CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina...


Transcript of CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina...

Page 1: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme


Page 2: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

CORINNE MAZZOLIBorn 12/07/1984 in La Spezia

INFO2263, S. Croce, 30135, Venice, Italy+39 [email protected]://


EDUCATION2012 - MA in Visual Arts at IUAV, Venice2008 - BA at the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence2007 - Erasmus program at KHIO, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway

EXHIBITIONS – FESTIVALS 2015 – Grand Hotel, Festival Studi #1, Milano, curated by Elena El Asmar, Serena Fineschi, Marco Andrea Magni, Luca Pancrazzi2014 - Live Works performance act award vol. 2, SkillBuilding_34 edition of Drodesera festival, Centrale fies, Dro, (TN), curated by Barbara Boninsegna, Denis Isaia, Simone Frangi, Daniel Blanga Gubbay (Centrale Fies + Viafarini DOCVA)2014 - Evoluzione, Monotono, Vicenza, group show curated by Marco Tagliafierro in collaboration with Fon-dazione Bevilacqua La Masa2014 - Atelier Bevilacqua La Masa 2013 Mostra finale, S. Marco Gal-lery, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, group show Curated by Rachele D’Osualdo 2013 - Art Souvenir Al-bunduqiyya, La Fenice Gallery, Venice, group show curated by Cecilia Tirelli and Sara Benetti2013 - La Materia, Palazzetto Tito, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, group show for the Stonefly prize curated by Marco Tagliafierro

2013 - Crepaccio, da Venezia a Porta Venezia, group show curated by Caroline Corbetta2012 - ‘All You Can Eat’ screening at Simultan festival #8 - The Beginning of the End, Timisoara, Romania2012 - ‘RUNSPACE: or How to turn the Italian Flag into a Success’ one week work and final performance with Maria Grazia Cantoni2011 - Baton SinisterNorway contribution to the 54^ Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Palazzo Contarini Corfù, group show curated by Bjarne Melgaard2010 - In Between_Arada_Tra, Cambridge Istanbul Venezia, Istanbul European Capital of Culture 2010, MSGSU Tophane Culture Center, Istanbul group show curated by Chiara Vecchiarelli and Antoni Muntadas2010 - Eyjafjallajökul, From Venice to Shanghai and Back East China Normal University, Shanghai, group show curated by Letizia Calori and Giulia Zennaro, in collaboration with Tan Genxiong and Zhang Huibo2010 - Fahrenheit 39, Ninapì gallery, RavennaExhibition of independent publishing2009 - Noizzz, Sala del Camino, Venice Musical performance, promoted by Fondazione Claudio Buziol and IUAV Faculty of Design and Artscurated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola)2009 - ‘Insieme per Sempre’ screening in Follie d’Archivio, Casa del Cinema, Venice2008 - TRA, Venezia e Istanbul, Jarach Gallery, Venicegroup show curated by Antoni Muntadas and Chiara Vecchiarelli

PRIZE2013 - Stonefly Walking with Art PrizeNomination with the artwork ‘Tutorial #1: How to get a Thigh Gap’

Page 3: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

WORKSHOPS AND RESIDENCIES2015 - currently artist in residence at VIR Viafarini in Residence2014 - Live Works performance act award vol. 2, residency by Centra-le Fies and Viafarini DOCVA, curated by Barbara Boninsegna, Denis Isaia, Simone Frangi, Daniel Blanga Gubbay (1-11 July)2013 - Artist in Residence at the ateliers of Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice (IT)2010 - Elettrofoscari, electronic music workshop, theory and practi-ce with MaxMSP, with Nicola Buso and Veniero Rizzardi, Ca’ Foscari, Venice2009 - Video workshop with Massimo Magrì (4 months)2009 - Video/documentary workshop with Marco Bertozzi (4 months)2009 - Teach Me 6, art workshop with Invernomuto, Venice2009 - Real Presence 2009, art workshop, Belgrade2009 - Summer video workshop with El Ultimo Grito and Zaunka, Venice PUBLISHING / ARTICLES2014 – Waiting for LIVE WORKS PERFORMANCE ACT AWARD VOL.2 2014 - Arts Life, Interview by Marta Cereda: - Premio Stonefly vince Corinne Mazzo-li pagina=news_det&id=2688&det=ok&news=Premio-Stonefly:-vince-Corinne-Mazzoli 2013 - Walking with Art 2010>13, catalogue curated by Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in collaboration with Stonefly 2012 - Baton Sinister, An Art Service publishing, 2011 - Smith Roberta, Artists Decorate Palazzos and Vice Versa, NY TIMES, June 8, 2011 http:// pagewanted=all 2011 - Kelsey John, The Ignorant Schoolmaster, Artforum, September

2011 - Rotkopf Scott and Higgs Mattew, Artforum International, Best 2011, December 2011 - Saltz Jerry, The Year in Art, The Cold War, fifties brushstrokes, and a pickup artist run amok, 4 December 2011 - Curator Bjarne Melgaard created the best installation in last summer’s Venice Biennale, Beyond Death: Viral Discontents and Contemporary Notions About AIDS top-ten-art-shows/ 2011 - Intervista a Futuroscopio su Aiapzine, 12 dicembre 2011 - Savasta Daniele, Futuroscopio su Aiapzine, 18 luglio 2010 - In Between, Arada, Tra, exhibi-tion catalogue 2010 - Futuroscopio, independent publishing: for download

Page 4: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

TUTORIAL #2: How to Cruise with a Bruisevideo installation + durational performance Live Works vol. 2, 34_Drodesera Festival, Centrale Fies, 2014

stills from video

Page 5: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

Tutorial #2: How to Cruise with a Bruise is a durational performan-ce that uses the common gesture of putting on make-up to overturn the logic of concealment and public ostentation of the private. The au-dience is invited to take part into the performance, in which two promo-ters illustrate how to create bruises with make-up and especially How to Cruise with a Bruise! Sound Performance: Fabrizio De Bon; performer: Primavera Contu, Federica del Col, Micol Marchi, Valen-tina Merzi, Maddalena Vanzetto.

Page 6: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

SALA GIOCCHI is a virtual space, a mini casino in which human and inhu-man relations are brought into play. SALA GIOCCHI is the place of excess where one can reach the no substance related addiction. SALA GIOCCHI is a constant questio-ning about the fragility of human rela-tionships in the contemporary world, the pathological relationship with the machine becomes a pretext to stage, through performances, an age of su-perstition, guilt, loss and paranoia.Come and visit us, we expect many!

SALA GIOCCHIMultidisciplinary project2012 - ongoing

Page 7: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

Chapter 1777 - SALA GIOCCHI Grand Opening!performance live 5 February 2014, ‘Atelier Bevilacqua La Masa 2013’ Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, VeniceRotorvator + angelicaH

Info: +39 340 5517364

The first chapter, ‘777 - SALA GIOCCHI Grand Open-ing!’, was presented in Venice at the Fondazione Bevil-acqua La Masa in the exhibition ‘Atelier Bevilacqua La Masa in 2013’ and consists of an installation of paper mache and led lights opened to the public through a performance777 - SALA GIOCCHI introduces the viewer to a world of color lights and sounds exasperated as the relation-ship that exists between a man and a slot machine in the contemporary. Accompanied by the music of Rotorvator, Metal band from Belluno, the presenter declaim the commandments of a new economy, the economy of Rain of Gold.

Installation and costumes by Corinne Mazzoli | Video installation by angelicaH (Corinne Mazzoli & Luca Pili) + Davide Giacometti

Page 8: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

Tutorial # 1: How to get a Thigh Gap is an installation composed of an ac-cessory, Tutorial # 1 and a video that illustrates the use.Tutorial #1 is an accessory/guardian designed to manipulate the shape of the inner thigh.As a personal trainer, Tutorial #1 helps you to get a perfect ‘Thigh Gap‘ the space between the thighs coveted by teenagers today.Tutorial #1 is a review of the ‘Leg Straightener’ designed by Daniel Gott-lieb Moritz Schreber (1808-1861). Object realized at the Stonefly factory in Montebelluna (TV), with the techni-cal support of Anna Lucia Dalla Palma and her husband Danilo.

TUTORIAL #1: How to get a Thigh Gap

Page 9: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

The video Tutorial # 1: How to get a Thigh Gap is inspired by the body workout videos that inhabit the world of the web and shows the function of the object itself enhancing the “practicality” and “utility” advertising it as a fashion accessory that every woman can wear and need to buy. Video by angelicaH (Corinne Mazzoli & Luca Pili).

Page 10: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

BATON SINISTER or How Subculture Could Forge Transversal Heroes


full text at:

BATON SINISTER or How Subculture Could Forge Transversal HeroesInstallation, variable dimensions inside the exhibition Baton SinisterPalazzo Contarini Corfù, Norway Pavilion 54^ Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia 2011

BATON SINISTER or How Subculture Could Forge Transversal Heroes

Page 11: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

BATON SINISTER or How Subcultures Could Forge Transversal He-roes is an installation conceived for the collective exhibition Baton Sinister, Norway Pavilion in the 54ˆEsposizione Internazionle d’Arte di Venezia.Researches where inspired and supported by Bjarne Melgaard, norwe-gian artist based in New York. The starting point was a study of queer theory with a sensible attention to queercore subculture, that working with the Do It Yourself ethic and fighting against the tradition matches with the punk culture. My focus here is on the Barebacking subculture, the practice of having unprotected sex with the risk or the will of spreading the HIV virus. The study of heraldry becomes useful to build up an iconography made concrete throw the realization of two shields which represent the concepts of COOL and UNCOOL and a ban-ner, the QUEERCORE. Two posters, BAREBACKERS GENEALOGIC TREE and MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES, commemorate heroes which, according to the mainstream culture may not even be consid-ered as such, while an installation within a bathroom, TOILET, becomes a shrine in their honor.

Page 12: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

L’INFLUENTEartist’s book

Page 13: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

L’INFLUENTE is an artist’s book, born as an incubator for influences, which obsessively collects groups of thought from others pre-serving and breeding them.

Page 14: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

“La Sindrome di Cassandra is the talent of imaginingnew worlds, foreseeing unthinkable scenarios andthe destiny to not be believed.Just tell people only what they want to hear, tell them stories they want to believe to. It’s important to have someone who talks about evident realities. Everything else is pure madness, they will never believe you”.


La Sindrome di Cassandra

#1video 1’37’’#2PhotomontagePoster 50x70Postcards 11x15,5 cm


Page 15: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

La Sindrome di Cassandra is an ongoing project settled by many parts destined to evolve in order to create an im-aginary panorama representing an unreal event. The news-story images collected represent an apocalyptic sight on future, they are ready to become commodities to be sold on market:

#1 video, editing with the use of found footage from youtube that shows the catastrophe.

#2 photomontage, reproducible in postcard 11x15,5 or poster 50x70 created to be sold as souvenir of the future Venice. These finds will be useful to enhance the prophesy of an apocalyptic scenario, the death of Venice that just like Atlantis, is destined to sink in the abyss.


Page 16: CORINNE MAZZOLI PORTFOLIO 2014/15 - Italian Area · curated by Corinne Mazzoli and Valentina Ciarapica, in collaboration with Daido, Johann Merrich, BUH (Luca Coppola) 2009 - ‘Insieme

Info:[email protected]

+39 340 5517364 youtube: Sala Giocchi