CORDEX Science Advisory Team: 1 st Session

16-17 MAY 2014 ICTP, TRIESTE. ITALY CORDEX Science Advisory Team: 1 st Session Climate Studies Group Mona The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica


CORDEX Science Advisory Team: 1 st Session. 16-17 May 2014 ICTP, Trieste. Italy. Climate Studies Group Mona The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Central America/ Caribbean. Update. CORDEX Central America domain. Extends almost to the African coast. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CORDEX Science Advisory Team: 1 st Session

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CORDEX Science Advisory Team: 1st Session

Climate Studies Group MonaThe University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica

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Central America/ Caribbean

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CORDEX Central America domain

Includes the North America monsoon core, but not northern extent.

Does not include the Bolivian high

Extends almost to the African coast

Arritt (2012)

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First WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean (CORDEX LAC) Phase I – South America at Lima, Perú; September 11-13, 2013

WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean (CORDEX LAC) Phase II – The Caribbean in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; April 7-9, 2014

Sponsors: WCRP; ICSU-ROLAC; the Inter-American Institute on Global Change Research (IAI); Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5Cs)

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WGRC Side Event at the International Conference on Climate Services 3; December 3, 2013; Jamaica

Regional climate science and robust foundations for climate services – what does the CORDEX initiative have to offer climate service providers and users?

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Some Experiments

Model Driving Data Period References

RegCM4 ERA-Interim 1982-2008 Fuentes-Franco et al. (2013)

RegCM4 HadGEM-ES- Historical- RCP8.5


Fuentes-Franco – ICTP

RegCM4 MPI-ESM-MR- Historical- RCP8.5


Fuentes-Franco – ICTP

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Caribbean Climate Modelling Initiative

Climate Studies Group Mona, Department of Physics, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.

Instituto de Meteorología de la República de Cuba, Habana, Cuba.

Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados.

Department of Infrastructure, Antom de Kom University of Suriname

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Belize

Newer partners: Guadeloupe, University of the West Indies - Trinidad

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PRECIS – Caribbean Project

Coordinated Science approach

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Caribbean Climate Modelling Initiative Plans

Experience in setting up experiments with PRECIS – ERA-Interim, A2, B2, Perturb Physics Experiments

Plans are being finalized for the use of PRECIS, RegCM4 and/or WRF for CORDEX

One run completed with WRF (ERA-Interim)

Challenge: Storage of data generated

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CORDEX Central America domain

In past a number of other groups had plans for simulating the Central America / Caribbean domain: State University of Ceará (A. Costa, RAMS) UK Met Office (W. Moufouma-Okia, HadGEM3-RA) CSIRO (J. Katzfey, CCAM) SMHI (?) Iowa State Univ (R. Arritt, RegCM4)