CooCall for Android User Manual...Mobile Phone Contacts list integrated from your mobile phone...

CooCall for Android User Manual Software version v2.0.2

Transcript of CooCall for Android User Manual...Mobile Phone Contacts list integrated from your mobile phone...

Page 1: CooCall for Android User Manual...Mobile Phone Contacts list integrated from your mobile phone contacts on CooCall is shown as below. If there’s any update of your mobile phone contacts,

CooCall for Android User Manual

Software version v2.0.2

Page 2: CooCall for Android User Manual...Mobile Phone Contacts list integrated from your mobile phone contacts on CooCall is shown as below. If there’s any update of your mobile phone contacts,






Page 3: CooCall for Android User Manual...Mobile Phone Contacts list integrated from your mobile phone contacts on CooCall is shown as below. If there’s any update of your mobile phone contacts,

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BYOD(BringYourOwnDevice),studyshowsthat82%ofemployeesthinkthatsmartphonesplayacriticalroleinbusiness.ThestudyalsoshowsbenefitsofBYODincludeincreasedproductivity,employee satisfaction, and cost savings for the company. Youmay check Emails, access onlineofficesystemswithout limitationofyourwhereabouts.BYOD is showingusaprevalentofficingsceneforpresentandthefuture.As about the enterprises' phone systems, from the circuit switched legacy PBX with analogphonestoIPPBXwithIPphones,andthentotheprevalenceofBYOD,integratingtheenterprises'phonesystemwiththesmartphonesisjustaroundthecorner.JustthesameasyoucheckEmailsand access online office systems, youmay bring your office extensionwith you anywhere youwant,andanswerandmakephonecallsthroughyourofficeIPphonesysteminacafe,atairportandevenabroad.ThiscouldbedonebyZYCOOCooVoxseries(v3.1.0software)withthefreenewsoftphoneAPPCooCall(v2.0.2).CooCall is thesoftphoneAPPdedicated forZYCOOCooVoxseries IPphonesystem. ItwillbringyouwholenewofficeIPphonesystemuserexperiences.


l ScanQRcodetoconfigureextensionnumberl Newvoicemailnotice/download/playbackl Newrecordingnotice/download/playbackl Companyphonebookl Extensionlistandpresencel Onetouchrecordingl Bluetoothphonecallsl Callholdl Calltransfer

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l AndroidVersion:Android7.0andhigher

l Network:

3G/4G/WLANl ExtensionQRCode


Noticesl If you are not sure about how to get your extensionQR code, please contact the system

administrator.l Please do keep the extension QR code confidential, otherwise your extension will be


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You only have to tap the button to scan your extension QR code then the account

settingswouldbedone. Ifyouhave theQRcode image inyourphotoalbum,youmaytap the“Album”buttononthetoprighttolocateandscantheQRcodeimagefromphotoalbum. The extensionQR code is providedby the systemadminor operator user, if youdon’t have itpleasecontactthesystemadminortheoperator.

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Thecontactsliston“PhoneSystem”screenisfromyourIPphonesystem,CooCallcandownloadthe contacts of your IP phone system phonebook to yourmobile. Youmay click to dial thesecontacts’numbersfromCooCallandwhenthesecontactsdialintoyourIPphonesystemandthecallsreachyourextensiononCooCall,itwillalsodisplaythecontactinfo.


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If this is a frequent contact, please tap the button to add the contact to the “Favorites”


If youwish todial thisnumberplease tap the button.Beforedialing,youcouldchoose to


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Tap“AddPrefix”andthenumberpadwillshowup,addprefixbyusingthenumberpad,afterthistap“Dial”todialthisnumber.Aboutwhichprefixesshouldbeused,itdependsonhowyouaregoingtocallthisnumberfromtheIPphonesystem,ifyouarenotsureaboutthis,pleasecontactthesystemadministrator.NoticeAdd prefix before dialing a numberwill not change the contact’s number of IP phone systemcontacts.CooCallwillnotmodifythecontactsbyanyothermenuseither.

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Ifthere’sanyupdateofyourmobilephonecontacts,pleaseslidedownfromthetopofthelisttorefreshonCooCall.Add a contact to “Favorites” menu or dial a contact’s number is the same as mentionedpreviouslyinthePhoneSystemcontacts.NoticeAddprefixbeforedialinganumberwillnotchangethecontact’snumberofyourmobilephonecontacts.CooCallwillnotmodifyyourmobilephonecontactsbyanyothermeanseither.

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Fortheextensionstatus,greenmeanstheextensionisidle,graymeanstheextensionisoffline,redmeanstheextensionisincall.Users could add the desired extension to “Favorites” menu, and could tap to dial an idleextensionnumbertomakeanextensiontoextensioncall.

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CooCalluserscouldaddcontactsfrom“PhoneSystem”,“MobilePhone”and“Extension”menustothe“Favorites”menuforusersbeingabletolocatethefrequentcontactseasilyandquickly.Contacts from3differentmenuswill bedisplayed separately, for the extensions, the real-timestatuswillstillbeabletobemonitoredhereinthe“Favorites”menu.

To remove a contact from the “Favorites” menu, please tap the button on the contact’sdetailsscreen.

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WhenCooCall is running in foreground, and if at thismoment there’s incoming call, userswillhearringtoneandseetheincomingcallscreenasbelow.

CooCallwillmatch the caller IDwith the contacts had been integratedwith it. If the caller IDmatched the contact, the contact namewill be displayed as the caller. If no contactmatched,thenitwilldisplaythecallerIDonly.Usercouldeither takethiscallbytappingthe“Accept”buttonorreject thecallbytappingthe“Decline”button.NoticeIn3G/4Gnetwork,itwillconsumearound1MBdataforeachminuteoftheVoIPcalls.

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OntheCooCall’s“Dialer”screen,bytappingthe menubuttonyoumaydisplayorhidethe


Thedialpadisusuallyusedtodialnumberswhichdoesnotexist intheCooCall’scontactlist. Ifprefixesneedtobeadded,pleasedon’t forgettouseprefixestodial thenumbers.Except longpressthe“0”keycanentera“+”,otherkeyscanbeonlyshortpressedtoenterdigitsand“*”and“#”.Whenyouhaveenteredthecompletenumber,tapthedialbuttontomakeacall.

If the number entered needs to be modified, please use the button to delete the errordigitsandre-enterthenumber.

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Once an outbound call had been answered by the other party or the incoming call had beenansweredbyyou,itwilldisplaytheincallscreenasshownbelow.


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When in a live call, you couldmute/unmuteyourmicrophonewhennecessary. Tap the

buttonyoumaymuteyourmicrophone,andthestatusofthebuttonwillchangeto ,andatthismomenttheotherpartywillnothearyourvoice.Whenyouwanttounmuteyourself,justtapthe“Unmute”button.


Whileinalivecall,ifyouwanttoholdthiscall,justsimplytaponthe button,theother


Toresumethiscallpleasetapthe onceagain,thecallwillthenberesumed.



it,pleasejusttaponthe button.

Once record is on, the button statuswill change in to to indicate you that the call is




mobilehandsetsandtheBluetoothheadsetsbyusingthe button.

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couldtapthe button,andthekeypadwillshowupwithanoptiontosearchcontacts


Ifyouwishtodialthenumberdirectly,pleaseusethekeypadtodialit,andthehangupbuttonwillthenbecomeadialbuttonforyoutodialthethirdparty’snumber.Ifyouwishtosearchthecontactfromthecontactlist,pleaseclickonthe“Contacts”option.Whenyouselectanumberfromthecontact list,thenumberofthiscontactwilldisplayonthekeypadscreen,thenyoudialitthesamewayasyouenteredthenumberfromthekeypad.OnceCooCallstartedtodialthethirdparty’snumber,theotherpartywillbeputonholdwithonholdmusic.Thetransferinprogressscreenisasbelow.

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Oncethethirdpartyanswersthecall,youmayintroducethecallfirst.Ifthethirdpartyagreedtoansweritthenyoutap“CompleteTransfer”button.Thecallwillthenbesuccessfullytransferredtothethirdpartyandyouwillbedisconnectedfromthecall. If the third party rejected to take this call, then you can tap “Abort Transfer” button to aborttransferringthiscall,thethirdpartywillbedisconnectedandtheoriginalcallwillberesumed.Ifyouwant tostopthetransferprocessbefore thethirdpartyanswering thecall,youmaytap“AbortTransfer”toresumethecall,thethirdpartywillstopringingatthesametime.Ifyoutapthe “Complete Transfer” button before the third party answers the call, the call will betransferredimmediately.

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You could use speakermode tomake and receive phone calls the sameway as you use yourAndroidphonetomakeandreceivephonecalls.


Keypad inthecallmenucouldbeusedtodialsomefeaturecodeswhichareavailableduringaphonecall.Formoreinformation,pleasechecktheCooVoxseriesExtensionUserManualoryoucanrefertothefeaturecodeshelpinfoontheextensionuserWebportal.And it couldbeusedwhenyoucalling intosomeother IVRsystemswhich requirekeypresses,youmayusethekeypadtoenterthedesiredkeypresses.

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InCallHistorythereare3kindsofphonecallrecords,outboundcalls, inboundcallsandmissed

calls.Usermayslidedownthelisttoseemorerecordsorcouldtap tohidethedialpadto



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Thecallsofthesamenumberonthesamedaywillbemergedintoonerecord.Onthecallhistoryscreenwillshowthelatestcallinfo.Whenyouviewthedetailsyou’llbeabletoseeallcallswiththisnumber/contact.NoticeYoumayslidetothe left todeletearecord,but therecordonthe IPphonesystemwillnotbedeleted.

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Themessageswith redenvelopemarkarenewmessages.Theoneswithgreenenvelopemarkareoldmessages.Andyoumayslidedownthewholelisttorefreshthemessagelist.Taponthenewmessageandyou’llbeabletoplaybackthismessagedirectlyfromCooCall.

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Bydefault,thevoicemailswillnotbedownloadedtoyourmobilephone, itwillonlygeneratealistofvoicemessages,whenyoutapononeofthemessagestocheckthevoicemessagedetails,itwillthenstarttodownloadthismessage. Oncedownloadedtheplaybuttonwill showupandyou justhavetotapontheplaybuttontoplaybackthemessage.Ifyouwishtomakeacallbacktothecaller,pleasetaponthedialbutton.NoticeVoicemailsareonlytobeviewedbutnottobedeleted.Youmaydeletethevoicemailsfromyourextensionuserwebportal.


Ifyourextensionhadbeenenabledwithcallrecordingorifyouusedonetouchrecordingfeatureduring a phone call, you’ll be able to check those recordings directly from the “Recordings”screen.Aftereachcall,CooCallwilltrytorefreshtherecordinglist,ifthere’reanynewrecordingsyou’llseearedmarkonthe“Recordings”menuthesameasyougotnewvoicemails.Andit’sthesamewayforyoutocheckandplaybacktherecordingsasthevoicemails.NoticeRecordingscanonlybecheckedandplayedbutcannotbedeletedfromCooCall.

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YourextensionnumbershouldbeconfiguredonthefirsttimewhenyoustartupCooCall.Whenyou want to change an account ormodify the account info, youmay do it on the “More” ->“Account”screen.

TheaccountcredentialsareallobtainedfromtheextensionQRcodesoyoudon’thavetodoanymanuallysettings.Onlythe“Location”couldbechosenfrom“InsideOffice”and“OutsideOffice”.Toguaranteeitalwaysworks,CooCalluses“OutsideOffice”bydefault, itwillworknomatter ifyouareusing localofficeWLANor3G/4G.But ifyouchoose“InsideOffice” itwillonlywork inyour local officeWLAN. Don’t forget to switch back to “Outside Office” before you leave theoffice.If you are going to change an extension number, please tap the scan button on the top rightcorner. After scanning the extension QR code, the extension register status will change to“Unregistered”pleasetapthe“Register”buttontomakethenewaccounteffective.

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Thereare15built-in ringtones foryou tochooseadesiredoneasyour incomingcall ringtone.Pleasejusttaponthe“Ringtone”menuandthenyou’llbeabletochangetheringtone.

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