Copyright © 2010 Hugo · Overhead...


Transcript of Copyright © 2010 Hugo · Overhead...

Page 1: Copyright © 2010 Hugo · Overhead Triceps Extensions 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Thighs Blast . Triset:
Page 2: Copyright © 2010 Hugo · Overhead Triceps Extensions 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Thighs Blast . Triset:

Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

What is the Best Exercise for Fat Loss? Believe it or not, for fat loss, weight training exercise burns more body fat than cardiovascular exercise. Weight training exercise gives you a metabolic boost for 24-48 hours. The reason for that is because when you perform weight training exercise a lot of damage happens to the muscle fibers, and thus, the body has to spend energy repairing the muscle and making it stronger than before. Traditional cardiovascular exercise, on the other hand, only burns calories throughout the duration of the exercise. Once the activity is done, your metabolism goes back to normal. Because of this, weight training is a better exercise for fat loss since your metabolism is stimulated for much longer. Also, keep in mind that cardiovascular exercise cannot re-shape your body in the way that weight training does. If you are looking to have a tight and fit toned body, weight training is what you need to emphasize! With that said, keep in mind that fat loss is really a function of your diet as well. If you are not following a diet that puts you in a slightly lower caloric deficit, you won't be able to lose any body fat. But on this aspect you don’t need to worry as the Fat Extinction Program you have in your hands will take care of that for you! Do I Need To Train All Day In Order to Get Results? Not at all! As a matter of fact, after 45 minutes of training, your cortisol levels begin to increase and thus, you will begin to run the risk of losing muscle tissue and storing body fat! With that said, it is important that you keep your weight training sessions short and sweet. In this e-book I will disclose my top ten most effective home metabolic boostin workouts. This workouts are 7 minutes or less in length! In that manner, even if you are super tied up and you can’t get to the gym, as long as you have a pair of adjustable dumbbells at home you can get your workouts in. Because I am assuming that if you are short on time you can’t do cardiovascular training, these workouts are fast paced so that you can get maximum fat burning without having to do cardio! All of these workouts use trisets and supersets in order to make them quick in nature. A triset is three exercises performed one after the other with no rest in between sets. You will rest the prescribed amount of time only after the third exercise is performed. A superset is the same as a tri-set but with two exercises performed one after the other instead.

Page 3: Copyright © 2010 Hugo · Overhead Triceps Extensions 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Thighs Blast . Triset:

Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

Without further ado, I will present to you my top home metabolic boosting workouts. If you don’t know how to perform the exercises don’t worry. Anthony’s system has great exercise description videos. In addition, you can visit my You Tube channel at: and check out my videos that show how to do each of these routines. The Top Ten Super Short 7 Minute Metabolic Boosting Fat Burning Home Workouts 7 Minute Back Blast Triset: Two Arm Dumbbell Rows (Pronated Grip; Palm Facing towards your thighs) 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Two Arm Dumbbell Rows (Neutral Grip; Palm Facing towards your torso) 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Two Arm Dumbbell Rows (Supinated Grip; Palm Facing forward) 2 sets of 10-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Chest Blast Triset: Dumbbell Flyes on the Floor 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Dumbbell Bench Press on the Floor 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Push-Ups 2 sets of 10-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Shoulder Blast Triset: Bent Over Laterals 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Upright Rows 2 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest) Shoulder Press 2 sets of 10-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Biceps Blast Triset: Alternate Dumbbell Curls 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Hammer Curls 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Concentration Curls 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest)

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

7 Minute Triceps Blast Triset: Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Overhead Triceps Extensions 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Thighs Blast Triset: Dumbbell Lunges (press with ball of foot) 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Dumbbell Squats 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Sissy Squats 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Hamstrings Blast Triset: Dumbbell Lunges (press with heels) 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Dumbbell Stiff Legged Dead-lifts 2 sets of 8-15 reps (no rest) Dumbbell Squats (Wide Stance/Press with heels) 2 sets of 8-15 reps (60 second rest) 7 Minute Calf Blast One Legged Calf Raises 6 sets of 8-30 reps Notes: For maximum effect perform this on stable raised surface such as a stairwell and make sure you hold yourself from a sturdy surface. You will be alternating back and forth between legs with no rest until all 6 sets are done for each leg. 7 Minute Ab Blast Triset: Bicycle Crunches 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (no rest) Crunches 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (no rest) Leg Raises 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (30 sec rest)

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

7 Minute Ab Blast #2 Triset: Modified V-Ups 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (no rest) Knee-Ins 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (no rest) Alternating Side to Side Crunches 2 sets of 10-30 repetitions concentrating on form (30 sec rest) How to Perform Each of These Routines? First you need to select a training split. There are a few training splits to choose from: Bodybuilding Training Split #1: Day 1: Chest, Biceps, Triceps Day 2: Legs Day 3: Back, Shoulders, Abs Day 4: Rest Day 5: Start Over Bodybuilding Training Split #2: Day 1: Chest, Back, Abs Day 2: Legs Day 3: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps Day 4: Rest Day 5: Start Over Bodybuilding Training Split #3: Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Day 2: Legs

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

Day 3: Back, Biceps, Abs Day 4: Rest Day 5: Start Over Ultimately you can choose the one you like. Or if you would like to experiment, use one training split for a month and then change it up. As far as the workouts themselves, it’s up to you if you do all of them in one session or if you want to split your training sessions throughout the day. For example, I know some people that if they are using Training Split #3 they may do 7 min of back in the morning before work and finish up in the afternoon with Biceps and Abs. Other people just like to do everything at the same time and get it out of the way. Ultimately, it is up to you! Can I Change Exercises? Absolutely. I already gave you the framework of the routines and I chose exercises that you could easily do from the comfort of your home, but if you have access to more equipment or want to perform these routines at the gym, then by all means feel free to mix and match different exercises. Just make sure that you stick to the basic exercises that are prescribed on the Fat Extinction Program. If you start using mostly machines, you will lose a lot of the effectiveness and fat burning effects that free weights offer you. If I Have More Time, Can I Add Sets to The Routine? If you have more time, you can add a third set if you’d like. That would make each routine around 10 minutes in length. Conclusion So there you have it: my top ten metabolic boosting/fat burning weight training routines for those of you who lack the time to embark on a more time consuming training program. Combine these with the Fat Extinction Principles presented in Anthony Alayon’s system and watch your fat be extinct! All the best! Hugo A. Rivera International Best Selling Fitness Author (Over 1 million copies sold worldwide) (a NY Times Company) Bodybuilding Guide Natural Champion Bodybuilder

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

Hugo Rivera

International Best Selling Fitness Author, Champion National-Level Natural Bodybuilder, Certified Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist and Industry Consultant

Hugo A. Rivera is a University of South Florida graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Hugo also holds a Trainer and Specialist in Nutrition Certifications from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). He was born on December 5, 1974 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. As an overweight child he experienced at an early age the feelings of insecurity that come along with obesity as well as the scorn and ridicule from the people around him. After going anorexic at the age of 13 and losing a total of 70 pounds in less than a year, he was taken to a nutritionist by his concerned parents in an effort to stop the anorexic cycle. This nutritionist mentioned one thing that would change Hugo's outlook on dieting forever: "Eating food will not make you fat; only abusing the quantities of the bad foods will." After listening to that statement, Hugo decided to kick the anorexic habit and to dedicate his life to studying the effects of foods on the human physiology. By the age of fifteen Hugo's interest in how food affects the shape and the form of your body naturally led to an interest in the area of exercise, something that led him to become an avid natural bodybuilder. Discovering early on that there wasn't much realistic or practical bodybuilding or fitness advice, he went on to start recording what worked and what didn't for him. After much trial and error, he started finding principles that he noticed worked on any healthy human being. The best part of it all was his discovery on the fact that there was no necessity to stay all day at the gym in order to get results! Upset at the fact that not many people in the industry cared about trainees actually reaching their goals, he decided to create a web

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

site and start conducting personal training during his college years in an effort to spread all of the knowledge that he had acquired. Eighteen years later Hugo holds a Statewide Natural Bodybuilding Title (Mr. Typhoon Bay) and also a 4th Place in the Nationwide NPC Team Universe (the natural bodybuilder's highest and most competitive contest). Hugo is now considered an expert in the industry and he has dedicated much of his time to helping normal people achieve their dream figures by sharing sensible and practical knowledge that he has found over the years to work even on the most stubborn metabolisms. In addition, holding for many years a steady hectic engineering job in addition to his successful online and personal training business enables him to offer practical advice that people who live a hectic lifestyle can follow. Hugo has shared his knowledge through his web site, various TV, radio interviews and speaking engagements, as well as on several articles published in numerous magazines and web sites all over the world. Author Of the Body Re-Engineering Program Hugo's knowledge of the human physiology and anatomy (something that he was exposed to from an early age due to the fact that his grandfather was a Medical Doctor), combined with his analytical skills that he developed in his engineering profession enable him to produce extremely efficient programs that anyone can fit into their schedule. The fact that he was overweight and then extremely underweight (after the anorexic period) enables him to identify with all groups of people that have weight problems. In addition, holding for many years a steady hectic engineering job in addition to his successful online and personal training business enables him to offer practical advice that people who live a hectic lifestyle can follow. Hugo has combined all that knowledge and experience and self published his body transformation program Body Re-Engineering Best Selling Fitness Author In 2001 he commercially published through Hatherleigh Press two books targeted towards the weight loss community called The Body Sculpting Bible for Men and The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (featuring the 14 Day Body Sculpting Program). Hugo wrote these books in conjunction with James Villepigue, an authority in exercise form and the connection between the mind and the muscle. In these books, both authors apply the periodization principles used by pro athletes to workouts geared for people whose main goal is to lose weight and firm up. Both books soon became best sellers and now there are over 8 book extensions on that franchise with the latest re-release of the originals in December 2006 that even includes an exercise and nutrition DVD.

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera Bodybuilding Guide Hugo was selected amongst thousands of applicants from all over the world to become the new Guide, an web site owned by the New York Times Company whose goal is to help beginners start a safe and healthy weight-lifting program, choose the right gear for their needs, and offer motivation to help users meet their personal goals. Consultancy & Projects Hugo has co-authored nutrition and training programs along with actress, fitness icon and six time Ms. Olympia Cory Everson. He has also served as consultant to High Schools helping to put together bodybuilding shows and educating the students on the several aspects of bodybuilding competition and the dangers of steroids. Hugo has served also as consultant to nutrition companies in designing nutritional formulas and helping to market their products. TV & Radio Hugo has made several appearances on both national and local television and has been extensively interviewed by various newspapers, magazines and radio stations all over the nation, in addition to providing numerous seminars on training and nutrition at health clubs and nutrition stores. Hugo has appeared on national television a number of times promoting the fitness lifestyle. Published Works •The Body Sculpting Bible for Men •The Body Sculpting Bible for Women •The Body Sculpting Bible 21-Minute Express Workout for Men •The Body Sculpting Bible 21-Minute Express Workout for Men •The Body Sculpting Bible for Brides •The Body Sculpting Bible Chest and Arms Specialization Workout for Men •The Body Sculpting Bible Buns and Thighs Specialization Workout for Women •Body Re-Engineering (e-book) •The Hardgainer's Bodybuilding Handbook •The Body Sculpting Bible for Men (Revised with DVD) •The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (Revised with DVD) Hugo's articles have been published in the following magazines.

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

•Be Healthy and Beautiful Magazine •Built •Ladies Home Journal •Maximum Fitness •Muscle •Natural Muscle •Olympian Muscle News •SuperOnda •Woman’s World Hugo's work has been published on hundreds of web sites ezine's including.. • • • • • • • • • • •And many others…. Bodybuilding Contests NPC 2007 USA Bodybuilding Championships (Pro Qualifier) Placing: 4th Welterweight NPC 2007 Southern States Championships (National Level Show) Placing: 1st Welterweight NPC 2006 All South Bodybuilding Championships (National Level Show) Placing: 4th Middleweight NPC 2005 All South Bodybuilding Championships (National Level Show) Placing: 3rd Light Heavyweight NPC 2004 National Bodybuilding Championships (Pro Qualifier) Placing: 16th Middleweight NPC 2002 Team Universe (Pro Qualifier) Placing: 4th Welterweight Champion

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Copyright © 2010 Hugo Rivera

NPC 2001 Typhoon Bay (Statewide Level Show) Placing: Lightweight Champion Unanimous Overall Champion