Copyright © Tekes “Innovations in social and healthcare services” Tekes programme 2012-2015.

Copyright © Tekes “Innovations in social and healthcare services” Tekes programme 2012-2015

Transcript of Copyright © Tekes “Innovations in social and healthcare services” Tekes programme 2012-2015.

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Copyright © Tekes

“Innovations in social and healthcare services” Tekes programme 2012-2015

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Social and healthcare in Finland – some key facts

Social and healthcare services are mainly financed by taxation

A major social and healthcare service structure reform is under preparation

Healthcare expenditure was about €16.0 billion or 8.9% of GDP (2010)

~ 396 000 people are employed in the social and healthcare sector and ~27% of them work in private sector (2011)

~ 22 000 place of businesses in private sector

(80% < 10 employees) (2011)

A major challenge is ageing of population!

Source: the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy

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Innovations in social and healthcare services - Tekes programme

Launched in 2008 – revised policies in 2012–2015

The vision of the programme is to renew health and social services and increase business opportunities through innovative activities

The main goals of the programme are:

• effective, customer-oriented health and social services

• more extensive preventive actions • diversified partnership and cooperation

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Programme funding

Funding aims at encouragement towards growth and renewal

Total budget is approx. €100 million in 2012–2015, of which the share of Tekes funding is approx. €50 million

Public organizations (eg municipalities, hospitals), private parties and NGOs can apply for funding any time during the course of the programme.

A targeted call (€6 million) for public research organizations was launched in 2013 and 12 selected projects out of 72 proposals start in Jan-Feb 2014

Other small targeted calls may be launchedin future (eg. joint international calls)

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Other programme services

Visits (next: Health 2.0 Conference 2014 and other similar events in USA and Europe)

Seminars and networking events

Newsletters and other publications

Programme web site contains all the essential information

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Copyright © Tekes

SOTE ideas and good practices from Innokylä

IdeaThe Innokylä online service gathers together developmentwork, innovation, training and practices in the field ofsocial and health care from different parts of Finland to beaccessed from one address. At the same time it functionsas an open source for project information as well as adevelopment and learning tool for social and health careprofessionals, decision-makers and investors.

ImpactInnokylä has helped many municipalities improve theirsocial and health care services, given development ideas for new practices, improved the welfare of inhabitants, enhanced the use of resources and created cost savings. The Innokylä service has more than 2,000 registered users and almost a thousand different descriptions of practices and applications.

Tekes roleTekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme has funded some of Innokylä's establishment costs.


The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, THL, SOSTE

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The national growth database became a screening tool

Pohjois-Savo hospital district municipal federation

IdeaTo build a new national growth database and improve thescreening of children's growth in basic health care.

ImpactDuring the project, the Kasvuseula service concept andsoftware package were created, the purpose of which is tocollect and analyse children's growth information and alert ingood time of any anomalies.

Tekes roleThis internationally unique project that was piloted in Espoohas received funding from Tekes Innovations in Social andHealthcare Services programme.

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Long-term care insurance provides more security for the elderly

Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA

IdeaThe purpose of the study was to survey the long-termcare risks of the elderly as well as to introduce individuallong-term care insurance to the Finnish market.

ImpactThe study highlighted the increasing challenges infunding the long-term care system and the possibilitiesof supplementing the public care system with individuallong-term care insurance. However, these insurancepayments should not cause increases to the publicservice's customer payments. Additionally, municipalitiesshould give out reliable information on the availability, level and price of services in the future.

Tekes roleThe research project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme.

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Joy of life and customer-orientation in elderly care

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

IdeaTo create new, more customer-oriented practices in theinstitutional and home care of the elderly throughservice design.

ImpactThe PALMU project brought out many simple butinnovative ways to improve the everyday life of theelderly suffering from memory disorders as well as toincrease their autonomy.

Tekes roleThe project was funded through Tekes Innovations inSocial and Healthcare Services programme.

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Smartphones to help in young people's eating disorders

Etelä-Pohjanmaa hospital district

IdeaTo develop a new kind of flexible care messagingservice utilising communications technology forthe use of the eating disorder unit.

ImpactThe care messaging service improves theeveryday life of patients and their families.Communication with care personnel is flexibleand timely. Some polyclinic visits can also bereplaced with remote and video connections, which saves time and money.

Tekes roleThe Neuvokas II project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme.

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The City of Helsinki utilises Idealinko models

City of Helsinki Health Centre, Department of Social Services and Health Care, Education Department, Sports Department and Personnel Centre, Forum Virium Helsinki, Medixine, Logica, Tieto, Palmia and VTT


The development of the Idealinko service, whereinhabitants from four different parts of the citytogether with City of Helsinki employees came upwith solutions to improve their own services.


The principles of Idealinko are utilised in forexample Helsinki's internal idea and innovationsystem. The model is currently being developedwithin the Education Department to suit the needsof schools.

Tekes role

The project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme.

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Mental health and substance abuse services to move under the same roof

IdeaA customer-oriented service chain was built for mentalhealth and substance abuse work and rehabilitation,surpassing the traditional separation of managementand organisation. At the same time all central serviceswere moved into one address.

ImpactDuring the Kimpale project, treatment and rehabilitationwere developed towards a more customer-orienteddirection, which improves the service level, increases theefficiency of operations and produces cost savings.

Tekes roleThe project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme. Tekes was also an important sparring partner during the project's design and implementation phases.

Pohjanmaa region centre for substance abuse prevention, City of Kokkola social and health care service, Ventuskartano ry and Keski-Pohjanmaan kokemustutkijat ry.

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New ways to help the long-term homeless

IdeaTo create a "Housing First" model for the social and healthcare services for the homeless. The processes includeplanning innovations, developing concepts, implementingservice models and distribution.

ImpactThe four largest cities in Finland created commonmethods and models that can be used to prevent socialexclusion. The "Irti asunnottomuudesta" (rid ofhomelessness) online manual was produced, and it canbe used by all professionals. Gained models for preventing evictions and new ways to support housing and rehabilitation. Online manual remains available for professionals.

Tekes roleThe project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme. The project application was used as a framework for planning, and it required a structured working method, which was essential for getting successful results.

Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Helsinki Deaconess Institute and Y-Foundation

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Child placements reduced in Raisio

IdeaImproved working methods by studying leadership practices. Improved child welfare through new working methods. New working methods were developed in co-operation with companies based on the initial survey.

ImpactAfter the initial survey, companies co-operated in creating a screening tool for online analysis of young people's health and welfare. Through new working methods, the co-operation between fields of management was improved so that the number of child placements outside the home was reduced by a third.

Tekes roleThe initial survey project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services programme. Based on the co-operation created through the survey, Activity Stones developed its own business idea, which is currently in operation.

City of Raisio, family services in co-operation with Activity Stones Oy

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Support for personal assistance employers

IdeaSupporting seriously disabled persons in employer tasks when the person hires an assistant. Giving support so that the different fields of management work in co-operation.

ImpactThe support needed by a new employer was mapped comprehensively, and experiences are still used in the personal support centre's business plan.

Tekes roleThe project was funded through Tekes Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services

Eskoo centre for personal assistance (Eskoo Joint Municipal Authority for Social Services)

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Thank you!

Programme Manager: Raimo Pakkanen, Tekestel. +358 2950 55829, raimo.pakkanen[at]

Programme Coordinator: Kenneth Sandström, Nordic Healthcare Grouptel. +358 40 847 7291, kenneth.sandstrom[at]