Contents Pages

Contents Pages

Transcript of Contents Pages

Page 1: Contents Pages

Contents Pages

Page 2: Contents Pages

The black background with reversed out and pink text keeps with the style of the front cover.

Pictures from featured articles break up all the text and stop it from being just one long list because it is fitted around the images.

Like the front cover the contents page also has a scrapbook feel to it because of the text overlapping the images, the handwritten typeface of the invitation to follow them on twitter and the overlapping images towards the bottom of the page.

Page 3: Contents Pages

This contents page feels sophisticated because of the colours used and the list format.

The title contains the magazines logo and the entire page uses the colours which are also used on the front cover.

The image relates to one of the articles within the magazine and the text box at the top contains a page number and short description about the article.

The boxes keep the text ordered and easy to read. This means it’s easy for the reader to find specific articles that they want to read about easily and without having to search through the entire page.

Page 4: Contents Pages

This contents page displays everything in a long list. It doesn’t take up much of the page and seems insignificant compared to everything else on the page. It could be difficult for people to find an article they’re interested in as they’ll have to go through the entire list. There are no pictures or quotes relating to articles featured.

The magazine logo is red, white and black – this colour theme continues on the contents page.