Cosmic Café Magazine Feb 07


Transcript of Cosmic Café Magazine Feb 07

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We must learn to respect Mother Earth. YOU ARE A PART OF THE SOLUTION, OR

YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Take a stand and make a choice today

Welcome to FEB the month of love. For me it’s a FULL packed month. The end of the month Feb 25 to march 3rd is the UFO CONGRESS in Laughlin. I know I will be seeing many of you there. those that have not already signed up to join us there is still time to do so. Click on the web page and see the line up of fantastic speakers. On Feb 26th from 4pm to 5pm I will be on the JERRY PIPPIN RADIO SHOW doing a talk. I will be talking on ET Astrology Charts. Have you had a connection or not. If you make it to the show make note of this magazine to me to receive a free thank you gift. I'm so busy getting ready for the UFO Congress that this issue is going to be a short one. Here it is Feb 6th and I'm still trying to get this out the door. However if you make it to the UFO Congress, I am doing some readings as well as Betsy Carlsen will be doing readings, and check out the goodies at the booth I have made and bought for your pleasure and fun. There is something for Everyone. We are BOOTH 31 right next to Wendelle Stevens at BOOTH 30. Speaking of Wendelle he has some DVD’s now for sale. The contact movie is back, as well as the out takes and a few others. Also there is a few extra ebooks out, look for NEW EBOOKS on the page, The COSMIC CAFÉ web page is up finally, and lots of great links to go to and find FREE things. Let see how many can become the ripple in the water and make a difference in YOUR life and the life of OTHERS. Do you have a interest to have a full years worth of issues, you can buy the year for $15.00 for back issues. 2004 HOT SPRINGS IN AMERICA issue 2005 GENERAL IINTEREST 2006 ASTROLOGY issue for back issues I have added more things to the INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGERS page, lots of interest items there. Finally the 2007 calendars are ready for your order at I'm am making a different type of post here. School education has become dangerous at best, and more people are looking to home school their children. Now this is where it gets really interesting, and I'm going to go a step further with it. Do you have children K to 12, and you would like to home school them? Think about this, I have teachers who want to “TEACH” children and give them the education that will send them to college one day. Home school is the key word here. Now if you and say another family had kids and wanted to have them home schooled, no more then 6 kids total, I have teachers who are interested. Now I am talking Licensed

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Educators who want to teach. Lets face it, they are just afraid of the schools now as you are. But here we can come together and start something new and old. Remember the 1800’s, little house on the prairie, small school, and a teacher to educate them all. If your interested in Private Homes School and you’re a PARENT or you’re a EDUCATOR then let me know and Ill post a place on my web page to connect you all up. Its time to TAKE BACK our Children, and HELP THEM to be come BETTER PEOPLE. And lets face it, the schools are not offering that anymore. When Drugs, Guns, and Gangs become common words for education and schools. Then what happened to the 3 R’s as well as Creative arts? Home schooled kids now are smarter, and can go on to Stanford, Harvard, Yale. When I look at what is at school now, I would NEVER send my kids into that snake pit. Change needs to be made, and soon it will, but right now it is at the cost of your child education. All Teachers MUST agree to being SCREENED by a POLICE CHECK as well as references. Let me know if anyone is interested. Keep those Email coming, I love to hear from each of you. Safe travels in 2007.. Blessings for the New year Cece Stevens

Solar Pioneer Homeland Security Report

By Ted Denmark, Jan. 25, 2007, Dowds Hill, CA The basic needs that most people have today are for food, water, shelter, electricity and solid, liquid or gas fuels whether they are urban, suburban or rural based. In America our inherited democratic freedoms for lifestyle choice, to the extent they still exist, allow us to pursue a way of life that we feel is desirable and suitable for ourselves, our families and perhaps our friends and associates. I think one of the main reasons why many Americans still feel so vulnerable is that they (we) are nearly completely dependent for virtually all of these necessities on the complex and possibly fragile interactions of large, distant market-driven corporate or multinational enterprises with often equally distant, unpredictable government bureaucraciesthis is the post WW II pattern of fear, uncertainty and occasionally (?) paranoia raised to new heights and depths by more scary circumstances like 911 in the digital brave new world of Century 21. Many lifestyle advantages have accrued from new technologies and the resultant division of labor to exploit those efficiencies since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and the complex sorting and evaluation of these various advantages and disadvantages will continue for the duration of our efforts to survive and prosperif we are able to continue to do so. As a designer, technologist and long time advocate for as much self-sufficient, independent living as can be made to fit, I have been engaged for more than three decades in developing an approach to achieving a high quality lifestyle that is both sustainable and as self sufficient as possible relative to the current level of available appropriate technologies. Today this topic continues to gain currency as additional puzzle pieces have appeared for integration: advances in utilization of the solar power cell, newer storage battery technologies (they need to get better still!), more trouble-free wind energy turbines, the networked personal computer, the hybrid power train for transportation, water purification technologies, and many others in rapid development or becoming available such as wide area wireless broadband connectivity.

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These small-scale enabling technologies have begun a kind of revolutionary decentralization and democratization of energy generation and utilization that will undoubtedly continue to progress as additional technologically driven social, economic and political breakthroughs occur. But we have already come to a point where existing off-the-shelf products have evolved beyond the early adopter stage to that of general availability and suitability. If you are genuinely interested in what you can do for yourself and your culture that might be helpful as part of the solution for the energy crisis and the mounting threat of global warmingthat goes beyond just buying a new hybrid car, even if that might be a really good ideathen it may be time for you to participate in one of the great adventures of the post modern world: becoming a local producer of your own lifestyle necessities on the solar homestead as part of your main job description. It would be Ok too if you are very busy and just want to put solar power panels on your house as a future investment payoff, wholly maintained by someone else, but it’s not as much fun. If we combine the new decentralized energy technologies such as solar and wind power with the appropriate technologies of an earlier era, that of small-scale farming or gardening, then we have what forms the core of a self-sufficient producer lifestyle whose time has come for those who have not fallen completely into the condition of passive consumerism in trade for outside the home, commuting to full-time or multiple job employmentor who want to try to rebound out. Our subject here is complex with many side issues, but giving a short account of my own modest personal effort would likely add detail to make the picture clearer. I have an off-the-grid solar home that I've been building and working on for 16 years, which I call a Solar Homestead Mini-farm or Solar Farmette; it's located just below 4,000 feet on about 6 moderately steep acres with a small orchard of 40 trees (apple, pear, cherry, persimmon, peach, and a few odd nut trees, berries and grapes), a 2500 square foot garden with plans for an eventual green house attachment that I'm getting much closer to building now that the house itself is nearing completion (unless I get more ambitious plans …). It is all organic, making the quality of the fruit and produce as good as any I've ever eaten. I'm in a very pretty area of the California Mother lode in a little banana belt just inside the river canyon of the middle fork of the Stanislaus with views of the high ski ridges near Big Trees State Park, a short distance from the towns of Murphys and Arnold. The prize of the place is a year round spring that produces about 500 gallons of water a day which I solar slow pump up the hill to a storage tank that gravity feeds both domestic and irrigation water back down. It is a virtual paradise on earth not in greatly abundant supply at any price, and I realize I’m very lucky to have found such a place after a dedicated search. I grew up mostly on a small family farm in central Oklahoma, so I got the green-thumb basics early from my hardworking grandfather and have attempted to apply it here on a smaller scale to reach a compromise between growing something oneself that is both valuable enough to justify the effort and also suitable to the bio-region (tree farming on steep terrain) but yet not becoming a slave to full agricultural production with large animals and tilled crops the way he wasall on a small residential scale for couple, family or small community group (you might

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not get to think of yourself as a cowboy or cowgirl, but it’d still work for you in your western wear outfit). I wouldn’t mind having the raw milk and cream of those dairy cattle we had on our farm, but, oh, the sacrifice required of the dairyman and baker … It could be that a community level of co-operative work sharing might apply to get dairy product, but this could turn out to be tricky to organize, even among motivated friends. Fortunately raw dairy is still legal in California if somewhat expensive, and we have a near-local supplier of raw dairy products from grass-fed cattlethe story of the value of raw dairy is itself an interesting but too long detour. We have plenty of sun here in our heavily forested Central Sierra foothill area (even if the commercial clear cutting loggers with governmental assistance are legally decimating the area at a rapid pace) so my solar-electric power panel array with passive solar space heating and wood stove backup works out fairly well (yes, I’m aware of the woodstove pollution problem, but we can still tolerate it out here in our low density area, though there may be a pellet stove in my future). The soil, though shallow and thin like typical mountain soils, is reasonably fertile with a few amendments like organic turkey manure, so it's a fair game (we have wild turkeys in the area too) to keep up with essential soil building while limiting erosion. Altogether this is a rather more productive place providing its own water, electrical power, some food and recycled sewage and compost, than the ordinary urban/suburban houseor rural ranch housebut also relatively comfortable with the usual amenities (with plans for including an eventual dance, music and video studio) and the usual communications suspects: telephone, radio, television and dial-up Internet with satellite dish or eventual Wimax (long distance radio frequency Wifi) broadband as an eventual option. I’m still holding out on satellite television because I get good enough broadcast reception from my amplified hilltop antenna from the Sacramento PBS channel and the Monterrey NBC channel even though they are both more than a hundred miles away. I probably wouldn’t have time or really want to spend more than a couple hours a day watching television anyway. It would be nice to have the faster satellite Internet upgrade here in the dialup ghetto, but dialup is still good enough except for video transfers, and they may turn out to be best sent as blu-ray disks via the paper mail trail (like Netflix) unless you are a working video producer (one of my ambitions). The two buried telephone lines were the essential starters already in place when I arrived to purchase this property that will probably always be off the grid, though the power poles are less than a mile awaythe cost of bridging even this short distance runs to several thousands of dollars. I wouldn’t mind if an eventual larger local community wanted to ante up and pay a shared costpower grid connectivity will always be a good option (as long as it is there and I sincerely hope it will not be targeted and disrupted by terrorists of any persuasionone of the probably most subliminally feared things today). Admittedly this attempt at a more energy independent, self sufficient lifestyle has been a lot more work than most people would want or could manage, but the physical exercise gained has been of some significant value to me compared to ordinary sedentary urban/suburban day job occupations like office work with a need for "going to the gym" to maintain fitness (of course you might meet someone interesting there, but …). But on those days when I find out that the electrical power is down and out in the local Highway 4 corridorwhich usually

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happens at least once every winter, I am able to feel a bit more justification for all those times I had to go out to sweep snow off my panels in wintertime (they are tipped down to shed snow, but there is often some frozen residue that sticks). I’ve never had a self-inflicted power outage at my place in all the time I’ve been here, even though I didn’t have quite enough of the best quality power in the early days when I was still building up my system of panels and equipment. One of my finest moments as a solar pioneer occurred when I upgraded my original “square wave” power inverter to a “smart” sine wave four-kilowatt power plant with in-house remote controlall the radios, TVs, stereos and electric motors gratefully stopped their subliminal sixty-cycle hum that my sensitive ears had suffered from the beginning. And I can turn this power system completely off at night or as I need to during the powerful lightning storms we sometimes have in our area. This kind of arrangement does have its own learning curve and is probably more suitable for someone who is sufficiently mechanical and technically savvy while managing home-based employment for essential cash income, but I am close enough to a small local job market to take various outside jobs as they arise. I still feel much too dependent on gasoline for our car and two trucks, but the availability of plug-in hybrid transportation appears to be getting closer (Toyota admits to be working on this as a priority). When it does arrive, it will be just a matter of adding enough solar panels to the one and a half kilowatts I currently have on line to charge the additional batteries. Since we don’t usually drive more than 50 miles on a typical day, unless we go to the San Francisco Bay Area on a shopping/mini-vacation trip, an eventual stable of two plug-in hybrids and maybe one old four cylinder “gas sipper” as backup would be optimal. I haven’t yet gotten involved with bio-diesel fuels (there aren’t many fast food places out here in the sticks to get the deep-fry discard oil) and for the time being will leave that for Willy Nelson to trouble shoot. I have been collecting glass from fogged sliding glass doors and windows for several years now with an eye to eventually cobbling them together into a near all-year-round food and heat producing greenhouse adjoining the eastern and southern sides of the main house. In fact this has been the driving force of my expectation almost from the beginning. When I am feeling temperamentally impatient or unhappy, it is this lack that seems the most in need of assuaging. Such a solarium/greenhouse (which I had built early in the cycle of my first solar owner/builder house in the Colorado mountains during the 1970’s), in addition to being of great utility, is also a magical environment to just experience in the middle of a bed of leafy salad greens on a cold but sunny winter day (and also another bunch of work). Sitting at the dining room table in the comfort of bright morning sun for breakfast after a cold winter night is not too bad either, not to mention not having to start a fire in the woodstove till the Sun goes behind the hill in late afternoon. Seeing a real fire through the glass doors of the upstairs living room wood stove in winter provides a warmth that ducted central heating will never begin to match (maybe not video games or a screen saver showing a burning video fire either). Our climate here is relatively mild, particularly since the advent of global warming, and has gotten noticeably warmer in the last seven years. Mostly gone are the days of windy blizzards and heavy snows that predominated when I first arrived just sixteen years ago. Most local folk that I know like the short-term milder

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weather but realize that the long-term results may be the greatest challenge we all face. For example the hottest day I ever witnessed in the area occurred last summer with a reading of 106 F (a record 116 in the big valley in Modesto!). In previous years it had only reached near 100 degrees here on a few of the hottest days. The solar-powered swamp cooler will probably be just as important in Summer for minimal comfort as the Sierra snow pack declines, just like the solar space heating/woodstove combo in Winter. I believe that the advantages of essential energy and food production are inherently valuable, but if there is an additional benefit of environmental preservation, then it becomes that much more desirable for early “solar pioneers” like myself to try to demonstrate the viability of such an arrangement. I have also been enamored of wind power, and purchased one of the small wattage “wind genies” with built-in charge controller to put atop a long steel pipe anchored in a big chunk of concrete, and though it is an admirable piece of kinetic sculpture above the vineyard just uphill from the house that makes me happy when I see it spinning up in a windstorm, the amount of power produced by the prevailing light southerly breezes is usually negligible. Larger scale wind power on my hilltop would probably be feasible but the difficulty of raising a tower at a distance of about three hundred yards uphill from the house with the resulting need for AC power transmission back down is still too costly. Even though these modest “stepping stone” technologies such as the flat plate silicon solar panel and the small wind turbine, are currently worth implementing in many locations with sufficient hours of sun and wind, eventually there will appear more efficient panels and optically enhanced devices, making for smaller sized arrays, and marginally more efficient wind turbines. But beyond that I feel confident that we can look forward to a number of radically new technologies that will go far beyond these early practical inventions. It’s already a vast worldwide effort, mostly still secretive, to produce power with novel physical effects with permanent magnet and capacitive discharge motors up to truly exotic cold fusion and superconductivity spin-offs that leverage a small direct current voltage such as that produced by a solar panel or wind genie, to provide a continuous power stream ten times greater in return. It is only a matter of time before some of these demonstrated laboratory effects of quantum energy phenomena and the like, become available for experimentation and eventual commercialization. Naturally the powerful commercial/industrial/governmental complex does not want to see these potentially revolutionary technologies competing fairly for dollars in energy markets with their mega-investments in existing energy infrastructure so the prospects for implementation will remain dicey for some time yet. Home-based electrical power production that runs the utility meter backwards in competition with the regional established utility remains a political hot button issue as California’s recently re-invented superhero governor now attempts to blaze a new trail with solar power subsidies obviously at variance with the corporate lobbyist dominated Washington power structure. The worldwide demand for solar panels continues to increase so the prices are not coming down either as earlier hoped while Germany and Japan purchase the lion’s share of the current production along with California and the sunny Southwest. But in the meantime the needed experience to be gained from this preliminary decentralization of power and food production will allow for the start of a number

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of forces acting in favor of increased autonomy and democratization of cultures around the world, just as early space exploration with missiles using chemical rockets have allowed the needed early infrastructure of novel engineering technologies to gain the necessary foothold for initial exotic materials development, satellite communications, space medicine, etc. in preparation for future propulsion technologies (which, as we know, have also not officially arrived yet). The last decade of the 20th Century may have lulled us into believing that an inevitable abundant technological future lay just a few years ahead for our nation, if not so soon for the world at large, on a continuous path of rational decision making towards increasing efficiency and wealth. Today we are much more likely to be aware of the unexpected irrationalities and dangers of world conflict generated by competition for existing non-renewable energy resources. If anything, this awareness should probably accelerate the keenness of our move towards renewable energy sources such as solar and wind that can be managedon an individual residential basisas a major lifestyle issue. Of course not everyone (probably not even very many as we have observed) can become solar pioneer food and energy producers in the short term, but a cultural bias towards independence and self-sufficiency will induce more Americans, and indeed people all over the world, to explore this approach. The many millions of people who are now able to make use of cell phone communication without a need to pay for installation and maintenance of copper wire to their residences will also see the advantages of producing their own electric power locally, also without having to pay for the additional copper wire transmission infrastructure above or below groundnot to mention paying for more centralized power plants with their deadly pollution from nuclear or fossil fuels. This goes over again for local food production when it comes time to pay the increasing costs of distant transport. There are even problems with centralized hydroelectric power, which surprised me at first blush, though it still retains a major cost advantage in the Pacific Northwest region (witness the location of the new Google mega-server farm beside the Columbia in rural eastern Oregon). The marriage of newer and older appropriate technologies together in this idea of a Solar Homestead has been a viable option since the enthusiastic expectations of the late Sixties and early Seventies, though progress has been slower than most of us thought would likely occur. For a while it looked as if it could be a possible resuscitation for the long-failing family farm and the consequent rise of agribusiness with rural to urban population flight across the country and around the world. One of the more notably depressing observations I can remember when I first arrived in California in the early Sixties, was that nearly all the agricultural workers appeared to be Hispanicincluding many Mexican immigrantsthe dominant class of non-Hispanic white European-Americans no longer did food production farm work even on the world’s most valuable and productive farm land! We must be grateful for their hard work, but the loss of socio-economic status for food production work, whether because of the dangers of widespread pesticide use in the fields or just the hardship of dusty repetitive work all day in the hot sun compared to the air-conditioned office, leading to the consequent production of an easily identified underclass, seemed ominous for

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our future. But pioneers of any generation have to pay the dues of early adopter status somewhere just as our early wagon train and seafaring pioneers did. As usual most things turn out to be more complicated than anyone could have imagined, and there is no telling if we will remain on this slow transition plateau, as we have been, for very many additional years or whether new technologies will continue to appear to compete with the older more familiar deliverables, making the delay an advantage after all. Or whether anyone, particularly the younger generations who will soon be in charge when the Boomers retire, will even be interested enough to take time from their entertainment agendas if it doesn’t garner obvious double digit short-term profitability (I am confident they will find their niche if only by necessity). It may take $100 a barrel oil to finally shock us into a realization that unless the American military can guarantee the continued flow of cheap oil to the multinational conglomerates and retail consumersnow increasingly in questionthey, and we, will have to make some serious lifestyle choices that mainstream American “exceptionalism” has so far been able to avoid realizing. It was only last year that a congressional leader from Oklahoma was able to openly maintain that global warming was a “hoax” before his defeat in the fall midterm elections. World population has been able to accelerate to its current level of around six billion largely because of abundant cheap oil, and it is likely that it will increase a good deal more before it begins to stabilize (if it ever does). If we are close to the historical peak of oil production as many believe, then we must begin to counter the irresponsible pattern of waste and greed now afflicting the privileged, decision-making classes in all countries. The alternative, now in evidence in some marginal economies and conflicted societies (Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Darfur, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon), appears to be genocide perpetrated on the weak and unarmed have-nots by the aggressively armed and anxious haves. This human wolf pack mentality, whether in individuals or accumulated to a nation state level, has already shown its fanged teeth in the new incivility at home as well as in agonizing bloodshed and massacres abroad. The truth is that at the present time there is not even enough awareness or interest on the part of the majority of American consumers to make the transition from the 19th Century technology of inexpensive but short-lived disposable tungsten filament light bulbs to the initially expensive but long-lived and very efficient compact fluorescents. If we could only convert our obsolescent lighting to this more energy efficient type at a reasonable pace (not to mention LEDS which go the next step to ultra-efficiency), we would not be forced to continually bring new centralized power plants online. We used to have a national government without an energy policy; now we have one with an energy policy overtly blocking conservation (did they used to call themselves conservatives?) and favoring increased production of combustible fuels at any cost for rapid uncontrolled growth insuring continuing short-term financial profits. It is the strategy of the feeding frenzy of mutated cancer cells ravishing their host into oblivion. Can the pitiful helpless giant apply the brakes before driving at full speed over the cliff? We will undoubtedly learn the essential aspects of this response decision in the next decade. Changes of a fundamental or revolutionary nature can probably not be delayed much longer, and we will see many unavoidable consequences of action and inaction, with the usual manifold of

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unintended consequences. I don’t know anyone who is optimistic that it will be a solution we, or the real hardworking pioneers, our American forefathers and mothers, can or could be completely proud of … yet. It may just be that it is still too early in the evolution of homo lupus to homo faber to expect rational decision making on an appropriate time scale horizon, but I’m afraid it may also be a while before the needed DNA upgrade, spiritual realization or whatever is required, might become available. The old-fashioned feedback loop of pain and suffering may continue to rule in the human-animal kingdom until we can decode the virtual message. In the meantime it will surely and securely behoove us to find our own place in the sun, cultivating our solar powered kitchen gardens on the home front while watching the world wag by on our big screen (LED?) TVsif the revolution is indeed televised, contrary to some early hippie ludditesor at least see our wind genies spinning in the breeze. This is self empowerment that is not just a metaphor. Let us hope we can continue to use it to draw sufficient peace of mind that we can do something that will help us muddle through … just in time.

DOME HOMES No current updates on the dome home, Desierto Cúpula in Southern Arizona I'm sure our young couple will be getting back to us in the Spring again. ON a happy note, I have had several readers ask about already built Dome Homes and are looking to buy one. So if you have one and your wanting to sell it, please email the information so I can post it here. Same with Ram built homes. MLS might carry these unique homes, but they don’t really know how to list them correctly. So since this year is about GREEN and living GREEN., then feel free to list your GREEN home here for FREE. Now how is that for a gift?

MONOLITHIC DOME HOMES UPDATES Conference time is almost here! Our 13th annual Monolithic Dome Conference will be held on February 23-24 at the DFW Holiday Inn in Irving, Texas. Reserve your spot now! 2007 Conference News: FEMA Manager Will Address General Session Here's a sneak preview of what you will hear at the Conference when Chuck Gregg, Program Specialist with the Mitigation Division, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, FEMA Region VI, does his presentation. Domes For The World Foundation (DFTW) Continues Its Mission This article defines DFTW's mission, what it's struggling to provide for people in developing countries and how the Monolithic EcoShell answers needs. Warnings and Solutions: Is Anyone Listening? Max Mayfield, retiring Director of the National Hurricane Center, voices his concerns about future natural disasters and how we are handling and mishandling the threat. David B. South, president of Monolithic, agrees and comments. Cloud Hidden Sold A Monolithic Dome luxury home sells during the winter, in about nine months, for more than its appraised value. Read the details.

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Algeria, Africa -- planned 3000 student Monolithic Dome university See pictures of the artist's conception of this facility. Editor's Circle: Installing an ERV in my Home Mike South gives us a step-by-step description of the process he went through when he installed an Energy Recovery Ventilator in his Monolithic Dome home. Downloadable Brochure on Monolithic Dome Bulk Storage Structures You can download the color brochure, "Cement Fly Ash Clinker," published by Dome Technology Inc. of Idaho Falls, Idaho. UCSC Advanced Applicator Certification Training UCSC will be conducting a training program for the spraying of polyurethane foam in Phoenix, Arizona, February 19-22. For more information and to register, please call 800-buyucsc by Feb. 2, 2007. Check It Out - For the latest on Monolithic Domes and related topics, check our website. New articles, profiles and discussions, as well as updates of old ones, are posted often. David B. South, President, Monolithic Dome Institute 177 Dome Park Place Italy, TX 76651 (972) 483-7423, Fax (972) 483-6662 mailto:[email protected] NEW! Photo Journal: A Monolithic Dome in Weatherford, TX This collection includes 26 photos of the building of a 50' x 18 Monolithic Dome that has 4 large augments and 2 standard-size ones. NEW! Almost Everything You Wanted To Know About Monolithic Dome Churches This very detailed article answers many questions for people contemplating a Monolithic Dome church. NEW! The Road to a Home with Start of Construction Checklist Thinking about a Monolithic Dome Home? This is a must-read. Al Schwarz's Robot Ranch Make a virtual visit to a complex of 7 interconnected, earth-sheltered Monolithic Domes.

SCIENCE , SPACE AND TECHNOLOGY Science/Astronomy: * New T-ray Device to Explore Obscure Cosmic Radiation A miniscule sensor could lead to a better understanding of the formation of new stars, planets, and the hole in the ozone layer by studying an obscure wavelength of radiation. * Neptune May Have Thousands of Escorts

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Neptune may be escorted in its orbit by thousands of asteroid-like objects, perhaps more than exist in the entire asteroid belt. * Andromeda Involved In Ancient Galactic Collision Streams of glittering stellar gems on the outer edges of Andromeda are remnants of an ancient galactic collision that helped shape the spiral galaxy. * Study: Surface of Mars Devoid of Life The last refuge for Martian life, if it exists, might be deep below the planet?s surface and beyond the reach of any currently planned missions, according to a new study. * Image of the Day: COROT Sees First Light The first light detected by COROT comes from the constellation of the Unicorn near Orion, the great ?hunter? whose imposing silhouette stands out in the winter nights. * Finding New Worlds: Theoretical Conjecture Versus Hands-on Astronomy There is ongoing theoretical debate regarding how and where to spot other worlds circling distant stars. And there are new ground and in-space observational tools that are locking into real-time data. * The Moon and Saturn Get Together Watching the full Moon rise over the east-northeast horizon on Friday evening, Feb. 2, you will probably notice a rather bright yellowish-white ?star? shining sedately just above and to the Moon?s right. That object is not a star, however, but the planet Saturn. * Mammoth Cloud Engulfs Titan?s North Pole A mammoth cloud half the size of the contiguous United States and spotted on Saturn?s moon Titan might be what?s filling up lakes discovered there last year, scientists say. * Image of the Day: Jupiter From Mars The most powerful camera ever sent to Mars has gas giant envy. -----------------------------------

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Spaceflight: * LIVE Coverage: Spacewalkers to Overhaul ISS Cooling System Today Spacewalkers Michael Lopez-Alegria and Sunita Williams have completed their pre-breathing activities for today's planned extravehicular activity (EVA) outside the International Space Station (ISS). * Sea Launch Rocket Explodes During Launch The first launch of 2007 by Sea Launch Company LLC ended in failure when the Zenit 3SL launch vehicle carrying the SES New Skies NSS-8 telecommunications satellite was destroyed as it was lifting off from the company?s mobile launch platform in the Pacific Ocean. * NASA Chief Cleared in One Probe, Florida Spaceport Faulted in Another A federal watchdog agency has closed its investigation into whether NASA's chief administrator violated the law when he urged an audience to support former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. * NASA: Hubble Space Telecope's Main Camera Offline, Some Science Lost The Hubble Space Telescope?s primary camera is offline, with some science capabilities likely lost for good, NASA officials said Monday. * No Free Ride to Space for Contest Winners Brian Emmett's childhood fantasy came true when he won a free trip to outer space. He was crushed when he had to cancel his reservation because of Uncle Sam. * NEW! Daily Space Trivia One of Today's 5 New Questions: What is used as a reflective coating on the space suit helmet visor? ---------------------------------- NEW! * Europe's First Stegosaurus Discovered

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The find supports the idea that Europe and North America were once connected by a series of temporary land bridges that allowed dinosaurs to cross. * Geologists Watch as African Continent is Torn Apart Seismic activity is tearing Africa apart and scientists are geared up to watch the ripping landscape in an unprecedented set of observations.

HUMOR IN LIFE A man and woman had been married for many years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about. For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money. He asked her about the contents. "When we were to be married," she said, "my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll." The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness. "Honey," he said, "That explains the dolls, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?" "Oh," she said, "That's the money I made from selling the dolls."

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The Ultimate Dutch Oven is the hottest, fastest cooking accessory on the market. Combining old-style outdoor flavor and modern cooking technology, this advanced cast iron black pot is quickly becoming known as “the outdoor microwave.” Cast iron is a great heat conductor, transferring and holding heat, or cold. The convection-style Ultimate

Dutch Oven has taken traditional meals to gourmet levels. These simple tips will help you get the most from your new Ultimate Dutch Oven. Preparing Cast Iron for Use: Place your cast iron upside down on your Camp Chef outdoor cooker, a barbecue, or in your home oven. When burning off the wax on your cookware the wax will smoke. This step is best done outside to avoid excess smoke in the kitchen. When smoking stops, remove from heat. When cool, wash your oven thoroughly with a citrus based soap and water. Be sure to rinse and dry completely. (Note: Soap can remove the seasoning of your cast iron if you don’t restore it after cleaning. Saturate a clean cloth rag with Camp Chef Cast Iron Conditioner. Coat all surfaces of the cast iron. Place on or in heat source upside down and heat to 375° - 400°F. Cookware will smoke as the seasoning bakes. As smoking begins to slow remove from heat. Use or let cool and store. After each use, apply a small amount of Camp Chef Cast Iron Conditioner, and thinly coat all surfaces of the cast iron. Over time, this will make your cast iron black—creating a finish called a “patina.” This enhances your cast iron by creating a glass-like finish, giving it a non-stick surface. Temperatures: Avoid rapid changes in temperatures. cast iron will crack and break if taken directly from hot to cold or cold to hot conditions.for recipes requiring both hot and cold temperatures, allow the oven to slowly cool and adjust. Store your Dutch oven in a safe, dry area. We recommend using a Camp Chef Dutch oven carry/storage bag. Convection style cooking relies on the unobstructed flow of hot air. The vent cone in the center of the oven allows the hot air from the burner to enter and flow around the inside of the Ultimate Dutch Oven; cooking the food more quickly and evenly than traditional Dutch Ovens. The center cone also allows the food to cook from the middle outward.The deep dish lid gives plenty of head room for added air circulation while doubling as a deep skillet. The heat cone drives heat into the center of the oven, dispersing and circulating heat throughout, giving superior convection cooking. The heat cone eliminates the use of charcoal for top heat for the majority of dishes. Another great benefit of the convection style design is HEALTHY COOKING. Because the Ultimate Dutch Oven incorporates convection style cooking, it needs no oil or lard to perfectly roast and cook any meal. Your meals are healthy and low in oil when you use Camp Chef's Ultimate Dutch Oven.

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Baked, Stuffed, Chicken Rating Gary Smith Ingredients: 1 roasting chicken (approximately 3 lbs.) Wash well and pat dry. 2 cups bread crumbs 3 strips bacon cooled & crispy (crumble in Dutch oven) 1/4 cup celery diced 1 chicken broth 1 whole onion diced 1 1/2 cups water How to Prepare: Stuff chicken. Place in a 12inch Dutch oven. Place 15 coals on top and 10 underneath. Cook 1 1/2 hours. Dutch Oven Potatoes Rating Gary Coleman & Colleen Bonner Ingredients: 20-25 medium red potatoes fresh parsley 1 - 1 1/2 cubes butter How to Prepare: Quarter potatoes and layer in a greased 12 inch Dutch oven. Salt and Pepper as you layer the potatoes. Cook for approximately 30-45 minutes. Check every 15 minutes to see that they are not cooking too fast. Add 1/4 cup of water if necessary to keep moist. After potatoes are cooked, cover with butter and chopped fresh parsley. CAMP CHEF PRODUCTS, I have added as they have the most reasonable price on them.

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For those that didn’t already know, I have several E-Books and games that I have finished, Back issues of COSMIC CAFÉ 12 full months for $15.00 A year. 2004 Hot springs year 2005 No theme 2006 Astrology year Fun with Polymer Clay 604 pages $15.00 Astro*Magi*Dice Game ISBN 0-934269-02-5 $15.00 Cece's Recipe Jar (3015 PAGES BIG!) ISBN 0-934269-19-X $15.00 ASTRODICE ASTROLOGY DICE GAME $10.00 English, French, German, Spanish

Measure life not by the breath you take, But by the moments that take your breath away.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely

in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand,

wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming

"WOO HOO what a ride!"


Tupperware Consultant's Web site, Jenifer Bulskov.





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Page 18: Cosmic Café Magazine Feb 07