Contents page research


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Transcript of Contents page research

Page 1: Contents page research

Colourful and eye catching.

Informal title, creative font.

Writing in not in a traditional

grid form, makes the reading

feel more creative and has to

make more of an effort to

read it... More exciting.

Black background with white

writing, complimented with

colourful pictures related to

the contents of magazine.

Formal design that is

consistent throughout.

Photographs are all in colour

that has been labelled with

page numbers. Easy and


Small and detailed, table

form. Writing.

Different sub-titles to

categorise the contents page.

Colour scheme follows

throughout. Title contains the


Big bold headlines.

Lots of illustrations that are

relating to the magazine, also


Actual contents take up small

amount of space on page.

Showing the importance of

photographs for this


Sub-category... like extras.

Very style specific. Focused at

a fairly niche market.

Lots of writing, with a lot of

detailed information, next to

no photographs or images.

Regimental format. Looks like

a very informative magazine.

Quote from magazine itself.

Really detailed information

focusing on a specific artical.