Contrasts in Faith - Intr and Mormonism Part 1...

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Transcript of Contrasts in Faith - Intr and Mormonism Part 1...

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Why Study Other Religions?1. Christians are challenged by people of other religious beliefs when we

affirm the uniqueness and finality of the Christian Faith

2. Many argue that Christianity should be compatible with other religions and cults and that Christians should not stress the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the only way a person can know the true living God (John 14:6)

3. Christianity has had to go on the defensive, presenting its truth to combat the deviations perpetrated as historic Christian doctrine.

4. To defend the uniqueness of our faith, we must take the time to understand others’ beliefs

5. To evangelize the lost, we must understand their beliefs

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How should Christians approach the study of other religions?

1. With the presupposition that the Bible is Truth and is the final revelation of God.John 17:17 (NASB) “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth”

2. All belief systems should be tested against the Truth of the Bible2 Tim 3:16 (HCSB) “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,”

3. Law of Non-Contradiction: any belief system that contradicts the Bible is false…they both can’t be true.

4. Cautiously….Guard your heart against false teachings.

2 Tim 4:1-2 (NASB) “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, “

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5. Avoid curiosity…be intentional.

6. Focus on evangelism: How can I witness to a __________________ ?

The Great Commission

Matthew 28:1 (NIV) “…go and make disciples of all nations…”

Acts 1:8 (NIV) “...and you will be my witnesses …”

Eph. 4:25 (NASB) “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another. ”

How should Christians approach the study of other religions?

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What Will Study ?

1. History and founding

2. Place in society and culture today

3. The “Big 4”: Questions for Evaluating a belief system:

a) What does the religion claim (to know about God, Jesus, Salvation and Eternity)?

b) How does it claim to know it / what is its source of authority?

c) What is the evidence for and against it?

d) How does it explain the origin of all things?

4. Evangelism / Witnessing strategies and tactics

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The Religious & Cultural Landscape

• There is an overwhelming sentiment that all religions are “created equal”

• Christians today are viewed as intolerant

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Are Christians Commanded to Be Tolerant?• What do we mean by “tolerant”?

• Accepting? Lenient? Open-minded? Liberal?

• Tolerance is too passive

• Love says….let me reach out and help you

• We need to be easy on people, but hard on sin (false doctrines)

• The Bible commands us to “love our neighbor” and to “speak the truth in love”• Matt. 22:39 “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

• Eph. 4:14-15 “…we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; 15 but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ”

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Was Jesus “Tolerant”?

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The Mormon Church• Founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith• Church leaders are considered prophets and claim to receive NEW

revelations from God on a regular basis• Headquarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah• Over 15 million members worldwide; 6.4 million in U.S. alone• 67% of members are married; 9% divorced; 21% have >3 children• Devoted to the traditional family structure and high moral values• Over 88,000 missionaries worldwide• Net worth estimated at over $30 billion; business interests include

real estate, book company, ranch operations, insurance co. and BYU TV station.

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Well-Known Mormons

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Are Mormons True Christians?The pastor of the largest Christian church in the U.S. gives his thoughts…

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1. Denies the Trinity and the deity of Christ

2. Teaches that there is more than one God

3. Teaches that God the Father is an exalted

man with a physical body of flesh and bones

4. Teaches that human beings can become gods

5. Teaches that Jesus was born through the

physical, sexual union between God & Mary

6. Teaches that eternal life is attained by a

person’s good works, not by grace alone

Contrary to Orthodox Christianity, Mormonism: