Conundrum Circle issue 4

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Transcript of Conundrum Circle issue 4



Record reviews.Uncensored.


photo by Ryan Rose, Vancouver, BC

Dont restrict the pit. Respect the pit.

Ritual Control is a Bay Area, CA hardcore band. Their newest release is No Affinity EP on Residue Records, and it is even better than their ferocious Demo tape, in my humble opinion. Let me just say that I am thrilled to have them in my little thing here, and I want to share it. Questions by Eric HuberGreetings! Who am I talking to here, and what do you do for the mighty Ritual Control?

[ROBT]: Robert. Bass[Kat]: I'm Kat, I play guitar.[JRM]: Jeremy. Drums.[ETN] Ethan. Vocals[KEV]: Kevin. Guitar

Just to get this question out of the way: can you tell us about your other bands?

[ROBT]: I currently play in CONQUEST FOR DEATH and NO STATIK, though both of those bands face difficult geographical situations and are only sporadically active.[Kat]: I played guitar in Effluxus. Currently writing lyrics for another project with Kevin that may or may not happen.[JRM] Current drummer of: CONDITION, SCALPED, FAILURE RITES, and also trying guitar in a new un-named project.[ETN] I do vocals for Torso[KEV}:I also play guitar in PROVOS, and have a couple other endeavors which are in the embryonic stage.

photo by Richs Boy, San Francisco, CA

What is your opinion of what your musical genre is, for the nerdy among us? You can be as specific or general as you wish. I hear like 5 different cores in the sound, but you still sound distinct.

[ROBT]: I think we play hardcore (is that one of the "cores" you were thinking of?). I mean, you can dissect it if you want, but that's the job of reviewers (and interviewers) more than the people who actually make the sounds, right?[Kat]: It's easily categorized as hardcore punk. We all listen to a ton of different shit across a broad spectrum of musical genres, punk and beyond, and we don't confine our sound to one or two specific styles. The newer stuff we're doing is much heavier than the demo material, with huge crust and metal influences. I'm happy with it.[JRM] I would say some sort of hardcore. with heavy Swedish d-beat influence. I hope that nobody can ever nail us to just one "core".[ETN] Heavy. There are various influence that I think all can be heard pretty clearly. I don't do much in the way of song writing but I like it.[KEV]: Postmodern Scandinavian-influenced potpourri core.

Is playing fast and loud music therapeutic for you? I specifically like to shred out There is no Mystery on my guitar.

[ROBT]: Beyond therapy. The loud and fast is more than the point, it's the very vehicle that gets me to the point...but I'm verging on the philosophical and esoteric here...[Kat]: Yes, very much so. Except when my hand cramps up, that blows. Remember to stretch, kids.[JRM] Playing music gives me something to look forward too. Take that as you wish.[ETN] aw my favorite song! I like being allowed to just yell loud and fastat people. No other aspect of my life really has space for that.[KEV]: I guess its therapeutic in the sense that when Im practicing or playing I dont have to think about other things, which is a welcome relief.

photo by Richs Boy, San Francisco, CA

Im not being fake when I say this, but Ethans vocals are top-of-the-heap when it comes to current hardcore. I never heard anyone roar like that. Two questions: Any reverb or effects on the vocals? Ever take screaming lessons?

[ETN] There are some effects on the recordings. Just a little reverb. I have never had screaming lessons but I highly recommend looking up Chester Bennington's(Of Linkin Park fame) screaming lessons on Very inspirational.Are moshing and stage diving disrespectful to the rest of the audience, or are they a good way to get a party going? I guess I am not sure how I feel.

[ROBT]: It's a time and place thing, I feel. Sometimes getting wild is fukkn perfect and everyone talks about how sick the action was at the show, and other times all anyone can remember is what a total asshat that one shitty dude was and how he bummed out the whole show. I don't think it takes a genius to act appropriately...but it would seem that it does sometimes take someone who is not a complete moron. Finding a social setting (much less a hardcore show) that is devoid of complete morons can be rather difficult.[Kat]: There is certainly an etiquette to moshing and the pit in general. I know people who can mosh hard and still manage to let people have their space. There is also a huge difference between people moshing into you while shifting directions and being totally blindsided by some lone oblivious jerk.[JRM] Moshing etc is good. Playing to a crowd of people who just stand there is a drag. Some people can pit with style and some cant. I myself dontindulge, but would never want to restrict someone from getting down. As with everything in life, you will have to deal with people acting like shit. Dont restrict the pit. Respect the pit.[ETN] I am very passionate about the mosh. I like when there is movement so I don't have to just look at a bunch of people that are looking at me. I am not, however, into some freaky push mosher throwing their cheap ass beer on me and everyone else.[KEV]: Moshing is cool especially the helicopter style maneuver seen in such legendary pits as CROWN OF THORNZ @ TIH 2012, but people should try to adhere to the notion that You are how you mosh. If you mosh like an asshole, youre probably an asshole. Conversely, if you go off with positive energy and flair, youre probably a tight human.

Photo by Ryan Rose, Vancouver, BCI really like the lyrics for the No Affinity EP. Do any of you write anything else, like zines or books?

[ETN] I have never written anything before that was for the public eye. Those lyrics are the first thing I've released. But maybe I'll start writing zines someday. Who knows.

What bands would you recommend from today that we might not know about?

[ROBT]: WAX IDOLS (LA), TEST (Brazil), SUFFERING QUOTA (Belgium), SELF COMMUNION (Minnesota), OXYGEN DESTROYER (San Francisco), PURE GROUND (LA), URUTU (Brazil), CTRRO (Brazil), UN FINAL FATAL (Puerto Rico), D.E.R. (Brazil)[Kat]: Blood Pressure and No Time from Pittsburgh. In School from NYC. Mongoloid from Portland. Savageheads from Boston. Permanent Ruin from San Jose.[JRM] Bricklayer (Seattle), Blazing Eye (LA), Mercenary (ATL), Acid Wash (PDX), Ajax (NY), Back to Back (Houston), The New Flesh (Oakland), Sterilized (Olympia), Vexx (Olympia), Nervous Trend (Australia), Thin Lizzy, Bolt Thrower, (early) Sepultura, (early) Entombed. Hard for me to think of all the sick bands right now, there are plenty tho. [ETN] I have a lot of the same interests as my associates as far as music goes, but seriously IN SCHOOL, No Time, Ajax, Vexx, Permenant Ruin, Blazing Eye, Condition, S.H.I.T., Hounds of Hate.Lots of good stuff.[KEV]: FORCED ORDER (SoCal), FURY (SoCal), ZETU (Japan), ARCHAIC (Spain), NIGHT SINS (Philly), SEX SNOBS (OKC), BISHOPS GREEN (Canada)

Going on tour anytime soon (or now)?

[ROBT]: There will sure be something else this year...won't there?[Kat]: Hopefully in the Fall or Winter.[JRM] Im for it.[ETN] no plans this instant but I would appreciate touring.[KEV]: Hopefully we can tour Cuba and North Korea with LIFE OF AGONY soon. [ALL] Thanks for the interview.

REVIEWSAll reviews by Eric Huber, [email protected]


I saw them play a set in their hometown in DC. It was really interesting. I thought the singer ranting over noisy band was improv, but that is how they write their songs, I find out as I listen to EP. This is not insult. The first song is two chords for the most part, besides the riff later in the song. Still, I cant hate, it works well. Its catchy and unique, especially if you call it hardcore. Second track follows similar formula, but faster and crazier drum shit. I think they sound like Riot Grrrl band? Would like to hear more and see more. The lyrics are minimal but also pretty damn catchy and cool. More artsy and minimal than most hardcore, but it packs a different kind of punch. Into it, listen to it lots. If you dont like this, maybe we are on different pages of life.

(SISTER POLYGON RECORDS, review by Eric Huber)


I saw these guys too. Twice. Both times in DC. Also their hometown. They are so unique. Drummer Amanda Huron only plays with three piece kitsnare, kick and hi hat. She is also in Weed Tree, who fuckin cancelled their Winchester appearance. Mike Andre and Justin Moyer, 2/3 of Dischord band Antelope, are the rest of this trio. Good side A. Excellent pair of songs. Love that bass and thump and minimal shit. Side B starts with a faster jam, more busy guitar work from Justin than on the other tracks. Po fuckin go. The last track, gimme some, is incredible. Tops this shit off. You cant go wrong with this single. Nate has it at Chester/Hopscotch, you locals.

(LOVITT RECORDS, review by Eric Huber)


Gotta play this one loud. Brain Flannel play fast punk (hardcore?) with kinda sung (not screamed), kinda spoken, dual vocals. Elises voice is badass though with this band. Plus the band shred ass and have a unique sound. Some might say every song sounds the same, but I dont really see that as a bad thing. Drums are incredibly executed, detailed, etc. Guitar and bass are on point, muddy as all fuck, mainly power chords, it seems, but there are some major and minor thirds (I believe they are called barre chords, Eric). One thing is sure, is that this record evades description. I dont think this will be a classic, but it definitely tides me over until the next masterpiece from the awesome labels that put this out. I mean, I think in the end this record serves more as adrenaline drug than music, which is mostly what I look for in records. The vocals are mixed down (perhaps intentionally), so it is hard to distinguish one song from another. The art on here kicks ass, in my opinion.



Bands from the 80s contribute one track each to a compilation. Sound awful? Thats not the whole story. This music must have been extra awesome in the 80s cuz it sounds awesome to me now. I have never heard of any of these bands. I guess thats the point, and there are synth heavy tracks as well as guitar lead ridden numbers. I still dont know what deathrock is, but somehow all the tracks on here flow into one another, seem to have something in common, and are good as fuck. One crazy thing I noticed is that this comp sounds like a better version of Urgh! A Music War soundtrack, which came at the start of the deadly decade that is the 80s. Oh, and another crazy thing I noticedpost-punk, as it were, has not, to my knowledge, gotten any better since this period of time. I think we all know by now that the best post-punk came before the sound we now know of as punk (Ramones on speed), which is like crazy silly use of prefix post. I realize that none of the above statements were objective, so take it or leave it.

(SACRED BONES RECORDS, review by Eric Huber)


I feel like this is less fast or hard or something than Birth Right 7, the other record Ive heard by them. This is fine, cuz title track, track one, has a really neat riff, simple too. The drum part may be hard, since I dont play drums. I really like that first song. Speckelos Nightmare: what does that mean? That is track 2. Im not sure I get it, I mean even the song, but I still like it. They play and sing so well, which is why they can get away with doing covers. These riffs are cool, they just seem less heavy and hardcore-like than Birth Right. Maybe they are going for a surf theme, not sure. In short, song two is not that memorable. Side B starts off with a song I am too lazy to type the name of right now. It is sick and continues the surf theme. I mean, to excess. Is the chorus thing--surfer hang ten repeated three times and then again after the two verses and choruses really subtle anymore? The Go-Gos cover that closes side B, Lust to Love, is a welcome and well done tribute, in my opinion, but it slows down the album. I like this enough to buy the upcoming LP though. They have a cool and exciting sound, just not sure if I like this album as much as other NB I have heard.

(DIRTNAP, review by Eric Huber)


If you dont like the first song on herePublic DefenderI question you. Henrys wrath is more apparent on this album than I heard in Black Flag. Maybe not Damaged. These lyrics are all legit (and easy to hear), simple riffs, fast enough for me. I dont know if I can discern any worthwhile differences between this EP and the No Policy EP by them (which you can get on Dischords Four Old Seven Inches on a Twelve Inch compilation). They dont have all the technological advantages and range of influences that bands of today have, so their sound is not as heavy, but it makes up for it in its raw energy and even anger at times. Cool packaging too.

(DISCHORD RECORDS, review by Eric Huber)


Nice. Intro builds into fast part. This is a fun record with formulaic or should I say systematic or should I say well-written lines. I mean one fans trash is anothers treasure, and this one is hard to not like. In hardcore, formulaic interval choices are okay, since it is mostly about delivery. Like, hard-hitting or moshable. This album fits both of those descriptions for a long time, until it gets even more of both near the end of side one (I cant keep up with what track is on in this record, sorry). I think it is the second to last song. And then the next one has a sludgy intro and verse. Rippers. And the vocals are interesting (albeit not super-brutal), and I mean that as a compliment. Side one is over. They are from Poland. Im flipping it hold on. Oh wow, cool riff at the start of this side, into fast pace verse. I want to start headbanging and stop typing, but I got you. Oh man, this rips. I think what sets it apart is the songs are not too long, so if you think youve got it figured out, it changes into something different that is catchy as well. And they sound a little like the Sickoids. There is variety of riffage in both bands. I feel like the vocals are high pitched sometimes in Government Flu. However, there is so much variety of vocals, from one person, that it never really gets in the way. There really is no instrumental self-indulgence either on here, say like on Sectarian Violence LP Upward Hostility, the breakdown goes on a little too long in my opinion (not that it doesnt rock). It gets worse than SV though, who I generally like. There are bands that are known for how technical they are, like using there songs to mask their personality, which is another form of instrumental self-indulgence. Anyway sick album GF.

(REFUSE RECORDS, review by Eric Huber)