PRIORITY ACADEMIC STUDENT SKILLS LANGUAGE ARTS Grades 9-12 Correlated to AGS READING SKILLS FOR LIFE I. READING PROCESS: Students will apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. A. Vocabulary: Knowledge of words and word meanings THE STUDENT WILL: READING SKILLS FOR LIFE CORRELATION LOCATION: 1. Continue to build personal vocabulary through word study, the reading of literature, and class discussion (e.g., multiple meanings, dictionary definitions, and meanings in context). Each lesson in the RSFL series includes extensive vocabulary work: Prior to reading, students complete exercises involving “Letters and Sounds” worksheet, vocabulary words from the story, and word endings and spelling. After reading, students complete exercises using story words. 2. Apply knowledge of Greek (e.g., tele/phone, micro/phone), Latin (e.g., flex/ible), and Anglo-Saxon (e.g., un/friend/ly) roots and affixes to determine word meanings. Not applicable. 1

Transcript of Correlated to AGS READING SKILLS FOR...


Grades 9-12

Correlated to

AGS READING SKILLS FOR LIFE I. READING PROCESS: Students will apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. A. Vocabulary: Knowledge of words and word meanings THE STUDENT WILL:


1. Continue to build personal vocabulary through word study, the reading of literature, and class discussion (e.g., multiple meanings, dictionary definitions, and meanings in context).

Each lesson in the RSFL series includes extensive vocabulary work: •Prior to reading, students complete exercises involving “Letters and Sounds” worksheet, vocabulary words from the story, and word endings and spelling. •After reading, students complete exercises using story words.

2. Apply knowledge of Greek (e.g., tele/phone, micro/phone), Latin (e.g., flex/ible), and Anglo-Saxon (e.g., un/friend/ly) roots and affixes to determine word meanings.

Not applicable.


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, I. Reading Process, A. Vocabulary, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


3. Use word meanings within the appropriate context and verify those meanings by definition, restatement, example, comparison, and contrast.

Throughout the series. See the following examples from Chapter 1 of each text: •Level A: pages 14-15, 20, 26, 32-33, 38-39, 44-45, 50-51, 56, 63-64 •Level B: pages14-15, 20-21, 26-27, 32- 33, 38-39, 44, 50, 56-57, 64-65 •Level C: pages 16, 22-23, 30, 36-37, 43-44, 50-51, 57-58, 64 •Level D: pages 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64-65 •Level E: pages 16, 24-25, 32-33, 40, 48, 56-57, 63-64

4. Connect technical and specialized terms with new concepts in content area text.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 169-173, 181 •Level B: pages 29-33, 53-57, 111-115 •Level C: pages 46-51, 53-58, 155-160 •Level D: pages 25-30, 32-37, 46-51 •Level E: pages 20-25, 51-57, 131-139

5. Understand and explain the implied relationships in word analogies to extend vocabulary development.

Not applicable

6. Understand and explain shades of meaning in related words (e.g., softly and quietly).

Not applicable


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, I. Reading Process, Cont.) B. Comprehension: Ability to interact with the words and concepts on the page to understand what the writer has said. THE STUDENT WILL:


1. Read and comprehend both fiction and nonfiction that is appropriately designed for grade level reading.

•Student comprehension is enhanced by vocabulary exercises and “Use What You Know” questions before the selections. •Comprehension is tested in exercises following each reading and a review at the end of each chapter.

2. Preview the material and determine the purpose for reading a specific text.

•Vocabulary exercises preceding each reading help students preview vocabulary. •“Use What You Know” questions preceding many of the readings help students preview material and determine a purpose for reading. See the following examples: -Level A: pages 12, 24, 36, 42, 70, 88 -Level B: pages 12, 30, 36, 48, 54, 70 -Level C: pages 19, 26, 33, 40, 47, 54 -Level D: pages 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47 -Level E: pages 12, 20, 36, 52, 70, 78


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, I. Reading Process, B. Comprehension, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


3. Use prior knowledge to become actively engaged with the reading material and use a range of comprehension skills (e.g., literal, inferential, and evaluative).

•See “Use What You Know” examples given above. •Questions following each reading selection also draw from students’ prior knowledge. See the following examples: -Level A: pages 38, 56, 73, 78, 143 -Level B: pages 38, 44, 45, 66, 96 -Level C: pages 36, 50, 58, 108, 145 -Level D: pages 44, 57, 73, 87, 94 -Level E: pages 24, 82, 90, 98, 108

*4. Skim text for an overall impression and scan text for particular information.

Not applicable

*5. Use correction strategies when the meaning is not clear (e.g., read on, reread, ask questions, try alternate pronunciations, use resources).

•Question in the “After Reading” sections of the texts help students clarify meaning and direct them back to the text when more clarification is needed.

*6. Recognize signal words and their contribution to the meaning of the text (e.g., in spite of, for example, a major force, consequently, especially relevant).

Not applicable.

*7. Vary reading speed and strategies according to the type of material and the purpose for reading.

•See “Word Study Tips” in the preface material of the texts.


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, I. Reading Process, Cont.) C. Fluency: Ability to identify words rapidly so that attention is directed at the meaning of the text. THE STUDENT WILL:


1. *Increase reading speed and comprehension through daily independent reading.

•A wide variety of reading selections encourages student interest in independent reading.

2. *Continue to read with expression, interjecting a sense of feeling, anticipation, or characterization.

•Students are given many opportunities to interject their own feelings and interpretations in their reading. See questions in “You Be the Judge,” “What Do You Think,” “How Did They Feel,” “What Would You Do,” and “Look Ahead” sections. Examples: -Level A: pages 14, 38, 44, 142, 161 -Level B: pages 14, 50, 114, 154, 172 -Level C: pages 58, 73, 87, 131, 145 -Level D: pages 43, 44, 131, 152, 160 -Level E: pages 24, 82, 118, 138, 172

II. RESPONDING TO TEXT: Students read, construct meaning, and respond to a wide variety of literary forms. THE STUDENT WILL:


A. Recall and organize information, make inferences, and draw conclusions by using story structure (e.g., setting, character, goal, plot, conflict, and resolution).

See the following examples: •Level A: 14, 32, 44, 51, 72, 85, 96, 130•Level B: 14, 26, 45, 72, 85, 90, 103 •Level C: 50, 73, 108, 145, 152, 182 •Level D: 16, 36, 81, 101, 124, 132, 139•Level E: 32, 40, 48, 56, 74, 82, 118


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, II. Responding to Text, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


B. Compare and evaluate the effectiveness of plot, theme, setting, and characterization in selections of American and world literature.

•Plot, theme, setting, and characterization are analyzed for individual reading selections. See questions under the following headings throughout: -When Did It Happen? -Where Did It Happen? -Why Did It Happen? -What Were the Facts? -How Did They Feel? -Who Did What? -Who Is Who? •See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: -Level A: page 23 -Level C: page 30 -Level D: page 20 -Level E: page 30

*C. Develop an understanding of the effect of history on American literature (e.g., literary movements and periods).

Not applicable

*D. Evaluate works of world literature as reflections of time and culture.

Not applicable

*E. Analyze the recurrence of archetypal characters, settings, and themes in world literature.

Lessons on recognizing theme are included in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A: TG page 89 •Level B: TG page 85 •Level C: TG page 78 •Level D: TG page 25 •Level E: TG page 63


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, II. Responding to Text, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


F. Analyze and trace the author’s development of time and sequence, including the use of complex literary devices (e.g., foreshadowing and flashbacks).

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 14, 32, 44, 51, 72, 85 •Level B: pages 14, 26, 45, 72, 85, 90 •Level C: pages 43, 50, 131, 145, 182 •Level D: pages 16, 36, 81, 101, 124 •Level E: pages 32, 40, 48, 56, 74, 82

G. Analyze interactions among main and subordinate characters in a literary text (e.g., internal and external conflicts, motivations, relationships, influences) and explain the way those interactions affect the plot.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 73, 79, 103, 109, 136 •Level B: pages 38, 91, 96, 102, 130 •Level C: pages 74, 95, 101, 108, 166 •Level D: pages 43-44, 74, 80, 132, 145 •Level E: pages 33, 49, 75, 83, 108, 119

H. Use text organization as an aid to comprehension of increasingly difficult content material (e.g., compare/ contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, sequential order).

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 14, 32, 44, 51, 72, 85 •Level B: pages 14, 26, 45, 72, 85, 90 •Level C: pages 43, 50, 145, 182 •Level D: pages 16, 36, 81, 101, 124 •Level E: pages 32, 40, 48, 56, 74, 82

I. Use knowledge of literary genre and text structures to aid comprehension (drama, poetry, short stories, essays, speeches, and novels).

A wide range of literary genre is included throughout, including short stories, autobiography, news stories, expository, poetry, novel excerpts, and essays.

J. Summarize fiction/nonfiction by determining the main idea and supporting details.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 21, 27, 44, 79, 84, 97 •Level B: pages 14, 66, 79, 115, 131 •Level C: pages 36, 43, 66, 115, 131 •Level D: pages 23, 36, l66, 81, 108 •Level E: pages 24, 90, 109, 139, 150


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, II. Responding to Text, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


K. Analyze details for relevancy and accuracy.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 32, 38, 85, 91, 114, 131•Level B: pages 33, 56, 73, 115, 137 •Level C: pages 29, 43, 131, 182 •Level D: pages 29, 50, 58, 95, 101 •Level E: pages 24, 33, 40, 118, 160

*L. Discuss underlying theme or message when interpreting fiction and poetry.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 38, 56, 78, 84, 90, 142 •Level B: pages 26, 32, 44, 50, 56, 72 •Level C: pages 57, 87, 102, 115, 131 •Level D: pages 29, 44, 50, 74, 87 •Level E: pages 16, 24, 48, 108, 118 See also the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A: TG page 89 •Level B: TG page 85 •Level C: TG page 78 •Level D: TG page 25 •Level E: TG page 63

M. Analyze the poet’s use of imagery, personification, symbolism, and figures of speech.

•Level B: pages 152-153 •Level E: pages 20-25 See also the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 115, 131 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 45, 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 68 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 25


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, II. Responding to Text, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*N. Explain how the use of sound devices in poetry supports the subject and mood (e.g., rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and onomatopoeia).

•Level B: pages 152-153 •Level E: pages 20-25 See also the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 115 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 45 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 35

O. Support ideas, make inferences, and draw conclusions from evidence presented in text.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 38, 78, 79, 90, 96, 103 •Level B: pages 45, 155, 160, 166, 172 •Level C: pages 51, 87, 108, 131, 145 •Level D: pages 29, 44, 50, 74, 87, 101 •Level E: pages 16, 32, 40, 56, 98, 108

*P. Evaluate, react, and respond to reading material through activities such as discussions, correspondence, family histories, Reader’s Theater, and multimedia projects.

•See activities suggested throughout Teacher’s Guides for each level.

Q. Interpret the use of figurative language and literary devices within text (e.g., metaphor, simile, hyperbole, dialect, and irony).

•Level E: pages 20-25 See also the following pages from the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 115, 131 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 45, 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 35, 68 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 25


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, II. Responding to Text, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


R. Identify the author’s writing style.

Not applicable

S. Determine the author’s purpose (persuade, inform, entertain) and point of view to evaluate source credibility and reliability.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 56, 124, 143, 160, 181 •Level B: pages 33, 66, 115, 124, 182 •Level C: pages 29, 57, 66, 160, 182 •Level D: pages 29, 50, 58, 96, 101, 115•Level E: pages 24, 33, 40, 65, 127, 181 See also the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A: pages 31, 61, 69 •Level B: pages 27, 43 •Level C: page 73 •Level D: page 30 •Level E: page 35

T. Analyze the effect of bias, stereotyping, unsupported inferences, fallacious reasoning, and propaganda techniques in expository text (e.g., flag waving, prestige identification, exigency).

Not applicable

U. Evaluate advertisements, editorials, and feature stories for relationships between intent and factual content.

•Level A: pages 36-39 •Level C: pages 54-58


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) III. INFORMATION AND RESEARCH: Students read widely to acquire knowledge, conduct research, and organize information. THE STUDENT WILL:


*A. Use clear research questions and suitable research methods (e.g., library, electronic media, and personal interview) to elicit and present evidence from primary and secondary sources.

See the following examples: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 51, 93, 135 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 51, 69, 81, 93, 135 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 52, 78, 95, 106, 138 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 29, 35, 52, 95, 121, 136, 138 •Level E: pages 47, 58, 112, 121

*B. Analyze, synthesize, evaluate, summarize, or paraphrase relevant information from multiple sources into a written report or summary.

•Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 89 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 88 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 99

*C. Give credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography.

Not applicable

D. Interpret information from schedules, letters, catalogs, directories, charts, maps, graphs, tables, diagrams, and directions, as appropriate to content curriculum.

•Level A: pages 36-37, 140-141 •Level B: pages 30-31, 112-113 In addition, see the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 61, 85 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 115 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 63, 79


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, III. Information and Research, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


E. Understand technical directions to complete tasks (e.g., home or auto repair, use of computer software, assembling equipment), as appropriate to content area curriculum).

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 111 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 111

F. Select the best source for a given purpose (e.g., reference books, almanacs, atlases, encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauruses, electronic card catalogs and databases, tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, magazines, newspapers, and the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 23, 85 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 69, 81 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 78, 93 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 68, 93, 136 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 58, 79

G. Compare and contrast the features of consumer materials to gain meaning from the documents (e.g., warranties, contracts, instructional manuals, and product information), as appropriate to content area curriculum.

Not applicable

H. Develop and organize notes from content area text using graphic organizers, note cards, or outlines.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 61 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 115 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 88 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 88 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 63


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, III. Information and Research, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*I. Use supplementary resources to enhance understanding of content area subjects (e.g., audio/video recordings, print material, interviews).

Not applicable

*J. Analyze, synthesize, evaluate, summarize, and paraphrase information from multiple sources.

See the following examples: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 51, 93, 135 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 51, 69, 81, 93, 135 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 52, 78, 95, 106, 138 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 29, 35, 52, 95, 121, 136, 138 •Level E: pages 47, 58, 112, 121

*K. Continue to apply test-taking strategies.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 127 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 127 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 121 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 99


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) IV. EFFECTIVE READING HABITS: Students demonstrate the behaviors, habits, and attitudes of an effective reader. THE STUDENT WILL:


*A. Participate in daily, independent reading of self-selected literature (e.g., Sustained Silent Reading/Drop Everything and Read: 20-30 minutes daily).

•A wide variety of reading selections encourages student interest in independent reading.

*B. Share and discuss daily books and authors in pairs, in small groups, and in large groups.

•Pair and small group work and discussion is encouraged throughout the Teacher’s Guides.

*C. Respond to oral reading led by teacher through discussion, art, drama, and writing.

See the following examples in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 43, 47, 85, 107, 111, 131 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 39, 47, 65, 73, 103, 119, 123 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 50, 68, 83, 88, 93, 126, 131 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 45, 50, 73, 78, 93, 106, 111, 126 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 40, 45, 58, 68, 85, 99, 105, 119

*D. Read for a variety of purposes such as for pleasure, to gain information, to communicate, or to support an opinion.

•A wide variety of reading selections and activities encourage students to read for many purposes.

E. Read, discuss, and analyze short stories, novels, essays, speeches, technical documents, and other works representing diversity (e.g., gender, ethnicity, and nationality).

•A diversity of literature is included in these texts, including short stories, drama, biography, scientific readings, historical readings, practical application information, myths and fables, newspaper articles, and poetry.


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) V. WRITING THE STUDENT WILL:


*A. Use a writing process to develop and refine composition skills. Students are expected to use prewriting strategies, write and revise multiple drafts, edit, and share their compositions.

Some prewriting and revision techniques are discussed in the Teacher’s Guides. See the following examples: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 43, 47, 73, 77, 81, 119 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 47, 61, 65, 69, 107, 123 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 35, 50, 68, 83, 88, 93, 106 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 45, 50, 73, 78, 83, 93, 121, 126 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 40, 45, 58, 68, 85, 105, 112, 119

*B. Write a variety of narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and reflective compositions that establish and support a central idea with a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs with facts, details, explanations, or examples, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes the points.

See the following writing assignments in the Teacher’s Guides: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 43, 47, 73, 77, 81, 107, 111, 115, 119 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 39, 47, 61, 65,69, 81, 107, 111, 123 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 35, 50, 68, 93, 106, 111, 121, 126, 131 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 45, 50, 73, 78, 83, 93, 106, 116, 121, 126 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 40, 45, 58, 68, 85, 105, 112


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, V. Writing, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*C. Write analytically about literature using appropriate literary terms such as character types and development, plot structure, setting, point of view, and theme.

See the following page in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 111

*D. Write a documented essay using research methods, incorporating the techniques of Modern Language Association or similar parenthetical styles.

Not applicable

*E. Demonstrate essay test-taking techniques by addressing and analyzing the question and using such methods as comparison/contrast, analysis, exposition, and persuasion.

See the following examples in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 127 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 127 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 121 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 99

*F. Select and use reference materials and resources as needed for writing, revising, and editing final drafts.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 23, 85 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 69, 81 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 78, 93 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 68, 93, 136 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 58, 79


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) VI. GRAMMAR/USAGE AND MECHANICS THE STUDENT WILL:


A. Demonstrate appropriate practices in speaking and writing. Students are expected to write using complete sentences and edit for usage, mechanics, and spelling.

•Spelling exercises are an integral part of the RSFL program. Spelling lessons are provided before and after each reading selection. •Exercises following each reading selection contain a section entitled “Write Sentences About the Story” where students respond to questions with complete, correct sentences. •Teacher’s Guides contain extensive language skills exercises that focus on usage, mechanics, and spelling. See the following examples: -Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages19, 31, 61, 85, 107, 119 -Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 19, 27, 31, 39, 47, 69, 73, 77, 89, 115 -Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 40, 45, 63, 68, 73, 83, 93, 121, 136 -Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 25, 30, 35, 45, 68, 73, 78, 88, 121, 126 -Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 40, 45, 58, 63, 68, 99, 105, 112, 119


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VI. Grammar/Usage and Mechanics, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


B. Demonstrate correct use of standard English usage.

1. Capitalization and punctuation See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 43, 47, 103, 107, 111, 115, 119 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 39, 47, 89, 115, 119, 123, 131 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 40, 50, 121, 126, 131 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 45, 126, 131, 136 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 30, 40, 119

2. Commonly confused terms (e.g., there, their, they’re; two, too, to; accept, except; affect, effect).

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 31, 123, 127, 131 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 127 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 136 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 136 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 151

3. Formation of plurals.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 11, 23, 105, 139; Teacher’s Guide pages 61, 65 •Level B: pages 11, 41; Teacher’s Guide page 43 •Level C: pages 11, 18, 63, 134; Teacher’s Guide page 45 •Level D: pages 11, 18; Teacher’s Guide page 40 •Level E: pages 19, 27; Teacher’s Guide pages 35, 45


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VI. Grammar/Usage and Mechanics: B. English Usage, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


4. Pronoun usage, pronoun/ antecedent agreement, and clear pronoun reference.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 85, 89 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 73, 79

5. Subject-verb agreement.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 81 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 73 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 73 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 68 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 58

6. Verb forms and tenses.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 69, 73, 77, 85 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 61, 65, 69, 77, 81 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 63, 68, 78, 83 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 50, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 63, 68


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VI. Grammar/Usage and Mechanics: B. English Usage, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


7. Sentence structure.

•Exercises following each reading selection contain a section entitled “Write Sentences About the Story” where students respond to questions with complete, correct sentences. •See also the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: -Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 19, 23 -Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 19, 23 -Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 35 -Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 30, 121, 126 -Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 105, 112, 119

8. Parallel structure.

Not applicable

9. Spell frequently used and previously studied words correctly.

•Spelling skills are emphasized through word practice before each reading selection. Words are reinforced through activities following the reading selection. See the following examples: -Level A: pages 10-11, 14, 16-17, 20, 22-23, 26 -Level B: pages 10-11, 14, 16-17, 20, 22-23, 26 -Level C: pages 10-11, 15, 17-18, 22, 24-25, 29 -Level D: pages 10-11, 15, 17-18, 22, 24-25, 29 -Level E: pages 10-11, 16, 18-19, 24, 26-27, 32


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VI. Grammar/Usage and Mechanics: B. English Usage, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


10. Use reference materials and technology to check and correct spelling.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guides: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 23 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 69 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 68

11. Avoid dangling and misplaced modifiers.

Not applicable

12. Avoid run-ons and fragments.

See the following examples in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 19 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: page 19 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: page 20 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 30, 126 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 119 In addition, students use complete, correct sentences to answer questions in exercises throughout the text.

C. Identify some major influences on language and how language changes. For example, vowel shift and fewer inflections are typical of patterns of change. Changes in politics (glasnost, apartheid) and technology (Internet, laser) are examples of how new words are added to our vocabulary.

Not applicable


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) VII. LISTENING/SPEAKING THE STUDENT WILL:


A. Demonstrate thinking skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For example, students, individually or in groups, will gather information, organize and analyze it, and generate a report that conveys ideas clearly and relates to the background and interest of the audience.

See examples throughout the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 23, 61, 85, 123, 127 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 69, 81, 115, 123, 127 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 78, 88, 93, 111, 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 68, 88, 93, 111, 121, 136 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 58, 63, 79, 99

*B. Prepare, organize, and deliver oral responses to literary works.

*1. Summarize significant events and details. *2. Articulate an understanding of several ideas and images communicated by literary works. *3. Use relevant examples or textual evidence from the work to support conclusions.

•Activities following each reading selection can be used for oral response. In particular, discussion can center around questions in “You Be the Judge” and “What Do You Think?” sections. •Discussion prompts are also given throughout the Teacher’s Guides.

*C. Understand the major ideas and supporting evidence in informative and persuasive messages, and defend a point of view using precise language and appropriate details.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages36-39, 54-57, 88-91, 94-97, 112-115, 140-143, 170-173 •Level B: pages 30-33, 48-51, 54-57, 82-85, 112-115, 134-137, 152-155 •Level C: pages 12-15, 19-23, 33-37, 47-51, 54-58, 128-132, 135-139 •Level D: pages 26-30, 33-37, 47-51, 54-58, 84-88, 91-95, 105-109, 163-167 •Level E: pages 12-17, 36-41, 52-57, 86-91, 94-99, 132-139, 153-161


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VII. Listening/Speaking, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*D. Present reports using appropriate delivery (volume, rate, enunciation, and movement) and language skills (pronunciation, word choice, and usage).

Not applicable

*E. Analyze purpose, audience, and occasion to choose effective verbal and nonverbal strategies such as pitch and tone of voice, posture, and eye contact.

Not applicable

*F. Determine the purpose for listening (i.e., gaining information, solving problems; or for enjoying appreciating, recalling, interpreting, applying, analyzing, evaluating, receiving directions, or learning concepts).

Not applicable

*G. Recognize and understand barriers to effective listening (i.e., internal and external distractions, personal biases, and conflicting demands).

Not applicable

*H. Predict, clarify, analyze, and critique a speaker’s information and point of view.

Not applicable

*I. Distinguishes between speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts.

Not applicable

*J. Evaluate the spoken message in terms of content, credibility, and delivery.

Not applicable


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VII. Listening/Speaking, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*K. Show consideration and respect for others.

Not applicable

1. Listen and speak to gain and share knowledge of one’s culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures.

2. Speak responsibly to present accurate, truthful, and ethical messages.



A. Distinguish fact, opinion, and fiction in print and nonprint media, such as in literature, electronic media, and advertising.

See the following pages: •Level B: page 66 •Level C: pages 29, 54-58 •Level E: pages 65, 127, 181

*B. Interpret and evaluate the various ways visual image makers such as graphic artists, illustrators, and news photographers represent meaning.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 36-39, 140-141 •Level B: pages 30-34, 112-115 •Level C: pages 54-58, 156-160

C. Compare and contrast print, visual, and electronic media, such as film, with a written story.

•Level C: pages 156-160


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, VIII. Visual Literacy, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


*D. Interpret important events and ideas gathered from maps, charts, graphics, video segments, or technology presentations.

See the following examples: •Level A: pages 140-141; Teacher’s Guide: pages 61, 85 •Level B: pages 112-113; Teacher’s Guide: pages 115 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 88, 93 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 63, 79

*E. Access information from a variety of media (television, computers, videos, CD-ROMs) and evaluate the quality of material selected.

Not applicable

*F. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques used in media messages for a particular audience.

•Level A: pages 36-39 •Level B: pages 30-33 •Level C: pages 54-58, 156-160 •Level D: pages 163-167


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, Cont.) IX. LITERATURE THE STUDENT WILL:


A. Demonstrate a knowledge of and an appreciation for various forms (genres) of literature, such as short story, novel, drama, narrative and lyric poetry, essay, and informational texts.

•Genre included in this text include: -Level A: short story, advertising, myth/fable, biography, expository -Level B: short story, newspaper, bio- graphy, expository, historical essay, poetry -Level C: short story, biography, his- torical essay, news story, expository -Level D: short story, expository, bio- graphy, book review, historical essay -Level E: short story, drama, poetry, biography, expository •In addition, see “Literary Appreciation” material in the Teacher’s Guides on the following pages: -Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 31, 61, 65, 69 -Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 27, 43 -Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 45, 73 -Level D Teacher’s Guide: page 30 -Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 35


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, IX. Literature, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


B. Demonstrate a knowledge of literary elements and techniques and how they affect the development of a literary work. For examples, students are expected to recognize and explain plot, character, setting, theme, conflict, symbolism, point of view, imagery, flashback, foreshadowing, irony, tone, and illusion.

•Questions following each reading selection help students develop a knowledge of literary elements and technique. In particular, see the following headings: -Plot: “When Did It Happen?”, “What Were the Facts?” -Character: “How Did They Feel?”, “Who Did That?” -Setting: “Where Did It Happen?”, “Who Is Who?” -Theme: “Why Did It Happen?”, “What Can You Tell?” •In addition, see “Literary Appreciation” material in the Teacher’s Guides: -Level A Teacher’s Guide: pages 23, 89, 103, 127 -Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 19, 77, 85, 127 -Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 30, 78, 136 -Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 20, 25, 40, 63 -Level E Teacher’s Guide: pages 30, 63, 79

C. Identify and use figurative language and sound devices in speaking and writing. For example, students are expected to recognize and use analogy, rhyme, metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and hyperbole.

See the following pages in the Teacher’s Guide: •Level A Teacher’s Guide: page 123 •Level B Teacher’s Guide: pages 115, 131 •Level C Teacher’s Guide: pages 45, 116 •Level D Teacher’s Guide: pages 35, 68 •Level E Teacher’s Guide: page 25


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, IX. Literature, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


D. Read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature. For example, students are expected to find ways to clarify the ideas and make connections between literary works.

Not applicable

E. Expand vocabulary through word study, literature, and class discussion. For example, students are expected to distinguish connotation and denotation of words, etymology, levels of usage, and neologisms.

Each lesson in the RSFL series includes extensive vocabulary work: •Prior to reading, students complete exercises involving “Letters and Sounds” worksheet, vocabulary words from the story, and word endings and spelling. •After reading, students complete exercises using vocabulary from the story.

F. Draw inferences such as conclusions or generalizations and support them with text evidence and personal experience.

•See “Use What You Know,” “You Be the Judge,” “What Do You Think?” and other similar sections of the exercises before and after selections. See the following examples: -Level A: pages 12, 14, 38, 42, 50, 78 -Level B: pages 12, 14, 26, 48, 78, 90 -Level C: pages 12, 22, 36, 40, 87, 91 -Level D: pages 12, 15, 19, 29, 40, 80 -Level E: pages 12, 16, 32, 36, 74, 86

G. Recognize and discuss universal themes (archetypal patterns) in literature.

Not applicable


(Oklahoma PASS Language Arts Grades 9-12, IX. Literature, Cont.) THE STUDENT WILL:


H. Analyze characteristics of subgenres such as satire, parody, allegory, and pastorals that are used in poetry, prose, plays, novels, short stories, essays, and other basic genres.

Not applicable

I. Analyze, evaluate, and explain the thinking or behavior represented in a work of literature from or about various past and/or present cultures and relate it to own culture.

Not applicable