Venous valve incompetence and varicose veins” ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Effect of “Hydrostatic” Pressure on Venous Pressure ( P.165) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Effect of Hydrostatic Factors on Arterial and Other Pressures (P.167) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Calf muscle pump inefficiency ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 ’ (P.177) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 The Blood Circulatory System (P.150) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 (P.150) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

“The Lymphatic System (P.180) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

“Pumping caused by external Compression of the Lymphatics Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 (p. 182)

Deep vein thrombosis (P.391) ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Page 12: Couch Potato Article

The Calf Muscle Pump-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation as an aid to lower leg circulation

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan 12 ultra marathon recovery specialist

My knowledge offers a simple self help-system developed on and for ultra marathon runners and walkers that works with the muscles-this makes it easy to do and it does not need equipment or any complicated hands on training to do [email protected]