Conversion Factors

Conversion factors one foot = 3.2808 meters one cubic meter = (3.2808 feet)^3 = 35.313 cubic feet one long ton = 2,240 pounds one metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds one long ton = 2240/2204.62 metric tons = 1.016 metric tons The conversion factor from cubic meters per metric ton to cubic feet by long ton is simple (Cubic meters/ metric ton)(35.313 cubic feet / cubic meter)(1.016 metric tons/ long ton) = 35.878 So just multiply the metric stowage factor by 35.878 to get a stowage factor in cubic feet per long ton!


Conversion Factors

Transcript of Conversion Factors

Page 1: Conversion Factors

Conversion factors one foot = 3.2808 meters one cubic meter = (3.2808 feet)^3 = 35.313 cubic feet one long ton = 2,240 pounds one metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds one long ton = 2240/2204.62 metric tons = 1.016 metric tons 

The conversion factor from cubic meters per metric ton to cubic feet by long ton is simple 

(Cubic meters/ metric ton)(35.313 cubic feet / cubic meter)(1.016 metric tons/ long ton) = 35.878 

So just multiply the metric stowage factor by 35.878 to get a stowage factor in cubic feet per long ton!