Contract Theory, by Alex Young

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Transcript of Contract Theory, by Alex Young

  • 8/10/2019 Contract Theory, by Alex Young


    Contract Theory

    Alex Young

    December 19, 2012


    1 Preface 4

    2 Hidden Information, Screening 4

    2.1 The Simple Economics of Adverse Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    2.1.1 First-Best Outcome: Perfect Price Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Comparison of type-specific contracts with each other. . . . 6 In case its been too long since youve last done a maximiza-

    tion problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mas-Colell et al.[1995]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Just what is the single crossing condition, exactly? . . . . . 10

    2.1.2 Adverse Selection, Linear Pricing, and Simple Two-Part Tariffs . . . 10 Linear Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Single Two-Part Tariff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did you forget the envelope theorem?. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    2.1.3 Second-Best Outcome: Optimal Nonlinear Pricing Algorithm. . . . . 14 Comparison with the First Best . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    2.2 Application: Credit Rationing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


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    2.2.1 Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    2.3 A Continuum of Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    2.3.1 The Implementation Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    2.3.2 The Optimization Problems Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 How do you get the local incentive compability constraint? . 25 Doesnt that look familiar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    2.4 Application: Costly State Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    3 Hidden Information, Signaling 34

    3.1 Spences Model of Education as a Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    3.1.1 Did you forget the beer quiche game? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    3.1.2 Refinements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Cho and Kreps Intuitive Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Maskin and Tiroles Informed Principal Problem . . . . . . 45

    4 The Principal-Agent ProblemMas-Colell et al. [1995] 46

    4.1 Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    4.2 Hidden Actions (Moral Hazard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    4.2.1 The Optimal Contract when Effort is Observable . . . . . . . . . . . 48 A risk-averse owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    4.2.2 The Optimal Contract when Effort is Not Observable . . . . . . . . . 51 A risk-neutral manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 A risk-averse manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    4.2.3 Comparing the first and second-best wage contracts . . . . . . . . . . 554.2.3.1 An additional demonstration of the implications of risk aversion 55

    4.2.4 The Value of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    4.3 Linear Contracts, Exponential Utility, and Normally Distributed Performance

    (LEN)[Bolton and Dewatripont,2004] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


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    4.3.1 Did you forget the properties of the log-normal distribution? . . . . . 60

    4.4 Moral Hazard in Teams[Bolton and Dewatripont,2004]. . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    4.4.1 Unobservable Individual Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

    4.4.2 Observable Individual Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

    4.5 Combining Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

    4.5.1 Optimal Contract, Moral Hazard Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

    4.5.2 Optimal Contract, Adverse Selection Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

    4.5.3 Optimal Contract, Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection. . . . . . . . 74

    5 Applications 77

    5.1 Application:Antle and Fellingham[1995]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    5.1.1 The Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    5.1.2 Solution of Benchmark Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 How? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

    5.2 Prendergast [1993] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

    5.2.1 Simplified Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80


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    1 Preface

    These notes are mostly follow Bolton and Dewatripont [2004] andMas-Colell et al. [1995].

    Textbooks always omit steps in derivations due to space constraints. Moreover, its a good

    exercise for the reader to fill in the blanks. Since I habitually forget what I have done,

    why not keep a record of all those aha! moments I had while trodding through the tedious

    algebra? Why not comment on what the algebra means in English?

    I thank Qi Chen for his teaching, Zeqiong Huang and Thomas Steffen for studying together,

    and of course my father for many helpful Skype conversations.

    2 Hidden Information, Screening

    2.1 The Simple Economics of Adverse Selection

    Consider a transaction between a buyer and a seller, where the seller does not know the

    buyers exact valuation but sets the terms of the contract. The buyers preferences are

    represented by the utility function

    u(q , T , ) =


    P(x, ) dx T

    whereqis the number of units purchased,Tis the total amount paid to the seller, and P(x, )

    is the inverse demand curve of a buyer with preference characteristics . For tractability,

    consider the following functional form for the buyers preferences:

    u(q , T , ) =v(q) T


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    wherev(0) = 0, v(q)>0, and v (q)< 0 q. That is,

    u(0, 0, ) =v(0) 0 = 0

    u(q , T , )

    q =v (q)>0

    2u(q , T , )

    q2 =v (q)0. His profit from sellingq

    units against a sum of moneyT is given by

    = T cq

    The question is, What is the best (i.e. the profit maximizing) pair (T, q) that the seller will

    be able to induce the buyer to choose? The answer depends on the information the seller

    has on the buyers preferences. For simplification, consider the case where there are only two

    types of buyers: {L, H}, with H > L. The consumer is of typeL with probability

    [0, 1] and of type Hwith probability (1 ). The probabilitycan also be interpreted

    as the proportion of consumers of type L.


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    2.1.1 First-Best Outcome: Perfect Price Discrimination

    Suppose instead that the seller knows the buyers exact valuation. The seller can then

    treat each type of buyer separately and offer type-specific contracts, that is, (Ti, qi) for type

    i (i = H, L). Assume the buyer obtains a payoff of u if she does not take the offer. The

    seller will try to maximize his profits subject to inducing the buyer to accept the proposed



    Ti cqi

    subject to

    iv(qi) Ti u (IR)

    The constraint means that the buyer will participate only if doing so does not make him

    worse off than not participating (i.e. individual rationality). The solution to the problem is

    the contract (qi, Ti) such that

    iv(qi) =c

    iv(qi) = Ti+ u Comparison of type-specific contracts with each other We can relate the

    quantities and prices of one type to the other.

    Hv(qH) =Lv(qL)

    SinceH> L, it must be that v(qH)< v

    (qL). Since v() 0, qH> qL. It makes intuitive


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    sense that the high type will consume more than the low type. What about price?

    Hv(qH) TH=Lv(qL) TL

    Hv(qH) Lv(qL) = TH TL

    Since H > L and v(qH) > v(qL) because qH > qL and v() > 0, the left hand side is

    positive, and so is the right hand side. Therefore, TH> TL. In the first best, the seller leaves

    no rents to either buyer type. Hence, along with the higher consumption for the high type

    comes a higher price. This will play a role in the next section when the seller cannot observe

    the buyers type. We will see that the seller cannot use these bundles in such a situation to

    maximize profit. In case its been too long since youve last done a maximization problem

    To see this, first determine whether the IR constraint will hold as an equality in the optimal

    solution. The answer is yes if either the partial derivative of the profit function with

    respect to Ti or the partial derivative with respect to qi is positive, for then the optimal

    pair could not lie below the IR constraint since profit could be made greater by increasing

    whichever argument had positive marginal profit [Graham, 2005].

    Ti= 1> 0

    qi= c

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    press the constraint in terms ofTi, substitute into the profit function, and take the FOC:

    {(iv(qi) u) cqi}


    (qi) c

    = 0

    iv(qi) =c

    Thus, the seller finds it optimal to maximize his total surplus by setting a quantity such

    that marginal utility equals marginal cost, and then setting payment to appropriate the full

    surplus and leave no rent to the buyer above u. Without adverse selection, the total profit

    of the seller is thus

    (TL cqL) + (1 )(TH cqH) Mas-Colell et al. [1995] Mas-Colell et al. [1995] discuss hidden information

    in the context of the principal-agent problem. That is, postcontractual uncertainty takes

    the form of hidden information, not hidden action, and the problem is one of inducing

    truthtelling, not effort. The unobservable in the model is the random realization of the

    managers disutility from effort.

    The managers Bernoulli utility function over wages and effort depends on a state of nature

    that is realized after the contract is signed and that only the manager observes. We assume

    that Rand that

    u(w,e,) =v(w g(e, ))


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    g(e, ) measures disutility of effort. It has the following properties:

    ge(e, )>0 (Disutility of effort is increasing in effort)

    gee(e, )>0 (Marginal disutility of effort is increasing in effort)

    g(e, )

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    Now then,

    (eL) ge(eL, H)>

    (eL) ge(eL, L) (Single crossing condition)

    = 0 (FOC)

    = (eH) ge(eH, H) (Equal across states)

    (eL) ge(eL, H)>

    (eH) ge(eH, H)

    eL< eH (fe(ei, i)

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    The buyers net surplus can be written as follows:

    Si(P) iv(qi) P qi

    =iv[Di(P)] P[Di(P)]

    D(P) DL(P) + (1 )DH(P)

    S(P) SL(P) + (1 )SH(P)

    With linear pricing, the sellers problem is the classic monopoly pricing problem; he solves


    = maxP

    T cq

    = maxP

    P D(P) cD(P)

    = maxP

    (P c)D(P)

    with the monopoly price given by

    d{(P c)D(P)}dP

    =P D(P) +D(P) cD(P)

    = 0

    P =c D(P)


    In this solution, we have both positive rents for the buyers (S(P)> 0) and inefficiently low

    consumption (i.e. iv(q) = P > c). The seller can do better by moving away from linear

    pricing only if buyers cannot make arbitrage profits by trading in a secondary market.

    Otherwise, buyers would buy at the minimum average price and then resell in the secondary

    market if they do not want to consume everything they have purchased.


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    12/86 Single Two-Part Tariff We assume that there is only one buyer and that is

    a probability measure; thus, there are no arbitrage opportunities to the buyer. Therefore,

    a single two-part tariff (Z, P), where P is the unit price and Z the fixed fee, will improve

    upon linear pricing for the seller. P, the minimum fixed fee the seller will set is given by

    Z=SL(P). A type-Hbuyer will always purchaseq >0 when charged T(q) =SL(P) + P q,

    sinceH> L. If the seller sets Z=SL(P), he also solves


    T(q) = maxP

    SL(P) + (P c)q

    = maxP

    SL(P) + (P c)D(P)

    d{SL(P) + (P c)D(P)}

    dP =SL(P) + (P c)D

    (P) +D(P)

    = 0

    P =c D(P) +SL(P)


    By the envelope theorem,

    Lv(qL) PqL= Lv(DL(P

    )) PDL(P)

    = maxP



    L(P) (P D

    L(P) +DL(P)) =S


    (Lv(DL(P)) P)

    =0 by FOC

    DL(P) DL(P) =SL(P)

    DL(P) =SL(P)

    so that D(P) +SL(P)> 0; in addition,D(P)< 0 P > c. Did you forget the envelope theorem? Recall that a property of the indirect

    utility function is that it is strictly increasing in w, income[Jehle and Reny,2001]. We prove


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    this using the Envelope Theorem.

    Proof. To solve

    v(p, w) = maxxRn



    subject to

    p x= w

    form the Lagrangian:

    L(x, ) =u(x) +(w p x)

    L(x, )

    xi =


    xi > 0

    pi = 0


    By the Envelope Theorem,

    v(p, w)

    w =

    L(x, w)

    w = >0

    Alternatively, instead of using the envelope theorem, consider a graphical argument:

    Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus:

    SL(P) = d




    dP aP DL(t) dt=




    DL(t) dt

    = DL(P)

    where a is where the demand curve intersects the (horizontal) P axis. Thus, if the seller


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    Figure 1: An inverse demand curve.

    decides to serve both types of customers, the first-best outcome cannot be ahcieved and

    underconsumption remains relative to the first-best outcome. Alternatively, an optimal

    single two-part tariff contract is always preferred by the seller to an optimal linear pricing

    contract because the seller can always raise his profits by setting Z=SL(Pm).

    2.1.3 Second-Best Outcome: Optimal Nonlinear Pricing Algorithm

    Since the seller does not observe the buyers type, he is forced to offer a set of choices

    independent of her type. The seller solves


    [T(qL) cqL] + (1 )[T(qH) cqH]

    subject to

    qi = arg maxq

    iv(q) T(q) for i = L, H (IC)

    iv(qi) T(qi) 0 for i = L, H (IR)

    The problem as-is involves optimization over a schedule T(q) under constraints that them-

    selves involve optimization problems. To simplify the problem, follow these steps:


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    1. Use the revelation principle.

    2. Observe that the participation constraint of the high type will not bind at the opti-


    Hv(qH) T(qH) Hv(qL) T(qL) (ICH)

    > Lv(qL) T(qL) (H> L)

    0 (IRL)

    That is, the high type will earn an informational rent.

    3. Solve the relaxed problem without the incentive constraint that is satisfied at the first-

    best optimum.

    The first-best problems outcome is not incentive compatible because the Hbuyer will

    prefer to choose (qL, TL) rather than his own first-best allocation because it gives him

    a strictly positive surplus:

    Hv(qL) TL> Lv(qL) TL (H> L)

    = 0 (No rent in first-best)

    (H L)v(qL)>0

    Instead, type L will not find it attractive to raise his consumption to the level qH:

    Hv(qH) T(qH) = 0 (No rent in first-best)

    > Lv(qH) T(qH) (H> L)


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    Therefore, we omit the (ICL) constraint. That is, we omit the constraint for the type

    that does not want to deviate; the constraint for the type that does will bind.

    4. Observe that the two remaining constraints of the relaxed problem will bind at the


    5. Eliminate TL and THfrom the maximand using the two binding constraints, perform

    the unconstrained optimization, and check that (ICL) is indeed satisfied.

    How do you get the second FOC (w.r.t qL) in Step 5?

    [Lv(qL) c] (1 )(H L)v

    (qL) =v(qL)(L (1 )(H L)) c

    = 0

    v(qL) = c

    L (1 )(H L)




    1 (1 )(H L)


    Lv(qL) = c

    1 (1 )(H L)



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    17/86 Comparison with the First Best From the previous analysis, we see that

    Lv(qSL) =


    1 1

    H L

    L > c

    =Lv(qFL ) (No rent in first best)

    Lv(qSL)> Lv

    (qFL )

    v(qSL)> v(qFL ) (L> 0)

    If we assume v () qSL andv


    L[v(qFL ) v(q

    SL)]> 0

    ThereforeTFL > TSL . So in the second best, the low type has a lower quantity and a lower

    price compared to the first best.


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    What about the high type? We saw previously that

    Hv(qSH) =c

    Marginal benefit also equaled marginal cost in the first best:

    Hv(qFH) =c

    Sincev ()< 0, qFH=qSH; that is, the optimal quantity for the high type is unchanged in the

    second best relative to the first best. What about the price?

    Hv(qSH) T


    SL) T

    SL (ICH)

    > Lv(qSL) T

    SL (H> L)

    = 0 (IRL)

    =Hv(qFH) T

    FH (No rent in first best)

    Hv(qSH) T

    SH> Hv(q

    FH) T


    TFH TSH>0 (q



    TFH > TSH

    So in the second best, the high type gets the same quantity as he gets in the first best at a

    lower price. Let us link this result with the result for the low type, who gets a lower quantity

    at a lower price in the second best compared to the first best. The seller designs the bundle

    such that it is not worth it for the high type to pick the low types bundle. He does so in

    two ways:

    1. He gives the high type a good deal by offering him his optimal quantity at a lower

    price (relative to the first best).


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    2. He makes the low types bundle less attractive by reducing the quantity.

    2.2 Application: Credit Rationing

    Consider a population of risk-neutral borrowers who each own a project that requires an

    initial outlay of I = 1 and yields a random return X, where X {R, 0}. Let p [0, 1]

    denote the probability that X=R. A borrower can of two types i= s, r, where sis safe

    and r is risky. The borrower of type i has a project with return characteristics (pi, Ri).

    We assume

    piRi= m >1 (A1)

    ps> pr and Rs< Rr (A2)

    A bank can offer to finance the initial outlay in exchange for a future repayment. Assume

    that there is a single bank and excess demand for funds: the bank has a total amount max{, 1 }, so that available funds are sufficient to avoid crowding out either type

    of borrower completely.

    Call (xi, Di) a contract that offers financing with probability xi and repayment Di. The

    bank solves


    [xs(psDs 1) + (1 )xr(prDr 1)]


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    subject to

    0 xi 1 i = s, r (Regularity)

    Di Ri i = s, r (IR)

    xipi(Ri Di) xjpi(Ri Dj)i, j=s, r (IC)

    xs+ (1 )xr (Supply)

    2.2.1 Solution

    1. We have already applied the revelation principle.

    2. The risky type has an incentive to mimic the safe type. Therefore, his (IR) con-

    straint does not bind:

    RrxrDr xsDs

    xr xs(ICR)

    >xrDr xsDr

    xr xs(Dr > Ds)


    and the (IR) of the safe type does.

    3. The first-best problems outcome is not incentive compatible because the risky type

    will prefer to choose (xs, Ds) rather than his own first-best allocation because it gives

    him a strictly positive surplus (i.e. an informational rent):

    xspr(Rr Ds) xsps(Rs Ds) (pr ps)

    = 0 (No rent in first-best)

    Rr > Ds


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    Instead, the safe type will not find it attractive to choose (xr, Dr):

    xrpr(Rr Dr) = 0 (No rent in first-best)

    >xrps(Rs Dr) (pr < ps)

    Therefore, we omit the incentive constraint of the safe type.

    4. The banks problem is now to solve


    [xs(ps(Ds 1) + (1 )xr(prDr 1)]

    subject to

    Ds= Rs (IRS)

    xr(Rr Dr) =xs(Rr Rs) (ICR)

    5. As both of these constraints bind, the problem becomes


    {xs(psRs 1) + (1 )[xr(prRr 1) xspr(Rr Rs)]}

    = maxxs,xr

    {xs(m 1) + (1 )[xr(m 1) xspr(Rr Rs)]}

    subject to

    0 xs xr 1

    xs+ (1 )xr

    The FOC with respect to xr is (1 )(m 1) 0, therefore xr = 1; there is no

    rationing of risky borrowers.


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    The FOC with respect to xs is(m 1) (1 )pr(Rr Rs). Thus,

    xs =0, if(m 1) (1 )p

    r(Rr Rs)< 0 (1 )

    , otherwise

    2.3 A Continuum of Types

    Suppose that is distributed according to the p.d.ff() with c.d.fF() on an interval [,].

    With the revelation principle, the seller solves


    E[()] = maxq(),T()

    E[T() cq()]

    = maxq(),T()

    [T() cq()]f() d

    subject to

    v[q()] T() 0 [,] (IR)

    v[q()] T() v[q()] T() , [,] (IC)

    If all (IC)s hold, the (IR)s can be replaced by

    v[q()] T() 0 (IR)

    Consider decomposing the sellers problem an implementation problem (whichq() are IC?)

    and anoptimization problem(among all feasibleq(), which one is the arg maxq() E[()]?)


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    2.3.1 The Implementation Problem

    We want to show that if the buyers utility function satisfies the single-crossing condition

    [ u/qu/T]> 0

    then the set of (IC)s in the sellers problem is equivalent to the following:

    1. Monotonicity: dq()

    d 0.

    2. Local incentive compatibility: v[q()]dq()

    d =T() [,].

    Proof. We first show that (IC) satisfaction implies monotonicity and local incentive compat-

    ibility. If consumptionq() and paymentT() are differentiable, the following conditions for

    the buyers problem are satisfied at = :

    u(q(), T(), )


    [v(q()) T()]

    =v [q()]dq()


    = 0 (FOC)


    d)2 +v[q()]


    d2 T() 0 (SOC)

    The FOC is the local incentive compatibility constraint. If we differentiate it with respect

    to, we obtain





    )2 +v[q()]d2q()


    T() 0= 0


    d 0


    d 0

    We next show that monotonicity and local incentive compatibility imply that all the buyers


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    (IC)s hold. Suppose not. Then, there exists at least one type = such that

    v[q()] T()< v[q()] T()

    0 , thenx [,],


    [q(x)]< xv


    v[q(x)] T(x)< xv[q(x)] T(x)


    dx T(x)] dx xv[q(x)]

    v[q(x)] T(x)> xv[q(x)] T(x)


    dx T(x)] dx >


    dx T(x)] dx

    = 0

    But < [v[q(x)]


    dx T(x)] dx

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    v[q()] T() v[q()] T() (Type )

    v[q()] T() v[q()] T() (Type)

    (v[q()] v[q()]) T() T() (From first ineq.)

    (v[q()] v[q()]) T() T() (From second ineq.)

    (v[q()] v[q()]) T() T() (v[q()] v[q()])


    (v[q()] v[q()])


    T() T()


    (v[q()] v[q()])


    d =T()

    by the Sandwich Theorem.

    The standard procedure for solving this is to first ignore the monotonicity constraint and

    solve the problem with only the (IR) and LIC constraints. Define

    W() v[q()] T() = max

    {v[q()] T()}

    By the envelope theorem,









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    or, integrating,


    dx dx=

    v[q(x)] dx

    W() W() =

    v[q(x)] dx

    W() =

    v[q(x)] dx+W()

    At the optimum, the participation constraint of the lowest type is binding. SinceT() =

    v[q()] W(), we can rewrite the sellers profits as


    [T() cq()] f() d


    [(v[q()] W()) cq()] f() d



    v[q(x)] dx cq()

    f() d


    {v[q()] cq()} f() d

    v[q(x)] dxf() d

    Solve the second integral through integration by parts:


    v[q(x)] dx, dv= f() d

    du= v[q()] d, v= F()


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    From this equation, we make two observations:

    1. There is underconsumption < since first-best efficiency requires v[q()] =c.

    2. We can obtain an expression for the price-cost margin:

    P[q()] T()

    =v [q()]

    =c+1 F()

    f() v[q()]

    =c+1 F()



    P cP

    =1 F()f()

    Recall that we have ignored the monotonicity constraint in the second equality. But we have

    to check that the optimal solution defined by (2.31) and the local incentive compatibility

    constraint satisfies the monotonicity constraint. In general, that depends on the form of

    the buyers utility function and/or on the form of the density function f(). A sufficient

    condition for the monotonicity constraint to be satisfied is that the hazard rate is increasing

    in :






    1 F()



    g() 1


    = 1 F()



  • 8/10/2019 Contract Theory, by Alex Young


    the FOCs can be rewritten as

    {g()}v[q()] =c

    Implicitly differentiating this equation with respect to then yields


    d+v[q()]g() = 0





    Since v() is concave and g()> 0 , dq/d 0 ifg()> 0. Hence, a sufficient condition

    for g ()> 0 is that 1/h() is decreasing in . Doesnt that look familiar? Well, it should. Recall the optimal auction design

    problem[Krishna, 2010]. The seller maximizes


    mi(0) +iN



    1 Fi(xi)


    Qi(x)f(x) dx

    subject to

    mi(0) 0 (IR)


    dxi 0 (IC-1)

    Ui(xi) =Ui(0) +


    qi(ti) dti (IC-2)

    But (IC-1) is just a monotonicity condition. And (IC-2) is a local incentive compatibility

    constraint. Moreover, the design problem is regularif the virtual valuation is an increasing

    function ofxi, and a sufficient condition for regularity is that the hazard rate function, i(xi),


  • 8/10/2019 Contract Theory, by Alex Young


    is increasing:

    i(xi) xi 1


    =xi 1 Fi(xi)fi(xi)

    2.4 Application: Costly State Verification

    Consider a financial contracting problem involving two risk-neutral agents:

    1. an entrepreneur with an investment project but no investment funds, and

    2. a financier with unlimited funds.

    The fixed investment requires a setup cost of I > 0 at t = 0 and generates random cash

    flows at t = 1 of [0, +), with p.d.f f(). The entrepreneur observes realized cash

    flows and can credibly disclose to the investor only by incurring a certification cost K >0.

    The contract-design problem is to specify in advance which cash-flow realizations should be


    The set of contracts from which the contracting parties can choose follows: the contract

    specifies whether an audit should take place following the realization of cash flows and what

    fraction of realized cash flows the entrepreneur should pay back to the investor. Therevela-

    tion principlereduces the set of relevant contracts.

    Thus, following the realization of , the entrepreneur truthfully reveals , and the contract

    specifies the probability p() [0, 1] of certifying (auditing) cash flows. When there is no

    certification, the contract can only specify a repaymentr(). With certification, the contract

    specifies repayment contingent on both the announced cash flow and the true, certified

    cash flow : r(, ). ra() denotes the repayment for audited cash flows.


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    A central result of the CSV approach to financial contracting is that standard debt contracts

    may be optimal financial contracts. But it is driven by fairly strong assumptions. For

    example, financial contracts are assumed to specify only deterministic certification policies:

    , p() {0, 1}

    That is, commitment to random audits is not feasible. How do we then show that a standard

    debt contract is an optimal financial contract?

    Assuming that the project has positive NPV, the optimal contracting problem reduces to

    minimizing expected audit costs, subject to meeting the entrepreneurs incentive constraints

    for truthful revelation, and the financiers participation:




    p()f() d

    subject to


    p()[ra() K]f() d+


    [1 p()]r()f() d I (IR)

    ra(1) r(2)1=2 : p(1) = 1 and p(2) = 0 (IC-1)

    r(1) =r(2) =r 1=2: p(1) = 0 =p(2) (IC-2)

    ra() : p() = 1 (Limited wealth (A))

    r() : p() = 0 (Limited wealth (B))

    The incentive constraints imply that for any two cash-flow realizations that do not require

    certification, the repayment to the financer has to be the same: r(1) = r(2) = r. Oth-

    erwise, the entrepreneur could lie about realized cash flows and announce the one with the


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    lower repayment. Similarly, a cash flow realization that requires certification should not en-

    tail a higher repayment than the repayment for a cash-flow realization that does not involve

    certification: ra(1) r(2). Otherwise, the entrepreneur could lie about the realization of

    1 and thus make a smaller repayment.

    The only dimensions along which the financial contract can be varied are the certification

    subset and the size of the repayment in the certification subset. Characterizing the optimal

    contract follows:

    1. Any feasible contract must include the cash-flow realization = 0 in the audit subset.

    Otherwise, the entrepreneur could always claim to have a cash flow of zero, thereby

    avoiding an audit as well as any repayments to the financier.

    2. Any contract that minimizes expected audit costs must be such that for any cash-flow

    realization in the audit subset,ra() = min{, r}.

    3. Any contract with a disconnected audit subset [0, ] [, ] (with < ) would be

    inefficient, since then an obvious improvement is available by shifting to a connected

    subset with the same probability mass.

    We conclude that the uniquely optimal financial contract, which minimizes expected audit

    costs, is such that

    1. there is a single connected audit region a = [0, ], with < ;

    2. over this region, audit repayments arera() =; and

    3. for cash flows >, which are not audited, the repayment isr = . The unique cutoff

    is given by the solution to the (IR) constraint


    ( K)f() d+ [1 F()]r= I


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    and expected audit costs are F()K.

    3 Hidden Information, Signaling

    3.1 Spences Model of Education as a Signal

    A workers productivity can be eitherrHorrL, withrH> rL> 0. Leti Pr(r= ri) [0, 1]

    be the firms prior belief that r = ri. Workers are willing to work at any wagew >0, and

    firms are willing to hire any worker at a wage less than the workers expected productivity.

    A worker of type i = L, Hcan gete years of education at costc(e) =iebefore entering the

    labor market. The key assumption is that H< L; the marginal cost of education is lower

    for high-productivity workers.

    In a first stage, the worker chooses education, and in a second stage, the wage is determined

    through bargaining. We assume that in the bargaining phase, the worker has all the bar-

    gaining power.

    Suppose that the workers productivity is perfectly observable. Then each worker type

    chooses a level of education ei = 0. Since the workers productivity is known, the highest

    offer the firm is willing to accept is wi = ri regardless of the level of education of the worker,

    and we have the first-best solution.

    Now suppose that productivity is not observable. Then the first-best solution can no longer

    be an equilibrium outcome. We specify precisely the game played by the worker and firm,

    as well as the notion of equilibrium:

    1. The worker chooses a level of education, possibly randomly, to maximize his expected

    return. pi(e) Pr(e|i) denotes the probability that the worker/principal of type i


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    chooses education level e.

    2. The outcome is entirely driven by how the agents beliefs have been affected by the

    observation of the principals education level. (i|e) Pr(i|e) denotes the agents

    revised beliefs about productivity upon observing e. Then the equilibrium wage in the

    second stage is given by

    w(e) =(H|e)rH+ (L|e)rL

    where (L|e) = 1 (H|e). This is the maximum wage the firm is willing to pay

    given its updated beliefs.

    Imposing the minimum consistency requirements on the agents conditional beliefs leads to

    the definition of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium: a set of (possibly mixed) strategies

    {pi(e)} for the principals types and conditional beliefs (i|e) for the agent such that

    1. All education levels observed with positive probability in equilibrium must maximize

    workers expected payoff: e :pi(e)> 0,

    e arg maxe

    {(H|e)rH+ (L|e)rL ie}

    2. Firms posterior beliefs conditional on equilibrium education levels must satisfy Bayes


    (i|e) = Pr(i|e)

    = Pr(e|i)Pr(i)

    Pr(e|H) + Pr(e|L) (Familiar now?)

    = pi(e)i2

    i=1 ipi(e)

    whenever pi(e)> 0 for at least one type.


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    3. Posterior beliefs are otherwise not restricted: if pi(e) = 0 f or i = L, H (so that2i=1 ipie) = 0, and Bayes rule gives no prediction for posterior beliefs), then (i|e)

    can take any value in [0, 1].

    4. Firms pay workers their expected productivity:

    w(e) =(H|e)rH+ (L|e)rL

    Thus, an equilibrium outcome is a situation where the agents beliefs about what action

    each type of principal takes are correct (i.e. the action believed to be chosen by a given

    type is indeed the action chosen by that type) and where, given the agents updated beliefs(following the action), each type of principal is acting optimally.

    When a PBE is taken to be the outcome, essentially the only restriction imposed is that in

    equilibrium, the agents beliefs are consistent with the agents knowledge of the optimizing

    behavior of the principal. To solve for a PBE, one typically proceeds as follows:

    1. Using ones basic understanding of how the game works, one guesses (i.e. conjectures)

    conditional beliefs(i|e) for the agent.

    2. Then one determines the principals best response pi(e) given these beliefs.

    3. Finally one checks whether the beliefs (i|e) are consistent with the principals opti-

    mizing behavior.

    In signaling games, the difficulty is usually not to find aPBE. Rather, the problem is

    that there exist too many PBEs.

    3.1.1 Did you forget the beer quiche game?

    Lets use the beer quiche game as an example of how to solve for a PBE. As a student,

    I found my professors instruction to be frustrating at first. Conjecture an equilibrium and


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    Figure 2: Image from Professor Meghan Busse.

    then verify it? What the hell is that?! Im supposed to know the answer before I solve for


    No, you are not supposed to know the answer from the onset. But that leads to another

    frustration during an exam: you have limited time, but several of your conjectures may

    turn out not to be equilibria. Well, hopefully when you write a paper, youre not under a

    ninety-minute time constraint, so lets proceed with the steps.

    There are two players in the game: the sender and the receiver. The sender is one individual

    who can be of two types: brave or coward. If the sender is the brave type, he prefers beer

    to quiche; if he is the coward type, he prefers quiche to beer. The receiver prefers to fight

    the coward type but not the brave type.

    1. Let us first conjecture a separating equilibrium: if brave, then beer; if coward, then

    quiche. This is the senders strategy.

    2. We can show by Bayes Rule that such a conjecture allows the receiver to perfectly


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    distinguish between the types:

    Pr(tb | b) = Pr(b | tb)Pr(tb)

    Pr(b | tb)Pr(tb) + Pr(b | tc)Pr(tc)

    = 1 0.81 0.8 + 0 0.2

    = 1

    By the same procedure, we see that Pr(tb | q) = 0, Pr(tc | q) = 1, and Pr(tc | b) = 0.

    Hence, the receiver will not fight if he sees beer but will fight if he sees quiche. This is

    the receiversresponse.

    3. Knowing that the receiver will respond that way, will the sender still stick to the original

    strategy? No. The brave type gets his preferred breakfast without a fight, but the

    coward type will have to fight if he chooses quiche. If instead he lied and pretended

    to be the brave type, then he would receive a higher payoff due to not fighting, even

    though he prefers quiche to beer. So our conjectured separating equilibrium is not an


    It is easy to see that the other candidate separating equilibrium, if brave, then quiche; if

    coward, then beer, makes no sense. The coward type will again deviate, as doing so would

    yield the best payoff for him: he gets his preferred breakfast without a fight. What about

    pooling equilibria? Lets follow the steps again:

    1. Conjecture always beer.

    2. We can show by Bayes Rule that such a conjecture implies that the receiver cannot


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    To prevent the coward type from deviating, the response must be fight if quiche.

    Accordingly, >1 >1/2.

    3. Knowing that the receiver will respond that way, will the sender still stick to the orig-

    inal strategy? Yes. The brave type will not deviate as he receives his best payoff in

    equilibrium. The coward type might have deviated if he could have gotten the payoff

    of 3, but he cannot as the receiver will fight if he sees quiche. Thus, the coward type

    will not deviate either.

    There is another candidate pooling equilibrium, but we will save that for later.

    We conjecture the following PBE. If the observed education level is high, it is likely that

    the worker is type H. Even if a type L worker could obtain a wage w = rH by acquiring

    education, he would not be willing to choose a level of education above e, where e is given


    w c= rH Le


    Thus a candidate is to set (H|e) = 1 e e and (H|e) = 0 e < e. If the principal

    optimizes against these beliefs, then he chooses e= 0 when he is of type L and e when he

    is of type H.

    There are many other PBEs, which can be classified into three categories:

    1. Separating PBEsThe signal chosen by the principal identifies the principals type


    1That is, e is a hurdle. Any level of education higher than e means that the worker is better off notpursuing any education at all: e >e, rH Le < rL.


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    2. Pooling PBEsThe observed signal reveals no additional information about the prin-

    cipals type.

    3. Semiseparating PBEsSome, but not all, information about the principals tpye is

    obtained from the observation of the signal.

    Aseparating equilibriumis a PBE where each type of principal chooses a different signal

    in equilibrium: eH = eL : (H|eH) = 1, (L|eL) = 1, and wi = ri. The set of separating

    equilibrium levels of education is given by


    (eH, eL) :eL= 0 & eH

    rH rL

    L,rH rL


    because incentive compatibility requires

    rH LeH rL

    rH HeH rL


    rH rLL

    eHrH rL



    rH rL

    L,rH rL


    A pooling equilibrium is a PBE where each type of principal chooses the same signal in

    equilibrium: eH=eL: (H|eH) =H, (L|eL) =L, andw(eH) =w(eL) =LrL+HrH

    r. The set of pooling equilibrium levels of education is


    (eH, eL) :eL= eH=ep & ep


    LrL+HrH rLL


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    because incentive compatibility requires

    r Lep rL


    r rLL

    =LrL+HrH rL





    0,LrL+HrH rL


    Finally, there also exists a set of semiseparating equilibria, where at least one type of principal

    is mixing between two signals, one of which is also chosen with positive probability by the

    other type of principal. The key requirement here is that, for mixing to be optimal, the type

    of principal who is mixing has to be indifferent between the two signals that are played with

    positive probability.

    3.1.2 Refinements

    A large body of research in game theory has attempted to develop criteria based on theo-

    retical considerations alone for selecting a particular subset of equilibria. The basic idea is

    to enrich the specification of the game by introducing restrictions on the set of allowable

    off-equilibrium beliefs using the observation that some types of players are more likely to

    choose some deviations than others (i.e. who wants to deviate?) Cho and Kreps Intuitive Criterion The basic observation this selection cri-

    terion builds on is that most deviations from equilibrium play can never be in the interest

    of some principal types. Beliefs conditional on off-equilibrium actions, therefore, ought to


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    reflect that these actions are more likely to be chosen by some types than others. That is,

    beliefs conditional on off-equilibrium actions must be restricted to reflect that only some

    types are ever likely to choose these actions.

    Formally (i.e. use this in papers, not workshops), the Cho-Kreps intuitive criterion

    follows: Letui = wi (ei) iei denote the equilibrium payoff of type i. Then, (j|e) = 0,

    for e = (ei; ej), whenever rH je < uj and rH ie ui (i= L, H; i =j).

    In a language comprehensible to mortals, the intuitive criterion states that when a deviation

    isdominatedfor one type of player but not the other, the deviation should not be attributed

    to the player for which it is dominated. By dominated, one means that the player is getting

    a worsepayoff than his equilibrium payoff for anybelief of the uninformed party following

    the deviation.

    Perhaps an example will help illuminate or remind you about the intuitive criterion. Recall

    the beer quiche game:

    1. Lets finish with the final conjecture: always quiche.

    2. By the same procedure, the receiver does not learn the senders type since both types


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    choose the same message. Fighting yields

    0 0.8 + 1 0.2 = 0.2

    Not fighting yields

    1 0.8 + 0 0.2 = 0.8

    Therefore, the receiver will choose to not fight if quiche. We again must specify

    off-equilibrium probabilities. Let denote Pr(tb | b), with Pr(tc | b) = 1 . Fighting


    0 + 1 (1 ) = 1

    Not fighting yields

    1 + 0 (1 ) =

    To prevent the brave type from deviating, the response must be fight if beer. Ac-

    cordingly, 1 >

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    to beer from quiche came from the coward type.

    That makes no sense. The coward type would NEVER deviate to beer; he already

    received his best payoff in equilibrium. The probability that the sender is the coward

    type given that the receiver sees beer should not be greater than 1/2; it should be


    Therefore, while always quiche is a perfect Bayesian equilibrium, it does not survive

    refinement via the intuitive criterion. Note that in the always beer case, the brave

    type had no reason to deviate, and accordingly, the probability that that the sender

    was the brave type given that the receiver saw quiche was less than 1/2. Hence,

    always beer survives the intuitive criterion.

    The intuitive criterion predicts implausible equilibrium outcomes in some situations. The

    least-cost separating equilibrium in which eL = 0 and eH = (rH rL)/L is the same for

    all i >0; i= L, H. Suppose now that L is arbitrarily small (L= 0). Then it seems

    excessive to payc(eH; H) =H(rHrL)/Ljust to raise the waige by a commensurately small

    amount [w= rH (1 )rH rL= (rH rL) 0]. Then the pooling equilibrium where

    no education costs are incurred seems more plausible as it is Pareto-dominant. Moreover,

    note that with no adverse selection (i.e. L = 0), eL = eH = 0 in equilibrium, so the

    pooling equilibrium without education is the limit of this complete-information case, not the

    Cho-Kreps equilibrium. Maskin and Tiroles Informed Principal Problem The problem of multi-

    plicity of PBEs is reduced when the timing of the game is changed so as to let the principal

    offer the agent a contingent contract before the choice of the signal. Consider the linear

    model of education specified previously, but invert the stages of contracting and education

    choice. That is,


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    1. now the worker offers his employer a contract before undertaking education.

    2. This contract then specifies a wage schedule contingent on the level of education chosen

    by the worker after signing the contract.

    Let {we} denote the contingent wage schedule specified by the contract. There are two

    different cases to consider:

    1. r = HrH+ LrL rH H(rH rL)/L. In this case a type Hworker is better off

    in the least-cost separating equilibrium than in the efficient pooling equilibrium.

    2. r > rH H(rH rL)/L. Here the typeHworker is better off in the efficient pooling


    4 The Principal-Agent ProblemMas-Colell et al.[1995]

    4.1 Comment

    One thing about contract theory (and perhaps teaching game theory more generally) is that

    some people do certain topics way, way, way better than others. We can see this in textbooks.

    When I took Micro 1, I found the consumer choice, classical demand theory, and production

    chapters to be unreadable; I considered it a testament to the readability ofJehle and Reny

    [2001] that I could read the sections in that book and still do the assigned problems in

    Mas-Colell et al. [1995]2. But Chapter 14 in Mas-Colell et al. is amazingly readable. The

    notes accordingly follow Mas-Colell et al. for the basic treatment instead of Bolton and

    Dewatripont[2004].2Of course by do I meant that I stared at the page for half an hour, took a stab at how to begin, and

    then consulted the solutions manual.


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    4.2 Hidden Actions (Moral Hazard)

    The owner of a firm (the principal) wishes to hire a manager (the agent) for a project. The

    projects profits are affected in part by the managers actions. How should the principal

    design the managers compensation in a way that indirectly gives him (the manager) the

    incentive to take the desired action when the managers actions are unobservable?

    Let denote the projects observable profits, and let e E R denote the managers

    action choice. For the nonobservability of managerial effort to matter, e must not be per-

    fectly deducible from observing . We thus assume that although the projects profits are

    affected by e, they are not fully determined by it. Profit can take values in [, ] and

    it is stochastically related to e in a manner described by f( | e) with f( | e) > 0 for all

    e Eand all [, ]. Put another way, any realization ofcan arise following any givene.

    We focus on the case in which the manager has only two possible effort choices, eH and

    eL. eH leads to a higher profit level for the firm than eL but entails greater difficulty for

    the manager. That is, we assume that the distribution of conditional on eH first-order

    stochastically dominates the distribution conditional on eL:

    F( | eH) F( | eL) f( | eH) d >

    f( | eL) d

    The manager is an expected utility maximizer with a Bernoulli utility funciton u(w, e) over


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    his wage and effort level with the following properties:

    u(w, e) =v(w) g(e)


    (w)> 0 (Prefers more income to less)

    v(w) 0 (Weakly risk averse)

    g(eH)> g(eL) (Dislikes a high level of effort)

    The owner receives the projects profits less any wage payments made to the manager. We

    assume that the owner is risk neutral; his objective is to maximize his expected return.

    4.2.1 The Optimal Contract when Effort is Observable

    The owner chooses a take it or leave it contract to offer the manager. The optimal contract

    for the owner then solves the following problem:


    ( w())f( | e) d


    v(w())f( | e) d g(e) u

    We write the Lagrangian corresponding to a discrete version of the model and take the FOC:

    L =i

    (i wi)pi,e+


    v(wi)pi,e g(e) u


    wi= pi,e+(v


    = 0

    = 1


    = 1

    v(w()) (Borch rule)


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    Exercise 14.B.1 asks us whether the reservation utility constraint must be binding in an

    optimal contract. We can see this a few ways. First, from the previous derivation, since

    v() > 0, >0. This implies that the constraint must bind. Second, if the constraint did

    not bind, then the owner could reduce the wage payment while still satisfying the constraint

    andmaking himself strictly better off. But that would mean that such a wage payment was

    not optimal.

    If the manager is strictly risk averse (i.e. v (w)

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    utility level:

    v(we) g(e) = u

    v(we) = u+g(e)

    we =v1(u+g(e))

    g(eH)> g(eL)

    we,H> we,L

    Thus, in the principal-agent model with observable managerial effort, an optimal contractspecifies that the manager choose e that maximizes

    f( | e) d v1(u+g(e))

    and pays the manager a fixed wage




    )) A risk-averse owner Exercise 14.B.2 asks us to derive the FOC characterizing

    the optimal compensation scheme for a two-effort-level hidden action (i.e. effort unobserv-

    able) model with a strictly risk averse principal. Let V() denote the owners utility function

    over wealth. As before, the owner chooses a take it or leave it contract to offer the manager.


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    The optimal contract for the owner then solves the following problem:


    V( w())f( | e) d


    v(w())f( | e) d g(e) u (Individual Rationality)

    e arg maxe

    v(w())f( | e) d g(e) (Incentive Compatibility)

    Note that the IC constraint can be written as

    v(w())f( | eH) d g(eH)

    v(w())f( | eL) d g(eL)

    We write the Lagrangian corresponding to a discrete version of the model and take the FOC:

    L =i

    V(i wi)pi,eH+


    v(wi)pi,eH g(e) u



    v(wi)pi,eH g(eH) i

    v(wi)pi,eL+ g(eL)


    wi= pi,eHV

    (i wi) +(v(wi)pi,eH) +(v

    (wi)pi,eH v(wi)pi,eL)

    = 0





    V(i wi)




    f( | eL)

    f( | eH)


    V( w())

    v(w()) (Borch rule)

    4.2.2 The Optimal Contract when Effort is Not Observable

    When effort is not observable, the only way to get the manager to take the desired action is to

    relate his pay to the realization of profits, which we assumed was random. Nonobservability

    of effort can thus lead to inefficiencies.


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    52/86 A risk-neutral manager When the manager has no concern about risk bearing,

    the owner can still achieve the same outcome as when effort is observable. Suppose that the

    owner offers a compensation schedule of the form

    w() = (Selling the project to the manager)

    If the manager accepts this contract, he chooses e to maximize his expected utility

    w()f( | e) d g(e) =

    f( | e) d g(e)

    But whateverethat maximizes the above expression is also theethat maximizes the owners

    profit given observable effort and a risk-neutral manager3:

    f( | e) d g(e) u

    Thus, w() = induces the first-best effort level e. The manager is willing to accept

    it as long as it gives him an expected utility of at least u; that is, if

    f( | e) d g(e) u

    Let be the level at which the above inequality holds with equality. Note that the owners

    payoff givenw() = is . We rearrange

    f( | e) d g(e) = u

    f( | e) d g(e) u=

    But that is the maximized value of the owners expected profit given a risk-neutral manager

    and w() = . Both the owner and the manager get the same payoff as when effort is

    3The and the u are both constants that drop out in the FOC with respect to e.


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    observable. A risk-averse manager Now, incentives for high effort can be provided only

    at the cost of having the manager face risk. The principal solves


    ( w())f( | e) d


    v(w())f( | e) d g(e) u (Individual Rationality)

    e arg maxe

    v(w())f( | e) d g(e) (Incentive Compatibility)

    As before, note that the IC constraint can be written as

    v(w())f( | eH) d g(eH)

    v(w())f( | eL) d g(eL)

    We write the Lagrangian corresponding to a discrete version of the model and take the FOC:

    L =

    i(i wi)pi,eH+


    v(wi)pi,eH g(e) u



    v(wi)pi,eH g(eH) i



    wi= pi,eH+(v

    (wi)pi,eH) +(v(wi)pi,eH v


    = 0








    1 f( | eL)

    f( | eH)



    v(w()) (Borch rule)

    Note that we can draw comparisons between the first-best and the second-best. We letw


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    be the fixed wage payment such that





    Iff( | eL)/f( | eH)< 1, then




    f( | eL)

    f( | eH)




    1 f( | eL)

    f( | eH)







    f( | eL)

    f( | eH)






    v(w())< v(w)

    w()>w (v() 0)By the same procedure, we conclude that iff( | eL)/f( | eH)>1, then


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    4.2.3 Comparing the first and second-best wage contracts

    Given the variability introduced into the managers compensation in the second-best scenario,

    the expected value of the managers wage payment must be strictly greater than the fixed

    wage payment in the first-best. Why? The manager must be assured an expected utility

    level of uor else he will not participate. The owner subsequently compensates him through

    a higher average wage payment for any risk he bears.

    v(E[w() | eH])> E[v(w()) | eH] (v() 0)


    v(w())f( | eH) d

    = u+g(eH) (IR constraint)


    E[w() | eH]> weH


    To reiterate, from the owners perspective, if he wishes to induce the manager to perform

    eHwhen effort is unobservable, on average, he must pay more than in the case where effort

    is observable. Nonobservability of effort can thus lead to an inefficiently low level of effort

    being implemented. An additional demonstration of the implications of risk aversion This

    comes fromBolton and Dewatripont [2004]. Take a standard moral hazard problem where

    the principal considers offering the agent a lottery rather than a fixed payment wi if output

    qi is observed. Specifically, the agent would receive wi,j with probability pi,j 0, with

    j = 1, 2, . . . , mandm


    pi,j = 1

    Assume the agents utility function isu(w) (a). Show that such a randomizing incentive


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    scheme cannot be optimal if the principal is risk neutral and the agent is strictly risk averse.

    Proof. Fix an output qi, i {L, H}.

    v(Qwi,1+ (1 Q)wi,2)> Qv(wi,1) + (1 Q)v(wi,2)


    Qwi,1+ (1 Q)wi,2> wi

    Therefore, since there is another wage payment for a given output that makes the agent

    indifferent but at less cost to the principal, the lottery is not optimal. This leads us to the

    next section, which is in fact where I found out how to solve this problem.

    4.2.4 The Value of Information

    Suppose that another statistical signal of effort, y, is available to the owner in addition to

    the realization of profits (i.e. the outcome), and that the joint density of and y given e

    (action / effort) is f(, y | e). In principle, the agents wage could depend on both output

    and this additional signal. When should that be the case? That is, when should the optimal

    compensation function depend ony?

    We can derive the Borch rule given that w is a function of and y :



    f(, y | eL)

    f(, y | eH)



    v(w(, y))

    Suppose that y is simply a noisy random variable that is unrelated to e (cf. the lottery


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    problem inBolton and Dewatripont[2004]). In that case,

    f(, y | e) =f1( | e)f2(y)

    But then



    f(, y | eL)

    f(, y | eH)



    v(w(, y))



    f1( | eL)f2(y)

    f1( | eH)f2(y)



    v(w(, y))



    f1( | eL)

    f1( | eH)



    v(w(, y))

    Thus, the optimal compensation package is independent of y. Why? Suppose that the

    principal does offer a contract that has wage payments depend ony. But ally does is induce

    additional uncertainty in the agents wage that is unrelated to effort; that is, the agent bears

    additional risk for no reason. If the principal instead offers, for each outcome, the certain

    payment w() such that

    v(w()) = E[v(w(, y)) | ]

    then the agent gets exactly the same expected utility under w() as under w(, y) for any

    level of effort. But the agent faces less risk under the certain payment w() per outcome

    contract. Thus, the expected wage payments ar elower and the principal is better off under

    that contract than the one that depends on y :

    v(E[w(, y) | ])> E[v(w(, y)) | ]


    E[w(, y) | ]> w() (v()>0)


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    4.3 Linear Contracts, Exponential Utility, and Normally Distributed

    Performance (LEN) [Bolton and Dewatripont,2004]

    Performance is assumed to be equal to effort plus noise:

    q= a+

    where is normally distributed with zero mean and variance 2. The principal is assumed

    to be risk neuteral. The agent has CARA risk preferences represented by

    u(w, a) = exp([w (a)])

    where w is the amount of monetary compensation and > 0 is the agents coefficient of

    absolute risk aversion ( = u/u from Arrow and Pratt). Effort cost is measured in

    monetary units. For simplicity, the cost-of-effort function is assumed to be quadratic:

    (a) =1


    Suppose that the principal and agent can write only linear contracts of the form

    w= t+sq

    wheret is the fixed compensation level and s is the variable, performance-related component

    of compensation. The principals problem is then to solve


    E(q w)


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    subject to

    t+sa 1



    2s22 =w (IR)

    Plugging int and taking the FOC with respect to s, we have

    s= 1

    1 +c2

    Effort and the variable compensation component goes down as c, , and 2 increases.

    4.3.1 Did you forget the properties of the log-normal distribution?

    All you really need to remember, thanks to Wikipedia, is that ifx N(, 2), then exp(x)

    is distributed lognormally with mean


    E[x] +



    = exp




    4.4 Moral Hazard in Teams [Bolton and Dewatripont,2004]

    A risk-neutral principal has a contract with n 2 agents, each of whom has the following

    utility function separable in income and effort:

    ui(wi) i(ai)


    ui () 0


    i() 0


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    The agents actions produce outputs:

    qn1= (q1, . . . , q n)

    F(q| a) (Joint CDF)

    an1= (a1, . . . , an) (Vector of actions taken by the agents)

    We consider two cases:

    1. Moral hazard in a team- the output produced by the agents is a single aggregate, Q,

    with conditional distribution F(Q | a).

    2. Each agent produces an individual random output qi, which may be imperfectly cor-

    related with the other agents outputs.

    4.4.1 Unobservable Individual Outputs

    n 2 agents form a partnership to produce some deterministic (scalar) aggregate output

    Q= Q(a)

    by supplying a vector of individual hidden actions a. We assume that the output function

    has the following properties:


    ai>0 (Strictly increasing)



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    We suppose further that all agents are risk neutral:

    ui(w) =w

    A partnership is a vector of output-contingent compensations for each agent, w(Q) =

    [w1(Q), . . . , wn(Q)], such thatn


    wi(Q) =Q (Budget balance)

    When effort levels are unobservable and no measure of individual performance is available,

    rewarding an agent for raising aggregate output means rewarding her higher effort and also

    the higher effort of other agents. Thus, there is a free-riding problem.

    We know that a risk-neutral individual agent would supply the first-best level of effort, given

    that all the other agents supply the first-best, if he is compensated with the full marginal

    return of his effort. The level of effort that maximizes social welfare in the first best is

    defined by

    a = arg maxa




    From the FOC, at the optimum, we have


    ai i(a

    i ) = 0 i

    Fix an arbitrary partnership contract w(Q). Each agent i independently chooses ai to

    maximize his own utility given the other agents actions, ai. Thus, agent i solves


    wi(Q(ai, ai)) i(ai)


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    From the FOC, we have

    dwi(Q(ai, ai))


    Q(ai, ai)

    ai i(ai) = 0

    It seems that we may achieve a Nash equilibrium where all agents supply first-best effort

    levels ifeach agent gets a compensation contract wi[Q(ai, ai)] providing him with the full

    marginal return from his effort, when all other agents also supply the first-best effort level:

    dwi(Q(ai, ai))

    dQ = 1

    But that implies

    dwi(Q(ai, ai)) = dQ

    wi(Q(ai, ai)) =Q+k


    i=1(Q+k) =nQ+nk > Q

    we cannot implement such a contract while satisfying budget balance. What can we do?

    Introduce a budget breaker into the organization. A third party agrees to sign a contract

    with all n agents offering to pay each of them wi(Q) = Q. There then exists a Nash

    equilibrium where all agents supply their first-best action and where the budget breaker

    pays nQ(a) in equilibrium.

    Proof. The proof is due to S. Viswanathan. If all other agents pickai

    and agent i picks

    ai > ai , he gets nothing more even though he does produce more. Due to costly action,

    i() >0, this is suboptimal. If instead agent i picks ai < ai , then he gets nothing. (And

    neither does anyone else?) Therefore, a is Nash.


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    4.4.2 Observable Individual Outputs

    Previously, the problem was one of eliciting cooperation / avoiding free riding. We now turn

    to the problem of harnessing competition between agents. When does an optimal linear

    incnetive scheme for agent i also take int oaccount agent j s performance? We consider the

    setting in which both agents have CARA risk preferences, normally distributed individual

    outputs, and incentive contracts linear in output.

    We have two identical agents, each producing an individual output qi by supplying effortai:

    q1= a1+1+2

    q2= a2+2+1

    1,2 N(0, 2) (Independently and normally distributed)

    When = 0, the outputs are correlated. Hence, it should be optimal to base an individual

    agents compensation on both output realizations, as both provide information about an

    individual agents action choice.

    The principal is risk neutral, and both agents have CARA risk preferences as follows:

    u(w, a) = exp( [w (a)])

    ais the agents effort

    is the coefficient of absolute risk aversion

    (a) =12



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    We restrict attention to linear incentive contracts of the form

    w1= z1+v1q1+u1q2

    w2= z2+v2q2+u2q1

    The principals problem is symmetric. Therefore, we illustrate his maximization problem in

    relation with agent 1:


    E(q1 w1)

    s.t. E [ exp { [w1 (a)]}] u(w) (IR)

    a1 arg maxa

    E [ exp { [w1 (a)]}] (IC)

    We can rewrite the agents maximization problem:

    E [ exp { [w1 (a)]}] = E [ exp { [z1+v1q1+u1q2 (a)]}]

    = E [ exp { [z1+v1(a1+1+2) +u1(a2+2+1) (a)]}]

    E [ exp {w1(a)}]= exp

    E (w1(a)) +1

    2Var (w1(a))

    = exp






    22Var [v11+v12+u12+u11]

    = exp





    22Var [(v1+u1)1+ (u1+v1)2]

    = exp

    z1+v1a1+u1a2 1





    2 + (u1+v1)2

    = exp







    2 + (u1+v1)2


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    Solving the above is equivalent to solving5








    2 + (u1+v1)2

    From the FOC, we have

    v1 ca1 = 0

    a1 =v1


    We plug this back in:











    2 + (u1+v1)2



    v 21c









    2 + (u1+v1)2











    2 + (u1+v1)2

    =w (Certainty equivalent, reservation utility)

    The principals problem can now be written as


    E(q1 w1) = maxz1,v1,u1

    E (a1+1+2 [z1+v1q1+u1q2])

    = maxz1,v1,u1

















    2 + (u1+v1)2

    = w


    Draw the graph of exp(x) if you ever forget / are too drunk to remember.


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    Since the constraint binds, we can rewrite it as an unconstrained problem:








    c +




    2 + (u1+v1)2


    v 21c





    c 1




    c 1

    22 (v1+u1)2 + (u1+v1)2

    We solve this sequentially:

    1. For a given v1,u1 is determined to minimize risk.

    2. v1 is then set optimally to trade off risk sharing and incentives.

    We minimize the variance with respect to u1:





    2 + (u1+v1)2


    22 [2(v1+u1)+ 2(u1+v1)]

    = 0

    u1 = 22 + 1

    v1We postpone the interpretation ofu1. For now, we substitute u1 in and take the FOC with

    respect to v1:











    2 + 1




    2 + 1





    Ev1c 12 v21c 122v21 1 222 + 12

    +1 22 + 12









    1 2

    2 + 1

    2(1 +2)









    (1 2)2

    1 +2


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    We get





    2 (1 2)2

    1 +2 v1 = 0

    1 v1 c2 (1




    1 +2 v1 = 0

    v1 = 1

    1 +c2(1 2)2

    1 +2

    = 1 +2

    1 +2 +c2(1 2)2

    >0 (1 1)

    When= 0, v1 reduces to1

    1 +c2

    the expression for the variable wage component in the LEN case. When = 0, the correlation

    in the two agents outputs can reduce the overall risk exposure of any individual agent and

    thus enable the provision of stronger incentives to both agents. To see this, consider the

    extremes where = 1: v1 = 1. That is, by filtering out a common shock, the optimal

    incentive scheme can almost eliminate each agents exposure to risk and approximate first-

    best incentives by letting v1 tend to 1 (i.e. full marginal return). Equilibrium effort is

    higher because of lower risk exposure.

    4.5 Combining Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection

    Consider the problem of a risk-neutral seller of a firm interacting with a risk-neutral buyer.

    The buyer can generate an uncertain revenue stream by running the firm: X {0, R}. The

    buyer may be more or less able at running the firm, and ability translates into a higher

    or lower probability of getting the outcome R > 0. In addition, the buyer can raise the

    probability of gettingRby working harder.


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    Let denote ability, and suppose that {L, H} with L < H. The seller does not

    know the buyers type, and his prior is that the buyer has ability H (L) with probability

    (1 ). e denotes effort, and a buyer with ability who supplies effort e generates R with

    a probabilitye at a private cost of

    (e) 1


    To summarize, the setup is a model with

    1. two states (or outcomes),

    2. two types, and

    3. a continuum of actions.

    The sellers problem is to offer a menu of contracts (ti, ri) to maximize his expected re-

    turn from the sale, where ti denotes an up-front cash payment and ri a repayment to be

    paid from future revenues generated by the buyer. We assume limited liability: X ri 0.6

    The buyers payoff under such a contract takes the form:

    iei(R ri) ti 1


    The FOC gives the choice of effort that maximizes his payoff:

    i(R ri) cei= 0

    ei=i(R ri)


    Bolton and Dewatripont [2004]note that the optimal ei is independent ofti and decreasing

    6That is, the repayment cannot exceed the realization of revenue.


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    in ri7. Plugging that in to the payoff produces the maximized payoff:

    ii(R ri)

    c (R ri) ti



    i(R ri)



    22i (R ri)2

    c ti

    The seller solves


    {[tH+ HeHrH] + (1 ) [tL+Le



    tH+ H

    H(R rH)

    c rH

    + (1 )


    L(R rL)

    c rL


    (ti,ri)tH+ 2H(R rH)

    c rH + (1 ) tL+ 2L(R rL)

    c rL

    subject to



    2i (R ri)






    2i (R rj)



    tj (IC)



    2i (R ri)



    ti 0 (IR)

    4.5.1 Optimal Contract, Moral Hazard Only

    When there is no adverse selection problem that is, the seller can observe the buyers

    ability / type he can offer ability-specific contracts:



    2i (R ri)ric

    subject to


    2c [i(R ri)]


    ti 0 (IR)7Its obvious, but think of an extreme case when ri = R. In that case, the seller demands everything.

    Would the buyer work in such a case?


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    Since the participation constraint binds, the seller solves



    2c[i(R ri)]

    2 +2i (R ri)ri


    We take the FOC:


    c[i(R ri)](i) +


    c2i [(R ri) ri] = 0

    R+ri+R 2ri = 0

    ri = 0

    ri = 0

    This implies that

    ti = 1

    2c[i(R ri)]


    = 1



    That is, the seller sells the firm for an upfront cash payment and does not maintain anyadditional financial participation / future ownership.

    4.5.2 Optimal Contract, Adverse Selection Only

    We now suppose that the buyers effort level is fixed at some levelebut that the seller cannotobserve the buyers ability.


    {(tH+HerH) + (1 )(tL+LerL)}subject to

    ie(R ri) ti ie(R rj) tj (IC)ie(R ri) ti 1

    2ce2 0 (IR)


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    Bolton and Dewatripont[2004] claim that the problem has a simple solution:

    ri= R



    2ce2And indeed it does8. How? Lets follow the algorithm from before.

    1. A less-productive agent always has to be paid more than a more-productive agent.

    Hence, the more-productive agent has the incentive to deviate / lie.

    2. Thus, IR-L and IC-H bind.

    3. We solve for tL and tH:

    Le(R rL) tL 12

    ce2 = 0 (IR-L)tL= Le(R rL) 1



    e(R rH) tH=H

    e(R rL) tL (IC-H)

    tH=He(R rH) He(R rL) +Le(R rL) 1


    ce24. We plug these in to the maximization problem to simplify it:


    He(R rH) He(R rL) +Le(R rL) 1

    2ce2 +HerH



    e(R rL)



    e2 +L


    8I thank Zeqiong Huang for alerting me to the corner solution.


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    5. We take the FOC with respect to rH:



    e= H

    e(1 )


    6. We do the same with respect to rL:

    (He Le) =(H L)e>0

    7. What does it mean when both FOCs are strictly positive? It means that we have a

    corner solution: keep increasing bothri until they cant be increased any more. This

    happens whenri = R.

    Intuitively, the solutions to the two subcases have different interpretations. When there is

    moral hazard but no adverse selection, the seller literally sells the firm to the buyer. He

    accepts an upfront payment and maintains no additional ownership. This is reminiscent of

    how moral hazard can be avoided even when effort is unobservable and can only be imper-

    fectly deduced from output so long as the agent is risk-neutral, for then the principal can

    simply sell the project to the agent.

    When there is adverse selection but no moral hazard, the seller does not actually sell anything

    to the buyer. Rather, he employs the buyer. In exchange for a payment note thatti

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    4.5.3 Optimal Contract, Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection

    The problem becomes, unsurprisingly, a combination of the two subcases we have considered,

    and it is none other than the problem we set up at the beginning:



    2H(R rH)

    c rH

    + (1 )


    2L(R rL)

    c rL

    subject to



    2i (R ri)






    2i (R rj)



    tj (IC)



    2i (R ri)



    ti 0 (IR)

    We first comment on why the previous solutions are not optimal when both problems exist.

    Recall that when there is no adverse selection but there is moral hazard, there are no future

    repayments, but there is a fixed upfront cost that is type-specific:








    Given that rH=rL= 0, if the seller offered the moral hazard only menu in a dual-problem

    setup, the high type would never choose (rH, tH). Why should he? If he chooses (rL, tL), he

    can pay less for the same thing.

    Now, recall that when there is no moral hazard but there is adverse selection, the seller paysthe buyer upfront, who in turn pays the seller everything in the future. But the ti upfront

    payment to the buyer we derived is the same for both types:

    tH=tL= ce22


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    We take the FOC with respect to rH:




    c2H2(R rH) +


    c2H(R 2rH) = 0

    (R rH) +R 2rH= 0

    rH= 0

    rH= 0

    Just as in the second-best adverse selection case, we have the so-called efficiency at the

    top. We take the FOC with respect to rL:




    c2H2(R rL)(1) +




    c2L2(R rL)(1)





    c2L2(R rL)(1) +


    c2L(R 2rL)

    =(2H(R rL)

    2L(R rL)) + (1 )(

    2L(R 2rL)

    2L(R rL))

    =(2H 2L)(R rL) + (1 )(R 2rL R+rL)


    =(2H 2L)R (2H 2L)rL+ (1 )(rL)2L

    (2H 2L)R=rL[(


    2L) + (1 )





    (2H 2L) + (1 )




    From that we can derive tSL, where the Sdenotes second-best:

    tSL= [L(R rSL)]



    < [L(R)]





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    transferred from the owner to the manager, who consumes cash above what he puts into

    production. The managers utility for cash transferred,y; and production requirement, x,

    with cost per dollar c is therefore

    U(y, x; c) =y cx

    The owner designs a menu of contracts, {x(c), y(c)} c C, such that the manager selects

    (x(c), y(c)) when he knows the per dollar cost is c. The owners objective in choosing among

    alternative budgets is to maximize expected profits:


    [x(c) y(c)] f(c) dc

    There are five constraints on the owners choice of schemes.

    1. The manager must receive an expected utility at least as high as his next-best alterna-

    tive, with denoting the managers opportunity cost of participation and normalized

    to zero.

    2. The contract must respect the managers lack of cash.

    3. The contract must induce a manager who knows the cost is ci to select (x(c), y(c)).

    4. To ensure a solution exists, we must assume the production of cash flows is bounded.

    5. Cash produced must not be negative.

    Therefore, the owners problem is



    [x(c) y(c)] f(c) dc


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    subject to


    [y(c) cx(c)] f(c) dc = 0 (IR-1)

    y(c) cx(c) 0c C (IR-2)

    y(c) cx(c) y(c) cx(c) c, c C (IC)

    x(c) xmax c C (Existence)

    x(c) 0c C (Nonnegativity)

    5.1.2 Solution of Benchmark Case

    Antle and Eppen [1985]showed that the optimal amounts of production and resources trans-

    ferred are given by a simple hurdle strategy: if the reported cost is above c, nothing is

    produced and no resources are given; if the reported cost is at or below c,xmax is produced

    and cxmax is given. How? If the problem is simplified from a continuum of types to two, following

    the algorithm outlined above, the owners problem is equivalent to


    (1 c F(c)


    Hence, by inspection[Antle and Eppen,1985],

    x = xmax, if (1 c


    f(c))> 0

    0, otherwise

    The solution involves a trade-off between productive efficiency and distributional conse-

    quences. Lowering (raising) the hurdle cost gives up (increases) valuable production. But it


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    allows the owner to capture (give) more of the surplus to the manager in the form of reduced

    (excess) resources.

    The optimal policy balances these factors. Consider a candidate for the critical hurdle cost,

    ci. If the hurdle is lowered tock1, production with an expected gross revenue to the owner

    ofpkxmax is lost. But the expected resources allocated decline:



    pickxmax =


    pickxmax +pkckx

    max) (Original)



    max (New)


    pi(ck ck1)xmax +pkckx

    max (Difference)

    Likewise, if the hurdle is raised to ck+1, production with an expected gross revenue to the

    owner ofpk+1xmax is gained. But the expected resources allocated increase:



    max =k


    max +pk+1ck+1xmax) (New)



    pickxmax (Original)



    pi(ck+1 ck)xmax +pk+1ck+1x

    max (Difference)

    5.2 Prendergast[1993]

    5.2.1 Simplified Representation

    The following is a simplification of Prendergast [1993] due to Qi Chen. A risk-neutral

    manager-owner of a firm chooses a binary decisionx {0, 1} to maximize profits. Choosing

    the correct decision results in an additional profit of to the firm. We let {0, 1} denote

    the optimal decision, and the ex ante prior places equal probabilities on each decision being


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    The manager privately observes a signalm regarding the true state where

    Pr[m= ] =m>1


    The manager also employs a risk-neutral worker who privately observes another independent

    signal w regarding the true state where

    Pr[w =] =w >1


    In addition, the worker privately observes a signal as to what the manager has observed


    Pr[= m] = >1


    Thus, the worker has information about the managers observation, which is indirectly in-

    formative about the true state, and direct information about the true state. Note that

    information about the managers observation can easily be motivated as some guess about

    what the managers taste / preferences are.

    The manager offers wage contracts of the following form: the worker is paid a fixed wage

    (normalized to zero) plus a non-negative bonusif his reported optimal decisionw matchesthe managers signalm and zero otherwise.

    If the worker exerts effort at cost c, then w =w; and if he does not, then w =w < w.

    In addition, we assume that w > w > m, such that in a first-best world, the manager

    would always ignore his own information and choose x = w regardless of the workers effort.


  • 8/10/2019 Contract Theory, by Alex Young


    We assume that the workers effort is socially efficient:

    (w) (w)> c

    Lastly, we assume that the probability of the agent getting paid conditional on working ex-

    ceeds the probability of getting paid if the agent reports based on what he thinks the manager

    wants to hear, which is in turn greater than the probability of getting paid conditional on