Contribution of French Royal Academy of Science on the...

- 585 - 대한지리학회지 제49권 제4호 2014(585~600) 프랑스 왕실 과학원이 18세기 유럽의 중국지도제작에 미친 영향 정인철* Contribution of French Royal Academy of Science on the European Mapping of China in the Eighteenth Century In-Chul Jung* 요약 : 이 연구의 목적은 프랑스 왕실 과학원이 18세기의 유럽의 중국지도 제작에 미친 영향을 살펴보는 것이 다. 이를 위해 먼저 1685년 루이 14세가 예수회 선교사를 왕실수학자로 임명하여 중국에 파견한 역사적 배경을 살펴보았는데, 세계 지도 제작을 위한 지리좌표 측정이 선교사 파견 원인임을 확인하였다. 둘째, 카시니는 선 교사들에게 경도측량법을 전수하였고, 선교사들은 과학원의 통신회원으로 활동하며, 과학원에 탐사결과를 보 고하였다. 셋째, 선교사들의 초반 관측 기록은 중국의 전반적인 지도를 수정할 정도로는 충분하지 않았다. 그 렇지만 1700년 이후의 지도에서는 프톨레마이오스의 전통에서 벗어나서 베이징의 좌표를 이전에 비해 약 20° 정도 서쪽으로 이동시켜 지도상에서 중국의 너비의 폭을 축소하였다. 넷째, 파견된 선교사들이 참여하여 제작 한 『황여전람도』는 프랑스로 전달되었으며, 당빌에 의해 『신중국지도첩』으로 제작되었다. 그리고 이 지도는 이 100년이 넘게 유럽의 중국 표준지도로 사용되었다. 주요어 : 루이 14세, 프랑스 과학원, 카시니, 강희제, 『황여전람도』, 당빌 Abstract : The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of the French Royal Academy of Science on the European mapping of China in the eighteenth century. For this, the historical background of French Jesuits mission of mathematicians sent to China by Louis XIV in 1685 was examined. It was found that making astronomical observations for the determination of Chinese geographic coordinates was one important reason of the French Jesuit mission. Secondly, Cassini instructed the longitude determination method to the missionaries and they reported their survey results to the Academy as correspondence member. Thirdly, the cartographic materials they accumulated in the first state were not sufficient to change the map of China. But after 1700, the map of China was broken with the Ptolemaic tradition and the longitude of Peking was moved westward about 20°. This reduced the width of China. Fourthly, the French Jesuit contributed to the making of Huangyu quanlan tu. The manuscipt was sent to France and it was published in d’Anvill’s atlas. And his map was used as a standard map of China for more than 100 years. Key Words : Louis XIV, French Royal Academy of Science, Jean Dominique Cassini, Kangxi emperor, Huangyu quanlan tu, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville *부산대학교 사범대학 지리교육과 교수(Professor, Dept. of Geography Education, College of Education, Pusan National Univer- sity),

Transcript of Contribution of French Royal Academy of Science on the...

49-406.indd 18
Contribution of French Royal Academy of Science on the European Mapping of China in the Eighteenth Century
In-Chul Jung*
: 18
. 1685 14
, . ,
, ,
. , .
1700 20°
. ,
, .
100 .
: 14, , , , ,
Abstract : The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of the French Royal Academy of Science on the European mapping of China in the eighteenth century. For this, the historical background of French Jesuits mission of mathematicians sent to China by Louis XIV in 1685 was examined. It was found that making astronomical observations for the determination of Chinese geographic coordinates was one important reason of the French Jesuit mission. Secondly, Cassini instructed the longitude determination method to the missionaries and they reported their survey results to the Academy as correspondence member. Thirdly, the cartographic materials they accumulated in the first state were not sufficient to change the map of China. But after 1700, the map of China was broken with the Ptolemaic tradition and the longitude of Peking was moved westward about 20°. This reduced the width of China. Fourthly, the French Jesuit contributed to the making of Huangyu quanlan tu. The manuscipt was sent to France and it was published in d’Anvill’s atlas. And his map was used as a standard map of China for more than 100 years.
Key Words : Louis XIV, French Royal Academy of Science, Jean Dominique Cassini, Kangxi emperor, Huangyu quanlan tu, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville
* (Professor, Dept. of Geography Education, College of Education, Pusan National Univer- sity), [email protected]
- 586 -

( )

, 19

de Corée) , 1848
Malte-Brun) (Carte de la Corée)


, 2011; , 2006; Bernard, 1935; Elman,

, 14




(Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville)
(Nouvelle Atlas de la Chine)

. 1708

. 1645 (Alvaro de Semedo)
(Imperio de la China), 1654
(Martini Martino) (De Bello Tartarico
Historia) , 1655
- 587 -
(Novus Atlas Sinensis)
(Joan Blaeu) (Atlas Major)
. (Athanasius Kircher)
(China monumentis) 1670

(Greslon, 1671).
(Dew, 2009).

(, 2009).
1650 15

(, 2011).
(Fednand Verbiest, )
(Paul Oliva)


(, 2004).1)

(, 2010).


(Harris, 2005). 1666 (Académie
des Science) .2)


. (Isaac Newton)

(Ignace Gaston Pardies) 1671
(Elémens de géométrie)

, , ,



1669 (Jean-Dominique

. 1678
9 1:86,400 .
, 1682

(, 2006).



(Hostellier, 2007).
- 588 -




(Jean de Fontaney; )

, .

(Fontaney, 1707).





(Hostetler, 2007).

1680 1681


. 1681
12 20 (In-
struction générale pour les observations géographiques
à faire dans les voyages)

1683 2
(Philippe Couplet,
) 1684 9 14 ,


. , ,
, , , , , ,

(Huard and Wong, 1966).
(Guy Tachard), (Joachim Bouvet; )
- 589 -
(Claude de Visdelou; )
. 1684 12,

(Louis Le Comte; ) (Jean-Francois
Gerbillon; ) 1685
. ,

(Notre Mathématicien)



(Tachard, 1686).
, ,
7) ,
(Hsia, 2009).

1687 11 8

(Han Qi,


. ,



(omas Gouye) .

(Brest) .


1688 2 .

(Tome Pereira) ,


(Landry-Deron, 2001).



- 590 -

(Treutlein, 1941).



(Landry-Deron, 2001).




39°53′ (Gouye, 1692).8)



1668 9 27

4°31′24″ .

39°58′ 39°59′
(Gouye, 1692).




() .
1689 9 12 7

7 45 58
22°30′ 139°
( 18°) (
22°30′ .

(Chongming, )

. 8 10 24
- 591 -
. , 1699
3 4 .

(Rozier, 1775, 116). 1699

. ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
9 .

. 145°28′
140°16′15″ (Académie des Sciences,
1699, 82-86, 741-875).10)

(Sera metropolis)11)
177°15′, 38°35′ (Steven-
son, 1991).

160° 170°
(Jodocus Hondius) 1611
(Novissima ac exactissima totius orbis terrarum de-
scriptio magna) (Frederic de Wit) 1661
(Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula)
160° . (Jan
Jansson) 1658 (Imperii Sinarum)
(Nicolas Sanson) 1652 (L’Asie)
172° .

(Matteo Ricci) (Michele

1655 (Alvarez de Semedo)
(Relatione della grande monarchia della Cina,
1643) 1655 (An Exact Mapp
of China, being faithfully Copied from one brought
from Peking by a Father Lately resident in that City)
40°25′, 129°
19 .

40° 145°
( 1).13)
(Philippe Couplet) (Michael Boym)
, 41°,
144° , 40°,
134° (Szczesniak, 1953).


(Nicolas Sanson).
- 592 -

(Szczesniak, 1956). 1650
. 1670
(Abbrégé de la Carte
de la Chine du R. P. Bouyn Iesuiste)
134° .
de la Carte de la Chine du R. P. Martinus Iesuiste)14)
145° . 1683
(Royaume de la Chine)
160° .

50 (
·, 2011),
. ‘Serica’ ‘Sinae’

40°~43° ,
130° 160°


, 1699

39°54′, 136°46′30″(
. 22°3′.
29°56′, 141°18′
(Vincenzo Maria Coronelli) 1683
14 3.8
. 2
(Globe Gores) 1693
41°, 160°
(Guillaume Delisle) 1700
(L’Asie dressée sur les
observations de l’Académie royale des sciences).

40° 133.5°
( 3).15) 1705
(Carte des Indes et de la Chine)

.16) (Jean-Baptist Nolin)
1708 (Le
Globe terrestre representé en deux plans-hemispheres)
39.5°, 132°
( 4).
. 1730
(Mappemonde ou globe terrestre
en deux plans-hémisphéres dressés sur les observations
de MM. de l’Académie royale des sciences)
(Emanuel Bowen)


1. 1655
2. 1693
: 3. 1700

. 1729
(Etienne Souciet)
. 120
(Souciet, 1729).17)


37°30′15″, 10°30′(
) (Souciet, 1729,
. ,


(Vermander, 2012). ,

(, 2012). ,

(Souciet, 1729).


(Needham, 1959).
(Antoine Gaubil)
(Dominique Parrenin)
() 1686
, 1689

. 1699

(Joseph Henri Marie de Prémare), (Jean-
Baptiste Régis), (Dominique Parrenin)
. 1
4. 1708
, (Pierre Jartoux)
(Xavier Fridelli),
(Francine Cardoso),
(Romain Hinderer), (Joseph
(Guillaume Fabre Bonjour) (Du
Halde, 1735).

(Bernard, 1935).

. 1715 8
9 ,
7 . 6
(Bernard, 1935).20)

, ,

(Brucker, 1881).
1:40 1:50.
1718 .

(Chen, 1978).
Halde) (Description Géographique, His-
Empire de la Chine) 4 642


(Du Hald, 1735),

(Chen, 1978).
(Lettres édiantes et curieuses)

. (Jean Baptiste
Bourguignon D’Anville) (Barbie du Bo-
cage et Dacier, 1802).21)
18 , 1730
(Carte générale de la Tartarie Chinoise dressée sur
les cartes particulières faites sur les lieux par les RRPP
Jésuites) . 1735
(Nouvel Atlas de la Chine)
. 1738
, .22)
100 .23) 5 1737

- 596 -


. 1794 (Thomas
Kitchen) (the Empire of China with its
Principal Divisions)
(Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge)
1843 .
(China and the Birman Empire with parts of Cochin-
China and Siam), 1844
(John Arrowsmith) (China)

. 1842 () 1844

(Huttman, 1844).
1855 (Joseph Hutchins Colton)
(General Atlas) (China
with two insets: Harbor & Island of Amoy and Map
of Canton And Adjacent Islands)
. 1861
(The China Pilot)
(Hydrographic Office, Admiralty)
. 19



, 14 ,



5. 1737


20° .


. 18



“(Mer de Corée, Sea of Corea)”
(, 2010).
() ‘Tchian-chan-Tao’
(, 2006).



, ,








- 598 -

(Académie Royale des Sciences)
3) ‘arts’ ,

(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz) 1699

, ,

(Klostermann, 1990).
5) 1668 (Ephemeri-
des) , 1676

1679 .

(Zhesheng, 2013).
(Seringa) (Kokotan)
. .
10) 4 .
11) (Rollin, 1829).
12) (Archivio di Stato
di Roma) (
ruggieri/ruggieri.html) .
. (Pech-
eli sive peking) .
128° .
11°75′ (Mungello, 1989).
14) (Guillame Sanson)
tenelle, 1726).
18) 2 . 37° 30′ 19″, 37° 27′.
7 36
8 114° 2′.
19) 1746 60 .
. ,
(Bernard, 1935).

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, 2010, , (·
, 2003, , , ).
, 2006, “ <> ,”
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609-735, Korea (e-mail: [email protected], phone: +82-