Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~...

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Transcript of Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~...

Page 1: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Page 2: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad Howse Fitness All Rights Reserved - 2 -  

Strong Like A Warrior- The Warrior Ethos Copyright 2012 © by Meglio Performance Systems LLC

& Chad Howse Fitness. All Rights Reserved.

No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Joe Meglio, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal – and these cases require written approval from Joe Meglio prior to publication.

For more information, please contact: Meglio Performance Systems LLC Chad Howse Fitness Email: [email protected]

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Page 3: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Disclaimer: The information in this book is offered for educational purposes only; the reader should be cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed by the participant with any form of physical activity and diet. With that in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs should check with their physician prior to initiating such activities. Anyone participating in these activities should understand that such training initiatives might be dangerous if performed incorrectly, and may not be appropriate for everyone. The author assumes no liability for injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already proficient with the demands of such programming.

Page 4: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Table of Contents

The War That Is Life. The Battle: Every Day. ------------------------- 5 The Warrior Ethos ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 Conquering Fear ------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Training the Body & the Spirit-------------------------------------------- 9 Using Iron to Forge Men of Steel------------------------------------------ 10

Page 5: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Strong Like a Warrior by Chad Howse & Joe Meglio

Be brave, my heart. Plant your feet and square your shoulders to the enemy. Meet him among the man-killing spears. Hold your ground. In victory, do not brag; in defeat do not weep. ~ Archilochus

The War That Is Life. The Battle: Every Day. No matter how bad we’d like it not to be, life is a warrior, and every day, its battle. Ignoring it or dismissing it as myth won’t change the fact that every day we wake up and wage war against forces that are under our control, and those that aren’t.

We’re at war with the Resistance; anything that comes between us and our work or our mission in life. I’m at war with the Resistance right now as I’m writing this book, there’s a part of me that wants to stop, check my email, go for a walk, or read a book. A part of me that wants to be lazy instead of working. That wants ease instead of strain.

There’s a part of us all that would rather watch a movie than go to the gym. Or sleep in instead of getting up early and hustling. Or stopping early on a set before the pain really kicks in.

That laziness and fear is the Resistance. It’s very real, and just like a warrior needs to kill his enemy on the battlefield, we need to kill our enemy every single day of our lives because our enemy never ceases.

• We’re at battle with temptations that want to drive a wedge between us and our values.

• We’re at battle with other people who aim to drag us down and prevent us from doing great things.

• We’re at battle physically, when those of us who are brave enough to fight for our freedom enter the battlefield. If then, life is a battle, one that we’re constantly fighting, we need to be warriors to be victorious. In this program we’re going to forge the physique of a warrior, but we’re also going to develop the warrior spirit that’s missing from the modern man.

Page 6: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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The Warrior Ethos The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield

If a Spartan youth failed to show courage in battle, his fiancee would abandon him.

The Warrior Ethos is the code of the warrior. It’s most important value is courage. We can’t live by the Warrior Ethos if we don’t live and act with courage. We can’t live as men - real men - if we don’t posses courage.

What’s good for us is, courage, as Pressfield mentions, is taught.

Courage is most often taught through discipline, it’s forged through pain, it’s created and cultivated as we face our fears time and time again.

If you miss a workout, you have lost a piece of your courage, you’ve defeated a part of your warrior’s heart. If you fail early on a set, again, you’ve been defeated. If you quit, then my friend, you’ve taken a gash out so great that can only be remedied when you face, and conquer, another fear so great that it will fill this void that quitting leaves in its wake.

Just as young Spartans were sent away to become warriors, this program, your time in the gym, will serve as your agoge, where you’ll not only build the strong, muscular, athletic body of a warrior, but abide by the ethos that governs warriors as well.

Page 7: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Conquering Fear Fix your mind upon its object. Hold to this, unswerving, Disowning fear and hope, Advance only upon this goal.

Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where are they. ~ Plutarch

One of our greatest fears is that we’re not worthy. Our enemy is our own selves; our doubts.

This enemy will tell you to take it easy, to take a day off, that you don’t need to train, to eat right, or to work hard. That you have the wrong genetics, that your body isn’t meant to be muscular, that you’re forever going to be weak.

This is bullshit.

Genetics are a load of crap in that our bodies can be changed for the better. Both Joe and I, the creators of this epic program, were skinny little runts growing up - myself especially.

A strong wind could have knocked me off my feet when I was a teen, but luckily I never had people around me telling me that I couldn’t, rather, that I could. And if they told me that I couldn’t, my mission in life soon began to prove them wrong.

I tried everything under the sun to gain muscle, I only wish I’d met guys like Joe, and learnt the techniques we share with you in this program earlier on, so I didn’t have to waste all of that time and effort doing crap that didn’t work.

But that time “wasted”, has served me in that I can serve you by showing you what works, and definitely, what doesn’t.


Fear can disguise itself as laziness. It can bring things into your life that will steer you away from the gym, away from hard work, and towards a life of ease.

Be conscious of this fact.

Start the program that we’ve created for you the very first Monday after you have made this purchase, and don’t stop until it’s done.

Page 8: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Don’t think. Act.

Nothing great has ever come with ease.No warrior has ever been forged on a lazy-boy recliner.No great man has ever become such without immense hardship.

Building a strong body is a great metaphor for this fact of life.

It’s only through placing our bodies under stress and pain, that we create growth, and strength. Love pain, and you will grow strong.

I live by this paranoia...

While you lie here at ease, the sons of the Persians are training to defeat you in battle. ~ Alexander the Great

While I’m sitting on my ass, some other young man is writing, building his business, facing his fears, traveling, seizing greatness. This paranoia has led to sleepless nights.

It has also led to knockout wins when I was fighting.

It has led to 1,000 % growth in my business in one year.It has led to solo trips to Costa Rica, New York, Texas etc...

Fear is in us. It’s not an exterior force or a truth. It’s a lie we tell ourselves daily in order to “stay comfortable” and avoid risk.

Here’s another truth: life exists on the other side of safety. It exists in risk. It exists in hard work and fears faced. A warrior lives, because he accepts that he will die.

Every man dies, not every man really lives. ~ Braveheart

Page 9: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Training the Body & the Spirit Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others. ~ Churchill The purpose of the program is to give you real results where other programs have failed. And we guarantee that if you stick to the program, you’ll get those results.

The results we promise:

Gains in lean muscle, but not useless, puffy muscle. Strong, powerful, athletic muscle. And there is a difference.

We’re going to focus on building strength, but also power and explosiveness. To be a warrior we need to not only look the part, but act the part as well.

The other aspect of the program is the mental battle you’re going to undertake as you train. This isn’t an easy program. It will be painful. You WILL have to work.

Be conscious of this battle as you train...

There will be a voice telling you to stop, quit, and take it easy. Push yourself to do when more rep when called upon to do so. Don’t go easy on yourself. Don’t make it okay to fail prematurely, but also don’t be too relegated to a rep or set count. Yes, the numbers are there for a reason, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t go above and beyond them if you need to or want to.

If it says to do “50 burpees”, do 51. If you can push out one more push-up, do so. Challenge yourself to do more in the sets that challenge your will. In

the sets that are designed to help you gain strength, add weight, lift heavier weights, but stick to the confinements of the rep counts we’ve given you.

Intensity is the warrior-maker.

Your degree of intensity will determine whether or not your training is successful, if you build the body you want to build, or if you fail and fall short.

So work hard!

Page 10: Copyright 2012 by Meglio Performance Systems & Chad …Ethos.pdf · The Warrior Ethos is taught. ~ from The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield If a Spartan youth failed to show courage

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Using Iron to Forge Men of Steel King Agis was shown a new catapult, which could shoot a killing dart 200 yards. When he saw this, he wept. “Alas,” he said. “Valor is no more.” If you’re afraid of old school hard work, then this program isn’t for you.

If, however, you understand that in hard work, lies your true potential, then welcome aboard!

Let’s get down to the business of creating the warrior physique. The Strong Like a Warrior training program is broken into two parts:


The strength program consists of 3 workouts per week. The muscle program is 1 day a week.

With strength comes muscle, clearly. By combining these two very different methods (as you will see), we’re creating a program that brings old school, warrior training methods, together with “new school” training methods to build muscle that are focused on creating tension in the muscle.

By getting stronger in the strength portion of the program, you’re going to dramatically increase your body’s ability to add muscle.

You’ll lift heavier weights in the strength program, and lighter weights in the muscle program. But the pain will be the same in both.

Each program has its own explanation. It’s own manual where Joe and I take you through how to train, what to do in the gym, and how to recover.

Our work now is done.

Go now and train.

“The Warrior Ethos is taught. On the football field in Topeka, in the mountains of the Hindu Kush, on the lion-infested plains of Kenya and Tanzania. Courage is modeled for the youth by fathers and older brothers, by mentors and elders. It is inculcated, in almost all cultures, by a regimen of training and discipline. This discipline frequently culminates in an ordeal of initiation. The Spartan youth receives his shield, the paratrooper is awarded his wings, the Afghan boy is handed his AK-47.” ~ Pressfield The modern day man is given Strong Like a Warrior.