Copyright 2003 Creative Metrics 360 Feedback: Keys to Success Creative Metrics.

Copyright 2003 Creative Metrics 360 Feedback: Keys to Success Creative Metrics

Transcript of Copyright 2003 Creative Metrics 360 Feedback: Keys to Success Creative Metrics.

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360 Feedback: Keys to Success

Creative Metrics

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• Are viewed by leaders as useful and powerful

• Result in significant personal improvement

• Produce minimal strain on the organization

• Become a process, rather than an event

• Are seen as integral to running the business

Successful 360 initiatives:

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1. Senior management support – in talk and action. True belief, born from experience, in the power of feedback and the business need for leadership excellence.

2. Effective communication – to leaders, raters, project

team members and the entire organization.

3. Useful survey content – items and competencies that are clear, relevant, observable, concise & lively.

4. Efficient data collection and reporting – a

streamlined process that is fast, efficient, easy & simple.

Keys to success

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5. Easy to understand reports – information that can be immediately understood and acted upon without a psychological or research background.

6. Support for leaders – guides, tools and programs to ensure that they gain value from their feedback and find their unique path to excellence.

7. Follow-through – systems and accountability to ensure that leaders act on the information and make meaningful improvement.

Keys to success

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Creative Metrics provides experience, resources, and service in these areas:

•Leadership competency development

•Measurement and statistics

•Data collection and reporting systems

•Coaching and training

•Leadership development strategy

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And we use all of these resources to ensure that each key to success is in place…

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We engage top leaders in the process so they can take ownership and lead the initiative.

Tools and Methods:

• Structured interviews with leaders about the organization’s strengths, vulnerabilities, and critical leadership needs.

• Focus groups and an efficient rating process to allow top leaders to evaluate, scrutinize and revise leadership competencies and survey content.

• Group and individual feedback with top leaders, conducted by seasoned trainers and coaches, to ensure that executives have a positive experience and can therefore fully support the initiative as it is implemented in the organization.

1. Senior Management Support

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We help you orchestrate a communication “campaign” - a series of carefully crafted, well-timed messages in multiple media – to ensure that all participants – leaders, raters, and project team members – are informed.

2. Effective Communication

Communication Essentials:

• Purpose of initiative – How the initiative will help the organization achieve its goals and objectives.

• Logistics – “how, when & who” of the entire project, beginning to end.

• Expectations – who will have access to reports, how will leaders be accountable, what resources will be provided, etc.

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The goal is to create “water cooler talk” – excitement and clarity about the feedback and how it will help the organization achieve its objectives.

2. Effective Communication

Tools and Methods:

• A detailed project plan with a succinct timeline of events.

• Suggested introductory memo and testimonial from the CEO to employees

• A series of PowerPoint presentations for participants and the HR community

• A series of memos or emails to raters, participants, and HR

• Suggested answers to frequently asked questions; a method for publicizing answers.

• Creative methods such as introductory videos, simulcasts, orientation meetings, and kick-off events.

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We will build your leadership content or work with you to integrate and improve pre-existing models and content.

Tools and Methods:

• Item bank of over 1,500 tested and proven survey items measuring 75 competencies.

• Items that are clear, behavioral, observable, actionable and relevant

• Systematic item evaluation to identify and remove problematic items from existing surveys.

• Consulting on content development and leadership models; insight based on experience and scientific training.

• Statistical analysis to ensure reliability and predictive power.

3. Useful Survey Content

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We provide the expertise and system capabilities to streamline the process so that it becomes “transparent.” Raters can focus on providing high-quality feedback; leaders can focus on acting upon this feedback.

“At first glance the data collection and reporting of a 360 seems quite simple: all you have to do is collect surveys from a few people about a person and produce a report. Anyone that has been involved in the behind-the-scenes logistics of a 360 project knows better and probably has a few scars to prove it.”

Michael StewartManaging Director

4. Efficient Data Collection and Reporting

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Seven years in the making, our web-based system drives the data collection and reporting. We also provide an innovative method for distributing paper forms through the web.

Tools and Methods:

• Online survey with the graphic look of your organization and 100% customizable content.

• Easy selection of raters and completion of survey. Minimal number of emails to gain maximum response rates.

• Administrative tools for sending emails, providing answers to frequently asked questions, monitoring progress, generating reports, etc.

4. Efficient Data Collection and Reporting

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Our custom reports for individuals and groups are tailored for your organization. We strive to develop reports that are immediately understood and can be acted upon without a psychological or research background

Tools and Methods:

• 100% design flexibility.

• Paper or electronic, downloadable as Excel.

• Color coding and sorting for ease of interpretation.

• Summaries of critical information to be acted upon.

5. Easy to read reports

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We lower the leader’s “defenses,” provide clarity about the meaning of the feedback, and give the leader a roadmap to fulfill his or her leadership potential.

Tools and Methods:

• Group and individual feedback sessions that are carefully crafted to ensure that leaders get maximal value from their feedback.

• Paper or electronic guides with questions to ponder, actions to take, books, seminars, movies, etc. for each leadership area.

• Online tools for building a development plan.

• Tools to develop the organization’s internal capability: train the trainer; train the coach; PowerPoint presentations for managers.

6. Support for Leaders

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We ensure that leaders set goals on the basis of their feedback and that they are held accountable for progress toward those goals.

Sample Tools and Methods:

• On-line goal setting tool.

• Check up survey to gauge leader’s progress in select leadership areas.

• On-going coaching, by phone or in person.

• Consulting about how other organizations have attempted to create accountability.

7. Follow-through

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We help you find ways to create accountability that are appropriate, given your organization’s current “feedback culture” and familiarity with 360s.

Levels of Accountability:

1. Sharing of action plan with manager or coach

2. Sharing of action steps with staff

3. Sharing of results with manager

4. Check up survey

5. Use of results in succession planning & other HiPo activities.

6. Link to formal development planning

7. Direct or indirect link to performance appraisals

8. Direct or indirect link to pay, promotions & job security

7. Follow-through

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In summary, Creative Metrics provides the expertise, experience, systems, and other resources that are needed to ensure that the initiative is a success. Organizations can choose to work with us in any or all of the areas that have been discussed.

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“We conducted a survey of our 5,000+ managers to find out what they thought the best HR initiatives were at Sun Microsystems. Of 14 HR initiatives, the feedback program we worked with Creative Metrics to develop was rated as #2 in execution and #1 in usefulness.”

Jillian DormanManagement ExcellenceSun Microsystems, Inc.

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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Data collection system

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Data collection can be done with paper forms or with an online system. Following are the unique features of our on-line data collection system.

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The look of your site is completely customized to fit your organization and blend with your other web sites.

Customized look

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Role Based Access

When users enter the site, the system knows who they are, what role they are playing and therefore what functionality to provide on their site. Most users have just a few simple links chosen specifically for them.

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Language Independent

The site is presented in the preferred language of the user. Our system supports any language that is supported by Unicode. Users can toggle between languages.

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The survey format is tailored to your needs, including the number of response options and the labels for the options.

Flexible Formats

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Easy-to-use tools are provided for monitoring progress of the data administration, adding users, changing rater relationships, etc.

Administrative Tools

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Tools are provided for generating ad-hoc reports (slicing and dicing the data)

Reporting Tools

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Flexible Business Rules

• Different content for different rating groups (e.g., fewer items for peers)

• Different forms and processes for different regions (e.g., Europe can follow a different process)

• Manager approval of direct report’s raters (to ensure that the raters are representative)

• Ability to “decline” opportunity to rate.

• And other unique features.

We tailor the business rules for your organization. For example, we can provide the following:

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We “plug and play” software modules to create the custom look and functionality you need. This means faster development time, more flexibility, and reliable systems.

Modular Software Development

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Hosting Options

Most organizations ask us to host and manage the site. We also will install the system in your environment. (We can provide your IT professionals with documentation from our latest security audit.)

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Keys to Success• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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Reporting Flexibility

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Reporting Options

Reports can be delivered on paper or electronically. Electronic reports can be static or interactive, allowing sorting, manipulating displays, etc. Resources for improvement can be built into the report, so individuals can identify action steps based on their results.

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Reporting Options

We have almost infinite flexibility in designing reports. We provided the following:

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Report introductions that say exactly what you would like them to say

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Complete creative flexibility in creating the look that you want (we can also suggest a look for you)

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Sorting and coloring coding for easier interpretation

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Displays that avoid the use of numbers

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Various methods for reporting the highest and lowest items…

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Methods for showing gaps…

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and areas of importance

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And an endless variety of group reporting options.

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Finally, we provide downloaded, interactive displays that allow navigation and automatic sorting

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Keys to Success• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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Integration with Other HR Initiatives

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Although most companies start with just one initiative, such as 360 feedback, they know that they can later add other initiatives using the same system.

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Performance appraisal

Training Evaluation

Career Planning

Custom Metrics

Talent Management

Succession Planning

360 Feedback Employee Surveys

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The same platform can be used to conduct performance appraisal…

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Goal setting…

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Talent Management

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Succession planning


Position Incumbent 1 2 3

SVP Operations James Broadway Everet Madusa

VP North America Rawly Jenkins Salvatory Smith

Director SW Michaels Williams Ninu Menori

Director NE Eversol Newton Francis Marks

Director SE Buton Veria Milo Rhodes

VP Latin America Gonzales Laplena Rodriques Santos

VP Europe Gannon Hanson Eversen Marks

VP France Everman Brochet Salnori Langmuire

VP Spain Billing Norte Valenci Almosa

VP EU Tolkens Korchev Horsi Manchenko

VP Asia Chen Lee Woo Okawa

VP China Ying Cho Wong Hichimi

VP Korea Yao Kim Chan Kossler

SVP Marketing Moore Berilla Ganer Shearn

VP North America Manning Lindoerfer Rodwick Smith

Director A Nelson Loe Steed Paredes

Director B Adams Crist Miller Mort

Director C Wheeler Loring Starks Francek

VP Latin America Blanding Hardy Beatty Kawata

VP Europe Flemeau Lopez Kendell Makrs

VP Asia Okawa Magee Debold Demsey

SVP Sales Stewart Rhodes AsbjornsonGinnett

VP North America Campbell Nocholos Weddon Kraus

VP Latin America Lazereth Fisette Quinn Corbin

VP Europe Farring Page Allen Sipes

VP Asia Nieko Hodge Mylar Cooper

SVP R&D Holt Monroe Spaulding Harding

VP Systems Hannah MontgomoryWhite Wagner

VP New Products Grace Javier Rhodes Bal

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Leadership needs analysis

Need f or devel opment

Fostering effective cross-organization networks

Knowing how to motivate people

Translating ideas into action

Developing new E-competencies

Mentoring and coaching people

Developing talent through job moves

Reinventing structures, products and services

Walking the talk

Accepting feedback with a willingness to change

Challenging ways and means to keep ahead of competition

Being decisive

Being resourceful and innovative in addressing roadblocks

Addressing change with ownership

Calling it as we see it

Being visible and accessible

Understanding customer needs

Instilling a sense of urgency

Holding self and others accountable

Delivering on commitments

Facing conflict with assurance

Addressing change with confidence

Focusing on growth and financial success

Challenging the organization w/ ambitious targets & standards

Averages289 respondents

4/23/01G. Hallam, Ph.D.

No need for development

Slight need for development

As you reflect on the capabilities of the executive team as a whole (not your specific business unit) in what areas do you see a need for improvement?

Need for development

High need for development

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Resul t s f or Sampl e Exec ut ive Experience by Importance Quadrant

Void Limited Extensive A Communicating the organization's vision and strategy.B Recruiting, selecting and retaining a team of executives.C Interacting face-to-face with external customers.D Developing the strategy that drives your area of the company.E Negotiating major cross-boundary issues with executives in other areas of the company.F Negotiating and collaborating executives at the CEO/President level in the company.G Being responsible for resolving a great deal of conflict and disharmony.H Managing different functions over time (in multiple jobs).I Having P&L responsibility.J Being accountable for achieving revenue goals.K Having a multinational or global scope of responsibility.L Being responsible for achieving a major business objective without formal authority.M Managing alliances and partnerships with external businesses.N Being accountable for cutting costs.O Managing multiple functions simultaneously.P Being accountable for resolving mission-critical problems.Q Being accountable to multiple stakeholders with competing interests.R Representing the organization before the media.S Managing a large budget (over 100 million dollars).T Managing people in Asia, Europe and the U.S.U Managing rapid growth in the size or complexity of the organization.V Managing several layers of management below you.W Managing a large number of subordinates (several hundred people).X Turning around a failing operation, division, or organization.Y Experience managing at this company.Z Starting an operation, division or organization from scratch.













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Amount of Experience1

1Your experience scores are based on your responses to the experience audit. This metric takes into account your level of involvement in each activity, the

size of the organization you managed, and the duration of the time you were involved in the activity.2 The executive group was asked to rate the importance of each type of experience for preparing people for the role of a general manager at this company.

Their ratings on a 9-point scale were averaged.

Percent of Maximum Possible Score

Assessment of executive experience

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Performance appraisal

And other initiatives

Training Evaluation

Career Planning

Custom Metrics

Talent Management

Succession Planning

360 Feedback Employee Surveys

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Keys to Success• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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User Comments

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We routinely collect feedback on feedback itself – what do people think about their existing (or previous) 360 initiatives?

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Some of these initiatives were ones that we helped to design and execute. Others were past initiatives that we were given the task of rebuilding.

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Following is a sampling of what we have heard (which of these comments have you heard in your organization?)

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When done right:

“Early communication about the initiative was excellent. People understood why they are going through this process and how the information will be used.”

When done wrong:

“Some of the questions were ambiguous and some looked like two different questions that were combined. I wasn’t sure how to rate them.”

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When done right:

“I thought the areas measured by the survey were definitely important to our jobs and our future as an organization.”

When done wrong:

“I got 42 email messages and was asked to rate 21 different people, some of whom I don’t know very well. I found myself answering ‘don’t know’ a lot. It felt like a waste of time.”

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When done right:

“I appreciated that confidentiality was stressed and that an attempt was made to train people to handle their feedback well and get value from it.”

When done wrong:

“There has been virtually no follow through. We need more resources to help people and to make them accountable for change”

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When done right:

“I thought the workshops were lively and helpful. The trainer has great energy.” When done wrong:

“The process of completing the survey was really laborious. 95 items is too many.”

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When done right:

“I personally got a lot of value out of my feedback and appreciate the high response rates from the raters.”

When done wrong:

“The report was way too long. Thumbing through 25 pages is a little mind-numbing. I expected something more succinct and focused.”

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When done wrong:

“We need a way to make sure people handle their feedback better. There definitely were some destructive outcomes, such as managers pointing fingers at individual raters”

When done right:

“The survey items were generally clear and succinct. I liked that they were short and to the point”

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1. Senior management support

2. Clear communication about the initiative

3. High quality survey content

4. Efficient data collection and reporting processes

5. Easy to read reports

6. Support to help participants understand and gain value from their feedback

7. Systems and commitment to ensure follow through

Comments such as these tend to confirm our 7-keys:

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Keys to Success• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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About Creative Metrics

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History and Background

We were founded in 1997 as a full service firm, offering metrics, systems and consulting. We now have offices in Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, and Brussels.

We have a core of full time consultants, technical managers, programmers, project managers and coordinators, and 25 independent contractors devoted to coaching, training and consulting.

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• Leadership development (Center for Creative Leadership)

• Metrics development and research (Personnel Decisions Research, Inc.)

• Large-scale data processing (National Computer Systems and Questar)


Our leaders draw upon their experience working for other organizations in the following areas:

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American GeneralAmgenApplied MaterialsBell CanadaBeverly IndustriesBoston ScientificCenter for Creative LeadershipCitigroupColorado Springs UtilitiesJ.P. Morgan ChaseColumbia Health One HospitalsCorporate Express

Our clients include…

Deloitte & ToucheEli LillyEnvironmental Protection AgencyHilton HotelsIngram MicroInsight TransitionKB HomesMail-WellMcDonaldsNCRNational Computer Systems (NCS)Personnel Decisions Inc.Pfizer

Space Mark InternationalSun MicrosystemsSunbeamTEC GroupTraining Management CorporationU.S. Department of EnergyUSA NetWestern Management DevelopmentWeyerhaeuser WorldCom(and others)

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Other Topics

(click on the desired topic)

• Keys to Success• Data collection system• Reporting flexibility• Integration with other HR initiatives• User comments about the 360 process• Background about Creative Metrics

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