Cord Source Destinations

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Transcript of Cord Source Destinations

  • 8/11/2019 Cord Source Destinations


    XfdRnd -Crossfade Random- Function generates the same random value for all layers in a preset. This source is designed to be used for cross-fading layers, although you may find other uses. EX. ??

    Key (+,~) -Key Follow- Destination will change with what key is played, highestto lowest note or vice versa. EX. Use on cutoff to open/close a filter as you play up and down the keys.

    Vel (+,~,MIDI->Cntrls2. EX. Use with an external controller, allows you to use knobs to control your


    FtSw(1-2) -Foot Switch- Changes a parameter when the switch is pressed like a pulse wave. EX. ??

    Ft(1-2)FF -Foot Switch Flip-Flop-

    MidVI -Midi Volume (Contr. 7)-

    MidPn -Midi Pan (Contr. 10)-

    Thumb - Only for use with the thumb controller on the E4K. EX. ??

    ThmFF - Flip flop version of thumb. EX. ??

    KeyGld -Key Glide- A smoothly changing control source based on the glide rate and the interval between the last two notes played. EX. ??

    VEnv (+,

  • 8/11/2019 Cord Source Destinations


    AEnv (+,~,LFO/AUX->Next->Next.

    Lfo(1-2) (+,~) -Low Frequency Occilation- An oscillator especially devoted to applications below the audible frequency range, and typically used as a control source for modulating a sound to create vibrato, tremolo, trills, and so on. EX. Use to modulate FilFreq.

    White -White Noise- Contains equal energy at all frequencies. Ex. Use to controllfo rate for a random effect.

    Pink -Pink Noise- Pink noise contains less energy in the higher audio frequencies than in the lower ones. EX. ??

    KRand(1-2) -kRandom- Generates different random values for each layer which do not change during the note (S&H). EX. Set krand1>filterfreq>+100. Then, very timeyou hit the key you will actually hear a different degree of filtering. sometimes the filter will be completely open, sometimes completely closed, sometimes inthe middle.

    Lag(0-1)in -Lag in (summing amp out)- The Lag processors can be used as 2 additional summing amps. Lag0sum and Lag1sum are modulation sources which equal the sum of PatchCords connected to the Lag in destination. EX. ??

    Lag(0-1) -Lag processor- Slows down rapid changes in the input signal. The output ?lags? behind the input at a pre-programmed rate. There are two lag processors, Lag 0 and Lag 1. Lag 1 has a longer lag time than Lag 0. EX. ??

    Ck(Dwhl,Whle,Half,Qtr,8th,16th) -Clock Divisors- Outputs a division of the incoming MIDI clock (looks like a square wave), from double whole note to 16th note.EX. Use as a primitive LFO, or to modulate sound perfectly in time with the tempo.

    DC -Direct Current Offset- Offsets the destination by the parameter in the cord.EX. See example in Switch.

    Sum -Summing Amp- Lets you add several modulation signals together before applying them to a destination. This processor can save PatchCords when routing the output to multiple destinations. EX. ??

    Switch - Outputs a digital ?1? whenever the input is greater than ?0.? EX. Instead of assigning Vel~ to Switch use Vel+ as this will give all postive values. Also assign DC to Switch by -50%. When you play a key of velocity above 64 (50% of128) the pitch will change to the 22% amount. The DC amount is the bit that controls where the switch will trigger. Switch will only trigger when its value isabove zero. A DC value of -50% is -64. Whenever the velocity is under 64, Switchwill not trigger. If the DC offset was not there then the pitch would constantly be playing at 22% as Switch value would always be greater than 0. If you change the amount of Switch to -75% then you will need a velocity of 96 (75% of 128)

    or above to change the pitch. See image below.


    Abs -Absolute Value- This function inverts negative input values and outputs only positive values. EX. ??

    Diode -Transitor switch, blocks negative input values, passing only positive values. EX. ??

  • 8/11/2019 Cord Source Destinations


    FlipFlop - The output of this processor alternates between a digital ?1? and digital ?0? each time the input goes positive from zero or a negative value. With an LFO input, the output will be a square wave of half the input frequency. EX. ??

    Quanti -Quantizer- With the input PatchCord set to 100%, the output value is limited to 16 discrete values. The value of the input PatchCord controls the numberof steps. The value of the output PatchCord controls the size of the steps. EX.??

    Gain4X - This processor amplifies the modulation source by a factor of 4. EX. ??

    Last edited by recipher on Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:41 am, edited 7 times in total.

    Blue Distortionrecipher Posts: 34Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:19 amTop


    Postby recipher Fri Oct 17, 2003 8:29 am


    KeySust -Key Sustain- ??

    FinePtch - Fine tonal vibration of the air. EX. Use Lfo to modulate for a slightvibrato effect.

    Pitch - Tonal vibration of the air. EX. Use Lfo to modulate (vibrato).

    Glide - A function, also called portamento, in which the pitch slides smoothly from one note to the next instead of jumping over the intervening pitches. EX. ??

    ChrsAmt -Chorus Amount- Can be controlled to add / subtract Chorus to a sound. EX. Use an LFO to modulate the amount of chorus on a sound.

    'CrhsITD -Chorus Position ITD-

    'SStart -Sample Start- When used in conjunction with a cc you can change the start point of a sample on each note hit. EX. If used with the modwheel you can setup a sample to progress through it's entire length in one bar or 10. You can ac

    hieve old time stretching sounds with this and can also create "different" drumsounds in your track when applied to the snare and a velocity controller is used. You can get your snare to appear to not have a fast attack the softer it getsand thus could sound like a brush hit.

    SLoop -Sample Loop- viewtopic.php?t=233 :biglaugh:

    SRetrig -Sample Retrigger- When triggered, will "retrigger" the sample from thestart. Use a square LFO or word clock to retrigger the sample in cycles.

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    FilFreq -Filter Frequency- Gives you control of the cutoff frequency of the filter in place. EX. Use the Filter Envelope to control this.

    'FilRes -Filter Resonance- The resonant peak of the sound. If it is high enough,the filter will begin to self-oscillate, producing an audio output even in theabsence of input. Filter resonance is also known as emphasis and Q. EX. Use inverse of the filter envelope to control this.

    AmpVol -Amplifier Volume- When modified, will change the volume of the sound. EX. Use an Lfo to modulate (tremolo).

    AmpPan -Amplifier Panning- Allows you to set an auto pan based on a source. EX.Use a LFO to control the rate of auto pan. Use another LFO to control the rateof the first LFO for a truly awesome, swelling auto pan.

    AmpXfd -Amplifier Crossfade-

    SndMain -

    SndAux(1-3) -Send to Aux Effects- This will send the sound to each of the effect, RFX card required ?? EX. Use a reverb as an effect on Aux 1. Use SndAux1 controlled by Velocity, as Velocity decreases, reverb increases where Effects Aux 1 has reverb.

    VEnv(Rts,Atk,Dcy,Rls) -Volume Envelope Rates- Allows you to change the time of these parameters by using a source. Trigger can be used to retrigger the envelopemidway through the cycle. EX. Use Velocity to modify the attack length. As youpress the key harder/softer, the attack length will get longer/shorter.

    FEnv(Rts,Atk,Dcy,Rls,Trg) -Filter Envelope Rates- Allows you to change the timeof these parameters by using a source. Trigger can be used to retrigger the envelope midway through the cycle. EX. Use Velocity to modify the attack length. Asyou press the key harder/softer, the filter's attack length will get longer/shorter.

    AEnv(Rts,Atk,Dcy,Rls,Trg) -Aux Envelope Rates- Allows you to change the time ofthese parameters by using a source. Trigger can be used to retrigger the envelop

    e midway through the cycle. EX. Use LFO to modulate the attack length. Based onthe LFO's cycle, the attack length will correspond.

    Lfo(1-2)Rt -LFO Rate- The frequency of the LFO modulation. EX. Use Key+ to control the LFO rate; rate will increase as you go up the keyboard.

    Lfo(1-2)Trg -LFO Trigger-Causes the LFO to reset each time the clock waveform goes low, or is triggered. EX. Use in conjunction with a switch. When velocity isgreater than X, set switch to reset the LFO cycle.

    Lag(0-1)in -Lag Processor (Portamento)- This circuit provides portamento with symmetrical or individually adjustable time constants on the rise and fall times.It smooths out sudden changes in voltage. EX. ??

    Sum -Summing Amp- Lets you add several modulation signals together before applying them to a destination. This processor can save PatchCords when routing the output to multiple destinations. EX. ??

    Switch - Outputs a digital "1" whenever the input is greater than "0." EX. See example in sources.

    Abs -Absolute Value- This function inverts negative input values and outputs onl

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    y positive values. EX. ??

    Diode - Transitor switch, blocks negative input values, passing only positive values. EX. ??

    FlipFlop - The output of this processor alternates between a digital "1" and digital "0" each time the input goes positive from zero or a negative value. With an LFO input, the output will be a square wave of half the input frequency. EX. ??

    Quantize -Quantizer- With the input PatchCord set to 100%, the output value is limited to 16 discrete values. The value of the input PatchCord controls the number of steps. The value of the output PatchCord controls the size of the steps. EX. ??

    Gain4X - This processor amplifies the modulation source by a factor of 4. EX. ??

    C(00-23)Amt -Cord (00-23) Amount- You can modulate modulations with this. EX. Modulate Cord 01 with Lfo 1 when cord one is Lfo 2 -> Filter Frequency.[/i]