Continuing Vocational Training Survey (C ) in year 2015

CVTS/1 Unit name............................................................. Statistical identifier └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ …………………………….└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ VAT registration number (C.U.I.) / FISCAL code County .............................. …………........................ └─┴─┘ * cod SIRUTA Locality ............................................└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ * cod SIRUTA Street ........................ No. ..………... Sector.....………. Legal form 1 ................................................. Code └─┴─┘ Ownership 2 .................................….. Code └─┴─┘ Main activity 3 .................................................................................................. ...... ............................NACE Rev.2 └─┴─┴─┴─┘ * Not completed by unit 1,2,3) Completed as specified ROMANIA National Institute of Statistics Questionnaire CVTS Approved by the National Institute of Statistics based on Law no. 226/2009 on the organisation and functioning of official statistics in Romania, with its further amendments, stipulating that: “The National Institute of Statistics is authorised to require and go obtain, free of charge, statistical data from all the natural and legal persons resident or non-resident in Romania developing their activity on Romania’s territory.”. - The deeds stipulated under Art. 45 letters a), b), c) of the Law no. 226/2009 on the organisation and functioning of official statistics in Romania are contraventions. Statistical survey carried out in accordance with European Commission Regulation no. 1552/2005 concerning continuing vocational training in enterprises. This questionnaire is to be transmitted to the National Institute of Statistics, Regional Statistical Office (Regional Statistical Office Bucharest)/County Statistical Office until 03.05.2016. The name of the person responsible for the information contained: ............................................................................ (unit manager signature) L.S. Mr (Mrs) .......................... Phone ......................... No. ................... date ..................... 2016 Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) in year 2015 Attention! For companies with at least one local unit, the information provided in this statistical survey should cover the entire activity of the enterprise, including all local units (not only the headquarter of the enterprise). The survey questionnaire is divided into 6 sections: A. STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY OF THE ENTERPRISE - questions for all enterprises B. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for all enterprises C. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES questions for the enterprises that provided continuing vocational training courses in year 2015 D. OUTCOMES AND LIMITS IN PROVIDING CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for the enterprises that provided continuing vocational training in year 2015 E. REASONS OF ENTERPRISE FOR NOT PROVIDING CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for enterprises that didn’t provide continuing vocational training in year 2015 F. INITIAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for all enterprises 1 Legal form of organization enterprise: R.A. - autonomous administration - code 01; S.N.C. - general partnership - code 02; S.C.S. - limited partnership - code 03; S.C.A. - limited joint stock companies - code 04; S.A. - joint stock company - code 05; S.R.L. - limited liability company - code 06; O.C1. handicraft cooperative - code 07; O.C2. consumer company (cooperative) code 08; O.C3.- credit union - code 09; profit organization (other than cooperative) - code 13; agricultural companies (Law 36/1991) - code 14; other legal forms (units of economic, cultural, social, public without express legal status) - cod 29 2 Ownership type: state-owned capital - code 10; state majority ownership (over 50% state social capital): state-owned capital and private capital/Romanian cooperatist - code 21, state-owned capital and foreign capital - code 22, state-owned capital and private capital and foreign capital - code 23; private majority (private capital over 50%): state-owned capital and private capital/Romanian cooperatist - code 26, Romanian state capital and foreign capital - code 27, state-owned capital and private capital and foreign capital - code 28; entirely local private property: S.C with private capital/Romanian cooperatist - cod 31, S.C with private capital/Romanian cooperatist and foreign capital - code 32; cooperatist property - code 40; public property - code 50; entirely foreign ownership - code 60; public national and local ownership - code 70. 3 To be fill in at economic activity class level (4 digit level) according to the National Economic Activity Classification (NACE Rev.2), approved by National Institute of Statistics President Order no. 337/2007, published in National Official Gazette no 293/03.05.2007. The electronic version of the revised classification, NACE Rev.2 is available on the INS website, under the heading Statistical Databases - Statistical Nomenclature - CAEN, CPSA, SIRUTA (

Transcript of Continuing Vocational Training Survey (C ) in year 2015

Denumirea întreprinderiiCounty .............................. …………........................ *
ROMANIA National Institute of
Approved by the National Institute of Statistics based on Law no. 226/2009 on the organisation and functioning of official statistics in Romania, with its further amendments, stipulating that: – “The National Institute of Statistics is authorised to require and go obtain, free of charge, statistical data from all the natural and legal persons resident or non-resident in Romania developing their activity on Romania’s territory.”. - The deeds stipulated under Art. 45 letters a), b), c) of the Law no. 226/2009 on the organisation and functioning of official statistics in Romania are contraventions. Statistical survey carried out in accordance with European Commission Regulation no. 1552/2005 concerning continuing vocational training in enterprises.
This questionnaire is to be transmitted to the National Institute of Statistics, Regional Statistical Office (Regional Statistical Office Bucharest)/County Statistical Office until 03.05.2016. The name of the person responsible for the information contained: ............................................................................ (unit manager signature) L.S. Mr (Mrs) .......................... Phone ......................... No. ................... date ..................... 2016
Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) in year 2015
Attention! For companies with at least one local unit, the information provided in this statistical survey should cover the entire activity of the enterprise, including all local units (not only the headquarter of the enterprise).
The survey questionnaire is divided into 6 sections:
A. STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY OF THE ENTERPRISE - questions for all enterprises B. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for all enterprises C. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES – questions for the enterprises that
provided continuing vocational training courses in year 2015 D. OUTCOMES AND LIMITS IN PROVIDING CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING -
questions for the enterprises that provided continuing vocational training in year 2015
E. REASONS OF ENTERPRISE FOR NOT PROVIDING CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for enterprises that didn’t provide continuing vocational training in year 2015
F. INITIAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING - questions for all enterprises
1 Legal form of organization enterprise: R.A. - autonomous administration - code 01; S.N.C. - general partnership - code 02; S.C.S. - limited partnership - code 03; S.C.A. - limited joint stock companies - code 04; S.A. - joint stock company - code 05; S.R.L. - limited liability company - code 06; O.C1. –handicraft cooperative –- code 07; O.C2. – consumer company (cooperative) – code 08; O.C3.- credit union - code 09; profit organization (other than cooperative) - code 13; agricultural companies (Law 36/1991) - code 14; other legal forms (units of economic, cultural, social, public without express legal status) - cod 29 2 Ownership type: state-owned capital - code 10; state majority ownership (over 50% state social capital): state-owned capital and private capital/Romanian cooperatist - code 21, state-owned capital and foreign capital - code 22, state-owned capital and private capital and foreign capital - code 23; private majority (private capital over 50%): state-owned capital and private capital/Romanian cooperatist - code 26, Romanian state capital and foreign capital - code 27, state-owned capital and private capital and foreign capital - code 28; entirely local private property: S.C with private capital/Romanian cooperatist - cod 31, S.C with private capital/Romanian cooperatist and foreign capital - code 32; cooperatist property - code 40; public property - code 50; entirely foreign ownership - code 60; public national and local ownership - code 70. 3 To be fill in at economic activity class level (4 digit level) according to the National Economic Activity Classification (NACE Rev.2), approved by National Institute of Statistics President Order no. 337/2007, published in National Official Gazette no 293/03.05.2007. The electronic version of the revised classification, NACE Rev.2 is available on the INS website, under the heading Statistical Databases - Statistical Nomenclature - CAEN, CPSA, SIRUTA (
Vocational training (def. 1) represent all the measures or training activities (courses or other training forms)
organized and financed in whole or in part by the enterprises for their employees. For an activity to be included in
the vocational training category, it must meet the following three conditions:
- must be planned in advance;
- must be financed at least partly by the enterprise;
- must have as objective the improvement/acquisition of new competencies
Continuing vocational training (CVT – def.2) is granted to all employed persons who already have a qualification
obtained either in the national education system4, whether at work (current or previous).
Continuing vocational training (CVT) is realized through:
- courses (def.3);
- other forms.
CVT courses are in their turn of two kinds:
- internal (def.4): CVT courses are principally designed and managed by the enterprise itself;
- external (def.5): CVT courses are principally designed and managed by organisations which are not
part of the enterprise itself, others than the enterprise itself.
Other CVT forms include:
- Planned training through job-rotation, exchanges, secondments or study visits (def.7);
4 The National Education System is organized by levels that ensure the consistency and continuity of training and education, with the following structure:
Non-tertiary education level – primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education, vocational education, post-secondary and foremen educations
Tertiary education level– Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate and PhD and postdoctoral.
Section A
Section B
Continuing Vocational Training (CVT)
The enterprise provided CVT courses CVT (B1=1 or B2=1)
The enterprise didn`t provide courses, but
provided other CVT forms (B1=2 and B2=2 and B311 or B321 or B331 or B341 or B351 were marked with
The enterprise didn’t provide courses or other CVT forms,
(B1=2 and B2=2 and B312 and B322 and B332 and B342 and B352 were marked with „X”)
Section C CVT
providing CVT
Section F
not providing CVT
- Planned training through attendance at conferences, workshops, trade fairs and lectures that has as
primary objective the vocational training of employed (def.8).
- Planned training through participation in learning or quality circles (def.9);
- Planned training through self directed learning by electronical means (def.10)
Initial vocational training (IVT – def.11):
- is granted to persons who are formed into the national system of education (lower secondary level,
upper secondary level, post-secondary non-tertiary level – ISCED 2-4) and have not obtained a
qualification yet;
- aims to obtain a certificate / diploma stating the qualification for an occupation or group of
occupations, after the successful completion of the level of training;
- the duration of the programme is from 6 months to 6 years;
- implies the existence of an agreement / contract / framework agreement between the participant to the
vocational training and the enterprise directly or through the educational institution;
- the participant receives remuneration in cash or in kind (wage, allowance, scholarship, bonus, other
form of remuneration).
Attention! Throughout questions you will find the symbol def. involving references to definitions of key terms in the
Glossary document attached to this questionnaire
A. STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE - questions for all enterprises -
The number of persons employed (def.12) from an enterprise includes the following category of staff:
employee working under an employment contract on a definite or indefinite period regardless of
working hours (full or part), including seasonal workers, manager or administrator;
owner who operates in his own enterprise and his income consists only in dividends and profit;
unpaid family worker who is the person who carries on the activity in an economic unit belonging
to the family or a relative, which helps and do not receive remuneration in the form of salary, the
payment is made in kind (food, clothing, housing) or occasionally and exceptionally in small
amounts of money without being listed on the payroll.
Are excluded: the apprentices (with or without apprenticeship contract), the employees posted abroad and those who
accumulate more functions and do not have the main position in the reporting enterprise.
The average number (def.13) of employees (excluding the apprentices) is a simple arithmetic mean resulting from
the sum of daily employees (excluding those whose employment contract / relationship service was suspended) in
year 2015 - including weekly rest days, public holidays and other days off - divided by the total number of calendar
days (365 days).
A.1 What was the total number of persons employed by the enterprise at 31st December 2015 ?
No. rw.
1 Number of employees as at 31.12.2015
A.2 What was the average number of persons employed by the enterprise in 2015?
No. rw. Average number of employed
- persons -
A.3 Please fill in the average number of persons employed by age group: Age group Average number of persons employed
- persons -
3 55 years and over
A.4 In 2015, what was the total number of hours worked (def.14) by persons employed for the
Attention! The total number of hours worked refers to the time paid actually work, expressed in hours per person, according to
time worked during the normal working set by collective agreement and overtime, on weekdays over the normal
working hours and days weekly rest, holidays and other days off.
Are not included: the time for transportation to and from work, meal breaks, annual leave, sick leave in case of
sickness, accidents and occupational diseases, maternity leave, parental leave up to 2 years, care sick child up to 3
years, study leave and other paid time not worked.
Total number of hours worked in 2015
(person-hours) | | | | | | | | |
A.5 In 2015, what were the total labour costs of persons employed (def.15) by the enterprise?
Attention! The labour cost include:
- direct labour costs consist of gross amounts that are included in the earnings of employees paid from salary
fund, the net profit, other funds and state social insurance budget;
- indirect labour costs formed by other expenses of the enterprise for labor force, not included in gross earnings
such as: employer contributions paid to the unemployment insurance, social security health, insurance for
occupational accidents and occupational diseases, the cost of training for employee, state social security
remaining after payment of the rights granted in accordance with the legal provisions in force, the cost of
nurseries and kindergartens, recruitment costs, expenses with food to strengthen the body, reducing the cost of
the tickets for rest and treatment, costs for protective equipment, etc.
Total labor cost (direct + indirect) in 2015 (lei) | | | | | | | | | |
A.6 Is there a specific person or unit within the enterprise having the responsibility for the
organisation of CVT?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
A.7 Does your enterprise regularly assess the future needs of skills and competences (def.16) in the
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 YES, but not regularly (mainly linked to changes in personnel) .......................................................................... 2 YES, it is part of the overall planning process in the enterprise ........................................................................... 3
A.8 How does your enterprise usually react when confronted to future needs of skills and
competences? Attention! The answer can be multiple!
Please mark "X" for YES or NO!
No. rw. Methods YES NO
A B 1 2
1 Continuing vocational training of available staff
2 Recruitment of new staff with the suitable qualifications, skills and
3 Recruitment of new staff combined with specific training (of recruited staff)
4 Internal reorganisation to better use the existing skills and competences
A.9 In your enterprise, which skills/competences (def.16) are generally considered as most
important for the development of the enterprise in the next few years?
Attention! Please mark with "X" the most important 3 categories
11 Numeracy and/or literacy skills
12 Others (none of those mentioned above), please specify:

13 Do not know
A.10 Does the planning of CVT (FPC – def.2) in the enterprise usually lead to a written training
plan or programme?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
A.11 Does your enterprise usually have an annual training budget, which includes provision for
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
A.12 In your enterprise, in 2015, do written agreements between social partners concluded at
national, regional or sector levels usually cover the provision of CVT?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
A.13 In your enterprise, in 2015, did exist representatives/committees of employees?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 A14a
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
A.14.a If YES, in your enterprise, in 2015, did the staff representatives/committees involved in the
management process of CVT?
A.14.b If YES, which aspects are covered by the representatives/committees of employees?
Please mark "X" for YES or NO! No.
rw. Aspects covered YES NO
A B 1 2
1 Objective setting of training
2 Establishing criteria for the selection of participants or specific target groups
3 Form/type of training (internal/external courses)
4 Content of training
5 Budget for training
7 Evaluation/assessment of training outcomes
B. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING (CVT) - questions for all enterprises -
Continuing vocational training (CVT – def.2) is granted to all employed persons who already have a qualification
obtained either in the national education system5, whether at work (current or previous).
Continuing vocational training (CVT) is realized through:
- courses (def.3);
- other forms.
CVT courses are in their turn of two kinds:
- internal (def.4): CVT courses are designed and managed by the enterprise itself;
- external (def.5): CVT courses are principally designed and managed by organisations which are not
part of the enterprise itself, others than the enterprise itself.
Other CVT forms include:
- Planned training through job-rotation, exchanges, secondments or study visits (def.7);
- Planned training through attendance at conferences, workshops, trade fairs and lectures that has as
primary objective the vocational training of employed (def.8);
- Planned training through participation in learning or quality circles (def.9);
- Planned training through self directed learning by electronical means (def.10).
B.1 In 2015, the employees of your enterprise followed the internal CVT courses (Def.4), designed
and managed by the enterprise itself?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
B.2 In 2015, the employees of your enterprise followed the external CVT courses (Def.5), designed
and managed by other enterprises, organisations, etc?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 The National Education System is organized by levels that ensure the consistency and continuity of training and education, with the following structure:
Non-tertiary education level – primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education, vocational education, post-secondary and foremen educations
Tertiary education level– Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate and PhD and postdoctoral.
B.3 In 2015, did your employees have benefited/participated other forms of CVT?
Attention! The answer can be multiple!
Have the employees
attended the following
CVT forms listed
YES or NO for each of
the CVT forms!
percentage of participants in total
employees for every other forms
of CVT

50% and more
50% and more
training of employees (def.8)
50% and more
50% and more
electronical learning means (def.10)
50% and more
B.4 Did your enterprise provide CVT courses for the persons employed in the previous year, 2014?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
It was not the case, the enterprise was founded in 2015 ....................................................................................... 3
B.5 Did your enterprise provide other forms of CVT, in 2014?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
It was not the case, the enterprise was founded in 2015 ....................................................................................... 3
B.6 Did the enterprise contribute in 2015 to collective/mutual or other training funds, and/or did it
receive receipts from such funds or any other financial subsidies for the provision of CVT
Attention! The receipts categories are listed to the question B6.1
-lei -
1 Contributions
2 Receipts
B.6.1 If there were receipts (answer YES to question B6, row 2), please indicate which of the
following measures your enterprise benefited from for providing CVT?
Please mark with “X” for YES or NO! Measures YES NO
A B 1 2
Tax incentives (tax allowances, tax exemptions, tax credits, tax relief, tax
3 EU subsidies (e.g., European Social Fund)
4 State subsidies (government)
To the next section will respond the enterprises that provided internal and/or external courses, that have marked the
code 1 to question B1 and/or question B2
The other enterprises will skip this section and will proceed to fill in the question D.1.a.
C. CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES - questions for the enterprises that provided continuing vocational training courses in
year 2015 -
C.1 In 2015, how many persons employed by the enterprise participated in the CVT courses ( total
– internal and external), by sex (def.4 and def.5)?
The employees should be counted only once, irrespective of the number of CVT courses the person has
participated in.
Is not fill in the number of participations but the number of employees who attended CVT courses!
No. rw. Sex Number of persons employed participating in at CVT courses
- persons -
2 Women
3 Men
C.2 Please fill in the number of employees that participated in at the CVT courses (total –
internal and external), by age group.
The employees should be counted only once, irrespective of the number of CVT courses the person has
participated in.
Is not fill in the number of participations but the number of employees who attended CVT courses!
No. rw.
Age groups Number of persons employed participating in at CVT
courses - persons -
3 55 years and over
C.3 How many hours spent your enterprise’s employees on all CVT courses, broken down by
- person-hours -
1 Total
2 Women
3 Men
C.4 How many hours spent your enterprise’s employees on CVT courses, broken down by type of
- person-hours -
C.5 In 2015, what skills/competences (def.18) were targeted by CVT courses provided by your
Attention! Please mark with "X" the most important 3 categories No. rw.
Skills/competences Mark the three most important categories
A B 1
11 Numeracy and/or literacy skills
12 Others (none of those mentioned above), please specify:
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

C.6 In accordance with the rules of organization and operation of your enterprise, you have to
organise regularly courses on occupational health and safety (Def.17). In this regard, please
indicate what was the share of the time spent by yours employees on such courses in the total
paid working time spent on all CVT courses in 2015.
undertaken during working
2 Other courses
Attention! The next question will answer only the enterprises that marked code 1 to the question B2, that provided external
courses! The other enterprises will skip these question and will proceed to question C8
C. 7. Which were the training providers for external CVT courses?
education institutions
3 Private training companies that provide CVT for
for the use of delivered equipment
5 Employer’s associations, chambers of commerce,
sector bodies (level of activities)
6 Trade unions
C.8 In 2015, what were the costs elements incurred by the enterprise in the provision of CVT
courses (internal and external)?
Attention! If YES is marked, the cost of the identified item must be completed and if it cannot be
calculated or estimated it will be specified.
NO for each cost element
The cost for each
trainers used to support internal courses. (def.18).
Are excluded: fees for training courses for
apprentices and trainees
travel,subsistence and accomodation (def.19)
own training centre (def.20) and other staff
exclusively or partly involved in designing and
managing CVT courses (def.21).
rent, utilities. (def.22)
including consumables for CVT courses. (def.23)
If they are used only partly for CVT courses, then
here will be included only the relevant part of these
6 Total (1+2+3+4+5)
Attention! To the next section will respond the enterprises that provided CVT (either internal courses and/or external, or
other forms of CVT or courses (of any kind) and other forms, namely, that marked code 1 of question B1 and/or
of question B2 and/or marked the answer YES to at least one of the following answers to question 1 to 5 of
question B3.
VOCATIONAL TRAINING -questions for enterprises that provided continuing vocational training in year 2015-
D.1.a Does the enterprise usually assess the outcomes of CVT activities in terms of acquiring
knowledge or skills enrichment / new skills of participants?
YES, for all activities/other CVT forms ............................................................................................................... 1
Yes, for some activities/other forms of CVT ........................................................................................................ 2
No, proof of participation is sufficient ................................................................................................................. 3 D.2
D.1.b If YES (options 1 or 2 of the previous question) which methods were used?
A B 1 2
2 Satisfaction survey amongst participants
3 Assessment of participants’ behaviour or performance in relation to training
objectives (based on the direct observation)
4 Assessment/measurement of the impact of training on performance of
relevant departments or the whole enterprise (based especially on the
analysis of enterprise development indicators)

5 Others, please specify:______________________________
D.2 Did any of the following factors limit the provision of CVT courses in your enterprise in 2015?
No. rw.
A B 1 2

3 Difficulties in assessing training needs in the enterprise
4 Lack of suitable offerings of CVT courses in the market.
5 High costs of CVT courses.
6 Higher focus on IVT (def.11) provision than on CVT (def.2)
7 Major efforts in CVT realised in recent years
8 High workload and limited time available for staff to participate in CVT
9 Other reasons, please specify: --------------------------------------------
Attention! To the following question will answer the enterprises that did not provide CVT (neither courses nor other CVT
forms), namely those who answered NO to all answers of questions B1, B2 and B3.
The other enterprises will proceed to fill in the question F1.
- questions for all enterprises that did not provide CVT in 2010 -
E.1 What were your enterprise’s reasons not to provide CVT for persons employed in 2015?
1 The existing qualifications, skills and competences of the persons
employed were appropriate to the current needs of the enterprise.
2 The preferred strategy of the enterprise was to recruit individuals with the
required qualifications, skills and competences.
3 Difficulties in assessing training needs in the enterprise
4 Lack of suitable offerings of CVT courses in the market.
5 High costs of CVT courses.
6 Higher focus on IVT(def.11) provision than on CVT(def.2).
7 Major efforts in CVT realised in recent years.
8 High workload and no time available for staff to participate in CVT.
9 Other reasons (specify)--------------------------------------------
Initial vocational training (IVT – def.11):
- is granted to persons who are formed into the national system of education (lower secondary level,
upper secondary level, post-secondary non-tertiary level – ISCED 2-4) and have not obtained a
qualification yet;
- aims to obtain a certificate / diploma stating the qualification for an occupation or group of
occupations, after the successful completion of the level of training;
- the duration of the programme is from 6 months to 6 years;
- implies the existence of an agreement / contract / framework agreement between the participant to the
vocational training and the enterprise directly or through the educational institution;
- the participant receives remuneration in cash or in kind (wage, allowance, scholarship, bonus, other
form of remuneration).
F.1 In 2015, did your enterprise provide initial vocational training (IVT)?
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
F.2 Which were your enterprise’s reasons for offering IVT? Reasons YES NO
A B 1 2
1 To qualify future employees according to the needs of the enterprise
2 To choose the best apprentices for future employment after completion of apprenticeship
3 To avoid possible mismatch with enterprise needs in case of external recruitment
4 To make use of the productive capacities of apprentices already during their
YES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
G.1 The number of people involved in completing the questionnaire:
G.2 Duration of completion.
Attention! It is calculated by summing up the time allocated by each person involved in collecting and completing
the questionnaire data.