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The Resident Evil Chronology----------------------------by Marco CavagnaContentsI. IntroductionA. ForewordB. ContradictionsC. NotationII. The TimelineIII. Frequently Asked QuestionsA. General QuestionsB. Resident Evil 1C. Resident Evil 2D. Resident Evil 2-3 ContinuityE. Resident Evil 3 - NemesisF. Resident Evil - SurvivorG. Resident Evil - CODE: VeronicaIV. Miscellaneous StuffA. The Games1. Available Games2. Unreleased Games3. Other Official Media4. S. D. Perry's BooksB. The FilesC. The ZooD. The ArsenalE. Umbrella's Hit ListF. Umbrella's FacilitiesG. Umbrella's ChemicalsH. Umbrella's Military ForcesI. The S.T.A.R.S.J. The AshfordsK. Resident Evil 2 - Platinum - Gallery ModeV. AcknowledgementsVI. The Inevitable Legal DisclaimerI. IntroductionForeword--------------This chronology is a source of unified background information for the Resident Evil series of horror videogames by Capcom. I've written it for the edification of those who have finished the games, and either want to know more about the Resident Evil universe, or are confused by subtle plot points and contradictions in the series. I want to make especially clear that the primary purpose of this document is not to provide hints, walkthroughs, secrets, or cheats for any of the games. Some of this sort of information is present, but it isn't complete or organized in a way to guide you through the games. In fact, you should complete all the available games before consulting the chronology.The bulk of this document is an annotated timeline of events from the games, with a F.A.Q. covering all the inconsistencies or ambiguous aspects of the series that I could think of. At the end I have some extra stuff pertaining to Resident Evil, to unify miscellaneous piecemeal information that is inconsistently provided throughout the series.In creating the chronology, I've taken a scholarly approach and referenced all information to its sources. For events without specific dates, I make educated guesses on time ranges, based on various clues. I cite the clues and summarize my reasoning for each case. To make the timeline as complete as possible, I often draw conclusions from ambiguous evidence, and sometimes I even speculate on events not directly mentioned in the games, if I can tie together loose ends. Naturally, my guesses are influenced by my highly subjective opinions, but I'll always walk you through my reasoning so you'll know where I'm coming from even if you don't agree with me. Events are left out of the timeline if there are virtually no clues as to when they occur, and my best time estimate covers too broad a range. But again, I try to include as much as possible, even if it means making a leap of faith with the dates, as long as 1) the guess is reasonable, 2) it doesn't contradict the known facts, and 3) there are at least some hints (even vague ones) pointing to when the event occurs.My information exclusively comes from official Capcom material. I disregard 1) anything due for release (e.g., Resident Evil Zero, the Resident Evil 4); 2) anything unlikely to be released (e.g., Resident Evil 1.5); 3) anything not directly from Capcom (e.g., books, comics, manga, toys with their text inserts); and 4) any rumors (don't even get me started on those). Besides the games and game manuals, I cite information from Trevor's Letters (a reliable translation is found on and the Wesker's Report DVD. There is also the official Resident Evil 2 Survival Guide, published by Gamefan books, with the complete uncut script to Resident Evil 2 and some extra tidbits of information. I also do not consider games not yet released in the U.S. (e.g., Resident Evil Gaiden, Gun Survivor 2). One source of information that is officially from Capcom, but is not yet included in the timeline is the mini-novel, Biohazard, the Beginning, by Hiroyuki Ariga, sold by Capcom when RE1 was originally released. This novel covers the events immediately before RE1. However, I do not want to include them, because there is probably going to be a lot of overlap with the soon to be released RE Zero, and I'd rather deal with the inevitable contradictions all at once. Finally, there is Wesker's Report II, a collection of images and text on Capcom's Japanese website at I don't include it in the timeline because it hasn't been released in the U.S. yet and it isn't even complete (only three out of five parts are up). Here, I have cheated a bit, and deduced Alfred and Alexia's birthday from the report, mostly because my previous estimates were wrong, and too many timeline entries were based on those guesses. Nothing else will be included from Wesker's Report II until the entire thing is up, and I have a complete, reliable translation.The bonus mini-games are mostly left out of the timeline. These include the shooting mode in Resident Evil for the Sega Saturn (i.e., no speculating about the Wesker zombie); the To-fu Survivor scenario in Resident Evil 2; the extreme battle mode in Resident Evil 2; the Mercenaries game in Resident Evil 3 (i.e., no speculating about the hooded guy at the end of Operation Mad Jackal); and the battle mode in Code Veronica. On the other hand, I do include the 4th Survivor scenario from Resident Evil 2. Also, even though D.I.J.'s diary from the battle mode is a joke in Code Veronica, it gives us some useful collateral information (namely, the date and the fate of one of the characters).With the exception of Alexia and Alfred Ashford, I leave birthdates out of the timeline. I'll probably throw them into a later version, when I feel inclined to do the math.I should mention that I tailor my explanations of the videogames with the assumption that the reader is very familiar with the series. I often quote liberally from the game documents, so true Resident Evil scholars will get the most out of this if they have copies on hand of the files. I don't reproduce them here, but plenty of websites, F.A.Q.'s, and strategy guides have the documents available.Needless to say, this document contains truckloads of spoilers.Contradictions--------------There are many contradictions in the series. I try to reconcile them, using an operating philosophy that the best explanation is the simplest that fits all the known facts. Bearing this in mind, I assume all events and dates in the games are correct, and work to resolve the discrepancies. Considering that the games were obviously made without the specifics of the sequels in mind, the timeline holds together pretty well.The unresolvable contradictions, however, are worth mentioning right away, so you'll be ready for them. First, there are problems with the timing of events prior to Resident Evil 2 and 3, stemming from what was almost certainly a mistake in the Chief's Diary in Resident Evil 2. As you'll see below, this forces me to spend a long time prevaricating about the facts from the two operation reports, when just changing the three dates in the diary would fix everything. I attempt to reconcile the events without resorting to this, but I'm unhappy with the way my explanation turns out. More on this later.Secondly, Resident Evil - Survivor has a glaring inconsistency in the date of the prison riot, where no amount of finagling with the facts can fix the problem. Thus, I change a date in the Young Man's Diary, and justify it due to the prisoner's disoriented, sedated condition.Lastly, Wesker's Report I has many discrepancies between the visuals, his narrative, and that which we know to be true from the games or documents. I handle these issues on a case-by-case basis, but I'll say here that I generally disregard the visuals from the DVD. I feel this is justified, because lots of clips in Wesker's Report are out-of-context or downright wrong. A perfect example is when Wesker describes the destruction of the mutated William Birkin, while instead showing us the final battle between Leon and the T-103 Tyrant. Thus, I'm very comfortable accepting only Wesker's narrative as factual. I put all my efforts toward working that into the timeline, and pretty much ignore the visuals when they contradict the known facts.Bear in mind that Wesker's Report I wasn't created so much to clarify obscurities in the series, but to bring a new generation of Resident Evil fans up to speed. For many people, Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica X was their first foray into the Resident Evil universe. Given this, Capcom probably didn't care about accuracy as much as telling us who the characters were and showing impressive eye-candy.Notation--------All file titles are prefaced with an abbreviated game title: RE1 = Resident Evil; RE2 = Resident Evil 2; RE3 = Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis; RES = Resident Evil - Survivor; CV = Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica. "2EX" indicates one of the sixteen EX files from Resident Evil 2 for the Nintendo 64 (see the F.A.Q.). Some EX files are duplicates of ones from Resident Evil 3. For entries from duplicate files, I only give Resident Evil 3 as the source. Also, some regular files in Resident Evil 2 were changed for the Nintendo 64 version (see the F.A.Q.). Additional information specifically from these changes is indicated by "N64 ver." Information from Trevor's Letters or Wesker's Report is noted. For the sake of completeness, I'll point out that Chris' Diary in Resident Evil 2 is slightly different in the Resident Evil 2 - Trial Version that came with the original Resident Evil - Director's Cut. Since the changes are only in wording, not content, I don't consider that document separately.When I give an entire game as a source, the information comes directly from the game's manual, introduction movie, closing movie, a flashback, or the gameplay itself, respectively indicated by "docs," "intro," "closing," "flashback," or "game." Events from the gameplay of Resident Evil 2, have the scenario specified (Claire A or B, Leon A or B; see the F.A.Q. regarding my choice of scenarios).The note "est. year/date/time" refers to my best estimate. "Year/date/time inferred" means the exact moment was deduced from the given source even if it wasn't stated directly. For example, on May 16, the Keeper's Diary says a researcher was shot "last night." Therefore, the event happened on the night of May 15. While this example is trivial, the reasoning gets more complicated at times. "Events inferred" means I'm giving my imagination some leeway, but the event is only suggested by the given source. All text in square brackets is my own commentary. For issues that I discuss more thoroughly, I refer you to the F.A.Q. at the end.When I refer to different versions of the games, abbreviations I use are: PS1 = Sony PlayStation 1, PS2 = Sony PlayStation 2, N64 = Nintendo 64, GBC = Nintendo GameBoy Color, GC = Nintendo GameCube, DC = Sega Dreamcast, PC = Windows PC.II. The Timeline1950-1960 CV - Alexander's MemoCV - Message to the New Family MasterEdward Ashford and Ozwell E. Spencer discover the "Mother Virus" and realize its great potential for the future development of bioweapons. Towards this end, they begin working to create what would one day be known as the T-virus. Alexander Ashford also begins supporting his father's research after majoring in biogenetics.[Spencer was still planning to found Umbrella at the time of Trevor's Diary (1967), but the virus would have been discovered much earlier, well before construction on the mansion was started (1962). Alexander was helping with his father's work until becaming side-tracked with the "Veronica" project (late 1960's), so I'm guessing the discovery and development of the Mother Virus started about 10-20 years before. I like this time range because it coincides with the paranoia that existed about communism, and thus there was much incentive to develop new weapons.]1961-62 RE3 - City Guide (est. year)Michael Warren, the future mayor, comes to Raccoon City as an engineer. Over the next several years he works on the city's electrical and cable car systems.["More than 35 years ago" implies no more than a couple years prior to 1963.]1963-67 Trevor's Letters (years inferred)Over five years, a huge mansion is built near Raccoon City for Ozwell E. Spencer by the famous New York architect, George Trevor. He incorporates many secrets into the building by Spencer's special orders, and only the two of them are aware of them all.[It took 5 years to build the mansion. I'm certain the events in Trevor's letters happen shortly after completion, especially if phones aren't yet installed in the mansion.]1967 Nov 10 Trevor's Letters (date inferred)George Trevor's wife, Jessica, and fourteen year-old daughter, Lisa, arrive at the Spencer estate from New York after being invited by the owner. George is too busy, however, and has to postpone his arrival for a couple of days. Jessica plays Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata for her host, and is warmly congratulated. Not long into their stay, Jessica and Lisa disappear.[Spencer is probably not lying about when the wife and daughter arrive, since Trevor would know when they left New York and how long it should take to get to the estate.]1967 Nov 13 6:00 pm Trevor's LettersGeorge Trevor arrives at the Spencer Estate and meets with his host. Spencer tells the architect that the rest of his family had to leave to see their aunt Emma, who had unexpectedly fallen ill. Trevor is filled with pride in his work as he visits the beautiful mansion, and he and his host enjoy a sumptous banquet in the dining hall.1967 Nov 14 Trevor's LettersSpencer takes Trevor on a tour of the estate, showing off his vast collection of priceless art objects. Spencer tells Trevor about his plans to found a pharmaceutical company called "Umbrella," and that he wishes to make the estate a seaside resort for company employees and their guests.1967 Nov 18 Trevor's LettersTrevor begins worrying about his family, and is frustrated by the lack of telephones. While exploring the grounds, he spies the entrance to a tunnel in the courtyard. He wonders about this oddity that was not part of his work, but several men suddenly appear and force Trevor to leave, warning him that he should not be wandering around unescorted.1967 Nov 20 Trevor's LettersTrevor wonders where the shotgun is that his wife had given Spencer for his birthday. He finds a broken shotgun in one of the rooms, but it isn't the same one. Trevor starts growing very concerned about his family, but when he tells Spencer he wishes to leave to join them tomorrow, Spencer only laughs and tells him it's pointless to worry.1967 Nov 21 Trevor's LettersAfter packing his bags, Trevor is brought to a reception room on the ground floor filled with paintings representing the life of a man from birth to death. Trevor waits for his host with one of the strange men that had ordered him out of the courtyard. The man suddenly tells Trevor that his family has just died and injects him in the neck with something that causes the hapless architect to lose consciousness.1967 Nov 24 Trevor's LettersTrevor has been imprisoned in a room infested with strange ant-like creatures for several days. One of the men from the courtyard brings him food and has told him that he's a loose end that needs to be taken care of for the mansion's secrets to remain secret. Trevor realizes that he had designed an escape route from this room when building the mansion, but wonders if this is merely Spencer's test of the mansion's secrets.[It is unknown what these ant-like creatures are. One of Spencer's early experiments with the Mother Virus, perhaps? This reminds me of the shaft with all the winged ants in the Antarctic base in CV, but those creatures were spawned by the T-Veronica virus. Wesker's Report II may have more on this.]1967 Nov 27 Trevor's LettersTrevor escapes from the room, but still cannot get out of the mansion with its fiendish locks and puzzles. He does not have the time to look for the keys that he knows he needs.1967 Nov 28 Trevor's LettersWhile exploring the estate, Trevor finds a horrible, mutated plant filling an entire room.[This can't be Plant 42, since the T-virus isn't spilled for another 30 years. Evidently, Spencer and his cronies were doing some botany experiments with their viruses long before the T-virus is perfected. In fact, the Plant 42 report (RE1) indeed suggests that the T-virus has been tested on plants before.]1967 Nov 30 Trevor's LettersUsing his memories of the mansion's design, Trevor manages to find a secret passageway in a laboratory in the caves under the estate. He wonders if his wife and daughter underwent the same ordeal as him, and convinces himself that they managed to escape and he will do the same.1967 Dec 5 Trevor's LettersTrevor is becoming dehydrated, and hasn't eaten in days. He's still trapped like a lab rat in a maze under the mansion.1967 Dec 7 Trevor's LettersTrevor finally crawls into a secret passage in the mansion, where he finds a tombstone with his own name on it. He realizes that Spencer had arranged it from the beginning for Trevor to reach this dead end, and prepared his grave. Trevor asks his wife for forgiveness as he expires in solitude.1967-68 Trevor's Letters (est. year)CV - Alexander's MemoCV - Message to the New Family Master2EX - Mother Virus ReportTo camouflage their research, Edward Ashford and Ozwell E. Spencer found the company Umbrella Chemical, Inc.[This has to happen very shortly after Trevor's letters, since according to them, Spencer is still planning to found Umbrella. Since the mansion is already built, I think Umbrella is founded within a year.]1968 RE3 - Mechanic's MemoCable cars are imported from Europe and installed in Raccoon City.1968-70 CV - Alexander's Memo (est. year)Alexander Ashford builds a secret advanced research facility in Antarctica where he can work on the "Veronica" project to revive the tarnished Ashford name. The laboratory is hidden in a transport terminal previously built for Umbrella in an abandoned mine. Alexander establishes a luxurious dwelling for himself in the facility, modeled after the Spencer Estate.[This doesn't happen until after Trevor dies (December, 1967), because Alexander refers to the "late Trevor." The upper limit of this range of years is 1970, to give Alexander at least a year's time to spend on his research in Antarctica. Note that Alexander has been involved in this project even before transferring his work to Antarctica.]1971 CV - Code: Veronica Report (year inferred)After years of research, Alexander Ashford discovers the gene that regulates human intelligence. In his Antarctic laboratory, he takes a DNA sample from his legendary ancestor Veronica, extracts the intelligence gene, and implants it into the egg of a surrogate mother. Alfred and Alexia are born. Alfred has above-average intelligence, but Alexia is an outright genius.[The number "1971" is the code to open the secret passage in Alfred's office, and like many people, he may be using his birthday. In Wesker's Report II, we are told the 10 year-old Alexia is hired by Umbrella in July, 1981. If she was born after July, 1971, her age would still be correct. Thus, I'm sticking with the year 1971, as opposed to 1972. Too bad the basic molecular biology techniques Alexander would have needed didn't exist back then. Also, if Alexander uses one egg, Alfred and Alexia are monozygotic (identical) twins, and can't be of opposite sex. Oh well...]1981 Summer CV - Newspaper Clip (est. year)Ten year-old child genius Alexia Ashford graduates at the top of her class from a prestigious university and is offered a position as head researcher by Umbrella Chemical Inc.[The range of years is based on my estimate of when Alexia and Alfred are born, explained above. Summer, of course, is when most universities have graduation.]1981? Dec 8 CV - gameplay (est. year)The military training facility on Rockfort Island is completed.[A puzzle in CV tells us that the facility is completed on December 8, but there's no year. I'm reasoning that if Alexia starts working for Umbrella in 1981, maybe Alfred starts military training at the base around then. I realize this is a huge stretch, not to mention that even if it's true, the facility is probably completed well before then. Normally, I wouldn't include something this uncertain in the timeline, but I couldn't resist throwing it in since we know the exact month and day.]1981-82 RE1 - manual (est. year)Future S.T.A.R.S. member Barry Burton begins his career in law enforcement and joins a S.W.A.T. team.[According to his bio, Barry has "over 16 years experience." July 1982 is the latest possible time he could have joined the S.W.A.T.'s, and if he started before July 1981, they would have said "17 years."]1983 Jan 30 CV - Alfred's DiaryAlfred Ashford discovers a secret corridor in Umbrella's Antarctic facility leading to a place where the Ashford family secrets are kept. He has no idea what's back there. To open the door, he needs to somehow obtain his father's jewel, which must be used in conjunction with Alfred and Alexia's gems.1983 Feb 17 CV - Alfred's DiaryAlfred Ashford finally manages to enter the sealed secret rooms in the Antarctic facility, where he discovers his father's research notes, and the secret behind the Ashford twins' conception.1983 Mar 3 CV - Alfred's DiaryCV - Research Report on Queen AntAlfred and Alexia Ashford carry out the first experiment on a human body using a new virus developed by Alexia, who combined the T-virus with an ancient virus extracted from a queen ant. They inject this new virus into their own hated father, Alexander, taking great care that the family butler, Scott Harman, does not find out the truth.1983 Mar 3 - Apr 22 CV - Research Report on Queen Ant (est. date)Under the effects of Alexia's virus, Alexander Ashford mutates into a hideous creature. Alexia discovers that his body produces an unusual toxic gas, and she develops an antidote in case her mindless father escapes. Alexia realizes her new virus has incredible potential and decides to name it the "T-Veronica" virus.[This must happen after Alexander is infected on March 3, obviously, but before the twins write him off as a failure on April 22, since in this particular file, Alexia doesn't mention injecting virus into herself.]1983 Apr 22 CV - Alfred's DiaryCV - Virus Research ReportThe Ashford twins' experiment on their father turns into a complete failure. They chain the mindless mutated Alexander in a cell deep in the bowels of the Antarctic base. However, Alexia thinks she understands the reasons for the unsuccessful outcome and decides to conduct an experiment on herself. She intends to inject the T-Veronica virus into her own body and then sleep frozen for fifteen years to avoid the same mutations that afflicted her father.1983 May-Dec CV - Alfred's Diary (est. month)CV - Virus Research ReportAlexia Ashford injects herself with the T-Veronica virus and freezes herself in a capsule in the bottom level of the Antarctic transport base, entrusting her safety to her inept but loyal brother.[It's never stated exactly when Alexia freezes herself. Does it need to be exactly 15 years? If so, then Alexia is frozen on December 27, but we don't know this for sure. Certainly, though, it must take at least a few weeks for Alexia and Alfred to make all their preparations. This is the basis for my guess that May is the earliest possible month.]1984 RE3 - gameplayA local World War II hero from Raccoon City, Don M. Joe, dies. He was formerly in the U.S. Navy.[This, of course, is totally irrelevant, but I couldn't resist putting it in. :) The plaque next to the fountain in downtown Raccoon City reads: "Don M. Joe, RC US Navy, World War II, [1920-1984?]." The plaque is just about impossible to read without taking a screenshot and expanding it. I got the info from the Official Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Perfect Guide, published by Versus Books.]1988 Jan RE3 - City Guide (year inferred)Michael Warren becomes mayor of Raccoon City.[1992 is his 5th year as mayor. I'd imagine his term starts in January.]1992 RE3 - City GuideUnder Mayor Michael Warren's leadership, and with funds provided by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella Inc., Raccoon City builds a new hospital and rebuilds the municipal building. Mayor Warren is awarded a grand statue, which is displayed in the courtyard of the municipal building.1993 RE2 - Federal Police Dept. Internal Investigation ReportR.P.D. Chief Brian Irons begins receiving bribes from Umbrella Inc.1994 CV - Secretary's NoteRobert Dorson begins working as Alfred Ashford's private attendant on Rockfort Island.1995 RE1 - manual (est. year)Future S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield joins the U.S. Air Force.[According to his bio, Chris is 25. From CV we know he can fly fighter jets, so he must be a pilot when in the military. U.S. Air Force pilots are all officers, and all officers in the U.S. military are college educated. So, barring the unlikely circumstance that Chris was a prodigy who graduated from college at age 10 like Alexia Ashford, he probably joins the military at about age 22. However, according to the Biohazard, the Beginning novel, Chris didn't go to college. But until RE Zero comes out, I'm not considering the novel.]1996-97 RE1 - manual (est. year)The Special Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) are organized.[According to his bio, Chris is kicked out of the Air Force, becomes a drifter, meets Barry Burton, and joins the "newly-formed S.T.A.R.S." I explain above why I think Chris joins the military in 1995. I have it on very good authority that it takes almost 2 years to train fighter pilots. So, Chris is booted out of the military no earlier than 1997. He might meet Barry soon after, or maybe as late as early 1998. Now, in my book, for an organization to qualify as "newly-formed," I propose the S.T.A.R.S. are less than 1-2 years old when Chris joins them. The wording in Chris' bio indicates it's the S.T.A.R.S. as a whole that are newly-formed; it clearly isn't referring to Alpha Team itself.]1998 Mar 1-7 RE3 - Mercenary's Diary (est. date)A falsely-accused soldier on death row in a foreign country is given a second chance by Umbrella and begins six months of intense training.[6 months before September 1, maybe the 1st week of March. They don't say what the charges were.]1998 Mar (mid - end) RE2 - Leon A/Leon B (est. date)Ada Wong's boyfriend John abruptly disappears. He's been working at Umbrella's branch office in Chicago before being transferred to the Spencer Estate laboratory in the Arklay Mountains to help work on the T-virus and the B.O.W.'s derived from it.[Ada says her boyfriend vanished 6 months prior to RE2, but this info is suspect, since Ada lies about not knowing his whereabouts. In fact, the way John's letter to Ada is worded, it sounds like she's familiar with the estate lab. Still, Ada has no reason to lie about how long ago John left (in fact, the more truth in her lies, the more they're believable). Therefore, I accept the 6 month time span for when John comes to the Spencer Estate.]1998 Apr 6 RE2 - Secretary's Diary AR.P.D. Chief Brian Irons yells at his new secretary for moving one of the stone statues in the second floor hallway of the police station.1998 Apr 7 RE2 - Secretary's Diary AChief Irons' secretary learns that each object in the chief's art collection is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Where does he get his money?1998 Apr 25 RE3 - Manager's DiaryA new manager is transferred from a university to Umbrella's disposal factory near the Raccoon City park. It is his thirtieth birthday.[This is probably when the Raccoon City facilities are completed. If so, then this would be when Dr. Birkin leaves the Spencer lab to devote all his time to G-virus research. There's no evidence for this, but he certainly isn't hanging around the estate when the accident happens in 16 days.]1998 May 9 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper at the Spencer Estate plays poker with some of the other employees, including Scott, one of the guards, Steve, one of the researchers, and Alias, another staff member. The keeper thinks Steve is cheating.1998 May 10 RE2 - Secretary's Diary AChief Irons acquires a new work of art, a tasteless painting of a nude woman being hanged. His secretary sees him leering at it.RE1 - Keeper's DiaryA high-ranking researcher at the Spencer Estate asks the keeper to take care of a new type of B.O.W.'s that look like skinned gorillas. He feeds them a live pig and they viciously tear it apart.[These sound like the Chimeras.]1998 May 11 5:00 am RE1 - Keeper's DiaryRES - Report on Destroyed Raccoon CityRES - Umbrella Top Secret FileAn accident in the lab under the Spencer Estate spills the T-virus all over the area. The guard Scott brings the keeper a protective biohazard suit.RE1 - Plant 42 Report (date inferred)One of the scientists goes crazy and breaks the aquarium under the guardhouse, flooding the basement (and incidentally also releasing some Neptune B.O.W.'s).[This happens "immediately after the accident," implying the same day. This "crazy" scientist is probably a researcher who turns into a zombie quicker than usual and runs amok.]1998 May 12 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper's skin begins feeling itchy in the biohazard suit. By way of petty revenge, he doesn't feed the dogs.1998 May 13 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper goes to the medical room to have his swollen, itchy back seen. The doctor bandages his back and tells him he doesn't need the biohazard suit anymore.CV - Prisoner's DiaryA new prisoner is brought to the Rockfort Island prison compound. In the prisoners' barracks, he meets Alfred Ashford's former secretary, Robert Dorson, who sleeps in the bunk below him.1998 May 14 (morning) RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper finds a blister on his foot, and has to drag it when he walks. He also discovers that several dogs have escaped from their pens, and worries about getting into trouble with his superiors.RE3 - Manager's DiaryThe disposal system in Umbrella's factory near the park is completed, but isn't 100% stable.1998 May 15 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper decides to take some time off and visit his girlfriend, Nancy, but he's stopped from leaving the Spencer Estate grounds by a guard. Company orders.RE1 - Plant 42 Report (date inferred)The plant at point 42 in the Spencer Estate begins growing at an incredibly fast rate, possibly because of chemicals in the water flooding the guardhouse basement from the ruptured aquarium.[This happens "4 days after the accident," which occurs on May 11, though the Plant 42 report is dated May 21. This probably means Plant 42 starts growing on May 15, but Henry Sarton finishes and dates his report on May 21.](night) RE1 - Keeper's Diary (date inferred)One of the researchers tries to escape the Spencer Estate grounds and is fatally shot by the guards.[Occurs the night before the May 16 entry, but it may be in the pre-dawn hours of May 16.]1998 May 16 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper's entire body feels burning and itchy. A lump of rotten flesh falls off his swollen arm while he scratches.CV - Prisoner's DiaryRobert Dorson tells the new prisoner at Rockfort Island how he used to work for Alfred Ashford until he was imprisoned for an insignificant little mistake.1998 May 19 RE1 - Keeper's DiaryThe keeper's transformation into a walking corpse is virtually complete and his mind is practically gone. He kills and eats the guard, Scott, but still manages to scrawl something legible about it in his diary.[The next diary entry reads "4. Itchy. Tasty." The number might refer to a date (June 4?), but by this point, I'd say the keeper is way too far gone to keep track of days.]1998 May 20 RE3 - Manager's DiaryThe disposal factory manager accidentally locks himself in the treatment room for an hour while checking the equipment.CV - Prisoner's DiarySeveral soldiers take Robert Dorson from the prison barracks to the mysterious building behind the guillotine stand in the Rockfort Island compound. The new prisoner worries about Bob, because nobody brought to that building ever comes back, but body bags are often seen being carried out of there. The new prisoner makes plans to sneak out at midnight and find Bob.10:00 pm RE1 - ScrapbookThe mutilated body of a twenty year old female hiker is found on the left bank of the Marble River in the Older District of Raccoon City.1998 May 21 (early am) CV - Prisoner's DiaryThe new prisoner sneaks out of the barracks to go find Robert Dorson and quickly regrets doing so. He hears Bob screaming from the strange building, accompanied by insane, creepy laughter.RE1 - Plant 42 ReportHenry Sarton, one of the still-surviving researchers at the Spencer Estate, completes his report describing Plant 42. By this time, several staff members have been killed by the plant.1998 May 22-31 RE1 - V-Jolt Report (est. date)Henry Sarton attempts to identify chemicals which might be used to destroy Plant 42.[I assume Sarton tries to find countermeasures against Plant 42 immediately after the Plant 42 report. If Martin Crackhorn is the last surviving researcher, as is implied in his will, I give Sarton until the beginning of June to complete his studies. See below.]1998 May 27 RE1 - ScrapbookThe Raccoon Times reports the discovery of the mutilated hiker in the Marble River.CV - Prisoner's DiaryThe new prisoner remains the last person in the barracks of the Rockfort Island prison compound. He realizes he is next to be brought to the mysterious building. The diary ends here.1998 Jun 1-14 RE1 - Researcher's Will (est. date)Martin Crackhorn, the last (?) surviving researcher in the Spencer Estate, writes a suicide note to his girlfriend Alma, describing the lab accident and his impending transformation into a zombie.[He says the accident was "last month," so it's now around early June. John writes his letter to Ada on June 8, so Crackhorn may write his will after that date. But there's no guarantee he's the last survivor in the estate, though his letter makes it sound so. My estimates for the dates of Crackhorn's will and Sarton's V-jolt report are a bit arbitrary, but I wanted to include them.]1998 Jun 7 RE3 - Manager's DiaryThe number of infected bodies to be disposed of in the factory is increasing, but the disposal system isn't working smoothly. The factory manager is becoming very frustrated with the laboratory staff.[These bodies are probably generated by Dr. Birkin's frenzied work on the G-virus. In fact, I believe the disposal factory in RE3 is the same as the vacant factory above the lab in RE2 (in each game, we explore different parts of the same industrial complex). It makes more sense to have disposal facilities conveniently close to the source of bodies to be gotten rid of. See the F.A.Q.]1998 Jun 8 RE2 - Secretary's Diary BChief Irons becomes extremely furious at his secretary, who was only cleaning the chief's office. The secretary seriously thinks the chief is going to hurt him.[I think this entry is meant to imply the secretary was fumbling dangerously close to the painting covering the secret passage trigger.]RE2 - Secretary's Diary B, N64 ver. (date inferred)After kicking his secretary out of his office, Chief Irons locks himself inside his rooms and refuses to come out.[Two days before the June 10 entry in the N64 version of the document.]RE1 - Researcher's LetterJohn, one of the infected researchers at the Spencer Estate, writes a good-bye letter to his girlfriend Ada Wong. He requests that she make Umbrella's activities public through the media, and that she kill him herself if she finds him "completely changed."[This brings up the question of how Ada is familiar with the estate and why John thinks she'd find his letter. In the past, was she free to come and go from the lab? Not likely. Probably, the besotted John has been telling the prying Ada all about the mansion and his job (after all, she's sooo interested in his work). John might think that after not hearing from him, his girlfriend may come looking for him at the mansion, and so leaves the letter on the remote chance she might find it. Alternatively, Ada is also posing as an Umbrella employee, and is thus authorized to see the lab. In reality, Ada works for the same organization as Albert Wesker (see the F.A.Q.).]1998 Jun 10 RE2 - Secretary's Diary B, N64 ver.Chief Irons is still locked in his office and won't come out for any reason. Rumors are starting to spread among the R.P.D. force about the chief's strange behavior.1998 Jun 15 (evening) RE2 - Secretary's Diary B (est. hour)The RPD chief's secretary discovers at least some of Irons' secrets (probably the torture room). He realizes his life is in danger. The secretary's diary ends here.[The diary says it's "getting late," implying this occurred in the evening or at night.]1998 Jun 16 RE1 - ScrapbookThe Raccoon Times reports on the excessive attacks by "wild dogs" in the Arklay Mountains.1998 Jun 24-30 RE1 - gameplay (est. date)RE2 - Film DRebecca Chambers is recruited by the S.T.A.R.S. to serve as field medic for Bravo Team. She also joins the R.P.D.'s intramural basketball league.[Rebecca tells Chris she "just joined the Bravo Team last month." The S.T.A.R.S. probably recruit her towards the end of the month, when the murders in the Arklay Mountains really start taking off. As for that last tidbit from the secret film in RE2, I couldn't resist including it. :) ]1998 Jun 28 RE2 - Sewer Manager's DiaryDon Weller, the chemical transporter for the Raccoon City laboratory, goes back to work after being sick in bed until yesterday. The sewer manager sees him and notices that he is very sweaty and incessantly scratches himself.[One of the first T-virus cases within Raccoon City? This early, I doubt virus carriers from the Arklay Mountains are already filtering into the city limits. Weller is the chemical transporter, according to the sewer manager fax, so it's possible he's infected in factory where that pesky disposal system isn't working quite right. See the F.A.Q.]1998 Jul 7 RE2 - Sewer Manager's DiaryThe sewer manager notes that Chief Irons has been visiting the lab often, and has been looking very grim lately.1998 Jul 9 RE1 - ScrapbookDue to the attacks and murders in the forest, the road into the Arklay Mountains is blocked by the Raccoon City authorities. The R.P.D. enlists the S.T.A.R.S. to find any missing hikers. By this time, "grotesque monsters" have also been sighted in the mountains.1998 Jul 10-16 RE1 - Fax (est. date)A report from the Special Committee on Disasters of Umbrella's Raccoon Special Research Department is submitted to the general manager of Umbrella's Sanitation Division, summarizing the results of the committee's investigation of the Spencer Estate accident. The report indicates that most of the researchers and guards were killed by exposure to the T-virus, although the lab's security systems are still operational. The report also warns that the virus outbreak may be out of control, and the secrecy of Umbrella's activities is compromised, especially due to the intervention by State Police and the S.T.A.R.S.[If police and S.T.A.R.S. are already intervening, this occurs soon after July 9, maybe within a week.]1998 Jul 16 RE3 - Manager's DiaryThe disposal factory is unable to keep up with the accumulating numbers of infected bodies.1998 July 17-23 RE1 - manual (est. date) (events inferred)To cope with the bizarre incidents in the Arklay Mountains, Albert Wesker recruits new members to the STARS, and reassigns other members to Raccoon City. Wesker assembles a more experienced Alpha Team, placing himself as team leader. Serving under him are weapons specialist Barry Burton, marksman Chris Redfield, machine expert Jill Valentine, and pilot Brad Vickers. Bravo Team member Joseph Frost is also promoted to Alpha Team to serve as vehicle specialist, although several members of Bravo Team are jealous of his new position. Alpha Team members begin arriving in Raccoon City to support Bravo Team, which consists of team leader Enrico Marini, communications expert Richard Aiken, vehicle specialist Forest Speyer, field scout Kenneth J. Sullivan, and pilot Edward Dewey.[Most of this is conjecture based on the RE1 manual and character bios (see the F.A.Q. regarding Dewey). The manual implies Alpha Team is assembled right before the game events ("new members of Alpha Team arrive in Raccoon City late in the day"). Furthermore, Chris only meets Rebecca for the first time in the mansion. Some Alpha Team members must come earlier, however, because Jill and Barry know all the still-living Bravo Team members they meet in the game. The fact that the wounded Enrico immediately assumes Chris is the traitor and prepares to shoot him also supports the notion that Chris is a latecomer to Raccoon City, and therefore highest on Enrico's list of suspects. But Enrico seems to trust Jill and Barry and tries to warn them of the traitor. However, they too must have been among Wesker's new transfers to Raccoon City, because Enrico's bio say he thinks "Chris or Barry may end up replacing him as #1 to Wesker." At any rate, the STARS actions on July 9 are probably by Bravo Team.]1998 Jul 21 RE2 - Sewer Manager's DiaryRE2 - Sewer Manager's Diary, N64 ver.The sewer manager is rather annoyed that he rarely has a chance to have a drink because he has to work the graveyard shift. He notices that a well-dressed new employee has started working at Umbrella's secret underground lab.[It's been proposed this new employee is Dr. Birkin. But by this time the disposal factory already has to keep up with lots of infected bodies, which I suggest above are generated by Birkin's work (see June 7, July 16 above). Also, Birkin probably starts working in Raccoon City right soon after leaving the mansion (see April 25 above). Finally, later diary entries mention Birkin, but the sewer manager never writes about meeting him.]1998 Jul 22 2:13 am RE1 - OrdersSTARS leader Albert Wesker is ordered by White Umbrella to do the following within the week: 1) lure the S.T.A.R.S. into the Spencer Estate to observe them fighting the B.O.W.'s, 2) collect two embryos for each B.O.W. except Tyrant, and 3) destroy the Spencer Estate facility.[Wesker's name is never mentioned, but the instructions are obviously for him.]2EX - Rebecca's ReportNavy ensign Billy Koen is court-martialed and sentenced to death. He is transferred with a Navy M.P. escort through the Arklay Mountains.1998 Jul 23 2EX - Rebecca's ReportAn abandoned M.P. vehicle is found in the Arklay Mountains with several corpses of M.P., as well as a body later identified by military authorities as that of Billy Koen. The authorities demand that his remains be turned over to them, but are told the body could not be recovered.[These entries are almost definitely teasers for the upcoming RE Zero. See the F.A.Q.]RE1 - manual2EX - Chris's ReportSTARS Bravo Team is deployed to Raccoon Forest in the Arklay Mountains. Their objective is to search for missing hikers and investigate the possibility of some sort of "death cult" hiding out in the area. During their mission, Bravo Team locates a mansion deep in the forest. Shortly thereafter, their helicopter engine fails and all contact is lost with the STARS.1998 Jul 24 (dusk) RE1 - intro movieWesker's ReportThe last new members of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team arrive in Raccoon City late in the day. Alpha Team is then deployed to the Raccoon Forest area. Their objective is to locate and rescue Bravo Team, and bring the situation in the Arklay Mountains under control. Just before the light fails, Alpha Team finds Bravo Team's wrecked empty helicopter. Oddly enough, most of the equipment has been left behind. As they sweep the area, Joseph Frost finds the mutilated remains of Bravo Team's pilot, Edward Dewey. Suddenly, Alpha Team is ambushed by vicious dog-like creatures. Frost is immediately killed, and the rest of the team is forced to take shelter in a nearby mansion while Brad Vickers takes off in their helicopter.[The date of RE1 is confusing. Chris' report describes Bravo Team's actions on July 23, but it doesn't mean Alpha Team goes in on the same day. Nicholai's report on destroyed Raccoon City says the estate is destroyed on July 25, implying RE1 occurs on the night of July 24. But Jill's report is dated July 24, implying RE1 has already occurred by that date. Wesker's Report seems to say everything, including Bravo Team's actions, occurs on July 24. See below and also the F.A.Q. for my explanations.]RE1 - gameplayInside the mansion, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team members soon become separated. Albert Wesker disappears, and Jill Valentine teams up with Barry Burton to find clues and a way out. Meanwhile, Chris Redfield locates a surviving Bravo Team member, Rebecca Chambers. Early in the investigation, Alpha Team finds the corpse of Kenneth J. Sullivan, being eaten by a rotting zombie. It becomes clear that the mansion is no safer than it was outside, and soon afterwards, the living dead corpse of Forest Speyer is encountered. As Alpha Team probes deeper into the mansion, they begin uncovering evidence of Umbrella's bio-weapons program. Richard Aiken is found dying from the poisonous bite of an enormous mutated snake, and he provides Alpha Team with a half-working radio. The S.T.A.R.S. eventually find their way into the grounds behind the mansion, and explore the guardhouse, where they dispose of the deadly virus-mutated Plant 42. They then run into Wesker, who has apparently managed to stay alive all this time. He sends his teammates back to the mansion to find a way out.RE1 - gameplay (events inferred)The treacherous Albert Wesker then releases the deadly Hunter B.O.W.'s from their pens in the tunnels under the courtyard, in the hope that they will efficiently dispose of the remaining S.T.A.R.S., whose tenacious survival skills have now become a threat to his plans.[This is conjecture, but it's a nice, tidy explanation for the sudden appearance of the Hunters, right after Wesker sends the S.T.A.R.S. back to mansion and safely away from the tunnel entrance.]RE1 - gameplayThe S.T.A.R.S. return to the mansion, where they encounter the lethal Hunters which have now infested main house. The S.T.A.R.S. penetrate several of the locked rooms, including the library, discovering more evidence as well as a way to enter the secret lab under the state. As Alpha Team begins exploring the courtyard tunnels, they find the wounded Bravo Team leader, Enrico Marini. He attempts to warn his fellow S.T.A.R.S. of a traitor among them before he is murdered by an unseen gunman. The remaining S.T.A.R.S. try to find the traitor, and discover a way into Umbrella's secret lab beneath the mansion.2EX - Jill's ReportJill Valentine begins jotting down notes on the B.O.W.'s the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team has been fighting, as well as speculating about the nature of the infection leading to the creation of these creatures.[Jill's report is dated July 24, so she must have been writing something for it while still in the estate, since we know from Nicholai's report on destroyed Raccoon City that the mansion explodes on July 25. Well, there's certainly no shortage of typewriters for her to use. :) See the F.A.Q.]RE1 - gameplayWesker's ReportAlpha Team explores the lab, discovering Umbrella's extensive B.O.W. development facilities. There Albert Wesker is revealed to have been working for Umbrella. He has been making threats against Barry Burton's family to manipulate him into helping cover up Umbrella's involvement in the events at the estate. However, Wesker has his own agenda, for he wishes to keep the prototype for the ultimate B.O.W., Tyrant, for himself. He injects himself with a special virus given to him by William Birkin and frees the Tyrant to stage his own death and obtain battle data as the B.O.W. disposes of the S.T.A.R.S. However, the S.T.A.R.S. unexpectedly neutralize Tyrant, set off the self-destruct system, and signal to Brad Vickers flying in the area with the helicopter. But the seemingly unstoppable Tyrant comes back for an encore at the helipad. The S.T.A.R.S. introduce him to a rocket launcher ("Say hello to my little friend!") tossed down from above, courtesy of Brad, and blast him to pieces.1998 Jul 25 (dawn) RE1 - closing movieRES - Report on Destroyed Raccoon CityWesker's ReportThe Spencer Estate is destroyed in the explosion set off by the triggering system. The surviving S.T.A.R.S. members fly back to Raccoon City by helicopter. The bitter, now inhuman Albert Wesker hauls himself out of lab and off the estate into the Raccoon Forest just before the explosion obliterates the property. Wesker vows revenge against the S.T.A.R.S. that ruined his plans.1998 Jul 29 RE3 - Manager's DiaryThe numbers of infected bodies accumulating at the disposal factory continues increasing, with the disposal system decreasing in function. Some of the workers are becoming infected under these conditions, and the manager prudently begins keeping a gun handy.1998 Aug 5 RES - Report on Destroyed Raccoon CityU.B.C.S. Commander Nicholai Ginovaef reports to Umbrella Headquarters that there are no signs of T-virus leakage into the area surrounding the Spencer Estate. However, he recommends that the area continue to be monitored. He also notes that Umbrella's secret operative Albert Wesker is M.I.A. and presumed dead, and that surviving S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine are preparing to report the incident to the press and Chief Brian Irons.[From this we know the S.T.A.R.S. haven't yet filed their report on the mansion incident. It also seems Umbrella's people do not yet know Wesker betrayed the company as well. This lets us deduce a couple things below.]RES - Factory Worker's DiaryOne of the factory workers on Sheena Island is overwhelmed by guilt for extracting chemicals from the brains of the young prisoners.1998 Aug 6-7 2EX - Chris's Report (est. date)Chris Redfield submits his formal report on the Spencer Estate incident and Wesker's betrayal to Chief Irons. Chris speculates that the "zombie phenomenon" occurring in Raccoon City may be related to Umbrella's virus. Chris proposes a formal investigation of Umbrella.[Presumably, Umbrella first receives confirmation of Wesker's death and learns that he tried to betray his employers from the survivors' report (how else would the company find out?). This means Chris' report is completed after Nicholai's August 5 report, since Nicholai seems completely ignorant of Wesker's double-cross. Chris makes a second attempt to convince Irons on August 8, so we can narrow down the range of days. Also, Nicholai's August 5 report claims there are no signs of T-virus leakage in the area, but Chris refers to zombies roaming the city. This is all consistent with Chris' report coming after Nicholai's. The question is why do the S.T.A.R.S. wait almost 2 weeks before writing their report? I speculate on this in the F.A.Q. below.]1998 Aug 7 RE3 - Jill's DiaryTwo weeks after the Spencer Estate incident, Jill Valentine is still haunted by the deaths of her teammates.1998 Aug 7-8 RE2 - Mail to the Chief (est. date)Dr. William Birkin writes a letter to Chief Irons confirming the loss of the Spencer Estate lab due to the actions of the renegade Umbrella operative, Albert Wesker. Dr. Birkin instructs Chief Irons to monitor the five surviving S.T.A.R.S. and to dispose of them in a "accidental" manner if it becomes clear that they have evidence of Umbrella's research.[This should happen right after Chris' report. Due to the report, Umbrella's people now know that Wesker betrayed everybody, not just the S.T.A.R.S. See above. Birkin probably writes his letter to the chief before Chris' second attempt to speak to Irons on August 8.]1998 Aug 8 RE2 - Chris' DiaryChris Redfield tries once again to convince Chief Irons of Umbrella's activities. Nobody wants to listen, because Umbrella employs practically everyone in Raccoon City.1998 Aug 8-12 RE2 - manualChris Redfield speaks to his sister Claire for the last time prior to his departure for Europe later in August. He tells her nothing about the goings-on in Raccoon City.[The manual says Claire decides to search for Chris in Raccoon City, "the last known location of her brother nearly 2 months ago." But we know from Chris' diary that he doesn't leave the area until August 24, only little more than a month before RE2. This apparent contradiction may just mean that Chris last talks to Claire a few weeks before he actually leaves the city. If they last spoke around the beginning of August, this is just under 2 months before RE2, remaining consistent with the RE2 manual. Looking at the various diaries from this period, it seems reasonable to say the last time Chris contacts Claire (or is available for her to reach) is before he becomes obsessed with the search for info on the G-virus. A likely time range is between August 8 (the day of Chris' last argument with the chief) and August 13. See the Jill's diary entries below.]1998 Aug 13 RE3 - Jill's DiaryJill Valentine wonders what is wrong with Chris Redfield. He is constantly irritated, he does not talk to anyone, and he even punched Officer Elran of the Boy's Crime department for splashing him in the face with coffee.1998 Aug 15 (12:00 am) RE3 - Jill's DiaryChris Redfield, who has been on "vacation," calls Jill Valentine to his place. He shows her information he has obtained on the existence of Umbrella's G-virus.[I suppose Chris is acting strangely from stress and lack of sleep while investigating Umbrella. At this time, he may have also started looking into Irons' connection with Umbrella. It's also likely that Claire last talks to Chris sometime just before this.]1998 Aug 16 RE2 - Sewer Manager's DiaryThe sewer manager tries to cheer up a grim-looking Chief Irons, who instead pulls out his gun and threatens to shoot him. The sewer manager successfully calms him down.1998 Aug 16-21 RE2 - Mail to the Chief (est. date)Dr. Birkin deposits $10,000 in Chief Irons' bank account for "services rendered." Birkin informs the chief that the G-virus development is nearly complete. However, the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information about the G-virus and Irons should continue monitoring them and block any attempts to find the underground lab.[This must occur after Chris enlists Jill's help in finding info on the G-virus on August 15, since Birkin's wording implies multiple S.T.A.R.S. are snooping around. This letter may incidentally explain why Irons is so mad on August 16 according to the sewer manager's diary. On the other hand, this letter may be sent closer to August 21, when Birkin also tells the sewer manager that police may search the sewers.]1998 Aug 17 RE2 - Chris' DiaryThe R.P.D. begins receiving reports of "strange monsters" sighted at random throughout Raccoon City. Chris Redfield realizes this is more of Umbrella's work.[Chris mentions zombies in the city a while ago in his first report to Chief Irons. However, "strange monsters" and "zombie phenomenon" are different things, and the more grotesque, mutated monsters would show up later anyway.]1998 Aug 20 RES - Young Man's Diary (date inferred)A young man is kidnapped on a street in Congo by Umbrella agents and is brought to Sheena Island.[By September 5, "16 days have passed."]1998 Aug 21 RE2 - Sewer Manager's DiaryDr. Birkin informs the sewer manager that the police and media have begun investigating Umbrella, and all sewer facility operations must be suspended. Birkin warns the manager that there may be a search of the sewers. The manager will lose his job if the laboratory is found.1998 Aug 23 RE2 - Police MemorandumA memo informs the R.P.D. of the movement of equipment around the station, including the safe that was transferred from the S.T.A.R.S. office to the eastern office.[I've considered reading more into this equipment transfer. Maybe it happens because the remaining S.T.A.R.S. have resigned after being discredited by Umbrella's machinations. It's a big coincidence that this occurs around the time the S.T.A.R.S. are causing lots of trouble. Just something to think about.]1998 Aug 24 RE2 - Chris' DiaryChris Redfield uncovers some vague information on Umbrella's G-Virus with help from Jill Valentine and Barry Burton. The surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. decide to fly to the main Umbrella H.Q. in Europe.[Where are Rebecca Chambers and Brad Vickers? While Brad is likely lying low after RE1, we know he doesn't head for the hills right after the Spencer Estate incident since he's still around in RE3.]RE3 - Jill's DiaryChris Redfield leaves Raccoon City. Barry Burton tells Jill Valentine that he is sending his family to Canada before following Chris. Jill stays behind to find out more about Umbrella's laboratory in Raccoon City, but plans to join her teammates in Europe in a month.[Again, where are Rebecca and Brad?]1998 Aug 25 RE2 - Watchman's Diary, N64 ver.(Aug 11) (RE2 - Watchman's Diary)The R.P.D. night watchman is reprimanded by Chief Irons for loafing in the clock tower. The chief seems more upset that the officer was in the clock tower than by the fact he was not doing his job.1998 Sep 1 RE3 - Mercenary's DiaryA U.B.C.S. mercenary completes his six-month intense training program.1998 Sep 5 RES - Young Man's DiarySince his abduction from Congo sixteen days ago, a prisoner on Sheena Island has gradually learned that he and the rest of the young inmates are research subjects for a medical company called Umbrella Inc. All the people living on the island are either Umbrella employees or their family members. The young man becomes determined to organize his fellow prisoners and escape from the island.1998 Sep 6 RES - Janitor Andy's DiaryVincent Goldman is sent by Umbrella Headquarters to become Sheena Island's supreme commander.1998 Sep 10 RES - Lott's DiaryLott Klein sees some of the Sheena Island prisoners at the video arcade. They appear sleepy, drool, and smell rotten. Lott's father and Commander Vincent Goldman have told him the Umbrella people operate on them to make them "decent people."RES - Young Man's DiaryA prisoner on Sheena Island begins suspecting that they're being systematically drugged by their jailers.RE3 - Director's DiaryThe Raccoon City Hospital director reports on the symptoms of the strange "zombie disease" sporadically cropping up in the city.1998 Sep 11-18 RE3 - manual (est. date)The citizens of Raccoon City start becoming generally aware of inexplicable murders and a strange disease cropping up in the neighborhoods of the city.["A month-and-a-half" since RE1. It must be after the September 10 entry in the hospital director's diary, because hospital staff would become aware of strange diseases before anyone else notices. By the September 18 entry, I assume everyone in the city either knows something is wrong, or is already infected.]1998 Sep 12-16 Wesker's ReportAlbert Wesker, now working for rivals of Umbrella, joins forces with Ada Wong, another spy sent by this corporation. Ada tells Wesker that Umbrella is nearing completion of the G-virus but its creator doesn't want to share it with his employers. Wesker realizes she must be talking about William Birkin. The two agents make plans to steal the new virus.[While the wording says 2 months have passed since the mansion incident (on July 24), we have to give Wesker some leeway, since the virus is probably completed around September 15 or 16 (see below). I think the two join forces less than 2 weeks before September 24 for Wesker to still get away with saying it's 2 months after RE1.]1998 Sep 13-19 RES - Young Man's Diary (est. date)Two prisoners on Sheena Island, Anna and Jacob, disappear from the prison and are taken to the factory on the mountain.[They disappeared "last week" according to the September 21 entry. September 13-19 covers Sunday through Saturday of the week before. Yes, I checked a 1998 calendar.]1998 Sep 15-18 RE2 - Claire A (est. date)The R.P.D. loses contact with the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and Chris Redfield.[Marvin tells Claire the R.P.D. lost contact with Chris "over 10 days ago." Chris leaves on August 24 according to Jill's diary, so he must still be keeping touch with some of the more trusted members of the R.P.D. The latest possible day the S.T.A.R.S. completely disappear is 11 days before RE2 on September 17 or 18. The earliest possible day is just under 2 weeks before RE2, on September 15 or 16. Otherwise, Marvin would say "2 weeks ago." Interestingly, Marvin mentions Chris, Jill, and Barry, but not Rebecca or Brad (when Marvin talks to Claire, he wouldn't know Brad is dead).]1998 Sep 15 RE3 - Mercenary's DiaryA U.B.C.S. mercenary is called into action and has to cut his vacation short.2EX - Umbrella MemoUmbrella's U.S. branch vice-president Joel Allman sends a memo to Dr. Birkin and several other labs requesting that they donate five cases of the chemical APL-14. There is a shortage caused by the Antarctic base. Allman reassures Birkin that steps are being taken to prevent this shortage from occurring again, and that the Ashford reputation is tarnished.[Why are they trying to tarnish Alfred Ashford's reputation? There's nothing else on this, though we do know from Alexander's memo that the Ashfords and the Spencers are vying for control of Umbrella. Since Birkin worked on the T-virus at the Spencer Estate, he may have been part of the faction within Umbrella opposed to the Ashfords. Intriguing, but all speculation.](3:24 pm) RE2 - Film AA human body experiment is performed using the G-virus.[There are no other indications, but I take this to be the day the G-virus is perfected. This lets us estimate some dates below.]1998 Sep 16-20 RE2 - Mail to the Chief (est. date)Dr. Birkin receives information that Umbrella H.Q. has sent agents to recover his G-virus research. He instructs Chief Irons to search the city for suspicious persons, detain them, and contact William through his wife Annette Birkin.[The G-virus is probably perfected on or shortly before September 15. The R.P.D. follows up on a report of a suspicious person on the night of September 20. As I imply above, coming up with these dates takes a bit of a leap of faith, but it does all fit rather well within the continuity.]1998 Sep 18 RE3 - Director's DiaryAnother patient with the "zombie disease" is admitted to the Raccoon City Hospital.1998 Sep 19 RE2 - Watchman's Diary, N64 ver.(Sep 5) (RE2 - Watchman's Diary)The R.P.D. night watchman meets Thomas, an old man who works at the sewage disposal plant behind the precinct. Thomas tells the watchman about the keys shaped like chess pieces. They plan to play chess tomorrow night. The watchman wonders why Thomas keeps scratching himself.1998 Sep 20 RES - Janitor Andy's DiaryRumors circulate around Sheena Island that Commander Goldman is conducting gruesome experiments on kids brought to the island from all over the world.(9:30 pm) RE2 - Patrol ReportR.P.D. Sgt. Neil Carlsen investigates a report of a suspicious individual lurking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City. He frightens away the individual and recovers some explosives and ammunition.[This could be Ada, someone from Hunk's team, or another agent from Umbrella or the U.S. government. It could even be one of the discredited S.T.A.R.S. Barry, Jill, and Brad are still in town, though I doubt it's them.](night) RES - Young Man's Diary (date inferred)The prisoners on Sheena Island are taken to the nightclub. One of the prisoners overhears a conversation between some of the factory workers and learns that a chemical is extracted from the prisoners' brains in the factory.[On the night before the September 21 entry.]1998 Sep 20 (night) RE2 - Watchman's Diary, N64 ver. (event inferred)(Sep 6) (RE2 - Watchman's Diary)The R.P.D. night watchman is supposed to play chess with the Thomas, the sewage plant worker, but evidently they have to cancel for some reason.1998 Sep 21 RES - Young Man's DiaryOne of the prisoners on Sheena Island, Chin, is taken to the factory the mountain. Given what was overheard the previous night, his friend thinks it unlikely that Chin will return. Several remaining prisoners become determined to execute an escape plan soon.1998 Sep 22-23 RE2 - flashback movie (est. date)RE2 - uncut scriptUmbrella operative "Hunk" takes his teams into the Raccoon City sewers and they make their way into the underground lab to recover the G-virus from the rebellious Dr. William Birkin. One team captures Annette Birkin, while Hunk's group confronts William. He is shot when he refuses to turn over the virus, and Hunk obtains the case of T- and G-virus samples. The agents leave the mortally-wounded William, while the second group lets Annette go. She then rushes into the room to her injured husband. She immediately leaves to find medical supplies, but Birkin injects himself with a massive amount of G-virus and starts mutating into a horrid monster. He then hunts down and slaughters Umbrella's agents in the sewers. During the carnage, the insane creature crushes the vials of T-virus carried in the case, and the infection is spread throughout the sewers and lab by rats. All the agents are killed by Birkin except Hunk, who is knocked unconscious and left for dead.[This all happens right before the chief's September 23 diary entry. Annette's capture and release, as well as the fact there was T-virus in the stolen case, are all from the uncut RE2 script. See below and the F.A.Q. for additional commentary on the date of Hunk's mission.]RE2 - gameplay (est. date)Annette Birkin calls her daughter Sherry from the lab, tells her it's too dangerous to stay at home, and instructs her to go to the R.P.D. station.[I assume Annette calls Sherry right after she finds out her husband is on a rampage and a large-scale virus leak has occurred.]1998 Sep 23 RE2 - Chief's DiaryChief Irons realizes that very shortly, Raccoon City will be completely overrun with zombies. He suspects he might even be infected himself.[I believe this entry is meant to imply Irons has discovered the aftermath of Hunk's botched operation. This diary entry is essentially the whole basis for dating Hunk's mission when I do. See the F.A.Q.]1998 Sep 23 RE2 - Watchman's Diary, N64 ver.(Sep 9) (RE2 - Watchman's Diary)The night watchman is soundly beaten by Thomas at chess. Thomas talks about food the entire game, and the police officer thinks his opponent doesn't look quite right.[They were supposed to play on the night of September 20 (or 6, according to the PS1, DC, and PC versions), but evidently never got around to it, since this is their first game.]1998 Sep 23-24 RE3 - Reporter's Memo (est. date)A Raccoon Times reporter witnesses a man infected with the "cannibal disease" tearing at still-living victims like a savage animal. He hears rumors that many others in Raccoon City are also infected.[The reporter's memo must be written over a few days, since one passage mentions rumors of people being infected with the "cannibal disease," while a later section says almost everyone is dead. I place the events from the beginning of the file here, because the rumors of widespread infection are consistent with Hunk's mission having already occurred. Before Birkin spread virus everywhere, there were only a few sporadic virus cases (RE3, Director's Diary; see the F.A.Q.). The name of the newspaper comes from the scrapbook in RE1.]1998 Sep 24 (pre-dawn) RE3 - Marvin's ReportTwo jewels are stolen from the clock face at the municipal building. R.P.D. Officer Marvin Branagh is forced to suspend investigation of the case due to lack of available officers.RE2 - Chief's DiaryChief Irons spreads confusion among the R.P.D., making sure the police will not be able to control the zombie epidemic in the city and nobody from outside Raccoon City will come to help. The chief also sees to it that all escape routes from the police station will be impassable and plans to ensure that any survivors trying to escape through the lower levels cannot get out.[The diary entry implies the zombie assault on the station has already occurred, but accepting September 24 as the day of the first attack creates very serious problems (RE2, Operation Report 1). Thus, I assume Irons is referring to survivors from sporadic zombie attacks on the streets of Raccoon City, not survivors of the later large-scale attack on the station. By now, there are many zombies wandering randomly around the city streets, even though the station has not yet been overrun by a huge mob. There are probably conflicting reports from people rushing into the precinct for shelter, and none of the police have a clear idea of what exactly is going on: confused, just like the chief says in his diary. At this point, the streets may already be nearly impassable due to zombies, so it's possible some people get the idea to use the sewers under the precinct, thus explaining Irons' reference to the "survivors trying to escape through the lower levels," 4 days before the guys in the second operation report decide to give it a shot. This is a major stretch, but it's the best I can do without changing the chief's diary dates. See the F.A.Q.]1998 Sep 24-25 RE3 - Marvin's Report (est. date)RE3 - Reporter's MemoRaccoon City is placed under martial law. All contact is lost with everyone outside the city.[The September 26 entry in Marvin's report says the city is under martial law, but he makes no mention of it in his September 24 entry. Martial law may also be one of the ways Irons tries to spread confusion (RE2, Chief's Diary). The chief's "concerns" about terrorism right before the September 26 attack (RE2, Operation Report 1) may have been an excuse to impose martial law, in addition to moving weapons around the station, which is all consistent with this time estimate. The only information from the reporter's memo that we can add here is the tidbit about losing contact with people outside the city. See above regarding the reporter's memo.]1998 Sep 25 RE2 - Operation Report 1 (date inferred)Chief Irons relocates weapons to scattered areas throughout the R.P.D. station due to concerns about terrorism.[This happens the day before the first zombie attack. Irons probably also sees to it that the guy with the card key to the weapons storage goes "missing." After all, we find the card in the morgue...]1998 Sep 26 (pre-dawn) RE2 - Watchman's Diary, N64 ver.(Sep 12) (RE2 - Watchman's Diary)The night watchman cancels another chess game with Thomas. The old man isn't feeling well, and the watchman thinks he looks like "the living dead." The watchman hasn't been feeling very well himself either, lately.[They meet in the early morning hours, since the station is assaulted before 10:00 am this same day.]1998 Sep 26 RE2 - Operation Report 1The R.P.D. precinct is suddenly attacked by a large number of zombies. Many police (and probably also civilians who took shelter in the station) are killed or injured. During the attack, communications equipment is destroyed and one of the breakers goes down.[The communications equipment and breaker are probably sabotaged by Irons. The cut wires to the steel shutters on the ground floor windows are certainly more of the chief's work.](10:00 am) RE3 - Marvin's ReportA 42-year old restaurant owner who has taken shelter in the police station develops symptoms of T-virus infection and is shot to death within ten minutes. On autopsy, he is found to be carrying one of the missing gems from the clock face at the municipal building.[While I assume this happens after the big attack on the station, this isn't necessarily the case. The precinct was attacked "unexpectedly," according to the first operation report, but people already knew about zombies in the city. Still, I tend to think the restaurant owner takes shelter in the precinct when the R.P.D. was mobbed, and then is shot after showing symptoms.]RE2 - Operation Report 1Survivors in the R.P.D. station plan an operation to rescue survivors and contain the disaster in Raccoon City. This entails recovering the weapons scattered throughout the station. Unfortunately, supplies are limited, and the person with the card key to the underground weapon cache is missing.RE3 - Director's DiaryMost of the doctors and staff at the Raccoon City Hospital are lost in a battle with zombie patients. The hospital director realizes he also has been infected.RE3 - David's MemoMeyer, one of the R.P.D.'s better marksmen, is torn apart and devoured by zombies. David Ford owed Meyer, who saved his life during a previous attack, but Ford was too scared to come to Meyer's aid and repay the debt.RE2 - Chief's DiaryChief Irons has a change of heart. He decides to hunt down the remaining survivors in the station himself. He lets the mayor's daughter escape so he can track her down later. He shoots Ed in the back and gloats as he watches him die.[Because of the dates in the chief's diary, these cannot be the same 4 survivors from the second operation report, even though the diary implies this is the case. See the September 24 and 28 events, as well as the F.A.Q.](late night)RE3 - Mercenary's Pocketbook (time inferred)RE3 - intro movieU.B.C.S. teams are deployed throughout Raccoon City. Within three hours, several teams are already decimated.[The merc's pocketbook indicates the mission starts on September 26. I assume this is very late at night, because the RE3 intro implies the mercs' arrival coincides closely with the R.P.D.'s battle with the zombies, which occurs on September 27 (RE3, Photo A). See the F.A.Q.]1998 Sep 27 (pre-dawn) RE3 - intro movie & inferred eventsRE3 - Photo AR.P.D. officers make a stand on the streets before the police station and are defeated by the horde of zombies. The surviving police officers retreat to the police station where they are trapped.[I assume the battle in the RE3 intro is in front of the station. We know from photo A that the movie occurs on September 27, yet the station is first attacked on September 26 (RE2, Operation Report 1). The interpretation is that the surviving R.P.D. officers are trying to break through the mob of zombies surrounding the station and get defeated. There are many signs of this battle just outside the entrances to the station in RE2-3. See the F.A.Q.]RE3 - Mercenary's PocketbookA girl and her father arrive to the relative safety of the St. Michael Clock Tower. Later, two U.B.C.S. mercenaries manage to reach the clock tower, surviving by robbing wounded fellow soldiers of their supplies and using uninfected citizens as decoys. The girl reminds one of the mercenaries of his sister.(1:00 pm) RE2 - Operation Report 1The west barricade in the R.P.D. precinct is broken through. After the battle, twelve injured are sheltered in the evidence room.RE3 - David's MemoAs of September 26, thirteen men have been killed in the police station. Officer David Ford uses whiskey to calm himself, and plans to shoot himself as soon as he runs out of booze.[He doesn't mention Lickers, so this must occur before that entry in Operation Report 1. I should point out that 13 have been killed, and this figure probably includes those killed in the battle just outside the front gate. I would recommend not counting too carefully the number of zombie cops in and around the precinct in RE2-3. :) By the way, David never fulfills his plan: Operation Report 2 mentions his death in battle.]RE2 - Operation Report 1A Licker makes a sudden appearance in the police station, killing three more people.RE3 - gameplay & inferred eventsFormer S.T.A.R.S. member Jill Valentine escapes from the apartment complex or hotel where she has been hiding out from the chaos. She avoids a pack of zombies and makes her way through the streets of Raccoon city. She holes up in a warehouse, where she meets Dario Rosso, a salesman who just lost his entire family to the living dead.1998 Sep 28 (2:30 am) RE2 - Operation Report 2Zombies overrun the operation room in the police station. Four men die, including David Ford. Four remain. Elliot Edward and the other three survivors decide on a desperate plan to try escaping through the sewers. They lock the door to the basement behind them, leaving the key in the western office for any other survivors who might find it.[It's unclear whether these survivors include Marvin or the cop who dies on the precinct roof. There could be other lone survivors hiding about the station, barricaded in their own rooms, or stragglers may have filtered in from the streets. This helps explain the inconsistently boarded-up doors in RE2-3. Anyway, to continue with my line of reasoning from above: 13 killed up to the Licker attack, 3 killed by the Licker, 4 killed here, 4 remain. Now, I don't know exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure there are more than 24 zombie cops in the station in RE2-3. Oh well...](dawn) RE3 - Mercenary's DiaryA U.B.C.S. mercenary decides to blow his brains out rather than become a zombie.RE3 - Mercenary's PocketbookRE3 - gameplay & inferred eventsThe two U.B.C.S. mercenaries holed up in the clock tower want to evacuate Raccoon City, but the girl and her father refuse to leave. Everyone is eventually overwhelmed when zombies and other creatures storm the clock tower. The more compassionate mercenary dies with the girl he was trying to protect in his arms.RE2 - manual (date inferred)Leon S. Kennedy, newly recruited by the R.P.D., attempts to contact the captain who hired him. When he is unable to do so, he continues driving towards Raccoon City.[I'd imagine Leon tries to contact his captain on the same day he drives in.](midday) RE3 - gameplay (est. time)Jill Valentine tries to convince Dario Rosso to come with her to escape the city. He refuses, so Jill finds her own way through the streets of uptown Raccoon City. She runs into her former S.T.A.R.S. teammate, Brad Vickers, who warns her that they are being hunted. Brad abandons Jill, who continues to the front gate of the R.P.D. precinct, where she meets Brad again. Before her eyes, he is killed by a huge monster, Nemesis. Umbrella has decided to take advantage of the chaos and silence the remaining S.T.A.R.S. The bloodthirsty brute drives Jill into the police station for shelter.[It is "September 28, daylight," but late enough that it's night by the time Jill leaves the precinct.](sunset) RE2 - intro movieLeon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield's sister Claire reach the outskirts of Raccoon City along their separate routes. They notice nothing amiss, although the highways are completely empty.(dusk) RE3 - gameplayIn the precinct, Jill finds most of the doors have been solidly barricaded. One of the last surviving officers, Marvin Branagh, is unconscious and mortally wounded. On the half-working radio, Jill catches snatches of communications between U.B.C.S. mercenaries, but cannot establish contact with them. Jill restocks on ammo and supplies before Nemesis is able to break into the R.P.D. station. Jill escapes the assassin, runs from the station, and works her way into downtown Raccoon City.(night) RE3 - Reporter's Memo (est. date & time)The U.S. military begins gathering around Raccoon City to impose a quarantine on the area.[The blockades start coming up before Jill finds the reporter's memo late night on September 28. See the F.A.Q. This is a time-consuming process, and not all roads are blocked at once. Thus, Leon, Claire, and the truck driver can make their separate ways into the city without noticing anything amiss. The reporter is killed by a zombie shortly after completing his memo, and the note is left lying around.](late night)RE2/3 - gameplay (events inferred)Brad Vicker's corpse arises as one of the living dead. The remaining barricades throughout the police station are either busted down by zombies or dismantled by Chief Irons as he hunts down any last survivors. The mortally-wounded officer Marvin Branagh regains consciousness.[This resolves most inconsistencies between RE2-3, except the window broken by Nemesis.](late night)RE2 - intro movieThe driver of a tanker truck is bitten by a "maniac" at a gas station on the outskirts of Raccoon City. He escapes and continues driving into the city. Meanwhile, Leon and Claire simultaneously enter Raccoon City, finding eerie, empty streets. Each is suddenly attacked by zombies, and they meet each other just outside a diner. Joining together, they grab an abandoned police car and drive through the zombie-infested streets towards the R.P.D. precinct. On the way, they are suddenly beset by a zombie awakening in the back of their car, causing them to crash. At the same time, the tanker truck from before, flying out of control with the delirious virus-infected driver at the wheel, bears down on their wrecked car. Leon and Claire manage to bail out in time to escape the crash and explosion, but find themselves separated by the flaming wreck with a horde of approaching zombies. They shout to each other over the roaring wall of flames and agree to rendezvous in the R.P.D. station.(late night)RE3 - gameplayIn downtown Raccoon City, Jill meets several surviving U.B.C.S. mercenaries, who agree to join forces to restore a cable car's operation to bypass the zombie hordes infesting the city. After much running around, during which U.B.C.S. team leader Nicholai Ginovaef is apparently killed, Jill and the mercenary Carlos Oliveira get the cable car running, and start traveling through the city with the wounded mercenary officer Mikhail Victor. But Nemesis breaks into the trolley, and Mikhail sacrifices himself with a grenade to allow Jill and Carlos to escape. The out-of-control cable car crashes into the St. Michael Clock Tower, but Jill and Carlos survive. In the clock tower, Jill and Carlos find documents on the corpses of the U.B.C.S. mercenaries killed earlier, and learn of a helicopter standing by in the suburbs, ready to evacuate those in the tower when signaled by the bell. Jill fixes the clock's mechanism and rings the bell, but the approaching chopper is shot down by Nemesis. In the ensuing fight, Nemesis encounters unexpectedly fierce resistance by the cornered Jill and Carlos, who actually manage to drive him off. Unfortunately, Jill is infected by the T-virus during the fight, and she loses consciousness. Carlos carries Jill into the clock tower chapel and securely barricades themselves inside.[While Jill definitely leaves the precinct before Leon and Claire get there, a lot of the first half of RE3 (from Jill exiting the R.P.D. to the clock tower battle) probably occurs simultaneously with RE2. Keep this in mind, even though for clarity, I summarize RE2 after part 1 of RE3.](late night)RE2 - Leon A (date inferred)Leon S. Kennedy runs through the Raccoon City streets, dodging zombies and taking shelter in Kendo's Gun Shop, where he meets the owner Robert Kendo. However, zombies storm the shop and slaughter Kendo, while Leon escapes out the back. He eventually makes his way to the site of the battle that occurred a day ago in front of the R.P.D. precinct. Leon dodges past the mob of now-undead police officers and slips into the grounds of the station through a side gate. There, he puts to rest the reanimated corpse of S.T.A.R.S. member Brad Vickers. After barricading himself inside the precinct, Leon meets the mortally-wounded Officer Marvin Branagh, who is recovering consciousness. Branagh fills in Leon on the events leading up to the present disaster, and orders him to look for other survivors in the station. Leon reluctantly leaves his fellow cop and begins exploring, finding only evidence of the battles for survival that have taken place: furniture in shambles, broken barricades, and many zombies. Furthermore, the precinct is also infested by a strange, vicious creature, the Licker. Leon reaches the S.T.A.R.S. office, where he finds Chris' diary with more information on Umbrella's activities. Leon spends some time trying to get the S.T.A.R.S.'s communication equipment working without success.[See the F.A.Q. for why I place the start of RE2 late on September 28. In the Leon A/Claire B combination, Claire seems to do a lot more than Leon before they run into each other in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Thus, I've thrown in that bit about Leon playing with the radio to have him kill some time and let Claire to catch up. In this summary, be aware that scenarios A and B happen around the same time, with key events of the A game occurring slightly earlier than the corresponding events of the B game. For example, Leon takes the cable car from the sewers to the factory before Claire, because Claire has to call it back to the sewers. Leon reaches the weapons storage in the precinct basement before Claire because what he takes will not be there for her. Leon descends into the lab before Claire and thus Claire needs to call the elevator back. I summarize RE2 in chunks, alternating between Leon A and Claire B, throwing in some events from Claire A and Leon B (see the F.A.Q.).](late night)RE2 - Claire B (date inferred)Meanwhile, Claire Redfield works her way through the infested Raccoon City streets and enters the R.P.D. precinct grounds through the patrol car entrance. From there, Claire climbs to the roof of the station, where she sees a police helicopter attempting to rescue one of the last surviving police officers, as he's chased by some zombies. The botched attempt results in the helicopter crashing on the precinct roof and the death of everyone involved. After this delay, Claire enters the station.1998 Sep 29 (pre-dawn) RE2 - Claire B (time inferred)Wesker's ReportAfter finding the appropriate tools, Claire returns to the roof and extinguishes the burning helicopter wreck and eliminates the fire blocking her access to several second floor rooms. As Claire enters the station again, she suddenly sees a large helicopter flying overhead, towing a rack of six huge canisters hanging underneath. One of the canisters is released, and it falls through the roof and into the station. Once inside, Claire discovers what was in the container: a huge, menacing humanoid creature in a trench coat that silently, relentlessly begins to stalk her. Claire evades the seemingly indestructible monster and goes to explore the ruined rooms. Her access to one of the corridors is still blocked by a ruined door, from which she hears a woman's scream. Unable to bypass the door, Claire moves on, eventually finding the S.T.A.R.S. office where Leon is looking for information on the disaster. Claire and Leon realize that the R.P.D. precinct is nothing but a death trap, and Claire's brother is long gone. They separate, with Leon searching for a means of escaping the zombie-surrounded station, while Claire looks for survivors. She decides to investigate the screaming from the ruined door on the second floor.[From Wesker's Report, we learn that Umbrella doesn't deliver the Tyrant to the station until September 29. It's now probably just after midnight, because Leon returns to Marvin at 1:30 am (see below).]RE3 - Classified Photo File (events inferred)RE2/3 - gameplayThe remaining five Tyrants carried by the Umbrella helicopter are brought to the disposal factory to eliminate a Special Forces unit sent by the U.S. Army to recover Umbrella's G-virus. In the battle, most of the Tyrants are killed by the Army's experimental rail cannon, the "Paracelcus' Sword," but the soldiers fail in their mission.[This accounts for the remaining Tyrant canisters carried by the Umbrella helicopter in RE2. This is all conjecture, of course, but it explains the presence of the dead Tyrants, the corpses of U.S. troops, the rail cannon, and the classified photo file in the factory. The rail cannon was probably brought in by yet another helicopter.](1:30 am) RE2 - Leon ALeon heads downstairs from the S.T.A.R.S. office to check on Marvin Branagh, but finds to his horror that the wounded R.P.D. officer has become a zombie. After putting Branagh to rest, Leon decides that their best hope is to try the sewers beneath the station, following the route used by a few surviving police officers earlier.[The time comes from a clock on the office wall. Because this is the first time we ever see that clock, and because once Leon leaves that room, he never needs to come back, I take that to be roughly the time when Leon kills the Marvin zombie. This is all a rough estimate, of course, since the clock is part of the background and never changes, like when Claire visits that room in Claire B. The take-home point of this isn't the exact time of day, but that this part of the game happens during the pre-dawn hours of September 29, after Leon and Claire drive into the city at dusk on September 28. See the F.A.Q.]RE2 - Leon AIn the precinct basement, Leon meets a surviving civilian, a mysterious woman named Ada Wong. She is searching for a newspaper reporter, Ben Bertolucci, who supposedly has information on what is going on in the city and can help Ada find her boyfriend John, an Umbrella employee who disappeared months before the disaster. Leon and Ada locate Ben in the holding cells, but he refuses to talk to them until they find a way out of the precinct. Thus, the search for the sewer entrance continues, and Ada leaves Leon to try to find it herself.RE2 - Claire BMeanwhile, Claire's search takes her to the R.P.D. chief's office, where