CONY Newsletter February 2009

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CONY Newsletter February 2009

Transcript of CONY Newsletter February 2009

Page 1: CONY Newsletter February 2009

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Page 2: CONY Newsletter February 2009




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(CONY Updates continued on page 5)

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Page 4: CONY Newsletter February 2009


Salvatore Bonetti Specializing in Retirement Plans & Campground Consulting

My service is ideal for Park Owners and staff who want a well-proven means to build or maintain their retirement & lifestyle. I have over 26 years in the financial industry, and over nine years of campground experience.

My Goals include:

- Help clients retire when they want to

- Help clients make money with their money

- Help assure profitable operations & sales

Services include: - Retirement Plans (Business & Personal)

- Investment & Advisory Services

- Campground Sale Preparation

- Succession, Tax & Legacy Strategies

- Insurance & Annuity Plans

Salvatore Bonetti, Financial Advisor

1-800-326-5763 [email protected]

Securities offered through Morgan Stanley & Co. 100 Middle Street, Portland, Maine 04101

Page 5: CONY Newsletter February 2009




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Page 6: CONY Newsletter February 2009


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Part Two of a two-part series By Clyde S. Taylor Creating and maintaining an effective web-site is one of the most important things you can do to improve your company’s ability to attract new customers and communicate with your existing ones. This article is the second of a two-part article series. The first

article (published in the last CONY newsletter) provided you with an easy-to-follow 10-point “check-up” so you can evaluate the effectiveness of your company’s website. This article provides you with specific recommendations for im-proving your website. Note: If possible, it will be beneficial for you to review Part #1 of this article series before working on the recommendations outlined herein.

Why is this topic so important? The number one request I get from campground / RV

Park business owners and operators is, “Can you help me improve my website?” Websites can be difficult to create and just as difficult to maintain; especially if you have to depend on others for assistance to update content. But never forget – your website is one of the most important communi-cations vehicles you have at your disposal.

This article will help you evaluate some key content ar-eas and/or elements of your own website that need some “improvements.” The 10.5 recommendations outlined in this article should help you make changes to your website so you can improve how you do the following three things:

1. Provide your existing repeat / loyal customers with updated information about your RV Park or campground and in turn, provide a way for them to communicate with you (e.g., to request information or to make a reservation).

2. Provide prospective campers with information about your facility, programs and services. And, as previously mentioned, to provide a channel for two-way communica-tion.

3. Provide a way to communicate information about your company to your local community and strategic partners.

That’s it! This is all your website should have to accom-plish to be a successful communication component of your company. Now let’s review the 10.5 recommendations to help make it happen.

Your Campground / RV Park Website’s 10.5 Recommendations

Here are the 10.5 recommendations for improving the effectiveness of your website. You may be doing an excel-lent job in some of these areas. In other cases, you may need to make changes to be more effective in communicating with

your existing customers or members, prospective customers and the community you support.

Complete the “10-Step Check Up” (Part #1 of this article series).

Do this before “working” with the rest of the recommen-dations outlined in this article. Completing the “check-up” will get you more than half way through the website im-provement process. You will find this article in your most recent CONY newsletter.

Complete a Questionnaire-Structured Assessment of Your Existing Web Pages.

It is very important to know “where you are to-day” (assessment) in order to evaluate “where you want to be tomorrow.” Completing a simplified assessment of your web pages can help you make this determination. Answer the fol-lowing five questions. They will help you with this process.

Question: What do I want my website / web pages to communicate to my existing / loyal customers?

Question: What do I want my website / web pages to communicate to my prospective customers?

Question: What do I want my website / web pages to communicate to my “community-at-large” and/or my strate-gic partners?

Question: What does my website / web pages currently communicate to my website visitors regarding my camp-ground’s overall customer value?

Question: What should my website / web pages commu-nicate to my website visitors regarding my campground’s overall customer value?

Once you have completed these questions, take some time to review your answers. Your answers should provide you with some “insights” regarding how you want your fu-ture website to “look” and what you want it to say to each of your target audiences (customer groups).

Complete a Visual “Hard Copy” Assessment of the Copy for Your Web Pages – Then, Review

the Pages in Detail. You can’t move forward with improvements to your

website until you candidly evaluate all of your existing web page content. You must be able to identify what is working, what needs to be updated or changed, and what must be taken out of the content because it is no longer relevant.

As discussed in the first article, here is a technique I use to evaluate web content. I collect three different colored markers or highlighters to help me identify the following content: strong / positive copy, neutral copy and negative / weak copy.

I use a green marker or highlighter to identify strong /

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positive content (e.g., inviting copy that supports your com-pany’s vision or mission and improves the “value” of your pages).

I use a blue or gray marker / highlighter to identify neu-tral content (e.g., instructional or functional copy that gives the reader some important “need to know” information and/or that improves readability).

I use a red marker or highlighter to identity negative / poor content (e.g., what I call “don’t do” copy – negative copy that tells the reader all of the things you don’t offer or the things he or she can’t do as a guest at your campground). There will always be “rules and regulations” to follow but they don’t need to be presented in a negative way.

Color coding your web content will make it easier to see what needs to be changed to improve your website pages. So, go on…get some markers or highlighters and your favorite pen; then get to work! This exercise will reveal some key action items for you to focus on in 2009.

Complete a Visual “Hard Copy” Assessment of the Im-ages and Graphics on Your Web Pages – Then,

Review the Pages in Detail. Once you have completed recommendation #3, it’s time

to go through the same process by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your graphics and photos. Note: I’m as-suming you already have some photographs and graphics on your web pages. If not, consider this a weakness that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Indicate places on the printouts of your web pages where you can add photos or update old ones to improve the con-tent. Go through the same process with your graphics. (Note: Web page graphics are those little visual elements you can incorporate into your web pages to make them more readable and/or exciting to look at while reviewing the content within the pages).

Create a 3-Column Website “Action Planner.” Once you have completed the first four recommenda-

tions, it’s time to create a 3-column Action Planner / “To Do” List. This will help you organize your thoughts and as-sist you in creating an actionable plan for making improve-

ments to your website. On the top of your Action Planner write: “[Name of your company] Website Action Planner for 2009.” Under this heading create a three-column table and include the headings as presented below. This chart will help you create your actionable “to do” lists. (See a sample of this document for your review, at bottom of page):

(Your Company Name) Website Action Planner – 2009 Here is what you need to include for review and action

within each column: Under Column A: “Information / Content Flow” Add a line / row for every existing page on your website

as well as the ones you want to include in the future. Next, make notations regarding changes to content flow that will enhance the content or message of your website, such as:

Placement or inclusion of your “welcome” or “opening remarks” content

Placement or inclusion of your “Overview of your camp-ground / RV Park” content

Inclusion of a loyal customer section (password pro-tected area for your existing / loyal customers). This is an optional consideration worth considering.

Inclusion of a “What others have to say about our camp-ground” content (use testimonials from loyal campers about your facility)

Inclusion of a “Make a Reservation” section and form (if you have this technology)

Inclusion of a “For More Information / Contact Us” sec-tion and e-mail response link

Under Column B: “Copy Revisions or Additions” Review your “marked up” web pages and include infor-

mation about the copy that needs to be changed (such as your copy highlighted in red) in this column. This will enable you to easily create the new copy when you are ready to make these changes.

Also, this will help you indicate where new copy needs to be added to your website. This may require adding addi-tional pages to your website (e.g. online application or calen-dar of events).

Under Column C: “Photos, Graphics & Enhancements” List all photos that need to be replaced on your web

(Continued from page 6)

(Continued on page 8)

Information / Content Flow Copy Revisions or Additions Photos, Graphics & Enhancements

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pages. This includes old photos or photos that do not effec-tively “tell your story.”

List the types of photos you would like to see placed on your website pages. This includes updated photos of people or events and photos that represent your entire diverse camp-ing community. Use images to “tell your story.”

Note: A signed photo release should be on file for every person in the photos you post on your website. Your web master should have access to these forms. If not, I can pro-vide you with these generic photo releases (adult and child under 18 versions).

List areas on your website pages where you can insert testimonials from existing customers or staff members; along with their photos. I strongly recommend that you consider adding testimonials to your website. They are a powerful way to reinforce your message with prospective customers.

You should now have a document that includes a print-out of each of your web pages and a 3-column “Action Plan” document to help you make changes to your website. This provides you with a valuable “blue print” to follow as you move forward with your improvement plans.

Schedule a Meeting with the Primary Contact Person(s) Who Maintains Your Website.

One challenge in working with your “web master” is the perception he or she has of your needs and/or the importance of key areas of information. Another factor is time – the time it takes to convey information / changes to your web master / developer and the time it takes for him or her to make your requested changes.

Here is a proven idea to help you work more effectively with your web developer.

a.Review your Action Planner and highlight changes you would like to see made to your web pages right away and those you want to make within the next 30-90 days. Print out or copy this document (one for you and one for your pri-mary website contact).

b.Schedule a meeting with your primary website contact person.

Discuss your Website Action Planner needs with your web master from two key perspectives:

Telling your web master, “Here is what I need.” Asking your web master, “What do you need from me to

get it done?” You must be willing to assist in this process. This means

writing all or part of the copy you want to see added to the web pages, providing electronic files of the photos you want

included on your pages, etc. Basically, you have to be willing to do the “front end” work. This will make it easier for your web developer to get the pages modified or “built” and you will get what you need in much less time (and hopefully, for less money). Collaboration is the key word. Do the work…it will pay off in the end!

Schedule follow-up meetings with your web contact per-son as you begin “handing off” content for inclusion in your web pages.

Ongoing Action! – Continue Developing Information / Content Flow for Your Web Pages Based on Your

Action Item “A” List. Improve the information and content flow of your web

pages by making the basic changes outlined in Column A of your Website Action Planner.

Continue looking for ways to improve the placement or content of information – Do you have the most important information on page one of your web pages? Do you have links to your web pages in other sections of your website?

Look for ways to include new and exciting content. And, always look for ways to accomplish the following:

Provide existing customers with updated information about your campground.

Provide prospective customers and potential strategic partners with information about your programs / services / opportunities.

Provide the community with exciting information about your programs / services / opportunities.

As you make changes, get the information to your web master / contact person.

Ongoing Action! – Continue Developing Copy Content for Your Web Pages Based on Your

Action Item “B” List. Continue improving the copy content of your web pages

by making the basic changes outlined in Column B of your Website Action Planner.

Look for ways to improve existing copy to make it more exciting and inviting. Remember, you are trying to reach a diverse population of customers, prospective customers and members of the community. Your copy should reflect this in what you say in your copy.

As you make changes, get the information to your web master / contact person. Ongoing Action! – Continue Posting New Photos, Graph-

ics and Enhancements on Your Web Pages Based on Your Action Item “C” List.

Improve the photos, graphics and enhancement content of your web pages by making the basic changes outlined in

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Column C of your Website Action Planner. Continue looking for ways to improve the photos on

your web pages (make sure your photos are updated, repre-sent a cross-section of your customer population and show campers “in action,” not just posing for a staged photo. Also, look for ways to add graphic enhancements to your pages such as adding color to your headlines / subheadings, creat-ing an events calendar or creating tables for key information about your programs or services. In short, make your pages look exciting!

As you make changes, get the information to your web master / contact person.

Get Some Help! Create a Collaborative “Website Team” for Future Improvements

and Content Development. This is a big job! Get some help whenever possible.

Look for individuals on your “team” with writing skills to help you develop copy. Enlist the help of freelance talent if you need assistance in creating more exciting looking pages. And, contact companies with an expertise in web develop-ment if you need more technical areas of support.

In addition, create a “website development team” for your future website enhancements and improvements. This team can include individuals within your organization, your customer base or your strategic partners within the commu-nity.

Don’t get frustrated. This process takes time and little steps can produce big results; just keep moving forward and give it time to generate the intended results.

When the Time is Right, Use Your “Website Team” to Look at Specific Future Improvement

Initiatives Such as: � Adding a Value Proposition “message” to your web-

site pages. It’s important to state the value you provide to your primary customers.

� Creating copy on the website that provides an invita-tion to “join your team” if you are trying to recruit new em-ployees or volunteers.

� Including testimonials on your website from a diverse group of individuals.

� Adding human interest stories about individuals / families who have stayed at your campground or RV Park.

Finally, reviewing your website from a technical per-spective, including: the loading time of page content, check-ing for dead links, analyzing your HTML code for errors, evaluating graphics optimization, checking browser compati-bility and checking meta tags.

Hopefully, these 10.5 recommendations will help you identify ways to improve the effectiveness of your web-site. I would challenge you to take the time to incorporate these recommendations into your web improvement plans for the upcoming year. Good luck!

© Clyde Taylor, Taylor Communications, 2009

(Continued from page 8)

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Page 12: CONY Newsletter February 2009


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(Continued from page 5)

(Continued on page 13)

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Page 14: CONY Newsletter February 2009



Qty Item Cost

_____ Seasonal & Winter Storage Contracts (not attorney approved)

_____ Registration form incorporating camp rules and splash program

_____ Campground Evaluation Form

_____ Plans for a Pit Toilet, NYS DOH Supplied

_____ Chart for appliance electrical usage in RVs

_____ Instructions for running soil percolation tests

_____ Sports fields plans: croquet, volleyball, horse shoes, shuffleboard, badminton, aerial tennis, darts, softball, baseball, tennis, paddle tennis

_____ Picnic Table Plans

_____ Dump Station Plans

_____ Loan Information

_____ Employer’s Teen Safety Checklist

_____ ANSI Standards .................................................................................................... $26.00

_____ ADA Guide Book .................................................................................................. $ 3.00

_____ How to Take a Water Sample

_____ Getting Your Banker to Say Yes to Your Request ................................................. $55.00

_____ Being a Successful Manager of an RV Park, Resort or Campground .................... $45.00

_____ Designing RV Parks and Resorts for the 21st Century ........................................... $80.00

_____ “Public Playground Handbook for Safety” Manual

_____ RVs, The Drive for Independence Coffee Table Book (Hard Cover) ................................................................................................ $24.95

_____ CONY (2 sided) reflected sign .............................................................................. $45.00

_____ CONY Lapel Pins ................................................................................................. $ 3.00

_____ CONY Logo Decal

_____ CONY Litter Bags (50 count) ................................................................................ $55.00

Prices include sales tax ______ Total Campground Name Name Shipping Address City, State, Zip / Credit Card No Exp. Date CCV No.

Visa/MasterCard accepted.

Mail your order to: CONY, 1 Grove Street, Suite 200, Pittsford, NY 14534 or fax to (585) 586-4368

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Page 16: CONY Newsletter February 2009