Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

ABSTRACT Soft drinks are playing the vital role in the market and the companies are also getting the good profits on these products. The soft drinks industry has originated in 1772. Now these drinks spread all over the world and the millions of bottles is consumed every day. Now this business is a global one and the companies are facing high competition in this business and they are changing their strategies according to the situations. Pearl Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Takes a great care to maintain quality control of products in their factory. The bottles are visually examined for impurities continuously, as the bottles move out. Samples are checked every ten minutes of production time by the chemist for its quality and hygienic condition. The chemical analysis is also flavours, gas contain and sugar percentage. The appearance, smell and taste of the production are suspended and the correcting measures are taken also as to sent right the bottling process. The main objective of the study is to find out the strength and weakness of the Pepsi in visakhapatnam zone when compared to the Coca-cola, that is mainly in the three places in Srikakulam district i.e. Srikakulam, Narasannapeta, and Amadalavalasa .Consulting almost all the outlets in these three areas, which are selling the soft

Transcript of Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

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Soft drinks are playing the vital role in the market and the companies are also getting the

good profits on these products. The soft drinks industry has originated in 1772. Now these drinks

spread all over the world and the millions of bottles is consumed every day. Now this business is a

global one and the companies are facing high competition in this business and they are changing their

strategies according to the situations.

Pearl Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Takes a great care to maintain quality control of products in their

factory. The bottles are visually examined for impurities continuously, as the bottles move out.

Samples are checked every ten minutes of production time by the chemist for its quality and hygienic

condition. The chemical analysis is also flavours, gas contain and sugar percentage. The appearance,

smell and taste of the production are suspended and the correcting measures are taken also as to sent

right the bottling process.

The main objective of the study is to find out the strength and weakness of the Pepsi in

visakhapatnam zone when compared to the Coca-cola, that is mainly in the three places in Srikakulam

district i.e. Srikakulam, Narasannapeta, and Amadalavalasa .Consulting almost all the outlets in these

three areas, which are selling the soft drinks with a structured questionnaire, has done the study. The

data has been collected and analyzed and interpreted by the help of the graphical representation


The analysis revels the various strengths and weaknesses of Pepsi in these areas along with

the position of competitors. The most of the consumers preferred soft drinks because of better taste

and to quench out their thrust. But now days, due to the changing food habits consumers have started

adding the soft drinks in their food habits. The total sales of the soft drinks the Pepsi’s share is more

but when compared with the Cock the number of outlets are less than Cock.

Finally it can be concluded that the industry needs lot of channel management activities to do

along with various promotional strategies for the customers. I wish the company got its objectives


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Chapter No Title Page No


1.1 About the Marketing topic

1.2 Need of the Study

1.3 Hypothesis

1.4 Objective of the Study

1.5 Research Methodology

1.6 Limitations of the Study

1.7 Chapter Plan of the Study


2.1 Genesis and Growth

2.2 Organization Structure

2.3 Production Function

2.4 HR Function

2.5 Finance Function

2.6 Marketing Function

2.7 Future Plans


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Topic Coverage

3.3 How it relates to Marketing Management

3.4 Measuring Performance


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5.1 Summary

5.2 Major findings

5.3 Suggestions

5.4 Implications for Owners / Managers

5.5 conclusions

5.6 Scope for the Future research


6.1 Bibliography

6.2 Questionnaire

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Introduction & Design of the Study

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In this chapter various accepts of study are going to be discussed. To which area of

management that study belongs to and various concepts that are related the area of study. The present

outcomes under marketing and deals in the specific with the distribution network and its management.

PEPSI COLA was in India from 1956-61 and left the country, as its products were not

acceptable by the Indian customers. But recently in 1990 it re-entered the Indian market, where by

PEPSI FOODS LIMITED was entered into a joint venture with PEPSI INTERNATIONAL, TATA


PEPSI Bottlers and Producers of soft drinks buy concentrate and sell at fixed price and

add a margin rationally for its products.

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In modern days, market plays a vital role in rapidly changing industrial scenario. The

marketing decline is under going reappraisal in the light of vast goals, technological, economic and

social changes being faced by the today companies. The order to known the changes in the field of

marketing it are necessary to conduct market survey.

Study is conducted considering the following accepts:

Firstly, visage is a representative of soft drink market which is highly promoting with a lot of

potential which is at to be tapped.

Secondly the behavior of the retailer is very much influenced by the additional benefits he is

getting for selling the products having.

Thirdly to understand the market condition of the soft drinks in the present scenario and the

competition level in the market.

Considered the key role of the retailer in present day market as an attempt was made to study

the impact of company’s schemes of offering coolers to the retailers.

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There is lot of scope for the further study in the project. Further study can be done in the

following ways.

We can make a study on Pepsi and Cock companies’ efficiency in their promotion


The same study can be conducted in other areas under bottling unit to generalize the

finding for entire area under it.

There is chance to know whether the Pepsi and Cock are doing the right thing regarding

the sales promotion, product quality, discounts and advertising.

A study on impact of visit coolers sales of Pepsi also be taken up.

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In view of intensifying competition in soft drink market, it is imperative that a brand keeps a

constant, which on them market and response properly and promptly to the dynamics of the market. It

is in view of this fact has the present study has been taken up for “PEPSI”.

To know and compare the merchandising of Pepsi and Cock in retail outlets.

To know the promotional activities of sales promotion, advertising and public relations.

To know the strategy of Pepsi and its competitors regarding the Marketing Mix.

To know the problems of retailers regarding the trade schemes and consumer offers.

To identify the retailers opinion towards Pepsi products.

To know the problems of retailers and to offer the suggestion for improving in sales.

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In this chapter, basically the methodology, by which the report has been prepared, is explained.

The exact need for conducting the study and total design of framework of the report prepared is

discussed. The limitations of the study are also discussed here.

According to the survey beverages can be classified into two segments. The first segment can

be done basing on the milk content, like milk based products like tea, coffee, flavoured milk, and

health drinks (milk, malt and coco) and the second segment can be done on non-milk products such as

soft drinks and mineral water.

According to the survey conducted on the consumption of beverages, Tea comprises 90%,

filtered coffee 4%, beverages 2%, instant coffee 2% and carbonated soft drinks just above 1% of total


Soft drinks industry is a well known consumer product industry. It originated in the year 1772.

In the USA first bottled soda was manufactured, by inventing a machine in 1809, the manufacturing of

carbonated soft drink was recorded in the history of soft drink industry.

Now a days soft drink industry is growing very extensively and millions of people are

consuming soft drinks everyday. Age, income, and climate are not at all a barrier for the consuming

soft drinks by the people. This is the reason for the tremendous growth in soft drink market.

Data which is required for the analysis and fulfillment of our objectives has been collected from two

sources. They are

1. Primary sources

2. Secondary sources


Primary data is collected from the retailers through a structured questionnaire. It includes the

first hand information from the outlets. It can view as a survey. The questionnaire was especially

designed to find out the market share of the soft drinks and problems and weakness of Pepsi in that

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particular area. The chapter deals with main analysis part of the study and the dealer outlets covered in

the study is





Secondary sources include the information collected from the annual reports, published and

unpublished records of the company .various books and journals and internet also being used for

collecting the relevant data

After gathering the data from those two sources the data was analyzed, tabulated and

interpreted and finally suggestions were offered for the betterment of the company.


After gathering the data from the Primary and secondary sources the data was

analyzed ,tabulated and interpretations were written down with the help of graphs and charts , with the

help of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.


The present study is subject to the following limitations:

The sample size is not universal , some part of other cities remained uncovered

Unavailability of some information due of lack of awareness of retailers

Time and expenses were major constraints

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The study of the soft drink industry which is known to be seasonally fluctuating on e percent

study does not take into account seasonal fluctuations. The results may not suit for all the


Personal basis may be existing as the dealer of varied nature elicits the information


Company overview

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In this chapter, an over of all the major accepts related to the study is discussed. The total

industry profiles the soft drinks industry globally and in our country. The profile of the company with

respect to its operation number of franchises, market share of the company and many other factors

would be discussed here.


Non alcoholic soft drink beverage market can be divided into fruit drink and soft drink. Soft

drinks can be further divided into carbonated and non carbonated drinks. Colas, lemon and oranges are

carbonated drinks while mango drinks come under non-carbonated drinks. Cola, lemon and oranges

are carbonated drinks while mango dinks comes under non-carbonated category. The soft drinks

market till early 1990’s was in hands of domestic players like Coke, Thumps Up, Limca etc. but with

the opening up of economy and coming of MNC players Pepsi and Cock the market has totally under

their control. Worldwide, Cock is the leader in carbonated drinks market. In India it is Pepsi, which

scores over cock but this difference is fast decreasing. Pepsi entered Indian market in 1991. Cock re-

entered (after they were thrown out in 1977, by then central government) in 1993.

Pepsi has been targeting the youth and the sales have been doing well by sticking to this youth

segment. Cock on the other hand struggled initially in establishing itself in the market. In a span of 7

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years of its operations in the country it changed its CEO four times they seem to have started

understanding the pulse of Indian consumers.

Soft drinks are available in glass bottles, aluminum cans and PET bottles for home

consumption. Fountains also dispense thin in disposable containers.


The soft drink market can be segmented on the basis of place of consumption and on the basis

of type of products.

The segmentation on the basis of place of consumption divides the market into three parts:

1. on-permise-80% of the consumption of soft drinks is on premise i.e. restaurants, railway

stations, cinemas etc,

2. At-home the rest 20% of the market compromise of the soft drink purchased for consumption

at home.

The market can also be segmented on the basis of types of products into Cola products and non-cola


1. cola products account nearly 62% of the total soft drinks market. The brands that fall in this

category are Pepsi, cola, Thumps Up, Diet Pepsi etc.

2. non-cola segment, which constitutes 36%, cam be divide into 4 categories based on the type of

flavour available, namely


Cloudy lime

Clear lime


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I. Orange flavour based soft drinks constitutes around 17% of the market. The

segment is largely dominated by national brands like Fanta of Coca-cola Co.

and Mirinda Orange of Pepsi Co. rest of the market is in hands of smaller

brands like Crush (earlier Cadbury Schweppes and now of Coca Cola), Gold

Spot etc.

II. Cloudy Lime flavour constitutes 14% of the market and is largely dominated by

Limca of Coca Cola and Miranda Lemon of Pepsi Co.

III. Clear Lime this segment of the market witnessed good growth initially with all;

the players launching their brands in the segment. But now the growth in the

segment has slowed down. The brands available in this segment are 7 Up ,

Mountain dew of Pepsi, Sprite of Coca-Cola and Canada Dry( earlier of

Cadbury Schweppes and now of Coca Cola). The segment constitutes 3% of the

total soft drinks market.

IV. Mango flavour segment constitutes 2% of the total soft drinks market and it

directly competes with mango based fruit drinks like Fruity. The leading brands

in this segment are: Maaza of Coca Cola and Slice of Pepsi.

There is very thin line of difference between the clear and cloudy lime. The most obvious

feature is that clear lime has to be bottled in green bottles as sunlight harms the drink and changes the


There are some small local brands at city or regional levels. Most of these are either merging

with two big players (Coca Cola and Pepsi) or they command a very small –less than 3% of the total

market in their respective areas.

Soft Drink Production Area:

The market preference is highly regional based, while Cola drinks have main market in metro

cities and northern states of U.P, Punjab, Haryana, etc... Orange flavoured drinks are popular in

southern states. Sodas too are sold largely in southern states besides the Bars. Western markets have

preference towards mango-flavoured drinks.

Growth Promotional Activities in Soft Drink Industry:

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The government has adopted liberalized for the soft drinks trade to give the industry a boost

and promote the Indian brand internationally. Although the import and manufacture of international

brands like Pepsi and Cock is enhanced in India the local brands being stabilized by advertisements,

good quality and low cost.

Buying Behavior in Soft Drink Industry:

Soft drinks come under the category of products on impulse. This attitude of impulse buying is

slowly changing to occasion-led buying and also to some extent consumption through home

refrigeration particularly in urban areas.

The market is slowly moving from non alcoholic carbonated drinks to fruit based drinks and

also to plain bottled water due to lower price and ready availability.

Consumers purchase soft drinks primarily quench thirst therefore people traveling and not

having access to hygienic water reach out for soft drink. This accounts for a large part of the


Brand awareness plays a crucial rule in purchase decisions.

Availability in the chilled from also plays a crucial role in purchase decisions. This has made

both the companies to push its sales and to increase its retail distribution by offering Visi

cooler to retailers.

Why there is no aversion to consumption of soft drinks buys any age group, the main consumer

of this market are people in the age group of 30 and below.

Product differentiation is very low, as all the products taste the same. But brand loyalty is high

in the case of kids and people in the age group of 20-30 years.

According to NCAER survey, lower, lower-middle, upper-middle class people do 91% of the

total consumption of soft drinks in the country.

Growth promotional activities in soft drink industry:

The government has adopted liberalization for the soft drink trade to give industry a boost and

promote the Indian Brand internationally. Although the import and manufacture of international

brands like Pepsi and Coke is enhanced in India .The local brands are being stabilized by

advertisements, good quality and low cost.

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Buying Behavior of soft drink industry:

Soft drinks come under the category of products on impulse. This attitude of impulse

buying is slowly changing to occasion-led buying and also to some extent consumption

through home refrigeration particularly in urban areas.

The market is slowly moving from alcoholic carbonated drinks to fruit based drinks and

also plain bottled water due to lower price and ready availability.

Consumers purchase soft drinks particularly to quench thirst and therefore on travel not

having access to hygienic water reaches out for soft drinks.

Brand awareness plays a vital role in purchase decisions.

Availability in the chilled form also plays a crucial role in purchase decisions. This has

made both the companies to push its sales and to increase its retail distribution by

offering Visi coolers to retailers

Why is there no aversion to consumption of soft drinks to any age group, the main

consumers of this market are people in the age group of 30 and below.

Product differentiation is very low, as all the products taste the same. But brand loyalty

is high in the case of kids and people in the age group of 20-30 years

According to NCAER survey, lower, lower-middle ands upper-middle class people do

91% of the total consumption of soft drinks in the country.

Major Players in Soft drinks Industries

The two global majors Pepsi and Coca Cola dominate the soft drink market in India. Coca

Coal, which would up its operations during the introduction of the FERA regime, reentered India 16

years later in 1993. Coca Cola acquired a major chunk of soft drink market by buying out local brands

Thumps up, Limca, Maaza and Gold spot from Pearl beverages, Coca Cola has also acquired Cadbury

Schweppes soft drink brands Crush, Canada Dry and Sport Cola in early 1999 and now recently in

Oct.2008 .It acquires distribution rights of these brands from IFB Agro Ltd . Pepsi stated a couple of

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years before Coca Cola manufactures came up with their own market share figures and claimed to

have increased their share.

Shares Reports On Retailers In Soft Dink Industry:

A Survey was conducted to study the retailer’s view of the present market, future trend and the

consumer behavior patterns. The findings of the survey are as follows.

Retailers started that the consumers are loyal to the particular segment of the soft drink

i.e. Coca Cola, Orange or Lemon. But as for the loyalty for the brands in each segment

is concerned, it is not very significant.

43% of the retailers surveyed told that in the soft drink industry advertising is the key

component, it drives sales. While 32% stated promotional schemes and 20%brand

loyalty as the reason.

As consumers are not very brand loyal where the purchase of the soft drink purchase is

concerned, the retailer purchase becomes a critical issue. They usually sell the product

in which they get maximum benefit. For this, the companies try to offer them higher


While distributors get the margin of Rs 8-9 per crate (1 crate is equal to 24 bottles) at 3-4% of MRP,

retailers are given margin of 10-12 % of MRP. The retailers are not happy with this, as the cost of

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refrigeration very high for soft drinks to overcome this problem the companies are offering Visi

coolers schemes to their main retailers



Pepsi Company’s over all missions is to increase the value of their share holder’s investment.

they believe that their commercial success depends up on offering quality and value to their consumers

and providing products that are safe, whole some and economically efficient and environmentally

sound. Providing a fair return to their investors, while adhering to the highest standards of integrity.


Pepsi Co Inc. was founded by Donald M. Kendall, President and chief executive officer of Pepsi –Cola

and Herman W. Lay, Chairman& Chief executive of FRITO-LAY through the merger of two

companies in the year 1965.


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Pepsi-Cola company Pepsi-Cola(formulate in 1898)

Diet Pepsi(1964)

Mountain Dew (introduced by T.P corporation 1984)

Frito-Lay Inc brand chips Lays brand potato chips

Cheetos brand chew flavoured snacks

Ruffles brand potato chips & Rold Gold brand pretzels

Pepsi Company Inc. is among the most successful consumer products company in the world

with: 1998 revenues of over $22 billion &1, 51,000 employees. Pepsi company’s brand names

are among the best known & most respected in the world .Some of the Pepsi Company’s brand

names are 100 years old. FRITO-LAY Company is the world’s largest manufacturer and

distributor of snack chip and Tropicana products Inc. is the world’s largest marketer and

producer of branded juices.

Pepsi Company’s success is the result of

Superior Products.

High Stands of Performances

Distinctive Competitive strategies.

High integrity of its work force


Calets Bradham, New Beru and Mc.Druggist who first formulated Pepsi coal founded Pepsi

Company’s beverage business at the turn of the century.

Brand Pepsi and other Pepsi-cola products including Diet Pepsi one, Mountain Dew, Slice and

mug brands account for nearly 1/3 rd of the total soft drink in United States.

Outside U.S Pepsi Cola Company’s soft operations include the business of 7up international.

Pepsi-cola beverages are available in about 170 countries.

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Key Pepsi-cola international market includes Argentina, Brazil, china, India, Mexico,

Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

Pepsi-cola provides advertising, marketing sales and promotion support to the Pepsi-cola

bottles. New advertising and existing promotions keep Pepsi-cola young. The company

manufacture and sales of the soft drinks are concentrated to the Pepsi-cola bottles.

In 1996, Pepsi entered Japan and Eastern Europe.

In 1967, PepsiCo. Stock splits two-for one.

In 1986, North America van lines (NAVL), a premier transportation company Pepsi co, and renamed a

strong contribution to the Pepsi unit it has divided in 1984.

In 1969 in bold modern Pepsi cola packing which was using red, white and blue were introduced.

FRITO-LAY introduced fungus brand onion flavoured snacks. In 1970 Pepsi introduces the industry’s

first two litter bottles. Pepsi is the first company to respond to consumer preference with light weight,

recyclable, plastic bottles.

In 1971 Andral E. Pearson was appointed as president of PepsiCo, a position he held until his

retirement in 1972 don Kendall announced agreement making Pepsi cola the first foreign

product sold in U.S.S.R. Pepsi co is given exclusive rights to import Stolichnaya Russian vodka in the


In 1973 and 1974 Pepsi-cola became the first American consumer product to produce made and sold

in former Soviet Union.

In 1975 Pepsi Lite, with destructive lemon taste, is introduced as an alternative to traditional diet colas.

In 1976 PepsiCo adopts code of worldwide business conduct. Pepsi-cola became the single largest

selling soft drink brands sold in U.S super markets. In 1977 PepsiCo shares spilt up three for one. In

1987 and 1979 the opening of PepsiCo research and technological center in Vallah N.Y PepsiCo

reached 85 billion marks in sales. Pepsi was formed to focus on the overseas development of

restaurants. In 1981 PepsiCo fitness center was completed, making PepsiCo, one of the most advanced

companies in the area of employee’s health and fitness.

In 1982 Pepsi free and diet Pepsi free, the first major brands caffeine free colas were introduced.

Inauguration of the first Pepsi cola operations in china:

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In 1983 The Bottler Hall of Fame was established to recognize the achievement and dedication

of international bottlers. In 1984 diet Pepsi is reformulated with 100% neutral sweet, slice and diet

slice. The first major soft drinks sirucsare added in Mexico. The cola were takes “one giant spilt for

mankind” when a Pepsi “space can” is successfully tested a brand the span shuttle. 1986 Pepsi

company board of directors visit the peoples public of china to make the opening the Pepsi second

plant in china.

In 1989, Pepsi Company introduce share power stock option program for all employees

becoming the first large corporation tool award stock options through virtually all full time employees.

In the 1900, Pepsi company was recognized as one of the most admired corporation by the fortune

magazine’s top 10 for the two successive years. Pepsi signs the largest commercial trade agreement in

history with the Soviet Union expecting sales in the USSR to double by the end of the century. Pepsi

re-entered the Indian market in collaboration with Punjab Agro industries Corporation (PAIC). In

1991 Pepsi company named one of the fortune magazine’s top most admired corporations, for the third

year in also. Pepsi co. purchased an equity position in the carts of Coloreds Inc. the leading

manufacturer and marketer of mobile merchandising equipment. It was sold in 1955. 1993 Pepsi Cola

began the distribution of Lipton’s line of ready to drinks teas nationwide. in 1996 Pepsi started its



As a consumer products company, Pepsi Company does not have the major environmental

problems of heavy industry. Their biggest environment challenge is packaging generated by their


Packaging is important to public and a critical component of the distribution system is to

deliver products to consumers and commercial establishment. To meet both consumer demand and

safe guard the environment, they recycle, re-use and reduce packaging wherever possible. Each

business is also committed to responsible use of resources required in manufacturing their products.


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Franchise (pearl Bottling Pvt.Ltd.,)

Often new flavours are to be added to the product line of cool drinks to prevent a

competitor. To establish a relation with retailers it is desirable to sell more than one flavor of cool

drinks. To decrease the security seasonal products are added to the resources available so as to lessen

its risks. Pepsi has given the franchise of Visakhapatnam region to Pearl Beverages which belongs to

Pearl Group with Head quarters at Delhi and Mr. C.K. Jaipuria as the chairman and the Managing

Director of the group. Pepsi Foods Ltd., declared Krishna Mohan Beverages and Constructions as

franchise, in 1992.Last year it was changed to Pearl Beverages was taken by the Pearl Group. Campa-

cola Soft Drinks has originally owned the premises since 1980 at Madhurawada. After the insolvency

of campa-cola, KMBC purchased the premises in1990 in the auction by APSFC. Initially, it used to

produce Mc.Dowell’s soda and Bagpiper soda. It produced these drinks under franchise agreements

but company could not exist in the market due to stiff competition from pearl products.

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Description and Launch of products

Brand name Flavour Date

Pepsi Cola April-1992

Mirinda Orange April-1992

7 Up Clear Lemon April-1992

Mirinda Lime Cloudy Lemon April-1992

Soda Soda April-1992

Pepsi Pepsi Dite 7 Up Mirinda(o) Mirinda(L) Slice Evervess


Coca-cola Cock Dite Sprite Fanta Limca Maaza Kinleys

Pepsi market share:

Pepsi : 47%

Coca-cola : 53%

Pepsi foods (Pvt.) Ltd.

Pepsi cola was in India from 1956 to 1961. it left this country, as its products were not

found acceptable to the Indian market. Pepsi foods Ltd. Joint venture between Pepsi Co. international

of US(which is holding 40% of the equity)and Tata concerns Voltas and the Punjab Ago industries

Corporation (each of which have as round 25% of the equity),has 25%of its output reserved for

beverages with a 50% export commitment fo9r fruit and vegetable products. According to Pepsi

officials the project guarantees that for every American dollar the company takes out of India, it will

bring five back.

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They started concentrated factory in Punjab. This company named as Pepsi Foods Ltd.

Pepsi Co. international’s direct investments in India so far amounts to Rs.165 corer. Two thirds of this

however has gone into food processing. Pepsi foods are exporting fruits and vegetables to UK etc.

The Pepsi’s foods processing unit directly supervised 1,200 hectors under tomato

cultivation covering 183 villages and 319 farmers. The company’s technical inputs enabled the farmer

to achieve a yield of 35 to 50 tones a hector against the average of was after discontinuing teems.

KMBC Pvt. Ltd. Has was the bottle for five districts Vizag, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, and East

Godavari & West Godavari. It receives the stock from Cuttack.


The Pepsi Co. is known for the development and introduction of world-class brands &

products. Their portfolio is organized into three core business, which consists of snacks, Beverages

and Restaurants. Pepsi products are constantly changing themselves to develop new products. They

encourage consumer to explore their wide range of brands.

Main objectives:

The objectives of the company set out in memorandum of association and franchise

agreements are as follows:

To manufacturing soft drinks by concentrating supplied by Pepsi Foods.

To market and advertise within specified areas for Pepsi products.

To sell soft drinks at fixed prices.

financial structure:

To start and operate business, any company has to invest its capital in fixed assets and

floating assets and also in meeting the daily requirements of the company. However, depending on the

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nature of business and product being offered by the company, the ratio of investment of capital in

fixed and floating assets differ.

Working Capital:

It means capital required for daily management of the company eg. Wages, salaries,

canteen expenses and transportation expenses etc

Plant layout: the machine and equipment have been imported from Germany, which are

arranged in the plant according to the sequence of operation. All the operations are carried on a

continuous movement. The reasons for choosing the product layout are:

1. There is continuous supply of material.

2. The brands are all standardized products.

3. The demand for the product brands is reasonable stable.

4. The volume of production is adequate for the reasonable utilization of equipment.

Since the company follows continuous operation movement, the cost of material handling

goes low. The total floor space required by the machine is less than other types of plant layouts.

Plant Capacity:

The company installed latest up to date automatic plant conforming to plant layout. The

installed production capacity is 400 bottles per minutes i.e. 24,000 bottles per day. The plant also is

having 100 bottles per 1-leter line. During off-season the plant runs one shift. The company has to

produce enough bottles of soft drinks at a speed to keep in space with the disappearance of soft drinks

form shelves of the retailer.

Production Schedule:

The production schedule is fixed by taking into consideration.

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The present or current market demand.

The availability of empty bottles.

The inventory position filled bottles of different flavors.

The production schedule for each brand is fixed daily, filling the bottles of each branded flavors.

This has an advantage in manufacturing the branded product is one at a time.

Quality control

Pearl Beverages Pvt. Ltd. takes great care to maintain the quality control of the products

in their factory. The Bottles are visually examined for impurities continuously, as the bottles move out.

Samples are checked every ten minutes of production time by the chemist for its quality and hygiene

condition. The chemical analysis is also made for flavors, gas content and sugar percentages. The

appearance, smell and taste of the products are also checked. If any defects are noticed, the production

is suspended and the correcting measures are taken so as to set right the bottling process irregularities.

Further, samples from each batch are dispatched to the affiliated parent agency company in each week

for quality checkup. Moreover, agency of the company also lifts sample form the market at the random

for quality checkup at any time to make sure that the quality is maintained to the exact standard of the

parent company.

At the end of the production schedule, daily all the equipment floor and wet patches are

cleaned with bleaching powder or some other solution. The standards of hygiene maintained inside the

production shops are commendable.

Organization Structure and management:

The word organization has two common meanings. The meaning signifies an institution or

function as group and the second meaning refers to the process of organizing the way of work which is

arranged and allocated among members often organization so that the goal of the organization can be

achieved efficiently. The organizing involves balancing the companies. Needs both for stability on one

hand and change on the other hand, an organization structure means adopting a change or it can be a

source of resistance to change.

There are mainly five elements of organization structure.

Page 27: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Specialization of activities.

Standardization of activities.

Coordination of activities.

Centralization and decentralization of deviation making.

Size of the work unit.

The M.D, Mr. Ruchirans Jaipuria is athe head of the organization and administration. The

company is managed by able director, and is assisted by a team of well-qualified & experience senior

management personnel.


COMPANYThe following table shows the description of employees along with designation & no. of


S.No Description No. of employees




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Page 30: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Theoretical Framework


The main part of the report i.e. Analysis part is covered in this chapter. I did survey in 300

outlets in 3 various areas. After conducting the survey I interpreted the total collected information

using a structured questionnaire. The required information is derived from that interpretation and

analysis. This analysis part contains tables and pie charts. We can come to a conclusion from the final

information from this chapter. Because of that reason this chapter is very important in the entire study

of the project. Without this interpretation we can conclude the total survey and also can not understand

the position of any company and the opinion of the customers regarding the company.

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Details of the survey conducted:

The total data collected in three areas in Srikakulam district of total of 300 retail outlets. They

are given below:


Cluster-1 130 Srikakulam

Cluster-2 90 Amadalavalasa

Cluster-3 80 Narasannapeta

I started my survey first at Srikakulam on 4/02/09 and my study completed on 18/02/09 with

Amadalavalasa. I personally went to every outlet and asked the total details of which are in the

questionnaire and filled those things. Some of the retailers denied giving the details and I waited there

with patience and collected all the data. In my survey I learned a lot and collected the useful

information and also got good experience in the market field and came to know many things which are

not in our books through this survey. I almost covered all the retail outlets which are situated in these

areas and collected the correct information.



1. Pepsi & Cock Brands Available In Various Markets:

S.No Market Pepsi Cock

1. Srikakulam 5 6

2. Amadalavalasa 5 5

Page 32: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

3. Narasannapeta 5 7

Average Pepsi & Coke Brands Available in Various Markets


Srikakulam Amadalavalasa Narasannapeta

1 2 3



Average Pepsi & Cock brands Available in the market:

Brands No of Types

Pepsi 5

Coca-Cola 6

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In my survey of 300 retail outlets in 3 areas, I found 5 brands of Pepsi out of its 10 brands and

6 Brands of Coke is available out of its 10 Brands on average. So the brand availability of Coke is

more when compared to Pepsi.

Top brands Available in Srikakulam Market:

S.No Brands Percentage

1. Slice 46

2. Mirinda 24

3. Sprite 20

4. Limca 10

Page 34: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

0 10 20 30 40 50







Top Brands Available In Srikakulam Market


Top Four Brands Available In Amadalavalasa Market:

S.No Brands Percentage

1 Mirinda 46

2 7 Up 24

3 Sprite 17

4 Thumps Up 13

Page 35: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

0 10 20 30 40 50


7 Up


Thumps Up



Top Four Brands Available In Amadalavalasa Market


Top Four Brands Available In Narasannapeta Market:

S.No Brands Percentage

1 Mirinda 42

2 Sprite 26

3 7 Up 18

4 Slice 14

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2.No of Bottles Sold Per Day in Various Markets:

Srikakulam Amadalavalasa Narasannapeta

Pepsi 52 45 42

Coke 44 35 50

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Srikakulam Amadalavalasa Narasannapeta

Market Areas

No of Bottles sold Per day

3.No of Bottles sold per Day:

Brands No of Types

Pepsi 45

Coke 55

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In my survey of 300 outlets in three areas I found Pepsi is occupying 55% and the Coke is

occupying 44% in the total market in average. From this we can understand that the Pepsi sales are

more when compared to Coke.

4.Service required to the retail outlets:

S.No Market Daily Alternative Days Weekly Twice

1 Srikakulam 63 25 12

2 Amadalavalasa 49 27 24

3 Narasannapeta 55 36 9

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Service Required in Average:

Types of Services Average Service Required from the Companies

Daily 55Alternative Days 30Weekly Twice 15

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Average Service Required from the Companies


Alternative Days

Weekly Twice

INTERPRETATION: In my observation of 300 outlets in three areas I found that 55% of the retailers want the daily service, 30% retailers want Alternative Days and the remaining 15% of the retailers want the service weekly twice.

5. Satisfaction of Pepsi Service

S.No Market Good Satisfactory Bad1 Srikakulam 60 40 0

2 Amadalavalasa 65 30 5

3 Narasannapeta 70 28 2

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Satisfaction of Coke Service

S.N0 Market Good Satisfaction Bad1 Srikakulam 45 50 5

2 Amadalavalasa 40 55 5

3 Narasannapeta 45 50 5

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Service Satisfaction of Pepsi and Coke in Average:

Brand Good Satisfaction BadPepsi 65 33 2

Coke 43 52 5

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INTERPRETATION: In my survey of 300 outlets I found that 65% of the retailers expressed good in case of Pepsi and 43% incase of Coke. 33% in the case of Pepsi and 52% in case of Coke expressed satisfactory and finally remaining retailers expressed bad to the service of the companies.

6. Trade Schemes by Both Companies in Various Markets

S.No Market Pepsi Coke1 Srikakulam 41 59

2 Amadalavalasa 49 51

3 Narasannapeta 41 59

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Trade Schemes by Both Companies in Average

Brands Trade SchemesPepsi 44

Coke 56

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INTERPRETATION: By observing the above pie chart we can understand that 56% of the traders expressed their happiness towards the schemes of the Coca-Cola and the remaining 44% traders expressed their happiness towards Pepsi company in case of their trade schemes.

7. Consumer Promotions offered by both Companies

S.No Market Pepsi Coke1 Srikakulam 61 39

2 Amadalavalasa 57 43

3 Narasannapeta 60 40

Page 46: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Consumer Promotions offered in Average

Brand Consumer PromotionPepsi 59

Coke 41

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In providing consumer promotion by way of giving the prizes to the consumers and other ways to promote the sales, Pepsi was able to attracted 59% of the retailers with its promotional schemes. In case of Coke it attracted the remaining 41% of the retailers by their consumer promotional schemes and activities.

8. Is T.V Adds help to increase the sale of Soft Drinks

S.No Market Yes No1 Srikakulam 74 26

2 Amadalavalasa 51 49

3 Narasannapeta 60 40

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Amount of people saying T.V ads help increase in Sale, in Average

T.V Add helps the increase in salesYes 62

N0 38

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INTERPRETATION: The above chart shows the opinions of the retailers that weather T.V ads will help to increase

the sale of the soft drinks. In this 62% of the retailers expressed positively and the remaining 38%

retailers expressed negatively to this question.

9. Comparison of 2007-2008 sales

S.No Market Good Less Same1 Srikakulam 55 40 5

2 Amadalavalasa 30 63 7

3 Narasannapeta 40 48 12

Page 50: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Comparison of 2007-2008 sales in average

Opinion Good Less SameNo of outlets in average 42 50 8

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In the above chart the opinions of the retailers were given. From that 42% of the retailers

expressed the view of good increase in the sale by2008 when compared to 2007. 50%of the retailers

expressed the view of less increase in the sale and the remaining 8% of the retailers expressed the view

of the same sales and there is no increase in the sales.

10. The Percentage Of Juice Based Soft Drinks In Total Sales

S.No Market Area 30% 20% 10%

1 Srikakulam 30 33 37

2 Amadalavalasa 29 34 37

3 Narasannapeta 34 32 34

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Juice Based Soft Drinks In Average

30% 20% 10%

Result 31 33 36

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By observing the above chart we can understand that the demand for the juice based soft

drinks is increasing rapidly. For that the companies better to concentrate on the juice based soft drinks

introducing and their sales.

11. Pepsi Visi coolers and other coolers available in the Market

S.No Market Pepsi cooler Cock+ other coolers

1 Srikakulam 32 68

2 Amadalavalasa 21 79

3 Narasannapeta 31 69

Page 54: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Pepsi & Coke Visi Coolers Available in Average

Pepsi Visi Coolers Cock Visi cooler+ Own


Average of Outlets 28 72

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In the areas where I did my survey I found 28% of the retailers are using the Pepsi Visi

Coolers and the remaining 72% of the retailers are using the Coke and Other coolers. From this we can

suggest that Pepsi have to increase their Visi Coolers supply.

12. Why retailers keep other products in Pepsi Visi Coolers

S.No Market Area Electricity Bill No Own Cooler

1 Srikakulam 35 65

2 Amadalavalasa 58 42

3 Narasannapeta 56 44

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Why other products in Pepsi Visi Coolers in Average

S.No Electricity Bill No own cooler

1 49 51

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When I did the survey I observed that many of the retailers are keeping the other

products in Pepsi Visi Coolers and they gave some sort of explanation for that. In those reasons 49%

of the retailers said Electricity bill is the problem and the remaining 51% of the retailers said that they

don’t have their own coolers. They should be restricted.

13. Most Soft Drinks Consuming Category In Various Markets Market Male Female All People Youth

1 Srikakulam 18 10 59 13

2 Amadalavalasa 12 11 56 21

3 Narasannapeta 19 18 39 24

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Most Soft Drinks Consuming Category In Average

Opinion Male Female All People Youth

Avg % of outlets 16 13 51 20

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In the above pie chart the consumption of soft drinks mostly by four categories. 51% of

the total consumption is by All People, 20% by the Youth, 15% by the Male and the remaining 13% is

consumed by the Female. We can say that the consumption of soft drinks by the youth is increasing.

14. Soft Dinks Supply To The Retail Outlets

[Cash Or Credit]

S.No Market Pepsi




Coke Cash Coke


1 Srikakulam 100 0 100 0

2 Amadalavalasa 100 0 100 0

3 Narasannapeta 100 0 100 0

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From the above pie cart we can understand that both the Pepsi and

Coke companies are not providing any credit to the retailers. All the retailers are

purchasing the soft drinks on cash only.

15. Consumption of Soft Drinks at Home and at Shop

S.No Market At Shop At Home

1 Srikakulam 80 20

2 Amadalavalasa 70 30

3 Narasannapeta 75 25

Page 61: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Consumption of Soft Drinks at Home & at Shop In Avg.

S.No At Shop At Home

1 75 25

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From the above pie chart we can understand that in the areas I did

the survey 75% of the Soft Drinks are consumed at the Shops and the remaining

25% of the Soft Drinks are consumed at Home.

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The chapter contains Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions. Basing

on the results of the survey Suggestions are given to improve the potentials and

the market share of the company in the soft drinks field. The total findings are

prepared by the survey information collected in the various places in Srikakulam

district. I did the comparative study between the top two brands in the field of

soft drinks sector those are Pepsi and Coke. The information is base on the two

brand comparison and in my view these are useful to the company to improve its

Page 64: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

performance and can get good sales as well as good market share in the field of

Soft Drinks. These are all my sincere findings and suggestions to the company.


1) The company is maintaining the quality of the products and it has good

quality control Dept.

2) Now a day because of changing the food habits the soft drinks are added to

their food habits.

3) Pepsi soft drinks are occupying more than half of the soft drinks market.

4) The demand for the fruit based soft drinks is go on increasing and they

occupied the top selling drinks position.

Page 65: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

5) Sales promotion activities taken by the Pepsi Company is good as per the

retailer’s opinion when compared to coke.

6) The Pepsi Company’s supply of drinks is good but they are not providing

the sufficient drinks to the outlets.

7) The No. of Visi coolers in the market is less when compared to the Coke


8) Some of the retailers are placing the other products also in the company


9) Pepsi company’s offers to the retailers are not good in the view of the


10) The dealers are

not giving the proper information about the new products and the new

offers given by the company.

11) The retailers are not provided any credit on the purchase of the drinks in the case of both


12) Advertisements for every drink are given individually, because of that the consumers are not

aware of the total drinks offered by the company and the expenses will more for the company.


1) The company has to increase its quality more and also has to introduce

more verities of drinks in to the market to increase its market share.

2) It has to change the advertisements in a manner that add the soft drinks as

a part of food.

Page 66: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

3) The Pepsi has some more scope to increase its market share and it has to

strive for that.

4) Company has to concentrate on the fruit based drinks and add some more

fruit based drinks to the product line.

5) The Pepsi Company has to increase the No. of Visi Coolers in the market.

6) The retailers are using the Pepsi Visi Coolers for other drinks also, they

have to control that. For that purpose the company has to recruit some


7) Pepsi Company has to increase the trading offers to the retailers.

8) The dealers should provide the sufficient information to the retailers about

the products and the new offers to the retailers provided by the company.

9) The dealers should be provided the credit up to some limits by the


10) The Advertisement should be given as a whole, that will bring the

awareness about the products and reduce the advertisement cost of the

company also.

Page 67: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke


The project was a great experience for me in order to study the marketing

aspects in the world. It was a great opportunity for me to express what I have


This industry is a place where two major players are there in the world. This

Pepsi Company gave me lot of opportunity and scope to understand the soft

drink industry and its marketing structure and distribution channels.

Lot of voluble information regarding the company and also the retailers,

has been collected from the survey, which helped me clearly to understand the

real problems faced by the marketers to distribute and also make retailers to sell

the company’s products in the market. I understood who difficult to do the

marketing in the present scenario.

The suggestions made to the company were really applicable for the

growth and benefit for the company in order to increase its market share and to

Page 68: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

become the market leader in the soft drink industry, because a large number of

competitors craving for the same market.

Thus, finally it can be said that the industry needs a lot of channel

management activities to done along with various promotional strategies for the

customers. I wish the company to achieve its objectives achieved soon.


S.No Author Title Publisher Volume Year

1. Philip kotler Marketing Prentice, 12th 2005

Management Hall of India

2. VS Ram Swami Marketing Mac Millan 3th 2005


3. Joel R. Evans Marketing Biztantra 8th 2005

Berry Berman

4. Chunawalla S.A Advertising Hall of India 12th 2005

Web Sites Referred:

Page 69: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke


Name of the Student: Date of Survey:

College & Town:

1. Name of the shop/owner:

A. Address:

B. Phone:

2. Which company drinks are available in your shop:

Pepsi Mirinda orange Mirinda Lemon

7 Up Mountain Dew Slice

Evervess Soda Diet Pepsi Aquafina Water


3. Coke Company drinks available in shop:

Thumps Up Fanta Coca- Cola

Sprite Kinely Water Kinely Soda

Page 70: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Limca Maga Minute Made

Diet Coke Total

4. Top brands Purchased by consumer in your shop?

1st ______________ 2nd ______________

3rd ______________ 4th _______________

5. Your Sales in Bottle per day_________________ bottles

A. Pepsi Bottles Sold________________

B. Coke Bottles sold_________________

6. Do you require Service by drinks Company as follows

A. Daily B. Alternate Days C. Weekly 2 times

7. Are you satisfied with Pepsi Service?

A. Good B. Satisfactory C. Bad

8. Are you satisfied with Coke Service?

A. Good B. Satisfactory C. Bad

9. Trade Schemes offered by which company is good to you?

Pepsi Coke

10. Consumer Promotions offered by which company is best, what is Pepsi present

Consumer promotion?

Page 71: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Pepsi Coke


11. Do you feel T.V advertisements by drink companies help in more sales of Drinks?

Yes No

12. How are sales of drinks this year Vs 2008 in your shop?

Good Less Same

13. What is Percentage of juice based soft dinks sales in your shop?

30% 20% 10%

14. Condition of Pepsi Visi Cooler?

Full of Pepsi Drinks

Full of Pepsi+ Coke Drinks

Pepsi Drinks+ Other Packs

15. Why do you keep other products in Pepsi Cooler?

Electrical Bill

No Own Cooler

16. What is the percentage contribution of soft drinks business in your total business?

Page 72: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke


17. What is the shop keeper suggestion to improve Pepsi Company Sales in 2009?


18. Soft Drinks are consumer by mostly?

Male Female By All By Youth

19. How do you (Retailer) buy soft drinks?

Pepsi Cash Credit

Coke Cash Credit

20. What is the percentage of sale of drinks at your shop and consumer residence?

Shop Home

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2001 Milestones

Pepsi-Cola Company launches Dole single-serve juices in vending

machines, coolers and other retail outlets throughout the United States.

Pepsi-Cola's flagship brand will have new tagline, "The Joy of Pepsi."

Tropicana celebrates a company milestone - 300 billion fresh oranges

squeezed since the company began making country are first ever mass

distributed, not-from-concentrate juice in 1947.

Tropicana introduces Smoothies. A natural juice-based product, smoothies

combine fruit juices and non-fat yogurt into a smooth, filling drink that

delivers nutrition, taste and convenience.

Pepsi-Cola launches the bold new Mountain Dew Code Red nationwide. It is

Mountain Dew's first line extension since the introduction of Diet Mountain

Dew in 1988.

May 2 -The Board of Directors of PepsiCo, Inc. elected Steven S Reinemund

chairman of the board and chief executive officer, succeeding Roger Enrico

who will become vice chairman. The board also elected Indra K. Nooyi as a

director and gave her the additional title of president of PepsiCo in addition

to CFO.

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Frito-Lay introduces Lay's Bistro Gourmet potato chips.

Pepsi-Cola Company introduces a "Pepsi Twist." Regular and diet versions

of the crisp new cola with lemon are entering retail outlets in selected U.S.


SLAM, the orange brand Mirinda, is launched in Italy.

PepsiCo acquires Tasali Foods, Saudi Arabia's leading snack company.

On August 2, PepsiCo merges with The Quaker Oats Company, creating a

$25 billion food and Beverage Company focused on the rapidly growing

consumer demand for convenience.

Tropicana Pure Premium Low Acid orange juice makes official debut at

Tropicana 400.

Diet Sierra Mist is introduce

2002 Milestones

Gatorade introduces new Gatorade ICE in three flavors- Orange, Lime and


Tropicana Pure Premium announces sponsorship of Disney's award-winning

show The Lion King.

Tropicana® Pure Premium® introduces 14-oz. single-serve resealable

bottle you can take with you for the on-the-go- consumers.

Diet Pepsi has a new look.

"Mr. Green," a green-tinted carbonated soft drink with caffeine and

ginseng, is launched under SoBe's New Age beverage line in April.

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The North American Coffee Partnership (NACP), a joint venture between

Starbucks Coffee Company and PepsiCo, Inc. introduces Starbucks


Quaker Oatmeal this year celebrates the 125th anniversary of the nation's

number-one-choice for a nutritious, hot breakfast cereal.

Gatorade turns 35. It was created in 1960s to help performance of Florida

Gators football team and now is the leading sport drink.

New line of Gatorade brand drinks, Xtremo, comes in three new flavors -

Mango, Tropical and Citrico.

PepsiCo and Kenneth Cooper, M.D., M.P.H., of Cooper Concepts Inc. (CCI), a

division of the renowned Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, TX enter into an

agreement to promote nutrition, fitness and wellness.

Dole Beverages enters chilled orange juice business as it launches five new

flavors and packages.

Aquafina debuts new line of great-tasting enhanced waters. Aquafina Essentials target active,

health-conscious adults in four lightly sweetened varieties including B-Power, Calcium+, Daily

C and Multi-V in 20-oz. bottles.

PepsiCo reorganizes to unite all North American beverage operations, including Pepsi-Cola,

Tropicana and Gatorade, into one new division -- PepsiCo Beverages and Foods North


PepsiCo announces $5 billion share repurchase program.

Starbucks unveils white vanilla and coconut crème Frappuccino.

Tropicana has new ad campaign for Tropicana Pure Premium Healthy Kids - TV spots

designed to capture the essence of children's needs.

Galaxy Nutritional Foods launches Ultra Smoothies made with Tropicana juices.

PepsiCo publishes Health and Wellness Philosophy. (on

Frito-Lay announces it is eliminating trans fats from Doritos, Tostitos, and Cheetos.

Frito-Lay announces plans to introduce Lay's Reduced Fat chips and Cheetos Reduced Fat


Quaker's Nutrition for Women team has developed a Food Guide Pyramid for Women as well

as an online nutritional assessment.

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Brand Pepsi has a new look.

Beyonce Knowles has joined the Pepsi family and will collaborate with Pepsi two new TV

commercials, radio, and Internet ads.

PepsiCo introduces Marathon Kids, a program that encourages kids and their families to be

more physically active. The program debuts in Dallas, TX.

Tropicana introduces a new campaign with the tag line "So pure. So alive. Tropicana Pure


2003 Milestones

Pepsi-Cola launches Sierra Mist nationally.

PepsiCo launches "Get Active/Stay Active" program.

Quaker Chewy introduces Quaker Chewy Wholesome Favorites and Quaker Chewy Trail Mix.

Gatorade unveils In-Car Hydration System for NASCAR Drivers.

SoBe sponsors U.S. Open Snowboarding Championships.

Pepsi announces plans to launch Mt. Dew LiveWire, an orange drink, this summer.

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Pepsi-Cola signs an exclusive four-year sponsorship deal with the Canadian Hockey

Association, making Pepsi the official soft drink.

Pepsi announces four-year sponsorship agreement with the UK Football Association.

Frito-Lay announces new line of snacks made with organic ingredients called "Natural


"Pepsi Stuff" Campaign kicks-off in Canada.

Frito-Lay finds winner of "Would You Name Your Baby Horton" search celebrating the "re-

birth" of its Ruffles brand. The child will receive $50,000 college tuition fund from Frito-Lay.

PepsiCo creates PepsiCo International, the business that will unite all international snack,

beverage and food units in an effort to drive faster growth and improved profitability around

the world.

PepsiCo releases a Spanish-language "Power of One" television commercial starring Puerto

Rican singer and actor, Ponce, and Velasquez, Mexican-American singer and actress.

Pepsi–Cola trademark turns 100 years old.

Quaker rolls out new Oatmeal Breakfast Squares.

Pepsi Vanilla is launched in the United States.

Tropicana introduces Tropicana 100% Juice Blends.

2004 Milestones

PepsiCo Launches 'HealthRoads' Wellness Benefit for Associates and Their Families

PepsiCo's new "Smart Spot" program is featured as an example of the food industry's focus on

health and wellness in today's edition of USA Today.

Frito-Lay Launches Doritos and Cheetos Halloween Treat Multi-Sacks

Page 78: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Frito-Lay's 24-count Multi-Sack variety pack won the Institute of Packaging Professional's

(IoPP) Integrity Award, one of the industry's top awards, at this year's AmeriStar Packaging


Frito-Lay Introduces Doritos Black Pepper Jack

Diet Sierra Mist Becomes Sierra Mist Free

Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) – PepsiCo's biggest bottler bought Phil Gaudreault et Fils Ltee, a

Quebec-based Pepsi bottler.

SoBe Launches Sugar-Free No Fear

PepsiCo Launches 'Smart Spot' Symbol in Canada

Frito-Lay launches Doritos Edge and Tostitos Edge -- line extensions with 60% fewer


Gatorade introduces Gatorade Endurance Hydration Formula-- a specialized sports drink to

meet the needs of endurance athletes.

Frito-Lay introduces Quaker Chewy Cookies & Milk granola bars and Quaker Fruit & Oatmeal

cereal bars.

Frito-Lay Canada eliminates trans fats from chips and launches a line of All Natural and

Organic products.

Pepsi-Cola to launch Pepsi Edge, the first full-flavored cola with 50% less sugar, carbohydrates

and calories than regular cola.

2005 Milestones

Frito-Lay introduces Doritos Black Pepper Jack

Diet Sierra Mist becomes Sierra Mist Free.

PepsiCo launches "Smart Spot" symbol in Canada

Page 79: Coparative analysis-of-pepsi-and-coke

Tropicana Teams With Weight Watchers to Offer Tropicana Light 'n Healthy as Part of 'Points'


Pepsi Lime and Diet Pepsi Lime Launch

Tropicana Twister Soda Launched in April

The Fuddruckers restaurant chain signed a 7-year, 5.6 million gallon agreement with Pepsi-

Cola North America to serve Pepsi products.

Pepsi-Lipton Tea Partnership Announces New Lipton Original Iced Tea and New Lipton Iced

Tea; Reformulated Ready-to-Drink Teas Hit Store Shelves

Pepsi-Cola North America adds to its portfolio of Dole 100% juices – Ruby Red Grapefruit –

as well as a new line of 50% juice beverages called Dole Lights.

Pepsi-Cola North America announced it will add Splenda® brand sweetener to a newly

reformulated Pepsi ONE, creating a full-flavor cola taste with only one calorie.

Quaker snack bars re-launched with new branding, packaging and advertising

PepsiCo Celebrates 40th Anniversary

PepsiCo International announced the appointment of Pioneer Foods, a leading South African

food and beverage company, as its franchisee in the Republic of South Africa.

Tropicana has launched 'Tropicana Sensations', a new line of premium fruit juices in Spain

PepsiCo launches Quaker Milk Chillers

Gatorade Partners with NFL to Educate High School Football Coaches on Proper Hydration

During Practice

Quaker Introduces Weight Control Instant Oatmeal

Diet Pepsi Presents the NFL Rookie Challenge -- Winner Receives Super bowl Tickets for Life

Tropicana Launches All Fruit Smoothies

Pepsi is chosen as the exclusive beverage provider for Soup Kitchen International, Inc. and The

Original Soup Man

PepsiCo Donates $2 Million to Pakistan Earthquake Victims

PepsiCo Launches New Samba Drink in Australia

Pepsi-Cola North America Launches MDX Energy Soda

Pepsi Partners with Harvey's, Swiss Chalet and Milestone's Restaurants

PepsiCo "Twistos" Croutons Launched in Russia

Gatorade Launches Propel Calcium - First Calcium-Enriched Fitness Water

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Frito-Lay Launches Quaker Oats in India

Walkers to Launch New Beef Jerky Product in the U.K. under its Nobby's brand

PepsiCo Health & Wellness Launches Everyday Smart Moves Magazine

PepsiCo, Cindy Crawford and KaBOOM Build First Smart Spot Playground in Washington,


Pepsi Latte Launches in Thailand

Tropicana Fruit Wise Campaign Launches

Mountain Dew Sponsored ESPN X Games Debut in the Middle East

PepsiCo Launches Pepsi Cappuccino in Romania

Quaker Launches Vanilla Yogurt Crunch Cereal

Britvic Launches Pepsi Max Cino

2006 Milestones

Quaker Snacks Unveils Breakfast Cookies

Doritos unveils new packaging, including an updated logo

PepsiCo Launches Pepsi Limon in Peru

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PepsiCo Completes Acquisition of Stacy's Pita Chip Company

Tropicana Now Offering OJ with Benecol

PepsiCo Foodservice Partners With Cracker Barrel to Serve Up Fritos-Branded Menu Item

PepsiCo Foodservice Pours Two New Account Wins: Famous Dave's of America and

Roundtable Pizza

Pepsi Celebrates 20th Consecutive Super Bowl With New Diet Pepsi Campaign

North American Coffee Partnership Launches New Starbucks Beverages, Starbucks Iced

Coffee, Starbucks Iced Coffee Light as well as Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino and

Starbucks Doubleshot Light

PepsiCo India re-launches Mirinda

SoBe Launches New SoBe Life Water

Cheetos kicks off the biggest marketing campaign in its history with "Undercover Chester," an

integrated communications platform that asks consumers to help Chester Cheetah recover the

stolen recipe for Cheetos

In selected cities cross the United States, Pepsi distributes more than three million free cans of

newly reformulated Diet Mountain Dew, marking the largest single-day sampling effort in

company history

Frito-Lay announces the launch of a new line of snack chips called Lay's Sensations and

Tostitos Sensations

Frito-Lay launches Tostitos Multigrain; new snack brings flavor of four wholesome grains to

one of America's favorite tortilla chips

Sam's Club teams with Aquafina to "Return the Warmth" to local communities through a

national large-scale recycling program. The 50 communities to collect the most Aquafina

bottles and deposit them at designated collection locations receive a $1,000 grant from Sam's

Club in addition to an assortment of fleece jackets made from recycled plastic bottle material

Lay's Introduces Hot 'n Spicy KC Masterpiece BBQ Potato Chips

Grammy award winning artist Mariah Carey writes and records original ringtones for the Pepsi

Cool Tones & Motorola Phones promotion.

Rice-A-Roni introduces a new line of whole-grain side dishes

Pepsi Joins Bipartisan Alliance, Adopts New School Policy to Promote Healthier Lifestyles for

Elementary, Middle and High School Students

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Frito-Lay cuts saturated fat in Lay's, Ruffles by more than 50% with move to NuSun™

Sunflower Oil

Pepsi unveils new Dole Sparklers and Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash

PepsiCo announces that it will be the official, exclusive food and beverage partner of the

highly anticipated Superman Returns film

Starbucks and PepsiCo sign a distribution agreement for Ethos Water

PepsiCo, the National Hockey League (NHL) and the National Hockey League Players'

Association (NHLPA ) sign an exclusive multi-year beverage and snack deal

PepsiCo, National Hockey League and National Hockey League Players Association sign

multi-year deal, giving PepsiCo exclusive rights in the beverage, sports beverage, bottled water

and snack categories. With this deal, Gatorade becomes the official sports drink of NHL

PepsiCo Mexico celebrates the official launch of the 'Vive Saludable' program illustrating their

commitment to promote healthy lifestyles for consumers and employees and together help

reduce the risk of nutrition-related health problems, including obesity

Diet Pepsi launches Jazz, a new line of zero-calorie colas available in rich flavors like Black

Cherry French Vanilla and Strawberries & Cream

PepsiCo introduces Ben & Jerry's Milkshakes, a rich, creamy drinkable treat in three classic

flavors--Cherry Garcia, Chunky Monkey and Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Tropicana debuts Tropicana Pure--a new line of 100% premium juices

PepsiCo is added to the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (DJSI)

Quaker Oats debuts its new Quaker Oatmeal Crunch, warm oatmeal with the crunchy texture

of cold cereal

Indra Nooyi named Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo as of October 1, 2006

Frito-Lay debuts action cups

Frito-Lay kicks of its nationwide rollout of Lay's with 100% Pure Sunflower Oil

Pepsi acquires IZZE beverage company

Arby's names Pepsi-Cola as its Food and Beverage Supplier Award winner

Golden Corral restaurants and Pepsi announce a multi-year agreement making Pepsi the chain's

preferred beverage supplier in all locations

Grandma's Cookies releases 2 limited-edition 'fall favorites' flavors—Spiced Molasses and Fall

Fudge Chip

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Cold Stone Creamery announces a multi-year agreement making Pepsi its exclusive beverage


Frito-Lay North America signed agreement with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation for a

new policy for selling our foods in schools

Frito-Lay launches new Baked!Tostitos Scoops! Tortilla chips, with lower calorie and lower fat


Pepsi signs 5-year sponsorship renewal with Major League Baseball Properties making Pepsi

the "Official Soft Drink of Major League Baseball"

PBSG Parkwood and Frito-Lay headquarters associates raise more than $1.8 million dollars in

the American Heart Association Walk

PepsiCo announced intent to acquire Naked Juice Company

Federal Trade Commission clears PepsiCo for Naked Juice Co. purchase

PepsiCo announces it will acquire New Zealand snack company Bluebird Foods

2007 Milestones

PepsiCo signs Maria Sharapova for International endorsement of Gatorade and Tropicana

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Tropicana launches Tropicana Healthy Heart with Omega-3s, the first national orange juice to

include omega-3s

Ruffles unveils new packaging to reflect its switch to 100% pure sunflower oil

PepsiCo announces new Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Award inspired by Steve


Mountain Dew and AMP Energy sponsor the Winter X Games

Aquafina launches Aquafina Alive—a low calorie, vitamin-enhanced water beverage

Quaker Oats debuts new Quaker Life Chocolate Oat Crunch Cereal

Flat Earth Fruit and Vegetable Crisps hit stores nationally

Fritos Corn Chips celebrates 75th Anniversary with retro packaging

Near East celebrates its 45th Anniversary with a recipe contest

Tropicana launches Tropicana Fruit Squeeze, a 20-calorie drink with real Tropicana fruit juice

Lay's launches 'Share the Joy' program to help the Make a Wish Foundation raise funds

Pepsi-Cola North America launches Diet Pepsi MAX

Oh Boy! Oberto brand debuts 100-calorie Jerky Bites in Original Beef and Teriyaki Turkey


IZZE Launches IZZE Esque, a low-calorie, nothing artificial beverage in three flavors:

Sparkling Mandarin, Sparkling Black Raspberry and Sparkling Limon.

Propel unveils new 'Fit Has a Feeling' campaign and New Powder Packets for On-The-Go

New Quaker Mini Delights launches offering great taste and portion control in a satisfying

serving of mini snack cakes

Diet Pepsi Jazz introduces new Caramel Cream flavor

Grandma's Cookies offering limited-edition flavors for spring: Iced Lemon and Sugar flavors

PepsiCo launches Smart Spot Dance! Initiative with celebrities Mario Lopez and LaChanze to

help African American and Hispanic families lead healthier, more active lifestyles

Walkers is the first major food brand in the world to display a carbon footprint reduction logo

on its packs

SoBe Beverages launches SoBe Essential Energy

PepsiCo Announces 25% Dividend Increase and Raises Share Repurchase Target; Nooyi

Assumes Chairman Title

EPA Names PepsiCo 2007 ENERGY STAR(R) Partner of the Year

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PepsiCo Makes Largest Corporate Purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates

Pepsi launches "Design Our Pepsi Can" National Promotion

Tropicana unveils New Organic Line – Tropicana Organic

Indra Nooyi receives the Outstanding American by Choice Award

PepsiCo makes Fortune magazine's '100 Best MBA Employers' list

Diet Pepsi Launches New Look, New Ad Campaign and New Attitude – Diet Pepsi's "More

Cola Taste"

Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Mountain Dew topped the 2007 Brand Keys Customer Loyalty

Engagement Index which tracks consumers' relationships with brands

PepsiCo joins U.S. Climate Action Partnership as part of its commitment to sustainability

Lipton introduces Lipton PureLeaf

EPA Honors Frito-Lay's Jonesboro facility for its sustainability efforts to conserve energy and


Cold Stone Creamery and Mountain Dew Join Forces to Introduce Dew Iced

Mountain Dew Unveils unique, limited edition aluminum bottles

Tostitos introduce Flour Tortilla Chips and two new Dairy Dips Nationwide

PepsiCo named a 2007 Working Mother 'Best Company for Multicultural Women'

PepsiCo wins two awards –Best Environmental/Wildlife Campaign and Best Cause Marketing

Event -- at Fifth Annual Cause Marketing Halo Awards

Frito-Lay teams up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help children with life-threatening


Dunkin' Donuts launches SoBe Energy Coolatta

Pepsi wins Webby Award for its execution of the "Best Sports Website"

PepsiCo and Pepsi Americas, Inc jointly acquire Sandora, a Leading Juice Company in


PepsiCo earns spot in Black Enterprise Magazine's '40 Best Companies for Diversity'

Lay's and Doritos Campaigns win Top PR Awards

2008 Milestones

PepsiCo Foundation announces two major new grants to WaterPartners and Safe Water

Network programs to provide access to safe water and sanitation in developing countries

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PepsiCo Again Named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

PepsiCo Agrees to Buy Bulgaria's Leading Nuts and Seeds Company

PepsiCo Announces Initiatives With the Earth Institute and H2O Africa to Drive Sustainable

Water Practices

Forbes Names PepsiCo Among Its Best Big Companies

PepsiCo India Commissions First Remote Wind Turbine to Generate Renewable, Clean Energy

CRO Names PepsiCo to Top 25 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2008

PepsiCo to Buy Russian Juice Leader, Lebedyansky

Employees Lead Effort to Make Chicago Plaza First LEED-Certified PepsiCo Headquarters

Gatorade Launches Gatorade Tiger with Comprehensive Integrated Marketing Campaign

PepsiCo Honored with 2008 Energy Star Partner of the Year Award

UK Vitamin Water Brand- V Water Acquired by PepsiCo

Quaker Plant in Cedar Rapids Closes and Reopens Facility Due to Flooding to Protect


PepsiCo Foodservice and Naked Juice Expand Starbucks Presence

Gatorade Sports Science Institute Gathers World's Leading Researchers on Protein Nutrition

PepsiCo International's China Foods Wins "China's Top Leaders 2008" Award

Wall Street Journal Article Recognizes PepsiCo for Leadership in Employment of People with

Different Abilities

PepsiCo and Frito-Lay Join SmartWay in Commitment to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

PepsiCo Beats Coke in Race to Launch New Natural Sweetener (Stevia)

PepsiCo France Recognized as "Great Place To Work" by Institute Survey

PepsiCo Commits to Reducing Acryalmide Levels in Potato Chip Products and Restructured

Potato Snacks in California

Subway Names PepsiCo "Vendor of the Year" for Sustainability Leadership

Tazo Tea Joins Pepsi Lipton Partnership

Indra K. Nooyi{Chairman and CEO}


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Indra Nooyi is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo. Mrs. Nooyi leads one of the world’s

largest convenient food and beverage companies, with 2008 annual revenues of more than $43 billion.

The company’s products are sold in approximately 200 countries, and it employs more than 198,000

people worldwide. Its principal businesses include Frito-Lay snacks, Pepsi-Cola beverages, Gatorade

sports drinks, Tropicana juices and Quaker foods. In total, the PepsiCo portfolio includes 18 brands

that generate $1 billion or more each in annual retail sales.

Mrs. Nooyi is the chief architect of PepsiCo’s multi-year growth strategy, Performance with Purpose,

which is focused on generating robust financial returns from designing products for and finding

sustainable ways to give back to communities the company serves. Performance with Purpose is

premised on offering food and beverages that provide responsible nourishment, minimizing impact on

the environment and creating a diverse and inclusive culture that attracts, develops and retains the

most talented people. In keeping with this growth strategy, PepsiCo is proud to be listed on the Dow

Jones North America Sustainability Index and Dow Jones World Sustainability Index.

Mrs. Nooyi was named President and CEO on October 1, 2006 and assumed the role of Chairman on

May 2, 2007. She has directed the company's global strategy for more than a decade and led PepsiCo's

restructuring, including the divestiture of its restaurants into the successful YUM! Brands, Inc.; the

spin-off and public offering of company-owned bottling operations into anchor bottler Pepsi Bottling

Group (PBG); the acquisition of Tropicana and the merger with Quaker Oats that brought the vital

Quaker and Gatorade businesses to PepsiCo.

Prior to becoming CEO, Mrs. Nooyi served as President and Chief Financial Officer beginning in

2001, when she was also named to PepsiCo's board of directors. In this position, she was responsible

for PepsiCo’s corporate functions, including finance, strategy, business process optimization,

corporate platforms and innovation, procurement, investor relations and information technology.

Between February 2000 and April 2001, Mrs. Nooyi was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial

Officer of PepsiCo. Between 1996 and 1999, Mrs. Nooyi was Senior Vice President of Corporate

Strategy and Development.

Before joining PepsiCo in 1994, Mrs. Nooyi spent four years as Senior Vice President of Strategy and

Strategic Marketing for Asea Brown Boveri, a Zurich-based industrials company. She was part of the

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top management team responsible for the company's U.S. business as well as its worldwide industrial

businesses, representing about $10 billion of ABB's $30 billion in global sales.

Between 1986 and 1990, Mrs. Nooyi worked for Motorola, where she was Vice President and Director

of Corporate Strategy and Planning, having joined the company as the business development executive

for its automotive and industrial electronic group. Prior to Motorola, she spent six years directing

international corporate strategy projects at the Boston Consulting Group. Her clients ranged from

textiles and consumer goods companies to retailers and specialty chemicals producers. Mrs. Nooyi

began her career in India, where she held product manager positions at Johnson & Johnson and at

Mettur Beardsell, Ltd., a textile firm.

In addition to being a member of the PepsiCo board of directors, Mrs. Nooyi serves as a member of

the boards of the International Rescue Committee, Catalyst and Lincoln Center for the Performing

Arts. She is a Successor Fellow of Yale Corporation and member of the Board of Trustees of

Eisenhower Fellowships, and she currently serves as Chairman of the U.S.-India Business Council.

She holds a BS from Madras Christian College, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in

Calcutta and a Master of Public and Private.

Worldwide code of conduct of PepsiCo

Dear Fellow Associates:

PepsiCo has consistently led the industry without standing financial performance

– and we can rightfully take pride in our accomplishments. Like all winning teams, we

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are constantly asking ourselves, “How do the best get even better?” The answer is to

deliver Performance with Purpose: our vision to take PepsiCo’s foundation of strength

and build on it to create a company that both generates healthy financial returns and

improves the lives of our consumers, our employees and our communities. To do better

by doing better, we must start with our Values and our Code of Conduct. This means

delivering superior financial performance the right way, achieving results with

integrity, building trust with one another and all of our stakeholders – with our Values

and our Code at the center of everything we do. Our commitment to applying our

Values and the Code of Conduct to all aspects of our business is critical to delivering

world-class performance … and doing so with a larger purpose that makes a difference

to the world we share. My intent is that this Code of Conduct will help guide each of us

as we work toward living our Values and making Performance with Purpose a reality.

These indispensable tools serve as our unshakeable foundation. Thank you for your

support and your personal engagement in ensuring that PepsiCo remains a high-

integrity company that delivers consistently strong performance the right way.

Indra Nooyi[Chairman and Chief Executive Officer]


PepsiCo’s mission is to be the world's premier consumer Products Company focused on

convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we

provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the

communities in which we operate. In everything we do, we strive to act with honesty, fairness and

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integrity and to obey the laws and regulations of the countries where we do business. This Code of

Conduct applies to PepsiCo, its subsidiaries throughout the world, joint ventures over which PepsiCo

has management control and to every employee of these companies.


We believe our most important strength is our employees. We seek to provide a work

environment where all employees have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to

PepsiCo's success. We emphasize personal integrity and believe long-term results are the best measure

of an employee’s performance. PepsiCo respects the human rights and the dignity of all employees.

We endeavor to treat our employees fairly and honestly. We strive to maintain a safe, secure and

healthy workplace and it is against our policy to use forced or child labor. We also strive to follow all

applicable employment laws and regulations. We are committed to equal opportunity in all aspects of

employment for employees and applicants. This means providing a workplace free from any form of

discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. We seek to create a work environment

where people feel comfortable and respected, regardless of individual differences, talents or personal

characteristics. Our objective is for the diversity of our employees to reflect the diversity of the

population wherever we operate and for the performance of all employees to be judged fairly and

based on their contribution to our results. PepsiCo encourages an inclusive culture, which enables all

employees to do their best. This means we:

Welcome and embrace the strengths of our differences,

Treat each other with respect and fairness, and

Foster an atmosphere of trust, open communications and candor.

We recognize the needs of individuals to achieve professional and personal balance in their

lives. We also respect employee privacy and will acquire and retain only that employee personal

information that is required for operation of the Company’s business or required by law.


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We are committed to the continuation of free enterprise and the legal and regulatory

frameworks that support it. Therefore, we recognize the importance of laws that prohibit restraints of

trade, predatory economic activities and unfair, deceptive or unethical business practices. In all of our

business dealings with consumers, customers, suppliers and competitors, we will:

• Avoid any unfair or deceptive practice and always present our services and products in an honest and

forthright manner.

Treat all customers and suppliers honestly, fairly and objectively

Select suppliers based on merit, and make clear to all suppliers that we expect them to

compete fairly and vigorously for our business.

Compete vigorously and with integrity.

Never comment on a competitor’s product without a good basis for such statements.

Comply with all competition laws, including those prohibiting agreements or understandings

with competitors to fix prices or other sales terms, coordinate bids or divide sales territories,

customers or product lines. These types of agreements with competitors are generally illegal

in the United States and many other markets where we conduct business.


PepsiCo firmly believes that international commerce strengthens stability and peace by

fostering economic growth, opportunity and mutual understanding. As a global enterprise, we

recognize our responsibility to act in concert with the legitimate interests of the countries in which we

do business. We will obey all applicable laws and regulations of our host countries. Our objective is to

be a good corporate citizen wherever we operate.


Our business decisions are made on merit. Therefore, we will never give or offer, directly or

indirectly, anything of value to a third party, including a government official, political party or

candidate, to corruptly influence that person’s business decision or gain an unfair advantage. We will

observe PepsiCo’s International Anti-Bribery Policy at all times.

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Giving gifts or entertainment to governmental officials is highly regulated and often prohibited.

Such gifts and entertainment should not be provided unless you have received Law Department

approval. Gifts or entertainment given to or received from customers or suppliers must never

influence, or appear to influence, business decisions. There must be a legitimate business purpose for

any business gift or entertainment, it must be in good taste and it must be consistent with the law, with

the giver’s and receiver’s policies, PepsiCo’s policies and your function/division policies (including

the Travel and Entertainment Policy). If business gifts are permitted under your function/division

policies, they must be nominal in value and frequency. Customer and supplier meals and entertainment

must be reasonable in cost and frequency and consistent with guidelines established by PepsiCo or

your function/division.


PepsiCo is committed to providing safe and healthy work environments at its facilities for all

its employees, visitors, contractors and vendors. It is our policy to provide employees with a drug-free

workplace. In order to create an environment free from threats, violence and intimidation, we are

committed to a policy of zero tolerance for violence. We are dedicated to designing, constructing,

maintaining and operating facilities that protect our people and physical resources. It is our policy to

comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, provide and require the use of

adequate protective equipment and measures, and insist that all work be done in a safe and responsible

manner. It is the responsibility of each employee to follow all Company policies and procedures

related to workplace health and safety.


PepsiCo is committed to being an environmentally responsible corporate citizen. We are

committed to minimizing the impact of our businesses on the environment with methods that are

socially responsible, scientifically based and economically sound. We encourage conservation;

recycling and energy use programs that promote clean air and water reduce landfill wastes and

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replenish the planet’s natural resources. We will follow applicable environmental laws and regulations

in the countries where we operate.


PepsiCo believes in contributing to society and encourages employees to participate in

community activities. We will continue to communicate information and opinions on issues of public

concern that may affect

PepsiCo. Decisions by our employees whether or not to contribute time, money or resources of their

own to any political or community activity are entirely personal and voluntary. We will obey all laws

in promoting the Company’s position to government authorities and in making political contributions.

Contributions by the Company to political candidates may be prohibited or regulated. Any such

contribution requires the approval of PepsiCo’s Vice President of Public Policy and Government



PepsiCo’s conflicts of interest policy is straightforward: Don’t compete with PepsiCo

businesses, and never let your business dealings on behalf of any of our businesses be influenced, or

appear to be influenced, by personal or family interests. All actual or apparent conflicts of interest

between personal and professional relationships must be handled honestly and ethically. You must

disclose any potential conflict of interest to your

Supervisor as soon as you become aware of it. Examples of conflicts that must be disclosed and

resolved include:

Receiving any financial or personal benefit either yourself or through a family member from a

company that does or seeks to do business with PepsiCo.

Having more than a nominal equity interest in a competitor or in a company that does or seeks

to do business with PepsiCo (for example, ownership of more than 1% of a supplier’s stock).

Serving on the board of directors or providing consulting services to a company that does or

seeks to do business with PepsiCo.

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Owning property (such as real estate or patent rights) that PepsiCo may be interested in

acquiring or leasing.

Having outside business interests that could affect your job performance because of the

amount of time and attention diverted from your responsibilities to PepsiCo.


While engaged in PepsiCo business, you may receive or learn of confidential, competitively

sensitive or proprietary information that has not been disclosed to the public. Confidential or

proprietary information includes all nonpublic information that, if disclosed, might be of use to

competitors or might be harmful to PepsiCo, our suppliers or our customers. You always have a duty

to protect the confidential information of PepsiCo and our business partners. You may not disclose

confidential information to anyone outside PepsiCo, even to members of your own family, unless there

is a clear business need to do so, the party receiving the information has signed a confidentiality

agreement committing to maintain the information’s confidentiality and you believe that the disclosure

will not harm or embarrass PepsiCo or its business partners. PepsiCo obeys all laws with respect to the

disclosure of material, non-public information. Information is considered material if a reasonable

investor would consider it important to his or her decision to buy or sell PepsiCo stock. Examples of

material information include: a significant upward or downward revision of earnings forecasts; a

significant division restructuring; a major management change; a significant acquisition or divestiture;

a significant upcoming product launch or product innovation. Employees should not trade in PepsiCo

securities or the securities of another company involved with PepsiCo while they have material, non-

public information about PepsiCo or that company. In addition, employees should not disclose

material, non-public information about PepsiCo or another company to anyone outside the Company,

including family members.


We will continue to observe the most stringent standards in the keeping of our financial records

and accounts. Our books and records must reflect all components of transactions, as well as our own

standard of insisting upon an honest and forthright presentation of the facts. We will ensure that the

disclosures we make in

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reports and documents that we submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public

communications are full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable. It is the responsibility of each

employee to uphold these standards. Appropriate records must be kept of all transactions and retained

in accordance with PepsiCo’s Records Management Policy and Records Retention Schedule.

Employees are expected to cooperate fully with our internal and external auditors. Information must

not be falsified or concealed under any circumstance, and an employee whose activities cause false

financial reporting will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.


PepsiCo’s technological resources, including computers, voicemail, e-mail and Internet access,

are nto be used for proper purposes in a manner consistent with the Code and all other Company

policies, including those related to discrimination, harassment and intellectual property. As with all

PepsiCo assets, these resources are to be used for business purposes. It is generally not PepsiCo’s

intent to monitor Internet access or messages on the voicemail and email systems. However, the

Company reserves the right to do so in appropriate circumstances, consistent with applicable laws and

regulations. If you have access to PepsiCo information precautions necessary to prohibit unauthorized

access to the system. You should safeguard your passwords or other means of entry. Employees must

not reproduce software assets licensed to PepsiCo, use illegally obtained software or distribute the

original software media or unauthorized copies of software which the Company does not own or



PepsiCo expects its employees, contractors, agents, customers and suppliers to promptly report

any conduct or situation that she/he believes conflicts with this Code or violates a local, state or

federal law to their immediate supervisor, Human Resources or through the PepsiCo Speak Up line at:

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1-866-729-4888 (from the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands)

For a list of phone numbers for all other countries, go to:

Reports can be made anonymously, and the Speak Up line is available toll-free 24 hours a day.

PepsiCo is committed to reviewing any report made in good faith in a prompt manner and taking

remedial action when appropriate. Every affected employee is required to fully cooperate with any

inquiry that results from any reported conduct or situation.

PepsiCo is also committed to protecting the rights of those individuals who report these issues

to PepsiCo. Any PepsiCo employee who is found to have engaged in retaliation against any employee

who has exercised his/her rights under this Code or under applicable laws will be subject to

appropriate remedial action. In addition, those individuals who violate applicable law may also be

subject to civil and criminal penalties.


All employees are expected to display responsible and ethical behavior, to follow consistently

both the meaning and intent of this Code and to act with integrity on a daily basis. Managers and

leaders are expected to ensure that our business processes and practices reinforce the Code, to serve as

positive role models by establishing and adhering to high ethical standards, and to create an ethical

culture by encouraging and rewarding actions that are consistent with the Code. This Code cannot

provide definitive answers to all questions. For that, we must rely on each person's judgment and

integrity. You are encouraged to seek guidance when a situation may not be clear. Your supervisor,

Human Resources manager or the PepsiCo Law Department will respond to questions and issues of

interpretation about this Code. Waivers of this Code will be reviewed by the General Auditor and

General Counsel, and in certain circumstances by the Board of Directors, and if required, will be

appropriately disclosed.

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