Releaaelee Getel C Mlkef STANFORD KY OCT I 190 WHEN you want tojnnke your lolcc t tlon from largest and most upttl I v date line of post cards go to Po nnys Drug Store PERSONALS Mns E J BROWN Is quite sick MRS J S OWPLEY has Icon quite i- ce tick for some time Mns W H SHANKS Is In Madison county with her parents MR W E PERKINS of Crab Orch ardwas hero Wednesday Mns JAMBS F CUMMINS is visit i relatives In Birmingham Ala- MR H J McRonBRTS spent scveral days In Cincinnati buying Roods Miss RECA BAKER of Mt Vernon was with friends hero this week Miss LUCINDA LUTES has returned I from a visit to Lexington relatives Cot R M JACKSON of Londo was hero yesterday on a business trip MESSRS JAMBS DOOUN and II C- Ingrain of Pulaski wore hero yester- day MESDAMES J W ALCORN and J N- p Saunders spent several days in LouIs- ville l Mn WILL SEVERANCE was at Corbin I this week with his brother Mr A II SeveranceMR B NEVIUS will go to Hot Springs today to try to rid himself oC I rheumatism t MR WINFRED DUNCAN went to ILextnltton yesterday to work for Strader Bros MISSES SARAH SMITH and Mccle 1I0r ton of Wayncsburg were here shop i ping yesterday MR C L PRUITT of Moreland has I I secured a good position at tho Jam < town Exposition MRS JOSEPH COFFKY is with her lis ter Mrs W R Dillion who Is ill at her homo at London REV W S GRINSTEAD and wife oC Versailles are with their daughtc Mrs Kathleen Bcazlcy MR J F CUMMINS was In CinelnnnU several days this week buying Roods for Cummins McClary Miss EUSE WOMACK who has been the guest of Miss Mary McRobertn re- turned to Louisville Tuesday Miss MARY PORTMAN has returned to y her home In Louisville after a protract- ed visit to Miss Pearl Gentry Miss SUSAN FishIER WOODS and lIttlo Pearl Burnsldo Embry are visiting Mrs Sanford M Allen at Millcrsburg tMR B F UNDERWOOD orders his paper changed from Lancaster to Lou- isville where ho Is studying medicine MR J NEVIN CARTER was in St Louis this week to buy a carload of horses but ho fonud them so high he bought none MRS LEVI NuNNELLEYtmddaughle Mrs Robert Nunnelley of Lincoln are visitors at tho homo of JJ Frazure Somerset Journal MR GRANT NORTH of Hustonvill has been appointed clerk in tho Dan vlllo postoffice to succeed Gcorgi Boner who resigned some months ago MISSES PEARL BURNSIDE and Matte Hays Owsloy who have spent tho sum- mer hero and at Crab Orchard Springs returned to their homo at Columbus Ga Tuesday night much to the regret of their many friends here LOCALS I 160 NEW skirts st Severance d Sons SPECIAL prices in Outing Cloth at Severance Sons VPIANo handed for sale This office CLOAK opening Severance j Sons I I I TUB ladies who owe mo for stamping are requested to call and settle Mrs C L Carter I FOR RENTMrs Wallaces property on Danville street apply to L R Hughes Stanford Ky S- Cot J P CHANDLER tho auctioneer will got be hero next court day Oct 14 as ho will cry a big salo nt London on that day SA UIcoln county re- publicans ¬ heard ExGov Bradleya I speech at Lancaster Wednesday Ho spoko to a largo crowd TUB Central Kentucky Real Estate Exchango Title Co has farms of 100 k to 600 acres for sale at a bargain Write or apply for particulars and prices CORSETS No better evidence of service nnrl comfort than the ever increasing sales of American Lady Corsets A shape for every figure anti price for every purse N 3v Ginghams Percales Quadriga Cloth FlannelettesCalicoes HECIEANED teed rye J H Daugh man Co NEW nelU and now Veiling at Sev- erance 8f Sons Go to the bliss os VanDcvccr for styl- Ish and uptodnto millinery TUG postofllce at Celeste Casoy county was discontinued Oct 1 I WANTED 100 to 600 pounds of hon- ey Goo C Coodc Covington Ky SEE tho new Caracal Broadtail Plush and Velvet Coats at Severance Sons FOR SALEA P are Hazolton Bro piano Good one Mrs Mary I Bare JUST rccicvcd a largo line of atov and ranges Call and see them and get prices G Singleton A WAGONETTE full of Negroes went from hero Wednesday to hear ExGov Bradloya speech at Lancaster FOR KENT on Lancaster Street near Main Street Inquire at Muellers jewelry store 10 per month TUB ladles are especially Invited to see our Fall and Winter display of mil Hncry on Friday Oct 4 Misses Van Deveer COMB toe ur Fall need Our every line Is now completi Best values all through and one price to all Cummins McClary E B DENIIAM bought of his lathe W R Denham of Lawton Okla 32 acres of land near Mr I M Braces on Lower Main Street Price private STAMPING Now is the best time to get your work done before the Christ- mas rush 216 East Lexington St with Mrs Anderson Martha A Kendrick Danville MRS G IR Pnu the Morela milliner is back from the cities where she bought largely of Fall and Winter millinery Call at her store and see her pretty stock- CoMrnouscDHenry Logan col- ored who was arrested for Illegally selling whisky on the excursion train to Cincinnati compromised with the au- thorities at Lancaster by paying them 159 Ho was was released from jail JOE NEWELL is building a handsom home on the Coffey farm ho and his brother bought several years ago As there is already a good residence on the place and Mr Newell is a bachelor his friends are wondering what ho Is going to do with the house PROP M 0 WINFREY democratic nominee for Superintendent of Publl Instruction will speak hero Wednes- day next Oct 9 at 1 P u Ho and In J W Newman democratic noml nee for Commissioner of Agriculture vlll speak at Liberty the following af- ternoon MR R F SCUDDEDIts Madison ounty has bought the G R Engle man farm of about ICO acres in the Shelby City section at S57GO Posses ion Jan 1 Mr Scudder is a brother of Mr R S Scudder of McKinney and like him is a good citizen We wel- come him to Lincoln county TUB REGISTRATION In tho towns o1 Stanford Hustonville and Crab Orchard 1C voters registered Tuesday 325 In Stanford 91 in Huatonvillo and 100 In Irab Orchard There was a consider ablo fallingod in each precinct Count- Ing those who registered as Independ- ents as republicans the break is about even between the democrats and repub- licans AT a meeting of the Cumberland Val- ley Land Co Wednesday J S Hock er was reelected president Robert Joyd of London was elected vice resident and J W Hayden of Paris secretary and treasurer All of the di- rectors were present and all were ree- lected save ono and that by an agree- ment A dividend of two per cent was declared YOUNG men and ladles with ambition should learn telegraphy Under tho- new 8hour law which goes into effect next March over 18000 additional legraphers are required by the Rail- roads in tho United States positions pay from 60 to 80 per month to beginners You can qualify in 3 or 4 monthstlme For full details write to- tho National Telegraph Institute ncinnati Ohio GEE ITS COOL Why not he prepared for these cool snaps They arc here every now and then Suits Coats and Skirts They are opon for your inspection All the new styles from the 21inch Caracal Coat to the 50inch Cloth Sec the new Suits in 24inch Jackets to the long 40inch Wo never offered such splendid values before Come and see SEVERANCE Si SON stHynrd FANCY vests will be very popular this fall New styles just received Cummins McClar- yCocEEnnLsI have about 30 Black Minorca Brown Leghorn and Darred Rock cockerels for sale also about two dozen hens Ed Hubbard Stanford TilE Ladles Aid Society of the Christian church will meet with Mrs J W Baughmun at 2 oclock Saturday afternoon A largo attendance Is doslred WE failed to State that Roy S Beazlcy accompanied James R Denzley on the fair circuit and showed many of the horses that won blue ties toy Is a great horseman iFINE FARM ron SALEI have a farm of about 200 acres for i sale It is well improved watered fenced and all necessary outbuildings Apply to J A Rice Moreland Ky R F D No1 140 Lexington and return via Queen Crescent route from Junction City Ky Oct 818 good returning Oct 10th account of Kentucky Trots For In- formation ask Agents or write H C King G P A Lexington Ky IN his speech at Dixon Webllier county Monday lion E T Frank who is to whoop up the republicans In a speech at the courthouse here this afternoon compared Caleb Powers to Bunyan and Powers and Taylor to the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ Now what do you think of that 1 Tile Fourth Annual Reunion at Jen kins old voting place in Casey will be- held Oct 8th under auspices of James Humphrey Post No 81 Department of Kentucky G A R This is a social o caslon soldiers love feast and school of patriotism and should be attended by every one with full baskets of the fruits and milk and honey of the land writes Mr Joab Rigney TILE ladies of the U D C will give a real uptodate Union Depot at W tons Opera House tonight This wl- be a genuine union depot with all the funny scenes and situations one is apt to see in Chicago or any other city The stage will be mode up with Its benches slot machines ticket windows baggage room lunch counter train cull er ticket seller newsbays matron and scrubwomen But the real Interesting and amusing features will be the pas- sengers with their crimollnes band- boxes bird cages and carpet baits There will be old Uncle Josh Hayseed and his good wife about to take the keers to visit their daughter Mal Ann who lives in New York City and puts on airs There will be the long faced deacon preaching several renl sermons to tho worldly passenger There will bo the woman abandoning her baby by thrusting it into the arms oC a dignllled gentleman and disappear- Ing suddenly in tho crowd There wlll be a Mrs Butinsky Carrie Nationani indeed everybody and every characte you can think of IN Hoc Chris Hutchison of Grab Orchard and Lewis Hutchison and Lip pert of NIcholasville all white are In jail charged with shooting at Mr Jas D Gilkerson at Crab Orchard on Mon dny night Hearing something in hid chickens Mr Gilkerson started out In the darkness to ascertain the trouble Soon a volley of bullets came toward him those who wore doing the shooting retreating as they fired On Tuesday Capt Mullikins blood hounds wen rought to the scene and they trailed out the Lancaster pike The three men mentioned above had been together risking the afternoon before and Lew- Is Hutchison and Lippert who had left- for their homes were caught near Dry ntavillc by Marshals Beazley and lIer- ron of Lancaster and brought here and placed in jail Chris Hutchison was also arrested on suspicion and they will havo their examining trials today When arrested Hutchison and Lippert had 12 or 14 gallons of whisky in their rig Chris Hutchison married Miss An- nie Lasley but they separated some tlmo ago Sho makes her home with Mr Gilkeraon Mr Hutchison has heretofore borne a good reputation and- o belief is general that ho got in bad company while under tho influence oi whisky and was guilty of doing things lathe would not havo thought of while sober It was a narrow escape for Mr Gilkerson and if the threo men- are guilty of tho charge against them they will likely have to pay dearly for what they did I I TUB fiscal court ended Its labors yes trrday and the claims allowed will foot up about the average amount Tim ladles of the Presbyterian church of Hustonville will serve meals from 10 A M to 9 P M on election day FOR ico cold soft rinks and fancy groceries fruits candies etc callon V U Morse Jr Hustonville SHANNON Mrs James Shanno who had been an invalid for years died at Junction City a few days ago aged 53 WE have added a clothes cleaning de- partment in the rear of our barbershop and will do your work with neatne and dispatch Cook Farmer JBRRY BRISCOE the Millodgevil merchant has just received an Immense line of Fall and Winter underwea boots shoes etc See his stock Tills office is enjoying an unprece- dented rush of job work The people are rapidly learning where they can get good work done the cheapest and quid oat I HAVE sold my stamping pattern to Miss Maggie Bright and ask the ladies to give her tho liberal patronag they have extended me Mrs C L Carter RESERVED seats are now on sale for the Union Depot which will hold the boards at Waltons Opera Hous tonight Attend this unique entertain ment and help the U D Cs TILE cutting down of the good shad trees in town is not acceptable to the people The city council may have the right to do it but we are very sorry they have seen fit to assert such authority I WILL have my stamping patterns in Severance Sons store New pat terns and flosses will arrive in a fev days and you are invited to call and see them Have your towels sheets and pillow cases stamped now for Christ- mas Miss Maggie Bright TilE Farmers Institute held at the courthouse Tuesday and Wednesday was not very largely attended owing to the good weather and the farmers being very busy but each session was of interest and profit to the tillers of the soil The talks by J A Dobfe of Wapokenlta 0 M F Johnson of Bucchal Ky R M Allen of Lexing ton and W D Zinn of Philippi W Va were all full of Interest and were given careful consideration Mr W H Shanks made a brief talk on Im proving the Soil which was well rec- eived Mr Johnson president of the Boyle County Farmers Club attended several of the sessions and made a good talk on farming in general We are sorry our farmers did not take more In- terest in the Institute as much good- night be derived by an exchange or thoughts and methods The speakers ire all experienced and successful farm- ers and they told well what they know ibout crop raising caring for soil etc etc T Mood Farm For Sale p 211 acres ol FlrstClass lllue Gross Lnnd Hunted Inn Rood neighborhood U mile rom Uustonville Ky and n high state cultivation Good house of Trooms hulls nu1 porches two large itock burns cow burn with four stalls cribs Ac The farm Ii well watered with plenty never fulling cistern at the barn wind mill Furnishing water In niul around the louse and nt both barns for full particulars call on 0 T llohon stamen Dohon HuotonllIe- Ky OT U01ION PUBLIC SALE Ai administrator of Joseph I will 1111 at outcry at late home at loreland beginning at 930 A M on FRIDAY OUT SS HOT The following described property 19 year old work 1 good brood mnre 8 years old nnd In foal to lack parr 4yearold work mules 19 hands high and good workers 1 S Bar Old work mule le hands high works wolll good ByearoIil Family horse works Rny where 1 9 or year family and work 1 < 1 tour and several brood IOWIIiO lajopoundiatUeS 1000pound cnt tie If not sale lTUO balest of Timothy hay O bales of wheat bllies of millet straw 110 bushels of clean or hard grass need 1 rubber tired buggy good tnow1 new buckboard road curt 4 X urea on beds t good hny- frlllllclJ1 Lightning hay prellhl turning Chilled plow 2 l smuothtng arrow 34 interest In a- eering llindergonl as new 1 brand new box never teen Used 2 sots of bug Imlrof thlnllI too known on day of sale T D English Auc r IlAMDOiru OOKrKT Admr Jos Coffer1 Morclnml Ky NEW SHOES Ladies fine Shoes in n va ¬ riety of shapes and leathers School Shoes The kind that resist wear Mens Wear We are only satisfied to give you the best money can r buySHOES of arc the things for these frosty mornings Let ns fit you up for Winter All sizes in Ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes Style Quality and Price are right her- eWinter Hose A Specialty Silks Ginghams Soisettes Plaid Silks Fluffy Huffy Belts Voiles Kimono Goods and Prints v have just arrived Now is the time to buy and be ready for Win ¬ ter TRIBBLE HUGHES Dry Goods Notions Shoes Phone 156 Opera House Block Opposite Court House STANFORD KENTUCKY W E Perkins JQ D 0CD > nfD c < 3 n N 1ro < eo- SZ 1 o c oJ f n en- eo C eo CD enj n CD N fCD 0in 0o W 10O1 fD 1 J 1 CD SDa n c lV c gJ rr y < I i r fDD EoE U1C enCCD 4 CD I Crab Orchard Kentucky I The Lid I The Lid The Lid It is oft on prices at the Emporium at Huston ville We are priccfighters Your Lidr y r Be sure and get it from our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have selected tho cream of the market for you Como and be convinced in this line Wo undersell everybody CLOAKS Ladies Misses and Childrens We can please you Quality and prico guaranteed LADIES SKIRTS A beautiful lot to select from Prices to suit all We carry a general line Clothing Boots and Shoes Dry Goods in endless variety Underwear for Everybody If you have never worn a pair of Shoes I dont wonder that you have been so disappointed Try ME277 years selling Shoes Our Falland Winter stock is now full and complete Como and inspect our stock I know I can do you good Yours for fair exchangei CHAS WHEELER the Prize Fighter 1



Releaaelee Getel C Mlkef


WHEN you want tojnnke your lolcc

t tlon from largest and most upttlI v date line of post cards go to Po nnys

Drug Store


Mns E J BROWN Is quite sickMRS J S OWPLEY has Icon quite



tick for some timeMns W H SHANKS Is In Madison

county with her parentsMR W E PERKINS of Crab Orch

ardwas hero WednesdayMns JAMBS F CUMMINS is visit

i relatives In Birmingham Ala-

MR H J McRonBRTS spent scveraldays In Cincinnati buying Roods

Miss RECA BAKER of Mt Vernonwas with friends hero this week

Miss LUCINDA LUTES has returnedI from a visit to Lexington relatives

Cot R M JACKSON of Londo

was hero yesterday on a business tripMESSRS JAMBS DOOUN and II C-

Ingrain of Pulaski wore hero yester-day


p Saunders spent several days in LouIs-


l Mn WILL SEVERANCE was at CorbinI this week with his brother Mr A II

SeveranceMRB NEVIUS will go to Hot

Springs today to try to rid himself oC

I rheumatismt MR WINFRED DUNCAN went to

ILextnltton yesterday to work forStrader Bros


ton of Wayncsburg were here shopi ping yesterday

MR C L PRUITT of Moreland hasI

I secured a good position at tho Jam <

town ExpositionMRS JOSEPH COFFKY is with her lis

ter Mrs W R Dillion who Is ill ather homo at London


Versailles are with their daughtc

Mrs Kathleen BcazlcyMR J F CUMMINS was In CinelnnnU

several days this week buying Roods

for Cummins McClaryMiss EUSE WOMACK who has been

the guest of Miss Mary McRobertn re-

turned to Louisville TuesdayMiss MARY PORTMAN has returned to

y her home In Louisville after a protract-

ed visit to Miss Pearl GentryMiss SUSAN FishIER WOODS and lIttlo

Pearl Burnsldo Embry are visiting Mrs

Sanford M Allen at Millcrsburg

tMR B F UNDERWOOD orders his

paper changed from Lancaster to Lou-

isville where ho Is studying medicineMR J NEVIN CARTER was in St

Louis this week to buy a carload ofhorses but ho fonud them so high he

bought noneMRS LEVI NuNNELLEYtmddaughle

Mrs Robert Nunnelley of Lincoln arevisitors at tho homo of J J Frazure

Somerset JournalMR GRANT NORTH of Hustonvill

has been appointed clerk in tho Dan

vlllo postoffice to succeed GcorgiBoner who resigned some months ago


Hays Owsloy who have spent tho sum-

mer hero and at Crab Orchard Springs

returned to their homo at Columbus

Ga Tuesday night much to the regretof their many friends here


I 160 NEW skirts st Severance d


SPECIAL prices in Outing Cloth atSeverance Sons

VPIANo handed for sale This


CLOAK opening Severancej Sons


TUB ladies who owe mo for stamping

are requested to call and settle Mrs

C L CarterI

FOR RENTMrs Wallaces property

on Danville street apply to L R

Hughes Stanford KyS-

Cot J P CHANDLER tho auctioneer

will got be hero next court day Oct

14 as ho will cry a big salo nt London

on that day

SA UIcoln county re-



heard ExGov BradleyaI

speech at Lancaster Wednesday Ho

spoko to a largo crowd

TUB Central Kentucky Real EstateExchango Title Co has farms of 100

k to 600 acres for sale at a bargainWrite or apply for particulars and


CORSETSNo better evidence of service nnrl

comfort than the ever increasingsales of American Lady Corsets Ashape for every figure anti price forevery purse

N 3v GinghamsPercales

Quadriga Cloth


HECIEANED teed rye J H Daughman Co

NEW nelU and now Veiling at Sev-

erance 8f Sons

Go to the blissos VanDcvccr for styl-Ish and uptodnto millinery

TUG postofllce at Celeste Casoycounty was discontinued Oct 1

IWANTED 100 to 600 pounds of hon-

ey Goo C Coodc Covington Ky

SEE tho new Caracal Broadtail Plushand Velvet Coats at Severance Sons

FOR SALEAP are Hazolton Bro

piano Good one Mrs Mary I Bare

JUST rccicvcd a largo line of atovand ranges Call and see them and getprices G Singleton

A WAGONETTE full of Negroes wentfrom hero Wednesday to hear ExGovBradloya speech at Lancaster

FOR KENT on LancasterStreet near Main Street Inquire atMuellers jewelry store 10 per month

TUB ladles are especially Invited tosee our Fall and Winter display of milHncry on Friday Oct 4 Misses VanDeveer

COMB toe urFall needOur every line Is now completiBest values all through and one priceto all Cummins McClary

E B DENIIAM bought of his latheW R Denham of Lawton Okla 32acres of land near Mr I M Braces onLower Main Street Price private

STAMPING Now is the best time toget your work done before the Christ-mas rush 216 East Lexington St withMrs Anderson Martha A KendrickDanville

MRS G IR Pnuthe Morelamilliner is back from the cities whereshe bought largely of Fall and Wintermillinery Call at her store and see herpretty stock-

CoMrnouscDHenry Logan col-

ored who was arrested for Illegallyselling whisky on the excursion train toCincinnati compromised with the au-

thorities at Lancaster by paying them159 Ho was was released from jail

JOE NEWELL is building a handsomhome on the Coffey farm ho and hisbrother bought several years ago Asthere is already a good residence on theplace and Mr Newell is a bachelor hisfriends are wondering what ho Is goingto do with the house

PROP M 0 WINFREY democratic

nominee for Superintendent of PubllInstruction will speak hero Wednes-

day next Oct 9 at 1 P u Ho andIn J W Newman democratic noml

nee for Commissioner of Agriculturevlll speak at Liberty the following af-



ounty has bought the G R Engleman farm of about ICO acres in theShelby City section at S57GO Possesion Jan 1 Mr Scudder is a brother

of Mr R S Scudder of McKinneyand like him is a good citizen We wel-

come him to Lincoln county

TUB REGISTRATION In tho towns o1

Stanford Hustonville and Crab Orchard1C voters registered Tuesday 325 In

Stanford 91 in Huatonvillo and 100 InIrab Orchard There was a consider

ablo fallingod in each precinct Count-Ing those who registered as Independ-

ents as republicans the break is abouteven between the democrats and repub-


AT a meeting of the Cumberland Val-

ley Land Co Wednesday J S Hocker was reelected president Robert

Joyd of London was elected viceresident and J W Hayden of Paris

secretary and treasurer All of the di-

rectors were present and all were ree-

lected save ono and that by an agree-

ment A dividend of two per cent wasdeclared

YOUNG men and ladles with ambitionshould learn telegraphy Under tho-

new 8hour law which goes into effectnext March over 18000 additionallegraphers are required by the Rail-

roads in tho United States positionspay from 60 to 80 per month tobeginners You can qualify in 3 or 4

monthstlme For full details write to-

tho National Telegraph Institutencinnati Ohio

GEE ITS COOLWhy not he prepared for these cool snaps They arc

here every now and then Suits Coats and Skirts They

are opon for your inspection All the new styles from

the 21inch Caracal Coat to the 50inch Cloth Sec the

new Suits in 24inch Jackets to the long 40inch Wo

never offered such splendid values before Come and see


FANCY vests will be very popularthis fall New styles just receivedCummins McClar-

yCocEEnnLsI have about 30 BlackMinorca Brown Leghorn and DarredRock cockerels for sale also about twodozen hens Ed Hubbard Stanford

TilE Ladles Aid Society of theChristian church will meet with MrsJ W Baughmun at 2 oclock Saturdayafternoon A largo attendance Is doslred

WE failed to State that Roy SBeazlcy accompanied James R Denzleyon the fair circuit and showed many ofthe horses that won blue ties toy Is

a great horseman

iFINE FARM ron SALEI have afarm of about 200 acres for

i sale It is well improved wateredfenced and all necessary outbuildingsApply to J A Rice Moreland Ky RF D No1

140 Lexington and return via QueenCrescent route from Junction City

Ky Oct 818 good returning Oct 10th

account of Kentucky Trots For In-

formation ask Agents or write H CKing G P A Lexington Ky

IN his speech at Dixon Weblliercounty Monday lion E T Frankwho is to whoop up the republicans In

a speech at the courthouse here thisafternoon compared Caleb Powersto Bunyan and Powers and Taylor tothe Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ Nowwhat do you think of that 1

Tile Fourth Annual Reunion at Jenkins old voting place in Casey will be-

held Oct 8th under auspices of JamesHumphrey Post No 81 Department ofKentucky G A R This is a social ocaslon soldiers love feast and school

of patriotism and should be attendedby every one with full baskets of thefruits and milk and honey of the landwrites Mr Joab Rigney

TILE ladies of the U D C will givea real uptodate Union Depot at Wtons Opera House tonight This wl-

be a genuine union depot with all thefunny scenes and situations one is aptto see in Chicago or any other cityThe stage will be mode up with Itsbenches slot machines ticket windows

baggage room lunch counter train cull

er ticket seller newsbays matron andscrubwomen But the real Interestingand amusing features will be the pas-

sengers with their crimollnes band-

boxes bird cages and carpet baitsThere will be old Uncle Josh Hayseedand his good wife about to take the

keers to visit their daughter MalAnn who lives in New York City andputs on airs There will be the longfaced deacon preaching several renlsermons to tho worldly passengerThere will bo the woman abandoningher baby by thrusting it into the armsoC a dignllled gentleman and disappear-

Ing suddenly in tho crowd There wlll

be a Mrs Butinsky Carrie Nationaniindeed everybody and every characteyou can think of

IN Hoc Chris Hutchison of GrabOrchard and Lewis Hutchison and Lip

pert of NIcholasville all white are In

jail charged with shooting at Mr JasD Gilkerson at Crab Orchard on Mon

dny night Hearing something in hid

chickens Mr Gilkerson started out In

the darkness to ascertain the troubleSoon a volley of bullets came towardhim those who wore doing the shootingretreating as they fired On Tuesday

Capt Mullikins blood hounds wenrought to the scene and they trailedout the Lancaster pike The three men

mentioned above had been togetherrisking the afternoon before and Lew-

Is Hutchison and Lippert who had left-

for their homes were caught near Dryntavillc by Marshals Beazley and lIer-

ron of Lancaster and brought hereand placed in jail Chris Hutchisonwas also arrested on suspicion and theywill havo their examining trials todayWhen arrested Hutchison and Lipperthad 12 or 14 gallons of whisky in theirrig Chris Hutchison married Miss An-

nie Lasley but they separated sometlmo ago Sho makes her home withMr Gilkeraon Mr Hutchison hasheretofore borne a good reputation and-

o belief is general that ho got in badcompany while under tho influence oiwhisky and was guilty of doing things

lathe would not havo thought ofwhile sober It was a narrow escapefor Mr Gilkerson and if the threo men-

are guilty of tho charge against themthey will likely have to pay dearly forwhat they did


I TUB fiscal court ended Its labors yestrrday and the claims allowed will footup about the average amount

Tim ladles of the Presbyterian churchof Hustonville will serve meals from10 A M to 9 P M on election day

FOR ico cold soft rinks andfancy groceries fruits candies etccallon V U Morse Jr Hustonville

SHANNON Mrs James Shannowho had been an invalid for years diedat Junction City a few days ago aged53

WE have added a clothes cleaning de-partment in the rear of our barbershopand will do your work with neatneand dispatch Cook Farmer

JBRRY BRISCOE the Millodgevilmerchant has just received an Immenseline of Fall and Winter underweaboots shoes etc See his stock

Tills office is enjoying an unprece-

dented rush of job work The peopleare rapidly learning where they can getgood work done the cheapest and quidoat

I HAVE sold my stamping patternto Miss Maggie Bright and ask theladies to give her tho liberal patronagthey have extended me Mrs C L


RESERVED seats are now on sale forthe Union Depot which will hold

the boards at Waltons Opera Houstonight Attend this unique entertainment and help the U D Cs

TILE cutting down of the good shadtrees in town is not acceptable to thepeople The city council may have theright to do it but we are very sorrythey have seen fit to assert suchauthority

I WILL have my stamping patternsin Severance Sons store New patterns and flosses will arrive in a fevdays and you are invited to call and seethem Have your towels sheets andpillow cases stamped now for Christ-

mas Miss Maggie Bright

TilE Farmers Institute held at thecourthouse Tuesday and Wednesdaywas not very largely attended owingto the good weather and the farmersbeing very busy but each session wasof interest and profit to the tillers ofthe soil The talks by J A Dobfe ofWapokenlta 0 M F Johnson ofBucchal Ky R M Allen of Lexington and W D Zinn of Philippi WVa were all full of Interest and weregiven careful consideration Mr WH Shanks made a brief talk on Im

proving the Soil which was well rec-

eived Mr Johnson president of theBoyle County Farmers Club attendedseveral of the sessions and made a goodtalk on farming in general We aresorry our farmers did not take more In-

terest in the Institute as much good-

night be derived by an exchange or

thoughts and methods The speakers

ire all experienced and successful farm-

ers and they told well what they knowibout crop raising caring for soil etcetc


Mood Farm For Salep

211 acres ol FlrstClass lllue Gross LnndHunted Inn Rood neighborhood U milerom Uustonville Ky and n high statecultivation Good house of Trooms hulls

nu1 porches two large itock burns cowburn with four stalls cribs Ac The farm Iiwell watered with plenty never fulling

cistern at the barn windmill Furnishing water In niul around thelouse and nt both barnsfor full particulars call on 0 T llohon

stamen Dohon HuotonllIe-Ky OT U01ION


Ai administrator of Joseph I will1111 at outcry at late home atloreland beginning at 930 A M on


The following described property 19 yearold work 1 good brood mnre 8 yearsold nnd In foal to lack parr 4yearold workmules 19 hands high and good workers 1 S

Bar Old work mule le hands high workswolll good ByearoIil Family horse worksRny where 1 9 or year family andwork 1 < 1 tour and several broodIOWIIiO lajopoundiatUeS 1000pound cnttie If not sale lTUO balestof Timothy hay O bales of wheatbllies of millet straw 110 bushels of clean orhard grass need 1 rubber tired buggy goodtnow1 new buckboard road curt 4 X

urea on beds t good hny-frlllllclJ1 Lightning hay prellhl turning

Chilled plow2 l smuothtng arrow 34 interest In a-

eering llindergonl as new 1 brand newbox never teen Used 2 sots of bugImlrofthlnllI too

known on day of sale T D English Auc rIlAMDOiru OOKrKT Admr Jos Coffer1

Morclnml Ky


Ladies fine Shoes in n va¬

riety of shapes and leathers

School ShoesThe kind that resist wear

Mens WearWe are only satisfied to

give you the best money can

r buySHOES of

arc the things for these frosty mornings Let ns

fit you up for Winter All sizes in Ladies

Misses and Childrens Shoes Style Quality and

Price are right her-

eWinter Hose A Specialty

Silks Ginghams Soisettes Plaid Silks Fluffy

Huffy Belts Voiles Kimono Goods and Printsv

have just arrivedNow is the time to buy and be ready for Win ¬


TRIBBLE HUGHESDry Goods Notions Shoes

Phone 156Opera House Block Opposite Court House


W E Perkins



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Crab OrchardKentucky I

The Lid I The Lid The LidIt is oft on prices at the Emporium at Huston

ville We are priccfighters

Your Lidry rBe sure and get it from our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We haveselected tho cream of the market for you Como and be convinced in thisline Wo undersell everybody CLOAKS Ladies Misses and ChildrensWe can please you Quality and prico guaranteed LADIES SKIRTSA beautiful lot to select from Prices to suit all We carry a general lineClothing Boots and Shoes Dry Goods in endless variety Underwear forEverybody If you have never worn a pair of Shoes I dont wonder thatyou have been so disappointed Try ME277 years selling Shoes OurFalland Winter stock is now full and complete Como and inspect ourstock I know I can do you good Yours for fair exchangeiCHAS WHEELER the Prize Fighter