Cosmic Disclosure New Frontiers in the a.I. War

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  • 7/24/2019 Cosmic Disclosure New Frontiers in the a.I. War


    Cosmic Disclosure: New

    Frontiers in the A.I. War

    Season 2, Episode 16

    Welcome to "Cosmic Disclosure." I'm your host, David Wilcoc, and I'm here !ith Corey

    oode. We are no! #ettin# into some o$ the most recent updates, havin# %uilt the $oundation

    o$ a discussion a%out the immense pro%lem $aced %y the entire space pro#ram and all the

    di&erent intelli#ent civiliations !orin# !ith them $rom arti(cial intelli#ence, or )I. *his !as a

    necessary $oundation $or us to %uild %e$ore !e #et into the updates that have come to us

    $rom the )lliance throu#h +ieutenant Colonel onales, !hich is the pseudonym that !e're

    usin# $or his o!n protection. So no! here !ith more a%out onales and the updates $rom the

    )lliance is Corey oode. Corey, !elcome to the sho!.

    C *han you.

    DW *his is )I pro%lem that !e've %een speain# a%out has a&ected the space pro#ram so

    dramatically that you said no one can #o to these Super -ederation con$erences !ithout %ein#

    scanned $or )I. Is that correct

    C /ou can't even #o to the +unar 0peration Command. /ou can't inter$ere !ith any

    technolo#y unless you've %een scanned and cleared.

    DW I$ the si#nal is out there tryin# to do its ma#ic, then can't it, in$ect, in any !ay that it

    !ants What does it need to %e in a person o! does that a&ect the !ay that it !ors

    C Well, the person is used as a *roan horse to #et past the %asically shieldin# de$enses that

    eep it out.

    DW I see. So there's a $orce (eld that !ill %loc the )I %ut i$ it can %e stored inside a person,

    such as throu#h nanites, then they can actually de$eat that shield.

    C Correct.

    DW 03. 4o! you said somethin# e5tremely provocative in the last episode that I'd lie to #et

    %ac to, and that is tell us a#ain the story a%out these Draco. o! did they (nd the Draco

    %odies that had )I in them o! did that happen

    C Well, to #et there I really need to start at the %e#innin#. When I !as at aiam the last

    time $or a !ee, shootin# the (rst episodes, in my a%sence +ieutenant Colonel onales !as

    tased to attend t!o maor meetin#s in my a%sence. 0ne o$ them !as !ith a #roup that I had

    honestly re$used to #o and visit a#ain, and this !as the Draco )lliance -ederation.

    I had had a very, very horri%le encounter !ith one o$ !hat is descri%ed as a White Draco

    oyal, !hich is a reptilian %ein# that is 17 $eet tall, has a vesti#ial tail, vesti#ial !in#s, and is

    e5tremely, e5tremely po!er$ul. I have inter$aced, !hich is !hat !e call, as !e've said %e$ore,
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    communicatin# telepathically !ith nonhumans.

    I had inter$aced !ith a num%er o$ %ein#s and had never had such an invasive communication

    e5perience that I did !ith this one.

    DW 4o!, !hy !ould these lovin# sphere %ein#s that !anted you to %e their dele#ate, !hy

    !ould they as you to have to #o in there and have a meetin# !ith !hat !ould %e the

    %iolo#ical e8uivalent o$ the devil

    C It's part o$ the o%.

    DW /ou had told me %e$ore that99 %ecause I remem%er !hen this !as happenin#, !e !ere

    talin# a%out this on Sype. /ou !ere ori#inally #oin# to #o in and then the meetin# #ot

    canceled. )nd I thin it !as the sphere %ein#s that called it o&.

    C /es. I !as e5pected to %e piced up, I !as actually contacted and told this has %een

    canceled. I !as piced up and %rou#ht in the usual manner, !ith the %lue sphere's %ein#s, the

    little or%s.

    DW Could you ust a#ain %rie:y descri%e !hat happens

    C In my room, a %lue little sphere, or%, comes into the room and ips around until I

    acno!led#e it and let it no! that I'm ready to %e transported.

    DW So you #et out o$ %ed or #et dressed

    C et out o$ %ed, #et dressed, !hatever needs99 $or that occasion. )nd then it ips to a%out

    1; inches $rom my chest, stops, and then in the t!inlin# o$ an eye, e5pands to !here I am

    no! inside o$ it and I am :oatin# directly in the center o$ it. )nd then it shoots throu#h the

    !all and o& into space into one o$ the #iant %lue spheres !here either one or three o$ the ,


    C 4o.

    DW )nd !hat !as it that happened on Decem%er >, 2?17 that !as such a #ame chan#er

    C *here !as !hat !e're callin# an outer %arrier erected %y the sphere %ein#s that

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    encompasses the entire solar system, and it reaches out $ar %eyond the heliosphere. It is

    pretty $ar out. )nd it eeps any %ein#s $rom comin# in and any $rom leavin#. It is a


    DW What a%out radio communications or those types o$ thin#s

    C *here's %een a lot o$ con$usion a%out that. *hese 8uantum correlated communication

    devices have !ored that the Secret Space =ro#ram people have %een a%le to contact the

    alactic +ea#ue o$ 4ations pro#ram to try to tal !ith them, to try to ne#otiate allo!in# them

    %ac into the solar system. So I don't no! !hat all other #roups99 i$ !e have that type o$

    communication technolo#y, surely some o$ these more advanced #roups do too. the diameter o$

    the moon in sie !ith !hat loos lie a red %eam #oin# up to it. So !hat !ere !e seein#


    C What occurred is there are three di&erent sied spheres $rom the Sphere )lliance. 0ne is

    the sie o$ the moon, one is the sie o$ 4eptune, one is the sie o$ Aupiter. *his is one o$ the

    ones that !as the sie o$ the moon and !as in $airly close to Earth.

    DW 4o! normally, !e couldn't see it !ith a telescope.

    C i#ht. It !as99

    DW It !as cloaed.

    C 99it !as cloaed.

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    %een that

    C *hat's !here I !as told it !as. It's liely in one o$ the99 not =ine ap proper, %ut one o$

    the99 they have =ine ap and ind o$ lie you have )rea >1 and S7, they have a lot o$ areas

    lie that, %ut one o$ their !eapons testin# $acilities close to there.

    DW So this must have %een e5tremely demoraliin# $or the Ca%al. Were they e5pectin# to #et

    a %i# li#ht sho! and actually %lo! up the sphere Is that !hat they !ere hopin# to do

    C /es.

    DW )nd instead they #ot instant arma spanin#.

    C /es.

    DW So a lot o$ hi#h level people died in this.

    C /es, very hi#h level people $rom !hat they call the Ca%al !ere present $or this !eapons

    test, and there !ere some e5traterrestrials that !ere there, as !ell, that !ere here on Earth

    that !ere en#ineers that !ere helpin# develop this, that had a vested interest in this.

    DW o! soon did this outer %arrier #o up a$ter this happened

    C It !as almost immediately.

    DW Well, I ust have to point out ho! interestin# it is !ith the +a! o$ 0ne material that they

    are al!ays talin# a%out ho! !ith their =rime Directive, or the la! o$ $ree !ill, that they

    cannot tae an o&ensive action.

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    DW 03.

    C )nd #ettin# %ac to onales, as soon as I #ot %ac $rom that !ee o$ doin# videos here, I

    !as contacted %y onales, and he told me, I've had 8uite a time. e said, I !as %rou#ht to

    meet the Draco )lliance -ederation, and I also sat in on one o$ the Super -ederation

    con$erences. )nd I !as very surprised, %ut apparently he did a very #ood o%.

    e immediately told me he apolo#ied %ecause he thou#ht that I had e5a##erated thee5perience !ith the White oyal Draco and !hen inter$acin# !ith it, it !as such an invasive99

    it !as lie micro!aves penetratin# my $rontal lo%e, and it #ra%%ed ahold and held me there,

    held me in place !hen it communicated !ith me. It !as very invasive. It !as unlie any type

    o$ other communication.

    )nd !hen it did so, everythin# else I lost99 I !as no lon#er payin# attention to anythin# else.

    )nd its eyes !ere constantly morphin# and chan#in# colors99 %lue, red, all colors99 and its slit

    pupil !as #oin# !ide to !here its eyes !ere #ettin# %lac. )nd then it !as ust very, very

    invasive. )nd in his situation, he had come in and this #roup, this Ca%al, pretty much #roup or

    Secret Earth syndicate #roup called the Committee o$ 2?? that !e had dealt !ith %e$ore, had

    their leadership there, and they call themselves the chairmen.

    DW Well, I !ant to interrupt you %ecause the vie!er may not no!, !hat !as the demand o$

    the !hite reptilian !hen you met it the (rst time What !as it asin# you What !as it


    C In my meetin#, it started o& !ith demands and then !anted me to %rin# proposals to the


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    DW So it's possi%le that there could have %een a de$ection o$ 1@B third o$ their mem%ers.

    C Could %e.

    DW 03. So they're !illin# to #ive every%ody up and then all o$ the Ca%al people (nd out this

    !as done.

    C /es.

    DW *hat must have %een very upsettin# to them.

    C /es. )nd this immediately caused a lot o$ splinterin# and in(#htin# amon# all o$ these

    Ca%al #roups and syndicate #roups.

    DW ndou%tedly.

    C )nd they !ere turnin# on each other. *his is also !hen a lot o$ these Ca%al #roups started

    to turn state's !itness, I #uess you !ould say. *hey !ould de$ect to the Secret Space =ro#ram

    )lliance and %rin# !ith them a treasure trove o$ evidence a#ainst the Secret Earth

    overnment )lliance and #ive a promise to testi$y a#ainst them in $uture hearin#s i$ they

    !ere #ranted o& !orld sanctuary and an o& !orld !itness protection pro#ram $or them and

    their $amilies.

    So all this stu& occurred, and it'd %een a %i# mess. So that ind !as important to as. *hat

    sets the scene $or !hen onales came.

    DW /ou and I !ere here !orin#, so the Sphere

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    previously, a #iant, hu#e honor #uard o$ soldier reptilians holdin# these lon# sta&ed !eapons

    !ith %lades at the end that looed almost lie %roads!ords. )nd they !ere standin# there

    !ith their $eet a%out shoulder !idth apart, standin# there ind o$ lie at attention. )nd %ehind

    them !ere mantid %ein#s and some other insect %ein#s that !ere standin# in some sort o$

    loose $ormation. )nd then they !ere !aled, and in the middle o$ this $ormation !as standin#

    the same White eptilian oyal Draco.

    DW )nd this is %asically the head o$ the !hole Draco, the num%er one.

    C So he claimed.

    DW 03.

    C )nd he immediately #ra%%ed a hold o$ onales' mind, and onales said it noced him

    %ac on his heels.

    DW Wo!.

    C onales said %e$ore that point he !as sure that I !as e5a##eratin#. )nd at this point, it99

    in no uncertain terms it told him, repeat everythin# I'm sayin# so everyone can hear. It saidthat

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    DW So no! they're #oin# to push much harder than they !ere %e$ore.

    C *hey made this threat.

    DW i#ht.

    C )nd he made all sorts o$ #randiose threats and then %roe o& contact !ith onales and

    turned a!ay. )nd then him and his !hole dele#ation ust marched out99 lum%ered out o$ theroom is the !ay onales descri%ed it. )nd onales had a hu#e headache, he !as

    nauseated, all the symptoms I had a$ter!ards, and he !as ust !antin# to #et the hec out o$


    )nd as they !ere leavin# the !ay they came in, that same chairman person !as !alin#

    them out, tellin# them ho! serious it !as that they99 more theater, he said99 ho! serious it

    !as that they listen and tae up the o&er that this White oyal had o&ered. )nd they !ent

    %ac, !ent up to the roo$, #ot in their vessel, and :e! %ac to #ive the report.

    DW Sounds lie the Draco actually #ave a!ay a very impressive secret, a very valua%le

    !eaness, that they have an e5tradimensional overlord that they ans!er to.

    C i#ht. )nd this e5tradimensional overlord99 also onales leaned $or!ard. e said, !e

    %elieve this e5tradimensional overlord is also responsi%le $or the E*@ED )I threat. e said,

    there's a lot comin# to#ether ri#ht no! that has %een speculation, and intelli#ence has %een

    leadin# to!ards $or a lon# time. e said, %ut this !as a very %i# con(rmation.

    )nd I ased i$ these reptilians, the Draco, i$ they !ere )I prophets. )nd he said, either that or

    they're !orin# side %y side.

    DW Does the Space =ro#ram )lliance have a plan to de$eat the e5tradimensional overlords o$

    the Draco Is there a !ay to cleanse us o$ this )I /ou mentioned the )I is seein# threats

    a#ainst itsel$ in the $uture

    C /es. *o ans!er your 8uestion real 8uicly, and I cannot #et into it, there is a plan to

    cleanse the Earth and the solar system o$ all )I si#nal.

    DW So !e'll %e completely $ree o$ this

    C /es.

    DW )nd is this ain to the archetypal notion !here i$ you yan the %rain out $rom the central

    ne5us, then all the drones ust collapse over

    C )ll o$ )I !ill %e taen out in this one move that lie I said, I can't #et into.

    DW Without that si#nal, !hat !ill happen to the %ein#s that are loaded up !ith nanitesC *he nanites !ill ust %e dormant.

    DW So i$ those %ein#s are $eedin# on the nanites, i$ there's some sort o$ sym%iosis, it !ould

    %e really %ad $or them.

    C /es. )nd this leads us into some other discussions a%out etheric %ein#s that are also

    #oin# to %e driven %ac to !hat they call the outer realms and humans that have these entity

    attachments, that have sym%iotic relationships !ith these entity attachments, and ho!

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