Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 21 CONVERSATIONAL IMPLICATURE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER’S UTTERANCES INARMAGEDDON MOVIE Rosmaidar 1 , Mirani 2 Dosen Universitas Bina Darma 1 , Mahasiswa Universitas Bina Darma 2 Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 3, Palembang Sur-el: [email protected] 1 , [email protected] 2 Abstract: This study analyzed the conversational maxims, the implied meaning, and types of implicature produced by the main character’s utterances (Harry Stamper). The method used in this study was qualitative research with descriptive approach. Based on the findings, the writer found there were 118 utterances of Harry Stamper that contain conversational implicatures. There were 74 (62.72%) conversational implicatures that violate maxim of quantity, 24 (20.34%) that violate maxim of quality, 11 (9.32%) that violate maxim of relevance, and 9 (7.62%) that violate maxim of manner. Furthermore, the writer found there were 103 types of implicatures, they were; 77 (74.76%) utterances that contain generalized implicature and 26 (25.24%) utterances that contain particularized implicature. Hence, the writer concluded that the main character in Armageddon movie (Harry Stamper) mostly used quantity maxim and generalized implicature. In addition, the implied meaning of the conversational utterances referred to the expression of agreement, refusal, acceptance, denial, command and announcement expression. Keywords: Conversational Implicature, Armageddon, and Main Character. Abstrak: Penelitian ini menganalisa Conversational maxims, makna yang tersirat, dan jenis implikatur yang diucapkan oleh pemeran utama (Harry Stamper). Metode Yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kulaitatifdengan pendekatan deskriptif. Berdasarkan temuan, penulis menemukan 118 kata Harry Stamper yang mengandung conversational implicatures. Ada 74 (62.72%) conversational implicature yang merusak maxim of quantity, 24 (20.34%) yang merusak maxim of quality, 11 (9.32%) yang merusak maxim of relevance dan 9 (7.62%) yang merusak maxim of manner. Penulis menemukan ada 103 jenis implikatur, ada 77 (74.76%) kata yang mengandung generalized implicatures dan 26 (25.24%)kata yang mengandung particularized implicature. Penulis meliputi karakter utama di film Armageddon (Harry Stamper) paling banyak menggunakan kalimat percakapan yang menunjuk kepada pengungkapan persetujuan, penolakan, penerimaan, penyangkalan, perintah dan pengumuman. Kata Kunci: Conversational Implicature, Armageddon, dan Tokoh Utama 1. INTRODUCTION As human, we have our own human language as a tool of communication. Communication is the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. It is about conveying a message between a sender anda receiver. We can communicate by using speech, song, tone of voice, body language, sign language, touch, eye contact, etc. Communication also includes acts that give knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands, and ask questions. It plays a very important role in our daily life, especially in a movie. It can be seen as a process of information transmission that is influenced by three levels; syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic levels. Yule (1996: 3) states that pragmatics is the study of the use of language in communication. It includes the study of the interpretation of the speaker‟s intended meaning and the use of utterances that are influenced by the relationship between sentences and the context and situations


Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 21




1, Mirani


Dosen Universitas Bina Darma1, Mahasiswa Universitas Bina Darma


Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 3, Palembang

Sur-el: [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract: This study analyzed the conversational maxims, the implied meaning, and types of

implicature produced by the main character’s utterances (Harry Stamper). The method used in this

study was qualitative research with descriptive approach. Based on the findings, the writer found there

were 118 utterances of Harry Stamper that contain conversational implicatures. There were 74

(62.72%) conversational implicatures that violate maxim of quantity, 24 (20.34%) that violate maxim

of quality, 11 (9.32%) that violate maxim of relevance, and 9 (7.62%) that violate maxim of manner.

Furthermore, the writer found there were 103 types of implicatures, they were; 77 (74.76%) utterances

that contain generalized implicature and 26 (25.24%) utterances that contain particularized

implicature. Hence, the writer concluded that the main character in Armageddon movie (Harry

Stamper) mostly used quantity maxim and generalized implicature. In addition, the implied meaning of

the conversational utterances referred to the expression of agreement, refusal, acceptance, denial,

command and announcement expression.

Keywords: Conversational Implicature, Armageddon, and Main Character.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini menganalisa Conversational maxims, makna yang tersirat, dan jenis

implikatur yang diucapkan oleh pemeran utama (Harry Stamper). Metode Yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah penelitian kulaitatifdengan pendekatan deskriptif. Berdasarkan temuan, penulis

menemukan 118 kata Harry Stamper yang mengandung conversational implicatures. Ada 74 (62.72%)

conversational implicature yang merusak maxim of quantity, 24 (20.34%) yang merusak maxim of

quality, 11 (9.32%) yang merusak maxim of relevance dan 9 (7.62%) yang merusak maxim of manner.

Penulis menemukan ada 103 jenis implikatur, ada 77 (74.76%) kata yang mengandung generalized

implicatures dan 26 (25.24%)kata yang mengandung particularized implicature. Penulis meliputi

karakter utama di film Armageddon (Harry Stamper) paling banyak menggunakan kalimat percakapan

yang menunjuk kepada pengungkapan persetujuan, penolakan, penerimaan, penyangkalan, perintah

dan pengumuman.

Kata Kunci: Conversational Implicature, Armageddon, dan Tokoh Utama


As human, we have our own human

language as a tool of communication.

Communication is the activity or process of

expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people

information. It is about conveying a message

between a sender anda receiver. We can

communicate by using speech, song, tone of

voice, body language, sign language, touch, eye

contact, etc. Communication also includes acts

that give knowledge and experiences, give

advice and commands, and ask questions. It

plays a very important role in our daily life,

especially in a movie. It can be seen as a process

of information transmission that is influenced by

three levels; syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic


Yule (1996: 3) states that pragmatics is the

study of the use of language in communication.

It includes the study of the interpretation of the

speaker‟s intended meaning and the use of

utterances that are influenced by the relationship

between sentences and the context and situations

22 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

in which they are used. Furthermore, pragmatics

is about understanding the uses of language in

our daily life. We do not need to focus on the

phonetic or grammatical form of the utterances,

but instead on what the speaker‟s intentions. In

the linguistic branch of pragmatics, there are

some terms, they are; deixis, reference and

inference, presupposition, implicature, speech

acts, speech events, politeness, and

communication constraints.

Implicature is one of the terms that is

coined by Paul Grice. It is a nonconventional

implicature based on an addressee‟s assumption

that the speaker is following the conversational

maxims or at least the cooperative principle.

Grice (1975) suggests that there are four

conversational maxims based on his cooperative

principle. They are: (1) maxim of quantity; (2)

maxim of quality; (3) maxim of relation or

relevance; and (4) maxim of manner. The

speaker should be clear, unambiguous, brief, and


There are also four ways to recognize the

maxims; by (1) violating the maxims; (2) opting

out explicitly; (3) being faced by a clash; and (4)

flouting a maxim. In flouting a maxim, some

implicatures arise because they happen when a

cooperative speaker‟s utterance violates the

maxims that the hearer must infer that the

speaker is implying something different. Even

though the speaker violates the maxims, the

speaker must be cooperative and intending to

convey a meaning. Such as: A: Did you make the

cake? B: She will be back in an hour. However,

it is possible to flout a maxim intentionally or

unconsciously and thereby convey a different

meaning than what is literally spoken. In many

conversations, this flouting is sometimes

manipulated by a speaker to produce a negative

pragmatic effect, as with sarcasm or irony.

Based on the description above, the writer

chose implicature in order to conduct the

research. According to Grice (1975), people

obey the cooperative principle and its maxims

because if one is interested in

communicating/conversation, then one has

interest in people behaving according to the

principle and its maxims. Conversational

implicature is also divided into two types. They

are generalized and particularized conversational

implicature. The writer used implicature in order

to analyze the main character‟s utterances in

Armageddon movie. She was interested in

analyzing Armageddon movie because the

conversation produced by the characters,

especially the main character, contains a lot of

implicatures. In this study, the writers conducted

a research entitled “Conversational Implicature

of the Main Character‟s Utterances in

Armageddon Movie”.


In this study, the writers used a qualitative

descriptive research. They noted the words,

sentences, discourse, pictures carefully and

accurately (Subroto1992:7), as quoted in Afriani

(2004: 52). The writers identified and analyzed

theimplicatures of the main character‟s

utterances in Armageddon movie.

The data were taken from the utterances of

the main character (Harry Stamper) in

Armageddon movie. Firstly, the writer watched

Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 23

Armageddon movie for several times. After that,

they used recording technique as the basic

technique for collecting the data. The writers

recorded the language used by Harry Stamper in

Armageddon movie. Then, she used non

participant observing technique. In this study, the

writers observed the utterances of Harry

Stamper. Finally, they used noting technique. In

this technique, the writersnoted the utterances

used by all the characters, situation, and non-

linguistic clues such as physical movement,

which support the analysis.


This section describes the findings of

conversational implicature and the results of total

numbers of implicature used by the main

character (Harry Stamper) and the types of

implicature, generalized and particularized

implicature. The graph below shows the numbers

of Harry Stamper‟s utterances that violate

conversational maxims. There were 118

utterances of Harry Stamper that contain

conversational implicatures; 74 (62.72%)

conversational implicatures that violate maxim

of quantity, 24 (20.34%) that violate maxim of

quality, 11 (9.32%) that violate maxim of

relevance, and 9 (7.62%) that violate maxim of


Figure 1. The numbers of conversational

maxims violated by Harry Stamper

The graph below shows the numbers of

Harry Stamper‟s utterances that contain

generalized and particularized implicature. The

writer also found there were 103 types of

implicatures; 77 (74.76%) utterances that contain

generalized implicature and 26 (25.24%)

utterances that contain particularized


Figure 2. The Numbers of Types of

Implicatures Used by Harry Stamper

Generalized implicature is a conversational

implicature that is inferable without reference to

a special context. A number of generalized

implicature are also about expressing quantity

that can be listed from the highest to the lowest

value, such as; all, most, many, some, few,

24 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

always, often, and sometimes. However, it is

known as scalar implicature. In Armageddon

movie, there were 77 utterances that used

generalized implicature, and those utterances are

uttered by Harry Stamper. It is shown on the

examples below:

1) 50,000 a year in donations! (CH2.100.6)

2) Clunker boat pumps out in an hour


The examples (1) and (2) take place in the

drilling platform in the morning, in South China

Sea. Harry Stamper is playing golf with Chick,

while some laborers are protesting on a boat

across the oil rig. He hits the golf ball and strikes

the side of the laborers‟ boat. Then, he shouts at

the laborers. In example

1) he uses the words “50,000 a year” to

implicate only $50,000 one year. In example

2) he says “An hour” to implicate only one


3) I shut down number two last night


4) Many years from now, when you‟re all

growed up and you got your own oil

company and $8 million of your own money

on the contract (CH2.112.7)

5) I need to hear five words (CH2.114.7)

6) In five years, you have never apologized to

me this quickly. (CH2.120.7)

7) I would really like an explanation.


The examples (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7)

take place in A.J.‟s bedroom on the oil rig. Harry

is angry at A.J. because he heard from Chick that

A.J. did something wrong last night. He runs to

A.J.‟s room while holding a golf stick in his

hand. Then, he talks to A.J. In example (3),

“number two” implicates only number two. In

example (4), he uses the word “many”. It

implicates not all years. Besides, he also says

“$8 million” that implicates only $8 million. In

examples (5) and (6), “five words” and “five

years” totally implicate only five words and only

five years. In example (7), he says “an

explanation” to implicate not my explanation. In

this case, it is A.J.‟s explanation. Furthermore, it

also implicates only one


8) Just gonna take a foot off. A man can work

with one foot. You remember old Frank

Marx who worked with one hand all them

years? (CH2.151.9)

9) Go get some clothes on (CH2.154.9)

10) Just a ricochet (CH2.165.10)

In examples (8), (9), and (10), Harry is

chasing after A.J. on the derrick while holding a

gun. He gets mad at A.J. because he realizes that

A.J. has been dating his only daughter, Grace. In

example (8), Harry is talking to Chick while

running after A.J. He uses “a foot” to implicate

not his foot. It is A.J.‟s. In addition, the word “a”

also shows number, which means one. It

implicates only one foot. Then, he uses “a man”

to implicate only one man. It also may be

implicated as A.J. He also says “all them years”

to implicate not many years. In example (9),

Grace comes to Harry who is pointing at A.J.

with the gun. She tells him to put the gun down.

However, Harry asks her to go away. The

example (9) shows scalar implicature. “Some

clothes” may implicate not all clothes. In

example (10), Harry is trying to shoot A.J., but

the bullet does not hit A.J. Furthermore, he acts

as if he was just kidding. Then, he says “a

Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 25

ricochet” to implicate not my ricochet. It is also

implicated only one ricochet.

11) It’s not a choice (CH2.175.10)

12) I may be an immature father, okay?


In examples (11) and (12), Harry is talking

with Grace in the drilling platform. Then, they

walk into Grace‟s room in the oil rig. The words

“a choice” in example (11) are used to implicate

my choice. It also implicates only one choice.

Then, in example (12), Harry uses “an immature

father” to implicate only one immature father. In

addition, Grace may also imply it as your father.

13) It’s a gas pocket. (CH2.210.12)

14) I shut it down for a reason, you jackass! The

relief valve’s fried open. Shut off the number

two valve! (CH2.212.13)

15) On one condition, we have to take my

daughter along. (CH2.229.14)

The examples (13) and (14) take place in

the drilling hole. The crude oil isblowing out of

the hole and raining down on the platform floor.

Harry comesdown the hole and shouts at his

crew to send a pipe down the hole. In

example(13), he says “a gas pocket” in order to

implicate my gas pocket. It also implicatesonly

one gas pocket. “A reason” in example (14)

implicates my reason. Then, italso implicates

only one reason. “Number two” implicates only

number two. Inexample (15), Harry talks to

General Montgomery who wants him to go to

NASA.He uses “one condition” to implicate my

condition. In addition, he also implicatesonly one


16) We’ve been apologized to for the last 18 and

a half hours. (CH2.238.14)

17) She’s gonna find out one way or the other


18) Six billion people on the planet


The examples (16), (17), and (18) take

place in NASA Space Center,Texas. Harry talks

to Truman who has been waiting for him with

some otherpeople. He is wondering and a little

bit angry. In example (16), he uses “18 and ahalf

hours” to implicate only 18 and a half hours. In

example (17), he uses “oneway” to implicate

only one way. In example (18), Harry and Grace

are sitting in adark briefing room and viewing

some satellite photos of the asteroid on a

bigscreen. Then, Truman explains seriously

about the asteroid. Harry looks soworried. He

says “six billion people” to implicate only six

billion people.

19) Did you steal a key to the patent office?


20) I got pulled off an oil rig (CH2.253.15)

21) No, I said you did a piss-poor job of putting

it together. First of all, you got the flow

system all reversed. (CH2.256.16)

22) That’s because your cams are all wrong


23) Eight whole months? (CH2.261.16)

24) I’m a third-generation driller, doin’ it all

my life, and I still haven’t got it all figured

out… I’m sure they‟ll make good

astronauts. (CH2.265.16)

25) You gotta have some kind of backup plan,

right? (CH2.267.16)

26) You put a man on the moon. I’m sure you

got a team of men sittin’ around somewhere

right now... You tellin’ me you don’t have a

backup plan, that these eight Boy Scouts

26 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

right here that is the world‟s hope


27) All they gotta do is drill? (CH3.273.17)

28) How many men were you plannin’ on takin’

up there? (CH3.277.17)

In examples (19) until (28), Truman leads

Harry and Grace throughNASA‟s Research and

Development area. In this area, they can see

many massiverocket engines and the technicians

who are working in order to repair the shuttles.In

example (19), Harry is sitting in front of a

drilling rig. He looks disappointedwhen he

recognizes the rig as his design. However, he

uses “a key” to implicatemy key. It also

implicates only one key. In example (20) and

(21), he gets angrywith Truman. He speaks in a

high tone of voice. In example (20), he uses “an

oilrig” to implicate my oil rig. It also implicates

only one oil rig. In example (21), heuses “a piss-

poor job” to implicate not my piss-poor job.

Then, the word “all” inthis example implicates

not many. In example (22), Harry talks to Dr.

Quincy. Hesays “all” to implicate not some. In

example (23), he looks shocked. He restateswhat

Truman stated. The words “eight whole months”

are used to implicate onlyeight whole months. In

example (24), he talks to Truman while walking

out of thearea. He says “a third-generation

driller” implicates only third-generation driller.In

addition, “All” in this example implicates not

many. Then, “good astronauts”implicates not

better astronauts. In example (25), he asks

Truman about about hisbackup plan. In this

example, “some kind” implicates not all kinds.

Furthermore,Harry is getting more serious

talking to Truman. He is wondering and a little

bitangry. In example (26), “a man” implicates

only one man and “a team” implicatesnot my

team. Then, “A backup plan” implicates not my

backup plan. It alsoimplicates only one backup

plan. In example (27), he sighs and looks

confused.He stops arguing against Truman. He

uses “all” to implicate not many. In example(28),

his voice is flat. He may not know what to say

anymore. He says “manymen” to implicate not

all men.

29) J. Otis Curlene Bear, probably the only

black man on a big hog in Kadoka, South

Dakota. (CH3.284.17)

30) You got a weight limit on the shuttle?


The examples (29) and (30) happen in a

conference room in NASA. Inexample (29),

Harry is on the phone with Bear‟s mother.

Actually, he wants tocall Bear in order to ask

him to come to NASA. However, the word

“probably” inthis example implicates not

certainly. Then, “a big hog” implicates only one

bighog. In example (30), he speaks and laughs at

the same time because he isimagining Max‟s big

body. In other words, he is being sarcastic. He

says “aweight limit” to implicate not my weight

limit. It also implicates only one weightlimit.

31) You and me got a real problem.


32) There’s not a job on the planet that I want

you to work with me on.(CH3.325.20)

In examples (31) and (32), Harry comes to

visit A.J. in A.J.’s little oilcompany. He talks to

A.J. slowly, not as he used to do. In example

(31), “a realproblem” implicates my real

problem. It also implicates only one problem.

Inexample (32), he says something to A.J., and

then he leaves him directly. “A job”here

Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 27

implicates my job. It also implicates only one


33) They’ve made a few requests though.


34) Just a few things here, uh, nothing really

big, just, well, as an example, Uh, Oscar

here’s got some outstanding parking tickets.


35) Noonan’s got two women friends… Max

would like you to bring back eight track

tapes… Chick wants a full week’s

Emperor’s Package at Caesar‟s Palace


In examples (33), (34), and (35), Harry

comes to Truman in order to tellhim about the

crew-members‟ requests. He reads the list of the

requests inexample (33). “A few requests”

implicates not many requests. In example

(34),Harry speaks in weird expression while

reading the crew-members‟ wishes. “Afew

things” implicates not many things. In addition,

“an example” implicates onlyone example. Then,

“some outstanding parking tickets” implicates

not alloutstanding parking tickets. In example

(35), Harry is still reading the wishes. Hegets

shocked when he realizes the unreasonable

wishes that the crew-membersmade. “Two

women friends” implicates only two women

friends. “Eight track tapes” implicates only eight

track tapes. Then, “a full week‟s Emperor‟s

Package”implicates only one full week‟s

Emperor‟s Package.

36) Some of these guys are pretty big.


In example (36), Harry, Truman, and

NASA scientists are discussing aboutthe results

of medical and psychological check-up done by

the crew-members.Then, Harry talks to Dr.

Banks. “Some of these guys” implicates not all

of theseguys.

37) All these rubber hoses gotta go, Max.


38) About $400? (CH4.413.25)

In example (37) and (38), NASA

technicians show Harry and the crewmembersthe

Armadillo car. In example (37), Harry is excited

to look at theArmadillo and get into the car.

Then, he shouts at Max while throwing

somethingfrom the car. “All these rubber hoses”

implicates not some of these rubber hoses.In

example (38), Harry becomes sarcastic. He

throws away a tool kit from the carwhile

shouting at Quincy. He says “about $400” to

implicate only about $400.

39) Wait a minute. Let me get a pencil and a

piece of paper. I wanna jot down all your

pearls of wisdom here. (CH4.464.28)

40) You are about five minutes older than Grace

is. (CH4.471.29)

41) I’ll be damned if I worked all these years so

my little girl can marry a roughneck. She’s

better than that. Better than all of us.


In examples (39), (40), and (41), Harry

gets angry after seeing Grace andA.J. in hangar.

He leaves the room and walks before

Rockhound. He looks so sadand disappointed. In

example (39), he keeps walking while talking to

Rockhound.He is angry when Rockhound and

other crew-members persuade him to let

Gracemarry A.J. in example (39), he says “wait a

minute” to implicate wait only oneminute. Then,

“a pencil” implicates my pencil. It also

implicates only one pencil.“All your pearls of

28 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

wisdom” implicates not some your pearls of

wisdom. Inexample (40), Harry talks to Oscar.

“Five minutes” implicates only five minutes.In

example (41), Harry shows his disappointment to

all of the roughnecks. “Allthese years”

implicates not most these years. “A roughneck”

implicates only oneroughneck. It may also

implicate my roughneck. Then, “all of us”

implicates notmany of us.

42) Two shuttle teams… Once we land, we’ll

have eight hours to get the job done. In

order to split this rock on the fault line,

we’re gonna have to drill tom800 feet.


43) A.J., you’re at 600 feet. Your pipe is long.

Let’s back the RPMs down to 8,000.


44) Those men in that room have zero tolerance

for showin’ off, hot doggin’, goin’ by your

gut instinct or you tryin’ to be a hero


The examples (42), (43), and (44), take

place in Armadillo Test Site. Inexample (42), he

divides his team into two. Then, he gives the

instruction to theteams. “Two shuttle teams”

implicates only two shuttle teams. “Eight

hours”implicates only eight hours. “800 feet”

implicates only 800 feet. In example (43),Harry

is watching the teams who are doing the

underwater simulation through abig screen. He

warns A.J. by saying “600 feet” to implicate only

600 feet. “Let‟sback the RPMs down to 8000”

implicates let‟s back the RPMs down only

to8,000. In example (44), Harry comes to A.J.

and gets angry at him. They arearguing with

each other about the simulation. “A hero”

implicates my hero. It also implicates only one


45) For at least ten hours. (CH4.513.31)

46) I don’t think it’s too much to ask to let them

spend it with their families. (CH4.515.32)

The examples (45) and (46) take place in

NASA research center. Harry istalking to

Truman and Colonel Sharp. In example (45),

“ten hours” implicatesonly ten hours. In example

(46), “it‟s too much” implicates it‟s not too


47) I shouldn’t have dragged you around on all

those oil rigs. (CH5.585.36)

In example (47), Harry is talking to his

daughter, Grace. He says “all those

oil rigs” to implicate not many those oil rigs.

48) We got eight hours. (CH8.874.49)

49) It’s not gonna be thicker than 50 feet.


The examples (48) and (49) take place in

the Shuttle Freedom after theytouch down the

asteroid. In example (48), Harry is worrying

about what willhappen next. “We got eight

hours” implicates we got only eight hours. In

example (49), Harry is talking to Rockhound

before they start drilling. “50 feet”

implicatesonly 50 feet.

50) It’s good. All right. We’re in. Bring another

light. We’re cuttin’ through pretty good.


51) Sounds like we twisted a shank.


52) Keep it at 25. Let’s kick a little asteroid

butt! (CH9.969.53)

53) Max, I need some more power down here!


Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 29

54) Just a little help. That’s all I’m askin’.


In examples (50) until (54), Harry shouts

at Max who is in the drilling rig.He commands

Max to drill the asteroid. In example (50), “It‟s

good” implicatesit‟s not the best. In example

(51), he says “a shank” to implicate my shank. In

example (52), “keep it at 25” implicates keep it

only at 25. “A little asteroid butt”implicates one

little asteroid butt. It also shows scalar

implicature, whichimplicates not a big asteroid

butt. In example (53), “some more power”

implicatesnot all power. In example (54), Harry

looks hopeless. He says “just a little help”to

implicate not much help. It also implicates not

my help. “That‟s all I‟m askin‟”

implicates that‟s not some I‟m askin‟.

55) We’re drilling through some kind of metal

I’ve never seen before. It‟s fried two of our

drill bits (CH9.1003.55)

56) I have an assessment report due now. We’re

supposed to be at 200 feet.(CH9.1005.55)

57) Not as deep as we’ll be when you quit askin’

me all these questions(CH9.1007.55)

58) We’re at 57 feet. (CH9.1011.56)

59) Why don’t you stay here and take you and

take your little drill card. Write a report,

why don’t ya? (CH9.1023.57)

The examples (55), (56), (57), and (58)

take place in the Shuttle Freedom.Harry,

Rockhound, and Colonel Sharp get into the

shuttle. Harry talks to ColonelSharp while

preparing something to drill. They start arguing

with each other. Inexample (55), Harry says

“some kind of metal” to implicate not all kinds

of metal.“Two of our drill bits” implicates only

two of our drill bits. In example (56),

“anassessment report” implicates my assessment

report. It also implicates only oneassessment

report. “200 feet” implicates only 200 feet. In

example (57), “all thesequestions” implicates not

most these questions. In example (58), “57

feet”implicates only 57 feet. In example (59),

Harry gets confused about the card he has found

in the shuttle. “Little drill card” implicates not

big drill card. Then, “areport” implicates not my

report. It also implicates only one report.

60) Slow it down. (CH9.1048.58)

61) Colonel Sharp, I got two men out on that

rock! (CH9.1063.59)

62) If we don’t put this bomb down in a hole

800 feet onto a fault line, all you’re gonna

have is a real expensive fireworks show.


63) I’m gonna give you three seconds to shut

this bomb down (CH9.1098.60)

64) Why are you listenin’ to someone that’s

100,000 miles away? We’re here.Nobody

down there can help us. So if we don’t get

this job done, then everybody’s gone. One

minute. I’ve been drillin’ holes in the Earth

for 30years. And I have never, never missed

a depth that I have aimed for. And byGod, I

am not gonna miss this one. I will make 800

feet. 42 seconds.(CH9.1119.61)

65) I will make 800 feet. (CH9.1121.61)

66) Houston, you have a problem, problem. See,

I promised my little girl that I’d be comin’

home. Now, I don’t know what you people

are doin’ down there, but we got a hole to

dig up here. (CH9.1144.62)

In example (60), Harry is repairing a

drilling machine. “Slow it down”implicates not

fast it down. In example (61), Harry gets angry

30 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

at Colonel Sharpafter seeing the time bomb that

starts working. However, all of the crews get into

a panic about the explosion. “I got two men”

implicates I got only two men. Inexample (62),

“a hole” implicates only one hole. “800 feet”

implicates only 800feet. “A fault line” implicates

only one fault line. “All” implicates not many.

Inaddition, “a real expensive fireworks show”

implicates only one real fireworksshow. In

example (63), Colonel Sharp is pointing at Harry

with a gun. “Three seconds” implicates only

three seconds. In example (64), Harry tries to

deal withColonel Sharp in finishing their job.

“100,000 miles away” implicates only100,000

miles away. “One minute” implicates only one

minute. “30 years”implicates only 30 years. “800

feet” implicates only 800 feet. “42

seconds”implicates only 42 seconds. In example

(65), “800 feet” implicates only 800 feet.In

example (66), Harry contacts Houston through

satellite. He says “a problem” toimplicate not my

problem. It also implicates only one problem. “A

hole”implicates only one hole.

67) Give me a depth reading, Max.


68) We got 700 feet of hole to dig, Rockhound.


69) We hit a gas pocket! (CH10.1244.67)

In example (67), Harry gives the

instruction to Max who is ready to drill.“A depth

reading” implicates not my depth reading. It also

implicates only onedepth reading. In example

(68), Harry tells Rockhound about the hole. “700

feetof hole” implicates only 700 feet of hole. In

example (69), He shouts at the team.“A gas

pocket” implicates not my gas pocket. It also

implicates only one gaspocket.

70) We got a hole to make! (CH11.1279.68)

71) A.J., I got just five words for ya.


72) We got 250 feet to go. (CH11.1297.69)

73) I’m gonna need two more minutes. I got a

bent pipe jammed in the hole.


In example (70), Harry is glad to see the

Shuttle Independence who wantsto land onto the

asteroid‟s surface. “A hole to make” implicates

only one hole tomake. In example (71), he tells

A.J. who comes into him. “Five words”

implicatesonly five words. In example (72),

Harry informs the team about the hole to drill.He

says “250 feet” to implicate only 250 feet. In

example (73), he speaks toColonel Sharp who is

in the shuttle. “Two more minutes” implicates

only twomore minutes. “A bent pipe” implicates

my bent pipe. It also implicates only onebent


74) Always thought of you as a son.


75) This was a real good idea. (CH12.1417.74)

76) You got less than three minutes.


77) You got less than a minute. (CH12.1461.76)

In example (74), Harry reveals his feeling

to A.J. In addition, he also turnsthe job over to

him. He uses the word “always” to implicate not

often. Then, “as ason” implicates my son. In

example (75), he says “a real good idea” to

implicatemy idea. In example (76), he asks the

Shuttle to go back to the earth as soon

aspossible. “Less than three minutes” implicates

not more than three minutes. Inexample (77),

“less than a minute” implicates not more than

one minute.

Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 31

Interpretation of Particularized Implicature

Particularized conversational implicature

is a conversational implicaturethat is derivable

only in a specific context. Furthermore, Grice as

cited in Grundy(2000: 82) says that inferences

that we need to draw if we are to understand

howan utterance is relevant in some context. In

Armageddon movie, there were 26utterances that

used generalized implicature, and those

utterances are uttered byHarry Stamper. It is

shown on the examples below:

1) I gave you 50,000 a year in donations!


2) Do you know how much diesel that clunker

boat pumps out in an hour?(CH2.102.6)

In examples (1) and (2), Harry is playing

golf with Chick, while somelaborers are

protesting on a boat across the oil rig. He hits the

golf ball and strikesthe side of the laborers‟ boat.

Then, he shouts at the laborers. In example (1),

hesays, “I gave you 50,000 a year in donations!”

(CH2.100.6), to implicate that hepays tax. The

utterance “Do you know how much diesel that

clunker boat pumpsout in an hour?” (CH2.102.6)

on example (2), implicates that Harry has

spentmuch money for the oil company.

3) Who do we have to thank for this?


4) Goddam it, A.J.! (CH2.106.6)

In examples (3) and (4), Harry is still

playing golf while talking to Chick.He looks

angry after hearing something from Chick. In

example (3), “Who do wehave to thank for this?”

(CH2.104.6), Chick may imply that Harry is

asking aboutthe person who chewed number two

last night. In example (4), Harry throws awaythe

golf stick. He suddenly gets mad and runs into

A.J.‟s room. He says, “Goddamit, A.J.!”

(CH2.106.6), to imply that he knows that A.J. is

the one who wants to betold by Chick.

5) You know I shut down number two last night,

right? (CH2.110.7)

6) But as long as it says “Harry Stamper Oil”

on the rig you will not disobeymy rules.


7) I have asked you repeatedly to call me Dad.


The examples (5), (6), and (7) take place

in A.J.‟s room on the oil rig.Harry is angrily

talking to A.J. on example (5). He uses a

rhetorical question. Hesays, “You know I shut

down number two last night, right?”

(CH2.110.7). Fromthis utterance, A.J. may imply

that Harry is angry at him because he shut

downnumber two last night. In addition, A.J.

may think that he shut down the wrongnumber.

Then, “But as long as it says “Harry Stamper

Oil” on the rig you will notdisobey my rules”

(CH2.112.7) on example (6), Harry tries to tell

A.J. that as longas A.J. works for Harry, he

cannot do anything he wants. However, Harry

isabsolutely his boss. In example (7), Harry talks

to Grace who is also in that room.He says, “I

have asked you repeatedly to call me Dad”

(CH2.126.8), to implicatethat he does not want

her to call him “Harry” anymore.

8) Make your peace with God, A.J.


9) You don’t want none of this, Bear.


10) Just gonna take a foot off. A man can work

with one foot. (CH2.151.9)

11) I’m temporarily insane, Rock. (CH2.159.9)

12) Way wrong answer. (CH2.162.9)

32 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

In examples (8) until (12), Harry is

chasing after A.J. on the derrick whileholding a

gun. He gets mad at A.J. because he realizes that

A.J. has been datinghis only daughter, Grace. In

example (8), Harry shouts at A.J. while trying

toshoot at him. He says “Make your peace with

God, A.J.” (CH2.137.8), in order toshow A.J.

that Harry really wants to kill him. In example

(9), Harry talks to Bearwho is trying to stop him.

From Harry‟s utterance “You don‟t want none

of this,Bear.” (CH2.148.9), Bear may imply that

Harry wants to shoot him if he stilltrying to stop

Harry. In example (10), Harry talks to Chick. He

says, “Just gonnatake a foot off. A man can work

with one foot” (CH2.151.9), to show that he

justwants to threaten A.J. He is not serious to

shoot at A.J. In example (11), Harrytalks while

pointing the gun at A.J. The utterance “I‟m

temporarily insane, Rock”(CH2.159.9), is to

show that he does not care about the law. Then,

“Way wronganswer” (CH2.162.9) on example

(12), is uttered by Harry after hearing from

A.J.that he loves his daughter. A.J. may imply

that it is not what Harry wants to hearfrom A.J.

13) I suppose being your father doesn‟t count,

huh? (CH2.177.10)

14) Crazy Willie put you up to this?


15) Chick! Get him paid, get him off the rig!


The examples (13), (14), and (15) take

place in the drilling platform. In example

(13), Harry has a serious discussion with Grace.

He says “I suppose being yourfather doesn‟t

count, huh?” (CH2.177.10) to tell Grace that he

has the right to tellher what to do because he is

her father. In example (14), Harry gets

confusedwhen he sees some guys who wear

army outfit come to the oil rig. He comes intothe

person named General Montgomery in order to

ask the reason why those guysare there. After

hearing Montgomery‟s explanation, he suddenly

laughs and asks arhetorical question, “Crazy

Willie put you up to this?” (CH2.222.13). In

otherwords, he asks Montgomery, “Are you

kidding me?”. Then, in example (15),Harry

shouts at Chick while walking into the

helicopter. He says, “Chick! Get himpaid, get

him off the rig!” (CH2.234.14) to implicate that

A.J. is fired. However,

the word “him” in this utterance represents A.J.

16) Our current depth is not important


17) Now, if you’re not too busy, maybe you can

give us a hand with this transmission.


18) Let’s go back to the cargo bay and get the

transmission. (CH9.1021.56)

19) All you’re gonna have is a real expensive

fireworks show. (CH9.1080.59)

20) Oh, geez. Here we go again. What’re you

doin’ up here? And why did you even bother

to make the trip? (CH9.1117.61)

The examples (16) until (20) happen on

the Shuttle Freedom. Harry has a veryserious

discussion with Colonel Sharp. In examples (16)

and (17), Harry speaks in a high tone of voice to

Sharp. He says, “Our current depth is not

important” (CH9.1009.55) on example (16), in

order to show that he does not want to

answerSharp‟s question. In addition, Sharp may

imply that there is another importantthing that

they should think about. In example (17), “Now,

if you‟re not too busy,maybe you can give us a

Conversational Implicature Of The Main Character’s …… (Rosmaidar dan Mirani) 33

hand with this transmission” (CH9.1011.56)

implicatesthat Harry needs some help from

Sharp about the transmission. In example

(18),Harry and Sharp shout at each other. Sharp

took over the telephone when Harry isangrily

talking to Truman through the telephone

satellite. “Let‟s go back to thecargo bay and get

the transmission” (CH9.1021.56) on this

example shows thatHarry does not listen to

Sharp. He still wants to continue loading the

transmission.In examples (19) and (20), Harry

calls Sharp in order to ask about the timingbomb

that starts ticking. The situation on the shuttle is

getting more horrifying.From the utterance, “All

you‟re gonna have is a real expensive fireworks

show”(CH9.1080.59) on example (19), Sharp

may imply that Harry is trying to tell himthat the

asteroid will be exploded and destroy the Earth.

In example (20), Harrysays, “Oh, geez. Here we

go again. What‟re you doin‟ up here? And why

did youeven bother to make the trip?”

(CH9.1117.61) to implicate that Sharp

shouldremember why they are all sent by NASA

to the asteroid. He should think that themain

point they come into the asteroid is to make a big

hole and put the bomb in.Then, explode the


21) Have you lost your mind? (CH10.1236.66)

22) Yeah! Kid, way to go! (CH11.1335.70)

23) I don’t think this thing likes us.


The examples (21), (22), and (23) take

place on the asteroid. Harry and his teamare

going to make a hole again. In example (21),

Harry gets angry at Rockhound because

Rockhound just shot everything around him.

Harry says, “Have you lostyour mind?”

(CH10.1236.66) to implicate that Rockhound

should not act like acrazy person. In example

(22), Harry shouts at A.J. who is making a hole.

“Yeah!Kid, way to go!” (CH11.1335.70)

implicates that Harry is going to say, “A.J.,

ourwork is almost done”. Harry uses the word

“kid” to call A.J. In example (23),some small

rocks destroy the area. Harry gets shocked and

says, “I don‟t think thisthing likes us”

(CH12.1352.71) to show that he is feeling

worried because theasteroid is about to explode.

24) My son. (CH12.1413.74)

25) Hi, Gracie. Hi, honey. Grace, I know I

promised you I was comin’ home.


26) Rain all you want, you son of a bitch.


In examples (24), (25), and (26), Harry is

going to bomb the asteroid by himselfwhile the

other crewmembers are preparing to leave for the

Earth. The utterance “My son” (CH12.1413.74)

on example (24), implicates that Harry just takes a son. However, A.J. is not his real son. In

example (25), Harry talks to Gracethrough the

satellite. They both look so sad because they

know that Harry has noother way to live. He is

going to die in less than 5 minutes, after

bombing theasteroid by himself. He says, “Hi,

Gracie. Hi, honey. Grace, I know I promisedyou

I was comin‟ home” (CH12.1429.74) to

implicate that he is going to break hispromise.

He cannot go back to the Earth. In example (26),

Harry looks at theFreedom Shuttle that is ready

to launch to go back to Earth before trying to

comeinto the hole. He says, “Rain all you want,

you son of a bitch” (CH12.1469.76) toimplicate

34 Jurnal Ilmiah BINA BAHASA Vol.6 No.1, Juni 2013: 21 - 34

that the team just successfully made him



The result of the analysis showed that

there were 118 utterances of Harry Stamperthat

contain conversational implicatures. There were

74 (62.72%) conversationalimplicatures that

violate maxim of quantity, 24 (20.34%) that

violate maxim ofquality, 11 (9.32%) that violate

maxim of relevance, and 9 (7.62%) that

violatemaxim of manner. The writer also found

there were 103 types of implicatures,they were;

77 (74.76%) utterances that contain generalized

implicature and 26(25.24%) utterances that

contain particularized implicature. From the

result, thewriter could conclude that the main

character in Armageddon movie (HarryStamper)

mostly used quantity maxims and generalized

implicature. The impliedmeaning of the

conversational utterances refered to the

expression of agreement,refusal, acceptance,

denial, command and announcement expression.

The writer also found many difficulties in

analyzing the maxims, interpreting the

intendedmeaning of the utterances, and

analyzing particularized implicatures. It

wasbecause there was much context dependent

and they might relate to the Americanculture.

The writers finally found that generalized

implicatures that were produced themost by the

main character of Armageddon movie; especially

the main characterused scalar implicatures.


Afriani, S. Herti. 2004. Conversational

Implicature of the Main Characters’

Utterances In Cinderella (1) Cartoon

Movie. Thesis (unpublished). Faculty of

Languages and Arts. State University of


Grice, H. Paul. 1975. Logic and Conversation. In

Cole, P. and J.L. Morgan, eds.Speech Acts.

Academic Press. New York.

Grundy, Peter. 2000. Doing Pragmatics (2nd

ed.). Oxford UniversityPress. New York.

Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics (Oxford

Introductions to Language Study). Oxford

University Press. Oxford.