CORONAVIRUS Pt 10: SUN WORSHIP, BIG ......2020/05/24  · Remember their religion is based on...

Page 1 of 14 CORONAVIRUS Pt 10: SUN WORSHIP, BIG TELECOMMUNICATIONS, POLLUTION Notice the sun god is said to be the god of plagues. Just like the coronavirus plague. Don’t forget that the luciferians named this virus after their sun god. Top right he is wearing a crown or corona of laurel leaves. Do you think God is pleased with all of these statues of fallen angels all around our world?

Transcript of CORONAVIRUS Pt 10: SUN WORSHIP, BIG ......2020/05/24  · Remember their religion is based on...

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Notice the sun god is said to be the god of plagues. Just like the coronavirus plague. Don’t forget that the luciferians named this virus after their sun god. Top right he is wearing a crown or corona of laurel leaves. Do you think God is pleased with all of these statues of fallen angels all around our world?

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The beer is named in honor of the sun god. Look at the big gold ball on the right and notice a crown sitting on top of it. A symbolic picture of the sun god wearing his crown. If you look in the center of that crown it almost looks like shadow demons of some sort. On either side of the ball you see little dragons. Rev.12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out (hurled down), that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth (hurled to the earth), and his angels were cast out with him. I’m interpreting this as a future war. Those little dragons are paying homage to satan. The sun god baal, is still worshipped today. The luciferians named a day of the week for him, Sunday. And all of the space missions are named Apollo. Remember they are making their big move to bring in the New World Order. That is what all of this is about. There are many parts to this whole plandemic.

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See us everywhere you see 5G. Qualcomm – inventing the tech the world loves. 2nd screen advertiseent changed to say: The invention age is here.

Do you see that obelisk on the left hand side? It’s in the picture for a reason. Most of us didn’t grow up knowing what those were. If you were like me you didn’t think anything about them. Just thought it was more of their obscure, strange stuff they considered art or architechure. But that isn’t true. They are all around this world and are pillars to the sun god baal. In one account, Ashtaroth, the queen of heaven, gathered up the pieces of her dead husband after he’d been cut in pieces to make an example out of him, and “magically” put him back together and was impregnated by him thus making her baby of divine conception because she said that Nimrod’s spirit went to the sun. So in life he was worshipped as a god and in death he continued to be worshipped as the sun god. The other account is that she gathered up all his pieces but could not find his phallus and so had their worshippers erect obelisks, representing the lost body part, and to be used in continuing to worship him. The coronavirus is named for the sun god baal. The corona around the sun and it speakes to the crown that their sun god apollo wears. Remember their religion is based on symbols, colors, numbers, nature and fertility. They show us openly who they worship but we for the most part have been asleep to all of it.

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An obelisk – is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a

pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. Originally they were called tekhenu

by their builders. *It also says: “spit, nail, pointed pillar” – one of satan’s nick-

names is the nail. And I never clicked to bel/baal being right in the very name of

this sick thing. These monuments all over our world are still paying homage to

satan. Don’t they look like huge nails too? And the luciferians have moved

ancient ones, like the one in front of the Vatican, came from Egypt. It is there

surrounded by a witches wheel on the pavement. It is placed there for their dark

magic. They have built new ones too. And they have placed them strategically on

certain lay lines, for the worship of their god and his purposes. Who knows if they

have anything to do with the frequencies. Our world leaders are still practicing

the mystery Babylon religion. That is the name of it. There were schools that

taught the mystery religions and those religions are against the God of the Bible

and His ways. They are against Christianity and against Jesus Christ.

These big communications companies are flaunting allegiance to the sun god

openly. The war against the God of heaven rages on.

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The whole world reporting to an artificial intelligence / beast system, which all answers to the anti-christ. Ephesians 2:2 - Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world (lived according to the ways of the world), according to the prince of the power of the air (ruler of the kingdom of the air), the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: He is gonna use his power of the air, frequencies, for facial recognition, tracking and tracing and to lock down total control.

Candy Cruncher: So when your entire home is running on their 4,5,6…7g and the grid falls or they cut the switch when rapture happens. The one who pulls that connection back up would be considered pretty powerful. Possibly even worshipped. I really don’t know but the towers going up have perked believers ears. Couldn’t help but think “Tower of Babel” reference.

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S. M.: Wow! For the first time I now understand how they are going to make sure nobody can live off-grid and farm/garden for themselves @ 32 minutes how the whole mountain range is dead. No wonder Jesus will make a new earth! Sigh.

They just continue to fill the earth with frequencies and radiation. Notice it is

called “star” link.

Job 38:7 – When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted

for joy (angels of God shouted for joy)?

This is talking about angels. We know the fallen angels are equated with the sun

which is called a star and the moon and planets. The names of the planets are

oddly enough the names of fallen angels and false gods and goddesses. Now who

do you think came up with that?

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Isaiah 14:12 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (morning star), son of the morning (son of the dawn)! how art thou cut down to the ground (you have been cast down to the earth), which didst weaken the nations (you who once laid low the nations)! Young's Literal Translation Isaiah 14:12 - How hast thou fallen from the heavens, O shining one, son of the dawn! Thou hast been cut down to earth, O weakener of nations. Because they are trying to confuse the world between Jesus and satan, now we have this confusion in some Bibles of both of them being called the morning star. I’m not going into that right now I have talked about it before.

This picture is trying to paint satan in a good light even though as Christians we know better. And we don’t need to fear him because we are more than conquerors through Christ who has won the victory already. He is called by his elect, the illuminator. Notice his crown of sun rays, or his corona because he is the sun god. He’s the king of the bottomless pit. And king’s always have a crown. POLLUTION IN CHINA

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Something that was going on in China just ahead of the outbreak was protests

against pollution.

The Chinese were protesting a huge incinerator that they were going to put up in

Yangluo District which is in Wuhan. From what I read the government only talks

like they are going to end pollution but in reality they are not concerned about it

and they keep putting in all of these incinerators in residential areas to deal with

all of the trash. They are tracking the citizens and keeping them from reaching

the government to protest too.

A member of my family was in China in 2018 and had to wear masks the whole

time they were there because the air quality is so poor. Now we know that the

chemtrail program is worldwide and it plays a huge role in all of this too. It is a

foundation they are laying in all of humanity. When you add in an implant and

then frequency it completes the circuit as Tony said.

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The US space agency said it coincided with the economic slowdown resulting from the outbreak. It released a graphic showing the difference in concentrations of nitrogen dioxide over China between January 1 and February 25 of 2020.

Nasa satellites detected a massive drop in gas emitted from cars, power plants and industrial facilities across the country, where the coronavirus originated.

China has imposed restrictions on transport and business and put millions of people into quarantine. Or was the pollution drop off also due to a die off? They like to see how well their war on mankind is going don’t they. *Please play from 28:50 to 31:38 This was from 2-18-20. This guy watches the

weather events that they are hitting the world with. He shows how much they

are spraying Italy and hitting it with the frequencies. He shows that they are still

spraying Wuhan. He shows how much they are spraying the Mid East and says

that the weather modification program is payed for with crypto currency. *(about

3 min’s)

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Look at how hard they were hitting Italy. Chemtrails plays a major part in all of this too. Pumping everyone full of metals to make you more condusive. So they can plug you in easier and send and receive easier. Track and trace you easier. Or as Tony says, once the chip or implant is there, they can hit the kill switch and take you down easier. They can take individuals out remotely already with their Directed Energy Weapons. Something interesting I heard in some of my research was that chemtrails shut down solar panels. Another way they want to hinder those that are trying to be energy independent.

*Please play this video -- 21 million less Cell phone users in China CHINA in

FOCUS*(about 3 min’s)

Are we to believe all of a sudden 21 million people were in such a financial crunch

that they ditched their cell phones right there in the middle of the street? Or was

it maybe that they found out their phones were aiding in the frequencies hitting

them. I’m going with either they died or they wised up to the frequencies and

programs being run through their phones. Remember the short film we watched

about that with agent Roth and Zolee.

Some Chinese videos looked fake to me and since I don’t speak Chinese that is a

barrier to vetting some of their information out.

I guess the coronavirus solved the problem of the protests.

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Did they kick this off in China because we really couldn’t see what was going on

there because they are communist and under total lockdown all the time?

*Please play this video – A reporter shows the total surveillance of China*(about 8 min’s)

This is a picture of how they want to rule the world. Total surveillance. This is what they are working to get in place for the rest of us. The system of classifying people is like what Hitler did with the IBM system. They classified people according to their race, their religion, their income etc. Then for example they said, the 3’s will be gassed to death, the 4’s will be starved to death the 5’s will be shot and the 6’s will be released. They are gathering the information they want through census taking and other means like social media. For those that believe our governments don’t care about religion. Why was one of the questions they asked on China’s census, do you pray? It is all about Jesus Christ. They are against true Christians and always have been. Look at all the distractions they have rolled out recently so that they can implement their weapons system against us. I thought 911 and fake school shootings were bad enough but now they rolled out the coronavirus event on the whole world. And they are putting up their transmitters for 5g and beyond at a rapid pace. That will enable more tracking, lockdown and killing.

What were they doing in the darkness of night when we were under curfew?

Installing 5G? Moving military equipment and personnel around? Removing

some people from homes? They could easily do all of those things.

Matthew 24:12-14 - And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall

wax cold. (Because wickedness shall increase, the love of many shall grow cold)

But he that shall endure unto the end (stand firm unto the end), the same shall be

saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a

witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

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Keep telling others how to be saved through Jesus Christ. This is not the time to

slow down or to sit down and just watch all that satan is doing. We want to be

aware yes, so that we can warn others. But our focus should always be on Christ


Ms. Diana shared Job 5:8-9 and I’m going to use that in the prayer today.


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LINKS FOR EVERY PART: Dr. Tent shares about Vaccines Vaccination MUST SEE! - The Hidden Truth - Australian Documentary (FULL) Weather and Chemical Warfare Promotes using vitamin C against coronavirus and as a preventative Coronavirus AID SUPPORT Possible cure High doses of Vitamin C Covid 19 LINKS for THIS PART:

Apollo in a Vatican museum



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21 million less Cell phone users in China CHINA in FOCUS

Life Inside China's Total Surveillance State

Driverless cars, etc.