Conversion Between Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration _ CBMApps


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Transcript of Conversion Between Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration _ CBMApps

  • 11/27/13 Conversion Between Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration | 1/3

    Conversion Between Displacement, Velocity

    and Acceleration

    Vibration is a form of movement; in consequence, the relations between acceleration, velocity and

    displacement are governed by simple kinematics; acceleration is the derivative of velocity, which in turn is

    the derivative of displacement:

    Conversely, displacement is the integral of velocity, which in turn is the integral of acceleration:

    For an arbitrary vibration signal, the only way to convert one of these measures into another would be to

    know the complete time waveform and differentiate or integrate it. Fortunately, the integral and derivative

    of a sinusoidal function are also sinusoidal functions, so for sinusoidal waveforms these relations simplify to

    (the intermediary math has been omitted):

    From displacement to velocity and acceleration:

    From acceleration to velocity and displacement:

    With frequency in Hz and phase in radians.

    It is important to observe that if one of the three variables acceleration, velocity or displacement is

    sinusoidal, the other two are also sinusoidal at the same frequency; only amplitude and phase change.

    Phase Relations

    Phase (30) relations are fairly intuitive and independent of amplitude and frequency. The phase difference

    between acceleration and displacement is always 180, which means that when the object reaches its

    maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, the acceleration is maximum in the opposite direction

    (see points 1 and 2 in the figure below). Velocity always lags acceleration by 90 and leads displacement by

    90: it is maximum when both acceleration and displacement are zero, that is, when passing trough the

    equilibrium position (points 3 and 4).

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    Phase difference between acceleration, velocity and displacement

    Amplitude Relations

    The amplitude (31) of acceleration, velocity and displacement are related by factors that depend on vibration

    frequency. For a given velocity amplitude, for example, the corresponding displacement amplitude is higher

    at low frequencies by a factor proportional to 1/f and acceleration is higher at high frequencies, by a factor

    proportional to f. This relations explain why low frequency vibration is emphasized by displacement

    measures and high frequency vibration by acceleration, as illustrated in the following figure:

    Sinusoidal acceleration and displacement amplitude as a function of frequency for a fixed velocity amplitude of

    1 mm/s rms

    Units in this figure were chosen because they are commonly used and to make the curves fit in the plot. If

    different units are used, the scale of the curves will vary but their general form remains the same.

    Conversion Formulas

    The conversion formulas for amplitude only are summarized in the following table:

    You want You have

    A, f[Hz] V, f[Hz] X, f[Hz]

    Acceleration, A = 2f V

    6.28f V

    (2f)2 X

    39.5f2 X

    Velocity, V =1/(2f) A

    2f X

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    Amplitude conversion between sinusoidal acceleration, velocity and


    1/(6.28f) A 6.28f X

    Displacement, X =1/(2f)2 A

    1/(39.5f2) A

    1/(2f) V

    1/(6.28f) V

    To take into account the phase, the formulas are (using the notation aplitude@phase):

    Amplitude and phase conversion between sinusoidal acceleration, velocity and displacement.

    You want You have

    A, f[Hz] V, f[Hz] X, f[Hz]


    A@a =

    2f V@(v+90)

    6.28f V@(v+90)

    (2f)2 X@(x+180)

    39.5f2 X@(x+180)


    V@v =

    1/(2f) A@(a90)

    1/(6.28f) A@(a90)

    2f X@(x+90)

    6.28f X@(x+90)


    X@x =

    1/(2f)2 A@(a180)

    1/(39.5f2) A@(a180)

    1/(2f) V@(v90)

    1/(6.28f) V@(v90)


    The formulas presented do not modify the type of amplitude measurement (pk, pk-pk or rms) (31) . They

    do not transform the units used, either. When applying these formulas, care has to be taken to convert

    the result to the desired units.


    If we want to convert a sinusoidal acceleration of 0.1g rms into velocity in in/s pk, and we don't care

    about the phase, we can proceed as follows:

    A = 0.1g = 0.1 x 32.17ft/s2 = 3.217ft/s2 38.6in/s2

    f = 4500 cpm = (4500/min)x(1min/60s) = 75/s

    V = A/(2f) (38.6m/s2) / (6.28 x 75/s) = 0.082in/s

    As the acceleration amplitude was rms, so is the obtained velocity. We use the formulas in the

    Amplitude ( section to get:

    V 0.11in/s pk

    As you seem, calculations can be tricky... These are the formulas used by the sinusoidal vibration calculator

    ( to convert between sinusoidal displacement, velocity and acceleration.