Cord Magic Basics

Cord Magic Basics posted in magic by witchery One magical art that is not widely used is that of cord magic. Cords or ribbons of various colors are braided together while concentrating on a desired end. Then the cord is consecrated, blessed, and worn. Many magical traditions use cords of various colors to designate attainment of degrees. This varies by tradition and region. WAYS TO USE CORD MAGICK Cord magick is widely adaptable. One very basic use is for protection. A cord can be made with the intent to protect the wearer from harm by psychic or magickal energies. Then, when worn, the cord protects from specific types of harm as the need arises. One caution: these protective cords should only be used when needed, not casually worn day in and day out. They work well when sleeping in an unfamiliar place, or visiting somewhere the wearer is uncertain about. Another use for cords can be to help performance on the job. Weave them with the intent that you will do your job better, be more professional, make fewer mistakes, make a good impression on others, etc., then wear them under your clothes to work. You could wear them every day (taking them off after work), or maybe only on Monday, or the toughest day of your week. Eventually you will no longer need them, as you will have internalized the message. Cord magic adapts well to helping others who may not use magick themselves. You weave the intent into the cords, and the person wears them knowing what spell you used and what the desired outcome is. You cannot give a person a cord and expect it to work without their knowledge and cooperation. The person wearing the cord must know what it is about and be a willing participant in the magickal intent.


Cord Magic

Transcript of Cord Magic Basics

Cord Magic Basicsposted in magic by witchery

One magical art that is not widely used is that of cord magic. Cords or ribbons of various colors are braided together while concentrating on a desired end. Then the cord is consecrated, blessed, and worn. Many magical traditions use cords of various colors to designate attainment of degrees. This varies by tradition and region.


Cord magick is widely adaptable. One very basic use is for protection. A cord can be made with the intent to protect the wearer from harm by psychic or magickal energies. Then, when worn, the cord protects from specific types of harm as the need arises. One caution: these protective cords should only be used when needed, not casually worn day in and day out. They work well when sleeping in an unfamiliar place, or visiting somewhere the wearer is uncertain about.

Another use for cords can be to help performance on the job. Weave them with the intent that you will do your job better, be more professional, make fewer mistakes, make a good impression on others, etc., then wear them under your clothes to work. You could wear them every day (taking them off after work), or maybe only on Monday, or the toughest day of your week. Eventually you will no longer need them, as you will have internalized the message.

Cord magic adapts well to helping others who may not use magick themselves. You weave the intent into the cords, and the person wears them knowing what spell you used and what the desired outcome is. You cannot give a person a cord and expect it to work without their knowledge and cooperation. The person wearing the cord must know what it is about and be a willing participant in the magickal intent.

Some people use cords to invoke certain gods or goddess energies. As deity has many aspects, you can use cords to symbolize a certain aspect of deity, and when woven with that in mind the cord acts as a link to that manifestation. These can also be used to invoke protection as aid from that particular god-form when worn. A cord can also be used as a portable magickal circle. Weave the cord inside the circle with the intent of producing the circle when worn. Then all you need to do is put the cord on, and you are in that circle. This works well when you are in a place you cannot cast a full circle, or you need a circle but lack the time or equipment necessary. This type of cord

needs to be recharged every so often to retain its potency and effectiveness.


The materials used for a cord vary. I like the round silk cord (called rattail, mousetail, bugtail or other names), dyed various colors, and usually available by the yard or foot at craft, yarn, or fabric stores. It comes in varying widths and many colors. It braids easily, and looks nice when finished. Yarn can also be used. Thicker yarn is better as it stands up to wear, and wool is best. Natural fibers work best in cords. Colored ribbons can also be used, found in decorating stores for trim (not the ribbon used for decorating packages. Often they can be bought by the spool for a good price.

Use a new piece of cord, string or twine, or a piece which has been specifically set a aside specifically for a magical purpose. Avoid plastic or synthetic based products, if possible. Use a length ideal for the task. If it is to be put in a neck pouch a 3 foot piece of cord will be a bit impractical, yet if it is to be worn as a girdle a 1 inch piece is hardly likely to fit.

The colour of the cord may reflect the form of magic required. Otherwise a natural or neutral colour will service. The spell should be performed alone and working by moonlight or candle light. But you can use an appropriate hour of the day as the situations demands. Incense can also be burned to assist in creating the right atmosphere and to ’seal’ the cord, if you wish.

When planning for a specific cord, I go and buy the materials, usually all at once. It’s easier to braid if you use the same material throughout, all silk or wool yarn, or ribbons. If the materials are bought in lengths, I measure the length desired. The standard is three yards (nine feet) per strand. Longer lengths become difficult to work with, and shorter lengths make a less adaptable cord (unless you plan on placing the cord in a pouch or your pocket). When I get it all home, I coat the ends with melted wax (usually by running them into the melted at the base of alighted candle) to seal the ends and prevent fraying. If you stick the cords in below the flame you can get the ends waxed and not burn the cord at all. After the wax hardens, I either start the braiding or I put the materials away until the time I have chosen to work on the cords.


Get very clear in your mind what is being sought or wished for or the intent of the spell your are about to performed. Concentrate on this

image or thought, banish all other images and thoughts from your mind.

When braiding, a tighter weave will make a shorter cord. A more elaborate weave will also probably end up shorter if you start with the same length cord. The more strands used and the thicker strands used, generally the shorter the finished cord will be. You can secure the cord with a ring (it loops through to tie more easily with a ring), or you can just know the ends together and braid if you don’t want to use any metal.

When braiding, I place enough time to finish the cord in one session. A simple three-strand braid can take twenty to forty minutes. With a seven or more strand braid it can take hours. As I braid, I recite the reasons for making this cord, perhaps making a rhyme or chant. I vary the words, using more than one rhyme or chant. I visualize the outcome desired; not how the outcome will happen, but just the end desired. If making the cord for another, I talk about the person and why this cord is being made and what I want it to do.

Once finished, I bless and consecrate the cord, then put it away until it is to be used. Cords make nice respositories for portable spells, and travel easily. You can wear them under your clothes or even as a belt, and they will do what you want, and be unobtrusive. You can carry them in a purse or pocket, ready to use when needed. Placed under a pillow, they offer protection at night while sleeping. Cord magick is simple and effective, and adapts well to many purposes.

KNOT MAGICKPass the card through the candle flame or incense smoke, back and forth whilst you whisper the words of your spell and to cleanse and seal the cord to it’s task.

Then begin to tie the knots whilst repeating the ’spell of the cord’

It is best to tie the knots as follows, starting from the middle—–2—-8—-4—-6—-1—-7—-5—-9—-3—-

Items can be tied into the knots as you go to strengthen the spell, such as hair, resins, wood, etc.

Spell of the Cord

By the knot of one The spells beganBy the knot of two It will come trueBy the knot of three So shall it beBy the knot of four It is strengthened more

By the knot of five So may it thriveBy the knot of six This spell is fixedBy the knot of seven Be it powered by the heavensBy the knot of eight Guide the hand of fateBy the knot of nine The thing is mine

Once completed, pass the knotted cord through the incense or candle flame again. Then extinguish the candle and incense and go to bed. Put the cord in a pre-prepared place or if for personal empowerment, under your pillow. Carry the knotted cord with you as a talisman, keeping it hidden from sight if necessary. Or dispose of as appropriate to the spell Do not tell any one of the spell working, if you must only those you can trust and only if you really need to. Above all else believe in what you are doing and it will work.

This is only a skeleton of the magic – one can invoke God or Goddess forms, animals or guide spirits to assist in the magic being worked, as you feel comfortable or appropriate with. Also this is not ’safe magic’ for it does not come with a “and harm none” clause. Cord magic is what I call grey magic, you can use it to give yourself confidence or to curse another and bind them to ill fortune, which ever you do and however you use the magic is your own responsibility and you will take the full consequences of the magic you cast, be that good or bad consequences Only you and your karmic conscious are the guardians of application of this form of magic.












by Estelle Daniels

Knot Magicposted in magic, spell by witcheryMagickal Knots

To Bind From HarmUse this spell to prevent someone from harming themselves and others. Tie nine knots in a cord while saying each time, “I bind you, (name), from harming yourself and from harming others.” When you are finished say, “Three times three, I bind you, (name), from harming yourself and from harming others.” Then burn the cord so that the knots may never come undone.

HealingTie nine knots in a length of thread and then tie the cord around the afflicted body part. Wear for a few minutes, visualizing what ails you, and then untie all the knots, releasing the ailment, and throw the thread into running water. (Please, please, please use a natural fiber.)

To Prevent NightmaresSuspend from the ceiling or hang on the wall above your bed a holed stoned on a cord containing nine knots.

Love/Binding SpellTake 3 cords or string of the colour(s) which symbolize your need. Knot one end to represent your self. Braid the cord/string until you reach the other end. Knot that end to represent the one you love. Visualize the two of you coming together as one and knot the center of the braid. Keep the braid in a safe place if it is a binding spell. If you are using this to attract love, keep it on your person or wear it as a necklace, bracelet, or anklet until love is found.

To Ensure A Happy MarriageTake an article of your clothing and one of his/hers; something that won’t be missed, such as a sock. Tie them together and hide in a place where they won’t be found.

Healing KnotTie nine knots in a piece of red string and wear around your neck to help cure a headache.

Releasing Hate/AngerFocus on all of your hate and anger and then tie a knot. Visualize your anger tied up in that knot. Then undo the knot, releasing your anger and then throw the cord into the fire.

ProtectionTie nine knots in a cord while visualizing a protective image such as a shield or a circle of white light around you or your home. Carry the cord with you for personal protection or hang inside your home.

Simple Needs KnotTake a cord in the appropriate colour and visualize/feel your need. Once you’ve built up as much emotion as you can, knot the cord firmly once. Keep the cord in a safe place until your need is met.

To Rid Of TroublesConcentrate on something that is troubling you. When you are full of emotion, firmly tie a knot in the cord and then leave the room and the cord behind for awhile. Later on, after you’re relaxed and focused, go back into the room and untie the knot, releasing what has been troubling you. Visualize it disappearing.

There are three things that you may do with the cord after your need is met:1. Burn it so that the knot may never come undone.2. Keep it in a safe place where it won’t be disturbed.3. Bury it in the earth.

Undo Knot MagicSimply undo the knot. This doesn’t always work so always be sure that what you are doing follows the Wiccan Rede.

Cord Magicposted in magic, spell by witcheryItems needed:basic altar set up,13 inches of cord or thread in colour symbolic of need.




Visualize desired need as cord is tied thusly:1___6___4___7___3___8___5___9___2


For love, money or drawing magick, keep cord until spell is successful, then burn or bury it.

For banishing or binding magick, after working is through, immediately bury cord off of property.

A Knot Magic Spell for Finding Lost Objectsposted in spell by witchery

This powerful spell originated in Greece, and is used to locate lost objects. All you need is a handkerchief made of natural fabric, some soil, and your powers of concentration. To begin, picture the lost item in your mind. As you visualize the lost object, tie the handkerchief into a knot. Then take the knotted handkerchief out to your garden (apartment dwellers may use a potted plant) and press the knot into thesoil while speaking these words:

“Back to the earth, back to the ground. I won’t untie you until you are found.”

Leave the handkerchief undisturbed until you find the lost item. When it is found, give thanks and untie the knot. Launder the handkerchief; put it away in a safe place to use again as needed.

Basic Spell Constructionposted in spell by witchery

Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire.

Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit.

It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all Astrological implications, energy currents and Moon phases.

The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the Moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working.

Bear in mind that magickal workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (from Dark to Full); when the Moon is Waning (from Full to Dark), it is time for magickal workings of decrease or sending away.

The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

Whenever possible, follow Nature’s own energy flows. There is a natural time for starting things (a planting time), for maturing things (a growing time), for reaping things (a harvest time) and, of course, a time for rest and planning.

Flowing with these currents will make your magickal work much easier.

Remember to plan your project for a time of uninterrupted privacy. It is important that you have no distractions. Generally speaking, it is best to work as late at night as possible. A time when there is less

frantic energy is most appropriate. You might consider Midnight or later.

In choosing a place to do your magickal working pay particular attention to your needs, for you must be comfortable. Your place should be private, quiet and secure. If at all possible, set aside a special place for this purpose only. An unused room, a special corner of your bedroom, a quiet, secluded spot in your garden. A place that is yours. A place that you can come to whenever need arises and that is as free from intrusion of others as possible.

Prior to the night of your magickal working, gather together the things that you will need. All of the things used are tools. They have no inherent magick. They are to help you create a mood. If correctly made and used, they will trigger primitive responses from deep within you. They should be chosen with care. Consider the purpose of your ritual and choose your tools accordingly. If your magick is to be sexual, your candles, oils, incenses and so forth should bring forth a sexual response. If the desired result of your Magick is tranquility, then the tools should make you feel calm, peaceful and serene. Any candles you might use should not have commercially added fragrances as these may not be appropriate for your working.

Prior to your ritual, prepare yourself and your equipment by any means necessary to clean and purify. Historically, people have fasted, followed meticulous and detailed bathing practices, practiced chastity and used many other methods.

Most often a ritual bath is the preferred method. A bath frequently utilizing candlelight, fragrant herbs, bath salts or sensuous oils. A sumptuous hot bath, special bathing preparations and appropriate lighting, combined, can create the soothing effect which will help in the very important step of relaxing and clearing the mind completely of all mundane thoughts and experiences of the day. Your ritual bath should, also, begin to set the specific vibrations conducive to your purpose into motion. You must not only cleanse and purify but must also begin to create the type of energy necessary. Once your purification process has been accomplished, you are now ready to begin. Proceed to the special place you have previously chosen in which to perform your magick. If at all possible, you should make use of the primitive responses set into motion by a well chosen piece of music. Your music should start slowly and build to a rousing climax.

As you use your oils, light your candle or incense (or utilize any other tool you have chosen), you should begin to further intensify the energy that you have set into motion around you. A high degree of intensity is vitally important.

The Altered State of Consciousness that you must reach is not a meditative state. Anything that interferes with your ability to concentrate upon, reach and control the high energy state necessary to perform magick should be avoided, such as screaming children, a sink full of dirty dishes, use of alcohol or drugs, etc.

Do not scatter your energy by attempting to do more than one magickal working at a time.

Remember that Magick is the manipulation of energy, a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form of energy. Your visualization can be a method used to intensify further and direct your will. Your visualization can be the method by which you control the magickal energy you have produced. You must know what you want. You must see it. You must feel the high energy flow. You must direct it.

One of the most important elements in the practice of any form of Magick is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. This means that whatever you do (or don’t do) you cause something to happen. The most important consideration is the Universal Law of Retribution. This means that no matter what you do, it comes back to you in like kind.

It is the nature of things that as you send something out it gains momentum, so that, by the time it comes back to you, it is three times stronger. If you do something nice for someone, someone will do something nicer for you.

As you weave andspin your spell,Three fold returnthe tale will tell.