Core Mktg Concepts

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  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Core MarketingConcepts

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts





  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Core Marketing Concepts

    To have more clear view about themarketing and to understand the

    marketing process first we should discuss

    the some basic concepts, which we willbe discussing in the coming Lessons and

    what is the main essence of the

    marketing process and we can say thatthe marketing revolves around these


  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Needs, wants, and demands Needs Human needs are the most basic concept

    underlying marketing.

    A human needis a state of felt deprivation.

    1). Humans have many complex needs.

    a). Basic, physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, andsafety.

    b). Social needs for belonging and affection.

    c). Individual needs for knowledge and self expression.

    2). These needs are part of the basic human makeup.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Wants A human wantis the form that a humanneed takes as shaped by culture and individualpersonality.

    Demands are human wants that are backed by

    buying power. Consumers view products as bundles of benefits

    and choose products that give them the bestbundle for their money.

    Outstanding marketing companies go to greatlengths to learn about and understand theircustomers needs, wants, and demands.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Products and Services

    A product is anything that can be offered to a marketto satisfy a need or want.

    A service is an activity or benefit offered for sale that isessentially intangible and does not result in theownership of anything.

    1). The concept of product is not limited to physicalobjects and can include experiences, persons, places,organizations, information, and ideas.

    2). Be careful of paying attention to the product andnot the benefit being satisfied.

    3). Marketing myopia is caused by shortsightednessor losing sight of underlying customer needs by onlyfocusing on existing wants.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Marketing OffersProducts, Services, and Experiences

    Companies address needs by putting forth a valueproposition, a set of benefits that they promise

    to consumers to satisfy their needs.

    a.The value proposition is fulfilled through a marketingoffersome combination of products, services, information,or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want.

    b.The concept of product is not limited to physical objectsand can include experiences, persons, places, organizations,information, and ideas.

    c.Be careful of paying attention to the product and not thebenefit being satisfied.

    d.Marketing myopia is caused by shortsightedness or losing

    sight of underlying customer needs by only focusing onexisting wants.

    e.Smart marketers create brand meaning and brandexperiences for consumers.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts



    The concepts of exchange and relationships lead to theconcept of a market.

    A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of aproduct.

    1). originally a market was a place where buyers andsellers gathered to exchange goods (such as a villagesquare).

    2). Economists use the term to designate a collection ofbuyers and sellers who transact in a particular productclass (as in the grain or housing market).

    3). Marketers see buyers as constituting a market andsellers constituting an industry.

    4). Marketers are keenly interested in markets.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Value, satisfaction, and quality

    Customer value is the difference between the

    values that the customer gains from owning

    and using a product and the costs of obtaining

    the product.

    Customers do not often judge product values

    and costs accurately or objectively--they act

    on perceived value.

  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


  • 8/9/2019 Core Mktg Concepts


    Customer satisfaction depends on a products perceived

    performance in Delivering value relative to a buyers


    If performance exceeds expectations, the buyer is delighted

    (certainly a worthy goal of the marketing company).

    1). Smart companies aim to delight customers by promising only

    what they can deliver, then delivering more than they promise.

    2). The aim of successful companies today is total customer


    3). Customer delight creates an emotional affinity for a product

    or service, not just a rational preference, and this creates high

    customer loyalty. 4). Quality has a direct impact on product or service

    performance. Quality is defined in terms of customer
