Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss...

Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification Arun Kumar, 1 Judith Perlwitz, 2 Jon Eischeid, 2 Xiaowei Quan, 2 Taiyi Xu, 2 Tao Zhang, 2 Martin Hoerling, 2 Bhaskar Jha, 1 and Wanqui Wang 2 Received 6 August 2010; revised 31 August 2010; accepted 2 September 2010; published 3 November 2010. [ 1 ] Atmospheric climate models are subjected to the observed sea ice conditions during 2007 to estimate the regionality, seasonality, and vertical pattern of temperature responses to recent Arctic sea ice loss. It is shown that anomalous sea ice conditions accounted for virtually all of the estimated Arctic amplification in surface based warming over the Arctic Ocean, and furthermore they accounted for a large fraction of Arctic amplification occurring over the highlatitude land between 60°N and the Arctic Ocean. Sea ice loss did not appreciably contribute to observed 2007 land temperature warmth equatorward of 60°N. Likewise, the observed warming of the free atmosphere attributable to sea ice loss is confined to Arctic latitudes, and is vertically confined to the lowest 1000 m. The results further highlight a strong seasonality of the temperature response to the 2007 sea ice loss. A weak signal of Arctic amplification in surface based warming is found during boreal summer, whereas a dramatically stronger signal is shown to develop during early autumn that persisted through December even as sea ice coverage approached its climatological values in response to the polar night. Citation: Kumar, A., J. Perlwitz, J. Eischeid, X. Quan, T. Xu, T. Zhang, M. Hoerling, B. Jha, and W. Wang (2010), Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L21701, doi:10.1029/2010GL045022. 1. Introduction [2] The 2007 annual temperatures averaged over land areas poleward of 60°N were the warmest in the instrumental record since 1875 [Bekryaev et al., 2010]. The retreat of Arctic sea ice was also unprecedented, with the September 2007 annual minimum sea ice extent eclipsing the previous observational record low [Stroeve et al., 2008]. Such extreme climatecryospheric conditions were not isolated episodes, in so far as they link to trends of accelerating warming over the northern polar land area [e.g., Lawrence et al., 2008; Bekryaev et al., 2010] and to accelerating sea ice loss during the last decade [e.g., Stroeve et al., 2007; Deser and Teng, 2008]. [3] The debate on whether and when Arctic amplification of nearsurface air temperature rise would emerge was posed as an open question based on temperature data through the end of the 20 th Century [Serreze and Francis, 2006]. The subsequent decade of observational [Bekryaev et al., 2010] and model based reanalysis products [Screen and Simmonds, 2010] in the new millennium has con- firmed the existence of a strong Arctic amplification. Annual land temperatures poleward of 60°N during 19792008 have risen at twice the rate of the Northern Hemisphere value [Bekryaev et al., 2010], and the surface amplification of warming trends is seen in all seasons except boreal summer [Screen and Simmonds, 2010]. [4] This study estimates the impact of observed Arctic sea ice loss on recent climate condition by identifying the sen- sitivity of surface and free atmospheric temperatures to the sea ice anomalies of 2007. In addressing recent, actual conditions, this study is distinct from Deser et al. [2010] who examined sea ice impacts on potential conditions at the end of the 21st century. The approach involves atmo- spheric general circulation models (AGCMs) subjected to the observed monthly variations of sea ice and sea surface temperature (SST) conditions, methods similar to those employed in previous studies of sea ice impacts on climate [e.g., Alexander et al., 2004; Deser et al., 2004]. 2. Data and Model Simulations 2.1. Observations [5] To obtain the best estimate of the nearsurface tem- perature change north of 50°N, we blend three observational data sets without obvious discontinuities: the U.K. Hadley Centers HadCRUT3v [Brohan et al., 2006], the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Land/ Sea Merged Temperatures [Smith and Reynolds, 2005], and the NCEP/NCARR1 reanalysis [Kalnay et al., 1996]. All data are spatially interpolated to a common T63 model grid. The data are merged as follows: the NOAA and CRU tem- perature fields are averaged for land regions 50°N60°N; the NOAA, CRU and reanalysis data are averaged between 60°N70°N. Temperatures north of 70°N, which mainly consists of the Arctic Ocean domain, are based on reanalysis. We also present latitudeheight sections of air temperatures that are based on NCEP/NCARR1 reanalysis. The reference period for anomalies is 19712000. Serreze et al. [2009] noticed several shortcomings and errors of the NCEP/ NCARR1 related to sea ice treatment. Therefore, our anal- ysis over land area relies as much as possible on observations and not on the NCEP/NCARR1. 2.2. Models [6] We utilize three atmospheric general circulation mod- els: NCAR Community Climate Model: CCM3 [Kiehl et al., 1998]; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Atmo- spheric Model Version 2.1 (GFDL AM2.1) [Delworth et al., 2006] and a version of the National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) used as atmospheric model component in the NCEP Climate Fore- cast System [Saha et al., 2006]. The lower boundary SST and sea ice is based on the merged HadleyOIv2 SST and sea 1 NCEP, NOAA, Camp Springs, Maryland, USA. 2 ESRL, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union. 00948276/10/2010GL045022 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 37, L21701, doi:10.1029/2010GL045022, 2010 L21701 1 of 6

Transcript of Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss...

Page 1: Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification Arun Kumar,1 Judith Perlwitz,2 Jon Eischeid,2 Xiaowei Quan,2

Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification

Arun Kumar,1 Judith Perlwitz,2 Jon Eischeid,2 Xiaowei Quan,2 Taiyi Xu,2 Tao Zhang,2

Martin Hoerling,2 Bhaskar Jha,1 and Wanqui Wang2

Received 6 August 2010; revised 31 August 2010; accepted 2 September 2010; published 3 November 2010.

[1] Atmospheric climate models are subjected to theobserved sea ice conditions during 2007 to estimate theregionality, seasonality, and vertical pattern of temperatureresponses to recent Arctic sea ice loss. It is shown thatanomalous sea ice conditions accounted for virtually all ofthe estimated Arctic amplification in surface‐basedwarming over the Arctic Ocean, and furthermore theyaccounted for a large fraction of Arctic amplificationoccurring over the high‐latitude land between 60°N and theArctic Ocean. Sea ice loss did not appreciably contribute toobserved 2007 land temperature warmth equatorward of60°N. Likewise, the observed warming of the freeatmosphere attributable to sea ice loss is confined to Arcticlatitudes, and is vertically confined to the lowest 1000 m.The results further highlight a strong seasonality of thetemperature response to the 2007 sea ice loss. A weaksignal of Arctic amplification in surface based warming isfound during boreal summer, whereas a dramaticallystronger signal is shown to develop during early autumnthat persisted through December even as sea ice coverageapproached its climatological values in response to thepolar night. Citation: Kumar, A., J. Perlwitz, J. Eischeid,X. Quan, T. Xu, T. Zhang, M. Hoerling, B. Jha, and W. Wang(2010), Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification,Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L21701, doi:10.1029/2010GL045022.

1. Introduction

[2] The 2007 annual temperatures averaged over landareas poleward of 60°N were the warmest in the instrumentalrecord since 1875 [Bekryaev et al., 2010]. The retreat ofArctic sea ice was also unprecedented, with the September2007 annual minimum sea ice extent eclipsing the previousobservational record low [Stroeve et al., 2008]. Such extremeclimate‐cryospheric conditions were not isolated episodes, inso far as they link to trends of accelerating warming over thenorthern polar land area [e.g., Lawrence et al., 2008;Bekryaev et al., 2010] and to accelerating sea ice loss duringthe last decade [e.g., Stroeve et al., 2007; Deser and Teng,2008].[3] The debate on whether and when Arctic amplification

of near‐surface air temperature rise would emerge wasposed as an open question based on temperature datathrough the end of the 20th Century [Serreze and Francis,2006]. The subsequent decade of observational [Bekryaevet al., 2010] and model based reanalysis products [Screenand Simmonds, 2010] in the new millennium has con-

firmed the existence of a strong Arctic amplification. Annualland temperatures poleward of 60°N during 1979–2008 haverisen at twice the rate of the Northern Hemisphere value[Bekryaev et al., 2010], and the surface amplification ofwarming trends is seen in all seasons except boreal summer[Screen and Simmonds, 2010].[4] This study estimates the impact of observed Arctic sea

ice loss on recent climate condition by identifying the sen-sitivity of surface and free atmospheric temperatures to thesea ice anomalies of 2007. In addressing recent, actualconditions, this study is distinct from Deser et al. [2010]who examined sea ice impacts on potential conditions atthe end of the 21st century. The approach involves atmo-spheric general circulation models (AGCMs) subjected tothe observed monthly variations of sea ice and sea surfacetemperature (SST) conditions, methods similar to thoseemployed in previous studies of sea ice impacts on climate[e.g., Alexander et al., 2004; Deser et al., 2004].

2. Data and Model Simulations

2.1. Observations

[5] To obtain the best estimate of the near‐surface tem-perature change north of 50°N, we blend three observationaldata sets without obvious discontinuities: the U.K. HadleyCenter’s HadCRUT3v [Brohan et al., 2006], the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Land/Sea Merged Temperatures [Smith and Reynolds, 2005], andthe NCEP/NCAR‐R1 reanalysis [Kalnay et al., 1996]. Alldata are spatially interpolated to a common T63 model grid.The data are merged as follows: the NOAA and CRU tem-perature fields are averaged for land regions 50°N–60°N; theNOAA, CRU and reanalysis data are averaged between60°N–70°N. Temperatures north of 70°N, which mainlyconsists of the Arctic Ocean domain, are based on reanalysis.We also present latitude‐height sections of air temperaturesthat are based on NCEP/NCAR‐R1 reanalysis. The referenceperiod for anomalies is 1971–2000. Serreze et al. [2009]noticed several shortcomings and errors of the NCEP/NCAR‐R1 related to sea ice treatment. Therefore, our anal-ysis over land area relies as much as possible on observationsand not on the NCEP/NCAR‐R1.

2.2. Models

[6] We utilize three atmospheric general circulation mod-els: NCAR Community Climate Model: CCM3 [Kiehl et al.,1998]; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Atmo-spheric Model Version 2.1 (GFDL AM2.1) [Delworth et al.,2006] and a version of the National Centers for EnvironmentPrediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) used asatmospheric model component in the NCEP Climate Fore-cast System [Saha et al., 2006]. The lower boundary SSTand sea ice is based on the merged Hadley‐OIv2 SST and sea

1NCEP, NOAA, Camp Springs, Maryland, USA.2ESRL, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.0094‐8276/10/2010GL045022

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 37, L21701, doi:10.1029/2010GL045022, 2010

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Page 2: Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification Arun Kumar,1 Judith Perlwitz,2 Jon Eischeid,2 Xiaowei Quan,2

ice concentration. This new SST dataset takes into accountregional details for ice coverage and no longer sets SST to−1.8C when ice concentration exceeds 90% (see Hurrellet al. [2008] for details on the merging procedure). Use ofthese boundary conditions in model simulations rectifieserrors in sea ice extent noted by Serreze et al. [2009] for theNCEP/NCAR‐R1.[7] Twin parallel 50‐member ensemble simulations are

performed for each of the AGCMs. In one set, the so‐calledcontrol experiments, the monthly 2007 SSTs are specifiedwhereas the sea ice conditions are specified to be the 1971–2000 climatological seasonal cycle. In the second set, theso‐called sea ice forced experiments, we again specify the2007 SST conditions but use the observed 2007 monthlyevolving sea ice conditions. The sea ice response is inferredas the difference between the ensemble mean of the AGCMsimulations forced with the observed 2007 SST and sea iceand the ensemble mean of control experiments. Each reali-zation is begun from arbitrary atmospheric initial conditionsin October, and extends for a 15‐month period throughDecember 2007. We will discuss only the multi‐modelresponse based on the three AGCMs. We note however thatthe response is very robust among the individual models. Inour analysis we do not estimate the sensitivity to changes insea ice thickness (or to other changes in sea ice properties,e.g., optical properties, surface roughness etc.) which mayalso affect the response to some extent [Deser et al.,2010].

3. Results

[8] The climatological seasonal cycle of Arctic sea icearea is characterized by a September minimum and a Marchmaximum (Figure 1, left, blue curve). In 2007, however, theseasonal cycle exhibited far greater amplitude than normaldue to a precipitous decline in the September minimum(Figure 1, left, red curve). According to the analysis ofStroeve et al. [2008], the extent of sea ice in September2007 was 50% less than in the 1950s to 1970s prior to theonset of a long‐term decline in September Arctic sea ice.[9] The spatial pattern of sea ice conditions for both June–

August (Figure 1, middle) and September–November 2007(Figure 1, right) reveals that most of the sea ice loss

occurred along the northern Siberian and Alaskan coast(Figure 1, right). The loss accelerated with the seasonalcycle. Indeed, at the time of its minimum in September2007, the Northwest Passage from Baffin Bay towardsM’Clure Strait, connecting Atlantic to the Pacific, was open.[10] Figure 2 shows the spatial patterns of observed 2007

summer (Figure 2, top) and autumn (Figure 2, bottom)surface temperature anomalies poleward of 50°N. A strongArctic amplification of surface‐based warming is evident byautumn. Further analysis of monthly evolving surface tem-peratures over the Arctic Ocean region (not shown) revealsan abrupt emergence of warm conditions in September inconcert with the month of largest sea ice loss. And, whereasArctic Ocean sea ice extent grew in subsequent months inresponse to the polar night—causing sea ice conditions toapproach near‐normal values, very warm surface air tem-perature over the Arctic Ocean nonetheless persistedthrough December 2007.[11] It is evident that the much larger air‐sea temperature

contrasts during polar night provide for a enhanced surface‐based heat source that compensates for the gradual reductionof open Arctic Ocean waters by late autumn so as to con-tinue to warm Arctic temperatures [see also Lu and Cai,2009; Deser et al., 2010]. Consistent with this notion ofstrong heat exchange between the ocean and atmosphere,vertical cross sections of the 2007 temperature anomaliesexhibit a distinct lower troposphere warming, with an Arcticmaximum in autumn, though no such signature in summeris found (Figure 2, right). A similar seasonality and verticalstructure of Arctic amplification is described by Screen andSimmonds [2010] who analyzed observed Arctic tempera-ture trends for 1989–2008. It is also a distinctive feature ofmodel simulated responses when forced by projected Arcticsea ice loss in the late 21st Century due to anthropogenicforcing [Deser et al., 2010].[12] We next estimate the influence of Arctic sea ice

anomalies on temperature from the sea ice forced AGCMsimulations. The AGCM simulated temperature responsesare shown in Figure 3. The seasonal contrast in the ampli-tude and the spatial pattern of the surface temperatureresponse during summer (July–August) versus autumn(September–November) is similar to that seen in observa-tions–the models simulate a much weaker amplitude in the

Figure 1. Arctic sea ice area determined based on area of ocean with at least 50% sea ice concentration. (left) Seasonalcycle (blue: 1971–2000 climatology, red: 2007). Maps of (middle) Jun.–Aug. and (right) Sep.–Nov. average respectively(blue contour: 1971–2000 climatology, shaded in red: 2007 anomaly).


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Page 3: Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification Arun Kumar,1 Judith Perlwitz,2 Jon Eischeid,2 Xiaowei Quan,2

summer temperature response to sea ice loss (Figure 3, top)compared to their autumn counterpart (Figure 3, bottom).Likewise, the models also generate strong warm anomaliesover the Arctic through December 2007 that is analogous tothe observed conditions (not shown). In both seasons onecan discern a distinct latitudinal asymmetry to surfacewarming, and is likely dictated by the pattern of sea ice loss.Not surprisingly, the largest warming is concentrated overthe oceanic regions of greatest sea ice decline. And, owingto the fact that sea ice decline was most extensive along theSiberian and Alaskan sectors of the Arctic Ocean, thestrongest land temperature warming occurs over northernSiberia and northern Alaska and the Canadian NorthwestTerritory. These spatial features are also evident in theobserved pattern of temperature anomalies, althoughwarming extends into lower polar latitudes in observationsthan in the model simulations. The vertical structure of theAGCM simulated zonal mean temperature response duringsummer (Figure 3, top right) and autumn (Figure 3, bottomright) reveals that the sea ice loss impact is confined to thelowest 1000 meters above the surface. This is to be con-trasted with the observed warming pattern that stretchedthroughout much of the troposphere (see Figure 2), sug-

gesting that processes other than sea ice loss were mostlyresponsible for warming above 1000m.[13] The observed 2007 temperature anomaly could result

from multiple factors including sea ice impacts, otherboundary effects such as global SST and other land surfaceconditions, the direct radiative effect of anthropogenicgreenhouse gases (GHGs) and aerosols, and also from purelyinternal atmospheric variability. By contrast, the ensemblemean AGCM simulated anomaly in our experiments isolatesthe response to 2007 sea ice conditions only. Regarding thesimulated latitudinal pattern of the warming, it is clear that aautumn season Arctic amplification signal of sea ice loss inthe low troposphere explains most of the observed Arcticamplification, and that other processes were of secondaryimportance The abrupt poleward increase in surface and lowtropospheric warmth occurring in observations and ensemblemodel responses indicates that the recent Arctic amplifica-tion is very likely the result of sea ice loss.[14] The large ensemble of experiments conducted for

2007 facilitates an estimate of internal atmospheric vari-ability, thereby addressing the question whether the recentArctic amplification could be reconciled with randomatmospheric processes. Figure 4 presents the full probability

Figure 2. (left) Maps of observed near surface temperature anomalies and (right) latitude‐height sections of zonal mean airtemperature anomalies based on the NCEP/NCAR‐R1 reanalysis for (top) 2007 Jun.–Aug. average and (bottom) 2007 Sep.–Nov. average. The year 2007 anomalies are calculated relative to the base period 1971 to 2000.


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Page 4: Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification · 2019-04-24 · Contribution of sea ice loss to Arctic amplification Arun Kumar,1 Judith Perlwitz,2 Jon Eischeid,2 Xiaowei Quan,2

Figure 4. Probability Distribution Functions of simulated near surface temperature response averaged (i.e., area‐weightedover grid points) over Arctic Ocean north of 60°N (red), over land north of 60°N (orange), and land area between 50 and60°N (black). (left) Jun.–Aug. 2007. (right) Sep.–Nov. 2007. Numbers in the legend indicate signal to noise ration of theresponse. The dots in similar colors indicate anomalies from the blended surface temperature data set averaged over the gridpoints for the different regions.

Figure 3. Same as in Figure 2 but for simulated temperature response.


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distribution function (PDF) of seasonal temperatures that areconstructed from the individual 150‐member realizations.Since each ensemble member was subjected to identicalboundary forcings, the spread of the PDFs is an indication ofefficacy of internally generated atmospheric variability, andthe ratio of the ensemble mean anomaly (i.e., PDF meanshift) to the noise (i.e., PDF spread) estimates the signal‐to‐noise ratio. Table 1 summarizes these statistical propertiesfor summer and autumn, and the plotted numbers in Figure 4(inset) are the signal‐to‐noise ratios for various sub‐regionsincluding all Arctic Ocean points poleward of 65°N (redcurve), all land points between 50°–60°N (black curve), andArctic high‐latitude land (all land points between 60°N to90°N (orange curve). For comparison, area‐averagedobserved surface temperature anomalies are also shown asdots above each PDF.[15] Figure 4 clearly indicates that anomalous sea ice

conditions accounted for virtually all of the observed Arcticamplification in surface‐based warmth over the ArcticOcean. The signal‐to‐noise ratio of 3.8 in summer and 6.6 inwinter indicates the high detectability of this warming sig-nal, and indicates that the observed autumn 2007 warmingover the Arctic Ocean of about +4°C was very unlikely dueto atmospheric noise. Over the high‐latitude land region(north of 60°N) during autumn, the signal of warminginduced remotely by the Arctic sea ice loss is nearly twicethe standard deviation of temperature fluctuations that couldarise from atmospheric variability only, suggesting that theobserved high‐latitude land warming of about +2°C wasstrongly influenced by the remote sea ice conditions. Bycontrast, the observed warming in sub‐Arctic land regionsbetween 50°–60°N of about +1°C in both summer andautumn are inconsistent with a remote impact of Arctic seaice loss alone, although it is within the envelope of realiz-able outcomes associated with atmospheric variability.

4. Concluding Remarks

[16] Our study is the first attempt to estimate the strength,spatial structure and seasonality of observed sea ice loss onrecent climate conditions. In using a modeling approach,this study clarifies the interpretation of the sea ice role inobserved arctic amplification. Previously, this could onlybe speculated upon from the various empirical studies. Wefound that an extreme Arctic sea ice loss in 2007 has aspatially confined temperature response which is limited tothe region north of 60°N and to the lowermost atmosphere,and which is most pronounced during autumn and earlywinter. The spatial structure of Arctic amplification due tosea ice loss is strongly determined by the specific spatialstructure of sea ice loss pattern itself.

[17] The observed 2007 sea ice loss is part of a longer‐term downward trend. Furthermore, the observed changes inArctic sea ice extent and thickness are consistent with anincrease in anthropogenic GHGs and aerosols, althoughobserved changes are occurring faster that predicted byclimate models [Serreze et al., 2007]. The study by Wangand Overland [2009] reveals that the Arctic sea ice anom-aly pattern which is projected to occur in response toincreased GHG concentrations over the next several decadesis similar to the observed anomaly structure in 2007. Theimplication is that the spatial pattern of surface temperatureresponse to recent Arctic sea ice loss may be symptomatic ofthe response patterns anticipated from anthropogenic forc-ing. Nonetheless, given that sea ice conditions are alsosensitive to the influence of natural fluctuations (forinstance, ocean heat transports, the variability in the Beau-fort gyre etc.) an open question is how the spatial pattern ofhigh latitude temperature anomalies would change if thepattern of sea ice loss itself changed.[18] The results reveal that consideration of sea ice loss is

an important factor in the attribution of recent climate var-iability and trends in the Arctic region, and are consistentwith the emerging view of the role of the sea ice on the highlatitude atmospheric circulation variability [Francis et al.,2009]. Our study focused solely on the direct impact ofsea ice loss on the magnitude of Arctic warming and itsspatial extent, and confirms that it is the principal factorresponsible for Arctic amplification of warming trends. Ourstudy does not address the role of other changes in the cli-mate system that are evolving in response to increasedgreenhouse gases including changes due to the direct radi-ative impact of the GHG forcing, and associated GHG‐forced changes in sea surface temperature and atmosphericcirculation that can affect high latitude temperatures. It isevident from the critical role of sea ice that initialization ofsea ice conditions will be central toward advancingimproved predictions of annual to decadal climate condi-tions in the Arctic.

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Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of Area Averaged NearSurface Air Temperature Responses (°C) to 2007 Arctic Sea IceLoss Based on 150 Ensemble Members for Summer (June–August)and Autumn (September–November)

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(>60°N) Land 50°N–60°N

Summer 0.8 ± 0.21 0.4 ± 0.50 0.05 ± 0.60Autumn 4.1 ± 0.62 1.3 ± 0.77 0.2 ± 0.91


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J. Eischeid, M. Hoerling, J. Perlwitz, X. Quan, T. Xu, and T. Zhang,ESRL, NOAA, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA.B. Jha, A. Kumar, and W. Wang, NCEP, NOAA, 5200 Auth Rd., Camp

Springs, MD 20746, USA. ([email protected])


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